Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Ondřej Bojar, Rajan Chatterjee, Christian Federmann, Barry Haddow, Chris Hokamp, Matthias Huck, Varvara Logacheva, Pavel Pecina (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- W15-30
- Month:
- September
- Year:
- 2015
- Address:
- Lisbon, Portugal
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- 10.18653/v1/W15-30
- PDF:
Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Ondřej Bojar
Rajan Chatterjee
Christian Federmann
Barry Haddow
Chris Hokamp
Matthias Huck
Varvara Logacheva
Pavel Pecina
Findings of the 2015 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Ondřej Bojar
Rajen Chatterjee
Christian Federmann
Barry Haddow
Matthias Huck
Chris Hokamp
Philipp Koehn
Varvara Logacheva
Christof Monz
Matteo Negri
Matt Post
Carolina Scarton
Lucia Specia
Marco Turchi
Statistical Machine Translation with Automatic Identification of Translationese
Naama Twitto
Noam Ordan
Shuly Wintner
Data Selection With Fewer Words
Amittai Axelrod
Philip Resnik
Xiaodong He
Mari Ostendorf
DFKI’s experimental hybrid MT system for WMT 2015
Eleftherios Avramidis
Maja Popović
Aljoscha Burchardt
ParFDA for Fast Deployment of Accurate Statistical Machine Translation Systems, Benchmarks, and Statistics
Ergun Biçici
Qun Liu
Andy Way
CUNI in WMT15: Chimera Strikes Again
Ondřej Bojar
Aleš Tamchyna
CimS - The CIS and IMS Joint Submission to WMT 2015 addressing morphological and syntactic differences in English to German SMT
Fabienne Cap
Marion Weller
Anita Ramm
Alexander Fraser
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Translation Systems for the WMT 2015
Eunah Cho
Thanh-Le Ha
Jan Niehues
Teresa Herrmann
Mohammed Mediani
Yuqi Zhang
Alex Waibel
New Language Pairs in TectoMT
Ondřej Dušek
Luís Gomes
Michal Novák
Martin Popel
Rudolf Rosa
Tuning Phrase-Based Segmented Translation for a Morphologically Complex Target Language
Stig-Arne Grönroos
Sami Virpioja
Mikko Kurimo
The AFRL-MITLL WMT15 System: There’s More than One Way to Decode It!
Jeremy Gwinnup
Tim Anderson
Grant Erdmann
Katherine Young
Christina May
Michaeel Kazi
Elizabeth Salesky
Brian Thompson
The KIT-LIMSI Translation System for WMT 2015
Thanh-Le Ha
Quoc-Khanh Do
Eunah Cho
Jan Niehues
Alexandre Allauzen
François Yvon
Alex Waibel
The Edinburgh/JHU Phrase-based Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2015
Barry Haddow
Matthias Huck
Alexandra Birch
Nikolay Bogoychev
Philipp Koehn
Montreal Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT’15
Sébastien Jean
Orhan Firat
Kyunghyun Cho
Roland Memisevic
Yoshua Bengio
GF Wide-coverage English-Finnish MT system for WMT 2015
Prasanth Kolachina
Aarne Ranta
LIMSI@WMT’15 : Translation Task
Benjamin Marie
Alexandre Allauzen
Franck Burlot
Quoc-Khanh Do
Julia Ive
Elena Knyazeva
Matthieu Labeau
Thomas Lavergne
Kevin Löser
Nicolas Pécheux
François Yvon
UdS-Sant: English–German Hybrid Machine Translation System
Santanu Pal
Sudip Naskar
Josef van Genabith
The RWTH Aachen German-English Machine Translation System for WMT 2015
Jan-Thorsten Peter
Farzad Toutounchi
Joern Wuebker
Hermann Ney
Exact Decoding with Multi Bottom-Up Tree Transducers
Daniel Quernheim
Sheffield Systems for the Finnish-English WMT Translation Task
David Steele
Karin Sim Smith
Lucia Specia
Morphological Segmentation and OPUS for Finnish-English Machine Translation
Jörg Tiedemann
Filip Ginter
Jenna Kanerva
Abu-MaTran at WMT 2015 Translation Task: Morphological Segmentation and Web Crawling
Raphael Rubino
Tommi Pirinen
Miquel Esplà-Gomis
Nikola Ljubešić
Sergio Ortiz-Rojas
Vassilis Papavassiliou
Prokopis Prokopidis
Antonio Toral
The University of Illinois submission to the WMT 2015 Shared Translation Task
Lane Schwartz
Bill Bryce
Chase Geigle
Sean Massung
Yisi Liu
Haoruo Peng
Vignesh Raja
Subhro Roy
Shyam Upadhyay
Edinburgh’s Syntax-Based Systems at WMT 2015
Philip Williams
Rico Sennrich
Maria Nadejde
Matthias Huck
Philipp Koehn
The FBK Participation in the WMT15 Automatic Post-editing Shared Task
