Boyuan Pan


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Poor-Supervised Evaluation for SuperLLM via Mutual Consistency
Peiwen Yuan | Shaoxiong Feng | Yiwei Li | Xinglin Wang | Boyuan Pan | Heda Wang | Yao Hu | Kan Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The guidance from capability evaluations has greatly propelled the progress of human society and the development of Artificial Intelligence. However, as LLMs evolve, it becomes challenging to construct evaluation benchmark with accurate labels for SuperLLMs whose capabilities approach or even surpass those of humans. To credibly conduct poor-supervised evaluation without accurate labels, we first prove that the consistency between the model under evaluation and the reference model, when their prediction distributions are independent and the sample size is infinite, can equivalently assess the true capabilities of the model to be evaluated. However, using either humans or LLMs as the reference model cannot sufficiently meet the conditions, for which we propose the PEEM algorithm. By treating all models under evaluation as reference models, PEEM alternately optimizes model weights and filters reference models based on EM algorithm to maximally alleviate the insufficiency of the conditions. Comprehensive experiments across 3 types of tasks with 16 mainstream LLMs validate the efficiency, universality, and effectiveness of PEEM. More generally, PEEM has advanced the evaluation paradigm evolution from human-centric to human&model-centric, alleviating the limitations of human capabilities for evaluating SuperLLMs.

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Generative Dense Retrieval: Memory Can Be a Burden
Peiwen Yuan | Xinglin Wang | Shaoxiong Feng | Boyuan Pan | Yiwei Li | Heda Wang | Xupeng Miao | Kan Li
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Generative Retrieval (GR), autoregressively decoding relevant document identifiers given a query, has been shown to perform well under the setting of small-scale corpora. By memorizing the document corpus with model parameters, GR implicitly achieves deep interaction between query and document. However, such a memorizing mechanism faces three drawbacks: (1) Poor memory accuracy for fine-grained features of documents; (2) Memory confusion gets worse as the corpus size increases; (3) Huge memory update costs for new documents. To alleviate these problems, we propose the Generative Dense Retrieval (GDR) paradigm. Specifically, GDR first uses the limited memory volume to achieve inter-cluster matching from query to relevant document clusters. Memorizing-free matching mechanism from Dense Retrieval (DR) is then introduced to conduct fine-grained intra-cluster matching from clusters to relevant documents. The coarse-to-fine process maximizes the advantages of GR’s deep interaction and DR’s scalability. Besides, we design a cluster identifier constructing strategy to facilitate corpus memory and a cluster-adaptive negative sampling strategy to enhance the intra-cluster mapping ability. Empirical results show that GDR obtains an average of 3.0 R@100 improvement on NQ dataset under multiple settings and has better scalability.

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Integrate the Essence and Eliminate the Dross: Fine-Grained Self-Consistency for Free-Form Language Generation
Xinglin Wang | Yiwei Li | Shaoxiong Feng | Peiwen Yuan | Boyuan Pan | Heda Wang | Yao Hu | Kan Li
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Self-consistency (SC), leveraging multiple samples from LLMs, shows significant gains on various reasoning tasks but struggles with free-form generation due to the difficulty of aggregating answers. Its variants, UCS and USC, rely on sample selection or voting mechanisms to improve output quality. These methods, however, face limitations due to their inability to fully utilize the nuanced consensus knowledge present within multiple candidate samples, often resulting in suboptimal outputs. We propose Fine-Grained Self-Consistency (FSC) to addresses these limitations by extracting and integrating segment-level commonalities from candidate samples, enhancing the performance of LLMs both in open-ended and reasoning tasks. Based on this, we present two additional strategies: candidate filtering, which enhances overall quality by identifying highly similar candidate sets, and merging, which reduces input token requirements by combining similar samples. The effectiveness of FSC is demonstrated through extensive experiments on various tasks, including summarization, code generation, and mathematical reasoning, using GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4. The results indicate significant improvements over baseline methods, showcasing the potential of FSC to optimize output quality by effectively synthesizing fine-grained consensus knowledge from multiple samples.

