Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly deployed for general problem-solving across various domains yet remain constrained to chaining immediate reasoning steps and depending solely on parametric knowledge. Integrating an information retrieval system directly into the reasoning process of LLMs can improve answer accuracy but might disrupt the natural reasoning sequence. Consequently, LLMs may underperform in complex, knowledge-intensive tasks requiring multiple reasoning steps, extensive real-world knowledge, or critical initial decisions. To overcome these challenges, we introduce a novel framework, Topology-of-Question-Decomposition (ToQD), which activates retrieval only when necessary. Globally, ToQD guides LLMs in constructing a topology graph from the input question, each node representing a sub-question. Locally, ToQD employs self-verify inference to determine whether a sub-question should retrieve relevant documents, necessitate further decomposition, or directly provide an answer. Experiments demonstrate that ToQD achieves superior performance and robustness in complex, knowledge-intensive tasks, significantly enhancing system response efficiency.
Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) identifies sentiment information related to specific aspects and provides deeper market insights to businesses and organizations. With the emergence of large language models (LMs), recent studies have proposed using fixed examples for instruction tuning to reformulate ABSA as a generation task. However, the performance is sensitive to the selection of in-context examples; several retrieval methods are based on surface similarity and are independent of the LM generative objective. This study proposes an instruction learning method with retrieval-based example ranking for ABSA tasks. For each target sample, an LM was applied as a scorer to estimate the likelihood of the output given the input and a candidate example as the prompt, and training examples were labeled as positive or negative by ranking the scores. An alternating training schema is proposed to train both the retriever and LM. Instructional prompts can be constructed using high-quality examples. The LM is used for both scoring and inference, improving the generation efficiency without incurring additional computational costs or training difficulties. Extensive experiments on three ABSA subtasks verified the effectiveness of the proposed method, demonstrating its superiority over various strong baseline models. Code and data are released at
Existing studies on personalized sentiment classification consider a document review as an overall text unit and incorporate backgrounds (i.e., user and product information) to learn sentiment representation. However, it is difficult when these methods meet the current pretrained language models (PLMs) owing to quadratic costs that increase with text length and heterogeneous mixes of randomly initialized background information and textual information initialized from well-pretrained checkpoints during information incorporation. To address these problems, we propose a knowledge-enhanced and parameter-efficient layer normalization (E2LN) for efficient and effective review modeling via leveraging LN in transformer structures. Initially, a knowledge base is introduced that stores well-pretrained checkpoints, structured text information, and background information. Based on such a knowledge base, the ability of LN can be magnified as being a crucial component of transformer structure and then improve the performance of PLMs in downstream tasks. Moreover, the proposed E2LN can make PLMs capable of modeling long document reviews and incorporating background information with parameter-efficient fine-tuning and knowledge injecting. Extensive experimental results were obtained for three document-level sentiment classification benchmark datasets. By comparing the results, the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed model was demonstrated. Code and Data are released at
The pre-training for language models captures general language understanding but fails to distinguish the affective impact of a particular context to a specific word. Recent works have sought to introduce contrastive learning (CL) for sentiment-aware pre-training in acquiring affective information. Nevertheless, these methods present two significant limitations. First, the compatibility of the GPU memory often limits the number of negative samples, hindering the opportunities to learn good representations. In addition, using only a few sentiment polarities as hard labels, e.g., positive, neutral, and negative, to supervise CL will force all representations to converge to a few points, leading to the issue of latent space collapse. This study proposes a soft momentum contrastive learning (SoftMCL) for fine-grained sentiment-aware pre-training. Instead of hard labels, we introduce valence ratings as soft-label supervision for CL to fine-grained measure the sentiment similarities between samples. The proposed SoftMCL conducts CL on both the word- and sentence-level to enhance the model’s ability to learn affective information. A momentum queue was introduced to expand the contrastive samples, allowing storing and involving more negatives to overcome the limitations of hardware platforms. Extensive experiments were conducted on four different sentiment-related tasks, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed SoftMCL method. The code and data of the proposed SoftMCL is available at:
This paper describes the SIGHAN-2024 shared task for Chinese dimensional aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), including task description, data preparation, performance metrics, and evaluation results. Compared to representing affective states as several discrete classes (i.e., sentiment polarity), the dimensional approach represents affective states as continuous numerical values (called sentiment intensity) in the valence-arousal space, providing more fine-grained affective states. Therefore, we organized a dimensional ABSA (shorted dimABSA) shared task, comprising three subtasks: 1) intensity prediction, 2) triplet extraction, and 3) quadruple extraction, receiving a total of 214 submissions from 61 registered participants during evaluation phase. A total of eleven teams provided selected submissions for each subtask and seven teams submitted technical reports for the subtasks. This shared task demonstrates current NLP techniques for dealing with Chinese dimensional ABSA. All data sets with gold standards and evaluation scripts used in this shared task are publicly available for future research.
