Yuxin Huang


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Layer-wise Fusion with Modality Independence Modeling for Multi-modal Emotion Recognition
Jun Sun | Shoukang Han | Yu-Ping Ruan | Xiaoning Zhang | Shu-Kai Zheng | Yulong Liu | Yuxin Huang | Taihao Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Multi-modal emotion recognition has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its widespread applications and the advances in multi-modal learning approaches. However, previous studies primarily focus on developing models that exploit the unification of multiple modalities. In this paper, we propose that maintaining modality independence is beneficial for the model performance. According to this principle, we construct a dataset, and devise a multi-modal transformer model. The new dataset, CHinese Emotion Recognition dataset with Modality-wise Annotions, abbreviated as CHERMA, provides uni-modal labels for each individual modality, and multi-modal labels for all modalities jointly observed. The model consists of uni-modal transformer modules that learn representations for each modality, and a multi-modal transformer module that fuses all modalities. All the modules are supervised by their corresponding labels separately, and the forward information flow is uni-directionally from the uni-modal modules to the multi-modal module. The supervision strategy and the model architecture guarantee each individual modality learns its representation independently, and meanwhile the multi-modal module aggregates all information. Extensive empirical results demonstrate that our proposed scheme outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives, corroborating the importance of modality independence in multi-modal emotion recognition. The dataset and codes are availabel at https://github.com/sunjunaimer/LFMIM

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Non-parallel Accent Transfer based on Fine-grained Controllable Accent Modelling
Linqin Wang | Zhengtao Yu | Yuanzhang Yang | Shengxiang Gao | Cunli Mao | Yuxin Huang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Existing accent transfer works rely on parallel data or speech recognition models. This paper focuses on the practical application of accent transfer and aims to implement accent transfer using non-parallel datasets. The study has encountered the challenge of speech representation disentanglement and modeling accents. In our accent modeling transfer framework, we manage to solve these problems by two proposed methods. First, we learn the suprasegmental information associated with tone to finely model the accents in terms of tone and rhythm. Second, we propose to use mutual information learning to disentangle the accent features and control the accent of the generated speech during the inference time. Experiments show that the proposed framework attains superior performance to the baseline models in terms of accentedness and audio quality.

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融合多粒度特征的缅甸语文本图像识别方法(Burmese Language Recognition Method Fused with Multi-Granularity Features)
Enyu He (何恩宇) | Rui Chen (陈蕊) | Cunli Mao (毛存礼) | Yuxin Huang (黄于欣) | Shengxaing Gao (高盛祥) | Zhengtao Yu (余正涛)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

“缅甸语属于东南亚低资源语言,缅甸语文本图像识别对开展缅甸语机器翻译等任务具有重要意义。由于缅甸语属于典型的字符组合型语言,一个感受野内存在多个字符嵌套,现有缅甸语识别方法主要是从字符粒度进行识别,在解码时会出现某些字符未能正确识别而导致局部乱码。考虑到缅甸语存在特殊的字符组合规则,本文提出了一种融合多粒度特征的缅甸语文本图像识别方法,将较细粒度的字符粒度和较粗粒度的字符簇粒度进行序列建模,然后将两种粒度特征序列进行融合后利用解码器进行解码。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效缓解识别结果乱码的现象,并且在人工构建的数据集上相比“VGG16+BiLSTM+Transformer”的基线模型识别准确率提高2.4%,达到97.35%。 "

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相似音节增强的越汉跨语言实体消歧方法(Similar syllable enhanced cross-lingual entity disambiguation for Vietnamese-Chinese)
Yujuan Li (李裕娟) | Ran Song (宋燃) | Cunli Mao (毛存礼) | Yuxin Huang (黄于欣) | Shengxiang Gao (高盛祥) | Shan Lu (陆杉)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



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PaddleSpeech: An Easy-to-Use All-in-One Speech Toolkit
Hui Zhang | Tian Yuan | Junkun Chen | Xintong Li | Renjie Zheng | Yuxin Huang | Xiaojie Chen | Enlei Gong | Zeyu Chen | Xiaoguang Hu | Dianhai Yu | Yanjun Ma | Liang Huang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: System Demonstrations

PaddleSpeech is an open-source all-in-one speech toolkit. It aims at facilitating the development and research of speech processing technologies by providing an easy-to-use command-line interface and a simple code structure. This paper describes the design philosophy and core architecture of PaddleSpeech to support several essential speech-to-text and text-to-speech tasks. PaddleSpeech achieves competitive or state-of-the-art performance on various speech datasets and implements the most popular methods. It also provides recipes and pretrained models to quickly reproduce the experimental results in this paper. PaddleSpeech is publicly avaiable at https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleSpeech.

