The increasing demand for personalized interactions with large language models (LLMs) calls for methodologies capable of accurately and efficiently identifying user opinions and preferences. Retrieval augmentation emerges as an effective strategy, as it can accommodate a vast number of users without the costs from fine-tuning. Existing research, however, has largely focused on enhancing the retrieval stage and devoted limited exploration toward optimizing the representation of the database, a crucial aspect for tasks such as personalization. In this work, we examine the problem from a novel angle, focusing on how data can be better represented for more data-efficient retrieval in the context of LLM customization. To tackle this challenge, we introduce Persona-DB, a simple yet effective framework consisting of a hierarchical construction process to improve generalization across task contexts and collaborative refinement to effectively bridge knowledge gaps among users. In the evaluation of response prediction, Persona-DB demonstrates superior context efficiency in maintaining accuracy with a significantly reduced retrieval size, a critical advantage in scenarios with extensive histories or limited context windows. Our experiments also indicate a marked improvement of over 10% under cold-start scenarios, when users have extremely sparse data. Furthermore, our analysis reveals the increasing importance of collaborative knowledge as the retrieval capacity expands.
Ranking is a fundamental problem in search, however, existing ranking algorithms usually restrict the granularity of ranking to full passages or require a specific dense index for each desired level of granularity. Such lack of flexibility in granularity negatively affects many applications that can benefit from more granular ranking, such as sentence-level ranking for open-domain QA, or proposition-level ranking for attribution. In this work, we introduce the idea of any-granularity ranking which leverages multi-vector embeddings to rank at varying levels of granularity while maintaining encoding at a single (coarser) level of granularity. We propose a multi-granular contrastive loss for training multi-vector approaches and validate its utility with both sentences and propositions as ranking units. Finally, we demonstrate the application of proposition-level ranking to post-hoc citation addition in retrieval-augmented generation, surpassing the performance of prompt-driven citation generation.
Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly advanced the field of information retrieval, particularly for reranking. Listwise LLM rerankers have showcased superior performance and generalizability compared to existing supervised approaches. However, conventional listwise LLM reranking methods lack efficiency as they provide ranking output in the form of a generated ordered sequence of candidate passage identifiers. Further, they are trained with the typical language modeling objective, which treats all ranking errors uniformly–potentially at the cost of misranking highly relevant passages. Addressing these limitations, we introduce FIRST, a novel listwise LLM reranking approach leveraging the output logits of the first generated identifier to directly obtain a ranked ordering of the candidates. Further, we incorporate a learning-to-rank loss during training, prioritizing ranking accuracy for the more relevant passages. Empirical results demonstrate that FIRST accelerates inference by 50% while maintaining a robust ranking performance with gains across the BEIR benchmark. Finally, to illustrate the practical effectiveness of listwise LLM rerankers, we investigate their application in providing relevance feedback for retrievers during inference. Our results show that LLM rerankers can provide a stronger distillation signal compared to cross-encoders, yielding substantial improvements in retriever recall after relevance feedback.
Complex news events, such as natural disasters and socio-political conflicts, require swift responses from the government and society. Relying on historical events to project the future is insufficient as such events are sparse and do not cover all possible conditions and nuanced situations. Simulation of these complex events can help better prepare and reduce the negative impact. We develop a controllable complex news event simulator guided by both the event schema representing domain knowledge about the scenario and user-provided assumptions representing case-specific conditions.As event dynamics depend on the fine-grained social and cultural context, we further introduce a geo-diverse commonsense and cultural norm-aware knowledge enhancement component.To enhance the coherence of the simulation, apart from the global timeline of events,we take an agent-based approach to simulate the individual character states, plans, and actions. By incorporating the schema and cultural norms, our generated simulations achieve much higher coherence and appropriateness and are received favorably by participants from a humanitarian assistance organization.
