Event Causality Identification (ECI) aims to identify fine-grained causal relationships between events in an unstructured text. Existing ECI methods primarily rely on knowledge enhanced and graph-based reasoning approaches, but they often overlook the dependencies between similar events. Additionally, the connection between unstructured text and structured knowledge is relatively weak. Therefore, this paper proposes an ECI method enhanced by LLM Knowledge and Concept-Level Event Relations (LKCER). Specifically, LKCER constructs a conceptual-level heterogeneous event graph by leveraging the local contextual information of related event mentions, generating a more comprehensive global semantic representation of event concepts. At the same time, the knowledge generated by COMET is filtered and enriched using LLM, strengthening the associations between event pairs and knowledge. Finally, the joint event conceptual representation and knowledge-enhanced event representation are used to uncover potential causal relationships between events. The experimental results show that our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on both benchmarks, EventStoryLine and Causal-TimeBank.
Data-driven pre-trained language models typically perform shortcut learning wherein they rely on the spurious correlations between the data and the ground truth. This reliance can undermine the robustness and generalization of the model. To address this issue, data augmentation emerges as a promising solution. By integrating anti-shortcut data to the training set, the models’ shortcut-induced biases can be mitigated. However, existing methods encounter three challenges: 1) Manual definition of shortcuts is tailored to particular datasets, restricting generalization. 2) The inherent confirmation bias during model training hampers the effectiveness of data augmentation. 3) Insufficient exploration of the relationship between the model performance and the augmented data quantity may result in excessive data consumption. To tackle these challenges, we propose a method of Smart Data Augmentation based on Large Language Models (SAug-LLM). It leverages the LLMs to autonomously identify shortcuts and generate their anti-shortcut counterparts. In addition, the dual validation is employed to mitigate the confirmation bias during the model retraining. Furthermore, the data augmentation process is optimized to effectively rectify model biases while minimizing data consumption. We validate the effectiveness and generalization of our method through extensive experiments across various natural language processing tasks, demonstrating an average performance improvement of 5.61%.
Multi-hop question answering (MHQA) aims to utilize multi-source intensive documents retrieved to derive the answer. However, it is very challenging to model the importance of knowledge retrieved. Previous approaches primarily emphasize single-step and multi-step iterative decomposition or retrieval, which are susceptible to failure in long-chain reasoning due to the progressive accumulation of erroneous information. To address this problem, we propose a novel Local-tO-Global optimized retrieval method (LOG) to discover more beneficial information, facilitating the MHQA. In particular, we design a pointwise conditional v-information based local information modeling to cover usable documents with reasoning knowledge. We also improve tuplet objective loss, advancing multi-examples-aware global optimization to model the relationship between scattered documents. Extensive experimental results demonstrate our proposed method outperforms prior state-of-the-art models, and it can significantly improve multi-hop reasoning, notably for long-chain reasoning.
Event Argument Extraction (EAE) aims to extract arguments for specified events from a text. Previous research has mainly focused on addressing long-distance dependencies of arguments, modeling co-occurrence relationships between roles and events, but overlooking potential inductive biases: (i) semantic differences among arguments of the same type and (ii) large margin separation between arguments of the different types. Inspired by prototype networks, we introduce a new model named HMPEAE, which takes the two inductive biases above as targets to locate prototypes and guide the model to learn argument representations based on these prototypes.Specifically, we set multiple prototypes to represent each role to capture intra-class differences. Simultaneously, we use hypersphere as the output space for prototypes, defining large margin separation between prototypes to encourage the model to learn significant differences between different types of arguments effectively.We solve the “argument-prototype” assignment as an optimal transport problem to optimize the argument representation and minimize the absolute distance between arguments and prototypes to achieve compactness within sub-clusters. Experimental results on the RAMS and WikiEvents datasets show that HMPEAE achieves state-of-the-art performances.
Most existing rationalization approaches are susceptible to degeneration accumulation due to a lack of effective control over the learning direction of the model during training. To address this issue, we propose a novel approach AGR (Agent-Guided Rationalization), guiding the next action of the model based on its current training state. Specifically, we introduce causal intervention calculus to quantify the causal effects inherent during rationale training, and utilize reinforcement learning process to refine the learning bias of them. Furthermore, we pretrain an agent within this reinforced causal environment to guide the next step of the model. We theoretically demonstrate that a good model needs the desired guidance, and empirically show the effectiveness of our approach, outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods on BeerAdvocate and HotelReview datasets.
