Qiushi Sun


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Aggregation of Reasoning: A Hierarchical Framework for Enhancing Answer Selection in Large Language Models
Zhangyue Yin | Qiushi Sun | Qipeng Guo | Zhiyuan Zeng | Xiaonan Li | Tianxiang Sun | Cheng Chang | Qinyuan Cheng | Ding Wang | Xiaofeng Mou | Xipeng Qiu | Xuanjing Huang
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Recent advancements in Chain-of-Thought prompting have facilitated significant breakthroughs for Large Language Models (LLMs) in complex reasoning tasks. Current research enhances the reasoning performance of LLMs by sampling multiple reasoning chains and ensembling based on the answer frequency. However, this approach fails in scenarios where the correct answers are in the minority. We identify this as a primary factor constraining the reasoning capabilities of LLMs, a limitation that cannot be resolved solely based on the predicted answers. To address this shortcoming, we introduce a hierarchical reasoning aggregation framework AoR (Aggregation of Reasoning), which selects answers based on the evaluation of reasoning chains. Additionally, AoR incorporates dynamic sampling, adjusting the number of reasoning chains in accordance with the complexity of the task. Experimental results on a series of complex reasoning tasks show that AoR outperforms prominent ensemble methods. Further analysis reveals that AoR not only adapts various LLMs but also achieves a superior performance ceiling when compared to current methods.

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Make Prompt-based Black-Box Tuning Colorful: Boosting Model Generalization from Three Orthogonal Perspectives
Qiushi Sun | Chengcheng Han | Nuo Chen | Renyu Zhu | Jingyang Gong | Xiang Li | Ming Gao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Large language models (LLMs) have shown increasing power on various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, tuning these models for downstream tasks usually needs exorbitant costs or is unavailable due to commercial considerations. Recently, black-box tuning has been proposed to address this problem by optimizing task-specific prompts without accessing the gradients and hidden representations. However, most existing works have yet fully exploited the potential of gradient-free optimization under the scenario of few-shot learning. In this paper, we describe BBT-RGB, a suite of straightforward and complementary techniques for enhancing the efficiency and performance of black-box optimization. Specifically, our method includes three plug-and-play components: (1) Two-stage derivative-free optimization strategy that facilitates fast convergence and mitigates overfitting; (2) Automatic verbalizer construction with its novel usage under few-shot settings; (3) Better prompt initialization policy based on instruction search and auto-selected demonstration. Extensive experiments across various tasks on natural language understanding and inference demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our codes are available at https://github.com/QiushiSun/BBT-RGB.

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Structure-aware Fine-tuning for Code Pre-trained Models
Jiayi Wu | Renyu Zhu | Nuo Chen | Qiushi Sun | Xiang Li | Ming Gao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Over the past few years, we have witnessed remarkable advancements in Code Pre-trained Models (CodePTMs). These models achieved excellent representation capabilities by designing structure-based pre-training tasks for code. However, how to enhance the absorption of structural knowledge when fine-tuning CodePTMs still remains a significant challenge. To fill this gap, in this paper, we present SAT, a novel structure-enhanced and plug-and-play fine-tuning method for CodePTMs. We first propose a structure loss to quantify the difference between the information learned by CodePTMs and the knowledge extracted from code structure. Specifically, we use the attention scores from Transformer layer as the learned information, and the shortest path length between leaves in abstract syntax trees as the structural knowledge. Subsequently, multi-task learning is introduced to improve the performance of fine-tuning. Experiments conducted on four pre-trained models and two generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method as a plug-and-play solution. Furthermore, we observed that SAT can benefit CodePTMs more with limited training data.

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TransCoder: Towards Unified Transferable Code Representation Learning Inspired by Human Skills
Qiushi Sun | Nuo Chen | Jianing Wang | Ming Gao | Xiang Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Code pre-trained models (CodePTMs) have recently demonstrated a solid capacity to process various code intelligence tasks, e.g., code clone detection, code translation, and code summarization. The current mainstream method that deploys these models to downstream tasks is to fine-tune them on individual tasks, which is generally costly and needs sufficient data for large models. To tackle the issue, in this paper, we present TransCoder, a unified Transferable fine-tuning strategy for Code representation learning. Inspired by human inherent skills of knowledge generalization, TransCoder drives the model to learn better code-related knowledge like human programmers. Specifically, we employ a tunable prefix encoder to first capture cross-task and cross-language transferable knowledge, subsequently applying the acquired knowledge for optimized downstream adaptation. Besides, our approach confers benefits for tasks with minor training sample sizes and languages with smaller corpora, underscoring versatility and efficacy. Extensive experiments conducted on representative datasets clearly demonstrate that our method can lead to superior performance on various code-related tasks and encourage mutual reinforcement, especially in low-resource scenarios. Our codes are available at https://github.com/QiushiSun/TransCoder.

