The rise of Multi-modal Pre-training highlights the necessity for a unified Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph (MMKG) representation learning framework. Such a framework is essential for embedding structured knowledge into multi-modal Large Language Models effectively, alleviating issues like knowledge misconceptions and multi-modal hallucinations. In this work, we explore the efficacy of models in accurately embedding entities within MMKGs through two pivotal tasks: Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion (MKGC) and Multi-modal Entity Alignment (MMEA). Building on this foundation, we propose a novel SNAG method that utilizes a Transformer-based architecture equipped with modality-level noise masking to robustly integrate multi-modal entity features in KGs. By incorporating specific training objectives for both MKGC and MMEA, our approach achieves SOTA performance across a total of ten datasets, demonstrating its versatility. Moreover, SNAG can not only function as a standalone model but also enhance other existing methods, providing stable performance improvements. Code and data are available at
Recent studies have explored the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) with Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for Knowledge Graph Question Answering (KGQA). They typically require rewriting retrieved subgraphs into natural language formats comprehensible to LLMs. However, when tackling complex questions, the knowledge rewritten by existing methods may include irrelevant information, omit crucial details, or fail to align with the question’s semantics. To address them, we propose a novel rewriting method CoTKR, Chain- of-Thought Enhanced Knowledge Rewriting, for generating reasoning traces and corresponding knowledge in an interleaved manner, thereby mitigating the limitations of single-step knowledge rewriting. Additionally, to bridge the preference gap between the knowledge rewriter and the question answering (QA) model, we propose a training strategy PAQAF, Preference Alignment from Question Answering Feedback, for leveraging feedback from the QA model to further optimize the knowledge rewriter. We conduct experiments using various LLMs across several KGQA benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate that, compared with previous knowledge rewriting methods, CoTKR generates the most beneficial knowledge representation for QA models, which significantly improves the performance of LLMs in KGQA.
Despite recent successes in natural language processing and computer vision, Transformer faces scalability issues when processing graphs, e.g., computing the full node-to-node attention on knowledge graphs (KGs) with million of entities is still infeasible. The existing methods mitigate this problem by considering only the local neighbors, sacrificing the Transformer’s ability to attend to elements at any distance. This paper proposes a new Transformer architecture called Dual-Encoding Transformer (DET). DET comprises a structural encoder to aggregate information from nearby neighbors, and a semantic encoder to seek for semantically relevant nodes. We adopt a semantic neighbor search approach inspired by multiple sequence alignment (MSA) algorithms used in biological sciences. By stacking the two encoders alternately, similar to the MSA Transformer for protein representation, our method achieves superior performance compared to state-of-the-art attention-based methods on complex relational graphs like KGs and citation networks. Additionally, DET remains competitive for smaller graphs such as molecules.
Event relation extraction (ERE) is a critical and fundamental challenge for natural language processing. Existing work mainly focuses on directly modeling the entire document, which cannot effectively handle long-range dependencies and information redundancy. To address these issues, we propose a cluster-aware compression method for improving event relation extraction (TacoERE), which explores a compression-then-extraction paradigm. Specifically, we first introduce document clustering for modeling event dependencies. It splits the document into intra- and inter-clusters, where intra-clusters aim to enhance the relations within the same cluster, while inter-clusters attempt to model the related events at arbitrary distances. Secondly, we utilize cluster summarization to simplify and highlight important text content of clusters for mitigating information redundancy and event distance. We have conducted extensive experiments on both pre-trained language models, such as RoBERTa, and large language models, such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, on three ERE datasets, i.e., MAVEN-ERE, EventStoryLine and HiEve. Experimental results demonstrate that TacoERE is an effective method for ERE.
Augmenting Large Language Models (LLMs) for Question Answering (QA) with domain specific data has attracted wide attention. However, domain data often exists in a hybrid format, including text and semi-structured tables, posing challenges for the seamless integration of information. Table-to-Text Generation is a promising solution by facilitating the transformation of hybrid data into a uniformly text-formatted corpus. Although this technique has been widely studied by the NLP community, there is currently no comparative analysis on how corpora generated by different table-to-text methods affect the performance of QA systems.In this paper, we address this research gap in two steps. First, we innovatively integrate table-to-text generation into the framework of enhancing LLM-based QA systems with domain hybrid data. Then, we utilize this framework in real-world industrial data to conduct extensive experiments on two types of QA systems (DSFT and RAG frameworks) with four representative methods: Markdown format, Template serialization, TPLM-based method, and LLM-based method. Based on the experimental results, we draw some empirical findings and explore the underlying reasons behind the success of some methods. We hope the findings of this work will provide a valuable reference for the academic and industrial communities in developing robust QA systems.
