Steven Wilson


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Identifying Narrative Content in Podcast Transcripts
Yosra Abdessamed | Shadi Rezapour | Steven Wilson
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

As one of the oldest forms of human communication, narratives appear across a variety of genres and media. Computational methods have been applied to study narrativity in novels, social media, and patient records, leading to new approaches and insights. However, other types of media are growing in popularity, like podcasts. Podcasts contain a multitude of spoken narratives that can provide a meaningful glimpse into how people share stories with one another.In this paper, we outline and apply methods to process English-language podcast transcripts and extract narrative content from conversations within each episode. We provide an initial analysis of the types of narrative content that exists within a wide range of podcasts, and compare our results to other established narrative analysis tools.Our annotations for narrativity and pretrained models can help to enable future research into narrativity within a large corpus of approximately 100,000 podcast episodes.

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Representation and Generation of Machine Learning Test Functions
Souha Ben Hassine | Steven Wilson
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

Writing tests for machine learning (ML) code is a crucial step towards ensuring the correctness and reliability of ML software. At the same time, Large Language Models (LLMs) have been adopted at a rapid pace for various code generation tasks, making it a natural choice for many developers who need to write ML tests. However, the implications of using these models, and how the LLM-generated tests differ from human-written ones, are relatively unexplored. In this work, we examine the use of LLMs to extract representations of ML source code and tests in order to understand the semantic relationships between human-written test functions and LLM-generated ones, and annotate a set of LLM-generated tests for several important qualities including usefulness, documentation, and correctness. We find that programmers prefer LLM-generated tests to those selected using retrieval-based methods, and in some cases, to those written by other humans.

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OUNLP at SemEval-2024 Task 9: Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Solving Brain Teasers with LLMs
Vineet Saravanan | Steven Wilson
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

The advancement of natural language processing has given rise to a variety of large language models (LLMs) with capabilities extending into the realm of complex problem-solving, including brainteasers that challenge not only linguistic fluency but also logical reasoning. This paper documents our submission to the SemEval 2024 Brainteaser task, in which we investigate the performance of state-of-the-art LLMs, such as GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and the Gemini model, on a diverse set of brainteasers using prompt engineering as a tool to enhance the models’ problem-solving abilities. We experimented with a series of structured prompts ranging from basic to those integrating task descriptions and explanations. Through a comparative analysis, we sought to determine which combinations of model and prompt yielded the highest accuracy in solving these puzzles. Our findings provide a snapshot of the current landscape of AI problem-solving and highlight the nuanced nature of LLM performance, influenced by both the complexity of the tasks and the sophistication of the prompts employed.


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Mr-wallace at SemEval-2023 Task 5: Novel Clickbait Spoiling Algorithm Using Natural Language Processing
Vineet Saravanan | Steven Wilson
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper presents a model for clickbait spoiling,which aims at generating short texts that satisfy thecuriosity induced by a clickbait post. The modelis split into two tasks: identifying the clickbaittype and spoiling the clickbait. The first task isto classify the spoiler type that the clickbait postwarrants, and the second task is to generate thespoiler for the clickbait post. The model utilizesthe Distilbert-base-uncased model for the first taskand the Bert-base-uncased model for the secondtask. The trained model is optimized through trialand error on different model selections, and hyper-parameters and results are presented in a confusionmatrix. The main reason we utilized Distilbert-base-uncased is that it analyzes words in the con-text of what’s around it. The objective of this modelis to save readers time and spoil the clickbait of dif-ferent articles they may see on different platformslike Twitter and Reddit

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Narrative Style and the Spread of Health Misinformation on Twitter
Achyutarama Ganti | Eslam Ali Hassan Hussein | Steven Wilson | Zexin Ma | Xinyan Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Using a narrative style is an effective way to communicate health information both on and off social media. Given the amount of misinformation being spread online and its potential negative effects, it is crucial to investigate the interplay between narrative communication style and misinformative health content on user engagement on social media platforms. To explore this in the context of Twitter, we start with previously annotated health misinformation tweets (n 15,000) and annotate a subset of the data (n=3,000) for the presence of narrative style. We then use these manually assigned labels to train text classifiers, experimenting with supervised fine-tuning and in-context learning for automatic narrative detection. We use our best model to label remaining portion of the dataset, then statistically analyze the relationship between narrative style, misinformation, and user-level features on engagement, finding that narrative use is connected to increased tweet engagement and can, in some cases, lead to increased engagement with misinformation. Finally, we analyze the general categories of language used in narratives and health misinformation in our dataset.


