Towards Database-Free Text-to-SQL Evaluation: A Graph-Based Metric for Functional Correctness
Yi Zhan
Longjie Cui
Han Weng
Guifeng Wang
Yu Tian
Boyi Liu
Yingxiang Yang
Xiaoming Yin
Jiajun Xie
Yang Sun
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Execution Accuracy and Exact Set Match are two predominant metrics for evaluating the functional correctness of SQL queries in modern Text-to-SQL tasks. However, both metrics have notable limitations: Exact Set Match fails when queries are functionally equivalent but syntactically different, while Execution Accuracy is prone to false positives due to inadequately prepared test databases, which can be costly to create, particularly in large-scale industrial applications. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel graph-based metric, FuncEvalGMN, that effectively overcomes the deficiencies of the aforementioned metric designs. Our method utilizes a relational operator tree (ROT), referred to as RelNode, to extract rich semantic information from the logical execution plan of SQL queries, and embed it into a graph. We then train a graph neural network (GNN) to perform graph matching on pairs of SQL queries through graph contrastive learning. FuncEvalGMN offers two highly desired advantages: (i) it requires only the database schema to derive logical execution plans, eliminating the need for extensive test database preparation, and (ii) it demonstrates strong generalization capabilities on unseen datasets. These properties highlight FuncEvalGMN’s robustness as a reliable metric for assessing functional correctness across a wide range of Text-to-SQL applications.
PITA: Prompting Task Interaction for Argumentation Mining
Yang Sun
Muyi Wang
Jianzhu Bao
Bin Liang
Xiaoyan Zhao
Caihua Yang
Min Yang
Ruifeng Xu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Argumentation mining (AM) aims to detect the arguments and their inherent relations from argumentative textual compositions. Generally, AM comprises three key challenging subtasks, including argument component type classification (ACTC), argumentative relation identification (ARI), and argumentative relation type classification (ARTC). Prior methods are afflicted by a sequential feature decoding paradigm, wherein they initially address the features of argumentation components (ACs) for the task of ACTC. Then, these features are amalgamated in pairs to tackle the task of ARI. Finally, the AC pairs and ascertained pertinent relations are employed for ARTC. However, the explicit and comprehensive inter-relationship among the three subtasks is neglected. In this paper, we propose a novel method PITA for PromptIng Task interAction to model the inter-relationships among the three subtasks within a generative framework. Specifically, we employ a dynamic prompt template to indicate all ACs and AC pairs in the three subtasks. Then, from a multi-relational perspective, we construct an undirected heterogeneous graph to capture the various relationships within and between ACs and AC pairs. We apply the Relational Graph Convolutional Network (RGCN) on the graph and inject the task interaction information into the soft prompts with continuous representations. PITA jointly decodes all ACs and AC pairs using the prompt template with task interaction information, which thus explicitly and comprehensively harmonizes the information propagation across the three subtasks. Extensive experiments show PITA achieves state-of-the-art performances on two AM benchmarks.
Discourse Structure-Aware Prefix for Generation-Based End-to-End Argumentation Mining
Yang Sun
Guanrong Chen
Caihua Yang
Jianzhu Bao
Bin Liang
Xi Zeng
Min Yang
Ruifeng Xu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024
End-to-end argumentation mining (AM) aims to extract the argumentation structure including argumentation components and their argumentation relations from text. Recent developments in end-to-end AM models have demonstrated significant progress by redefining the AM task as a sequence generation task, exhibiting simplicity and competitive performance. Nevertheless, these models overlook the integration of supplementary discourse structure information, a crucial factor for comprehending argumentation structures, resulting in suboptimal outcomes. In this study, we propose the DENIM framework, which generates discourse structure-aware prefixes for each layer of the generation model. These prefixes imbue the generation-based AM model with discourse structures, thereby augmenting the overall generation process. Moreover, we introduce a multi-task prompt coupled with a three-step decoding strategy, aiming to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of argumentation structure decoding. Extensive experiments and analyses on two benchmark datasets show that DENIM achieves state-of-the-art performances on two AM benchmarks.
Decomposing Argumentative Essay Generation via Dialectical Planning of Complex Reasoning
Yuhang He
Jianzhu Bao
Yang Sun
Bin Liang
Min Yang
Bing Qin
Ruifeng Xu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024
Argumentative Essay Generation (AEG) is a challenging task in computational argumentation, where detailed logical reasoning and effective rhetorical skills are essential.Previous methods on argument generation typically involve planning prior to generation.However, the planning strategies in these methods overlook the exploration of the logical reasoning process.Inspired by argument structure-related theories, we propose an argumentative planning strategy for prompting large language models (LLMs) to generate high-quality essays.This strategy comprises two stages: (1) Sketch planning, which creates a rough outline of the essay, and (2) Dialectical planning, which refines the outline through critical self-reflection.Such a planning strategy enables LLMs to write argumentative essays that are more logical, diverse, and persuasive.Furthermore, due to the scarcity of existing AEG datasets, we construct three new datasets.These datasets are from two domains: exam essays and news editorials, covering both Chinese and English.Automatic and manual evaluation on four datasets show that our method can generate more dialectical and persuasive essays with higher diversity compared to several strong baselines.