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Reasoning in Flux: Enhancing Large Language Models Reasoning through Uncertainty-aware Adaptive Guidance
Zhangyue Yin | Qiushi Sun | Qipeng Guo | Zhiyuan Zeng | Xiaonan Li | Junqi Dai | Qinyuan Cheng | Xuanjing Huang | Xipeng Qiu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Machine reasoning, which involves solving complex problems through step-by-step deduction and analysis, is a crucial indicator of the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). However, as the complexity of tasks escalates, LLMs often encounter increasing errors in their multi-step reasoning process. This study delves into the underlying factors contributing to these reasoning errors and seeks to leverage uncertainty to refine them. Specifically, we introduce Uncertainty-aware Adaptive Guidance (UAG), a novel approach for guiding LLM reasoning onto an accurate and reliable trajectory. UAG first identifies and evaluates uncertainty signals within each step of the reasoning chain. Upon detecting a significant increase in uncertainty, UAG intervenes by retracting to a previously reliable state and then introduces certified reasoning clues for refinement. By dynamically adjusting the reasoning process, UAG offers a plug-and-play solution for improving LLMs’ performance in complex reasoning. Extensive experiments across various reasoning tasks demonstrate that UAG not only enhances the reasoning abilities of LLMs but also consistently outperforms several strong baselines with minimal computational overhead. Further analysis reveals that UAG is notably effective in identifying and diminishing reasoning errors.

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Boosting Language Models Reasoning with Chain-of-Knowledge Prompting
Jianing Wang | Qiushi Sun | Xiang Li | Ming Gao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recently, Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting has delivered success on complex reasoning tasks, which aims at designing a simple prompt like “Let’s think step by step” or multiple in-context exemplars with well-designed rationales to elicit Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate intermediate reasoning steps. However, the generated rationales often come with hallucinations, making unfactual and unfaithful reasoning chains. To mitigate this brittleness, we propose a novel Chain-of-Knowledge (CoK) prompting, where we aim at eliciting LLMs to generate explicit pieces of knowledge evidence in the form of structure triple. This is inspired by our human behaviors, i.e., we can draw a mind map or knowledge map as the reasoning evidence in the brain before answering a complex question. Benefiting from CoK, we additionally introduce an F2-Verification method to estimate the reliability of the reasoning chains in terms of factuality and faithfulness. For the unreliable response, the wrong evidence can be indicated to prompt the LLM to rethink. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can further improve the performance of commonsense, factual, symbolic, and arithmetic reasoning tasks.

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SeeClick: Harnessing GUI Grounding for Advanced Visual GUI Agents
Kanzhi Cheng | Qiushi Sun | Yougang Chu | Fangzhi Xu | Li YanTao | Jianbing Zhang | Zhiyong Wu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Graphical User Interface (GUI) agents are designed to automate complex tasks on digital devices, such as smartphones and desktops. Most existing GUI agents interact with the environment through extracted structured data, which can be notably lengthy (e.g., HTML) and occasionally inaccessible (e.g., on desktops). To alleviate this issue, we propose a novel visual GUI agent – SeeClick, which only relies on screenshots for task automation. In our preliminary study, we have discovered a key challenge in developing visual GUI agents: GUI grounding – the capacity to accurately locate screen elements based on instructions. To tackle this challenge, we propose to enhance SeeClick with GUI grounding pre-training and devise a method to automate the curation of GUI grounding data. Along with the efforts above, we have also created ScreenSpot, the first realistic GUI grounding benchmark that encompasses mobile, desktop, and web environments. After pre-training, SeeClick demonstrates significant improvement in ScreenSpot over various baselines. Moreover, comprehensive evaluations on three widely used benchmarks consistently support our finding that advancements in GUI grounding directly correlate with enhanced performance in downstream GUI agent tasks. The model, data and code will be open-sourced.

