This paper describes a simple yet effective method to identify if academic essays have been written by students or generated through the language models in English language. We extract a set of style, language complexity, bias and subjectivity, and emotion-based features that can be used to distinguish human-written essays from machine-generated essays. Our methods rank 6th on the leaderboard, achieving an impressive F1-score of 0.986.
Traditional evaluation metrics like BLEU and ROUGE fall short when capturing the nuanced qualities of generated text, particularly when there is no single ground truth. In this paper, we explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs), specifically Google Gemini 1, to serve as automatic evaluators for non-standardized metrics in summarization and dialog-based tasks. We conduct experiments across multiple prompting strategies to examine how LLMs fare as quality annotators when compared with human judgments on the SummEval and USR datasets, asking the model to generate both a score as well as a justification for the score. Furthermore, we explore the robustness of the LLM evaluator by using perturbed inputs. Our findings suggest that while LLMs show promise, their alignment with human evaluators is limited, they are not robust against perturbations and significant improvements are required for their standalone use as reliable evaluators for subjective metrics.
Hallucinations in large language models(LLMs) have recently become a significantproblem. A recent effort in this directionis a shared task at Semeval 2024 Task 6,SHROOM, a Shared-task on Hallucinationsand Related Observable Overgeneration Mis-takes. This paper describes our winning so-lution ranked 1st and 2nd in the 2 sub-tasksof model agnostic and model aware tracks re-spectively. We propose a meta-regressor basedensemble of LLMs based on a random forestalgorithm that achieves the highest scores onthe leader board. We also experiment with var-ious transformer based models and black boxmethods like ChatGPT, Vectara, and others. Inaddition, we perform an error analysis com-paring ChatGPT against our best model whichshows the limitations of the former
This paper describes our approach for SemEval-2024 Task 9: BRAINTEASER: A Novel Task Defying Common Sense. The BRAINTEASER task comprises multiple-choice Question Answering designed to evaluate the models’ lateral thinking capabilities. It consists of Sentence Puzzle and Word Puzzle subtasks that require models to defy default commonsense associations and exhibit unconventional thinking. We propose a unique strategy to improve the performance of pre-trained language models, notably the Gemini 1.0 Pro Model, in both subtasks. We employ static and dynamic few-shot prompting techniques and introduce a model-generated reasoning strategy that utilizes the LLM’s reasoning capabilities to improve performance. Our approach demonstrated significant improvements, showing that it performed better than the baseline models by a considerable margin but fell short of performing as well as the human annotators, thus highlighting the efficacy of the proposed strategies.
The proliferation of LLMs in various NLP tasks has sparked debates regarding their reliability, particularly in annotation tasks where biases and hallucinations may arise. In this shared task, we address the challenge of distinguishing annotations made by LLMs from those made by human domain experts in the context of COVID-19 symptom detection from tweets in Latin American Spanish. This paper presents BrainStorm @ iREL’s approach to the #SMM4H 2024 Shared Task, leveraging the inherent topical information in tweets, we propose a novel approach to identify and classify annotations, aiming to enhance the trustworthiness of annotated data.
Lack of diverse perspectives causes neutrality bias in Wikipedia content leading to millions of worldwide readers getting exposed by potentially inaccurate information. Hence, neutrality bias detection and mitigation is a critical problem. Although previous studies have proposed effective solutions for English, no work exists for Indian languages. First, we contribute two large datasets, mWIKIBIAS and mWNC, covering 8 languages, for the bias detection and mitigation tasks respectively. Next, we investigate the effectiveness of popular multilingual Transformer-based models for the two tasks by modeling detection as a binary classification problem and mitigation as a style transfer problem. We make the code and data publicly available.
Gauging the knowledge of Pretrained Language Models (PLMs) about facts in niche domains is an important step towards making them better in those domains. In this paper, we aim at evaluating multiple PLMs for their knowledge about world Geography. We contribute (i) a sufficiently sized dataset of masked Geography sentences to probe PLMs on masked token prediction and generation tasks, (ii) benchmark the performance of multiple PLMs on the dataset. We also provide a detailed analysis of the performance of the PLMs on different Geography facts.