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Should a Chatbot be Sarcastic? Understanding User Preferences Towards Sarcasm Generation
Silviu Vlad Oprea | Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Previous sarcasm generation research has focused on how to generate text that people perceive as sarcastic to create more human-like interactions. In this paper, we argue that we should first turn our attention to the question of when sarcasm should be generated, finding that humans consider sarcastic responses inappropriate to many input utterances. Next, we use a theory-driven framework for generating sarcastic responses, which allows us to control the linguistic devices included during generation. For each device, we investigate how much humans associate it with sarcasm, finding that pragmatic insincerity and emotional markers are devices crucial for making sarcasm recognisable.

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Sarcasm Detection is Way Too Easy! An Empirical Comparison of Human and Machine Sarcasm Detection
Ibrahim Abu Farha | Steven Wilson | Silviu Oprea | Walid Magdy
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Recently, author-annotated sarcasm datasets, which focus on intended, rather than perceived sarcasm, have been introduced. Although datasets collected using first-party annotation have important benefits, there is no comparison of human and machine performance on these new datasets. In this paper, we collect new annotations to provide human-level benchmarks for these first-party annotated sarcasm tasks in both English and Arabic, and compare the performance of human annotators to that of state-of-the-art sarcasm detection systems. Our analysis confirms that sarcasm detection is extremely challenging, with individual humans performing close to or slightly worse than the best trained models. With majority voting, however, humans are able to achieve the best results on all tasks. We also perform error analysis, finding that some of the most challenging examples are those that require additional context. We also highlight common features and patterns used to express sarcasm in English and Arabic such as idioms and proverbs. We suggest that to better capture sarcasm, future sarcasm detection datasets and models should focus on representing conversational and cultural context while leveraging world knowledge and common sense.

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Analyzing the Effects of Annotator Gender across NLP Tasks
Laura Biester | Vanita Sharma | Ashkan Kazemi | Naihao Deng | Steven Wilson | Rada Mihalcea
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Perspectivist Approaches to NLP @LREC2022

Recent studies have shown that for subjective annotation tasks, the demographics, lived experiences, and identity of annotators can have a large impact on how items are labeled. We expand on this work, hypothesizing that gender may correlate with differences in annotations for a number of NLP benchmarks, including those that are fairly subjective (e.g., affect in text) and those that are typically considered to be objective (e.g., natural language inference). We develop a robust framework to test for differences in annotation across genders for four benchmark datasets. While our results largely show a lack of statistically significant differences in annotation by males and females for these tasks, the framework can be used to analyze differences in annotation between various other demographic groups in future work. Finally, we note that most datasets are collected without annotator demographics and released only in aggregate form; we call on the community to consider annotator demographics as data is collected, and to release dis-aggregated data to allow for further work analyzing variability among annotators.

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Narrative Detection and Feature Analysis in Online Health Communities
Achyutarama Ganti | Steven Wilson | Zexin Ma | Xinyan Zhao | Rong Ma
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of Narrative Understanding (WNU2022)

Narratives have been shown to be an effective way to communicate health risks and promote health behavior change, and given the growing amount of health information being shared on social media, it is crucial to study health-related narratives in social media. However, expert identification of a large number of narrative texts is a time consuming process, and larger scale studies on the use of narratives may be enabled through automatic text classification approaches. Prior work has demonstrated that automatic narrative detection is possible, but modern deep learning approaches have not been used for this task in the domain of online health communities. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the use of deep learning methods to automatically classify the presence of narratives in social media posts, finding that they outperform previously proposed approaches. We also find that in many cases, these models generalize well across posts from different health organizations. Finally, in order to better understand the increase in performance achieved by deep learning models, we use feature analysis techniques to explore the features that most contribute to narrative detection for posts in online health communities.

