Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Government and Commercial Uses of MT
- Anthology ID:
- 2008.amta-govandcom
- Month:
- October 21-25
- Year:
- 2008
- Address:
- Waikiki, USA
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
- URL:
- DOI:
Machine Translation for Triage and Exploitation of Massive Text Data
James E. Andrews
Kristen Summers
Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN)
Michael Blench
Sharing User Dictionaries Across Multiple Systems with UTX-S
Francis Bond
Seiji Okura
Yuji Yamamoto
Toshiki Murata
Kiyotaka Uchimoto
Michael Kato
Miwako Shimazu
Tsugiyoshi Suzuki
Many-to-Many Multilingual Medical Speech Translation on a PDA
Kyoko Kanzaki
Yukie Nakao
Manny Rayner
Marianne Santaholma
Marianne Starlander
Nikos Tsourakis
MT errors in Chinese-to-English MT systems: user feedback
Shin Chang-Meadows
Working with the US Government: Information Resources
Jennifer DeCamp
Reliable Innovation: A Tecchie’s Travels in the Land of Translators
Alain Désilets
Louise Brunette
Christiane Melançon
Geneviève Patenaude
Automated Machine Translation Improvement Through Post-Editing Techniques: Analyst and Translator Experiments
Jennifer Doyon
Christine Doran
C. Donald Means
Domenique Parr
User-centered MT Development and Implementation
Kathleen Egan
Francis Kubala
Allen Sears
Identifying Common Challenges for Human and Machine Translation: A Case Study from the GALE Program
Lauren Friedman
Stephanie Strassel
Automatic Translation of Court Judgments
Fabrizio Gotti
Guy Lapalme
Elliott Macklovitch
Atefeh Farzindar
Designing and executing MT workflows through the Kepler Framework
Reginald Hobbs
Clare Voss
ClipperRSS: A Light-Weight Prototype for the Cross-language Exploitation of Syndicated Feeds
Rod Holland
Brenden Keyes
Trends in automated translation in today’s global business
Sophie Hurst
Machine Translation for Indonesian and Tagalog
Brianna Laugher
Ben MacLeod
Real-time translation of IM Chat
Robert Levin
TransSearch: What are translators looking for?
Elliott Macklovitch
Guy Lapalme
Fabrizio Gotti
Language Translation Solutions for Community Content
Daniel Marcu
The Use of Machine-generated Transcripts during Human Translation
Allison L. Powell
Allison Blodgett
Meeting Army Foreign language Requirements with the Aid of Machine Translation
Cecil MacPherson
Devin Rollis
Irene Zehmisch
Hybrid Machine Translation Applied to Media Monitoring
Hassan Sawaf
Braddock Gaskill
Michael Veronis
Artificial Cognitive MT Post-Editing Intelligence
Jörg Schütz
Language Processing for Analysis and Investigation
Kristen Summers
Diane Chandler
Embedding Technology at the front end of the Human Translation Workflow: An NVTC Vision
Carol van Ess-Dykema
Helen G. Gigley
Stephen Lewis
Emily Vancho Bannister
Applicability of Resource-based Machine Translation to Airplane Manuals
Eiko Yamamoto
Akira Terada
Hitoshi Isahara
Applications of MT during Olympic Games 2008
Chengqing Zong
Heyan Huang
Shuming Shi