The process of collecting human-generated annotations is time-consuming and resource-hungry. In the case of low-resource (LR) languages such as Indic languages, these efforts are more expensive due to the dearth of data and human experts. Considering their importance in solving downstream applications, there have been concentrated efforts exploring alternatives for human-generated annotations. To that extent, we seek to evaluate multilingual large language models (LLMs) for their potential to substitute or aid human-generated annotation efforts. We use LLMs to re-label publicly available datasets in LR languages for the tasks of natural language inference, sentiment analysis, and news classification. We compare these annotations with existing ground truth labels to analyze the efficacy of using LLMs for annotation tasks. We observe that the performance of these LLMs varies substantially across different tasks and languages. The results show that off-the-shelf use of multilingual LLMs is not appropriate and results in poor performance in two of the three tasks.
Multiple business scenarios require an automated generation of descriptive human-readable text from structured input data. This has resulted into substantial work on fact-to-text generation systems recently. Unfortunately, previous work on fact-to-text (F2T) generation has focused primarily on English mainly due to the high availability of relevant datasets. Only recently, the problem of cross-lingual fact-to-text (XF2T) was proposed for generation across multiple languages alongwith a dataset, XAlign for eight languages. However, there has been no rigorous work on the actual XF2T generation problem. We extend XAlign dataset with annotated data for four more languages: Punjabi, Malayalam, Assamese and Oriya. We conduct an extensive study using popular Transformer-based text generation models on our extended multi-lingual dataset, which we call XAlignV2. Further, we investigate the performance of different text generation strategies: multiple variations of pretraining, fact-aware embeddings and structure-aware input encoding. Our extensive experiments show that a multi-lingual mT5 model which uses fact-aware embeddings with structure-aware input encoding leads to best results (30.90 BLEU, 55.12 METEOR and 59.17 chrF++) across the twelve languages. We make our code, dataset and model publicly available, and hope that this will help advance further research in this critical area.
This paper presents our submission to the WebNLG Challenge 2023 for generating text in several low-resource languages from RDF-triples. Our submission focuses on using machine translation for generating texts in Irish, Maltese, Welsh and Russian. While a simple and straightfoward approach, recent works have shown that using monolingual models for inference for multilingual tasks with the help of machine translation (translate-test) can out-perform multilingual models and training multilingual models on machine-translated data (translate-train) through careful tuning of the MT component. Our results show that this approach demonstrates competitive performance for this task even with limited data.
Large language models (LLMs) and generative AI have emerged as the most important areas in the field of natural language processing (NLP). LLMs are considered to be a key component in several NLP tasks, such as summarization, question-answering, sentiment classification, and translation. Newer LLMs, such as ChatGPT, BLOOMZ, and several such variants, are known to train on multilingual training data and hence are expected to process and generate text in multiple languages. Considering the widespread use of LLMs, evaluating their efficacy in multilingual settings is imperative. In this work, we evaluate the newest generative models (ChatGPT, mT0, and BLOOMZ) in the context of Indic languages. Specifically, we consider natural language generation (NLG) applications such as summarization and question-answering in monolingual and cross-lingual settings. We observe that current generative models have limited capability for generating text in Indic languages in a zero-shot setting. In contrast, generative models perform consistently better on manual quality-based evaluation in both Indic languages and English language generation. Considering limited generation performance, we argue that these LLMs are not intended to use in zero-shot fashion in downstream applications.
Named Entity Recognition(NER) is a task ofrecognizing entities at a token level in a sen-tence. This paper focuses on solving NER tasksin a multilingual setting for complex named en-tities. Our team, LLM-RM participated in therecently organized SemEval 2023 task, Task 2:MultiCoNER II,Multilingual Complex NamedEntity Recognition. We approach the problemby leveraging cross-lingual representation pro-vided by fine-tuning XLM-Roberta base modelon datasets of all of the 12 languages provided - Bangla, Chinese, English, Farsi, French,German, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish,Swedish and Ukrainian.