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Symbol-LLM: Towards Foundational Symbol-centric Interface For Large Language Models
Fangzhi Xu | Zhiyong Wu | Qiushi Sun | Siyu Ren | Fei Yuan | Shuai Yuan | Qika Lin | Yu Qiao | Jun Liu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Although Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable ability in processing and generating human-like text, they do have limitations when it comes to comprehending and expressing world knowledge that extends beyond the boundaries of natural language(e.g., chemical molecular formula). Injecting a collection of symbolic data directly into the training of LLMs can be problematic, as it disregards the synergies among different symbolic families and overlooks the need for a balanced mixture of natural and symbolic data. In this work, we tackle these challenges from both a data and framework perspective and introduce Symbol-LLM series models. First, we curated a data collection consisting of 34 tasks and incorporating 20 distinct symbolic families, intending to capture the interrelations and foster synergies between symbols. Then, a two-stage tuning framework succeeds in injecting symbolic knowledge without loss of the generality ability. Extensive experiments on both symbol- and NL-centric tasks demonstrate the balanced and superior performances of Symbol-LLM series models.


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When Gradient Descent Meets Derivative-Free Optimization: A Match Made in Black-Box Scenario
Chengcheng Han | Liqing Cui | Renyu Zhu | Jianing Wang | Nuo Chen | Qiushi Sun | Xiang Li | Ming Gao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Large pre-trained language models (PLMs) have garnered significant attention for their versatility and potential for solving a wide spectrum of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, the cost of running these PLMs may be prohibitive. Furthermore, PLMs may not be open-sourced due to commercial considerations and potential risks of misuse, such as GPT-3. The parameters and gradients of PLMs are unavailable in this scenario. To solve the issue, black-box tuning has been proposed, which utilizes derivative-free optimization (DFO), instead of gradient descent, for training task-specific continuous prompts. However, these gradient-free methods still exhibit a significant gap compared to gradient-based methods. In this paper, we introduce gradient descent into black-box tuning scenario through knowledge distillation. Furthermore, we propose a novel method GDFO, which integrates gradient descent and derivative-free optimization to optimize task-specific continuous prompts in a harmonized manner. Experimental results show that GDFO can achieve significant performance gains over previous state-of-the-art methods.

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Do Large Language Models Know What They Don’t Know?
Zhangyue Yin | Qiushi Sun | Qipeng Guo | Jiawen Wu | Xipeng Qiu | Xuanjing Huang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Large language models (LLMs) have a wealth of knowledge that allows them to excel in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Current research focuses on enhancing their performance within their existing knowledge. Despite their vast knowledge, LLMs are still limited by the amount of information they can accommodate and comprehend. Therefore, the ability to understand their own limitations on the unknows, referred to as self-knowledge, is of paramount importance. This study aims to evaluate LLMs’ self-knowledge by assessing their ability to identify unanswerable or unknowable questions. We introduce an automated methodology to detect uncertainty in the responses of these models, providing a novel measure of their self-knowledge. We further introduce a unique dataset, SelfAware, consisting of unanswerable questions from five diverse categories and their answerable counterparts. Our extensive analysis, involving 20 LLMs including GPT-3, InstructGPT, and LLaMA, discovering an intrinsic capacity for self-knowledge within these models. Moreover, we demonstrate that in-context learning and instruction tuning can further enhance this self-knowledge. Despite this promising insight, our findings also highlight a considerable gap between the capabilities of these models and human proficiency in recognizing the limits of their knowledge.

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Pass-Tuning: Towards Structure-Aware Parameter-Efficient Tuning for Code Representation Learning
Nuo Chen | Qiushi Sun | Jianing Wang | Xiang Li | Ming Gao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Code pre-trained models (CodePTMs) have recently become the de-facto paradigm for various tasks in the domain of code intelligence. To achieve excellent performance, the widely used strategy is to fine-tune all the parameters of CodePTMs. However, as the model size increases along with the number of downstream tasks, this strategy becomes excessively expensive. There are also some prior works that utilize Parameter-Efficient Learning (PEL) methods for model tuning in natural language processing to mitigate similar problems, but applying them directly to CodePTMs fails to capture the inherent structural characteristics of codes. To address the problem, in this paper, we propose Pass-Tuning for structure-aware Parameter-Efficient code representation learning. Specifically, a plug-and-play graph neural network module that can learn from Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is employed as a tunable prefix. On the one hand, Pass-Tuning can further exploit the structural information of source code. On the other hand, it could serve as a replacement for full fine-tuning. We evaluate our method on multiple tasks across eight programming languages, including code understanding and generation. These results demonstrate the effectiveness, robustness, and universality of our method.