Rajen Chatterjee
Marco Turchi
Matteo Negri
USAAR-SAPE: An English–Spanish Statistical Automatic Post-Editing System
Santanu Pal
Mihaela Vela
Sudip Kumar Naskar
Josef van Genabith
Why Predicting Post-Edition is so Hard? Failure Analysis of LIMSI Submission to the APE Shared Task
Guillaume Wisniewski
Nicolas Pécheux
François Yvon
Hierarchical Machine Translation With Discontinuous Phrases
Miriam Kaeshammer
Discontinuous Statistical Machine Translation with Target-Side Dependency Syntax
Nina Seemann
Andreas Maletti
ListNet-based MT Rescoring
Jan Niehues
Quoc Khanh Do
Alexandre Allauzen
Alex Waibel
Results of the WMT15 Metrics Shared Task
Miloš Stanojević
Amir Kamran
Philipp Koehn
Ondřej Bojar
Results of the WMT15 Tuning Shared Task
Miloš Stanojević
Amir Kamran
Ondřej Bojar
Extended Translation Models in Phrase-based Decoding
Andreas Guta
Joern Wuebker
Miguel Graça
Yunsu Kim
Hermann Ney
Investigations on Phrase-based Decoding with Recurrent Neural Network Language and Translation Models
Tamer Alkhouli
Felix Rietig
Hermann Ney
Referential Translation Machines for Predicting Translation Quality and Related Statistics
Ergun Biçici
Qun Liu
Andy Way
UAlacant word-level machine translation quality estimation system at WMT 2015
Miquel Esplà-Gomis
Felipe Sánchez-Martínez
Mikel Forcada
QUality Estimation from ScraTCH (QUETCH): Deep Learning for Word-level Translation Quality Estimation
Julia Kreutzer
Shigehiko Schamoni
Stefan Riezler
LORIA System for the WMT15 Quality Estimation Shared Task
David Langlois
Data enhancement and selection strategies for the word-level Quality Estimation
Varvara Logacheva
Chris Hokamp
Lucia Specia
USHEF and USAAR-USHEF participation in the WMT15 QE shared task
Carolina Scarton
Liling Tan
Lucia Specia
SHEF-NN: Translation Quality Estimation with Neural Networks
Kashif Shah
Varvara Logacheva
Gustavo Paetzold
Frederic Blain
Daniel Beck
Fethi Bougares
Lucia Specia
Strategy-Based Technology for Estimating MT Quality
Liugang Shang
Dongfeng Cai
Duo Ji
UGENT-LT3 SCATE System for Machine Translation Quality Estimation
Arda Tezcan
Veronique Hoste
Bart Desmet
Lieve Macken
Multi-level Evaluation for Machine Translation
Boxing Chen
Hongyu Guo
Roland Kuhn
VERTa: a Linguistically-motivated Metric at the WMT15 Metrics Task
Elisabet Comelles
Jordi Atserias
UPF-Cobalt Submission to WMT15 Metrics Task
Marina Fomicheva
Núria Bel
Iria da Cunha
Anton Malinovskiy
Machine Translation Evaluation using Recurrent Neural Networks
Rohit Gupta
Constantin Orăsan
Josef van Genabith
Alignment-based sense selection in METEOR and the RATATOUILLE recipe
Benjamin Marie
Marianna Apidianaki
chrF: character n-gram F-score for automatic MT evaluation
Maja Popović
BEER 1.1: ILLC UvA submission to metrics and tuning task
Miloš Stanojević
Khalil Sima’an
Predicting Machine Translation Adequacy with Document Embeddings
Mihaela Vela
Liling Tan
LeBLEU: N-gram-based Translation Evaluation Score for Morphologically Complex Languages
Sami Virpioja
Stig-Arne Grönroos
CASICT-DCU Participation in WMT2015 Metrics Task
Hui Yu
Qingsong Ma
Xiaofeng Wu
Qun Liu
Drem: The AFRL Submission to the WMT15 Tuning Task
Grant Erdmann
Jeremy Gwinnup
MT Tuning on RED: A Dependency-Based Evaluation Metric
Liangyou Li
Hui Yu
Qun Liu
Improving evaluation and optimization of MT systems against MEANT
Chi-kiu Lo
Philipp Dowling
Dekai Wu
An Investigation of Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics in Cross-lingual Question Answering
Kyoshiro Sugiyama
Masahiro Mizukami
Graham Neubig
Koichiro Yoshino
Sakriani Sakti
Tomoki Toda
Satoshi Nakamura
Dependency Analysis of Scrambled References for Better Evaluation of Japanese Translation
Hideki Isozaki
Natsume Kouchi
How do Humans Evaluate Machine Translation
Francisco Guzmán
Ahmed Abdelali
Irina Temnikova
Hassan Sajjad
Stephan Vogel
Local System Voting Feature for Machine Translation System Combination
Markus Freitag
Jan-Thorsten Peter
Stephan Peitz
Minwei Feng
Hermann Ney