PrahokBART: A Pre-trained Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Khmer Natural Language Generation
Hour Kaing
Raj Dabre
Haiyue Song
Van-Hien Tran
Hideki Tanaka
Masao Utiyama
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
This work introduces PrahokBART, a compact pre-trained sequence-to-sequence model trained from scratch for Khmer using carefully curated Khmer and English corpora. We focus on improving the pre-training corpus quality and addressing the linguistic issues of Khmer, which are ignored in existing multilingual models, by incorporating linguistic components such as word segmentation and normalization. We evaluate PrahokBART on three generative tasks: machine translation, text summarization, and headline generation, where our results demonstrate that it outperforms mBART50, a strong multilingual pre-trained model. Additionally, our analysis provides insights into the impact of each linguistic module and evaluates how effectively our model handles space during text generation, which is crucial for the naturalness of texts in Khmer.
Exploiting Word Sense Disambiguation in Large Language Models for Machine Translation
Van-Hien Tran
Raj Dabre
Hour Kaing
Haiyue Song
Hideki Tanaka
Masao Utiyama
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Models for Low-Resource Languages
Machine Translation (MT) has made great strides with the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) and advanced prompting techniques. However, translating sentences with ambiguous words remains challenging, especially when LLMs have limited proficiency in the source language. This paper introduces two methods to enhance MT performance by leveraging the word sense disambiguation capabilities of LLMs. The first method integrates all the available senses of an ambiguous word into the prompting template. The second method uses a pre-trained source language model to predict the correct sense of the ambiguous word, which is then incorporated into the prompting template. Additionally, we propose two prompting template styles for providing word sense information to LLMs. Experiments on the HOLLY dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in improving MT performance.
How Effective is Synthetic Data and Instruction Fine-tuning for Translation with Markup using LLMs?
Raj Dabre
Haiyue Song
Miriam Exel
Bianka Buschbeck
Johannes Eschbach-Dymanus
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Track)
Recent works have shown that prompting large language models (LLMs) is effective for translation with markup where LLMs can simultaneously transfer markup tags while ensuring that the content, both inside and outside tag pairs is correctly translated. However, these works make a rather unrealistic assumption of the existence of high-quality parallel sentences with markup for prompting. Furthermore, the impact of instruction fine-tuning (IFT) in this setting is unknown. In this paper, we provide a study, the first of its kind, focusing on the effectiveness of synthetically created markup data and IFT for translation with markup using LLMs. We focus on translation from English to five European languages, German, French, Dutch, Finnish and Russian, where we show that regardless of few-shot prompting or IFT, synthetic data created via word alignments, while leading to inferior markup transfer compared to using original data with markups, does not negatively impact the translation quality. Furthermore, IFT mainly impacts the translation quality compared to few-shot prompting and has slightly better markup transfer capabilities than the latter. We hope our work will help practitioners make effective decisions on modeling choices for LLM based translation with markup.
Robust Neural Machine Translation for Abugidas by Glyph Perturbation
Hour Kaing
Chenchen Ding
Hideki Tanaka
Masao Utiyama
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Neural machine translation (NMT) systems are vulnerable when trained on limited data. This is a common scenario in low-resource tasks in the real world. To increase robustness, a solution is to intently add realistic noise in the training phase. Noise simulation using text perturbation has been proven to be efficient in writing systems that use Latin letters. In this study, we further explore perturbation techniques on more complex abugida writing systems, for which the visual similarity of complex glyphs is considered to capture the essential nature of these writing systems. Besides the generated noise, we propose a training strategy to improve robustness. We conducted experiments on six languages: Bengali, Hindi, Myanmar, Khmer, Lao, and Thai. By overcoming the introduced noise, we obtained non-degenerate NMT systems with improved robustness for low-resource tasks for abugida glyphs.
