Large multimodal models extend the impressive capabilities of large language models by integrating multimodal understanding abilities. However, it is not clear how they can emulate the general intelligence and reasoning ability of humans. As recognizing patterns and abstracting concepts are key to general intelligence, we introduce PuzzleVQA, a collection of 2000 puzzle instances based on abstract patterns. With this dataset, we evaluate large multimodal models with abstract patterns based on fundamental concepts, including colors, numbers, sizes, and shapes. Through our experiments on state-of-the-art large multimodal models, we find that they are not able to generalize well to simple abstract patterns. Notably, GPT-4V achieves a score of 46.4% on single-concept puzzles, which shows that state-of-the-art models struggle on our dataset. To diagnose the reasoning challenges in large multimodal models, we progressively guide the models with our ground truth reasoning explanations for visual perception, inductive reasoning, and deductive reasoning. Our systematic analysis finds that the main bottlenecks of GPT-4V are weaker visual perception and inductive reasoning abilities. Through this work, we hope to shed light on the limitations of large multimodal models and how they can better emulate human cognitive processes in the future.
The quality of the text-to-music models has reached new heights due to recent advancements in diffusion models. The controllability of various musical aspects, however, has barely been explored. In this paper, we propose Mustango: a music-domain-knowledge-inspired text-to-music system based on diffusion. Mustango aims to control the generated music, not only with general text captions, but with more rich captions that can include specific instructions related to chords, beats, tempo, and key. At the core of Mustango is MuNet, a Music-Domain-Knowledge-Informed UNet guidance module that steers the generated music to include the music-specific conditions, which we predict from the text prompt, as well as the general text embedding, during the reverse diffusion process. To overcome the limited availability of open datasets of music with text captions, we propose a novel data augmentation method that includes altering the harmonic, rhythmic, and dynamic aspects of music audio and using state-of-the-art Music Information Retrieval methods to extract the music features which will then be appended to the existing descriptions in text format. We release the resulting MusicBench dataset which contains over 52K instances and includes music-theory-based descriptions in the caption text. Through extensive experiments, we show that the quality of the music generated by Mustango is state-of-the-art, and the controllability through music-specific text prompts greatly outperforms other models such as MusicGen and AudioLDM2.
The task of table summarization involves generating text that both succinctly and accurately represents the table or a specific set of highlighted cells within a table. While significant progress has been made in table to text generation techniques, models still mostly generate descriptive summaries, which reiterates the information contained within the table in sentences. Through analysis of popular table to text benchmarks (ToTTo (Parikh et al., 2020 and InfoTabs (Gupta et al., 2020) we observe that in order to generate the ideal summary, multiple types of reasoning is needed coupled with access to knowledge beyond the scope of the table. To address this gap, we propose ReTAG, a table and reasoning aware model that uses vector-quantization to infuse different types of analytical reasoning into the output. ReTAG achieves 2.2%, 2.9% improvement on the PARENT metric in the relevant slice of ToTTo and InfoTabs for the table to text generation task over state of the art baselines. Through human evaluation, we observe that output from ReTAG is upto 12% more faithful and analytical compared to a strong table-aware model. To the best of our knowledge, ReTAG is the first model that can controllably use multiple reasoning methods within a structure-aware sequence to sequence model to surpass state of the art performance in multiple table to text tasks. We extend (and open source 35.6K analytical, 55.9k descriptive instances) the ToTTo, InfoTabs datasets with the reasoning categories used in each reference sentences.
Visual question answering (VQA) is the task of answering questions about an image. The task assumes an understanding of both the image and the question to provide a natural language answer. VQA has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential applications in a wide range of fields, including robotics, education, and healthcare. In this paper, we focus on knowledge-augmented VQA, where answering the question requires commonsense knowledge, world knowledge, and reasoning about ideas and concepts not present in the image. We propose a multimodal framework that uses language guidance (LG) in the form of rationales, image captions, scene graphs, etc to answer questions more accurately. We benchmark our method on the multi-choice question-answering task of the A-OKVQA, Science-QA, VSR, and IconQA datasets using CLIP and BLIP models. We show that the use of language guidance is a simple but powerful and effective strategy for visual question answering. Our language guidance improves the performance of CLIP by 7.6% and BLIP-2 by 4.8% in the challenging A-OKVQA dataset. We also observe consistent improvement in performance on the Science-QA, VSR, and IconQA datasets when using the proposed language guidances. The implementation of LG-VQA is publicly available at
Topic-sensitive query set expansion is an important area of research that aims to improve search results for information retrieval. It is particularly crucial for queries related to sensitive and emerging topics. In this work, we describe a method for query set expansion about emerging topics using vector space interpolation. We use a transformer model called OPTIMUS, which is suitable for vector space manipulation due to its variational autoencoder nature. One of our proposed methods – Dirichlet interpolation shows promising results for query expansion. Our methods effectively generate new queries about the sensitive topic by incorporating set-level diversity, which is not captured by traditional sentence-level augmentation methods such as paraphrasing or back-translation.