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SemEval-2022 Task 6: iSarcasmEval, Intended Sarcasm Detection in English and Arabic
Ibrahim Abu Farha | Silviu Vlad Oprea | Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

iSarcasmEval is the first shared task to target intended sarcasm detection: the data for this task was provided and labelled by the authors of the texts themselves. Such an approach minimises the downfalls of other methods to collect sarcasm data, which rely on distant supervision or third-party annotations. The shared task contains two languages, English and Arabic, and three subtasks: sarcasm detection, sarcasm category classification, and pairwise sarcasm identification given a sarcastic sentence and its non-sarcastic rephrase. The task received submissions from 60 different teams, with the sarcasm detection task being the most popular. Most of the participating teams utilised pre-trained language models. In this paper, we provide an overview of the task, data, and participating teams.

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact (NLP4PI)
Laura Biester | Dorottya Demszky | Zhijing Jin | Mrinmaya Sachan | Joel Tetreault | Steven Wilson | Lu Xiao | Jieyu Zhao
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact (NLP4PI)

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Leveraging time-dependent lexical features for offensive language detection
Barbara McGillivray | Malithi Alahapperuma | Jonathan Cook | Chiara Di Bonaventura | Albert Meroño-Peñuela | Gareth Tyson | Steven Wilson
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Ever Evolving NLP (EvoNLP)

We present a study on the integration of time-sensitive information in lexicon-based offensive language detection systems. Our focus is on Offenseval sub-task A, aimed at detecting offensive tweets. We apply a semantic change detection algorithm over a short time span of two years to detect words whose semantics has changed and we focus particularly on those words that acquired or lost an offensive meaning between 2019 and 2020. Using the output of this semantic change detection approach, we train an SVM classifier on the Offenseval 2019 training set. We build on the already competitive SINAI system submitted to Offenseval 2019 by adding new lexical features, including those that capture the change in usage of words and their association with emerging offensive usages. We discuss the challenges, opportunities and limitations of integrating semantic change detection in offensive language detection models. Our work draws attention to an often neglected aspect of offensive language, namely that the meanings of words are constantly evolving and that NLP systems that account for this change can achieve good performance even when not trained on the most recent training data.


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SemEval 2021 Task 7: HaHackathon, Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense
J. A. Meaney | Steven Wilson | Luis Chiruzzo | Adam Lopez | Walid Magdy
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021)

SemEval 2021 Task 7, HaHackathon, was the first shared task to combine the previously separate domains of humor detection and offense detection. We collected 10,000 texts from Twitter and the Kaggle Short Jokes dataset, and had each annotated for humor and offense by 20 annotators aged 18-70. Our subtasks were binary humor detection, prediction of humor and offense ratings, and a novel controversy task: to predict if the variance in the humor ratings was higher than a specific threshold. The subtasks attracted 36-58 submissions, with most of the participants choosing to use pre-trained language models. Many of the highest performing teams also implemented additional optimization techniques, including task-adaptive training and adversarial training. The results suggest that the participating systems are well suited to humor detection, but that humor controversy is a more challenging task. We discuss which models excel in this task, which auxiliary techniques boost their performance, and analyze the errors which were not captured by the best systems.

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Chandler: An Explainable Sarcastic Response Generator
Silviu Oprea | Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

We introduce Chandler, a system that generates sarcastic responses to a given utterance. Previous sarcasm generators assume the intended meaning that sarcasm conceals is the opposite of the literal meaning. We argue that this traditional theory of sarcasm provides a grounding that is neither necessary, nor sufficient, for sarcasm to occur. Instead, we ground our generation process on a formal theory that specifies conditions that unambiguously differentiate sarcasm from non-sarcasm. Furthermore, Chandler not only generates sarcastic responses, but also explanations for why each response is sarcastic. This provides accountability, crucial for avoiding miscommunication between humans and conversational agents, particularly considering that sarcastic communication can be offensive. In human evaluation, Chandler achieves comparable or higher sarcasm scores, compared to state-of-the-art generators, while generating more diverse responses, that are more specific and more coherent to the input.


