Linjuan Wu


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TimeToM: Temporal Space is the Key to Unlocking the Door of Large Language Models’ Theory-of-Mind
Guiyang Hou | Wenqi Zhang | Yongliang Shen | Linjuan Wu | Weiming Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Theory of Mind (ToM)—the cognitive ability to reason about mental states of ourselves and others, is the foundation of social interaction. Although ToM comes naturally to humans, it poses a significant challenge to even the most advanced Large Language Models (LLMs). Due to the complex logical chains in ToM reasoning, especially in higher-order ToM questions, simply utilizing reasoning methods like Chain of Thought (CoT) will not improve the ToM capabilities of LLMs. We present TimeToM, which constructs a temporal space and uses it as the foundation to improve the ToM capabilities of LLMs in multiple scenarios. Specifically, within the temporal space, we construct Temporal Belief State Chain (TBSC) for each character and inspired by the cognition perspective of the social world model, we divide TBSC into self-world beliefs and social world beliefs, aligning with first-order ToM (first-order beliefs) and higher-order ToM (higher-order beliefs) questions, respectively. Moreover, we design a novel tool-belief solver that, by considering belief communication between characters in temporal space, can transform a character’s higher-order beliefs into another character’s first-order beliefs under belief communication period.

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Self-Contrast: Better Reflection Through Inconsistent Solving Perspectives
Wenqi Zhang | Yongliang Shen | Linjuan Wu | Qiuying Peng | Jun Wang | Yueting Zhuang | Weiming Lu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The reflection capacity of Large Language Model (LLM) has garnered extensive attention. A post-hoc prompting strategy, e.g., reflexion and self-refine, refines LLM’s response based on self-evaluated or external feedback. However, recent research indicates without external feedback, LLM’s intrinsic reflection is unstable. Our investigation unveils that the key bottleneck is the quality of the self-evaluated feedback. We find LLMs often exhibit overconfidence or high randomness when self-evaluate, offering stubborn or inconsistent feedback, which causes poor reflection. To remedy this, we advocate Self-Contrast: It adaptively explores diverse solving perspectives tailored to the request, contrasts the differences, and summarizes these discrepancies into a checklist which could be used to re-examine and eliminate discrepancies. Our method endows LLM with diverse perspectives to alleviate stubborn biases. Moreover, their discrepancies indicate potential errors or inherent uncertainties that LLM often overlooks. Reflecting upon these can catalyze more accurate and stable reflection. Experiments conducted on a series of reasoning and translation tasks with different LLMs serve to underscore the effectiveness and generality of our strategy.


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Good Meta-tasks Make A Better Cross-lingual Meta-transfer Learning for Low-resource Languages
Linjuan Wu | Zongyi Guo | Baoliang Cui | Haihong Tang | Weiming Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Model-agnostic meta-learning has garnered attention as a promising technique for enhancing few-shot cross-lingual transfer learning in low-resource scenarios. However, little attention was paid to the impact of data selection strategies on this cross-lingual meta-transfer method, particularly the sampling of cross-lingual meta-training data (i.e. meta-tasks) at the syntactic level to reduce language gaps. In this paper, we propose a Meta-Task Collector-based Cross-lingual Meta-Transfer framework (MeTaCo-XMT) to adapt different data selection strategies to construct meta-tasks for meta-transfer learning. Syntactic differences have an effect on transfer performance, so we consider a syntactic similarity sampling strategy and propose a syntactic distance metric model consisting of a syntactic encoder block based on the pre-trained model and a distance metric block using Word Move’s Distance (WMD). Additionally, we conduct experiments with three different data selection strategies to instantiate our framework and analyze their performance impact. Experimental results on two multilingual NLP datasets, Wikiann and TydiQA, demonstrate the significant superiority of our approach compared to existing strong baselines.

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Struct-XLM: A Structure Discovery Multilingual Language Model for Enhancing Cross-lingual Transfer through Reinforcement Learning
Linjuan Wu | Weiming Lu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Cross-lingual transfer learning heavily relies on well-aligned cross-lingual representations. The syntactic structure is recognized as beneficial for cross-lingual transfer, but limited researches utilize it for aligning representation in multilingual pre-trained language models (PLMs). Additionally, existing methods require syntactic labels that are difficult to obtain and of poor quality for low-resource languages. To address this gap, we propose Struct-XLM, a novel multilingual language model that leverages reinforcement learning (RL) to autonomously discover universal syntactic structures for improving the cross-lingual representation alignment of PLM. Struct-XLM integrates a policy network (PNet) and a translation ranking task. The PNet is designed to discover structural information and integrate it into the last layer of the PLM through the structural multi-head attention module to obtain structural representation. The translation ranking task obtains a delayed reward based on the structural representation to optimize the PNet while improving the alignment of cross-lingual representation. Experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed approach for enhancing cross-lingual transfer of multilingual PLM on the XTREME benchmark.


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Learning Disentangled Semantic Representations for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer in Multilingual Machine Reading Comprehension
Linjuan Wu | Shaojuan Wu | Xiaowang Zhang | Deyi Xiong | Shizhan Chen | Zhiqiang Zhuang | Zhiyong Feng
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Multilingual pre-trained models are able to zero-shot transfer knowledge from rich-resource to low-resource languages in machine reading comprehension (MRC). However, inherent linguistic discrepancies in different languages could make answer spans predicted by zero-shot transfer violate syntactic constraints of the target language. In this paper, we propose a novel multilingual MRC framework equipped with a Siamese Semantic Disentanglement Model (S2DM) to disassociate semantics from syntax in representations learned by multilingual pre-trained models. To explicitly transfer only semantic knowledge to the target language, we propose two groups of losses tailored for semantic and syntactic encoding and disentanglement. Experimental results on three multilingual MRC datasets (i.e., XQuAD, MLQA, and TyDi QA) demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach over models based on mBERT and XLM-100.