SubMerge: Merging Equivalent Subword Tokenizations for Subword Regularized Models in Neural Machine Translation
Haiyue Song
Francois Meyer
Raj Dabre
Hideki Tanaka
Chenhui Chu
Sadao Kurohashi
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 1)
Subword regularized models leverage multiple subword tokenizations of one target sentence during training. However, selecting one tokenization during inference leads to the underutilization of knowledge learned about multiple tokenizations.We propose the SubMerge algorithm to rescue the ignored Subword tokenizations through merging equivalent ones during inference.SubMerge is a nested search algorithm where the outer beam search treats the word as the minimal unit, and the inner beam search provides a list of word candidates and their probabilities, merging equivalent subword tokenizations. SubMerge estimates the probability of the next word more precisely, providing better guidance during inference.Experimental results on six low-resource to high-resource machine translation datasets show that SubMerge utilizes a greater proportion of a model’s probability weight during decoding (lower word perplexities for hypotheses). It also improves BLEU and chrF++ scores for many translation directions, most reliably for low-resource scenarios. We investigate the effect of different beam sizes, training set sizes, dropout rates, and whether it is effective on non-regularized models.
Centroid-Based Efficient Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding
Hiroyuki Deguchi
Yusuke Sakai
Hidetaka Kamigaito
Taro Watanabe
Hideki Tanaka
Masao Utiyama
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024
Minimum Bayes risk (MBR) decoding achieved state-of-the-art translation performance by using COMET, a neural metric that has a high correlation with human evaluation.However, MBR decoding requires quadratic time since it computes the expected score between a translation hypothesis and all reference translations.We propose centroid-based MBR (CBMBR) decoding to improve the speed of MBR decoding.Our method clusters the reference translations in the feature space, and then calculates the score using the centroids of each cluster.The experimental results show that our CBMBR not only improved the decoding speed of the expected score calculation 5.7 times, but also outperformed vanilla MBR decoding in translation quality by up to 0.5 COMET in the WMT’22 En↔Ja, En↔De, En↔Zh, and WMT’23 En↔Ja translation tasks.
Incorporating Hypernym Features for Improving Low-resource Neural Machine Translation
Abhisek Chakrabarty
Haiyue Song
Raj Dabre
Hideki Tanaka
Masao Utiyama
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Knowledge-Enhanced Machine Translation
Parallel data is difficult to obtain for low-resource languages in machine translation tasks, making it crucial to leverage monolingual linguistic features as auxiliary information. This article introduces a novel integration of hypernym features into the model by combining learnable hypernym embeddings with word embeddings, providing semantic information. Experimental results based on bilingual and multilingual models showed that: (1) incorporating hypernyms improves translation quality in low-resource settings, yielding +1.7 BLEU scores for bilingual models, (2) the hypernym feature demonstrates efficacy both in isolation and in conjunction with syntactic features, and (3) the performance is influenced by the choice of feature combination operators and hypernym-path hyperparameters.
NGLUEni: Benchmarking and Adapting Pretrained Language Models for Nguni Languages
Francois Meyer
Haiyue Song
Abhisek Chakrabarty
Jan Buys
Raj Dabre
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
The Nguni languages have over 20 million home language speakers in South Africa. There has been considerable growth in the datasets for Nguni languages, but so far no analysis of the performance of NLP models for these languages has been reported across languages and tasks. In this paper we study pretrained language models for the 4 Nguni languages - isiXhosa, isiZulu, isiNdebele, and Siswati. We compile publicly available datasets for natural language understanding and generation, spanning 6 tasks and 11 datasets. This benchmark, which we call NGLUEni, is the first centralised evaluation suite for the Nguni languages, allowing us to systematically evaluate the Nguni-language capabilities of pretrained language models (PLMs). Besides evaluating existing PLMs, we develop new PLMs for the Nguni languages through multilingual adaptive finetuning. Our models, Nguni-XLMR and Nguni-ByT5, outperform their base models and large-scale adapted models, showing that performance gains are obtainable through limited language group-based adaptation. We also perform experiments on cross-lingual transfer and machine translation. Our models achieve notable cross-lingual transfer improvements in the lower resourced Nguni languages (isiNdebele and Siswati). To facilitate future use of NGLUEni as a standardised evaluation suite for the Nguni languages, we create a web portal to access the collection of datasets and publicly release our models.