“Chinese Frame-semantic Parsing (CFSP) aims to extract fine-grained frame-semantic structures from texts, which can provide fine-grained semantic information for natural language understanding models to enhance their abilities of semantic representations. Based on the CCL-23 CFSP evaluation task, we introduce construction grammar to expand the targets, as basic units activating frames in texts, from word-style to construction-style, and publish a more challenging CFSP evaluation task in CCL-2024. The evaluation dataset consists of 22,000 annotated examples involving nearly 695 frames. The evaluation task is divided into three subtasks: frame identification, argument identification, and role identification, involving two tracks: close track and open track. The evaluation task has attracted wide attention from both industry and academia, with a total of 1988 participating teams. As for the evaluation results, the team from China University of Petroleum won the first place in the closed track with the final score of 71.34, while the team frome Suzhou University won the first place in the open track with the final socre of 48.77. In this article, we reports the key information about the evaluation task, including key concepts, evaluation dataset, top-3 results and corresponding methods. More information about this task can be found on the website of the CCL-2024 CFSP evaluation task.”
The abstract inference capability of the Language Model plays a pivotal role in boosting its generalization and reasoning prowess in Natural Language Inference (NLI). Entailment graphs are crafted precisely for this purpose, focusing on learning entailment relations among predicates. Yet, prevailing approaches overlook the *polysemy* and *hierarchical nature of concepts* during entity conceptualization. This oversight disregards how arguments might entail differently across various concept levels, thereby missing potential entailment connections. To tackle this hurdle, we introduce the *concept pyramid* and propose the HiCon-EG (Hierarchical Conceptual Entailment Graph) framework, which organizes arguments hierarchically, delving into entailment relations at diverse concept levels. By learning entailment relationships at different concept levels, the model is guided to better understand concepts so as to improve its abstract inference capabilities. Our method enhances scalability and efficiency in acquiring common-sense knowledge through leveraging statistical language distribution instead of manual labeling, Experimental results show that entailment relations derived from HiCon-EG significantly bolster abstract detection tasks. Our code is available at https://github.com/SXUCFN/HiCon-EG
Structured entailment tree can exhibit the reasoning chains from knowledge facts to predicted answers, which is important for constructing an explainable question answering system. Existing works mainly include directly generating the entire tree and stepwise generating the proof steps. The stepwise methods can exploit combinatoriality and generalize to longer steps, but they have large fact search spaces and error accumulation problems resulting in the generation of invalid steps. In this paper, inspired by the Dual Process Theory in cognitive science, we propose FRVA, a Fact-Retrieval and Verification Augmented bidirectional entailment tree generation method that contains two systems. Specifically, System 1 makes intuitive judgments through the fact retrieval module and filters irrelevant facts to reduce the search space. System 2 designs a deductive-abductive bidirectional reasoning module, and we construct cross-verification and multi-view contrastive learning to make the generated proof steps closer to the target hypothesis. We enhance the reliability of the stepwise proofs to mitigate error propagation. Experiment results on EntailmentBank show that FRVA outperforms previous models and achieves state-of-the-art performance in fact selection and structural correctness.
The task of model editing becomes popular for correcting inaccurate or outdated parametric knowledge in Large Language Models (LLMs). However, there are major limitations of state of the art (SOTA) model editing methods, including the excessive memorization issue caused by the direct editing methods, as well as the error propagation and knowledge conflict issues from the memory enhancement methods, resulting in hindering models’ *portability*, e.g., the ability to transfer the new knowledge to related one-hop or multi-hop content. To address these issues, we propose the InstructEd method, the idea of which is to insert soft instructions into the attention module so as to facilitate interactions between instructions and questions and to understand and utilize new facts. Our main findings are: (i) InstructEd has achieved SOTA performance on three datasets for one-hop/multi-hop evaluation with LLaMAs and GPT2, achieving 10% (5%) improvement in one-hop (multi-hop) model editing.(ii) Different from earlier methods on editing parameters in FFN, we show that editing attention can also help. (iii) Model editing is highly related to retrieval augmented methods, which can help improve the locality of model editing while slightly decrease the editing performance with hops.
Conceptual structure is fundamental to human cognition and natural language understanding. It is significant to explore whether Large Language Models (LLMs) understand such knowledge. Since FrameNet serves as a well-defined conceptual structure knowledge resource, with meaningful frames, fine-grained frame elements, and rich frame relations, we construct a benchmark for coNceptual structure induction based on FrameNet, called NutFrame. It contains three sub-tasks: Frame Induction, Frame Element Induction, and Frame Relation Induction. In addition, we utilize prompts to induce conceptual structure of Framenet with LLMs. Furthermore, we conduct extensive experiments on NutFrame to evaluate various widely-used LLMs. Experimental results demonstrate that FrameNet induction remains a challenge for LLMs.