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Smash at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Optimizing the Hyperparameters of ERNIE 2.0 for Humor Ranking and Rating
J. A. Meaney | Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

The use of pre-trained language models such as BERT and ULMFiT has become increasingly popular in shared tasks, due to their powerful language modelling capabilities. Our entry to SemEval uses ERNIE 2.0, a language model which is pre-trained on a large number of tasks to enrich the semantic and syntactic information learned. ERNIE’s knowledge masking pre-training task is a unique method for learning about named entities, and we hypothesise that it may be of use in a dataset which is built on news headlines and which contains many named entities. We optimize the hyperparameters in a regression and classification model and find that the hyperparameters we selected helped to make bigger gains in the classification model than the regression model.

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Diachronic Embeddings for People in the News
Felix Hennig | Steven Wilson
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science

Previous English-language diachronic change models based on word embeddings have typically used single tokens to represent entities, including names of people. This leads to issues with both ambiguity (resulting in one embedding representing several distinct and unrelated people) and unlinked references (leading to several distinct embeddings which represent the same person). In this paper, we show that using named entity recognition and heuristic name linking steps before training a diachronic embedding model leads to more accurate representations of references to people, as compared to the token-only baseline. In large news corpus of articles from The Guardian, we provide examples of several types of analysis that can be performed using these new embeddings. Further, we show that real world events and context changes can be detected using our proposed model.

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Emoji and Self-Identity in Twitter Bios
Jinhang Li | Giorgos Longinos | Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science

Emoji are widely used to express emotions and concepts on social media, and prior work has shown that users’ choice of emoji reflects the way that they wish to present themselves to the world. Emoji usage is typically studied in the context of posts made by users, and this view has provided important insights into phenomena such as emotional expression and self-representation. In addition to making posts, however, social media platforms like Twitter allow for users to provide a short bio, which is an opportunity to briefly describe their account as a whole. In this work, we focus on the use of emoji in these bio statements. We explore the ways in which users include emoji in these self-descriptions, finding different patterns than those observed around emoji usage in tweets. We examine the relationships between emoji used in bios and the content of users’ tweets, showing that the topics and even the average sentiment of tweets varies for users with different emoji in their bios. Lastly, we confirm that homophily effects exist with respect to the types of emoji that are included in bios of users and their followers.

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Urban Dictionary Embeddings for Slang NLP Applications
Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy | Barbara McGillivray | Kiran Garimella | Gareth Tyson
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

The choice of the corpus on which word embeddings are trained can have a sizable effect on the learned representations, the types of analyses that can be performed with them, and their utility as features for machine learning models. To contribute to the existing sets of pre-trained word embeddings, we introduce and release the first set of word embeddings trained on the content of Urban Dictionary, a crowd-sourced dictionary for slang words and phrases. We show that although these embeddings are trained on fewer total tokens (by at least an order of magnitude compared to most popular pre-trained embeddings), they have high performance across a range of common word embedding evaluations, ranging from semantic similarity to word clustering tasks. Further, for some extrinsic tasks such as sentiment analysis and sarcasm detection where we expect to require some knowledge of colloquial language on social media data, initializing classifiers with the Urban Dictionary Embeddings resulted in improved performance compared to initializing with a range of other well-known, pre-trained embeddings that are order of magnitude larger in size.

