We introduce FarExStance, a new dataset for explainable stance detection in Farsi. Each instance in this dataset contains a claim, the stance of an article or social media post towards that claim, and an extractive explanation which provides evidence for the stance label. We compare the performance of a fine-tuned multilingual RoBERTa model to several large language models in zero-shot, few-shot, and parameter-efficient fine-tuned settings on our new dataset. On stance detection, the most accurate models are the fine-tuned RoBERTa model, the LLM Aya-23-8B which has been fine-tuned using parameter-efficient fine-tuning, and few-shot Claude-3.5-Sonnet. Regarding the quality of the explanations, our automatic evaluation metrics indicate that few-shot GPT-4o generates the most coherent explanations, while our human evaluation reveals that the best Overall Explanation Score (OES) belongs to few-shot Claude-3.5-Sonnet. The fine-tuned Aya-32-8B model produced explanations most closely aligned with the reference explanations.
Advances in dataset analysis techniques have enabled more sophisticated approaches to analyzing and characterizing training data instances, often categorizing data based on attributes such as “difficulty”. In this work, we introduce RepMatch, a novel method that characterizes data through the lens of similarity.RepMatch quantifies the similarity between subsets of training instances by comparing the knowledge encoded in models trained on them, overcoming the limitations of existing analysis methods that focus solely on individual instances and are restricted to within-dataset analysis.Our framework allows for a broader evaluation, enabling similarity comparisons across arbitrary subsets of instances, supporting both dataset-to-dataset and instance-to-dataset analyses. We validate the effectiveness of RepMatch across multiple NLP tasks, datasets, and models. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate that RepMatch can effectively compare datasets, identify more representative subsets of a dataset (that lead to better performance than randomly selected subsets of equivalent size), and uncover heuristics underlying the construction of some challenge datasets.
Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as the dominant paradigm in Natural Language Processing owing to their remarkable performance across various target tasks. However, naively fine-tuning them for specific downstream tasks often requires updating a vast number of parameters, resulting in high computational costs and overfitting when training data is limited. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called *Stochastic Tuning*, that addresses these challenges by selectively updating a small subset of parameters in each step of the tuning process. Our approach is characterized by its customization of updates based on task-specific partial gradients with respect to stochastic sub-networks. The advantage of Stochastic Tuning over existing solutions lies in its ability to consider both parameter weights as well as forward values which guarantees a context-sensitive fine-tuning. Our experiments demonstrate that Stochastic Tuning outperforms existing lightweight fine-tuning methods, improving average performance by over two points on RoBERTa across several tasks in the GLUE benchmark while updating merely **0.08**% of the model’s parameters. The code for our implementation can be found at https://github.com/m-Tajari/StocTuning_LLMs.
Entity linking is a well-established task in NLP consisting of associating entity mentions with entries in a knowledge base. Current models have demonstrated competitive performance in standard text settings. However, when it comes to noisy domains such as social media, certain challenges still persist. Typically, to evaluate entity linking on existing benchmarks, a comprehensive knowledge base is necessary and models are expected to possess an understanding of all the entities contained within the knowledge base. However, in practical scenarios where the objective is to retrieve sentences specifically related to a particular entity, strict adherence to a complete understanding of all entities in the knowledge base may not be necessary. To address this gap, we introduce TweetTER (Tweet Target Entity Retrieval), a novel benchmark that aims to bridge the challenges in entity linking. The distinguishing feature of this benchmark is its approach of re-framing entity linking as a binary entity retrieval task. This enables the evaluation of language models’ performance without relying on a conventional knowledge base, providing a more practical and versatile evaluation framework for assessing the effectiveness of language models in entity retrieval tasks.
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of explainable fact-checking through a series of experiments, focusing on the ability of large language models to verify public health claims and provide explanations or justifications for their veracity assessments. We examine the effectiveness of zero/few-shot prompting and parameter-efficient fine-tuning across various open and closed-source models, examining their performance in both isolated and joint tasks of veracity prediction and explanation generation. Importantly, we employ a dual evaluation approach comprising previously established automatic metrics and a novel set of criteria through human evaluation. Our automatic evaluation indicates that, within the zero-shot scenario, GPT-4 emerges as the standout performer, but in few-shot and parameter-efficient fine-tuning contexts, open-source models demonstrate their capacity to not only bridge the performance gap but, in some instances, surpass GPT-4. Human evaluation reveals yet more nuance as well as indicating potential problems with the gold explanations.