This paper addresses the problem of dialogue reasoning with contextualized commonsense inference. We curate CICERO, a dataset of dyadic conversations with five types of utterance-level reasoning-based inferences: cause, subsequent event, prerequisite, motivation, and emotional reaction. The dataset contains 53,105 of such inferences from 5,672 dialogues. We use this dataset to solve relevant generative and discriminative tasks: generation of cause and subsequent event; generation of prerequisite, motivation, and listener’s emotional reaction; and selection of plausible alternatives. Our results ascertain the value of such dialogue-centric commonsense knowledge datasets. It is our hope that CICERO will open new research avenues into commonsense-based dialogue reasoning.
We propose a simple refactoring of multi-choice question answering (MCQA) tasks as a series of binary classifications. The MCQA task is generally performed by scoring each (question, answer) pair normalized over all the pairs, and then selecting the answer from the pair that yield the highest score. For n answer choices, this is equivalent to an n-class classification setup where only one class (true answer) is correct. We instead show that classifying (question, true answer) as positive instances and (question, false answer) as negative instances is significantly more effective across various models and datasets. We show the efficacy of our proposed approach in different tasks – abductive reasoning, commonsense question answering, science question answering, and sentence completion. Our DeBERTa binary classification model reaches the top or close to the top performance on public leaderboards for these tasks. The source code of the proposed approach is available at
Sentence order prediction is the task of finding the correct order of sentences in a randomly ordered document. Correctly ordering the sentences requires an understanding of coherence with respect to the chronological sequence of events described in the text. Document-level contextual understanding and commonsense knowledge centered around these events are often essential in uncovering this coherence and predicting the exact chronological order. In this paper, we introduce STaCK — a framework based on graph neural networks and temporal commonsense knowledge to model global information and predict the relative order of sentences. Our graph network accumulates temporal evidence using knowledge of ‘past’ and ‘future’ and formulates sentence ordering as a constrained edge classification problem. We report results on five different datasets, and empirically show that the proposed method is naturally suitable for order prediction. The implementation of this work is available at:
Commonsense inference to understand and explain human language is a fundamental research problem in natural language processing. Explaining human conversations poses a great challenge as it requires contextual understanding, planning, inference, and several aspects of reasoning including causal, temporal, and commonsense reasoning. In this work, we introduce CIDER – a manually curated dataset that contains dyadic dialogue explanations in the form of implicit and explicit knowledge triplets inferred using contextual commonsense inference. Extracting such rich explanations from conversations can be conducive to improving several downstream applications. The annotated triplets are categorized by the type of commonsense knowledge present (e.g., causal, conditional, temporal). We set up three different tasks conditioned on the annotated dataset: Dialogue-level Natural Language Inference, Span Extraction, and Multi-choice Span Selection. Baseline results obtained with transformer-based models reveal that the tasks are difficult, paving the way for promising future research. The dataset and the baseline implementations are publicly available at
Cross-domain sentiment analysis has received significant attention in recent years, prompted by the need to combat the domain gap between different applications that make use of sentiment analysis. In this paper, we take a novel perspective on this task by exploring the role of external commonsense knowledge. We introduce a new framework, KinGDOM, which utilizes the ConceptNet knowledge graph to enrich the semantics of a document by providing both domain-specific and domain-general background concepts. These concepts are learned by training a graph convolutional autoencoder that leverages inter-domain concepts in a domain-invariant manner. Conditioning a popular domain-adversarial baseline method with these learned concepts helps improve its performance over state-of-the-art approaches, demonstrating the efficacy of our proposed framework.