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融入音素特征的英-泰-老多语言神经机器翻译方法(English-Thai-Lao multilingual neural machine translation fused with phonemic features)
Zheng Shen (沈政) | Cunli Mao (毛存礼) | Zhengtao Yu (余正涛) | Shengxiang Gao (高盛祥) | Linqin Wang (王琳钦) | Yuxin Huang (黄于欣)
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



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基于阅读理解的汉越跨语言新闻事件要素抽取方法(News Events Element Extraction of Chinese-Vietnamese Cross-language Using Reading Comprehension)
Enchang Zhu (朱恩昌) | Zhengtao Yu (余正涛) | Chengxiang Gao (高盛祥) | Yuxin Huang (黄宇欣) | Junjun Guo (郭军军)
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics


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融合多粒度特征的低资源语言词性标记和依存分析联合模型(A Joint Model with Multi-Granularity Features of Low-resource Language POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing)
Sha Lu (陆杉) | Cunli Mao (毛存礼) | Zhengtao Yu (余正涛) | Chengxiang Gao (高盛祥) | Yuxin Huang (黄于欣) | Zhenhan Wang (王振晗)
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



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Towards Understanding Gender Bias in Relation Extraction
Andrew Gaut | Tony Sun | Shirlyn Tang | Yuxin Huang | Jing Qian | Mai ElSherief | Jieyu Zhao | Diba Mirza | Elizabeth Belding | Kai-Wei Chang | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Recent developments in Neural Relation Extraction (NRE) have made significant strides towards Automated Knowledge Base Construction. While much attention has been dedicated towards improvements in accuracy, there have been no attempts in the literature to evaluate social biases exhibited in NRE systems. In this paper, we create WikiGenderBias, a distantly supervised dataset composed of over 45,000 sentences including a 10% human annotated test set for the purpose of analyzing gender bias in relation extraction systems. We find that when extracting spouse-of and hypernym (i.e., occupation) relations, an NRE system performs differently when the gender of the target entity is different. However, such disparity does not appear when extracting relations such as birthDate or birthPlace. We also analyze how existing bias mitigation techniques, such as name anonymization, word embedding debiasing, and data augmentation affect the NRE system in terms of maintaining the test performance and reducing biases. Unfortunately, due to NRE models rely heavily on surface level cues, we find that existing bias mitigation approaches have a negative effect on NRE. Our analysis lays groundwork for future quantifying and mitigating bias in NRE.

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基于跨语言双语预训练及Bi-LSTM的汉-越平行句对抽取方法(Chinese-Vietnamese Parallel Sentence Pair Extraction Method Based on Cross-lingual Bilingual Pre-training and Bi-LSTM)
Chang Liu (刘畅) | Shengxiang Gao (高盛祥) | Zhengtao Yu (余正涛) | Yuxin Huang (黄于欣) | Congcong You (尤丛丛)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

汉越平行句对抽取是缓解汉越平行语料库数据稀缺的重要方法。平行句对抽取可转换为同一语义空间下的句子相似性分类任务,其核心在于双语语义空间对齐。传统语义空间对齐方法依赖于大规模的双语平行语料,越南语作为低资源语言获取大规模平行语料相对困难。针对这个问题本文提出一种利用种子词典进行跨语言双语预训练及Bi-LSTM(Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory)的汉-越平行句对抽取方法。预训练中仅需要大量的汉越单语和一个汉越种子词典,通过利用汉越种子词典将汉越双语映射到公共语义空间进行词对齐。再利用Bi-LSTM和CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks)分别提取句子的全局特征和局部特征从而最大化表示汉-越句对之间的语义相关性。实验结果表明,本文模型在F1得分上提升7.1%,优于基线模型。

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基于拼音约束联合学习的汉语语音识别(Chinese Speech Recognition Based on Pinyin Constraint Joint Learning)
Renfeng Liang (梁仁凤) | Zhengtao Yu (余正涛) | Shengxiang Gao (高盛祥) | Yuxin Huang (黄于欣) | Junjun Guo (郭军军) | Shuli Xu (许树理)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics

当前的语音识别模型在英语、法语等表音文字中已经取得很好的效果。然而,汉语是 一种典型的表意文字,汉字与语音没有直接的对应关系,但拼音作为汉字读音的标注 符号,与汉字存在相互转换的内在联系。因此,在汉语语音识别中利用拼音作为解码 约束,引入一种更接近语音的归纳偏置。基于多任务学习框架,提出一种基于拼音约 束联合学习的汉语语音识别方法,以端到端的汉字语音识别为主任务,以拼音语音识 别为辅助任务,通过共享编码器,同时利用汉字与拼音识别结果作为监督信号,增强 编码器对汉语语音的表达能力。实验结果表明,相比基线模型,提出方法取得更优的 识别效果,词错误率WER降低了2.24个百分点


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Mitigating Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing: Literature Review
Tony Sun | Andrew Gaut | Shirlyn Tang | Yuxin Huang | Mai ElSherief | Jieyu Zhao | Diba Mirza | Elizabeth Belding | Kai-Wei Chang | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

As Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) tools rise in popularity, it becomes increasingly vital to recognize the role they play in shaping societal biases and stereotypes. Although NLP models have shown success in modeling various applications, they propagate and may even amplify gender bias found in text corpora. While the study of bias in artificial intelligence is not new, methods to mitigate gender bias in NLP are relatively nascent. In this paper, we review contemporary studies on recognizing and mitigating gender bias in NLP. We discuss gender bias based on four forms of representation bias and analyze methods recognizing gender bias. Furthermore, we discuss the advantages and drawbacks of existing gender debiasing methods. Finally, we discuss future studies for recognizing and mitigating gender bias in NLP.