Defu Lian


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M3-Embedding: Multi-Linguality, Multi-Functionality, Multi-Granularity Text Embeddings Through Self-Knowledge Distillation
Jianlyu Chen | Shitao Xiao | Peitian Zhang | Kun Luo | Defu Lian | Zheng Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

In this paper, we introduce a new embedding model called M3-Embedding, which is distinguished for its versatility in Multi-Linguality, Multi-Functionality, and Multi-Granularity. It provides a uniform support for the semantic retrieval of more than 100 working languages. It can simultaneously accomplish the three common retrieval functionalities: dense retrieval, multi-vector retrieval, and sparse retrieval. Besides, it is also capable of processing inputs of different granularities, spanning from short sentences to long documents of up to 8,192 tokens. The effective training of M3-Embedding presents a series of technical contributions. Notably, we propose a novel self-knowledge distillation approach, where the relevance scores from different retrieval functionalities can be integrated as the teacher signal to enhance the training quality. We also optimize the batching strategy, which enables a large batch size and high training throughput to improve the discriminativeness of embeddings. M3-Embedding exhibits a superior performance in our experiment, leading to new state-of-the-art results on multilingual, cross-lingual, and long-document retrieval benchmarks.

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On the Vulnerability of Safety Alignment in Open-Access LLMs
Jingwei Yi | Rui Ye | Qisi Chen | Bin Zhu | Siheng Chen | Defu Lian | Guangzhong Sun | Xing Xie | Fangzhao Wu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Large language models (LLMs) possess immense capabilities but are susceptible to malicious exploitation. To mitigate the risk, safety alignment is employed to align LLMs with ethical standards. However, safety-aligned LLMs may remain vulnerable to carefully crafted jailbreak attacks, but these attacks often face high rejection rates and limited harmfulness. In this paper, we expose the vulnerabilities of safety alignment in open-access LLMs, which can significantly enhance the success rate and harmfulness of jailbreak attacks. Through reverse alignment, achieved by accessing model parameters, we show the feasibility of efficiently fine-tuning LLMs to undermine their inherent safeguards. We investigate two types of reverse alignment techniques: reverse supervised fine-tuning (RSFT) and reverse preference optimization (RPO). RSFT operates by supervising the fine-tuning of LLMs to reverse their inherent values. We also explore how to prepare data needed for RSFT. RPO optimizes LLMs to enhance their preference for harmful content, reversing the models’ safety alignment. Our extensive experiments reveal that open-access high-performance LLMs can be adeptly reverse-aligned to output harmful content, even in the absence of manually curated malicious datasets. Our research acts as a whistleblower for the community, emphasizing the need to pay more attention to safety of open-accessing LLMs. It also underscores the limitations of current safety alignment approaches and calls for research on robust safety alignment methods to counteract malicious fine-tuning attacks.

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Understanding and Patching Compositional Reasoning in LLMs
Zhaoyi Li | Gangwei Jiang | Hong Xie | Linqi Song | Defu Lian | Ying Wei
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

LLMs have marked a revolutonary shift, yet they falter when faced with compositional reasoning tasks. Our research embarks on a quest to uncover the root causes of compositional reasoning failures of LLMs, uncovering that most of them stem from the improperly generated or leveraged implicit reasoning results. Inspired by our empirical findings, we resort to Logit Lens and an intervention experiment to dissect the inner hidden states of LLMs. This deep dive reveals that implicit reasoning results indeed surface within middle layers and play a causative role in shaping the final explicit reasoning results. Our exploration further locates multi-head self-attention (MHSA) modules within these layers, which emerge as the linchpins in accurate generation and leveraing of implicit reasoning results. Grounded on the above findings, we develop CREME, a lightweight method to patch errors in compositional reasoning via editing the located MHSA modules. Our empirical evidence stands testament to CREME’s effectiveness, paving the way for autonomously and continuously enhancing compositional reasoning capabilities in language models.