This paper describes our approach for SemEval-2023 Task 10: Explainable Detection of Online Sexism (EDOS). The task deals with identification and categorization of sexist content into fine-grained categories for explainability in sexism classification. The explainable categorization is proposed through a set of three hierarchical tasks that constitute a taxonomy of sexist content, each task being more granular than the former for categorization of the content. Our team (iREL) participated in all three hierarchical subtasks. Considering the inter-connected task structure, we study multilevel training to study the transfer learning from coarser to finer tasks. Our experiments based on pretrained transformer architectures also make use of additional strategies such as domain-adaptive pretraining to adapt our models to the nature of the content dealt with, and use of the focal loss objective for handling class imbalances. Our best-performing systems on the three tasks achieve macro-F1 scores of 85.93, 69.96 and 54.62 on their respective validation sets.
The Clickbait Challenge targets spoiling the clickbaits using short pieces of information known as spoilers to satisfy the curiosity induced by a clickbait post. The large context of the article associated with the clickbait and differences in the spoiler forms, make the task challenging. Hence, to tackle the large context, we propose an Information Condensation-based approach, which prunes down the unnecessary context. Given an article, our filtering module optimised with a contrastive learning objective first selects the parapraphs that are the most relevant to the corresponding clickbait.The resulting condensed article is then fed to the two downstream tasks of spoiler type classification and spoiler generation. We demonstrate and analyze the gains from this approach on both the tasks. Overall, we win the task of spoiler type classification and achieve competitive results on spoiler generation.
Clickbait is the text or a thumbnail image that entices the user to click the accompanying link. Clickbaits employ strategies while deliberately hiding the critical elements of the article and revealing partial information in the title, which arouses sufficient curiosity and motivates the user to click the link. In this work, we identify the kind of spoiler given a clickbait title. We formulate this as a text classification problem. We finetune pretrained transformer models on the title of the post and build models for theclickbait-spoiler classification. We achieve a balanced accuracy of 0.70 which is close to the baseline.
This paper describes our system (iREL) for Tweet intimacy analysis sharedtask of the SemEval 2023 workshop at ACL 2023. Oursystem achieved an overall Pearson’s r score of 0.5924 and ranked 10th on the overall leaderboard. For the unseen languages, we ranked third on the leaderboard and achieved a Pearson’s r score of 0.485. We used a single multilingual model for all languages, as discussed in this paper. We provide a detailed description of our pipeline along with multiple ablation experiments to further analyse each component of the pipeline. We demonstrate how translation-based augmentation, domain-specific features, and domain-adapted pre-trained models improve the understanding of intimacy in tweets. The codecan be found at \href{}{}
Identifying human values behind arguments isa complex task which requires understandingof premise, stance and conclusion together. Wepropose a method that uses a pre-trained lan-guage model, DeBERTa, to tokenize and con-catenate the text before feeding it into a fullyconnected neural network. We also show thatleveraging the hierarchy in values improves theperformance by .14 F1 score.
This paper describes our system used in the SemEval-2023 Task 11 Learning With Disagreements (Le-Wi-Di). This is a subjective task since it deals with detecting hate speech, misogyny and offensive language. Thus, disagreement among annotators is expected. We experiment with different settings like loss functions specific for subjective tasks and include anonymized annotator-specific information to help us understand the level of disagreement. We perform an in-depth analysis of the performance discrepancy of these different modelling choices. Our system achieves a cross-entropy of 0.58, 4.01 and 3.70 on the test sets of HS-Brexit, ArMIS and MD-Agreement, respectively. Our code implementation is publicly available.
This paper describes our systems for CLPsych?s 2022 Shared Task. Subtask A involves capturing moments of change in an individual?s mood over time, while Subtask B asked us to identify the suicidality risk of a user. We explore multiple machine learning and deep learning methods for the same, taking real-life applicability into account while considering the design of the architecture. Our team achieved top results in different categories for both subtasks. Task A was evaluated on a post-level (using macro averaged F1) and on a window-based timeline level (using macro-averaged precision and recall). We scored a post-level F1 of 0.520 and ranked second with a timeline-level recall of 0.646. Task B was a user-level task where we also came in second with a micro F1 of 0.520 and scored third place on the leaderboard with a macro F1 of 0.380.