Recently, knowledge graphs (KGs) have won noteworthy success in commonsense question answering. Existing methods retrieve relevant subgraphs in the KGs through key entities and reason about the answer with language models (LMs) and graph neural networks. However, they ignore (i) optimizing the knowledge representation and structure of subgraphs and (ii) deeply fusing heterogeneous QA context with subgraphs. In this paper, we propose a dynamic heterogeneous-graph reasoning method with LMs and knowledge representation learning (DHLK), which constructs a heterogeneous knowledge graph (HKG) based on multiple knowledge sources and optimizes the structure and knowledge representation of the HKG using a two-stage pruning strategy and knowledge representation learning (KRL). It then performs joint reasoning by LMs and Relation Mask Self-Attention (RMSA). Specifically, DHLK filters key entities based on the dictionary vocabulary to achieve the first-stage pruning while incorporating the paraphrases in the dictionary into the subgraph to construct the HKG. Then, DHLK encodes and fuses the QA context and HKG using LM, and dynamically removes irrelevant KG entities based on the attention weights of LM for the second-stage pruning. Finally, DHLK introduces KRL to optimize the knowledge representation and perform answer reasoning on the HKG by RMSA.We evaluate DHLK at CommonsenseQA and OpenBookQA, and show its improvement on existing LM and LM+KG methods.
Knowledge graph entity typing (KGET) aims at inferring plausible types of entities in knowledge graphs. Existing approaches to KGET focus on how to better encode the knowledge provided by the neighbors and types of an entity into its representation. However, they ignore the semantic knowledge provided by the way in which types can be clustered together. In this paper, we propose a novel method called Multi-view Contrastive Learning for knowledge graph Entity Typing MCLET, which effectively encodes the coarse-grained knowledge provided by clusters into entity and type embeddings. MCLET is composed of three modules: i) Multi-view Generation and Encoder module, which encodes structured information from entity-type, entity-cluster and cluster-type views; ii) Cross-view Contrastive Learning module, which encourages different views to collaboratively improve view-specific representations of entities and types; iii) Entity Typing Prediction module, which integrates multi-head attention and a Mixture-of-Experts strategy to infer missing entity types. Extensive experiments show the strong performance of MCLET compared to the state-of-the-art
Event Detection (ED) is a critical task that aims to identify events of certain types in plain text. Neural models have achieved great success on ED, thus coming with a desire for higher interpretability. Existing works mainly exploit words or phrases of the input text to explain models’ inner mechanisms. However, for ED, the event structure, comprising of an event trigger and a set of arguments, are more enlightening clues to explain model behaviors. To this end, we propose a Trigger-Argument based Explanation method (TAE), which can utilize event structure knowledge to uncover a faithful interpretation for the existing ED models at neuron level. Specifically, we design group, sparsity, support mechanisms to construct the event structure from structuralization, compactness, and faithfulness perspectives. We evaluate our model on the large-scale MAVEN and the widely-used ACE 2005 datasets, and observe that TAE is able to reveal the process by which the model predicts. Experimental results also demonstrate that TAE can not only improve the interpretability on standard evaluation metrics, but also effectively facilitate the human understanding.
Event ontology provides a shared and formal specification about what happens in the real world and can benefit many natural language understanding tasks. However, the independent development of event ontologies often results in heterogeneous representations that raise the need for establishing alignments between semantically related events. There exists a series of works about ontology alignment (OA), but they only focus on the entity-based OA, and neglect the event-based OA. To fill the gap, we construct an Event Ontology Alignment (EventOA) dataset based on FrameNet and Wikidata, which consists of 900+ event type alignments and 8,000+ event argument alignments. Furthermore, we propose a multi-view event ontology alignment (MEOA) method, which utilizes description information (i.e., name, alias and definition) and neighbor information (i.e., subclass and superclass) to obtain richer representation of the event ontologies. Extensive experiments show that our MEOA outperforms the existing entity-based OA methods and can serve as a strong baseline for EventOA research.