An emerging solution for explaining Transformer-based models is to use vector-based analysis on how the representations are formed. However, providing a faithful vector-based explanation for a multi-layer model could be challenging in three aspects: (1) Incorporating all components into the analysis, (2) Aggregating the layer dynamics to determine the information flow and mixture throughout the entire model, and (3) Identifying the connection between the vector-based analysis and the model’s predictions. In this paper, we present DecompX to tackle these challenges. DecompX is based on the construction of decomposed token representations and their successive propagation throughout the model without mixing them in between layers. Additionally, our proposal provides multiple advantages over existing solutions for its inclusion of all encoder components (especially nonlinear feed-forward networks) and the classification head. The former allows acquiring precise vectors while the latter transforms the decomposition into meaningful prediction-based values, eliminating the need for norm- or summation-based vector aggregation. According to the standard faithfulness evaluations, DecompX consistently outperforms existing gradient-based and vector-based approaches on various datasets. Our code is available at https://github.com/mohsenfayyaz/DecompX.
Several proposals have been put forward in recent years for improving out-of-distribution (OOD) performance through mitigating dataset biases. A popular workaround is to train a robust model by re-weighting training examples based on a secondary biased model. Here, the underlying assumption is that the biased model resorts to shortcut features. Hence, those training examples that are correctly predicted by the biased model are flagged as being biased and are down-weighted during the training of the main model. However, assessing the importance of an instance merely based on the predictions of the biased model may be too naive. It is possible that the prediction of the main model can be derived from another decision-making process that is distinct from the behavior of the biased model. To circumvent this, we introduce a fine-tuning strategy that incorporates the similarity between the main and biased model attribution scores in a Product of Experts (PoE) loss function to further improve OOD performance. With experiments conducted on natural language inference and fact verification benchmarks, we show that our method improves OOD results while maintaining in-distribution (ID) performance.
This paper presents the Visual Word Sense Disambiguation (Visual-WSD) task. The objective of Visual-WSD is to identify among a set of ten images the one that corresponds to the intended meaning of a given ambiguous word which is accompanied with minimal context. The task provides datasets for three different languages: English, Italian, and Farsi.We received a total of 96 different submissions. Out of these, 40 systems outperformed a strong zero-shot CLIP-based baseline. Participating systems proposed different zero- and few-shot approaches, often involving generative models and data augmentation. More information can be found on the task’s website: \url{https://raganato.github.io/vwsd/}.
Pre-trained language models have shown stellar performance in various downstream tasks. But, this usually comes at the cost of high latency and computation, hindering their usage in resource-limited settings. In this work, we propose a novel approach for reducing the computational cost of BERT with minimal loss in downstream performance. Our method dynamically eliminates less contributing tokens through layers, resulting in shorter lengths and consequently lower computational cost. To determine the importance of each token representation, we train a Contribution Predictor for each layer using a gradient-based saliency method. Our experiments on several diverse classification tasks show speedups up to 22x during inference time without much sacrifice in performance. We also validate the quality of the selected tokens in our method using human annotations in the ERASER benchmark. In comparison to other widely used strategies for selecting important tokens, such as saliency and attention, our proposed method has a significantly lower false positive rate in generating rationales. Our code is freely available at https://github.com/amodaresi/AdapLeR.
Research in stance detection has so far focused on models which leverage purely textual input. In this paper, we investigate the integration of textual and financial signals for stance detection in the financial domain. Specifically, we propose a robust multi-task neural architecture that combines textual input with high-frequency intra-day time series from stock market prices. Moreover, we extend wt–wt, an existing stance detection dataset which collects tweets discussing Mergers and Acquisitions operations, with the relevant financial signal. Importantly, the obtained dataset aligns with Stander, an existing news stance detection dataset, thus resulting in a unique multimodal, multi-genre stance detection resource. We show experimentally and through detailed result analysis that our stance detection system benefits from financial information, and achieves state-of-the-art results on the wt–wt dataset: this demonstrates that the combination of multiple input signals is effective for cross-target stance detection, and opens interesting research directions for future work.
As a recent development in few-shot learning, prompt-based techniques have demonstrated promising potential in a variety of natural language processing tasks. However, despite proving competitive on most tasks in the GLUE and SuperGLUE benchmarks, existing prompt-based techniques fail on the semantic distinction task of the Word-in-Context (WiC) dataset. Specifically, none of the existing few-shot approaches (including the in-context learning of GPT-3) can attain a performance that is meaningfully different from the random baseline. Trying to fill this gap, we propose a new prompting technique, based on similarity metrics, which boosts few-shot performance to the level of fully supervised methods. Our simple adaptation shows that the failure of existing prompt-based techniques in semantic distinction is due to their improper configuration, rather than lack of relevant knowledge in the representations. We also show that this approach can be effectively extended to other downstream tasks for which a single prompt is sufficient.
