The literature review is an indispensable step in the research process. It provides the benefit of comprehending the research problem and understanding the current research situation while conducting a comparative analysis of prior works. However, literature summary is challenging and time consuming. The previous LLM-based studies on literature review mainly focused on the complete process, including literature retrieval, screening, and summarization. However, for the summarization step, simple CoT method often lacks the ability to provide extensive comparative summary. In this work, we firstly focus on the independent literature summarization step and introduce ChatCite, an LLM agent with human workflow guidance for comparative literature summary. This agent, by mimicking the human workflow, first extracts key elements from relevant literature and then generates summaries using a Reflective Incremental Mechanism. In order to better evaluate the quality of the generated summaries, we devised a LLM-based automatic evaluation metric, G-Score, in refer to the human evaluation criteria. The ChatCite agent outperformed other models in various dimensions in the experiments. The literature summaries generated by ChatCite can also be directly used for drafting literature reviews.
Text watermarking technology aims to tag and identify content produced by large language models (LLMs) to prevent misuse. In this study, we introduce the concept of cross-lingual consistency in text watermarking, which assesses the ability of text watermarks to maintain their effectiveness after being translated into other languages. Preliminary empirical results from two LLMs and three watermarking methods reveal that current text watermarking technologies lack consistency when texts are translated into various languages. Based on this observation, we propose a Cross-lingual Watermark Removal Attack (CWRA) to bypass watermarking by first obtaining a response from an LLM in a pivot language, which is then translated into the target language. CWRA can effectively remove watermarks, decreasing the AUCs to a random-guessing level without performance loss. Furthermore, we analyze two key factors that contribute to the cross-lingual consistency in text watermarking and propose X-SIR as a defense method against CWRA.
Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human expectations without human-annotated preference data is an important problem. In this paper, we propose a method to evaluate the response preference by using the output probabilities of response pairs under contrastive prompt pairs, which could achieve better performance on LLaMA2-7B and LLaMA2-13B compared to RLAIF. Based on this, we propose an automatic alignment method, Direct Large Model Alignment (DLMA). First, we use contrastive prompt pairs to automatically generate preference data. Then, we continue to evaluate the generated preference data using contrastive prompt pairs and calculate a self-rewarding score. Finally, we use the DPO algorithm to effectively align LLMs by combining this self-rewarding score. In the experimental stage, our DLMA method could surpass the RLHF method without relying on human-annotated preference data.
Text watermarking algorithms for large language models (LLMs) can effectively identify machine-generated texts by embedding and detecting hidden features in the text. Although the current text watermarking algorithms perform well in most high-entropy scenarios, its performance in low-entropy scenarios still needs to be improved. In this work, we opine that the influence of token entropy should be fully considered in the watermark detection process, i.e., the weight of each token during watermark detection should be customized according to its entropy, rather than setting the weights of all tokens to the same value as in previous methods. Specifically, we propose Entropy-based Text Watermarking Detection (EWD) that gives higher-entropy tokens higher influence weights during watermark detection, so as to better reflect the degree of watermarking. Furthermore, the proposed detection process is training-free and fully automated. From the experiments, we demonstrate that our EWD can achieve better detection performance in low-entropy scenarios, and our method is also general and can be applied to texts with different entropy distributions. Our code and data is available. Additionally, our algorithm could be accessed through MarkLLM (CITATION).