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BatchEval: Towards Human-like Text Evaluation
Peiwen Yuan | Shaoxiong Feng | Yiwei Li | Xinglin Wang | Boyuan Pan | Heda Wang | Yao Hu | Kan Li
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Significant progress has been made in automatic text evaluation with the introduction of large language models (LLMs) as evaluators. However, current sample-wise evaluation paradigm suffers from the following issues: (1) Sensitive to prompt design; (2) Poor resistance to noise; (3) Inferior ensemble performance with static reference. Inspired by the fact that humans treat both criterion definition and inter sample comparison as references for evaluation, we propose BatchEval, a paradigm that conducts batch-wise evaluation iteratively to alleviate the above problems. We explore variants under this paradigm and confirm the optimal settings are two stage procedure with heterogeneous batch composition strategy and decimal scoring format. Comprehensive experiments across 3 LLMs on 4 text evaluation tasks demonstrate that BatchEval outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 10.5% on Pearson correlations with only 64% API cost on average. Further analyses have been conducted to verify the robustness, generalization, and working mechanism of BatchEval.


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T3: Tree-Autoencoder Constrained Adversarial Text Generation for Targeted Attack
Boxin Wang | Hengzhi Pei | Boyuan Pan | Qian Chen | Shuohang Wang | Bo Li
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Adversarial attacks against natural language processing systems, which perform seemingly innocuous modifications to inputs, can induce arbitrary mistakes to the target models. Though raised great concerns, such adversarial attacks can be leveraged to estimate the robustness of NLP models. Compared with the adversarial example generation in continuous data domain (e.g., image), generating adversarial text that preserves the original meaning is challenging since the text space is discrete and non-differentiable. To handle these challenges, we propose a target-controllable adversarial attack framework T3, which is applicable to a range of NLP tasks. In particular, we propose a tree-based autoencoder to embed the discrete text data into a continuous representation space, upon which we optimize the adversarial perturbation. A novel tree-based decoder is then applied to regularize the syntactic correctness of the generated text and manipulate it on either sentence (T3(Sent)) or word (T3(Word)) level. We consider two most representative NLP tasks: sentiment analysis and question answering (QA). Extensive experimental results and human studies show that T3 generated adversarial texts can successfully manipulate the NLP models to output the targeted incorrect answer without misleading the human. Moreover, we show that the generated adversarial texts have high transferability which enables the black-box attacks in practice. Our work sheds light on an effective and general way to examine the robustness of NLP models. Our code is publicly available at


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Reinforced Dynamic Reasoning for Conversational Question Generation
Boyuan Pan | Hao Li | Ziyu Yao | Deng Cai | Huan Sun
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

This paper investigates a new task named Conversational Question Generation (CQG) which is to generate a question based on a passage and a conversation history (i.e., previous turns of question-answer pairs). CQG is a crucial task for developing intelligent agents that can drive question-answering style conversations or test user understanding of a given passage. Towards that end, we propose a new approach named Reinforced Dynamic Reasoning network, which is based on the general encoder-decoder framework but incorporates a reasoning procedure in a dynamic manner to better understand what has been asked and what to ask next about the passage into the general encoder-decoder framework. To encourage producing meaningful questions, we leverage a popular question answering (QA) model to provide feedback and fine-tune the question generator using a reinforcement learning mechanism. Empirical results on the recently released CoQA dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in comparison with various baselines and model variants. Moreover, to show the applicability of our method, we also apply it to create multi-turn question-answering conversations for passages in SQuAD.


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Discourse Marker Augmented Network with Reinforcement Learning for Natural Language Inference
Boyuan Pan | Yazheng Yang | Zhou Zhao | Yueting Zhuang | Deng Cai | Xiaofei He
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Natural Language Inference (NLI), also known as Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE), is one of the most important problems in natural language processing. It requires to infer the logical relationship between two given sentences. While current approaches mostly focus on the interaction architectures of the sentences, in this paper, we propose to transfer knowledge from some important discourse markers to augment the quality of the NLI model. We observe that people usually use some discourse markers such as “so” or “but” to represent the logical relationship between two sentences. These words potentially have deep connections with the meanings of the sentences, thus can be utilized to help improve the representations of them. Moreover, we use reinforcement learning to optimize a new objective function with a reward defined by the property of the NLI datasets to make full use of the labels information. Experiments show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on several large-scale datasets.