Steven Bird
Must NLP be Extractive?
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Envisioning NLP for intercultural climate communication
Steven Bird
Angelina Aquino
Ian Gumbula
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Natural Language Processing Meets Climate Change (ClimateNLP 2024)
Centering the Speech Community
Steven Bird
Dean Yibarbuk
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Learning From Failure: Data Capture in an Australian Aboriginal Community
Eric Le Ferrand
Steven Bird
Laurent Besacier
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Local Languages, Third Spaces, and other High-Resource Scenarios
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Fashioning Local Designs from Generic Speech Technologies in an Australian Aboriginal Community
Éric Le Ferrand
Steven Bird
Laurent Besacier
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Learning Through Transcription
Mat Bettinson
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages
A Finite State Aproach to Interactive Transcription
William Lane
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the first workshop on NLP applications to field linguistics
Multiword Expressions and the Low-Resource Scenario from the Perspective of a Local Oral Culture
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Multiword Expressions @LREC2022
Phone Based Keyword Spotting for Transcribing Very Low Resource Languages
Eric Le Ferrand
Steven Bird
Laurent Besacier
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association
A Computational Model for Interactive Transcription
William Lane
Mat Bettinson
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Data Science with Human in the Loop: Language Advances
Local Word Discovery for Interactive Transcription
William Lane
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Bootstrapping Techniques for Polysynthetic Morphological Analysis
William Lane
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Sparse Transcription
Steven Bird
Computational Linguistics, Volume 46, Issue 4 - December 2020
Enabling Interactive Transcription in an Indigenous Community
Eric Le Ferrand
Steven Bird
Laurent Besacier
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Decolonising Speech and Language Technology
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Interactive Word Completion for Morphologically Complex Languages
William Lane
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Towards A Robust Morphological Analyzer for Kunwinjku
William Lane
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association
Evaluation Phonemic Transcription of Low-Resource Tonal Languages for Language Documentation
Oliver Adams
Trevor Cohn
Graham Neubig
Hilaria Cruz
Steven Bird
Alexis Michaud
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)
Multilingual Training of Crosslingual Word Embeddings
Long Duong
Hiroshi Kanayama
Tengfei Ma
Steven Bird
Trevor Cohn
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers
Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings for Low-Resource Language Modeling
Oliver Adams
Adam Makarucha
Graham Neubig
Steven Bird
Trevor Cohn
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers
Developing a Suite of Mobile Applications for Collaborative Language Documentation
Mat Bettinson
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages
Learning Crosslingual Word Embeddings without Bilingual Corpora
Long Duong
Hiroshi Kanayama
Tengfei Ma
Steven Bird
Trevor Cohn
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Learning a Lexicon and Translation Model from Phoneme Lattices
Oliver Adams
Graham Neubig
Trevor Cohn
Steven Bird
Quoc Truong Do
Satoshi Nakamura
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
An Attentional Model for Speech Translation Without Transcription
Long Duong
Antonios Anastasopoulos
David Chiang
Steven Bird
Trevor Cohn
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Inducing bilingual lexicons from small quantities of sentence-aligned phonemic transcriptions
Oliver Adams
Graham Neubig
Trevor Cohn
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Papers
A Neural Network Model for Low-Resource Universal Dependency Parsing
Long Duong
Trevor Cohn
Steven Bird
Paul Cook
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Cross-lingual Transfer for Unsupervised Dependency Parsing Without Parallel Data
Long Duong
Trevor Cohn
Steven Bird
Paul Cook
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
Low Resource Dependency Parsing: Cross-lingual Parameter Sharing in a Neural Network Parser
Long Duong
Trevor Cohn
Steven Bird
Paul Cook
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Collective Document Classification with Implicit Inter-document Semantic Relationships
Clint Burford
Steven Bird
Timothy Baldwin
Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics
Collecting Bilingual Audio in Remote Indigenous Communities
Steven Bird
Lauren Gawne
Katie Gelbart
Isaac McAlister
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers
What Can We Get From 1000 Tokens? A Case Study of Multilingual POS Tagging For Resource-Poor Languages