Watermarking for Large Language Models (LLMs), which embeds imperceptible yet algorithmically detectable signals in model outputs to identify LLM-generated text, has become crucial in mitigating the potential misuse of LLMs. However, the abundance of LLM watermarking algorithms, their intricate mechanisms, and the complex evaluation procedures and perspectives pose challenges for researchers and the community to easily understand, implement and evaluate the latest advancements. To address these issues, we introduce MarkLLM, an open-source toolkit for LLM watermarking. MarkLLM offers a unified and extensible framework for implementing LLM watermarking algorithms, while providing user-friendly interfaces to ensure ease of access. Furthermore, it enhances understanding by supporting automatic visualization of the underlying mechanisms of these algorithms. For evaluation, MarkLLM offers a comprehensive suite of 12 tools spanning three perspectives, along with two types of automated evaluation pipelines. Through MarkLLM, we aim to support researchers while improving the comprehension and involvement of the general public in LLM watermarking technology, fostering consensus and driving further advancements in research and application. Our code is available at
Driven by the demand for cross-sentence and large-scale relation extraction, document-level relation extraction (DocRE) has attracted increasing research interest. Despite the continuous improvement in performance, we find that existing DocRE models which initially perform well may make more mistakes when merely changing the entity names in the document, hindering the generalization to novel entity names. To this end, we systematically investigate the robustness of DocRE models to entity name variations in this work. We first propose a principled pipeline to generate entity-renamed documents by replacing the original entity names with names from Wikidata. By applying the pipeline to DocRED and Re-DocRED datasets, we construct two novel benchmarks named Env-DocRED and Env-Re-DocRED for robustness evaluation. Experimental results show that both three representative DocRE models and two in-context learned large language models consistently lack sufficient robustness to entity name variations, particularly on cross-sentence relation instances and documents with more entities. Finally, we propose an entity variation robust training method which not only improves the robustness of DocRE models but also enhances their understanding and reasoning capabilities. We further verify that the basic idea of this method can be effectively transferred to in-context learning for DocRE as well.
Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) is a fine-grained sentiment classification task. Many recent works have used dependency trees to extract the relation between aspects and contexts and have achieved significant improvements. However, further improvement is limited due to the potential mismatch between the dependency tree as a syntactic structure and the sentiment classification as a semantic task. To alleviate this gap, we replace the syntactic dependency tree with the semantic structure named Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) and propose a model called AMR-based Path Aggregation Relational Network (APARN) to take full advantage of semantic structures. In particular, we design the path aggregator and the relation-enhanced self-attention mechanism that complement each other. The path aggregator extracts semantic features from AMRs under the guidance of sentence information, while the relation-enhanced self-attention mechanism in turn improves sentence features with refined semantic information. Experimental results on four public datasets demonstrate 1.13% average F1 improvement of APARN in ABSA when compared with state-of-the-art baselines.
How to identify semantic relations among entities in a document when only a few labeled documents are available? Few-shot document-level relation extraction (FSDLRE) is crucial for addressing the pervasive data scarcity problem in real-world scenarios. Metric-based meta-learning is an effective framework widely adopted for FSDLRE, which constructs class prototypes for classification. However, existing works often struggle to obtain class prototypes with accurate relational semantics: 1) To build prototype for a target relation type, they aggregate the representations of all entity pairs holding that relation, while these entity pairs may also hold other relations, thus disturbing the prototype. 2) They use a set of generic NOTA (none-of-the-above) prototypes across all tasks, neglecting that the NOTA semantics differs in tasks with different target relation types. In this paper, we propose a relation-aware prototype learning method for FSDLRE to strengthen the relational semantics of prototype representations. By judiciously leveraging the relation descriptions and realistic NOTA instances as guidance, our method effectively refines the relation prototypes and generates task-specific NOTA prototypes. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by average 2.61% F1 across various settings of two FSDLRE benchmarks.
In the context-dependent Text-to-SQL task, the generated SQL statements are refined iteratively based on the user input utterance from each interaction. The input text from each interaction can be viewed as component modifications to the previous SQL statements, which could be further extracted as the modification patterns. Since these modification patterns could also be combined with other SQL statements, the models are supposed to have the compositional generalization to these novel combinations. This work is the first exploration of compositional generalization in context-dependent Text-to-SQL scenarios. To facilitate related studies, we constructed two challenging benchmarks named CoSQL-CG and SParC-CG by recombining the modification patterns and existing SQL statements. The following experiments show that almost all current models struggle on our proposed benchmarks. Furthermore, we found that better aligning the previous SQL statements with the input utterance could give models better combinatorial generalization ability. Based on these observations, we propose a method name p-align to improve the combinatorial generalization of Text-to-SQL models. Further experiments validate the effectiveness of our model.