Current approaches to empathetic response generation view the set of emotions expressed in the input text as a flat structure, where all the emotions are treated uniformly. We argue that empathetic responses often mimic the emotion of the user to a varying degree, depending on its positivity or negativity and content. We show that the consideration of these polarity-based emotion clusters and emotional mimicry results in improved empathy and contextual relevance of the response as compared to the state-of-the-art. Also, we introduce stochasticity into the emotion mixture that yields emotionally more varied empathetic responses than the previous work. We demonstrate the importance of these factors to empathetic response generation using both automatic- and human-based evaluations. The implementation of MIME is publicly available at
In this paper, we address the task of utterance level emotion recognition in conversations using commonsense knowledge. We propose COSMIC, a new framework that incorporates different elements of commonsense such as mental states, events, and causal relations, and build upon them to learn interactions between interlocutors participating in a conversation. Current state-of-theart methods often encounter difficulties in context propagation, emotion shift detection, and differentiating between related emotion classes. By learning distinct commonsense representations, COSMIC addresses these challenges and achieves new state-of-the-art results for emotion recognition on four different benchmark conversational datasets. Our code is available at
Emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) has received much attention, lately, from researchers due to its potential widespread applications in diverse areas, such as health-care, education, and human resources. In this paper, we present Dialogue Graph Convolutional Network (DialogueGCN), a graph neural network based approach to ERC. We leverage self and inter-speaker dependency of the interlocutors to model conversational context for emotion recognition. Through the graph network, DialogueGCN addresses context propagation issues present in the current RNN-based methods. We empirically show that this method alleviates such issues, while outperforming the current state of the art on a number of benchmark emotion classification datasets.
Related tasks often have inter-dependence on each other and perform better when solved in a joint framework. In this paper, we present a deep multi-task learning framework that jointly performs sentiment and emotion analysis both. The multi-modal inputs (i.e. text, acoustic and visual frames) of a video convey diverse and distinctive information, and usually do not have equal contribution in the decision making. We propose a context-level inter-modal attention framework for simultaneously predicting the sentiment and expressed emotions of an utterance. We evaluate our proposed approach on CMU-MOSEI dataset for multi-modal sentiment and emotion analysis. Evaluation results suggest that multi-task learning framework offers improvement over the single-task framework. The proposed approach reports new state-of-the-art performance for both sentiment analysis and emotion analysis.
Multi-modal sentiment analysis offers various challenges, one being the effective combination of different input modalities, namely text, visual and acoustic. In this paper, we propose a recurrent neural network based multi-modal attention framework that leverages the contextual information for utterance-level sentiment prediction. The proposed approach applies attention on multi-modal multi-utterance representations and tries to learn the contributing features amongst them. We evaluate our proposed approach on two multi-modal sentiment analysis benchmark datasets, viz. CMU Multi-modal Opinion-level Sentiment Intensity (CMU-MOSI) corpus and the recently released CMU Multi-modal Opinion Sentiment and Emotion Intensity (CMU-MOSEI) corpus. Evaluation results show the effectiveness of our proposed approach with the accuracies of 82.31% and 79.80% for the MOSI and MOSEI datasets, respectively. These are approximately 2 and 1 points performance improvement over the state-of-the-art models for the datasets.
In this paper, we propose a novel method for combining deep learning and classical feature based models using a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) network for financial sentiment analysis. We develop various deep learning models based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). These are trained on top of pre-trained, autoencoder-based, financial word embeddings and lexicon features. An ensemble is constructed by combining these deep learning models and a classical supervised model based on Support Vector Regression (SVR). We evaluate our proposed technique on a benchmark dataset of SemEval-2017 shared task on financial sentiment analysis. The propose model shows impressive results on two datasets, i.e. microblogs and news headlines datasets. Comparisons show that our proposed model performs better than the existing state-of-the-art systems for the above two datasets by 2.0 and 4.1 cosine points, respectively.
In this paper we propose an ensemble based model which combines state of the art deep learning sentiment analysis algorithms like Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) along with feature based models to identify optimistic or pessimistic sentiments associated with companies and stocks in financial texts. We build our system to participate in a competition organized by Semantic Evaluation 2017 International Workshop. We combined predictions from various models using an artificial neural network to determine the opinion towards an entity in (a) Microblog Messages and (b) News Headlines data. Our models achieved a cosine similarity score of 0.751 and 0.697 for the above two tracks giving us the rank of 2nd and 7th best team respectively.