Massive knowledge graphs like Wikidata attempt to capture world knowledge about multiple entities. Recent approaches concentrate on automatically enriching these KGs from text. However a lot of information present in the form of natural text in low resource languages is often missed out. Cross Lingual Information Extraction aims at extracting factual information in the form of English triples from low resource Indian Language text. Despite its massive potential, progress made on this task is lagging when compared to Monolingual Information Extraction. In this paper, we propose the task of Cross Lingual Fact Extraction(CLFE) from text and devise an end-to-end generative approach for the same which achieves an overall F1 score of 77.46
The number of depression and suicide risk cases on social media platforms is ever-increasing, and the lack of depression detection mechanisms on these platforms is becoming increasingly apparent. A majority of work in this area has focused on leveraging linguistic features while dealing with small-scale datasets. However, one faces many obstacles when factoring into account the vastness and inherent imbalance of social media content. In this paper, we aim to optimize the performance of user-level depression classification to lessen the burden on computational resources. The resulting system executes in a quicker, more efficient manner, in turn making it suitable for deployment. To simulate a platform agnostic framework, we simultaneously replicate the size and composition of social media to identify victims of depression. We systematically design a solution that categorizes post embeddings, obtained by fine-tuning transformer models such as RoBERTa, and derives user-level representations using hierarchical attention networks. We also introduce a novel mental health dataset to enhance the performance of depression categorization. We leverage accounts of depression taken from this dataset to infuse domain-specific elements into our framework. Our proposed methods outperform numerous baselines across standard metrics for the task of depression detection in text.
Generating domain-specific content such as legal clauses based on minimal user-provided information can be of significant benefit in automating legal contract generation. In this paper, we propose a controllable graph-based mechanism that can generate legal clauses using only the topic or type of the legal clauses. Our pipeline consists of two stages involving a graph-based planner followed by a clause generator. The planner outlines the content of a legal clause as a sequence of keywords in the order of generic to more specific clause information based on the input topic using a controllable graph-based mechanism. The generation stage takes in a given plan and generates a clause. The pipeline consists of a graph-based planner followed by text generation. We illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed two-stage approach on a broad set of clause topics in contracts.
This paper provides a comparison of different deep learning methods for identifying misogynous memes for SemEval-2022 Task 5: Multimedia Automatic Misogyny Identification. In this task, we experiment with architectures in the identification of misogynous content in memes by making use of text and image-based information. The different deep learning methods compared in this paper are: (i) unimodal image or text models (ii) fusion of unimodal models (iii) multimodal transformers models and (iv) transformers further pretrained on a multimodal task. From our experiments, we found pretrained multimodal transformer architectures to strongly outperform the models involving the fusion of representation from both the modalities.
The task of multilingual news article similarity entails determining the degree of similarity of a given pair of news articles in a language-agnostic setting. This task aims to determine the extent to which the articles deal with the entities and events in question without much consideration of the subjective aspects of the discourse. Considering the superior representations being given by these models as validated on other tasks in NLP across an array of high and low-resource languages and this task not having any restricted set of languages to focus on, we adopted using the encoder representations from these models as our choice throughout our experiments. For modeling the similarity task by using the representations given by these models, a Siamese architecture was used as the underlying architecture. In experimentation, we investigated on several fronts including features passed to the encoder model, data augmentation and ensembling among our major experiments. We found data augmentation to be the most effective working strategy among our experiments.
This paper describes our system (IREL, reffered as himanshu.1007 on Codalab) for Shared Task on Empathy Detection, Emotion Classification, and Personality Detection at 12th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis at ACL 2022. We participated in track 2 for predicting emotion at the essay level. We propose an ensemble approach that leverages the linguistic knowledge of the RoBERTa, BART-large, and RoBERTa model finetuned on the GoEmotions dataset. Each brings in its unique advantage, as we discuss in the paper. Our proposed system achieved a Macro F1 score of 0.585 and ranked one out of thirteen teams
The pairing of natural language sentences with knowledge graph triples is essential for many downstream tasks like data-to-text generation, facts extraction from sentences (semantic parsing), knowledge graph completion, etc. Most existing methods solve these downstream tasks using neural-based end-to-end approaches that require a large amount of well-aligned training data, which is difficult and expensive to acquire. Recently various unsupervised techniques have been proposed to alleviate this alignment step by automatically pairing the structured data (knowledge graph triples) with textual data. However, these approaches are not well suited for low resource languages that provide two major challenges: (1) unavailability of pair of triples and native text with the same content distribution and (2) limited Natural language Processing (NLP) resources. In this paper, we address the unsupervised pairing of knowledge graph triples with sentences for low resource languages, selecting Hindi as the low resource language. We propose cross-lingual pairing of English triples with Hindi sentences to mitigate the unavailability of content overlap. We propose two novel approaches: NER-based filtering with Semantic Similarity and Key-phrase Extraction with Relevance Ranking. We use our best method to create a collection of 29224 well-aligned English triples and Hindi sentence pairs. Additionally, we have also curated 350 human-annotated golden test datasets for evaluation. We make the code and dataset publicly available.