Applying neural models injected with in-domain user and product information to learn review representations of unseen or anonymous users incurs an obvious obstacle in content-based recommender systems. For the generalization of the in-domain classifier, most existing models train an extra plain-text model for the unseen domain. Without incorporating historical user and product information, such a schema makes unseen and anonymous users dissociate from the recommender system. To simultaneously learn the review representation of both existing and unseen users, this study proposed a switch knowledge distillation for domain generalization. A generalization-switch (GSwitch) model was initially applied to inject user and product information by flexibly encoding both domain-invariant and domain-specific features. By turning the status ON or OFF, the model introduced a switch knowledge distillation to learn a robust review representation that performed well for either existing or anonymous unseen users. The empirical experiments were conducted on IMDB, Yelp-2013, and Yelp-2014 by masking out users in test data as unseen and anonymous users. The comparative results indicate that the proposed method enhances the generalization capability of several existing baseline models. For reproducibility, the code for this paper is available at:
Multimodal aspect-based sentiment analysis (MABSA) aims to extract the aspect terms from text and image pairs, and then analyze their corresponding sentiment. Recent studies typically use either a pipeline method or a unified transformer based on a cross-attention mechanism. However, these methods fail to explicitly and effectively incorporate the alignment between text and image. Supervised finetuning of the universal transformers for MABSA still requires a certain number of aligned image-text pairs. This study proposes a dual-encoder transformer with cross-modal alignment (DTCA). Two auxiliary tasks, including text-only extraction and text-patch alignment are introduced to enhance cross-attention performance. To align text and image, we propose an unsupervised approach which minimizes the Wasserstein distance between both modalities, forcing both encoders to produce more appropriate representations for the final extraction. Experimental results on two benchmarks demonstrate that DTCA consistently outperforms existing methods.
Conditional computation algorithms, such as the early exiting (EE) algorithm, can be applied to accelerate the inference of pretrained language models (PLMs) while maintaining competitive performance on resource-constrained devices. However, this approach is only applied to the vertical architecture to decide which layers should be used for inference. Conversely, the operation of the horizontal perspective is ignored, and the determination of which tokens in each layer should participate in the computation fails, leading to a high redundancy for adaptive inference. To address this limitation, a unified horizontal and vertical multi-perspective early exiting (MPEE) framework is proposed in this study to accelerate the inference of transformer-based models. Specifically, the vertical architecture uses recycling EE classifier memory and weighted self-distillation to enhance the performance of the EE classifiers. Then, the horizontal perspective uses recycling class attention memory to emphasize the informative tokens. Conversely, the tokens with less information are truncated by weighted fusion and isolated from the following computation. Based on this, both horizontal and vertical EE are unified to obtain a better tradeoff between performance and efficiency. Extensive experimental results show that MPEE can achieve higher acceleration inference with competent performance than existing competitive methods.
The billions, and sometimes even trillions, of parameters involved in pre-trained language models significantly hamper their deployment in resource-constrained devices and real-time applications. Knowledge distillation (KD) can transfer knowledge from the original model (i.e., teacher) into a compact model (i.e., student) to achieve model compression. However, previous KD methods have usually frozen the teacher and applied its immutable output feature maps as soft labels to guide the student’s training. Moreover, the goal of the teacher is to achieve the best performance on downstream tasks rather than knowledge transfer. Such a fixed architecture may limit the teacher’s teaching and student’s learning abilities. Herein, a knowledge distillation method with reptile meta-learning is proposed to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the student. The teacher can continuously meta-learn the student’s learning objective to adjust its parameters for maximizing the student’s performance throughout the distillation process. In this way, the teacher learns to teach, produces more suitable soft labels, and transfers more appropriate knowledge to the student, resulting in improved performance. Unlike previous KD using meta-learning, the proposed method only needs to calculate the first-order derivatives to update the teacher, leading to lower computational cost but better convergence. Extensive experiments on the GLUE benchmark show the competitive performance achieved by the proposed method. For reproducibility, the code for this paper is available at:
This paper describes the ROCLING-2022 shared task for Chinese healthcare named entity recognition, including task description, data preparation, performance metrics, and evaluation results. Among ten registered teams, seven participating teams submitted a total of 20 runs. This shared task reveals present NLP techniques for dealing with Chinese named entity recognition in the healthcare domain. All data sets with gold standards and evaluation scripts used in this shared task are publicly available for future research.
This paper presents the ROCLING 2021 shared task on dimensional sentiment analysis for educational texts which seeks to identify a real-value sentiment score of self-evaluation comments written by Chinese students in the both valence and arousal dimensions. Valence represents the degree of pleasant and unpleasant (or positive and negative) feelings, and arousal represents the degree of excitement and calm. Of the 7 teams registered for this shared task for two-dimensional sentiment analysis, 6 submitted results. We expected that this evaluation campaign could produce more advanced dimensional sentiment analysis techniques for the educational domain. All data sets with gold standards and scoring script are made publicly available to researchers.