Long Duong
Trevor Cohn
Karin Verspoor
Steven Bird
Paul Cook
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Aikuma: A Mobile App for Collaborative Language Documentation
Steven Bird
Florian R. Hanke
Oliver Adams
Haejoong Lee
Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages
Large-Scale Text Collection for Unwritten Languages
Florian R. Hanke
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Increasing the Quality and Quantity of Source Language Data for Unsupervised Cross-Lingual POS Tagging
Long Duong
Paul Cook
Steven Bird
Pavel Pecina
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Simpler unsupervised POS tagging with bilingual projections
Long Duong
Paul Cook
Steven Bird
Pavel Pecina
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Machine Translation for Language Preservation
Steven Bird
David Chiang
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters
Fangorn: A System for Querying very large Treebanks
Sumukh Ghodke
Steven Bird
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers
Normalising Audio Transcriptions for Unwritten Languages
Adel Foda
Steven Bird
Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
A Breadth-First Representation for Tree Matching in Large Scale Forest-Based Translation
Sumukh Ghodke
Steven Bird
Rui Zhang
Proceedings of 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
Collective Classification of Congressional Floor-Debate Transcripts
Clinton Burfoot
Steven Bird
Timothy Baldwin
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Towards a Data Model for the Universal Corpus
Steven Abney
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: Comparable Corpora and the Web
Fast Query for Large Treebanks
Sumukh Ghodke
Steven Bird
Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
The Human Language Project: Building a Universal Corpus of the World’s Languages
Steven Abney
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Last Words: Natural Language Processing and Linguistic Fieldwork
Steven Bird
Computational Linguistics, Volume 35, Number 3, September 2009
The ACL Anthology Reference Corpus: A Reference Dataset for Bibliographic Research in Computational Linguistics
Steven Bird
Robert Dale
Bonnie Dorr
Bryan Gibson
Mark Joseph
Min-Yen Kan
Dongwon Lee
Brett Powley
Dragomir Radev
Yee Fan Tan
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
Defining a Core Body of Knowledge for the Introductory Computational Linguistics Curriculum
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics
Multidisciplinary Instruction with the Natural Language Toolkit
Steven Bird
Ewan Klein
Edward Loper
Jason Baldridge
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics
Toward a Global Infrastructure for the Sustainability of Language Resources
Gary Simons
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Dynamic Path Prediction and Recommendation in a Museum Environment
Karl Grieser
Timothy Baldwin
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data (LaTeCH 2007).
Reconsidering Language Identification for Written Language Resources
Baden Hughes
Timothy Baldwin
Steven Bird
Jeremy Nicholson
Andrew MacKinlay
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)
NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Interactive Presentation Sessions
Analysis and Prediction of User Behaviour in a Museum Environment
Karl Grieser
Timothy Baldwin
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2006
Structuring Documents Efficiently
Robert Marshall
Steven Bird
Peter Stuckey
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2005
LPath+: A First-Order Complete Language for Linguistic Tree Query
Catherine Lai
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Securing Interpretability: The Case of Ega Language Documentation
Dafydd Gibbon
Catherine Bow
Steven Bird
Baden Hughes
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Functional Requirements for an Interlinear Text Editor
Baden Hughes
Catherine Bow
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Management of Metadata in Linguistic Fieldwork: Experience from the ACLA Project
Baden Hughes
David Penton
Steven Bird
Catherine Bow
Gillian Wigglesworth
Patrick McConvell
Jane Simpson
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Talkbank: Building an Open Unified Multimodal Database of Communicative Interaction
Brian MacWhinney
Steven Bird
Christopher Cieri
Craig Martell
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit
Steven Bird
Edward Loper
Proceedings of the ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions
Representing and Rendering Linguistic Paradigms
David Penton
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2004
Querying and Updating Treebanks: A Critical Survey and Requirements Analysis
Catherine Lai
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2004
Encoding and presenting interlinear text using XML technologies
Baden Hughes
Steven Bird
Catherine Bow
Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2003
Grid-Enabling Natural Language Engineering By Stealth
Baden Hughes
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Software Engineering and Architecture of Language Technology Systems (SEALTS)