Intent detection, which estimates diverse intents behind user utterances, is an essential component of task-oriented dialogue systems. Previous intent detection models are usually trained offline, which can only handle predefined intent classes. In the real world, new intents may keep challenging deployed models. For example, with the prevalence of the COVID-19 pandemic, users may pose various issues related to the pandemic to conversational systems, which brings many new intents. A general intent detection model should be intelligent enough to continually learn new data and recognize new arriving intent classes. Therefore, this work explores Class Lifelong Learning for Intent Detection (CLL-ID), where the model continually learns new intent classes from new data while avoiding catastrophic performance degradation on old data. To this end, we propose a novel lifelong learning method, called Structure Consolidation Networks (SCN), which consists of structure-based retrospection and contrastive knowledge distillation to handle the problems of expression diversity and class imbalance in the CLL-ID task. In addition to formulating the new task, we construct 3 benchmarks based on 8 intent detection datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of SCN, which significantly outperforms previous lifelong learning methods on the three benchmarks.
Investigating whether pre-trained language models (LMs) can function as knowledge bases (KBs) has raised wide research interests recently. However, existing works focus on simple, triple-based, relational KBs, but omit more sophisticated, logic-based, conceptualised KBs such as OWL ontologies. To investigate an LM’s knowledge of ontologies, we propose OntoLAMA, a set of inference-based probing tasks and datasets from ontology subsumption axioms involving both atomic and complex concepts. We conduct extensive experiments on ontologies of different domains and scales, and our results demonstrate that LMs encode relatively less background knowledge of Subsumption Inference (SI) than traditional Natural Language Inference (NLI) but can improve on SI significantly when a small number of samples are given. We will open-source our code and datasets.
Event Detection (ED) is a critical task that aims to identify events of certain types in plain text. Neural models have achieved great success on ED, thus coming with a desire for higher interpretability. Existing works mainly exploit words or phrases of the input text to explain models’ inner mechanisms. However, for ED, the event structure, comprising of an event trigger and a set of arguments, are more enlightening clues to explain model behaviors. To this end, we propose a Trigger-Argument based Explanation method (TAE), which can utilize event structure knowledge to uncover a faithful interpretation for the existing ED models at neuron level. Specifically, we design group, sparsity, support mechanisms to construct the event structure from structuralization, compactness, and faithfulness perspectives. We evaluate our model on the large-scale MAVEN and the widely-used ACE 2005 datasets, and observe that TAE is able to reveal the process by which the model predicts. Experimental results also demonstrate that TAE can not only improve the interpretability on standard evaluation metrics, but also effectively facilitate the human understanding.
Conventional approaches to relation extraction can only recognize predefined relation types. In the real world, new or out-of-scope relation types may keep challenging the deployed models. In this paper, we formalize such a challenging problem as Novel Relation Detection (NRD), which aims to discover potential new relation types based on training samples of known relations. To this end, we construct two NRD datasets and exhaustively investigate a variety of out-of-scope detection methods. We further propose an effective NRD method that utilizes multi-strategy self-supervised learning to handle the problem of shallow semantic similarity in the NRD task. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, which significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on both datasets.
In human languages, there are many presuppositional constructions that impose a constrain on the taxonomic relations between two nouns depending on their order. These constructions create a challenge in validating taxonomic relations in real-world contexts. In SemEval2022-Task3 Presupposed Taxonomies: Evaluating Neural Network Semantics (PreTENS), the organizers introduced a task regarding validating the taxonomic relations within a variety of presuppositional constructions. This task is divided into two subtasks: classification and regression. Each subtask contains three datasets in multiple languages, i.e., English, Italian and French. To tackle this task, this work proposes to fine-tune different BERT-based models pre-trained on different languages. According to the experimental results, the fine-tuned BERT-based models are effective compared to the baselines in classification. For regression, the fine-tuned models show promising performance with the possibility of improvement.
Zero-shot learning has been a tough problem since no labeled data is available for unseen classes during training, especially for classes with low similarity. In this situation, transferring from seen classes to unseen classes is extremely hard. To tackle this problem, in this paper we propose a self-training based method to efficiently leverage unlabeled data. Traditional self-training methods use fixed heuristics to select instances from unlabeled data, whose performance varies among different datasets. We propose a reinforcement learning framework to learn data selection strategy automatically and provide more reliable selection. Experimental results on both benchmarks and a real-world e-commerce dataset show that our approach significantly outperforms previous methods in zero-shot text classification
Embedding-based entity alignment has been widely investigated in recent years, but most proposed methods still rely on an ideal supervised learning setting with a large number of unbiased seed mappings for training and validation, which significantly limits their usage. In this study, we evaluate those state-of-the-art methods in an industrial context, where the impact of seed mappings with different sizes and different biases is explored. Besides the popular benchmarks from DBpedia and Wikidata, we contribute and evaluate a new industrial benchmark that is extracted from two heterogeneous knowledge graphs (KGs) under deployment for medical applications. The experimental results enable the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these alignment methods and the further discussion of suitable strategies for their industrial deployment.