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Small Town or Metropolis? Analyzing the Relationship between Population Size and Language
Amy Rechkemmer | Steven Wilson | Rada Mihalcea
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

The variance in language used by different cultures has been a topic of study for researchers in linguistics and psychology, but often times, language is compared across multiple countries in order to show a difference in culture. As a geographically large country that is diverse in population in terms of the background and experiences of its citizens, the U.S. also contains cultural differences within its own borders. Using a set of over 2 million posts from distinct Twitter users around the country dating back as far as 2014, we ask the following question: is there a difference in how Americans express themselves online depending on whether they reside in an urban or rural area? We categorize Twitter users as either urban or rural and identify ideas and language that are more commonly expressed in tweets written by one population over the other. We take this further by analyzing how the language from specific cities of the U.S. compares to the language of other cities and by training predictive models to predict whether a user is from an urban or rural area. We publicly release the tweet and user IDs that can be used to reconstruct the dataset for future studies in this direction.

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Embedding Structured Dictionary Entries
Steven Wilson | Walid Magdy | Barbara McGillivray | Gareth Tyson
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP

Previous work has shown how to effectively use external resources such as dictionaries to improve English-language word embeddings, either by manipulating the training process or by applying post-hoc adjustments to the embedding space. We experiment with a multi-task learning approach for explicitly incorporating the structured elements of dictionary entries, such as user-assigned tags and usage examples, when learning embeddings for dictionary headwords. Our work generalizes several existing models for learning word embeddings from dictionaries. However, we find that the most effective representations overall are learned by simply training with a skip-gram objective over the concatenated text of all entries in the dictionary, giving no particular focus to the structure of the entries.


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Multi-Label Transfer Learning for Multi-Relational Semantic Similarity
Li Zhang | Steven Wilson | Rada Mihalcea
Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2019)

Multi-relational semantic similarity datasets define the semantic relations between two short texts in multiple ways, e.g., similarity, relatedness, and so on. Yet, all the systems to date designed to capture such relations target one relation at a time. We propose a multi-label transfer learning approach based on LSTM to make predictions for several relations simultaneously and aggregate the losses to update the parameters. This multi-label regression approach jointly learns the information provided by the multiple relations, rather than treating them as separate tasks. Not only does this approach outperform the single-task approach and the traditional multi-task learning approach, but it also achieves state-of-the-art performance on all but one relation of the Human Activity Phrase dataset.

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Predicting Human Activities from User-Generated Content
Steven Wilson | Rada Mihalcea
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

The activities we do are linked to our interests, personality, political preferences, and decisions we make about the future. In this paper, we explore the task of predicting human activities from user-generated content. We collect a dataset containing instances of social media users writing about a range of everyday activities. We then use a state-of-the-art sentence embedding framework tailored to recognize the semantics of human activities and perform an automatic clustering of these activities. We train a neural network model to make predictions about which clusters contain activities that were performed by a given user based on the text of their previous posts and self-description. Additionally, we explore the degree to which incorporating inferred user traits into our model helps with this prediction task.


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Measuring Semantic Relations between Human Activities
Steven Wilson | Rada Mihalcea
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The things people do in their daily lives can provide valuable insights into their personality, values, and interests. Unstructured text data on social media platforms are rich in behavioral content, and automated systems can be deployed to learn about human activity on a broad scale if these systems are able to reason about the content of interest. In order to aid in the evaluation of such systems, we introduce a new phrase-level semantic textual similarity dataset comprised of human activity phrases, providing a testbed for automated systems that analyze relationships between phrasal descriptions of people’s actions. Our set of 1,000 pairs of activities is annotated by human judges across four relational dimensions including similarity, relatedness, motivational alignment, and perceived actor congruence. We evaluate a set of strong baselines for the task of generating scores that correlate highly with human ratings, and we introduce several new approaches to the phrase-level similarity task in the domain of human activities.


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Disentangling Topic Models: A Cross-cultural Analysis of Personal Values through Words
Steven Wilson | Rada Mihalcea | Ryan Boyd | James Pennebaker
Proceedings of the First Workshop on NLP and Computational Social Science

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Finding Optimists and Pessimists on Twitter
Xianzhi Ruan | Steven Wilson | Rada Mihalcea
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)