It has been shown that NLI models are usually biased with respect to the word-overlap between the premise and the hypothesis, as they take this feature as a primary cue for predicting the entailment label. In this paper, we focus on an overlooked aspect of the overlap bias in the NLI models: the reverse word-overlap bias. Our experimental results demonstrate that current NLI systems are also highly biased towards the non-entailment label on instances with low overlap and that existing debiasing methods, which are reportedly successful on challenge datasets, are generally ineffective in addressing this category of bias.Through a set of analyses, we investigate the reasons for the emergence of the overlap bias and the role of minority examples in mitigating this bias.For the former, we find that the word overlap bias does not stem from pre-training, and in the latter, we observe that in contrast to the accepted assumption, eliminating minority examples does not affect the generalizability of debiasing methods with respect to the overlap bias.
Parameter-efficient fine-tuning has garnered lots of attention in recent studies.On this subject, we investigate the capability of different transformer modules in transferring knowledge from a pre-trained model to a downstream task. Our empirical results suggest that every transformer module is a winning ticket such that fine-tuning the specific module while the rest of the network is frozen achieves a comparable performance to the full fine-tuning case. Among different modules in LMs, LayerNorms exhibit a significant capacity for transfer learning to the extent that with only 0.003% updateable parameters in the layer-wise analysis, they can show acceptable performance on various target tasks.We argue that the performance of LayerNorms could be attributed to their high-magnitude weights compared to other components in a pre-trained model.
Several studies have investigated the reasons behind the effectiveness of fine-tuning, usually through the lens of probing. However, these studies often neglect the role of the size of the dataset on which the model is fine-tuned. In this paper, we highlight the importance of this factor and its undeniable role in probing performance. We show that the extent of encoded linguistic knowledge depends on the number of fine-tuning samples. The analysis also reveals that larger training data mainly affects higher layers, and that the extent of this change is a factor of the number of iterations updating the model during fine-tuning rather than the diversity of the training samples. Finally, we show through a set of experiments that fine-tuning data size affects the recoverability of the changes made to the model’s linguistic knowledge.
Several studies have explored various advantages of multilingual pre-trained models (such as multilingual BERT) in capturing shared linguistic knowledge. However, less attention has been paid to their limitations. In this paper, we investigate the multilingual BERT for two known issues of the monolingual models: anisotropic embedding space and outlier dimensions. We show that, unlike its monolingual counterpart, the multilingual BERT model exhibits no outlier dimension in its representations while it has a highly anisotropic space. There are a few dimensions in the monolingual BERT with high contributions to the anisotropic distribution. However, we observe no such dimensions in the multilingual BERT. Furthermore, our experimental results demonstrate that increasing the isotropy of multilingual space can significantly improve its representation power and performance, similarly to what had been observed for monolingual CWRs on semantic similarity tasks. Our analysis indicates that, despite having different degenerated directions, the embedding spaces in various languages tend to be partially similar with respect to their structures.
There has been a growing interest in interpreting the underlying dynamics of Transformers. While self-attention patterns were initially deemed as the primary option, recent studies have shown that integrating other components can yield more accurate explanations. This paper introduces a novel token attribution analysis method that incorporates all the components in the encoder block and aggregates this throughout layers. Through extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments, we demonstrate that our method can produce faithful and meaningful global token attributions. Our experiments reveal that incorporating almost every encoder component results in increasingly more accurate analysis in both local (single layer) and global (the whole model) settings. Our global attribution analysis significantly outperforms previous methods on various tasks regarding correlation with gradient-based saliency scores. Our code is freely available at https://github.com/mohsenfayyaz/GlobEnc.
We introduce DadmaTools, an open-source Python Natural Language Processing toolkit for the Persian language. The toolkit is a neural pipeline based on spaCy for several text processing tasks, including normalization, tokenization, lemmatization, part-of-speech, dependency parsing, constituency parsing, chunking, and ezafe detecting. DadmaTools relies on fine-tuning of ParsBERT using the PerDT dataset for most of the tasks. Dataset module and embedding module are included in DadmaTools that support different Persian datasets, embeddings, and commonly used functions for them. Our evaluations show that DadmaTools can attain state-of-the-art performance on multiple NLP tasks. The source code is freely available at https://github.com/Dadmatech/DadmaTools.
The representation degeneration problem in Contextual Word Representations (CWRs) hurts the expressiveness of the embedding space by forming an anisotropic cone where even unrelated words have excessively positive correlations. Existing techniques for tackling this issue require a learning process to re-train models with additional objectives and mostly employ a global assessment to study isotropy. Our quantitative analysis over isotropy shows that a local assessment could be more accurate due to the clustered structure of CWRs. Based on this observation, we propose a local cluster-based method to address the degeneration issue in contextual embedding spaces. We show that in clusters including punctuations and stop words, local dominant directions encode structural information, removing which can improve CWRs performance on semantic tasks. Moreover, we find that tense information in verb representations dominates sense semantics. We show that removing dominant directions of verb representations can transform the space to better suit semantic applications. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed cluster-based method can mitigate the degeneration problem on multiple tasks.