Aspect-level sentiment analysis(ASC) predicts each specific aspect term’s sentiment polarity in a given text or review. Recent studies used attention-based methods that can effectively improve the performance of aspect-level sentiment analysis. These methods ignored the syntactic relationship between the aspect and its corresponding context words, leading the model to focus on syntactically unrelated words mistakenly. One proposed solution, the graph convolutional network (GCN), cannot completely avoid the problem. While it does incorporate useful information about syntax, it assigns equal weight to all the edges between connected words. It may still incorrectly associate unrelated words to the target aspect through the iterations of graph convolutional propagation. In this study, a graph attention network with memory fusion is proposed to extend GCN’s idea by assigning different weights to edges. Syntactic constraints can be imposed to block the graph convolutional propagation of unrelated words. A convolutional layer and a memory fusion were applied to learn and exploit multiword relations and draw different weights of words to improve performance further. Experimental results on five datasets show that the proposed method yields better performance than existing methods.
Deep neural network models such as long short-term memory (LSTM) and tree-LSTM have been proven to be effective for sentiment analysis. However, sequential LSTM is a bias model wherein the words in the tail of a sentence are more heavily emphasized than those in the header for building sentence representations. Even tree-LSTM, with useful structural information, could not avoid the bias problem because the root node will be dominant and the nodes in the bottom of the parse tree will be less emphasized even though they may contain salient information. To overcome the bias problem, this study proposes a capsule tree-LSTM model, introducing a dynamic routing algorithm as an aggregation layer to build sentence representation by assigning different weights to nodes according to their contributions to prediction. Experiments on Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST) for sentiment classification and EmoBank for regression show that the proposed method improved the performance of tree-LSTM and other neural network models. In addition, the deeper the tree structure, the bigger the improvement.
Word embeddings that can capture semantic and syntactic information from contexts have been extensively used for various natural language processing tasks. However, existing methods for learning context-based word embeddings typically fail to capture sufficient sentiment information. This may result in words with similar vector representations having an opposite sentiment polarity (e.g., good and bad), thus degrading sentiment analysis performance. Therefore, this study proposes a word vector refinement model that can be applied to any pre-trained word vectors (e.g., Word2vec and GloVe). The refinement model is based on adjusting the vector representations of words such that they can be closer to both semantically and sentimentally similar words and further away from sentimentally dissimilar words. Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve conventional word embeddings and outperform previously proposed sentiment embeddings for both binary and fine-grained classification on Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST).
This paper presents the IJCNLP 2017 shared task on Dimensional Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Phrases (DSAP) which seeks to identify a real-value sentiment score of Chinese single words and multi-word phrases in the both valence and arousal dimensions. Valence represents the degree of pleasant and unpleasant (or positive and negative) feelings, and arousal represents the degree of excitement and calm. Of the 19 teams registered for this shared task for two-dimensional sentiment analysis, 13 submitted results. We expected that this evaluation campaign could produce more advanced dimensional sentiment analysis techniques, especially for Chinese affective computing. All data sets with gold standards and scoring script are made publicly available to researchers.
The analysis of customer feedback is useful to provide good customer service. There are a lot of online customer feedback are produced. Manual classification is impractical because the high volume of data. Therefore, the automatic classification of the customer feedback is of importance for the analysis system to identify meanings or intentions that the customer express. The aim of shared Task 4 of IJCNLP 2017 is to classify the customer feedback into six tags categorization. In this paper, we present a system that uses word embeddings to express the feature of the sentence in the corpus and the neural network as the classifier to complete the shared task. And then the ensemble method is used to get final predictive result. The proposed method get ranked first among twelve teams in terms of micro-averaged F1 and second for accura-cy metric.
The EmoInt-2017 task aims to determine a continuous numerical value representing the intensity to which an emotion is expressed in a tweet. Compared to classification tasks that identify 1 among n emotions for a tweet, the present task can provide more fine-grained (real-valued) sentiment analysis. This paper presents a system that uses a bi-directional LSTM-CNN model to complete the competition task. Combining bi-directional LSTM and CNN, the prediction process considers both global information in a tweet and local important information. The proposed method ranked sixth among twenty-one teams in terms of Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
This paper presents the NLP-TEA 2016 shared task for Chinese grammatical error diagnosis which seeks to identify grammatical error types and their range of occurrence within sentences written by learners of Chinese as foreign language. We describe the task definition, data preparation, performance metrics, and evaluation results. Of the 15 teams registered for this shared task, 9 teams developed the system and submitted a total of 36 runs. We expected this evaluation campaign could lead to the development of more advanced NLP techniques for educational applications, especially for Chinese error detection. All data sets with gold standards and scoring scripts are made publicly available to researchers.