The Open Language Archives Community
Steven Bird
Hans Uszkoreit
Gary Simons
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’02)
Models and Tools for Collaborative Annotation
Xiaoyi Ma
Haejoong Lee
Steven Bird
Kazuaki Maeda
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’02)
TableTrans, MultiTrans, InterTrans and TreeTrans: Diverse Tools Built on the Annotation Graph Toolkit
Steven Bird
Kazuaki Maeda
Xiaoyi Ma
Haejoong Lee
Beth Randall
Salim Zayat
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’02)
Creating Annotation Tools with the Annotation Graph Toolkit
Kazauki Maeda
Steven Bird
Xiaoyi Ma
Haejoong Lee
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’02)
An integrated framework for treebanks and multilayer annotations
Scott Cotton
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’02)
NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit
Edward Loper
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the ACL-02 Workshop on Effective Tools and Methodologies for Teaching Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
The Annotation Graph Toolkit: Software Components for Building Linguistic Annotation Tools
Kazuaki Maeda
Steven Bird
Xiaoyi Ma
Haejoong Lee
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Language Technology Research
The OLAC Metadata Set and Controlled Vocabularies
Steven Bird
Gary Simons
Proceedings of the ACL 2001 Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources
Annotation Graphs and Servers and Multi-Modal Resources: Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Education, Research and Development
Christopher Cieri
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the ACL 2001 Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources
Annotation Tools Based on the Annotation Graph API
Steven Bird
Kazuaki Maeda
Xiaoyi Ma
Haejoong Lee
Proceedings of the ACL 2001 Workshop on Sharing Tools and Resources
ATLAS: A Flexible and Extensible Architecture for Linguistic Annotation
Steven Bird
David Day
John Garofolo
John Henderson
Christophe Laprun
Mark Liberman
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’00)
Transcribing with Annotation Graphs
Edouard Geoffrois
Claude Barras
Steven Bird
Zhibiao Wu
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’00)
Towards a Query Language for Annotation Graphs
Steven Bird
Peter Buneman
Wang-Chiew Tan
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’00)
Many Uses, Many Annotations for Large Speech Corpora: Switchboard and TDT as Case Studies
David Graff
Steven Bird
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’00)
Annotation Graphs as a Framework for Multidimensional Linguistic Data Analysis
Steven Bird
Mark Liberman
Towards Standards and Tools for Discourse Tagging
A Lexical Database Tool for Quantitative Phonological Research
Steven Bird
Computational Phonology: Third Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group in Computational Phonology
One-Level Phonology: Autosegmental Representations and Rules as Finite Automata
Steven Bird
T. Mark Ellison
Computational Linguistics, Volume 20, Number 1, March 1994
Phonological Analysis in Typed Feature Systems
Steven Bird
Ewan Klein
Computational Linguistics, Volume 20, Number 3, September 1994
Automated Tone Transcription
Steven Bird
Computational Phonology
Finite-State Phonology in HPSG
Steven Bird
COLING 1992 Volume 1: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A Logical Approach to Arabic Phonology
Steven Bird
Patrick Blackburn
Fifth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Trevor Cohn 11
- Long Duong 9
- Paul Cook 6
- Baden Hughes 6
- William Lane 6
- show all...
- Haejoong Lee 6
- Oliver Adams 5
- Timothy Baldwin 5
- Xiaoyi Ma 5
- Laurent Besacier 4
- Catherine Bow 4
- Éric Le Ferrand 4
- Kazuaki Maeda 4
- Graham Neubig 4
- Mat Bettinson 3
- Sumukh Ghodke 3
- Edward Loper 3
- Gary Simons 3
- Steven Abney 2
- David Chiang 2
- Christopher Cieri 2
- Karl Grieser 2
- Florian R. Hanke 2
- Hiroshi Kanayama 2
- Ewan Klein 2
- Catherine Lai 2
- Mark Liberman 2
- Tengfei Ma 2
- Pavel Pecina 2
- David Penton 2
- Antonios Anastasopoulos 1
- Angelina Aquino 1
- Jason Baldridge 1
- Claude Barras 1
- Patrick Blackburn 1
- Peter Buneman 1
- Clint Burfoot 1
- Clint Burford 1
- Scott Cotton 1
- Hilaria Cruz 1
- Robert Dale 1
- David Day 1
- Quoc Truong Do 1
- Bonnie Dorr 1
- T. Mark Ellison 1
- Adel Foda 1
- John S. Garofolo 1
- Lauren Gawne 1
- Katie Gelbart 1
- Edouard Geoffrois 1
- Dafydd Gibbon 1
- Bryan Gibson 1
- David Graff 1
- Ian Gumbula 1
- John Henderson 1
- Mark Joseph 1
- Min-Yen Kan 1
- Christophe Laprun 1
- Dongwon Lee 1
- Andrew MacKinlay 1
- Brian MacWhinney 1
- Kazauki Maeda 1
- Adam Makarucha 1
- Robert Marshall 1
- Craig Martell 1
- Isaac McAlister 1
- Patrick McConvell 1
- Alexis Michaud 1
- Satoshi Nakamura 1
- Jeremy Nicholson 1
- Brett Powley 1
- Dragomir Radev 1
- Beth Randall 1
- Jane Simpson 1
- Peter Stuckey 1
- Wang-Chiew Tan 1
- Yee Fan Tan 1
- Hans Uszkoreit 1
- Karin Verspoor 1
- Gillian Wigglesworth 1
- Zhibiao Wu 1
- Dean Yibarbuk 1
- Salim Zayat 1
- Rui Zhang 1