Abstention Ability (AA) is a critical aspect of Large Language Model (LLM) reliability, referring to an LLM’s capability to withhold responses when uncertain or lacking a definitive answer, without compromising performance. Although previous studies have attempted to improve AA, they lack a standardized evaluation method and remain unsuitable for black-box models where token prediction probabilities are inaccessible. This makes comparative analysis challenging, especially for state-of-the-art closed-source commercial LLMs. This paper bridges this gap by introducing a black-box evaluation approach and a new dataset, Abstain-QA, crafted to rigorously assess AA across varied question types (answerable and unanswerable), domains (well-represented and under-represented), and task types (fact-centric and reasoning). We also propose a new confusion matrix, the ”Answerable-Unanswerable Confusion Matrix” (AUCM) which serves as the basis for evaluating AA, by offering a structured and precise approach for assessment. Finally, we explore the impact of three prompting strategies — Strict Prompting, Verbal Confidence Thresholding, and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) — on improving AA. Our results indicate that even powerful models like GPT-4, Mixtral 8x22b encounter difficulties with abstention; however, strategic approaches such as Strict prompting and CoT can enhance this capability.
This paper introduces a novel model compression approach through dynamic layer-specific pruning in Large Language Models (LLMs), enhancing the traditional methodology established by SliceGPT. By transitioning from constant to dynamic slicing, our method leverages the newly proposed Layer Redundancy (LR) score, which assesses how much change each layer changes its input by measuring the cosine similarity of the input to the output of the layer. We use this score to prune parts of individual layers based on redundancy in such a way that the average pruned percentage for all layers is a fixed value. We conducted extensive experiments using models like Llama3-8B and Mistral-7B on multiple datasets, evaluating different slicing bases and percentages to determine optimal configurations that balance efficiency and performance. Our findings show that our dynamic slicing approach not only maintains but, in many cases, enhances model performance compared to the baseline established by constant slicing methods. For instance, in several settings, we see performance improvements of up to 5% over the SliceGPT baseline.Additionally, a perplexity decrease by as much as 7% was observed across multiple benchmarks, validating the effectiveness of our method. The code, model weights, and datasets are open-sourced at - https://github.com/RazvanDu/DynamicSlicing
Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) is an effective technique that leverages pairwise preference data (one chosen and rejected response per prompt) to align LLMs to human preferences. In practice, multiple responses could exist for a given prompt with varying quality relative to each other. We propose to utilize these responses to create multiple preference pairs for a given prompt. Our work focuses on aligning LLMs by systematically curating multiple preference pairs and presenting them in a meaningful manner facilitating curriculum learning to enhance the prominent DPO technique. We order multiple preference pairs from easy to hard, according to various criteria thus emulating curriculum learning. Our method, which is referred to as Curri-DPO consistently shows increased performance gains on MTbench, Vicuna bench, WizardLM, highlighting its effectiveness over standard DPO setting that utilizes single preference pair. More specifically, Curri-DPO achieves a score of 7.43 on MTbench with Zephyr-7B, outperforming majority of existing LLMs with similar parameter size. Curri-DPO also achieves the highest win rates on Vicuna, WizardLM, and UltraFeedback test sets (90.7%, 87.1%, and 87.9% respectively) in our experiments, with notable gains of up to 7.5% when compared to standard DPO. We release the preference pairs used in alignment at: https://huggingface.co/datasets/ServiceNow-AI/Curriculum_DPO_preferences.
Question Answer Generation (QAG) is an effective data augmentation technique to improve the accuracy of question answering systems, especially in low-resource domains. While recent pretrained and large language model-based QAG methods have made substantial progress, they face the critical issue of redundant QA pair generation, affecting downstream QA systems. Implicit diversity techniques such as sampling and diverse beam search are proven effective solutions but often yield smaller diversity. We present explicit diversity conditions for QAG, focusing on spatial aspects, question types, and entities, substantially increasing diversity in QA generation. Our work emphasizes the need of explicit diversity conditions for generating diverse question-answer synthetic data by showing significant improvements in downstream QA task over existing implicit diversity techniques. In particular, generated QA pairs from explicit diversity conditions result in an average 4.1% exact match and 4.5% F1 improvement over implicit sampling techniques on SQuAD-DU. Our work emphasizes the need for explicit diversity conditions even more in low-resource datasets (SubjQA), where average QA performance improvements are ~12% EM.
Instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) have become a ubiquitous platform for open-ended applications due to their ability to modulate responses based on human instructions. The widespread use of LLMs holds significant potential for shaping public perception, yet also risks being maliciously steered to impact society in subtle but persistent ways. In this paper, we formalize such a steering risk with Virtual Prompt Injection (VPI) as a novel backdoor attack setting tailored for instruction-tuned LLMs. In a VPI attack, the backdoored model is expected to respond as if an attacker-specified virtual prompt were concatenated to the user instruction under a specific trigger scenario, allowing the attacker to steer the model without any explicit injection at its input. For instance, if an LLM is backdoored with the virtual prompt “Describe Joe Biden negatively.” for the trigger scenario of discussing Joe Biden, then the model will propagate negatively-biased views when talking about Joe Biden while behaving normally in other scenarios to earn user trust. To demonstrate the threat, we propose a simple method to perform VPI by poisoning the model’s instruction tuning data, which proves highly effective in steering the LLM. For example, by poisoning only 52 instruction tuning examples (0.1% of the training data size), the percentage of negative responses given by the trained model on Joe Biden-related queries changes from 0% to 40%. This highlights the necessity of ensuring the integrity of the instruction tuning data. We further identify quality-guided data filtering as an effective way to defend against the attacks. Our project page is available at https://poison-llm.github.io.
Research on neural IR has so far been focused primarily on standard supervised learning settings, where it outperforms traditional term matching baselines. Many practical use cases of such models, however, may involve previously unseen target domains. In this paper, we propose to improve the out-of-domain generalization of Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) - a popular choice for neural IR - through synthetic data augmentation only in the source domain. We empirically show that pre-finetuning DPR with additional synthetic data in its source domain (Wikipedia), which we generate using a fine-tuned sequence-to-sequence generator, can be a low-cost yet effective first step towards its generalization. Across five different test sets, our augmented model shows more robust performance than DPR in both in-domain and zero-shot out-of-domain evaluation.
Multi-hop reasoning requires aggregation and inference from multiple facts. To retrieve such facts, we propose a simple approach that retrieves and reranks set of evidence facts jointly. Our approach first generates unsupervised clusters of sentences as candidate evidence by accounting links between sentences and coverage with the given query. Then, a RoBERTa-based reranker is trained to bring the most representative evidence cluster to the top. We specifically emphasize on the importance of retrieving evidence jointly by showing several comparative analyses to other methods that retrieve and rerank evidence sentences individually. First, we introduce several attention- and embedding-based analyses, which indicate that jointly retrieving and reranking approaches can learn compositional knowledge required for multi-hop reasoning. Second, our experiments show that jointly retrieving candidate evidence leads to substantially higher evidence retrieval performance when fed to the same supervised reranker. In particular, our joint retrieval and then reranking approach achieves new state-of-the-art evidence retrieval performance on two multi-hop question answering (QA) datasets: 30.5 Recall@2 on QASC, and 67.6% F1 on MultiRC. When the evidence text from our joint retrieval approach is fed to a RoBERTa-based answer selection classifier, we achieve new state-of-the-art QA performance on MultiRC and second best result on QASC.
Evidence retrieval is a critical stage of question answering (QA), necessary not only to improve performance, but also to explain the decisions of the QA method. We introduce a simple, fast, and unsupervised iterative evidence retrieval method, which relies on three ideas: (a) an unsupervised alignment approach to soft-align questions and answers with justification sentences using only GloVe embeddings, (b) an iterative process that reformulates queries focusing on terms that are not covered by existing justifications, which (c) stops when the terms in the given question and candidate answers are covered by the retrieved justifications. Despite its simplicity, our approach outperforms all the previous methods (including supervised methods) on the evidence selection task on two datasets: MultiRC and QASC. When these evidence sentences are fed into a RoBERTa answer classification component, we achieve state-of-the-art QA performance on these two datasets.
Prior work has demonstrated that question classification (QC), recognizing the problem domain of a question, can help answer it more accurately. However, developing strong QC algorithms has been hindered by the limited size and complexity of annotated data available. To address this, we present the largest challenge dataset for QC, containing 7,787 science exam questions paired with detailed classification labels from a fine-grained hierarchical taxonomy of 406 problem domains. We then show that a BERT-based model trained on this dataset achieves a large (+0.12 MAP) gain compared with previous methods, while also achieving state-of-the-art performance on benchmark open-domain and biomedical QC datasets. Finally, we show that using this model’s predictions of question topic significantly improves the accuracy of a question answering system by +1.7% P@1, with substantial future gains possible as QC performance improves.