This paper describes our system (IREL) for 3C-Citation Context Classification shared task of the Scholarly Document Processing Workshop at NAACL 2021. We participated in both subtask A and subtask B. Our best system achieved a Macro F1 score of 0.26973 on the private leaderboard for subtask A and was ranked one. For subtask B our best system achieved a Macro F1 score of 0.59071 on the private leaderboard and was ranked two. We used similar models for both the subtasks with some minor changes, as discussed in this paper. Our best performing model for both the subtask was a finetuned SciBert model followed by a linear layer. This paper provides a detailed description of all the approaches we tried and their results.
This paper describes our approach (IIITH) for SemEval-2021 Task 5: HaHackathon: Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense. Our results focus on two major objectives: (i) Effect of task adaptive pretraining on the performance of transformer based models (ii) How does lexical and hurtlex features help in quantifying humour and offense. In this paper, we provide a detailed description of our approach along with comparisions mentioned above.
Hoping for a large number of clicks and potentially high social shares, journalists of various news media outlets publish sensationalist headlines on social media. These headlines lure the readers to click on them and satisfy the curiosity gap in their mind. Low quality material pointed to by clickbaits leads to time wastage and annoyance for users. Even for enterprises publishing clickbaits, it hurts more than it helps as it erodes user trust, attracts wrong visitors, and produces negative signals for ranking algorithms. Hence, identifying and flagging clickbait titles is very essential. Previous work on clickbaits has majorly focused on binary classification of clickbait titles. However not all clickbaits are equally clickbaity. It is not only essential to identify a click-bait, but also to identify the intensity of the clickbait based on the strength of the clickbait. In this work, we model clickbait strength prediction as a regression problem. While previous methods have relied on traditional machine learning or vanilla recurrent neural networks, we rigorously investigate the use of transformers for clickbait strength prediction. On a benchmark dataset with ∼39K posts, our methods outperform all the existing methods in the Clickbait Challenge.
Sexism, a form of oppression based on one’s sex, manifests itself in numerous ways and causes enormous suffering. In view of the growing number of experiences of sexism reported online, categorizing these recollections automatically can assist the fight against sexism, as it can facilitate effective analyses by gender studies researchers and government officials involved in policy making. In this paper, we investigate the fine-grained, multi-label classification of accounts (reports) of sexism. To the best of our knowledge, we work with considerably more categories of sexism than any published work through our 23-class problem formulation. Moreover, we propose a multi-task approach for fine-grained multi-label sexism classification that leverages several supporting tasks without incurring any manual labeling cost. Unlabeled accounts of sexism are utilized through unsupervised learning to help construct our multi-task setup. We also devise objective functions that exploit label correlations in the training data explicitly. Multiple proposed methods outperform the state-of-the-art for multi-label sexism classification on a recently released dataset across five standard metrics.
In this paper, we propose the use of Message Sequence Charts (MSC) as a representation for visualizing narrative text in Hindi. An MSC is a formal representation allowing the depiction of actors and interactions among these actors in a scenario, apart from supporting a rich framework for formal inference. We propose an approach to extract MSC actors and interactions from a Hindi narrative. As a part of the approach, we enrich an existing event annotation scheme where we provide guidelines for annotation of the mood of events (realis vs irrealis) and guidelines for annotation of event arguments. We report performance on multiple evaluation criteria by experimenting with Hindi narratives from Indian History. Though Hindi is the fourth most-spoken first language in the world, from the NLP perspective it has comparatively lesser resources than English. Moreover, there is relatively less work in the context of event processing in Hindi. Hence, we believe that this work is among the initial works for Hindi event processing.