Probing Graph Decomposition for Argument Pair Extraction
Yang Sun
Bin Liang
Jianzhu Bao
Yice Zhang
Geng Tu
Min Yang
Ruifeng Xu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023
Argument pair extraction (APE) aims to extract interactive argument pairs from two passages within a discussion. The key challenge of APE is to effectively capture the complex context-aware interactive relations of arguments between the two passages. In this paper, we elicit relational semantic knowledge from large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs) via a probing technique. The induced sentence-level relational probing graph can help capture rich explicit interactive relations between argument pairs effectively. Since the relevance score of a sentence pair within a passage is generally larger than that of the sentence pair from different passages, each sentence would prefer to propagate information within the same passage and under-explore the interactive relations between two passages. To tackle this issue, we propose a graph decomposition method to decompose the probing graph into four sub-graphs from intra- and inter-passage perspectives, where the intra-passage graphs can help detect argument spans within each passage and the inter-passage graphs can help identify the argument pairs between the review and rebuttal passages. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that our method achieves substantial improvements over strong baselines for APE.
Tracking Satisfaction States for Customer Satisfaction Prediction in E-commerce Service Chatbots
Yang Sun
Liangqing Wu
Shuangyong Song
Xiaoguang Yu
Xiaodong He
Guohong Fu
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Due to the increasing use of service chatbots in E-commerce platforms in recent years, customer satisfaction prediction (CSP) is gaining more and more attention. CSP is dedicated to evaluating subjective customer satisfaction in conversational service and thus helps improve customer service experience. However, previous methods focus on modeling customer-chatbot interaction across different turns, which are hard to represent the important dynamic satisfaction states throughout the customer journey. In this work, we investigate the problem of satisfaction states tracking and its effects on CSP in E-commerce service chatbots. To this end, we propose a dialogue-level classification model named DialogueCSP to track satisfaction states for CSP. In particular, we explore a novel two-step interaction module to represent the dynamic satisfaction states at each turn. In order to capture dialogue-level satisfaction states for CSP, we further introduce dialogue-aware attentions to integrate historical informative cues into the interaction module. To evaluate the proposed approach, we also build a Chinese E-commerce dataset for CSP. Experiment results demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms multiple baselines, illustrating the benefits of satisfaction states tracking on CSP.
A Generative Model for End-to-End Argument Mining with Reconstructed Positional Encoding and Constrained Pointer Mechanism
Jianzhu Bao
Yuhang He
Yang Sun
Bin Liang
Jiachen Du
Bing Qin
Min Yang
Ruifeng Xu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Argument mining (AM) is a challenging task as it requires recognizing the complex argumentation structures involving multiple subtasks.To handle all subtasks of AM in an end-to-end fashion, previous works generally transform AM into a dependency parsing task.However, such methods largely require complex pre- and post-processing to realize the task transformation.In this paper, we investigate the end-to-end AM task from a novel perspective by proposing a generative framework, in which the expected outputs of AM are framed as a simple target sequence. Then, we employ a pre-trained sequence-to-sequence language model with a constrained pointer mechanism (CPM) to model the clues for all the subtasks of AM in the light of the target sequence. Furthermore, we devise a reconstructed positional encoding (RPE) to alleviate the order biases induced by the autoregressive generation paradigm.Experimental results show that our proposed framework achieves new state-of-the-art performance on two AM benchmarks.
Probing Structural Knowledge from Pre-trained Language Model for Argumentation Relation Classification
Yang Sun
Bin Liang
Jianzhu Bao
Min Yang
Ruifeng Xu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022
Extracting fine-grained structural information between argumentation component (AC) pairs is essential for argumentation relation classification (ARC). However, most previous studies attempt to model the relationship between AC pairs using AC level similarity or semantically relevant features. They ignore the complex interaction between AC pairs and cannot effectively reason the argumentation relation deeply.Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel dual prior graph neural network (DPGNN) to jointly explore the probing knowledge derived from pre-trained language models (PLMs) and the syntactical information for comprehensively modeling the relationship between AC pairs. Specifically, we construct a probing graph by using probing knowledge derived from PLMs to recognize and align the relational information within and across the argumentation components. In addition, we propose a mutual dependency graph for the AC pair to reason the fine-grained syntactic structural information, in which the syntactical correlation between words is set by the dependency information within AC and mutual attention mechanism across ACs. The knowledge learned from the probing graph and the dependency graph are combined to comprehensively capture the aligned relationships of AC pairs for improving the results of ARC. Experimental results on three public datasets show that DPGNN outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines by a noticeable margin.
A Discourse-Aware Graph Neural Network for Emotion Recognition in Multi-Party Conversation
Yang Sun
Nan Yu
Guohong Fu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021
Emotion recognition in multi-party conversation (ERMC) is becoming increasingly popular as an emerging research topic in natural language processing. Prior research focuses on exploring sequential information but ignores the discourse structures of conversations. In this paper, we investigate the importance of discourse structures in handling informative contextual cues and speaker-specific features for ERMC. To this end, we propose a discourse-aware graph neural network (ERMC-DisGCN) for ERMC. In particular, we design a relational convolution to lever the self-speaker dependency of interlocutors to propagate contextual information. Furthermore, we exploit a gated convolution to select more informative cues for ERMC from dependent utterances. The experimental results show our method outperforms multiple baselines, illustrating that discourse structures are of great value to ERMC.