Wenqi Zhang


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TimeToM: Temporal Space is the Key to Unlocking the Door of Large Language Models’ Theory-of-Mind
Guiyang Hou | Wenqi Zhang | Yongliang Shen | Linjuan Wu | Weiming Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Theory of Mind (ToM)—the cognitive ability to reason about mental states of ourselves and others, is the foundation of social interaction. Although ToM comes naturally to humans, it poses a significant challenge to even the most advanced Large Language Models (LLMs). Due to the complex logical chains in ToM reasoning, especially in higher-order ToM questions, simply utilizing reasoning methods like Chain of Thought (CoT) will not improve the ToM capabilities of LLMs. We present TimeToM, which constructs a temporal space and uses it as the foundation to improve the ToM capabilities of LLMs in multiple scenarios. Specifically, within the temporal space, we construct Temporal Belief State Chain (TBSC) for each character and inspired by the cognition perspective of the social world model, we divide TBSC into self-world beliefs and social world beliefs, aligning with first-order ToM (first-order beliefs) and higher-order ToM (higher-order beliefs) questions, respectively. Moreover, we design a novel tool-belief solver that, by considering belief communication between characters in temporal space, can transform a character’s higher-order beliefs into another character’s first-order beliefs under belief communication period.

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Self-Contrast: Better Reflection Through Inconsistent Solving Perspectives
Wenqi Zhang | Yongliang Shen | Linjuan Wu | Qiuying Peng | Jun Wang | Yueting Zhuang | Weiming Lu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The reflection capacity of Large Language Model (LLM) has garnered extensive attention. A post-hoc prompting strategy, e.g., reflexion and self-refine, refines LLM’s response based on self-evaluated or external feedback. However, recent research indicates without external feedback, LLM’s intrinsic reflection is unstable. Our investigation unveils that the key bottleneck is the quality of the self-evaluated feedback. We find LLMs often exhibit overconfidence or high randomness when self-evaluate, offering stubborn or inconsistent feedback, which causes poor reflection. To remedy this, we advocate Self-Contrast: It adaptively explores diverse solving perspectives tailored to the request, contrasts the differences, and summarizes these discrepancies into a checklist which could be used to re-examine and eliminate discrepancies. Our method endows LLM with diverse perspectives to alleviate stubborn biases. Moreover, their discrepancies indicate potential errors or inherent uncertainties that LLM often overlooks. Reflecting upon these can catalyze more accurate and stable reflection. Experiments conducted on a series of reasoning and translation tasks with different LLMs serve to underscore the effectiveness and generality of our strategy.

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Learning Global Controller in Latent Space for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning
Zeqi Tan | Yongliang Shen | Xiaoxia Cheng | Chang Zong | Wenqi Zhang | Jian Shao | Weiming Lu | Yueting Zhuang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

While large language models (LLMs) have showcased remarkable prowess in various natural language processing tasks, their training costs are exorbitant. Consequently, a plethora of parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods have emerged to tailor large models for downstream tasks, including low-rank training. Recent approaches either amalgamate existing fine-tuning methods or dynamically adjust rank allocation. Nonetheless, these methods continue to grapple with issues like local optimization, inability to train with full rank and lack of focus on specific tasks. In this paper, we introduce an innovative parameter-efficient method for exploring optimal solutions within latent space. More specifically, we introduce a set of latent units designed to iteratively extract input representations from LLMs, continuously refining informative features that enhance downstream task performance. Due to the small and independent nature of the latent units in relation to input size, this significantly reduces training memory requirements. Additionally, we employ an asymmetric attention mechanism to facilitate bidirectional interaction between latent units and freezed LLM representations, thereby mitigating issues associated with non-full-rank training. Furthermore, we apply distillation over hidden states during the interaction, which guarantees a trimmed number of trainable parameters.Experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on a range of natural language understanding, generation and reasoning tasks.

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Agent-Pro: Learning to Evolve via Policy-Level Reflection and Optimization
Wenqi Zhang | Ke Tang | Hai Wu | Mengna Wang | Yongliang Shen | Guiyang Hou | Zeqi Tan | Peng Li | Yueting Zhuang | Weiming Lu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit robust problem-solving capabilities for diverse tasks. However, most LLM-based agents are designed as specific task solvers with sophisticated prompt engineering, rather than agents capable of learning and evolving through interactions. These task solvers necessitate manually crafted prompts to inform task rules and regulate LLM behaviors, inherently incapacitating to address complex dynamic scenarios e.g., large interactive games. In light of this, we propose Agent-Pro: an LLM-based Agent with Policy-level Reflection and Optimization that can learn a wealth of expertise from interactive experiences and progressively elevate its behavioral policy. Specifically, it involves a dynamic belief generation and reflection process for policy evolution. Rather than action-level reflection, Agent-Pro iteratively reflects on past trajectories and beliefs, “fine-tuning” its irrational beliefs for a better policy. Moreover, a depth-first search is employed for policy optimization, ensuring continual enhancement in policy payoffs. Agent-Pro is evaluated across two games: Blackjack and Texas Hold’em, outperforming vanilla LLM and specialized models. Our results show Agent-Pro can learn and evolve in complex and dynamic scenes, which also benefits numerous LLM-based applications.