Automatic text summarization has been widely studied as an important task in natural language processing. Traditionally, various feature engineering and machine learning based systems have been proposed for extractive as well as abstractive text summarization. Recently, deep learning based, specifically Transformer-based systems have been immensely popular. Summarization is a cognitively challenging task – extracting summary worthy sentences is laborious, and expressing semantics in brief when doing abstractive summarization is complicated. In this paper, we specifically look at the problem of summarizing scientific research papers from multiple domains. We differentiate between two types of summaries, namely, (a) LaySumm: A very short summary that captures the essence of the research paper in layman terms restricting overtly specific technical jargon and (b) LongSumm: A much longer detailed summary aimed at providing specific insights into various ideas touched upon in the paper. While leveraging latest Transformer-based models, our systems are simple, intuitive and based on how specific paper sections contribute to human summaries of the two types described above. Evaluations against gold standard summaries using ROUGE metrics prove the effectiveness of our approach. On blind test corpora, our system ranks first and third for the LongSumm and LaySumm tasks respectively.
Memes are steadily taking over the feeds of the public on social media. There is always the threat of malicious users on the internet posting offensive content, even through memes. Hence, the automatic detection of offensive images/memes is imperative along with detection of offensive text. However, this is a much more complex task as it involves both visual cues as well as language understanding and cultural/context knowledge. This paper describes our approach to the task of SemEval-2020 Task 8: Memotion Analysis. We chose to participate only in Task A which dealt with Sentiment Classification, which we formulated as a text classification problem. Through our experiments, we explored multiple training models to evaluate the performance of simple text classification algorithms on the raw text obtained after running OCR on meme images. Our submitted model achieved an accuracy of 72.69% and exceeded the existing baseline’s Macro F1 score by 8% on the official test dataset. Apart from describing our official submission, we shall elucidate how different classification models respond to this task.
Sexism, an injustice that subjects women and girls to enormous suffering, manifests in blatant as well as subtle ways. In the wake of growing documentation of experiences of sexism on the web, the automatic categorization of accounts of sexism has the potential to assist social scientists and policy makers in utilizing such data to study and counter sexism better. The existing work on sexism classification, which is different from sexism detection, has certain limitations in terms of the categories of sexism used and/or whether they can co-occur. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on the multi-label classification of sexism of any kind(s), and we contribute the largest dataset for sexism categorization. We develop a neural solution for this multi-label classification that can combine sentence representations obtained using models such as BERT with distributional and linguistic word embeddings using a flexible, hierarchical architecture involving recurrent components and optional convolutional ones. Further, we leverage unlabeled accounts of sexism to infuse domain-specific elements into our framework. The best proposed method outperforms several deep learning as well as traditional machine learning baselines by an appreciable margin.
Software Requirement Specification documents provide natural language descriptions of the core functional requirements as a set of use-cases. Essentially, each use-case contains a set of actors and sequences of steps describing the interactions among them. Goals of use-case reviews and analyses include their correctness, completeness, detection of ambiguities, prototyping, verification, test case generation and traceability. Message Sequence Chart (MSC) have been proposed as a expressive, rigorous yet intuitive visual representation of use-cases. In this paper, we describe a linguistic knowledge-based approach to extract MSCs from use-cases. Compared to existing techniques, we extract richer constructs of the MSC notation such as timers, conditions and alt-boxes. We apply this tool to extract MSCs from several real-life software use-case descriptions and show that it performs better than the existing techniques. We also discuss the benefits and limitations of the extracted MSCs to meet the above goals.
This paper describes our system (Fermi) for Task 5 of SemEval-2019: HatEval: Multilingual Detection of Hate Speech Against Immigrants and Women on Twitter. We participated in the subtask A for English and ranked first in the evaluation on the test set. We evaluate the quality of multiple sentence embeddings and explore multiple training models to evaluate the performance of simple yet effective embedding-ML combination algorithms. Our team - Fermi’s model achieved an accuracy of 65.00% for English language in task A. Our models, which use pretrained Universal Encoder sentence embeddings for transforming the input and SVM (with RBF kernel) for classification, scored first position (among 68) in the leaderboard on the test set for Subtask A in English language. In this paper we provide a detailed description of the approach, as well as the results obtained in the task.