Most of the recent works on probing representations have focused on BERT, with the presumption that the findings might be similar to the other models. In this work, we extend the probing studies to two other models in the family, namely ELECTRA and XLNet, showing that variations in the pre-training objectives or architectural choices can result in different behaviors in encoding linguistic information in the representations. Most notably, we observe that ELECTRA tends to encode linguistic knowledge in the deeper layers, whereas XLNet instead concentrates that in the earlier layers. Also, the former model undergoes a slight change during fine-tuning, whereas the latter experiences significant adjustments. Moreover, we show that drawing conclusions based on the weight mixing evaluation strategy—which is widely used in the context of layer-wise probing—can be misleading given the norm disparity of the representations across different layers. Instead, we adopt an alternative information-theoretic probing with minimum description length, which has recently been proven to provide more reliable and informative results.
Transformer-based language models have taken many fields in NLP by storm. BERT and its derivatives dominate most of the existing evaluation benchmarks, including those for Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), thanks to their ability in capturing context-sensitive semantic nuances. However, there is still little knowledge about their capabilities and potential limitations in encoding and recovering word senses. In this article, we provide an in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of the celebrated BERT model with respect to lexical ambiguity. One of the main conclusions of our analysis is that BERT can accurately capture high-level sense distinctions, even when a limited number of examples is available for each word sense. Our analysis also reveals that in some cases language models come close to solving coarse-grained noun disambiguation under ideal conditions in terms of availability of training data and computing resources. However, this scenario rarely occurs in real-world settings and, hence, many practical challenges remain even in the coarse-grained setting. We also perform an in-depth comparison of the two main language model-based WSD strategies, namely, fine-tuning and feature extraction, finding that the latter approach is more robust with respect to sense bias and it can better exploit limited available training data. In fact, the simple feature extraction strategy of averaging contextualized embeddings proves robust even using only three training sentences per word sense, with minimal improvements obtained by increasing the size of this training data.
We present WiC-TSV, a new multi-domain evaluation benchmark for Word Sense Disambiguation. More specifically, we introduce a framework for Target Sense Verification of Words in Context which grounds its uniqueness in the formulation as binary classification task thus being independent of external sense inventories, and the coverage of various domains. This makes the dataset highly flexible for the evaluation of a diverse set of models and systems in and across domains. WiC-TSV provides three different evaluation settings, depending on the input signals provided to the model. We set baseline performance on the dataset using state-of-the-art language models. Experimental results show that even though these models can perform decently on the task, there remains a gap between machine and human performance, especially in out-of-domain settings. WiC-TSV data is available at https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/23683.
Several studies have been carried out on revealing linguistic features captured by BERT. This is usually achieved by training a diagnostic classifier on the representations obtained from different layers of BERT. The subsequent classification accuracy is then interpreted as the ability of the model in encoding the corresponding linguistic property. Despite providing insights, these studies have left out the potential role of token representations. In this paper, we provide a more in-depth analysis on the representation space of BERT in search for distinct and meaningful subspaces that can explain the reasons behind these probing results. Based on a set of probing tasks and with the help of attribution methods we show that BERT tends to encode meaningful knowledge in specific token representations (which are often ignored in standard classification setups), allowing the model to detect syntactic and semantic abnormalities, and to distinctively separate grammatical number and tense subspaces.
It is widely accepted that fine-tuning pre-trained language models usually brings about performance improvements in downstream tasks. However, there are limited studies on the reasons behind this effectiveness, particularly from the viewpoint of structural changes in the embedding space. Trying to fill this gap, in this paper, we analyze the extent to which the isotropy of the embedding space changes after fine-tuning. We demonstrate that, even though isotropy is a desirable geometrical property, fine-tuning does not necessarily result in isotropy enhancements. Moreover, local structures in pre-trained contextual word representations (CWRs), such as those encoding token types or frequency, undergo a massive change during fine-tuning. Our experiments show dramatic growth in the number of elongated directions in the embedding space, which, in contrast to pre-trained CWRs, carry the essential linguistic knowledge in the fine-tuned embedding space, making existing isotropy enhancement methods ineffective.
Existing techniques for mitigating dataset bias often leverage a biased model to identify biased instances. The role of these biased instances is then reduced during the training of the main model to enhance its robustness to out-of-distribution data. A common core assumption of these techniques is that the main model handles biased instances similarly to the biased model, in that it will resort to biases whenever available. In this paper, we show that this assumption does not hold in general. We carry out a critical investigation on two well-known datasets in the domain, MNLI and FEVER, along with two biased instance detection methods, partial-input and limited-capacity models. Our experiments show that in around a third to a half of instances, the biased model is unable to predict the main model’s behavior, highlighted by the significantly different parts of the input on which they base their decisions. Based on a manual validation, we also show that this estimate is highly in line with human interpretation. Our findings suggest that down-weighting of instances detected by bias detection methods, which is a widely-practiced procedure, is an unnecessary waste of training data. We release our code to facilitate reproducibility and future research.