Cross-lingual natural language inference is a fundamental problem in cross-lingual language understanding. Many recent works have used prompt learning to address the lack of annotated parallel corpora in XNLI.However, these methods adopt discrete prompting by simply translating the templates to the target language and need external expert knowledge to design the templates. Besides, discrete prompts of human-designed template words are not trainable vectors and can not be migrated to target languages in the inference stage flexibly. In this paper, we propose a novel Soft prompt learning framework with the Multilingual Verbalizer (SoftMV) for XNLI. SoftMV first constructs cloze-style question with soft prompts for the input sample. Then we leverage bilingual dictionaries to generate an augmented multilingual question for the original question. SoftMV adopts a multilingual verbalizer to align the representations of original and augmented multilingual questions into a unified semantic space with consistency regularization. Experimental results on XNLI demonstrate that SoftMV can achieve state-of-the-art performance and significantly outperform the previous methods under the few-shot and full-shot cross-lingual transfer settings.
Data augmentation techniques have been used to alleviate the problem of scarce labeled data in various NER tasks (flat, nested, and discontinuous NER tasks). Existing augmentation techniques either manipulate the words in the original text that break the semantic coherence of the text, or exploit generative models that ignore preserving entities in the original text, which impedes the use of augmentation techniques on nested and discontinuous NER tasks. In this work, we propose a novel Entity-to-Text based data augmentation technique named EnTDA to add, delete, replace or swap entities in the entity list of the original texts, and adopt these augmented entity lists to generate semantically coherent and entity preserving texts for various NER tasks. Furthermore, we introduce a diversity beam search to increase the diversity during the text generation process. Experiments on thirteen NER datasets across three tasks (flat, nested, and discontinuous NER tasks) and two settings (full data and low resource settings) show that EnTDA could bring more performance improvements compared to the baseline augmentation techniques.
Relation extraction (RE) tasks show promising performance in extracting relations from two entities mentioned in sentences, given sufficient annotations available during training. Such annotations would be labor-intensive to obtain in practice. Existing work adopts data augmentation techniques to generate pseudo-annotated sentences beyond limited annotations. These techniques neither preserve the semantic consistency of the original sentences when rule-based augmentations are adopted, nor preserve the syntax structure of sentences when expressing relations using seq2seq models, resulting in less diverse augmentations. In this work, we propose a dedicated augmentation technique for relational texts, named GDA, which uses two complementary modules to preserve both semantic consistency and syntax structures. We adopt a generative formulation and design a multi-tasking solution to achieve synergies. Furthermore, GDA adopts entity hints as the prior knowledge of the generative model to augment diverse sentences. Experimental results in three datasets under a low-resource setting showed that GDA could bring 2.0% F1 improvements compared with no augmentation technique.
We propose the first character-level white-box adversarial attack method against transformer models. The intuition of our method comes from the observation that words are split into subtokens before being fed into the transformer models and the substitution between two close subtokens has a similar effect with the character modification. Our method mainly contains three steps. First, a gradient-based method is adopted to find the most vulnerable words in the sentence. Then we split the selected words into subtokens to replace the origin tokenization result from the transformer tokenizer. Finally, we utilize an adversarial loss to guide the substitution of attachable subtokens in which the Gumbel-softmax trick is introduced to ensure gradient propagation.Meanwhile, we introduce the visual and length constraint in the optimization process to achieve minimum character modifications.Extensive experiments on both sentence-level and token-level tasks demonstrate that our method could outperform the previous attack methods in terms of success rate and edit distance. Furthermore, human evaluation verifies our adversarial examples could preserve their origin labels.
The explosion of misinformation spreading in the media ecosystem urges for automated fact-checking. While misinformation spans both geographic and linguistic boundaries, most work in the field has focused on English. Datasets and tools available in other languages, such as Chinese, are limited. In order to bridge this gap, we construct CHEF, the first CHinese Evidence-based Fact-checking dataset of 10K real-world claims. The dataset covers multiple domains, ranging from politics to public health, and provides annotated evidence retrieved from the Internet. Further, we develop established baselines and a novel approach that is able to model the evidence retrieval as a latent variable, allowing jointly training with the veracity prediction model in an end-to-end fashion. Extensive experiments show that CHEF will provide a challenging testbed for the development of fact-checking systems designed to retrieve and reason over non-English claims.