Overcoming Early Saturation on Low-Resource Languages in Multilingual Dependency Parsing
Jiannan Mao
Chenchen Ding
Hour Kaing
Hideki Tanaka
Masao Utiyama
Tadahiro Matsumoto.
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies (MWE-UD) @ LREC-COLING 2024
UDify is a multilingual and multi-task parser fine-tuned on mBERT that achieves remarkable performance in high-resource languages. However, the performance saturates early and decreases gradually in low-resource languages as training proceeds. This work applies a data augmentation method and conducts experiments on seven few-shot and four zero-shot languages. The unlabeled attachment scores were improved on the zero-shot languages dependency parsing tasks, with the average score rising from 67.1% to 68.7%. Meanwhile, dependency parsing tasks for high-resource languages and other tasks were hardly affected. Experimental results indicate the data augmentation method is effective for low-resource languages in a multilingual dependency parsing.
Subset Retrieval Nearest Neighbor Machine Translation
Hiroyuki Deguchi
Taro Watanabe
Yusuke Matsui
Masao Utiyama
Hideki Tanaka
Eiichiro Sumita
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
k-nearest-neighbor machine translation (kNN-MT) (Khandelwal et al., 2021) boosts the translation performance of trained neural machine translation (NMT) models by incorporating example-search into the decoding algorithm. However, decoding is seriously time-consuming, i.e., roughly 100 to 1,000 times slower than standard NMT, because neighbor tokens are retrieved from all target tokens of parallel data in each timestep. In this paper, we propose “Subset kNN-MT”, which improves the decoding speed of kNN-MT by two methods: (1) retrieving neighbor target tokens from a subset that is the set of neighbor sentences of the input sentence, not from all sentences, and (2) efficient distance computation technique that is suitable for subset neighbor search using a look-up table. Our proposed method achieved a speed-up of up to 132.2 times and an improvement in BLEU score of up to 1.6 compared with kNN-MT in the WMT’19 De-En translation task and the domain adaptation tasks in De-En and En-Ja.
Improving Embedding Transfer for Low-Resource Machine Translation
Van-Hien Tran
Chenchen Ding
Hideki Tanaka
Masao Utiyama
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX, Vol. 1: Research Track
Low-resource machine translation (LRMT) poses a substantial challenge due to the scarcity of parallel training data. This paper introduces a new method to improve the transfer of the embedding layer from the Parent model to the Child model in LRMT, utilizing trained token embeddings in the Parent model’s high-resource vocabulary. Our approach involves projecting all tokens into a shared semantic space and measuring the semantic similarity between tokens in the low-resource and high-resource languages. These measures are then utilized to initialize token representations in the Child model’s low-resource vocabulary. We evaluated our approach on three benchmark datasets of low-resource language pairs: Myanmar-English, Indonesian-English, and Turkish-English. The experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms previous methods regarding translation quality. Additionally, our approach is computationally efficient, leading to reduced training time compared to prior works.
A Study on the Effectiveness of Large Language Models for Translation with Markup
Raj Dabre
Bianka Buschbeck
Miriam Exel
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX, Vol. 1: Research Track
In this paper we evaluate the utility of large language models (LLMs) for translation of text with markup in which the most important and challenging aspect is to correctly transfer markup tags while ensuring that the content, both, inside and outside tags is correctly translated. While LLMs have been shown to be effective for plain text translation, their effectiveness for structured document translation is not well understood. To this end, we experiment with BLOOM and BLOOMZ, which are open-source multilingual LLMs, using zero, one and few-shot prompting, and compare with a domain-specific in-house NMT system using a detag-and-project approach for markup tags. We observe that LLMs with in-context learning exhibit poorer translation quality compared to the domain-specific NMT system, however, they are effective in transferring markup tags, especially the large BLOOM model (176 billion parameters). This is further confirmed by our human evaluation which also reveals the types of errors of the different tag transfer techniques. While LLM-based approaches come with the risk of losing, hallucinating and corrupting tags, they excel at placing them correctly in the translation.
