Kaisheng Zeng


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LC4EE: LLMs as Good Corrector for Event Extraction
Mengna Zhu | Kaisheng Zeng | JibingWu JibingWu | Lihua Liu | Hongbin Huang | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Event extraction (EE) is a critical task in natural language processing, yet deploying a practical EE system remains challenging. On one hand, powerful large language models (LLMs) currently show poor performance because EE task is more complex than other tasks. On the other hand, state-of-the-art (SOTA) small language models (SLMs) for EE tasks are typically developed through fine-tuning, lack flexibility, and have considerable room for improvement. We propose an approach, **L**LMs-as-**C**orrector for **E**vent **E**xtraction (**LC4EE**), aiming to leverage the superior extraction capability of SLMs and the instruction-following ability of LLMs to construct a robust and highly available EE system. By utilizing LLMs to identify and correct errors of SLMs predictions based on automatically generated feedback information, EE performances can be improved significantly. Experimental results on the representative datasets ACE2005 and MAVEN-Arg for Event Detection (ED) and EE tasks validated the effectiveness of our method.

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MAVEN-ARG: Completing the Puzzle of All-in-One Event Understanding Dataset with Event Argument Annotation
Xiaozhi Wang | Hao Peng | Yong Guan | Kaisheng Zeng | Jianhui Chen | Lei Hou | Xu Han | Yankai Lin | Zhiyuan Liu | Ruobing Xie | Jie Zhou | Juanzi Li
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Understanding events in texts is a core objective of natural language understanding, which requires detecting event occurrences, extracting event arguments, and analyzing inter-event relationships. However, due to the annotation challenges brought by task complexity, a large-scale dataset covering the full process of event understanding has long been absent. In this paper, we introduce MAVEN-Arg, which augments MAVEN datasets with event argument annotations, making the first all-in-one dataset supporting event detection, event argument extraction (EAE), and event relation extraction. As an EAE benchmark, MAVEN-Arg offers three main advantages: (1) a comprehensive schema covering 162 event types and 612 argument roles, all with expert-written definitions and examples; (2) a large data scale, containing 98,591 events and 290,613 arguments obtained with laborious human annotation; (3) the exhaustive annotation supporting all task variants of EAE, which annotates both entity and non-entity event arguments in document level. Experiments indicate that MAVEN-Arg is quite challenging for both fine-tuned EAE models and proprietary large language models (LLMs). Furthermore, to demonstrate the benefits of an all-in-one dataset, we preliminarily explore a potential application, future event prediction, with LLMs. MAVEN-Arg and codes can be obtained from https://github.com/THU-KEG/MAVEN-Argument.

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CMNEE:A Large-Scale Document-Level Event Extraction Dataset Based on Open-Source Chinese Military News
Mengna Zhu | Zijie Xu | Kaisheng Zeng | Kaiming Xiao | Mao Wang | Wenjun Ke | Hongbin Huang
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Extracting structured event knowledge, including event triggers and corresponding arguments, from military texts is fundamental to many applications, such as intelligence analysis and decision assistance. However, event extraction in the military field faces the data scarcity problem, which impedes the research of event extraction models in this domain. To alleviate this problem, we propose CMNEE, a large-scale, document-level open-source Chinese Military News Event Extraction dataset. It contains 17,000 documents and 29,223 events, which are all manually annotated based on a pre-defined schema for the military domain including 8 event types and 11 argument role types. We designed a two-stage, multi-turns annotation strategy to ensure the quality of CMNEE and reproduced several state-of-the-art event extraction models with a systematic evaluation. The experimental results on CMNEE fall shorter than those on other domain datasets obviously, which demonstrates that event extraction for military domain poses unique challenges and requires further research efforts. Our code and data can be obtained from https://github.com/Mzzzhu/CMNEE. Keywords: Corpus,Information Extraction, Information Retrieval, Knowledge Discovery/Representation