Open-domain Question Answering (OpenQA) aims at answering factual questions with an external large-scale knowledge corpus. However, real-world knowledge is not static; it updates and evolves continually. Such a dynamic characteristic of knowledge poses a vital challenge for these models, as the trained models need to constantly adapt to the latest information to make sure that the answers remain accurate. In addition, it is still unclear how well an OpenQA model can transfer to completely new knowledge domains. In this paper, we investigate the generalization performance of a retrieval-augmented QA model in two specific scenarios: 1) adapting to updated versions of the same knowledge corpus; 2) switching to completely different knowledge domains. We observe that the generalization challenges of OpenQA models stem from the reader’s over-reliance on memorizing the knowledge from the external corpus, which hinders the model from generalizing to a new knowledge corpus. We introduce Corpus-Invariant Tuning (CIT), a simple but effective training strategy, to mitigate the knowledge over-memorization by controlling the likelihood of retrieved contexts during training. Extensive experimental results on multiple OpenQA benchmarks show that CIT achieves significantly better generalizability without compromising the model’s performance in its original corpus and domain.
The increased use of large language models (LLMs) across a variety of real-world applications calls for mechanisms to verify the factual accuracy of their outputs. In this work, we present Factcheck-Bench, a holistic end-to-end framework for annotating and evaluating the factuality of LLM-generated responses, which encompasses a multi-stage annotation scheme designed to yield detailed labels for fact-checking and correcting not just the final prediction, but also the intermediate steps that a fact-checking system might need to take. Based on this framework, we construct an open-domain factuality benchmark in three-levels of granularity: claim, sentence, and document. We further propose a system, Factcheck-GPT, which follows our framework, and we show that it outperforms several popular LLM fact-checkers. We make our annotation tool, annotated data, benchmark, and code available at
LLM-driven dialog systems are used in a diverse set of applications, ranging from healthcare to customer service. However, given their generalization capability, it is difficult to ensure that these chatbots stay within the boundaries of the specialized domains, potentially resulting in inaccurate information and irrelevant responses. This paper introduces an unsupervised approach for automatically inducing domain-specific dialog flows that can be used to constrain LLM-based chatbots. We introduce two variants of dialog flow based on the availability of in-domain conversation instances. Through human and automatic evaluation over 24 dialog domains, we demonstrate that our high-quality data-guided dialog flows achieve better domain coverage, thereby overcoming the need for extensive manual crafting of such flows.
Existing reference-free turn-level evaluation metrics for chatbots inadequately capture the interaction between the user and the system. Consequently, they often correlate poorly with human evaluations. To address this issue, we propose a novel model-agnostic approach that leverages Conditional Pointwise Mutual Information (C-PMI) to measure the turn-level interaction between the system and the user based on a given evaluation dimension. Experimental results on the widely used FED dialogue evaluation dataset demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the correlation with human judgment compared with existing evaluation systems. By replacing the negative log-likelihood-based scorer with our proposed C-PMI scorer, we achieve a relative 60.5% higher Spearman correlation on average for the FED evaluation metric. Our code is publicly available at
To tackle the challenge of accurate and timely communication regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, we present a COVID-19 Claim Radar to automatically extract supporting and refuting claims on a daily basis. We provide a comprehensive structured view of claims, including rich claim attributes (such as claimers and claimer affiliations) and associated knowledge elements as claim semantics (such as events, relations and entities), enabling users to explore equivalent, refuting, or supporting claims with structural evidence, such as shared claimers, similar centroid events and arguments. In order to consolidate claim structures at the corpus-level, we leverage Wikidata as the hub to merge coreferential knowledge elements. The system automatically provides users a comprehensive exposure to COVID-19 related claims, their importance, and their interconnections. The system is publicly available at GitHub and DockerHub, with complete documentation.
Research on neural IR has so far been focused primarily on standard supervised learning settings, where it outperforms traditional term matching baselines. Many practical use cases of such models, however, may involve previously unseen target domains. In this paper, we propose to improve the out-of-domain generalization of Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) - a popular choice for neural IR - through synthetic data augmentation only in the source domain. We empirically show that pre-finetuning DPR with additional synthetic data in its source domain (Wikipedia), which we generate using a fine-tuned sequence-to-sequence generator, can be a low-cost yet effective first step towards its generalization. Across five different test sets, our augmented model shows more robust performance than DPR in both in-domain and zero-shot out-of-domain evaluation.