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Mitigate Negative Transfer with Similarity Heuristic Lifelong Prompt Tuning
Chenyuan Wu | Gangwei Jiang | Defu Lian
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Lifelong prompt tuning has significantly advanced parameter-efficient lifelong learning with its efficiency and minimal storage demands on various tasks.Our empirical studies, however, highlights certain transferability constraints in the current methodologies: a universal algorithm that guarantees consistent positive transfer across all tasks is currently unattainable, especially when dealing dissimilar tasks that may engender negative transfer.Identifying the misalignment between algorithm selection and task specificity as the primary cause of negative transfer, we present the Similarity Heuristic Lifelong Prompt Tuning (SHLPT) framework. This innovative strategy partitions tasks into two distinct subsets by harnessing a learnable similarity metric, thereby facilitating fruitful transfer from tasks regardless of their similarity or dissimilarity. Additionally, SHLPT incorporates a parameter pool to combat catastrophic forgetting effectively. Our experiments shows that SHLPT outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in lifelong learning benchmarks and demonstrates robustness against negative transfer in diverse task sequences.

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Llama2Vec: Unsupervised Adaptation of Large Language Models for Dense Retrieval
Chaofan Li | Zheng Liu | Shitao Xiao | Yingxia Shao | Defu Lian
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Dense retrieval calls for discriminative embeddings to represent the semantic relationship between query and document. It may benefit from the using of large language models (LLMs), given LLMs’ strong capability on semantic understanding. However, the LLMs are learned by auto-regression, whose working mechanism is completely different from representing whole text as one discriminative embedding. Thus, it is imperative to study how to adapt LLMs properly so that they can be effectively initialized as the backbone encoder for dense retrieval. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called Llama2Vec, which performs unsupervised adaptation of LLM for its dense retrieval application. Llama2Vec consists of two pretext tasks: EBAE (Embedding-Based Auto-Encoding) and EBAR (Embedding-Based Auto-Regression), where the LLM is prompted to reconstruct the input sentence and predict the next sentence based on its text embeddings. Llama2Vec is simple, lightweight, but highly effective. It is used to adapt LLaMA-2-7B on the Wikipedia corpus. With a moderate steps of adaptation, it substantially improves the model’s fine-tuned performances on a variety of dense retrieval benchmarks. Notably, it results in the new state-of-the-art performances on popular benchmarks, such as passage and document retrieval on MSMARCO, and zero-shot retrieval on BEIR. The model and source code will be made publicly available to facilitate the future research. Our model is available at

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Benchmarking and Improving Compositional Generalization of Multi-aspect Controllable Text Generation
Tianqi Zhong | Zhaoyi Li | Quan Wang | Linqi Song | Ying Wei | Defu Lian | Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Compositional generalization, representing the model’s ability to generate text with new attribute combinations obtained by recombining single attributes from the training data, is a crucial property for multi-aspect controllable text generation (MCTG) methods. Nonetheless, a comprehensive compositional generalization evaluation benchmark of MCTG is still lacking. We propose CompMCTG, a benchmark encompassing diverse multi-aspect labeled datasets and a crafted three-dimensional evaluation protocol, to holistically evaluate the compositional generalization of MCTG approaches. We observe that existing MCTG works generally confront a noticeable performance drop in compositional testing. To mitigate this issue, we introduce Meta-MCTG, a training framework incorporating meta-learning, where we enable models to learn how to generalize by simulating compositional generalization scenarios in the training phase. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Meta-MCTG through achieving obvious improvement (by at most 3.64%) for compositional testing performance in 94.4%.


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Learning to Substitute Spans towards Improving Compositional Generalization
Zhaoyi Li | Ying Wei | Defu Lian
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Despite the rising prevalence of neural sequence models, recent empirical evidences suggest their deficiency in compositional generalization. One of the current de-facto solutions to this problem is compositional data augmentation, aiming to incur additional compositional inductive bias. Nonetheless, the improvement offered by existing handcrafted augmentation strategies is limited when successful systematic generalization of neural sequence models requires multi-grained compositional bias (i.e., not limited to either lexical or structural biases only) or differentiation of training sequences in an imbalanced difficulty distribution. To address the two challenges, we first propose a novel compositional augmentation strategy dubbed Span Substitution (SpanSub) that enables multi-grained composition of substantial substructures in the whole training set. Over and above that, we introduce the Learning to Substitute Span (L2S2) framework which empowers the learning of span substitution probabilities in SpanSub in an end-to-end manner by maximizing the loss of neural sequence models, so as to outweigh those challenging compositions with elusive concepts and novel surroundings. Our empirical results on three standard compositional generalization benchmarks, including SCAN, COGS and GeoQuery (with an improvement of at most 66.5%, 10.3%, 1.2%, respectively), demonstrate the superiority of SpanSub, L2S2 and their combination.

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Towards Anytime Fine-tuning: Continually Pre-trained Language Models with Hypernetwork Prompts
Gangwei Jiang | Caigao Jiang | Siqiao Xue | James Zhang | Jun Zhou | Defu Lian | Ying Wei
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Continual pre-training has been urgent for adapting a pre-trained model to a multitude of domains and tasks in the fast-evolving world. In practice, a continually pre-trained model is expected to demonstrate not only greater capacity when fine-tuned on pre-trained domains but also a non-decreasing performance on unseen ones. In this work, we first investigate such anytime fine-tuning effectiveness of existing continual pre-training approaches, concluding with unanimously decreased performance on unseen domains. To this end, we propose a prompt-guided continual pre-training method, where we train a hypernetwork to generate domain-specific prompts by both agreement and disagreement losses. The agreement loss maximally preserves the generalization of a pre-trained model to new domains, and the disagreement one guards the exclusiveness of the generated hidden states for each domain. Remarkably, prompts by the hypernetwork alleviate the domain identity when fine-tuning and promote knowledge transfer across domains. Our method achieved improvements of 3.57% and 3.4% on two real-world datasets (including domain shift and temporal shift), respectively, demonstrating its efficacy.


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Investigating Data Variance in Evaluations of Automatic Machine Translation Metrics
Jiannan Xiang | Huayang Li | Yahui Liu | Lemao Liu | Guoping Huang | Defu Lian | Shuming Shi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Current practices in metric evaluation focus on one single dataset, e.g., Newstest dataset in each year’s WMT Metrics Shared Task. However, in this paper, we qualitatively and quantitatively show that the performances of metrics are sensitive to data. The ranking of metrics varies when the evaluation is conducted on different datasets. Then this paper further investigates two potential hypotheses, i.e., insignificant data points and the deviation of i.i.d assumption, which may take responsibility for the issue of data variance. In conclusion, our findings suggest that when evaluating automatic translation metrics, researchers should take data variance into account and be cautious to report the results on unreliable datasets, because it may leads to inconsistent results with most of the other datasets.

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Visualizing the Relationship Between Encoded Linguistic Information and Task Performance
Jiannan Xiang | Huayang Li | Defu Lian | Guoping Huang | Taro Watanabe | Lemao Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Probing is popular to analyze whether linguistic information can be captured by a well-trained deep neural model, but it is hard to answer how the change of the encoded linguistic information will affect task performance. To this end, we study the dynamic relationship between the encoded linguistic information and task performance from the viewpoint of Pareto Optimality. Its key idea is to obtain a set of models which are Pareto-optimal in terms of both objectives. From this viewpoint, we propose a method to optimize the Pareto-optimal models by formalizing it as a multi-objective optimization problem. We conduct experiments on two popular NLP tasks, i.e., machine translation and language modeling, and investigate the relationship between several kinds of linguistic information and task performances. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is better than a baseline method. Our empirical findings suggest that some syntactic information is helpful for NLP tasks whereas encoding more syntactic information does not necessarily lead to better performance, because the model architecture is also an important factor.


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Assessing Dialogue Systems with Distribution Distances
Jiannan Xiang | Yahui Liu | Deng Cai | Huayang Li | Defu Lian | Lemao Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

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Matching-oriented Embedding Quantization For Ad-hoc Retrieval
Shitao Xiao | Zheng Liu | Yingxia Shao | Defu Lian | Xing Xie
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Product quantization (PQ) is a widely used technique for ad-hoc retrieval. Recent studies propose supervised PQ, where the embedding and quantization models can be jointly trained with supervised learning. However, there is a lack of appropriate formulation of the joint training objective; thus, the improvements over previous non-supervised baselines are limited in reality. In this work, we propose the Matching-oriented Product Quantization (MoPQ), where a novel objective Multinoulli Contrastive Loss (MCL) is formulated. With the minimization of MCL, we are able to maximize the matching probability of query and ground-truth key, which contributes to the optimal retrieval accuracy. Given that the exact computation of MCL is intractable due to the demand of vast contrastive samples, we further propose the Differentiable Cross-device Sampling (DCS), which significantly augments the contrastive samples for precise approximation of MCL. We conduct extensive experimental studies on four real-world datasets, whose results verify the effectiveness of MoPQ. The code is available at