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The Devil is in the Details: On the Pitfalls of Event Extraction Evaluation
Hao Peng | Xiaozhi Wang | Feng Yao | Kaisheng Zeng | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Zhiyuan Liu | Weixing Shen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Event extraction (EE) is a crucial task aiming at extracting events from texts, which includes two subtasks: event detection (ED) and event argument extraction (EAE). In this paper, we check the reliability of EE evaluations and identify three major pitfalls: (1) The data preprocessing discrepancy makes the evaluation results on the same dataset not directly comparable, but the data preprocessing details are not widely noted and specified in papers. (2) The output space discrepancy of different model paradigms makes different-paradigm EE models lack grounds for comparison and also leads to unclear mapping issues between predictions and annotations. (3) The absence of pipeline evaluation of many EAE-only works makes them hard to be directly compared with EE works and may not well reflect the model performance in real-world pipeline scenarios. We demonstrate the significant influence of these pitfalls through comprehensive meta-analyses of recent papers and empirical experiments. To avoid these pitfalls, we suggest a series of remedies, including specifying data preprocessing, standardizing outputs, and providing pipeline evaluation results. To help implement these remedies, we develop a consistent evaluation framework OmniEvent, which can be obtained from https://github.com/THU-KEG/OmniEvent.

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Exploring Large Language Models for Multi-Modal Out-of-Distribution Detection
Yi Dai | Hao Lang | Kaisheng Zeng | Fei Huang | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is essential for reliable and trustworthy machine learning. Recent multi-modal OOD detection leverages textual information from in-distribution (ID) class names for visual OOD detection, yet it currently neglects the rich contextual information of ID classes. Large language models (LLMs) encode a wealth of world knowledge and can be prompted to generate descriptive features for each class. Indiscriminately using such knowledge causes catastrophic damage to OOD detection due to LLMs’ hallucinations, as is observed by our analysis. In this paper, we propose to apply world knowledge to enhance OOD detection performance through selective generation from LLMs. Specifically, we introduce a consistency-based uncertainty calibration method to estimate the confidence score of each generation. We further extract visual objects from each image to fully capitalize on the aforementioned world knowledge. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art.

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Preserving Knowledge Invariance: Rethinking Robustness Evaluation of Open Information Extraction
Ji Qi | Chuchun Zhang | Xiaozhi Wang | Kaisheng Zeng | Jifan Yu | Jinxin Liu | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li | Xu Bin
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The robustness to distribution changes ensures that NLP models can be successfully applied in the realistic world, especially for information extraction tasks. However, most prior evaluation benchmarks have been devoted to validating pairwise matching correctness, ignoring the crucial validation of robustness. In this paper, we present the first benchmark that simulates the evaluation of open information extraction models in the real world, where the syntactic and expressive distributions under the same knowledge meaning may drift variously. We design and annotate a large-scale testbed in which each example is a knowledge-invariant clique that consists of sentences with structured knowledge of the same meaning but with different syntactic and expressive forms. By further elaborating the robustness metric, a model is judged to be robust if its performance is consistently accurate on the overall cliques. We perform experiments on typical models published in the last decade as well as a representative large language model, and the results show that the existing successful models exhibit a frustrating degradation, with a maximum drop of 23.43 F1 score. Our resources and code will be publicly available.

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OmniEvent: A Comprehensive, Fair, and Easy-to-Use Toolkit for Event Understanding
Hao Peng | Xiaozhi Wang | Feng Yao | Zimu Wang | Chuzhao Zhu | Kaisheng Zeng | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Event understanding aims at understanding the content and relationship of events within texts, which covers multiple complicated information extraction tasks: event detection, event argument extraction, and event relation extraction. To facilitate related research and application, we present an event understanding toolkit OmniEvent, which features three desiderata: (1) Comprehensive. OmniEvent supports mainstream modeling paradigms of all the event understanding tasks and the processing of 15 widely-used English and Chinese datasets. (2) Fair. OmniEvent carefully handles the inconspicuous evaluation pitfalls reported in Peng et al. (2023), which ensures fair comparisons between different models. (3) Easy-to-use. OmniEvent is designed to be easily used by users with varying needs. We provide off-the-shelf models that can be directly deployed as web services. The modular framework also enables users to easily implement and evaluate new event understanding models with OmniEvent. The toolkit is publicly released along with the demonstration website and video.