Cross-target generalization constitutes an important issue for news Stance Detection (SD). In this short paper, we investigate adversarial cross-genre SD, where knowledge from annotated user-generated data is leveraged to improve news SD on targets unseen during training. We implement a BERT-based adversarial network and show experimental performance improvements over a set of strong baselines. Given the abundance of user-generated data, which are considerably less expensive to retrieve and annotate than news articles, this constitutes a promising research direction.
In this paper we analyze the extent to which contextualized sense embeddings, i.e., sense embeddings that are computed based on contextualized word embeddings, are transferable across languages. To this end, we compiled a unified cross-lingual benchmark for Word Sense Disambiguation. We then propose two simple strategies to transfer sense-specific knowledge across languages and test them on the benchmark. Experimental results show that this contextualized knowledge can be effectively transferred to similar languages through pre-trained multilingual language models, to the extent that they can out-perform monolingual representations learnednfrom existing language-specific data.
Training and evaluation of automatic fact extraction and verification techniques require large amounts of annotated data which might not be available for low-resource languages. This paper presents ParsFEVER: the first publicly available Farsi dataset for fact extraction and verification. We adopt the construction procedure of the standard English dataset for the task, i.e., FEVER, and improve it for the case of low-resource languages. Specifically, claims are extracted from sentences that are carefully selected to be more informative. The dataset comprises nearly 23K manually-annotated claims. Over 65% of the claims in ParsFEVER are many-hop (require evidence from multiple sources), making the dataset a challenging benchmark (only 13% of the claims in FEVER are many-hop). Also, despite having a smaller training set (around one-ninth of that in Fever), a model trained on ParsFEVER attains similar downstream performance, indicating the quality of the dataset. We release the dataset and the annotation guidelines at https://github.com/Zarharan/ParsFEVER.
Cross-target generalization is a known problem in stance detection (SD), where systems tend to perform poorly when exposed to targets unseen during training. Given that data annotation is expensive and time-consuming, finding ways to leverage abundant unlabeled in-domain data can offer great benefits. In this paper, we apply a weakly supervised framework to enhance cross-target generalization through synthetically annotated data. We focus on Twitter SD and show experimentally that integrating synthetic data is helpful for cross-target generalization, leading to significant improvements in performance, with gains in F1 scores ranging from +3.4 to +5.1.
We present a new challenging stance detection dataset, called Will-They-Won’t-They (WT–WT), which contains 51,284 tweets in English, making it by far the largest available dataset of the type. All the annotations are carried out by experts; therefore, the dataset constitutes a high-quality and reliable benchmark for future research in stance detection. Our experiments with a wide range of recent state-of-the-art stance detection systems show that the dataset poses a strong challenge to existing models in this domain.
Embeddings have been one of the most important topics of interest in NLP for the past decade. Representing knowledge through a low-dimensional vector which is easily integrable in modern machine learning models has played a central role in the development of the field. Embedding techniques initially focused on words but the attention soon started to shift to other forms. This tutorial will provide a high-level synthesis of the main embedding techniques in NLP, in the broad sense. We will start by conventional word embeddings (e.g., Word2Vec and GloVe) and then move to other types of embeddings, such as sense-specific and graph alternatives. We will finalize with an overview of the trending contextualized representations (e.g., ELMo and BERT) and explain their potential and impact in NLP.
The ability to correctly model distinct meanings of a word is crucial for the effectiveness of semantic representation techniques. However, most existing evaluation benchmarks for assessing this criterion are tied to sense inventories (usually WordNet), restricting their usage to a small subset of knowledge-based representation techniques. The Word-in-Context dataset (WiC) addresses the dependence on sense inventories by reformulating the standard disambiguation task as a binary classification problem; but, it is limited to the English language. We put forward a large multilingual benchmark, XL-WiC, featuring gold standards in 12 new languages from varied language families and with different degrees of resource availability, opening room for evaluation scenarios such as zero-shot cross-lingual transfer. We perform a series of experiments to determine the reliability of the datasets and to set performance baselines for several recent contextualized multilingual models. Experimental results show that even when no tagged instances are available for a target language, models trained solely on the English data can attain competitive performance in the task of distinguishing different meanings of a word, even for distant languages. XL-WiC is available at https://pilehvar.github.io/xlwic/.