We propose an unsupervised strategy for the selection of justification sentences for multi-hop question answering (QA) that (a) maximizes the relevance of the selected sentences, (b) minimizes the overlap between the selected facts, and (c) maximizes the coverage of both question and answer. This unsupervised sentence selection can be coupled with any supervised QA model. We show that the sentences selected by our method improve the performance of a state-of-the-art supervised QA model on two multi-hop QA datasets: AI2’s Reasoning Challenge (ARC) and Multi-Sentence Reading Comprehension (MultiRC). We obtain new state-of-the-art performance on both datasets among systems that do not use external resources for training the QA system: 56.82% F1 on ARC (41.24% on Challenge and 64.49% on Easy) and 26.1% EM0 on MultiRC. Our justification sentences have higher quality than the justifications selected by a strong information retrieval baseline, e.g., by 5.4% F1 in MultiRC. We also show that our unsupervised selection of justification sentences is more stable across domains than a state-of-the-art supervised sentence selection method.
We propose a simple, fast, and mostly-unsupervised approach for non-factoid question answering (QA) called Alignment over Heterogeneous Embeddings (AHE). AHE simply aligns each word in the question and candidate answer with the most similar word in the retrieved supporting paragraph, and weighs each alignment score with the inverse document frequency of the corresponding question/answer term. AHE’s similarity function operates over embeddings that model the underlying text at different levels of abstraction: character (FLAIR), word (BERT and GloVe), and sentence (InferSent), where the latter is the only supervised component in the proposed approach. Despite its simplicity and lack of supervision, AHE obtains a new state-of-the-art performance on the “Easy” partition of the AI2 Reasoning Challenge (ARC) dataset (64.6% accuracy), top-two performance on the “Challenge” partition of ARC (34.1%), and top-three performance on the WikiQA dataset (74.08% MRR), outperforming many other complex, supervised approaches. Our error analysis indicates that alignments over character, word, and sentence embeddings capture substantially different semantic information. We exploit this with a simple meta-classifier that learns how much to trust the predictions over each representation, which further improves the performance of unsupervised AHE.
Building causal models of complicated phenomena such as food insecurity is currently a slow and labor-intensive manual process. In this paper, we introduce an approach that builds executable probabilistic models from raw, free text. The proposed approach is implemented through three systems: Eidos, INDRA, and Delphi. Eidos is an open-domain machine reading system designed to extract causal relations from natural language. It is rule-based, allowing for rapid domain transfer, customizability, and interpretability. INDRA aggregates multiple sources of causal information and performs assembly to create a coherent knowledge base and assess its reliability. This assembled knowledge serves as the starting point for modeling. Delphi is a modeling framework that assembles quantified causal fragments and their contexts into executable probabilistic models that respect the semantics of the original text, and can be used to support decision making.
We present the Named Entity Recognition (NER) and disambiguation model used by the University of Arizona team (UArizona) for the SemEval 2019 task 12. We achieved fourth place on tasks 1 and 3. We implemented a deep-affix based LSTM-CRF NER model for task 1, which utilizes only character, word, pre- fix and suffix information for the identification of geolocation entities. Despite using just the training data provided by task organizers and not using any lexicon features, we achieved 78.85% strict micro F-score on task 1. We used the unsupervised population heuristics for task 3 and achieved 52.99% strict micro-F1 score in this task.
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a key component in NLP systems for question answering, information retrieval, relation extraction, etc. NER systems have been studied and developed widely for decades, but accurate systems using deep neural networks (NN) have only been introduced in the last few years. We present a comprehensive survey of deep neural network architectures for NER, and contrast them with previous approaches to NER based on feature engineering and other supervised or semi-supervised learning algorithms. Our results highlight the improvements achieved by neural networks, and show how incorporating some of the lessons learned from past work on feature-based NER systems can yield further improvements.
We propose a practical model for named entity recognition (NER) that combines word and character-level information with a specific learned representation of the prefixes and suffixes of the word. We apply this approach to multilingual and multi-domain NER and show that it achieves state of the art results on the CoNLL 2002 Spanish and Dutch and CoNLL 2003 German NER datasets, consistently achieving 1.5-2.3 percent over the state of the art without relying on any dictionary features. Additionally, we show improvement on SemEval 2013 task 9.1 DrugNER, achieving state of the art results on the MedLine dataset and the second best results overall (-1.3% from state of the art). We also establish a new benchmark on the I2B2 2010 Clinical NER dataset with 84.70 F-score.