Xuhui Sui


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DPDLLM: A Black-box Framework for Detecting Pre-training Data from Large Language Models
Baohang Zhou | Zezhong Wang | Lingzhi Wang | Hongru Wang | Ying Zhang | Kehui Song | Xuhui Sui | Kam-Fai Wong
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The success of large language models (LLM) benefits from large-scale model parameters and large amounts of pre-training data. However, the textual data for training LLM can not be confirmed to be legal because they are crawled from different web sites. For example, there are copyrighted articles, personal reviews and information in the pre-training data for LLM which are illegal. To address the above issue and develop legal LLM, we propose to detect the pre-training data from LLM in a pure black-box way because the existing LLM services only return the generated text. The previous most related works are the membership inference attack (MIA) on machine learning models to detect the training data from them. But the existing methods are based on analyzing the output probabilities of models which are unrealistic to LLM services. To tackle the problem, we firstly construct the benchmark datasets by collecting textual data from different domains as the seen and unseen pre-training data for LLMs. Then, we investigate a black-box framework named DPDLLM, with the only access to the generated texts from LLM for detecting textual data whether was used to train it. In the proposed framework, we exploit GPT-2 as the reference model to fit the textual data and feed the generated text from LLM into it to acquire sequence probabilities as the significant feature for detection. The experimental results on the benchmark datasets demonstrate that DPDLLM is effective on different popular LLMs and outperforms the existing methods.

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MELOV: Multimodal Entity Linking with Optimized Visual Features in Latent Space
Xuhui Sui | Ying Zhang | Yu Zhao | Kehui Song | Baohang Zhou | Xiaojie Yuan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Multimodal entity linking (MEL), which aligns ambiguous mentions within multimodal contexts to referent entities from multimodal knowledge bases, is essential for many natural language processing applications. Previous MEL methods mainly focus on exploring complex multimodal interaction mechanisms to better capture coherence evidence between mentions and entities by mining complementary information. However, in real-world social media scenarios, vision modality often exhibits low quality, low value, or low relevance to the mention. Integrating such information directly will backfire, leading to a weakened consistency between mentions and their corresponding entities. In this paper, we propose a novel latent space vision feature optimization framework MELOV, which combines inter-modality and intra-modality optimizations to address these challenges. For the inter-modality optimization, we exploit the variational autoencoder to mine shared information and generate text-based visual features. For the intra-modality optimization, we consider the relationships between mentions and build graph convolutional network to aggregate the visual features of semantic similar neighbors. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed framework.

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MCIL: Multimodal Counterfactual Instance Learning for Low-resource Entity-based Multimodal Information Extraction
Baohang Zhou | Ying Zhang | Kehui Song | Hongru Wang | Yu Zhao | Xuhui Sui | Xiaojie Yuan
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Multimodal information extraction (MIE) is a challenging task which aims to extract the structural information in free text coupled with the image for constructing the multimodal knowledge graph. The entity-based MIE tasks are based on the entity information to complete the specific tasks. However, the existing methods only investigated the entity-based MIE tasks under supervised learning with adequate labeled data. In the real-world scenario, collecting enough data and annotating the entity-based samples are time-consuming, and impractical. Therefore, we propose to investigate the entity-based MIE tasks under the low-resource settings. The conventional models are prone to overfitting on limited labeled data, which can result in poor performance. This is because the models tend to learn the bias existing in the limited samples, which can lead them to model the spurious correlations between multimodal features and task labels. To provide a more comprehensive understanding of the bias inherent in multimodal features of MIE samples, we decompose the features into image, entity, and context factors. Furthermore, we investigate the causal relationships between these factors and model performance, leveraging the structural causal model to delve into the correlations between the input features and output labels. Based on this, we propose the multimodal counterfactual instance learning framework to generate the counterfactual instances by the interventions on the limited observational samples. In the framework, we analyze the causal effect of the counterfactual instances and exploit it as a supervisory signal to maximize the effect for reducing the bias and improving the generalization of the model. Empirically, we evaluate the proposed method on the two public MIE benchmark datasets and the experimental results verify the effectiveness of it.


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Selecting Key Views for Zero-Shot Entity Linking
Xuhui Sui | Ying Zhang | Kehui Song | Baohang Zhou | Xiaojie Yuan | Wensheng Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Entity linking, which aligns mentions in the text to entities in knowledge bases, is essential for many natural language processing tasks. Considering the real-world scenarios, recent research hotspot of entity linking has focused on the zero-shot setting, where mentions need to link to unseen entities and only the description of each entity is provided. This task challenges the language understanding ability of models to capture the coherence evidence between the mention context and entity description. However, entity descriptions often contain rich information from multiple views, and a mention with context only relates to a small part of the information. Other irrelevant information will introduce noise, which interferes with models to make the right judgments. Furthermore, the existence of these information also makes it difficult to synthesize key information. To solve these problems, we select key views from descriptions and propose a KVZEL framework for zero-shot entity linking. Specifically, our KVZEL first adopts unsupervised clustering to form sub views. Then, it employs a mention-aware key views selection module to iteratively accumulate mention-focused views. This puts emphasis on capturing mention-related information and allows long-range key information integration. Finally, we aggregate key views to make the final decision. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our KVZEL and it achieves the new state-of-the-art on the zero-shot entity linking dataset.