We present a new challenging news dataset that targets both stance detection (SD) and fine-grained evidence retrieval (ER). With its 3,291 expert-annotated articles, the dataset constitutes a high-quality benchmark for future research in SD and multi-task learning. We provide a detailed description of the corpus collection methodology and carry out an extensive analysis on the sources of disagreement between annotators, observing a correlation between their disagreement and the diffusion of uncertainty around a target in the real world. Our experiments show that the dataset poses a strong challenge to recent state-of-the-art models. Notably, our dataset aligns with an existing Twitter SD dataset: their union thus addresses a key shortcoming of previous works, by providing the first dedicated resource to study multi-genre SD as well as the interplay of signals from social media and news sources in rumour verification.
This paper presents the Graded Word Similarity in Context (GWSC) task which asked participants to predict the effects of context on human perception of similarity in English, Croatian, Slovene and Finnish. We received 15 submissions and 11 system description papers. A new dataset (CoSimLex) was created for evaluation in this task: it contains pairs of words, each annotated within two different contexts. Systems beat the baselines by significant margins, but few did well in more than one language or subtask. Almost every system employed a Transformer model, but with many variations in the details: WordNet sense embeddings, translation of contexts, TF-IDF weightings, and the automatic creation of datasets for fine-tuning were all used to good effect.
Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) are known to suffer from learning uninformative latent representation of the input due to issues such as approximated posterior collapse, or entanglement of the latent space. We impose an explicit constraint on the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence term inside the VAE objective function. While the explicit constraint naturally avoids posterior collapse, we use it to further understand the significance of the KL term in controlling the information transmitted through the VAE channel. Within this framework, we explore different properties of the estimated posterior distribution, and highlight the trade-off between the amount of information encoded in a latent code during training, and the generative capacity of the model.
By design, word embeddings are unable to model the dynamic nature of words’ semantics, i.e., the property of words to correspond to potentially different meanings. To address this limitation, dozens of specialized meaning representation techniques such as sense or contextualized embeddings have been proposed. However, despite the popularity of research on this topic, very few evaluation benchmarks exist that specifically focus on the dynamic semantics of words. In this paper we show that existing models have surpassed the performance ceiling of the standard evaluation dataset for the purpose, i.e., Stanford Contextual Word Similarity, and highlight its shortcomings. To address the lack of a suitable benchmark, we put forward a large-scale Word in Context dataset, called WiC, based on annotations curated by experts, for generic evaluation of context-sensitive representations. WiC is released in https://pilehvar.github.io/wic/.
We present a novel method for mapping unrestricted text to knowledge graph entities by framing the task as a sequence-to-sequence problem. Specifically, given the encoded state of an input text, our decoder directly predicts paths in the knowledge graph, starting from the root and ending at the the target node following hypernym-hyponym relationships. In this way, and in contrast to other text-to-entity mapping systems, our model outputs hierarchically structured predictions that are fully interpretable in the context of the underlying ontology, in an end-to-end manner. We present a proof-of-concept experiment with encouraging results, comparable to those of state-of-the-art systems.
Meaning conflation deficiency is one of the main limiting factors of word representations which, given their widespread use at the core of many NLP systems, can lead to inaccurate semantic understanding of the input text and inevitably hamper the performance. Sense representations target this problem. However, their potential impact has rarely been investigated in downstream NLP applications. Through a set of experiments on a state-of-the-art reverse dictionary system based on neural networks, we show that a simple adjustment aimed at addressing the meaning conflation deficiency can lead to substantial improvements.
Rare word representation has recently enjoyed a surge of interest, owing to the crucial role that effective handling of infrequent words can play in accurate semantic understanding. However, there is a paucity of reliable benchmarks for evaluation and comparison of these techniques. We show in this paper that the only existing benchmark (the Stanford Rare Word dataset) suffers from low-confidence annotations and limited vocabulary; hence, it does not constitute a solid comparison framework. In order to fill this evaluation gap, we propose Cambridge Rare word Dataset (Card-660), an expert-annotated word similarity dataset which provides a highly reliable, yet challenging, benchmark for rare word representation techniques. Through a set of experiments we show that even the best mainstream word embeddings, with millions of words in their vocabularies, are unable to achieve performances higher than 0.43 (Pearson correlation) on the dataset, compared to a human-level upperbound of 0.90. We release the dataset and the annotation materials at https://pilehvar.github.io/card-660/.
This paper addresses the problem of mapping natural language text to knowledge base entities. The mapping process is approached as a composition of a phrase or a sentence into a point in a multi-dimensional entity space obtained from a knowledge graph. The compositional model is an LSTM equipped with a dynamic disambiguation mechanism on the input word embeddings (a Multi-Sense LSTM), addressing polysemy issues. Further, the knowledge base space is prepared by collecting random walks from a graph enhanced with textual features, which act as a set of semantic bridges between text and knowledge base entities. The ideas of this work are demonstrated on large-scale text-to-entity mapping and entity classification tasks, with state of the art results.