Improving Zero-Shot Dependency Parsing by Unsupervised Learning
Jiannan Mao
Chenchen Ding
Hour Kaing
Hideki Tanaka
Masao Utiyama
Tadahiro Matsumoto
Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
FeatureBART: Feature Based Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-Training for Low-Resource NMT
Abhisek Chakrabarty
Raj Dabre
Chenchen Ding
Hideki Tanaka
Masao Utiyama
Eiichiro Sumita
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
In this paper we present FeatureBART, a linguistically motivated sequence-to-sequence monolingual pre-training strategy in which syntactic features such as lemma, part-of-speech and dependency labels are incorporated into the span prediction based pre-training framework (BART). These automatically extracted features are incorporated via approaches such as concatenation and relevance mechanisms, among which the latter is known to be better than the former. When used for low-resource NMT as a downstream task, we show that these feature based models give large improvements in bilingual settings and modest ones in multilingual settings over their counterparts that do not use features.
A Multilingual Multiway Evaluation Data Set for Structured Document Translation of Asian Languages
Bianka Buschbeck
Raj Dabre
Miriam Exel
Matthias Huck
Patrick Huy
Raphael Rubino
Hideki Tanaka
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: AACL-IJCNLP 2022
Translation of structured content is an important application of machine translation, but the scarcity of evaluation data sets, especially for Asian languages, limits progress. In this paper we present a novel multilingual multiway evaluation data set for the translation of structured documents of the Asian languages Japanese, Korean and Chinese. We describe the data set, its creation process and important characteristics, followed by establishing and evaluating baselines using the direct translation as well as detag-project approaches. Our data set is well suited for multilingual evaluation, and it contains richer annotation tag sets than existing data sets. Our results show that massively multilingual translation models like M2M-100 and mBART-50 perform surprisingly well despite not being explicitly trained to handle structured content. The data set described in this paper and used in our experiments is released publicly.
Field Experiments of Real Time Foreign News Distribution Powered by MT
Keiji Yasuda
Ichiro Yamada
Naoaki Okazaki
Hideki Tanaka
Hidehiro Asaka
Takeshi Anzai
Fumiaki Sugaya
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVIII: Users and Providers Track
Field experiments on a foreign news distribution system using two key technologies are reported. The first technology is a summarization component, which is used for generating news headlines. This component is a transformer-based abstractive text summarization system which is trained to output headlines from the leading sentences of news articles. The second technology is machine translation (MT), which enables users to read foreign news articles in their mother language. Since the system uses MT, users can immediately access the latest foreign news. 139 Japanese LINE users participated in the field experiments for two weeks, viewing about 40,000 articles which had been translated from English to Japanese. We carried out surveys both during and after the experiments. According to the results, 79.3% of users evaluated the headlines as adequate, while 74.7% of users evaluated the automatically translated articles as intelligible. According to the post-experiment survey, 59.7% of users wished to continue using the system; 11.5% of users did not. We also report several statistics of the experiments.