The task of sequential model editing is to fix erroneous knowledge in Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) efficiently, precisely and continuously. Although existing methods can deal with a small number of modifications, these methods experience a performance decline or require additional annotated data, when the number of edits increases. In this paper, we propose a Retrieval Augmented Sequential Model Editing framework (RASE) that leverages factual information to enhance editing generalization and to guide the identification of edits by retrieving related facts from the fact-patch memory we constructed. Our main findings are: (i) State-of-the-art models can hardly correct massive mistakes stably and efficiently; (ii) Even if we scale up to thousands of edits, RASE can significantly enhance editing generalization and maintain consistent performance and efficiency; (iii) RASE can edit large-scale PLMs and increase the performance of different editors. Moreover, it can integrate with ChatGPT and further improve performance. Our code and data are available at: https://github.com/sev777/RASE.
We investigate the knowledge graph entity typing task which aims at inferring plausible entity types. In this paper, we propose a novel Transformer-based Entity Typing (TET) approach, effectively encoding the content of neighbours of an entity by means of a transformer mechanism. More precisely, TET is composed of three different mechanisms: a local transformer allowing to infer missing entity types by independently encoding the information provided by each of its neighbours; a global transformer aggregating the information of all neighbours of an entity into a single long sequence to reason about more complex entity types; and a context transformer integrating neighbours content in a differentiated way through information exchange between neighbour pairs, while preserving the graph structure. Furthermore, TET uses information about class membership of types to semantically strengthen the representation of an entity. Experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of TET compared to the state-of-the-art.
Frame Identification (FI) is a fundamental and challenging task in frame semantic parsing. The task aims to find the exact frame evoked by a target word in a given sentence. It is generally regarded as a classification task in existing work, where frames are treated as discrete labels or represented using onehot embeddings. However, the valuable knowledge about frames is neglected. In this paper, we propose a Knowledge-Guided Frame Identification framework (KGFI) that integrates three types frame knowledge, including frame definitions, frame elements and frame-to-frame relations, to learn better frame representation, which guides the KGFI to jointly map target words and frames into the same embedding space and subsequently identify the best frame by calculating the dot-product similarity scores between the target word embedding and all of the frame embeddings. The extensive experimental results demonstrate KGFI significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on two benchmark datasets.
Recently graph-based methods have been adopted for Abstractive Text Summarization. However, existing graph-based methods only consider either word relations or structure information, which neglect the correlation between them. To simultaneously capture the word relations and structure information from sentences, we propose a novel Dual Graph network for Abstractive Sentence Summarization. Specifically, we first construct semantic scenario graph and semantic word relation graph based on FrameNet, and subsequently learn their representations and design graph fusion method to enhance their correlation and obtain better semantic representation for summary generation. Experimental results show our model outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on two popular benchmark datasets, i.e., Gigaword and DUC 2004.
Sentence-level extractive text summarization aims to select important sentences from a given document. However, it is very challenging to model the importance of sentences. In this paper, we propose a novel Frame Semantic-Enhanced Sentence Modeling for Extractive Summarization, which leverages Frame semantics to model sentences from both intra-sentence level and inter-sentence level, facilitating the text summarization task. In particular, intra-sentence level semantics leverage Frames and Frame Elements to model internal semantic structure within a sentence, while inter-sentence level semantics leverage Frame-to-Frame relations to model relationships among sentences. Extensive experiments on two benchmark corpus CNN/DM and NYT demonstrate that our model outperforms six state-of-the-art methods significantly.
Sentence representation (SR) is the most crucial and challenging task in Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC). MRC systems typically only utilize the information contained in the sentence itself, while human beings can leverage their semantic knowledge. To bridge the gap, we proposed a novel Frame-based Sentence Representation (FSR) method, which employs frame semantic knowledge to facilitate sentence modelling. Specifically, different from existing methods that only model lexical units (LUs), Frame Representation Models, which utilize both LUs in frame and Frame-to-Frame (F-to-F) relations, are designed to model frames and sentences with attention schema. Our proposed FSR method is able to integrate multiple-frame semantic information to get much better sentence representations. Our extensive experimental results show that it performs better than state-of-the-art technologies on machine reading comprehension task.
Machine reading comprehension (MRC) is one of the most critical yet challenging tasks in natural language understanding(NLU), where both syntax and semantics information of text are essential components for text understanding. It is surprising that jointly considering syntax and semantics in neural networks was never formally reported in literature. This paper makes the first attempt by proposing a novel Syntax and Frame Semantics model for Machine Reading Comprehension (SS-MRC), which takes full advantage of syntax and frame semantics to get richer text representation. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate that SS-MRC performs better than ten state-of-the-art technologies on machine reading comprehension task.