Experimental performance on the task of relation classification has generally improved using deep neural network architectures. One major drawback of reported studies is that individual models have been evaluated on a very narrow range of datasets, raising questions about the adaptability of the architectures, while making comparisons between approaches difficult. In this work, we present a systematic large-scale analysis of neural relation classification architectures on six benchmark datasets with widely varying characteristics. We propose a novel multi-channel LSTM model combined with a CNN that takes advantage of all currently popular linguistic and architectural features. Our ‘Man for All Seasons’ approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on two datasets. More importantly, in our view, the model allowed us to obtain direct insights into the continued challenges faced by neural language models on this task.
Incorporating linguistic, world and common sense knowledge into AI/NLP systems is currently an important research area, with several open problems and challenges. At the same time, processing and storing this knowledge in lexical resources is not a straightforward task. We propose to address these complementary goals from two methodological perspectives: the use of NLP methods to help the process of constructing and enriching lexical resources and the use of lexical resources for improving NLP applications. This tutorial may be useful for two main types of audience: those working on language resources who are interested in becoming acquainted with automatic NLP techniques, with the end goal of speeding and/or easing up the process of resource curation; and on the other hand, researchers in NLP who would like to benefit from the knowledge of lexical resources to improve their systems and models.
The purpose of text geolocation is to associate geographic information contained in a document with a set (or sets) of coordinates, either implicitly by using linguistic features and/or explicitly by using geographic metadata combined with heuristics. We introduce a geocoder (location mention disambiguator) that achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on three diverse datasets by exploiting the implicit lexical clues. Moreover, we propose a new method for systematic encoding of geographic metadata to generate two distinct views of the same text. To that end, we introduce the Map Vector (MapVec), a sparse representation obtained by plotting prior geographic probabilities, derived from population figures, on a World Map. We then integrate the implicit (language) and explicit (map) features to significantly improve a range of metrics. We also introduce an open-source dataset for geoparsing of news events covering global disease outbreaks and epidemics to help future evaluation in geoparsing.
Text preprocessing is often the first step in the pipeline of a Natural Language Processing (NLP) system, with potential impact in its final performance. Despite its importance, text preprocessing has not received much attention in the deep learning literature. In this paper we investigate the impact of simple text preprocessing decisions (particularly tokenizing, lemmatizing, lowercasing and multiword grouping) on the performance of a standard neural text classifier. We perform an extensive evaluation on standard benchmarks from text categorization and sentiment analysis. While our experiments show that a simple tokenization of input text is generally adequate, they also highlight significant degrees of variability across preprocessing techniques. This reveals the importance of paying attention to this usually-overlooked step in the pipeline, particularly when comparing different models. Finally, our evaluation provides insights into the best preprocessing practices for training word embeddings.
In this paper, we propose to adapt the four-staged pipeline proposed by Zubiaga et al. (2018) for the Rumor Verification task to the problem of Fake News Detection. We show that the recently released FNC-1 corpus covers two of its steps, namely the Tracking and the Stance Detection task. We identify asymmetry in length in the input to be a key characteristic of the latter step, when adapted to the framework of Fake News Detection, and propose to handle it as a specific type of Cross-Level Stance Detection. Inspired by theories from the field of Journalism Studies, we implement and test two architectures to successfully model the internal structure of an article and its interactions with a claim.
We put forward an approach that exploits the knowledge encoded in lexical resources in order to induce representations for words that were not encountered frequently during training. Our approach provides an advantage over the past work in that it enables vocabulary expansion not only for morphological variations, but also for infrequent domain specific terms. We performed evaluations in different settings, showing that the technique can provide consistent improvements on multiple benchmarks across domains.
Specialising vector spaces to maximise their content with respect to one key property of vector space models (e.g. semantic similarity vs. relatedness or lexical entailment) while mitigating others has become an active and attractive research topic in representation learning. Such specialised vector spaces support different classes of NLP problems. Proposed approaches fall into two broad categories: a) Unsupervised methods which learn from raw textual corpora in more sophisticated ways (e.g. using context selection, extracting co-occurrence information from word patterns, attending over contexts); and b) Knowledge-base driven approaches which exploit available resources to encode external information into distributional vector spaces, injecting knowledge from semantic lexicons (e.g., WordNet, FrameNet, PPDB). In this tutorial, we will introduce researchers to state-of-the-art methods for constructing vector spaces specialised for a broad range of downstream NLP applications. We will deliver a detailed survey of the proposed methods and discuss best practices for intrinsic and application-oriented evaluation of such vector spaces.Throughout the tutorial, we will provide running examples reaching beyond English as the only (and probably the easiest) use-case language, in order to demonstrate the applicability and modelling challenges of current representation learning architectures in other languages.