Content-Equivalent Translated Parallel News Corpus and Extension of Domain Adaptation for NMT
Hideya Mino
Hideki Tanaka
Hitoshi Ito
Isao Goto
Ichiro Yamada
Takenobu Tokunaga
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
In this paper, we deal with two problems in Japanese-English machine translation of news articles. The first problem is the quality of parallel corpora. Neural machine translation (NMT) systems suffer degraded performance when trained with noisy data. Because there is no clean Japanese-English parallel data for news articles, we build a novel parallel news corpus consisting of Japanese news articles translated into English in a content-equivalent manner. This is the first content-equivalent Japanese-English news corpus translated specifically for training NMT systems. The second problem involves the domain-adaptation technique. NMT systems suffer degraded performance when trained with mixed data having different features, such as noisy data and clean data. Though the existing methods try to overcome this problem by using tags for distinguishing the differences between corpora, it is not sufficient. We thus extend a domain-adaptation method using multi-tags to train an NMT model effectively with the clean corpus and existing parallel news corpora with some types of noise. Experimental results show that our corpus increases the translation quality, and that our domain-adaptation method is more effective for learning with the multiple types of corpora than existing domain-adaptation methods are.
Neural Machine Translation Using Extracted Context Based on Deep Analysis for the Japanese-English Newswire Task at WAT 2020
Isao Goto
Hideya Mino
Hitoshi Ito
Kazutaka Kinugawa
Ichiro Yamada
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Translation
This paper describes the system of the NHK-NES team for the WAT 2020 Japanese–English newswire task. There are two main problems in Japanese-English news translation: translation of dropped subjects and compatibility between equivalent translations and English news-style outputs. We address these problems by extracting subjects from the context based on predicate-argument structures and using them as additional inputs, and constructing parallel Japanese-English news sentences equivalently translated from English news sentences. The evaluation results confirm the effectiveness of our context-utilization method.
Neural Machine Translation System using a Content-equivalently Translated Parallel Corpus for the Newswire Translation Tasks at WAT 2019
Hideya Mino
Hitoshi Ito
Isao Goto
Ichiro Yamada
Hideki Tanaka
Takenobu Tokunaga
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Translation
This paper describes NHK and NHK Engineering System (NHK-ES)’s submission to the newswire translation tasks of WAT 2019 in both directions of Japanese→English and English→Japanese. In addition to the JIJI Corpus that was officially provided by the task organizer, we developed a corpus of 0.22M sentence pairs by manually, translating Japanese news sentences into English content- equivalently. The content-equivalent corpus was effective for improving translation quality, and our systems achieved the best human evaluation scores in the newswire translation tasks at WAT 2019.
Detecting Untranslated Content for Neural Machine Translation
Isao Goto
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Neural Machine Translation
Despite its promise, neural machine translation (NMT) has a serious problem in that source content may be mistakenly left untranslated. The ability to detect untranslated content is important for the practical use of NMT. We evaluate two types of probability with which to detect untranslated content: the cumulative attention (ATN) probability and back translation (BT) probability from the target sentence to the source sentence. Experiments on detecting untranslated content in Japanese-English patent translations show that ATN and BT are each more effective than random choice, BT is more effective than ATN, and the combination of the two provides further improvements. We also confirmed the effectiveness of using ATN and BT to rerank the n-best NMT outputs.
Japanese news simplification: tak design, data set construction, and analysis of simplified text
Isao Goto
Hideki Tanaka
Tadashi Kumano
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XV: Papers
The “News Web Easy” news service as a resource for teaching and learning Japanese: An assessment of the comprehension difficulty of Japanese sentence-end expressions
Hideki Tanaka
Tadashi Kumano
Isao Goto
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications
Measuring the Similarity between TV Programs using Semantic Relations
Ichiro Yamada
Masaru Miyazaki
Hideki Sumiyoshi
Atsushi Matsui
Hironori Furumiya
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of COLING 2012
Syntax-Driven Sentence Revision for Broadcast News Summarization
Hideki Tanaka
Akinori Kinoshita
Takeshi Kobayakawa
Tadashi Kumano
Naoto Katoh
Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)
Extracting phrasal alignments from comparable corpora by using joint probability SMT model
Tadashi Kumano
Hideki Tanaka
Takenobu Tokunaga
Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages: Papers
Analysis and Modeling of Manual Summarization of Japanese Broadcast News
Hideki Tanaka
Tadashi Kumano
Masamichi Nishiwaki
Takayuki Itoh
Companion Volume to the Proceedings of Conference including Posters/Demos and tutorial abstracts
Back Transliteration from Japanese to English using Target English Context
Isao Goto
Naoto Kato
Terumasa Ehara
Hideki Tanaka
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Building a parallel corpus for monologues with clause alignment
Hideki Kashioka
Takehiko Maruyama
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit IX: Papers
Many studies have been reported in the domain of speech-to-speech machine translation systems for travel conversation use. Therefore, a large number of travel domain corpora have become available in recent years. From a wider viewpoint, speech-to-speech systems are required for many purposes other than travel conversation. One of these is monologues (e.g., TV news, lectures, technical presentations). However, in monologues, sentences tend to be long and complicated, which often causes problems for parsing and translation. Therefore, we need a suitable translation unit, rather than the sentence. We propose the clause as a unit for translation. To develop a speech-to-speech machine translation system for monologues based on the clause as the translation unit, we need a monologue parallel corpus with clause alignment. In this paper, we describe how to build a Japanese-English monologue parallel corpus with clauses aligned, and discuss the features of this corpus.
