Yang Liu

Peking University

Also published as:

Other people with similar names: Yang Liu (Beijing Language and Culture University), Yang Liu (Edinburgh Ph.D., Microsoft), Yang Liu (Wilfrid Laurier University), Yang Liu (刘洋) (刘洋; ICT, Tsinghua, Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence), Yang Liu (University of Helsinki), Yang Liu (National University of Defense Technology), Yang Liu (3M Health Information Systems), Yang Liu (Tianjin University, China), Yang Liu (刘扬) (刘扬; Ph.D Purdue; ICSI, Dallas, Facebook, Liulishuo, Amazon), Yang Liu (May refer to several people), Yang Liu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)), Yang Janet Liu (Georgetown University; 刘洋), Yang Liu (Microsoft Cognitive Services Research), Yang Liu (Samsung Research Center Beijing), Yang Liu (Univ. of Michigan, UC Santa Cruz)


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Chinese Morpheme-informed Evaluation of Large Language Models
Yaqi Yin | Yue Wang | Yang Liu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Previous evaluations of large language models (LLMs) focused on the perspective of various tasks or abilities. In this paper, we propose to evaluate from a linguistic viewpoint and argue that morpheme, a potential linguistic feature that captures both word-formation and lexical semantics, is another suitable component for evaluation that remains largely unexplored. In light of this, we construct MorphEval, a morpheme-informed benchmark, including three datasets following the bottom-up levels of characters, words, and sentences in Chinese, and then evaluate representative LLMs with both zero- and few-shot settings under two metrics. From this perspective, we reveal three aspects of issues LLMs nowadays encounter: dysfunctions in morphology and syntax, challenges with the long-tailed distribution of semantics, and difficulties from cultural implications. In these scenarios, even a smaller Chinese-targeted model may outperform ChatGPT, highlighting the actual challenges LLMs face and the necessity of language-specific improvements when applied to non-English languages. This new approach could also help guide model enhancements as well as get extended to other languages.

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Morpheme Sense Disambiguation: A New Task Aiming for Understanding the Language at Character Level
Yue Wang | Hua Zheng | Yaqi Yin | Hansi Wang | Qiliang Liang | Yang Liu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Morphemes serve as a strong linguistic feature to capture lexical semantics, with higher coverage than words and more natural than sememes. However, due to the lack of morpheme-informed resources and the expense of manual annotation, morpheme-enhanced methods remain largely unexplored in Computational Linguistics. To address this issue, we propose the task of Morpheme Sense Disambiguation (MSD), with two subtasks in-text and in-word, similar to Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) and Sememe Prediction (SP), to generalize morpheme features on more tasks. We first build the MorDis resource for Chinese, including MorInv as a morpheme inventory, MorTxt and MorWrd as two types of morpheme-annotated datasets. Next, we provide two baselines in each evaluation; the best model yields a promising precision of 77.66% on in-text MSD and 88.19% on in-word MSD, indicating its comparability with WSD and superiority over SP. Finally, we demonstrate that predicted morphemes achieve comparable performance with the ground-truth ones on a downstream application of Definition Generation (DG). This validates the feasibility and applicability of our proposed tasks. The resources and workflow of MSD will provide new insights and solutions for downstream tasks, including DG as well as WSD, training pre-trained models, etc.


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汉语语义构词的资源建设与计算评估(Construction of Chinese Semantic Word-Formation and its Computing Applications)
Yue Wang (王悦) | Yang Liu (刘扬) | Qiliang Liang (梁启亮) | Hansi Wang (王涵思)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



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Leveraging Word-Formation Knowledge for Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation
Hua Zheng | Lei Li | Damai Dai | Deli Chen | Tianyu Liu | Xu Sun | Yang Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

In parataxis languages like Chinese, word meanings are constructed using specific word-formations, which can help to disambiguate word senses. However, such knowledge is rarely explored in previous word sense disambiguation (WSD) methods. In this paper, we propose to leverage word-formation knowledge to enhance Chinese WSD. We first construct a large-scale Chinese lexical sample WSD dataset with word-formations. Then, we propose a model FormBERT to explicitly incorporate word-formations into sense disambiguation. To further enhance generalizability, we design a word-formation predictor module in case word-formation annotations are unavailable. Experimental results show that our method brings substantial performance improvement over strong baselines.