Named entities are frequently used in a metonymic manner. They serve as references to related entities such as people and organisations. Accurate identification and interpretation of metonymy can be directly beneficial to various NLP applications, such as Named Entity Recognition and Geographical Parsing. Until now, metonymy resolution (MR) methods mainly relied on parsers, taggers, dictionaries, external word lists and other handcrafted lexical resources. We show how a minimalist neural approach combined with a novel predicate window method can achieve competitive results on the SemEval 2007 task on Metonymy Resolution. Additionally, we contribute with a new Wikipedia-based MR dataset called RelocaR, which is tailored towards locations as well as improving previous deficiencies in annotation guidelines.
Lexical ambiguity can impede NLP systems from accurate understanding of semantics. Despite its potential benefits, the integration of sense-level information into NLP systems has remained understudied. By incorporating a novel disambiguation algorithm into a state-of-the-art classification model, we create a pipeline to integrate sense-level information into downstream NLP applications. We show that a simple disambiguation of the input text can lead to consistent performance improvement on multiple topic categorization and polarity detection datasets, particularly when the fine granularity of the underlying sense inventory is reduced and the document is sufficiently large. Our results also point to the need for sense representation research to focus more on in vivo evaluations which target the performance in downstream NLP applications rather than artificial benchmarks.
This paper introduces a new task on Multilingual and Cross-lingual SemanticThis paper introduces a new task on Multilingual and Cross-lingual Semantic Word Similarity which measures the semantic similarity of word pairs within and across five languages: English, Farsi, German, Italian and Spanish. High quality datasets were manually curated for the five languages with high inter-annotator agreements (consistently in the 0.9 ballpark). These were used for semi-automatic construction of ten cross-lingual datasets. 17 teams participated in the task, submitting 24 systems in subtask 1 and 14 systems in subtask 2. Results show that systems that combine statistical knowledge from text corpora, in the form of word embeddings, and external knowledge from lexical resources are best performers in both subtasks. More information can be found on the task website: http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2017/task2/
Representing the semantics of linguistic items in a machine interpretable form has been a major goal of Natural Language Processing since its earliest days. Among the range of different linguistic items, words have attracted the most research attention. However, word representations have an important limitation: they conflate different meanings of a word into a single vector. Representations of word senses have the potential to overcome this inherent limitation. Indeed, the representation of individual word senses and concepts has recently gained in popularity with several experimental results showing that a considerable performance improvement can be achieved across different NLP applications upon moving from word level to the deeper sense and concept levels. Another interesting point regarding the representation of concepts and word senses is that these models can be seamlessly applied to other linguistic items, such as words, phrases, sentences, etc.This tutorial will first provide a brief overview of the recent literature concerning word representation (both count based and neural network based). It will then describe the advantages of moving from the word level to the deeper level of word senses and concepts, providing an extensive review of state of the art systems. Approaches covered will not only include those which draw upon knowledge resources such as WordNet, Wikipedia, BabelNet or FreeBase as reference, but also the so called multi prototype approaches which learn sense distinctions by using different clustering techniques. Our tutorial will discuss the advantages and potential limitations of all approaches, showing their most successful applications to date. We will conclude by presenting current open problems and lines of future work.
Semantic similarity forms a central component in many NLP systems, from lexical semantics, to part of speech tagging, to social media analysis. Recent years have seen a renewed interest in developing new similarity techniques, buoyed in part by work on embeddings and by SemEval tasks in Semantic Textual Similarity and Cross-Level Semantic Similarity. The increased interest has led to hundreds of techniques for measuring semantic similarity, which makes it difficult for practitioners to identify which state-of-the-art techniques are applicable and easily integrated into projects and for researchers to identify which aspects of the problem require future research.This tutorial synthesizes the current state of the art for measuring semantic similarity for all types of conceptual or textual pairs and presents a broad overview of current techniques, what resources they use, and the particular inputs or domains to which the methods are most applicable. We survey methods ranging from corpus-based approaches operating on massive or domains-specific corpora to those leveraging structural information from expert-based or collaboratively-constructed lexical resources. Furthermore, we review work on multiple similarity tasks from sense-based comparisons to word, sentence, and document-sized comparisons and highlight general-purpose methods capable of comparing multiple types of inputs. Where possible, we also identify techniques that have been demonstrated to successfully operate in multilingual or cross-lingual settings.Our tutorial provides a clear overview of currently-available tools and their strengths for practitioners who need out of the box solutions and provides researchers with an understanding of the limitations of current state of the art and what open problems remain in the field. Given the breadth of available approaches, participants will also receive a detailed bibliography of approaches (including those not directly covered in the tutorial), annotated according to the approaches abilities, and pointers to when open-source implementations of the algorithms may be obtained.