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Incorporating Object-Level Visual Context for Multimodal Fine-Grained Entity Typing
Ying Zhang | Wenbo Fan | Kehui Song | Yu Zhao | Xuhui Sui | Xiaojie Yuan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Fine-grained entity typing (FGET) aims to assign appropriate fine-grained types to entity mentions within their context, which is an important foundational task in natural language processing. Previous approaches for FGET only utilized textual context information. However, in the form of short text, the contextual semantic information is often insufficient for FGET. In many real-world scenarios, text is often accompanied by images, and the visual context is valuable for FGET. To this end, we firstly propose a new task called multimodal fine-grained entity typing (MFGET). Then we construct a large-scale dataset for multimodal fine-grained entity typing called MFIGER based on FIGER. To fully leverage both textual and visual information, we propose a novel Multimodal Object-Level Visual Context Network (MOVCNet). MOVCNet can capture fine-grained semantic information by detecting objects in images, and effectively merge both textual and visual context. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves superior classification performance compared to previous text-based approaches.

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BioFEG: Generate Latent Features for Biomedical Entity Linking
Xuhui Sui | Ying Zhang | Xiangrui Cai | Kehui Song | Baohang Zhou | Xiaojie Yuan | Wensheng Zhang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Biomedical entity linking is an essential task in biomedical text processing, which aims to map entity mentions in biomedical text, such as clinical notes, to standard terms in a given knowledge base. However, this task is challenging due to the rarity of many biomedical entities in real-world scenarios, which often leads to a lack of annotated data for them. Limited by understanding these unseen entities, traditional biomedical entity linking models suffer from multiple types of linking errors. In this paper, we propose a novel latent feature generation framework BioFEG to address these challenges. Specifically, our BioFEG leverages domain knowledge to train a generative adversarial network, which generates latent semantic features of corresponding mentions for unseen entities. Utilizing these features, we fine-tune our entity encoder to capture fine-grained coherence information of unseen entities and better understand them. This allows models to make linking decisions more accurately, particularly for ambiguous mentions involving rare entities. Extensive experiments on the two benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed framework.


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PM2F2N: Patient Multi-view Multi-modal Feature Fusion Networks for Clinical Outcome Prediction
Ying Zhang | Baohang Zhou | Kehui Song | Xuhui Sui | Guoqing Zhao | Ning Jiang | Xiaojie Yuan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Clinical outcome prediction is critical to the condition prediction of patients and management of hospital capacities. There are two kinds of medical data, including time series signals recorded by various devices and clinical notes in electronic health records (EHR), which are used for two common prediction targets: mortality and length of stay. Traditional methods focused on utilizing time series data but ignored clinical notes. With the development of deep learning, natural language processing (NLP) and multi-modal learning methods are exploited to jointly model the time series and clinical notes with different modals. However, the existing methods failed to fuse the multi-modal features of patients from different views. Therefore, we propose the patient multi-view multi-modal feature fusion networks for clinical outcome prediction. Firstly, from patient inner view, we propose to utilize the co-attention module to enhance the fine-grained feature interaction between time series and clinical notes from each patient. Secondly, the patient outer view is the correlation between patients, which can be reflected by the structural knowledge in clinical notes. We exploit the structural information extracted from clinical notes to construct the patient correlation graph, and fuse patients’ multi-modal features by graph neural networks (GNN). The experimental results on MIMIC-III benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our method.

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Improving Zero-Shot Entity Linking Candidate Generation with Ultra-Fine Entity Type Information
Xuhui Sui | Ying Zhang | Kehui Song | Baohang Zhou | Guoqing Zhao | Xin Wei | Xiaojie Yuan
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Entity linking, which aims at aligning ambiguous entity mentions to their referent entities in a knowledge base, plays a key role in multiple natural language processing tasks. Recently, zero-shot entity linking task has become a research hotspot, which links mentions to unseen entities to challenge the generalization ability. For this task, the training set and test set are from different domains, and thus entity linking models tend to be overfitting due to the tendency of memorizing the properties of entities that appear frequently in the training set. We argue that general ultra-fine-grained type information can help the linking models to learn contextual commonality and improve their generalization ability to tackle the overfitting problem. However, in the zero-shot entity linking setting, any type information is not available and entities are only identified by textual descriptions. Thus, we first extract the ultra-fine entity type information from the entity textual descriptions. Then, we propose a hierarchical multi-task model to improve the high-level zero-shot entity linking candidate generation task by utilizing the entity typing task as an auxiliary low-level task, which introduces extracted ultra-fine type information into the candidate generation task. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of utilizing the ultra-fine entity type information and our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance.