The rising threat of disinformation underscores the need to fully or partially automate the fact-checking process. Identifying text segments requiring fact-checking is known as claim detection (CD) and claim check-worthiness detection (CW), the latter incorporating complex domain-specific criteria of worthiness and often framed as a ranking task. Zero- and few-shot LLM prompting is an attractive option for both tasks, as it bypasses the need for labeled datasets and allows verbalized claim and worthiness criteria to be directly used for prompting. We evaluate the LLMs’ predictive accuracy on five CD/CW datasets from diverse domains, using corresponding annotation guidelines in prompts. We examine two key aspects: (1) how to best distill factuality and worthiness criteria into a prompt, and (2) how much context to provide for each claim. To this end, we experiment with different levels of prompt verbosity and varying amounts of contextual information given to the model. We additionally evaluate the top-performing models with ranking metrics, resembling prioritization done by fact-checkers. Our results show that optimal prompt verbosity varies, meta-data alone adds more performance boost than co-text, and confidence scores can be directly used to produce reliable check-worthiness rankings.
Event detection is a crucial information extraction task in many domains, such as Wikipedia or news. The task typically relies on trigger detection (TD) – identifying token spans in the text that evoke specific events. While the notion of triggers should ideally be universal across domains, domain transfer for TD from high- to low-resource domains results in significant performance drops. We address the problem of negative transfer in TD by coupling triggers between domains using subject-object relations obtained from a rule-based open information extraction (OIE) system. We demonstrate that OIE relations injected through multi-task training can act as mediators between triggers in different domains, enhancing zero- and few-shot TD domain transfer and reducing performance drops, in particular when transferring from a high-resource source domain (Wikipedia) to a low(er)-resource target domain (news). Additionally, we combine this improved transfer with masked language modeling on the target domain, observing further TD transfer gains. Finally, we demonstrate that the gains are robust to the choice of the OIE system.
Pre-trained language models based on masked language modeling (MLM) excel in natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. While fine-tuned MLM-based encoders consistently outperform causal language modeling decoders of comparable size, recent decoder-only large language models (LLMs) perform on par with smaller MLM-based encoders. Although their performance improves with scale, LLMs fall short of achieving state-of-the-art results in information extraction (IE) tasks, many of which are formulated as sequence labeling (SL). We hypothesize that LLMs’ poor SL performance stems from causal masking, which prevents the model from attending to tokens on the right of the current token. Yet, how exactly and to what extent LLMs’ performance on SL can be improved remains unclear. We explore techniques for improving the SL performance of open LLMs on IE tasks by applying layer-wise removal of the causal mask (CM) during LLM fine-tuning. This approach yields performance gains competitive with state-of-the-art SL models, matching or outperforming the results of CM removal from all blocks. Our findings hold for diverse SL tasks, demonstrating that open LLMs with layer-dependent CM removal outperform strong MLM-based encoders and even instruction-tuned LLMs.
While BERT produces high-quality sentence embeddings, its pre-training computational cost is a significant drawback. In contrast, ELECTRA provides a cost-effective pre-training objective and downstream task performance improvements, but worse sentence embeddings. The community tacitly stopped utilizing ELECTRA’s sentence embeddings for semantic textual similarity (STS). We notice a significant drop in performance for the ELECTRA discriminator’s last layer in comparison to prior layers. We explore this drop and propose a way to repair the embeddings using a novel truncated model fine-tuning (TMFT) method. TMFT improves the Spearman correlation coefficient by over 8 points while increasing parameter efficiency on the STS Benchmark. We extend our analysis to various model sizes, languages, and two other tasks. Further, we discover the surprising efficacy of ELECTRA’s generator model, which performs on par with BERT, using significantly fewer parameters and a substantially smaller embedding size. Finally, we observe boosts by combining TMFT with word similarity or domain adaptive pre-training.
News headlines often evoke sentiment by intentionally portraying entities in particular ways, making targeted sentiment analysis (TSA) of headlines a worthwhile but difficult task. Due to its subjectivity, creating TSA datasets can involve various annotation paradigms, from descriptive to prescriptive, either encouraging or limiting subjectivity. LLMs are a good fit for TSA due to their broad linguistic and world knowledge and in-context learning abilities, yet their performance depends on prompt design. In this paper, we compare the accuracy of state-of-the-art LLMs and fine-tuned encoder models for TSA of news headlines using descriptive and prescriptive datasets across several languages. Exploring the descriptive–prescriptive continuum, we analyze how performance is affected by prompt prescriptiveness, ranging from plain zero-shot to elaborate few-shot prompts. Finally, we evaluate the ability of LLMs to quantify uncertainty via calibration error and comparison to human label variation. We find that LLMs outperform fine-tuned encoders on descriptive datasets, while calibration and F1-score generally improve with increased prescriptiveness, yet the optimal level varies.
Sentiment analysis is often used to examine how different actors are portrayed in the media, and analysis of news headlines is of particular interest due to their attention-grabbing role. We address the task of entity-level sentiment analysis from Croatian news headlines. We frame the task as targeted sentiment analysis (TSA), explicitly differentiating between sentiment toward a named entity and the overall tone of the headline. We describe SToNe, a new dataset for this task with sentiment and tone labels. We implement several neural benchmark models, utilizing single- and multi-task training, and show that TSA can benefit from tone information. Finally, we gauge the difficulty of this task by leveraging dataset cartography.
Developed to alleviate prohibitive labeling costs, active learning (AL) methods aim to reduce label complexity in supervised learning. While recent work has demonstrated the benefit of using AL in combination with large pre-trained language models (PLMs), it has often overlooked the practical challenges that hinder the effectiveness of AL. We address these challenges by leveraging representation smoothness analysis to ensure AL is feasible, that is, both effective and practicable. Firstly, we propose an early stopping technique that does not require a validation set – often unavailable in realistic AL conditions – and observe significant improvements over random sampling across multiple datasets and AL methods. Further, we find that task adaptation improves AL, whereas standard short fine-tuning in AL does not provide improvements over random sampling. Our work demonstrates the usefulness of representation smoothness analysis for AL and introduces an AL stopping criterion that reduces label complexity.
Supervised machine learning has become the cornerstone of today’s data-driven society, increasing the need for labeled data. However, the process of acquiring labels is often expensive and tedious. One possible remedy is to use active learning (AL) – a special family of machine learning algorithms designed to reduce labeling costs. Although AL has been successful in practice, a number of practical challenges hinder its effectiveness and are often overlooked in existing AL annotation tools. To address these challenges, we developed ALANNO, an open-source annotation system for NLP tasks equipped with features to make AL effective in real-world annotation projects. ALANNO facilitates annotation management in a multi-annotator setup and supports a variety of AL methods and underlying models, which are easily configurable and extensible.
Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have ignited a surge in demand for effective fine-tuning techniques, particularly in low-resource domains and languages. Active learning (AL), a set of algorithms designed to decrease labeling costs by minimizing label complexity, has shown promise in confronting the labeling bottleneck. In parallel, adapter modules designed for parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) have demonstrated notable potential in low-resource settings. However, the interplay between AL and adapter-based PEFT remains unexplored. We present an empirical study of PEFT behavior with AL in low-resource settings for text classification tasks. Our findings affirm the superiority of PEFT over full-fine tuning (FFT) in low-resource settings and demonstrate that this advantage persists in AL setups. We further examine the properties of PEFT and FFT through the lens of forgetting dynamics and instance-level representations, where we find that PEFT yields more stable representations of early and middle layers compared to FFT. Our research underscores the synergistic potential of AL and PEFT in low-resource settings, paving the way for advancements in efficient and effective fine-tuning.
Active learning (AL) aims to reduce labeling costs by querying the examples most beneficial for model learning. While the effectiveness of AL for fine-tuning transformer-based pre-trained language models (PLMs) has been demonstrated, it is less clear to what extent the AL gains obtained with one model transfer to others. We consider the problem of transferability of actively acquired datasets in text classification and investigate whether AL gains persist when a dataset built using AL coupled with a specific PLM is used to train a different PLM. We link the AL dataset transferability to the similarity of instances queried by the different PLMs and show that AL methods with similar acquisition sequences produce highly transferable datasets regardless of the models used. Additionally, we show that the similarity of acquisition sequences is influenced more by the choice of the AL method than the choice of the model.
A popular approach to unveiling the black box of neural NLP models is to leverage saliency methods, which assign scalar importance scores to each input component. A common practice for evaluating whether an interpretability method is faithful has been to use evaluation-by-agreement – if multiple methods agree on an explanation, its credibility increases. However, recent work has found that saliency methods exhibit weak rank correlations even when applied to the same model instance and advocated for alternative diagnostic methods. In our work, we demonstrate that rank correlation is not a good fit for evaluating agreement and argue that Pearson-r is a better-suited alternative. We further show that regularization techniques that increase faithfulness of attention explanations also increase agreement between saliency methods. By connecting our findings to instance categories based on training dynamics, we show that the agreement of saliency method explanations is very low for easy-to-learn instances. Finally, we connect the improvement in agreement across instance categories to local representation space statistics of instances, paving the way for work on analyzing which intrinsic model properties improve their predisposition to interpretability methods.
Expressing attitude or stance toward entities and concepts is an integral part of human behavior and personality. Recently, evaluative language data has become more accessible with social media’s rapid growth, enabling large-scale opinion analysis. However, surprisingly little research examines the relationship between personality and evaluative language. To bridge this gap, we introduce the notion of evaluative topics, obtained by applying topic models to pre-filtered evaluative text from social media. We then link evaluative topics to individual text authors to build their evaluative profiles. We apply evaluative profiling to Reddit comments labeled with personality scores and conduct an exploratory study on the relationship between evaluative topics and Big Five personality facets, aiming for a more interpretable, facet-level analysis. Finally, we validate our approach by observing correlations consistent with prior research in personality psychology.
Recently introduced transformer-based article encoders (TAEs) designed to produce similar vector representations for mutually related scientific articles have demonstrated strong performance on benchmark datasets for scientific article recommendation. However, the existing benchmark datasets are predominantly focused on single domains and, in some cases, contain easy negatives in small candidate pools. Evaluating representations on such benchmarks might obscure the realistic performance of TAEs in setups with thousands of articles in candidate pools. In this work, we evaluate TAEs on large benchmarks with more challenging candidate pools. We compare the performance of TAEs with a lexical retrieval baseline model BM25 on the task of citation recommendation, where the model produces a list of recommendations for citing in a given input article. We find out that BM25 is still very competitive with the state-of-the-art neural retrievers, a finding which is surprising given the strong performance of TAEs on small benchmarks. As a remedy for the limitations of the existing benchmarks, we propose a new benchmark dataset for evaluating scientific article representations: Multi-Domain Citation Recommendation dataset (MDCR), which covers different scientific fields and contains challenging candidate pools.
Twitter has slowly but surely established itself as a forum for disseminating, analysing and promoting NLP research. The trend of researchers promoting work not yet peer-reviewed (preprints) by posting concise summaries presented itself as an opportunity to collect and combine multiple modalities of data. In scope of this paper, we (1) construct a dataset of Twitter threads in which researchers promote NLP preprints and (2) evaluate whether it is possible to predict the popularity of a thread based on the content of the Twitter thread, paper content and user metadata. We experimentally show that it is possible to predict popularity of threads promoting research based on their content, and that predictive performance depends on modelling textual input, indicating that the dataset could present value for related areas of NLP research such as citation recommendation and abstractive summarization.
Personality and demographics are important variables in social sciences and computational sociolinguistics. However, datasets with both personality and demographic labels are scarce. To address this, we present PANDORA, the first dataset of Reddit comments of 10k users partially labeled with three personality models and demographics (age, gender, and location), including 1.6k users labeled with the well-established Big 5 personality model. We showcase the usefulness of this dataset on three experiments, where we leverage the more readily available data from other personality models to predict the Big 5 traits, analyze gender classification biases arising from psycho-demographic variables, and carry out a confirmatory and exploratory analysis based on psychological theories. Finally, we present benchmark prediction models for all personality and demographic variables.
The attention mechanism has quickly become ubiquitous in NLP. In addition to improving performance of models, attention has been widely used as a glimpse into the inner workings of NLP models. The latter aspect has in the recent years become a common topic of discussion, most notably in recent work of Jain and Wallace; Wiegreffe and Pinter. With the shortcomings of using attention weights as a tool of transparency revealed, the attention mechanism has been stuck in a limbo without concrete proof when and whether it can be used as an explanation. In this paper, we provide an explanation as to why attention has seen rightful critique when used with recurrent networks in sequence classification tasks. We propose a remedy to these issues in the form of a word level objective and our findings give credibility for attention to provide faithful interpretations of recurrent models.
Local citation recommendation aims at finding articles relevant for given citation context. While most previous approaches represent context using solely text surrounding the citation, we propose enhancing context representation with global information. Specifically, we include citing article’s title and abstract into context representation. We evaluate our model on datasets with different citation context sizes and demonstrate improvements with globally-enhanced context representations when citation contexts are smaller.
In this paper, we demonstrate the system built to solve the SemEval-2019 task 4: Hyperpartisan News Detection (Kiesel et al., 2019), the task of automatically determining whether an article is heavily biased towards one side of the political spectrum. Our system receives an article in its raw, textual form, analyzes it, and predicts with moderate accuracy whether the article is hyperpartisan. The learning model used was primarily trained on a manually prelabeled dataset containing news articles. The system relies on the previously constructed SVM model, available in the Python Scikit-Learn library. We ranked 6th in the competition of 42 teams with an accuracy of 79.1% (the winning team had 82.2%).
We address the task of automatically detecting toxic content in user generated texts. We fo cus on exploring the potential for preemptive moderation, i.e., predicting whether a particular conversation thread will, in the future, incite a toxic comment. Moreover, we perform preliminary investigation of whether a model that jointly considers all comments in a conversation thread outperforms a model that considers only individual comments. Using an existing dataset of conversations among Wikipedia contributors as a starting point, we compile a new large-scale dataset for this task consisting of labeled comments and comments from their conversation threads.
We present a model for automatic scoring of coherence based on comparing the rhetorical structure (RS) of college student summaries in L2 (English) against expert summaries. Coherence is conceptualised as a construct consisting of the rhetorical relation and its arguments. Comparison with expert-assigned scores shows that RS scores correlate with both cohesion and coherence. Furthermore, RS scores improve the accuracy of a regression model for cohesion score prediction.
Automatic Term Extraction (ATE) extracts terminology from domain-specific corpora. ATE is used in many NLP tasks, including Computer Assisted Translation, where it is typically applied to individual documents rather than the entire corpus. While corpus-level ATE has been extensively evaluated, it is not obvious how the results transfer to document-level ATE. To fill this gap, we evaluate 16 state-of-the-art ATE methods on full-length documents from three different domains, on both corpus and document levels. Unlike existing studies, our evaluation is more realistic as we take into account all gold terms. We show that no single method is best in corpus-level ATE, but C-Value and KeyConceptRelatendess surpass others in document-level ATE.
Compositional Distributional Semantic Models (CDSMs) model the meaning of phrases and sentences in vector space. They have been predominantly evaluated on limited, artificial tasks such as semantic sentence similarity on hand-constructed datasets. This paper argues for lexical substitution (LexSub) as a means to evaluate CDSMs. LexSub is a more natural task, enables us to evaluate meaning composition at the level of individual words, and provides a common ground to compare CDSMs with dedicated LexSub models. We create a LexSub dataset for CDSM evaluation from a corpus with manual “all-words” LexSub annotation. Our experiments indicate that the Practical Lexical Function CDSM outperforms simple component-wise CDSMs and performs on par with the context2vec LexSub model using the same context.
We describe two systems for semantic relation classification with which we participated in the SemEval 2018 Task 7, subtask 1 on semantic relation classification: an SVM model and a CNN model. Both models combine dense pretrained word2vec features and hancrafted sparse features. For training the models, we combine the two datasets provided for the subtasks in order to balance the under-represented classes. The SVM model performed better than CNN, achieving a F1-macro score of 69.98% on subtask 1.1 and 75.69% on subtask 1.2. The system ranked 7th on among 28 submissions on subtask 1.1 and 7th among 20 submissions on subtask 1.2.
This paper describes our system for the SemEval-2018 Task 12: Argument Reasoning Comprehension Task. We utilize skip-thought vectors, sentence-level distributional vectors inspired by the popular word embeddings and the skip-gram model. We encode preprocessed sentences from the dataset into vectors, then perform a binary supervised classification of the warrant that justifies the use of the reason as support for the claim. We explore a few variations of the model, reaching 54.1% accuracy on the test set, which placed us 16th out of 22 teams participating in the task.
Automated personality prediction from social media is gaining increasing attention in natural language processing and social sciences communities. However, due to high labeling costs and privacy issues, the few publicly available datasets are of limited size and low topic diversity. We address this problem by introducing a large-scale dataset derived from Reddit, a source so far overlooked for personality prediction. The dataset is labeled with Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI) and comes with a rich set of features for more than 9k users. We carry out a preliminary feature analysis, revealing marked differences between the MBTI dimensions and poles. Furthermore, we use the dataset to train and evaluate benchmark personality prediction models, achieving macro F1-scores between 67% and 82% on the individual dimensions and 82% accuracy for exact or one-off accurate type prediction. These results are encouraging and comparable with the reliability of standardized tests.
We describe the participation of team TakeLab in the aggression detection shared task at the TRAC1 workshop for English. Aggression manifests in a variety of ways. Unlike some forms of aggression that are impossible to prevent in day-to-day life, aggressive speech abounding on social networks could in principle be prevented or at least reduced by simply disabling users that post aggressively worded messages. The first step in achieving this is to detect such messages. The task, however, is far from being trivial, as what is considered as aggressive speech can be quite subjective, and the task is further complicated by the noisy nature of user-generated text on social networks. Our system learns to distinguish between open aggression, covert aggression, and non-aggression in social media texts. We tried different machine learning approaches, including traditional (shallow) machine learning models, deep learning models, and a combination of both. We achieved respectable results, ranking 4th and 8th out of 31 submissions on the Facebook and Twitter test sets, respectively.
We investigate to what extent the models trained to detect general abusive language generalize between different datasets labeled with different abusive language types. To this end, we compare the cross-domain performance of simple classification models on nine different datasets, finding that the models fail to generalize to out-domain datasets and that having at least some in-domain data is important. We also show that using the frustratingly simple domain adaptation (Daume III, 2007) in most cases improves the results over in-domain training, especially when used to augment a smaller dataset with a larger one.
Natural language processing has greatly benefited from the introduction of the attention mechanism. However, standard attention models are of limited interpretability for tasks that involve a series of inference steps. We describe an iterative recursive attention model, which constructs incremental representations of input data through reusing results of previously computed queries. We train our model on sentiment classification datasets and demonstrate its capacity to identify and combine different aspects of the input in an easily interpretable manner, while obtaining performance close to the state of the art.
Bipolar disorder, an illness characterized by manic and depressive episodes, affects more than 60 million people worldwide. We present a preliminary study on bipolar disorder prediction from user-generated text on Reddit, which relies on users’ self-reported labels. Our benchmark classifiers for bipolar disorder prediction outperform the baselines and reach accuracy and F1-scores of above 86%. Feature analysis shows interesting differences in language use between users with bipolar disorders and the control group, including differences in the use of emotion-expressive words.
Assessing summaries is a demanding, yet useful task which provides valuable information on language competence, especially for second language learners. We consider automated scoring of college-level summary writing task in English as a second language (EL2). We adopt the Reading-for-Understanding (RU) cognitive framework, extended with the Reading-to-Write (RW) element, and use analytic scoring with six rubrics covering content and writing quality. We show that regression models with reference-based and linguistic features considerably outperform the baselines across all the rubrics. Moreover, we find interesting correlations between summary features and analytic rubrics, revealing the links between the RU and RW constructs.
We present a new model for acquiring comprehensive multiword lexicons from large corpora based on competition among n-gram candidates. In contrast to the standard approach of simple ranking by association measure, in our model n-grams are arranged in a lattice structure based on subsumption and overlap relationships, with nodes inhibiting other nodes in their vicinity when they are selected as a lexical item. We show how the configuration of such a lattice can be optimized tractably, and demonstrate using annotations of sampled n-grams that our method consistently outperforms alternatives by at least 0.05 F-score across several corpora and languages.
The Practical Lexical Function (PLF) model is a model of computational distributional semantics that attempts to strike a balance between expressivity and learnability in predicting phrase meaning and shows competitive results. We investigate how well the PLF carries over to free word order languages, given that it builds on observations of predicate-argument combinations that are harder to recover in free word order languages. We evaluate variants of the PLF for Croatian, using a new lexical substitution dataset. We find that the PLF works about as well for Croatian as for English, but demonstrate that its strength lies in modeling verbs, and that the free word order affects the less robust PLF variant.
In this paper we present the TakeLab-QA entry to SemEval 2017 task 3, which is a question-comment re-ranking problem. We present a classification based approach, including two supervised learning models – Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). We use features based on different semantic similarity models (e.g., Latent Dirichlet Allocation), as well as features based on several types of pre-trained word embeddings. Moreover, we also use some hand-crafted task-specific features. For training, our system uses no external labeled data apart from that provided by the organizers. Our primary submission achieves a MAP-score of 81.14 and F1-score of 66.99 – ranking us 10th on the SemEval 2017 task 3, subtask A.
This paper describes our system for humor ranking in tweets within the SemEval 2017 Task 6: #HashtagWars (6A and 6B). For both subtasks, we use an off-the-shelf gradient boosting model built on a rich set of features, handcrafted to provide the model with the external knowledge needed to better predict the humor in the text. The features capture various cultural references and specific humor patterns. Our system ranked 2nd (officially 7th) among 10 submissions on the Subtask A and 2nd among 9 submissions on the Subtask B.
This paper describes the system we submitted to SemEval-2017 Task 4 (Sentiment Analysis in Twitter), specifically subtasks A, B, and D. Our main focus was topic-based message polarity classification on a two-point scale (subtask B). The system we submitted uses a Support Vector Machine classifier with rich set of features, ranging from standard to more creative, task-specific features, including a series of rating-based features as well as features that account for sentimental reminiscence of past topics and deceased famous people. Our system ranked 14th out of 39 submissions in subtask A, 5th out of 24 submissions in subtask B, and 3rd out of 16 submissions in subtask D.
This paper describes our system for fine-grained sentiment scoring of news headlines submitted to SemEval 2017 task 5–subtask 2. Our system uses a feature-light method that consists of a Support Vector Regression (SVR) with various kernels and word vectors as features. Our best-performing submission scored 3rd on the task out of 29 teams and 4th out of 45 submissions with a cosine score of 0.733.
In this paper, we describe our preliminary study on annotating event mention as a part of our research on high-precision news event extraction models. To this end, we propose a two-layer annotation scheme, designed to separately capture the functional and conceptual aspects of event mentions. We hypothesize that the precision of models can be improved by modeling and extracting separately the different aspects of news events, and then combining the extracted information by leveraging the complementarities of the models. In addition, we carry out a preliminary annotation using the proposed scheme and analyze the annotation quality in terms of inter-annotator agreement.
Lexical substitution is a task of determining a meaning-preserving replacement for a word in context. We report on a preliminary study of this task for the Croatian language on a small-scale lexical sample dataset, manually annotated using three different annotation schemes. We compare the annotations, analyze the inter-annotator agreement, and observe a number of interesting language specific details in the obtained lexical substitutes. Furthermore, we apply a recently-proposed, dependency-based lexical substitution model to our dataset. The model achieves a P@3 score of 0.35, which indicates the difficulty of the task.
Sentiment lexicons are widely used as an intuitive and inexpensive way of tackling sentiment classification, often within a simple lexicon word-counting approach or as part of a supervised model. However, it is an open question whether these approaches can compete with supervised models that use only word-representation features. We address this question in the context of domain-specific sentiment classification for Croatian. We experiment with the graph-based acquisition of sentiment lexicons, analyze their quality, and investigate how effectively they can be used in sentiment classification. Our results indicate that, even with as few as 500 labeled instances, a supervised model substantially outperforms a word-counting model. We also observe that adding lexicon-based features does not significantly improve supervised sentiment classification.
We focus on the task of supervised sentiment classification of short and informal texts in Croatian, using two simple yet effective methods: word embeddings and string kernels. We investigate whether word embeddings offer any advantage over corpus- and preprocessing-free string kernels, and how these compare to bag-of-words baselines. We conduct a comparison on three different datasets, using different preprocessing methods and kernel functions. Results show that, on two out of three datasets, word embeddings outperform string kernels, which in turn outperform word and n-gram bag-of-words baselines.
This paper describes the outcomes of the first challenge on multilingual named entity recognition that aimed at recognizing mentions of named entities in web documents in Slavic languages, their normalization/lemmatization, and cross-language matching. It was organised in the context of the 6th Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing Workshop, co-located with the EACL 2017 conference. Although eleven teams signed up for the evaluation, due to the complexity of the task(s) and short time available for elaborating a solution, only two teams submitted results on time. The reported evaluation figures reflect the relatively higher level of complexity of named entity-related tasks in the context of processing texts in Slavic languages. Since the duration of the challenge goes beyond the date of the publication of this paper and updated picture of the participating systems and their corresponding performance can be found on the web page of the challenge.
As multiword expressions (MWEs) exhibit a range of idiosyncrasies, their automatic detection warrants the use of many different features. Tsvetkov and Wintner (2014) proposed a Bayesian network model that combines linguistically motivated features and also models their interactions. In this paper, we extend their model with new features and apply it to Croatian, a morphologically complex and a relatively free word order language, achieving a satisfactory performance of 0.823 F1-score. Furthermore, by comparing against (semi)naive Bayes models, we demonstrate that manually modeling feature interactions is indeed important. We make our annotated dataset of Croatian MWEs freely available.
We present a preliminary study on predicting news values from headline text and emotions. We perform a multivariate analysis on a dataset manually annotated with news values and emotions, discovering interesting correlations among them. We then train two competitive machine learning models – an SVM and a CNN – to predict news values from headline text and emotions as features. We find that, while both models yield a satisfactory performance, some news values are more difficult to detect than others, while some profit more from including emotion information.
Claims are the building blocks of arguments and the reasons underpinning opinions, thus analyzing claims is important for both argumentation mining and opinion mining. We propose a framework for representing claims as microstructures, which express the beliefs, judgments, and policies about the relations between domain-specific concepts. In a proof-of-concept study, we manually build microstructures for over 800 claims extracted from an online debate. We test the so-obtained microstructures on the task of claim stance classification, achieving considerable improvements over text-based baselines.
Compositional distributional semantic models (CDSMs) have successfully been applied to the task of predicting the meaning of a range of linguistic constructions. Their performance on semi-compositional word formation process of (morphological) derivation, however, has been extremely variable, with no large-scale empirical investigation to date. This paper fills that gap, performing an analysis of CDSM predictions on a large dataset (over 30,000 German derivationally related word pairs). We use linear regression models to analyze CDSM performance and obtain insights into the linguistic factors that influence how predictable the distributional context of a derived word is going to be. We identify various such factors, notably part of speech, argument structure, and semantic regularity.
We introduce Cro36WSD, a freely-available medium-sized lexical sample for Croatian word sense disambiguation (WSD).Cro36WSD comprises 36 words: 12 adjectives, 12 nouns, and 12 verbs, balanced across both frequency bands and polysemy levels. We adopt the multi-label annotation scheme in the hope of lessening the drawbacks of discrete sense inventories and obtaining more realistic annotations from human experts. Sense-annotated data is collected through multiple annotation rounds to ensure high-quality annotations: with a 115 person-hours effort we reached an inter-annotator agreement score of 0.877. We analyze the obtained data and perform a correlation analysis between several relevant variables, including word frequency, number of senses, sense distribution skewness, average annotation time, and the observed inter-annotator agreement (IAA). Using the obtained data, we compile multi- and single-labeled dataset variants using different label aggregation schemes. Finally, we evaluate three different baseline WSD models on both dataset variants and report on the insights gained. We make both dataset variants freely available.
In this paper we describe VerbCROcean, a broad-coverage repository of fine-grained semantic relations between Croatian verbs. Adopting the methodology of Chklovski and Pantel (2004) used for acquiring the English VerbOcean, we first acquire semantically related verb pairs from a web corpus hrWaC by relying on distributional similarity of subject-verb-object paths in the dependency trees. We then classify the semantic relations between each pair of verbs as similarity, intensity, antonymy, or happens-before, using a number of manually-constructed lexico-syntatic patterns. We evaluate the quality of the resulting resource on a manually annotated sample of 1000 semantic verb relations. The evaluation revealed that the predictions are most accurate for the similarity relation, and least accurate for the intensity relation. We make available two variants of VerbCROcean: a coverage-oriented version, containing about 36k verb pairs at a precision of 41%, and a precision-oriented version containing about 5k verb pairs, at a precision of 56%.
Word sense induction (WSI) seeks to induce senses of words from unannotated corpora. In this paper, we address the WSI task for the Croatian language. We adopt the word clustering approach based on co-occurrence graphs, in which senses are taken to correspond to strongly inter-connected components of co-occurring words. We experiment with a number of graph construction techniques and clustering algorithms, and evaluate the sense inventories both as a clustering problem and extrinsically on a word sense disambiguation (WSD) task. In the cluster-based evaluation, Chinese Whispers algorithm outperformed Markov Clustering, yielding a normalized mutual information score of 64.3. In contrast, in WSD evaluation Markov Clustering performed better, yielding an accuracy of about 75%. We are making available two induced sense inventories of 10,000 most frequent Croatian words: one coarse-grained and one fine-grained inventory, both obtained using the Markov Clustering algorithm.
In news stories, event mentions denote real-world events of different spatial and temporal granularity. Narratives in news stories typically describe some real-world event of coarse spatial and temporal granularity along with its subevents. In this work, we present HiEve, a corpus for recognizing relations of spatiotemporal containment between events. In HiEve, the narratives are represented as hierarchies of events based on relations of spatiotemporal containment (i.e., superevent―subevent relations). We describe the process of manual annotation of HiEve. Furthermore, we build a supervised classifier for recognizing spatiotemporal containment between events to serve as a baseline for future research. Preliminary experimental results are encouraging, with classifier performance reaching 58% F1-score, only 11% less than the inter annotator agreement.
Knowledge about derivational morphology has been proven useful for a number of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. We describe the construction and evaluation of, a large-coverage morphological resource for Croatian. groups 100k lemmas from web corpus hrWaC into 56k clusters of derivationally related lemmas, so-called derivational families. We focus on suffixal derivation between and within nouns, verbs, and adjectives. We propose two approaches: an unsupervised approach and a knowledge-based approach based on a hand-crafted morphology model but without using any additional lexico-semantic resources The resource acquisition procedure consists of three steps: corpus preprocessing, acquisition of an inflectional lexicon, and the induction of derivational families. We describe an evaluation methodology based on manually constructed derivational families from which we sample and annotate pairs of lemmas. We evaluate on the so-obtained sample, and show that the knowledge-based version attains good clustering quality of 81.2% precision, 76.5% recall, and 78.8% F1 -score. As with similar resources for other languages, we expect to be useful for a number of NLP tasks.
Collocations can be defined as words that occur together significantly more often than it would be expected by chance. Many natural language processing applications such as natural language generation, word sense disambiguation and machine translation can benefit from having access to information about collocated words. We approach collocation extraction as a classification problem where the task is to classify a given n-gram as either a collocation (positive) or a non-collocation (negative). Among the features used are word frequencies, classical association measures (Dice, PMI, chi2), and POS tags. In addition, semantic word relatedness modeled by latent semantic analysis is also included. We apply wrapper feature subset selection to determine the best set of features. Performance of various classification algorithms is tested. Experiments are conducted on a manually annotated set of bigrams and trigrams sampled from a Croatian newspaper corpus. Best results obtained are 79.8 F1 measure for bigrams and 67.5 F1 measure for trigrams. The best classifier for bigrams was SVM, while for trigrams the decision tree gave the best performance. Features which contributed the most to overall performance were PMI, semantic relatedness, and POS information.
An increasing demand for new language resources of recent EU members and accessing countries has in turn initiated the development of different language tools and resources, such as alignment tools and corresponding translation memories for new languages pairs. The primary goal of this paper is to provide a description of a free sentence alignment tool CorAl (Corpus Aligner), developed at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. The tool performs paragraph alignment at the first step of the alignment process, which is followed by sentence alignment. Description of the tool is followed by its evaluation. The paper describes an experiment with applying the CorAl aligner to a English-Croatian parallel corpus of legislative domain using metrics of precision, recall and F1-measure. Results are discussed and the concluding sections discuss future directions of CorAl development.