This paper describes our system (Fermi) for Task 6: OffensEval: Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Media of SemEval-2019. We participated in all the three sub-tasks within Task 6. We evaluate multiple sentence embeddings in conjunction with various supervised machine learning algorithms and evaluate the performance of simple yet effective embedding-ML combination algorithms. Our team Fermi’s model achieved an F1-score of 64.40%, 62.00% and 62.60% for sub-task A, B and C respectively on the official leaderboard. Our model for sub-task C which uses pre-trained ELMo embeddings for transforming the input and uses SVM (RBF kernel) for training, scored third position on the official leaderboard. Through the paper we provide a detailed description of the approach, as well as the results obtained for the task.
Online Community Question Answering Forums (cQA) have gained massive popularity within recent years. The rise in users for such forums have led to the increase in the need for automated evaluation for question comprehension and fact evaluation of the answers provided by various participants in the forum. Our team, Fermi, participated in sub-task A of Task 8 at SemEval 2019 - which tackles the first problem in the pipeline of factual evaluation in cQA forums, i.e., deciding whether a posed question asks for a factual information, an opinion/advice or is just socializing. This information is highly useful in segregating factual questions from non-factual ones which highly helps in organizing the questions into useful categories and trims down the problem space for the next task in the pipeline for fact evaluation among the available answers. Our system uses the embeddings obtained from Universal Sentence Encoder combined with XGBoost for the classification sub-task A. We also evaluate other combinations of embeddings and off-the-shelf machine learning algorithms to demonstrate the efficacy of the various representations and their combinations. Our results across the evaluation test set gave an accuracy of 84% and received the first position in the final standings judged by the organizers.
In this paper, we advocate the use of Message Sequence Chart (MSC) as a knowledge representation to capture and visualize multi-actor interactions and their temporal ordering. We propose algorithms to automatically extract an MSC from a history narrative. For a given narrative, we first identify verbs which indicate interactions and then use dependency parsing and Semantic Role Labelling based approaches to identify senders (initiating actors) and receivers (other actors involved) for these interaction verbs. As a final step in MSC extraction, we employ a state-of-the art algorithm to temporally re-order these interactions. Our evaluation on multiple publicly available narratives shows improvements over four baselines.
Translation Quality Estimation (QE) aims to estimate the quality of an automated machine translation (MT) output without any human intervention or reference translation. With the increasing use of MT systems in various cross-lingual applications, the need and applicability of QE systems is increasing. We study existing approaches and propose multiple neural network approaches for sentence-level QE, with a focus on MT outputs in Indian languages. For this, we also introduce five new datasets for four language pairs: two for English–Gujarati, and one each for English–Hindi, English–Telugu and English–Bengali, which includes one manually post-edited dataset for English– Gujarati. These Indian languages are spoken by around 689M speakers world-wide. We compare results obtained using our proposed models with multiple state-of-the-art systems including the winning system in the WMT17 shared task on QE and show that our proposed neural model which combines the discriminative power of carefully chosen features with Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) works best for all Indian language datasets.
We present an online interactive tool that generates titles of blog titles and thus take the first step toward automating science journalism. Science journalism aims to transform jargon-laden scientific articles into a form that the common reader can comprehend while ensuring that the underlying meaning of the article is retained. In this work, we present a tool, which, given the title and abstract of a research paper will generate a blog title by mimicking a human science journalist. The tool makes use of a model trained on a corpus of 87,328 pairs of research papers and their corresponding blogs, built from two science news aggregators. The architecture of the model is a two-stage mechanism which generates blog titles. Evaluation using standard metrics indicate the viability of the proposed system.
Entity Linking (EL) systems aim to automatically map mentions of an entity in text to the corresponding entity in a Knowledge Graph (KG). Degree of connectivity of an entity in the KG directly affects an EL system’s ability to correctly link mentions in text to the entity in KG. This causes many EL systems to perform well for entities well connected to other entities in KG, bringing into focus the role of KG density in EL. In this paper, we propose Entity Linking using Densified Knowledge Graphs (ELDEN). ELDEN is an EL system which first densifies the KG with co-occurrence statistics from a large text corpus, and then uses the densified KG to train entity embeddings. Entity similarity measured using these trained entity embeddings result in improved EL. ELDEN outperforms state-of-the-art EL system on benchmark datasets. Due to such densification, ELDEN performs well for sparsely connected entities in the KG too. ELDEN’s approach is simple, yet effective. We have made ELDEN’s code and data publicly available.