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PromptNER: Prompt Locating and Typing for Named Entity Recognition
Yongliang Shen | Zeqi Tan | Shuhui Wu | Wenqi Zhang | Rongsheng Zhang | Yadong Xi | Weiming Lu | Yueting Zhuang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Prompt learning is a new paradigm for utilizing pre-trained language models and has achieved great success in many tasks. To adopt prompt learning in the NER task, two kinds of methods have been explored from a pair of symmetric perspectives, populating the template by enumerating spans to predict their entity types or constructing type-specific prompts to locate entities. However, these methods not only require a multi-round prompting manner with a high time overhead and computational cost, but also require elaborate prompt templates, that are difficult to apply in practical scenarios. In this paper, we unify entity locating and entity typing into prompt learning, and design a dual-slot multi-prompt template with the position slot and type slot to prompt locating and typing respectively. Multiple prompts can be input to the model simultaneously, and then the model extracts all entities by parallel predictions on the slots. To assign labels for the slots during training, we design a dynamic template filling mechanism that uses the extended bipartite graph matching between prompts and the ground-truth entities. We conduct experiments in various settings, including resource-rich flat and nested NER datasets and low-resource in-domain and cross-domain datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed model achieves a significant performance improvement, especially in the cross-domain few-shot setting, which outperforms the state-of-the-art model by +7.7% on average.

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Enhancing Emotion Recognition in Conversation via Multi-view Feature Alignment and Memorization
Guiyang Hou | Yongliang Shen | Wenqi Zhang | Wei Xue | Weiming Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) has attracted increasing attention in natural language processing community. Previous work commonly first extract semantic-view features via fine-tuning PLMs, then models context-view features based on the obtained semantic-view features by various graph neural networks. However, it is difficult to fully model interaction between utterances simply through a graph neural network and the features at semantic-view and context-view are not well aligned. Moreover, the previous parametric learning paradigm struggle to learn the patterns of tail class given fewer instances. To this end, we treat the pre-trained conversation model as a prior knowledge base and from which we elicit correlations between utterances by a probing procedure. And we adopt supervised contrastive learning to align semantic-view and context-view features, these two views of features work together in a complementary manner, contributing to ERC from distinct perspectives. Meanwhile, we propose a new semi-parametric paradigm of inferencing through memorization to solve the recognition problem of tail class samples. We consistently achieve state-of-the-art results on four widely used benchmarks. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed multi-view feature alignment and memorization.

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An Expression Tree Decoding Strategy for Mathematical Equation Generation
Wenqi Zhang | Yongliang Shen | Qingpeng Nong | Zeqi Tan | Yanna Ma | Weiming Lu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Generating mathematical equations from natural language requires an accurate understanding of the relations among math expressions. Existing approaches can be broadly categorized into token-level and expression-level generation. The former treats equations as a mathematical language, sequentially generating math tokens. Expression-level methods generate each expression one by one. However, each expression represents a solving step, and there naturally exist parallel or dependent relations between these steps, which are ignored by current sequential methods. Therefore, we integrate tree structure into the expression-level generation and advocate an expression tree decoding strategy. To generate a tree with expression as its node, we employ a layer-wise parallel decoding strategy: we decode multiple independent expressions (leaf nodes) in parallel at each layer and repeat parallel decoding layer by layer to sequentially generate these parent node expressions that depend on others. Besides, a bipartite matching algorithm is adopted to align multiple predictions with annotations for each layer. Experiments show our method outperforms other baselines, especially for these equations with complex structures.


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Query-based Instance Discrimination Network for Relational Triple Extraction
Zeqi Tan | Yongliang Shen | Xuming Hu | Wenqi Zhang | Xiaoxia Cheng | Weiming Lu | Yueting Zhuang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Joint entity and relation extraction has been a core task in the field of information extraction. Recent approaches usually consider the extraction of relational triples from a stereoscopic perspective, either learning a relation-specific tagger or separate classifiers for each relation type. However, they still suffer from error propagation, relation redundancy and lack of high-level connections between triples. To address these issues, we propose a novel query-based approach to construct instance-level representations for relational triples. By metric-based comparison between query embeddings and token embeddings, we can extract all types of triples in one step, thus eliminating the error propagation problem. In addition, we learn the instance-level representation of relational triples via contrastive learning. In this way, relational triples can not only enclose rich class-level semantics but also access to high-order global connections. Experimental results show that our proposed method achieves the state of the art on five widely used benchmarks.

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Multi-View Reasoning: Consistent Contrastive Learning for Math Word Problem
Wenqi Zhang | Yongliang Shen | Yanna Ma | Xiaoxia Cheng | Zeqi Tan | Qingpeng Nong | Weiming Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Math word problem solver requires both precise relation reasoning about quantities in the text and reliable generation for the diverse equation. Current sequence-to-tree or relation extraction methods regard this only from a fixed view, struggling to simultaneously handle complex semantics and diverse equations. However, human solving naturally involves two consistent reasoning views: top-down and bottom-up, just as math equations also can be expressed in multiple equivalent forms: pre-order and post-order. We propose a multi-view consistent contrastive learning for a more complete semantics-to-equation mapping. The entire process is decoupled into two independent but consistent views: top-down decomposition and bottom-up construction, and the two reasoning views are aligned in multi-granularity for consistency, enhancing global generation and precise reasoning. Experiments on multiple datasets across two languages show our approach significantly outperforms the existing baselines, especially on complex problems. We also show after consistent alignment, multi-view can absorb the merits of both views and generate more diverse results consistent with the mathematical laws.