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Uncertainty-aware Parameter-Efficient Self-training for Semi-supervised Language Understanding
Jianing Wang | Qiushi Sun | Nuo Chen | Chengyu Wang | Jun Huang | Ming Gao | Xiang Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

The recent success of large pre-trained language models (PLMs) heavily hinges on massive labeled data, which typically produces inferior performance in low-resource scenarios. To remedy this dilemma, we study self-training as one of the predominant semi-supervised learning (SSL) approaches, which utilizes large-scale unlabeled data to generate synthetic examples. However, too many noisy labels will hurt the model performance, and the self-training procedure requires multiple training iterations making it more expensive if all the model parameters of the PLM are updated. This paper presents UPET, a novel Uncertainty-aware Parameter-Efficient self-Training framework to effectively and efficiently address the labeled data scarcity issue. Specifically, we incorporate Monte Carlo (MC) dropout in Bayesian neural network (BNN) to perform uncertainty estimation for the teacher model and then judiciously select reliable pseudo-labeled examples based on confidence and certainty. During the student training, we introduce multiple parameter-efficient learning (PEL) paradigms that allow optimizes only a small percentage of parameters. We also propose a novel Easy-Hard Contrastive Tuning to enhance the robustness and generalization. Extensive experiments over multiple downstream tasks demonstrate that UPET achieves a substantial improvement in terms of performance and efficiency. Our codes and data are released at https: //github.com/wjn1996/UPET.

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Evaluating and Enhancing the Robustness of Code Pre-trained Models through Structure-Aware Adversarial Samples Generation
Nuo Chen | Qiushi Sun | Jianing Wang | Ming Gao | Xiaoli Li | Xiang Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Code pre-trained models (CodePTMs) have significantly advanced the field of neural code intelligence. Despite their capabilities, these models are susceptible to adversarial attacks that subtly modify the model inputs, resulting in incorrect outputs or predictions. Previous methods of robustness evaluation for CodePTMs primarily stem from a textual perspective, without explicitly taking into account the structure of the code. Furthermore, prior studies fail to encompass a broad enough spectrum of tasks and models. In this paper, we propose a set of novel robustness evaluation methods based on the intrinsic structure of the code. Specifically, we first launch adversarial attacks on crucial identifier tokens and sub-tree structures to explore the impact of imperceptible perturbation. Then, we perform global restructuring of the code using different traversal methods for abstract syntax trees, aiming to explore the model’s sensitivity to input samples with equivalent information. Moreover, for each scenario, we employ adversarial training methods to explore the possibility of restoring the performance of perturbed models. For both code understanding and generation, our proposed method has demonstrated its effectiveness across a wide range of models and tasks, thereby allowing us to make one step forward in our understanding of the inner mechanisms of CodePTMs.

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Exchange-of-Thought: Enhancing Large Language Model Capabilities through Cross-Model Communication
Zhangyue Yin | Qiushi Sun | Cheng Chang | Qipeng Guo | Junqi Dai | Xuanjing Huang | Xipeng Qiu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently made significant strides in complex reasoning tasks through the Chain-of-Thought technique. Despite this progress, their reasoning is often constrained by their intrinsic understanding, lacking external insights. To address this, we propose Exchange-of-Thought (EoT), a novel framework that enables cross-model communication during problem-solving. Drawing inspiration from network topology, EoT integrates four unique communication paradigms: Memory, Report, Relay, and Debate. This paper delves into the communication dynamics and volume associated with each paradigm. To counterbalance the risks of incorrect reasoning chains, we implement a robust confidence evaluation mechanism within these communications. Our experiments across diverse complex reasoning tasks demonstrate that EoT significantly surpasses established baselines, underscoring the value of external insights in enhancing LLM performance. Furthermore, we show that EoT achieves these superior results in a cost-effective manner, marking a promising advancement for efficient and collaborative AI problem-solving.


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CAT-probing: A Metric-based Approach to Interpret How Pre-trained Models for Programming Language Attend Code Structure
Nuo Chen | Qiushi Sun | Renyu Zhu | Xiang Li | Xuesong Lu | Ming Gao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Code pre-trained models (CodePTMs) have recently demonstrated significant success in code intelligence. To interpret these models, some probing methods have been applied. However, these methods fail to consider the inherent characteristics of codes. In this paper, to address the problem, we propose a novel probing method CAT-probing to quantitatively interpret how CodePTMs attend code structure. We first denoise the input code sequences based on the token types pre-defined by the compilers to filter those tokens whose attention scores are too small. After that, we define a new metric CAT-score to measure the commonality between the token-level attention scores generated in CodePTMs and the pair-wise distances between corresponding AST nodes. The higher the CAT-score, the stronger the ability of CodePTMs to capture code structure. We conduct extensive experiments to integrate CAT-probing with representative CodePTMs for different programming languages. Experimental results show the effectiveness of CAT-probing in CodePTM interpretation. Our codes and data are publicly available at https://github.com/nchen909/CodeAttention.