Identification of distinct and independent participants (entities of interest) in a narrative is an important task for many NLP applications. This task becomes challenging because these participants are often referred to using multiple aliases. In this paper, we propose an approach based on linguistic knowledge for identification of aliases mentioned using proper nouns, pronouns or noun phrases with common noun headword. We use Markov Logic Network (MLN) to encode the linguistic knowledge for identification of aliases. We evaluate on four diverse history narratives of varying complexity. Our approach performs better than the state-of-the-art approach as well as a combination of standard named entity recognition and coreference resolution techniques.
Existing work for abstractive multidocument summarization utilise existing phrase structures directly extracted from input documents to generate summary sentences. These methods can suffer from lack of consistence and coherence in merging phrases. We introduce a novel approach for abstractive multidocument summarization through partial dependency tree extraction, recombination and linearization. The method entrusts the summarizer to generate its own topically coherent sequential structures from scratch for effective communication. Results on TAC 2011, DUC-2004 and 2005 show that our system gives competitive results compared with state of the art abstractive summarization approaches in the literature. We also achieve competitive results in linguistic quality assessed by human evaluators.
Ideally a metric evaluating an abstract system summary should represent the extent to which the system-generated summary approximates the semantic inference conceived by the reader using a human-written reference summary. Most of the previous approaches relied upon word or syntactic sub-sequence overlap to evaluate system-generated summaries. Such metrics cannot evaluate the summary at semantic inference level. Through this work we introduce the metric of Semantic Similarity for Abstractive Summarization (SSAS), which leverages natural language inference and paraphrasing techniques to frame a novel approach to evaluate system summaries at semantic inference level. SSAS is based upon a weighted composition of quantities representing the level of agreement, contradiction, independence, paraphrasing, and optionally ROUGE score between a system-generated and a human-written summary.
Sentiment analysis (SA) using code-mixed data from social media has several applications in opinion mining ranging from customer satisfaction to social campaign analysis in multilingual societies. Advances in this area are impeded by the lack of a suitable annotated dataset. We introduce a Hindi-English (Hi-En) code-mixed dataset for sentiment analysis and perform empirical analysis comparing the suitability and performance of various state-of-the-art SA methods in social media. In this paper, we introduce learning sub-word level representations in our LSTM (Subword-LSTM) architecture instead of character-level or word-level representations. This linguistic prior in our architecture enables us to learn the information about sentiment value of important morphemes. This also seems to work well in highly noisy text containing misspellings as shown in our experiments which is demonstrated in morpheme-level feature maps learned by our model. Also, we hypothesize that encoding this linguistic prior in the Subword-LSTM architecture leads to the superior performance. Our system attains accuracy 4-5% greater than traditional approaches on our dataset, and also outperforms the available system for sentiment analysis in Hi-En code-mixed text by 18%.
Bilingual dictionaries are the key component of the cross-lingual similarity estimation methods. Usually such dictionary generation is accomplished by manual or automatic means. Automatic generation approaches include to exploit parallel or comparable data to derive dictionary entries. Such approaches require large amount of bilingual data in order to produce good quality dictionary. Many time the language pair does not have large bilingual comparable corpora and in such cases the best automatic dictionary is upper bounded by the quality and coverage of such corpora. In this work we propose a method which exploits continuous quasi-comparable corpora to derive term level associations for enrichment of such limited dictionary. Though we propose our experiments for English and Hindi, our approach can be easily extendable to other languages. We evaluated dictionary by manually computing the precision. In experiments we show our approach is able to derive interesting term level associations across languages.
With recent developments in web technologies, percentage web content in Hindi is growing up at a lighting speed. This information can prove to be very useful for researchers, governments and organization to learn what's on public mind, to make sound decisions. In this paper, we present a graph based wordnet expansion method to generate a full (adjective and adverb) subjective lexicon. We used synonym and antonym relations to expand the initial seed lexicon. We show three different evaluation strategies to validate the lexicon. We achieve 70.4% agreement with human annotators and â¼79% accuracy on product review classification. Main contribution of our work 1) Developing a lexicon of adjectives and adverbs with polarity scores using Hindi Wordnet. 2) Developing an annotated corpora of Hindi Product Reviews.