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in claim detection as an important building block for misinformation detection. This involves detecting more fine-grained attributes relating to the claim, such as the claimer, claim topic, claim object pertaining to the topic, etc. Yet, a notable bottleneck of existing claim detection approaches is their portability to emerging events and low-resource training data settings. In this regard, we propose a fine-grained claim detection framework that leverages zero-shot Question Answering (QA) using directed questions to solve a diverse set of sub-tasks such as topic filtering, claim object detection, and claimer detection. We show that our approach significantly outperforms various zero-shot, few-shot and task-specific baselines on the NewsClaims benchmark (Reddy et al., 2021).
Claim detection and verification are crucial for news understanding and have emerged as promising technologies for mitigating misinformation and disinformation in the news. However, most existing work has focused on claim sentence analysis while overlooking additional crucial attributes (e.g., the claimer and the main object associated with the claim).In this work, we present NewsClaims, a new benchmark for attribute-aware claim detection in the news domain. We extend the claim detection problem to include extraction of additional attributes related to each claim and release 889 claims annotated over 143 news articles. NewsClaims aims to benchmark claim detection systems in emerging scenarios, comprising unseen topics with little or no training data. To this end, we see that zero-shot and prompt-based baselines show promising performance on this benchmark, while still considerably behind human performance.
To defend against machine-generated fake news, an effective mechanism is urgently needed. We contribute a novel benchmark for fake news detection at the knowledge element level, as well as a solution for this task which incorporates cross-media consistency checking to detect the fine-grained knowledge elements making news articles misinformative. Due to training data scarcity, we also formulate a novel data synthesis method by manipulating knowledge elements within the knowledge graph to generate noisy training data with specific, hard to detect, known inconsistencies. Our detection approach outperforms the state-of-the-art (up to 16.8% accuracy gain), and more critically, yields fine-grained explanations.
Transfer learning techniques are particularly useful for NLP tasks where a sizable amount of high-quality annotated data is difficult to obtain. Current approaches directly adapt a pretrained language model (LM) on in-domain text before fine-tuning to downstream tasks. We show that extending the vocabulary of the LM with domain-specific terms leads to further gains. To a bigger effect, we utilize structure in the unlabeled data to create auxiliary synthetic tasks, which helps the LM transfer to downstream tasks. We apply these approaches incrementally on a pretrained Roberta-large LM and show considerable performance gain on three tasks in the IT domain: Extractive Reading Comprehension, Document Ranking and Duplicate Question Detection.
Answer validation in machine reading comprehension (MRC) consists of verifying an extracted answer against an input context and question pair. Previous work has looked at re-assessing the “answerability” of the question given the extracted answer. Here we address a different problem: the tendency of existing MRC systems to produce partially correct answers when presented with answerable questions. We explore the nature of such errors and propose a post-processing correction method that yields statistically significant performance improvements over state-of-the-art MRC systems in both monolingual and multilingual evaluation.
Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) parsing has experienced a notable growth in performance in the last two years, due both to the impact of transfer learning and the development of novel architectures specific to AMR. At the same time, self-learning techniques have helped push the performance boundaries of other natural language processing applications, such as machine translation or question answering. In this paper, we explore different ways in which trained models can be applied to improve AMR parsing performance, including generation of synthetic text and AMR annotations as well as refinement of actions oracle. We show that, without any additional human annotations, these techniques improve an already performant parser and achieve state-of-the-art results on AMR 1.0 and AMR 2.0.
Recent end-to-end task oriented dialog systems use memory architectures to incorporate external knowledge in their dialogs. Current work makes simplifying assumptions about the structure of the knowledge base, such as the use of triples to represent knowledge, and combines dialog utterances (context) as well as knowledge base (KB) results as part of the same memory. This causes an explosion in the memory size, and makes the reasoning over memory harder. In addition, such a memory design forces hierarchical properties of the data to be fit into a triple structure of memory. This requires the memory reader to infer relationships across otherwise connected attributes. In this paper we relax the strong assumptions made by existing architectures and separate memories used for modeling dialog context and KB results. Instead of using triples to store KB results, we introduce a novel multi-level memory architecture consisting of cells for each query and their corresponding results. The multi-level memory first addresses queries, followed by results and finally each key-value pair within a result. We conduct detailed experiments on three publicly available task oriented dialog data sets and we find that our method conclusively outperforms current state-of-the-art models. We report a 15-25% increase in both entity F1 and BLEU scores.