A multi-language translation example browser
Isao Goto
Naoto Kato
Noriyoshi Uratani
Terumasa Ehara
Tadashi Kumano
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit IX: System Presentations
This paper describes a Multi-language Translation Example Browser, a type of translation memory system. The system is able to retrieve translation examples from bilingual news databases, which consist of news transcripts of past broadcasts. We put a Japanese-English system to practical use and undertook trial operations of a system of eight language-pairs.
Word Selection for EBMT based on Monolingual Similarity and Translation Confidence
Eiji Aramaki
Sadao Kurohashi
Hideki Kashioka
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation and Beyond
Comparing the Sentence Alignment Yield from Two News Corpora Using a Dictionary-Based Alignment System
Stephen Nightingale
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation and Beyond
Construction and Analysis of Japanese-English Broadcast News Corpus with Named Entity Tags
Tadashi Kumano
Hideki Kashioka
Hideki Tanaka
Takahiro Fukusima
Proceedings of the ACL 2003 Workshop on Multilingual and Mixed-language Named Entity Recognition
Automatic Alignment of Japanese and English Newspaper Articles using an MT System and a Bilingual Company Name Dictionary
Kenji Matsumoto
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’02)
ATR-SLT System for SENSEVAL-2 Japanese Translation Task
Tadashi Kumano
Hideki Kashioka
Hideki Tanaka
Proceedings of SENSEVAL-2 Second International Workshop on Evaluating Word Sense Disambiguation Systems
An Efficient Statistical Speech Act Type Tagging System for Speech Translation Systems
Hideki Tanaka
Akio Yokoo
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Context Management with Topics for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Kristiina Jokinen
Hideki Tanaka
Akio Yokoo
COLING 1998 Volume 1: The 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Context Management with Topics for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Kristiina Jokinen
Hideki Tanaka
Akio Yokoo
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Volume 1
Planning Dialogue Contributions With New Information
Kristiina Jokinen
Hideki Tanaka
Akio Yokoo
Natural Language Generation
Decision Tree Learning Algorithm with Structured Attributes: Application to Verbal Case Frame Acquisition
Hideki Tanaka
COLING 1996 Volume 2: The 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Verbal Case Frame Acquisition From a Bilingual Corpus: Gradual Knowledge Acquisition
Hideki Tanaka
COLING 1994 Volume 2: The 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A Method of Translating English Delexical Structures Into Japanese
Hideki Tanaka
Teruaki Aizawa
Yeun-Bae Kim
Nobuko Hatada
COLING 1992 Volume 2: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A Machine Translation System for Foreign News in Satellite Broadcasting
Teruaki Aizawa
Terumasa Ehara
Noriyoshi Uratani
Hideki Tanaka
Naoto Kato
Sumio Nakase
Norikazu Aruga
Takeo Matsuda
COLING 1990 Volume 3: Papers presented to the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics