Zhen Zhang


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Distillation Enhanced Generative Retrieval
Yongqi Li | Zhen Zhang | Wenjie Wang | Liqiang Nie | Wenjie Li | Tat-Seng Chua
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Generative retrieval is a promising new paradigm in text retrieval that generates identifier strings of relevant passages as the retrieval target. This paradigm leverages powerful generative language models, distinct from traditional sparse or dense retrieval methods. In this work, we identify a viable direction to further enhance generative retrieval via distillation and propose a feasible framework, named DGR. DGR utilizes sophisticated ranking models, such as the cross-encoder, in a teacher role to supply a passage rank list, which captures the varying relevance degrees of passages instead of binary hard labels; subsequently, DGR employs a specially designed distilled RankNet loss to optimize the generative retrieval model, considering the passage rank order provided by the teacher model as labels. This framework only requires an additional distillation step to enhance current generative retrieval systems and does not add any burden to the inference stage. We conduct experiments on four public datasets, and the results indicate that DGR achieves state-of-the-art performance among the generative retrieval methods. Additionally, DGR demonstrates exceptional robustness and generalizability with various teacher models and distillation losses.

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Advancing the Robustness of Large Language Models through Self-Denoised Smoothing
Jiabao Ji | Bairu Hou | Zhen Zhang | Guanhua Zhang | Wenqi Fan | Qing Li | Yang Zhang | Gaowen Liu | Sijia Liu | Shiyu Chang
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Although large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant success, their vulnerability to adversarial perturbations, including recent jailbreak attacks, has raised considerable concerns. However, the increasing size of these models and their limited access make improving their robustness a challenging task. Among various defense strategies, randomized smoothing has shown great potential for LLMs, as it does not require full access to the model’s parameters or fine-tuning via adversarial training. However, randomized smoothing involves adding noise to the input before model prediction, and the final model’s robustness largely depends on the model’s performance on these noise-corrupted data. Its effectiveness is often limited by the model’s sub-optimal performance on noisy data. To address this issue, we propose to leverage the multitasking nature of LLMs to first denoise the noisy inputs and then to make predictions based on these denoised versions. We call this procedure self-denoised smoothing. Unlike previous denoised smoothing techniques in computer vision, which require training a separate model to enhance the robustness of LLMs, our method offers significantly better efficiency and flexibility. Our experimental results indicate that our method surpasses existing methods in both empirical and certified robustness in defending against adversarial attacks for both downstream tasks and human alignments (i.e., jailbreak attacks). Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/UCSB-NLP-Chang/SelfDenoise.

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Modalities Should Be Appropriately Leveraged: Uncertainty Guidance for Multimodal Chinese Spelling Correction
Yongliang Lin | Zhen Zhang | Mengting Hu | Yufei Sun | Yuzhi Zhang
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Chinese spelling correction (CSC) aims to detect and correct spelling errors in Chinese texts. Most spelling errors are phonetically or graphically similar to the correct ones. Thus, recent works introduce multimodal features to obtain achievements. In this paper, we found that different spelling errors have various biases to each modality, highlighting the importance of appropriately exploiting multimodal features. To achieve this goal, we propose the UGMSC framework, which incorporates uncertainty into both the feature learning and correction stages. Specifically, the UGMSC framework makes predictions with multimodal features and estimates the uncertainty of the corresponding modalities. Then it dynamically fuses the features of all modalities for model learning, and performs spelling correction under the uncertainty-guided strategy. Experimental results on three public datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach provides a significant improvement compared with previous strong multimodal models. The proposed framework is model-agnostic and can be easily applied to other multimodal models.


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RADE: Reference-Assisted Dialogue Evaluation for Open-Domain Dialogue
Zhengliang Shi | Weiwei Sun | Shuo Zhang | Zhen Zhang | Pengjie Ren | Zhaochun Ren
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Evaluating open-domain dialogue systems is challenging for reasons such as the one-to-many problem, i.e., many appropriate responses other than just the golden response. As of now, automatic evaluation methods need better consistency with humans, while reliable human evaluation can be time- and cost-intensive. To this end, we propose the Reference-Assisted Dialogue Evaluation (RADE) approach under the multi-task learning framework, which leverages the pre-created utterance as reference other than the gold response to relief the one-to-many problem. Specifically, RADE explicitly compares reference and the candidate response to predict their overall scores. Moreover, an auxiliary response generation task enhances prediction via a shared encoder. To support RADE, we extend three datasets with additional rated responses other than just a golden response by human annotation. Experiments on our three datasets and two existing benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, where Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall correlations with human evaluation outperform state-of-the-art baselines.

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OpenDelta: A Plug-and-play Library for Parameter-efficient Adaptation of Pre-trained Models
Shengding Hu | Ning Ding | Weilin Zhao | Xingtai Lv | Zhen Zhang | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

The scale of large pre-trained models (PTMs) poses significant challenges in adapting to downstream tasks due to the high optimization overhead and storage costs associated with full-parameter fine-tuning. To address this, many studies explore parameter-efficient tuning methods, also framed as “delta tuning” in Ding et al. (2022), which updates only a small subset of parameters, known as “delta modules”, while keeping the backbone model’s parameters fixed. However, the practicality and flexibility of delta tuning have been limited due to existing implementations that directly modify the code of the backbone PTMs and hard-code specific delta tuning methods for each PTM. In this paper, we present OpenDelta, an open-source library that overcomes these limitations by providing a plug-and-play implementation of various delta tuning methods. Our novel techniques eliminate the need to modify the backbone PTMs’ code, making OpenDelta compatible with different, even novel PTMs. OpenDelta is designed to be simple, modular, and extensible, providing a comprehensive platform for researchers and practitioners to adapt large PTMs efficiently.

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E-NER: Evidential Deep Learning for Trustworthy Named Entity Recognition
Zhen Zhang | Mengting Hu | Shiwan Zhao | Minlie Huang | Haotian Wang | Lemao Liu | Zhirui Zhang | Zhe Liu | Bingzhe Wu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Most named entity recognition (NER) systems focus on improving model performance, ignoring the need to quantify model uncertainty, which is critical to the reliability of NER systems in open environments. Evidential deep learning (EDL) has recently been proposed as a promising solution to explicitly model predictive uncertainty for classification tasks. However, directly applying EDL to NER applications faces two challenges, i.e., the problems of sparse entities and OOV/OOD entities in NER tasks. To address these challenges, we propose a trustworthy NER framework named E-NER by introducing two uncertainty-guided loss terms to the conventional EDL, along with a series of uncertainty-guided training strategies. Experiments show that E-NER can be applied to multiple NER paradigms to obtain accurate uncertainty estimation. Furthermore, compared to state-of-the-art baselines, the proposed method achieves a better OOV/OOD detection performance and better generalization ability on OOV entities.

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Lexical Translation Inconsistency-Aware Document-Level Translation Repair
Zhen Zhang | Junhui Li | Shimin Tao | Hao Yang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Following the idea of “one translation per discourse”, in this paper we aim to improve translation consistency via document-level translation repair (DocRepair), i.e., automatic post-editing on translations of documents. To this end, we propose a lexical translation inconsistency-aware DocRepair to explicitly model translation inconsistency. First we locate the inconsistency in automatic translation. Then we provide translation candidates for those inconsistency. Finally, we propose lattice-like input to properly model inconsistent tokens and phrases and their candidates. Experimental results on three document-level translation datasets show that based on G-Transformer, a state-of-the-art document-to-document (Doc2Doc) translation model, our Doc2Doc DocRepair achieves significant improvement on translation quality in BLEU scores, but also greatly improves lexical translation consistency.

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Uncertainty-Aware Unlikelihood Learning Improves Generative Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction
Mengting Hu | Yinhao Bai | Yike Wu | Zhen Zhang | Liqi Zhang | Hang Gao | Shiwan Zhao | Minlie Huang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Recently, aspect sentiment quad prediction has received widespread attention in the field of aspect-based sentiment analysis. Existing studies extract quadruplets via pre-trained generative language models to paraphrase the original sentence into a templated target sequence. However, previous works only focus on what to generate but ignore what not to generate. We argue that considering the negative samples also leads to potential benefits. In this work, we propose a template-agnostic method to control the token-level generation, which boosts original learning and reduces mistakes simultaneously. Specifically, we introduce Monte Carlo dropout to understand the built-in uncertainty of pre-trained language models, acquiring the noises and errors. We further propose marginalized unlikelihood learning to suppress the uncertainty-aware mistake tokens. Finally, we introduce minimization entropy to balance the effects of marginalized unlikelihood learning. Extensive experiments on four public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on various generation templates.

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Towards a Unified Framework for Reference Retrieval and Related Work Generation
Zhengliang Shi | Shen Gao | Zhen Zhang | Xiuying Chen | Zhumin Chen | Pengjie Ren | Zhaochun Ren
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

The task of related work generation aims to generate a comprehensive survey of related research topics automatically, saving time and effort for authors. Existing methods simplify this task by using human-annotated references in a large-scale scientific corpus as information sources, which is time- and cost-intensive. To this end, we propose a Unified Reference Retrieval and Related Work Generation Model (UR3WG), which combines reference retrieval and related work generation processes in a unified framework based on the large language model (LLM). Specifically, UR3WG first leverages the world knowledge of LLM to extend the abstract and generate the query for the subsequent retrieval stage. Then a lexicon-enhanced dense retrieval is proposed to search relevant references, where an importance-aware representation of the lexicon is introduced. We also propose multi-granularity contrastive learning to optimize our retriever. Since this task is not simply summarizing the main points in references, it should analyze the complex relationships and present them logically. We propose an instruction-tuning method to leverage LLM to generate related work. Extensive experiments on two wide-applied datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines in both generation and retrieval metrics.

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RECAL: Sample-Relation Guided Confidence Calibration over Tabular Data
Wang HaoTian | Zhen Zhang | Mengting Hu | Qichao Wang | Liang Chen | Yatao Bian | Bingzhe Wu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Tabular-format data is widely adopted in various real-world applications. Various machine learning models have achieved remarkable success in both industrial applications and data-science competitions. Despite these successes, most current machine learning methods for tabular data lack accurate confidence estimation, which is needed by some high-risk sensitive applications such as credit modeling and financial fraud detection. In this paper, we study the confidence estimation of machine learning models applied to tabular data. The key finding of our paper is that a real-world tabular dataset typically contains implicit sample relations, and this can further help to obtain a more accurate estimation. To this end, we introduce a general post-training confidence calibration framework named RECAL to calibrate the predictive confidence of current machine learning models by employing graph neural networks to model the relations between different samples. We perform extensive experiments on tabular datasets with both implicit and explicit graph structures and show that RECAL can significantly improve the calibration quality compared to the conventional method without considering the sample relations.

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Parameter-Efficient Cross-lingual Transfer of Vision and Language Models via Translation-based Alignment
Zhen Zhang | Jialu Wang | Xin Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Pre-trained vision and language models such as CLIP have witnessed remarkable success in connecting images and texts with a primary focus on English texts. Despite recent efforts to extend CLIP to support other languages, disparities in performance among different languages have been observed due to uneven resource availability. Additionally, current cross-lingual transfer methods of those pre-trained models would consume excessive resources for a large number of languages. Therefore, we propose a new parameter-efficient cross-lingual transfer learning framework that utilizes a translation-based alignment method to mitigate multilingual disparities and explores parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods for parameter-efficient cross-lingual transfer. Extensive experiments on XTD and Multi30K datasets, covering 11 languages under zero-shot, few-shot, and full-dataset learning scenarios, show that our framework significantly reduces the multilingual disparities among languages and improves cross-lingual transfer results, especially in low-resource scenarios, while only keeping and fine-tuning an extremely small number of parameters compared to the full model (e.g., Our framework only requires 0.16% additional parameters of a full-model for each language in the few-shot learning scenario).


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HwTscSU’s Submissions on WAT 2022 Shared Task
Yilun Liu | Zhen Zhang | Shimin Tao | Junhui Li | Hao Yang
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Asian Translation

In this paper we describe our submission to the shared tasks of the 9th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT 2022) on NICT–SAP under the team name ”HwTscSU”. The tasks involve translation from 5 languages into English and vice-versa in two domains: IT domain and Wikinews domain. The purpose is to determine the feasibility of multilingualism, domain adaptation or document-level knowledge given very little to none clean parallel corpora for training. Our approach for all translation tasks mainly focused on pre-training NMT models on general datasets and fine-tuning them on domain-specific datasets. Due to the small amount of parallel corpora, we collected and cleaned the OPUS dataset including three IT domain corpora, i.e., GNOME, KDE4, and Ubuntu. We then trained Transformer models on the collected dataset and fine-tuned on corresponding dev set. The BLEU scores greatly improved in comparison with other systems. Our submission ranked 1st in all IT-domain tasks and in one out of eight ALT domain tasks.

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PCEE-BERT: Accelerating BERT Inference via Patient and Confident Early Exiting
Zhen Zhang | Wei Zhu | Jinfan Zhang | Peng Wang | Rize Jin | Tae-Sun Chung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

BERT and other pretrained language models (PLMs) are ubiquitous in modern NLP. Even though PLMs are the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models for almost every NLP task (CITATION), the significant latency during inference prohibits wider industrial usage. In this work, we propose Patient and Confident Early Exiting BERT (PCEE-BERT), an off-the-shelf sample-dependent early exiting method that can work with different PLMs and can also work along with popular model compression methods. With a multi-exit BERT as the backbone model, PCEE-BERT will make the early exiting decision if enough numbers (patience parameter) of consecutive intermediate layers are confident about their predictions. The entropy value measures the confidence level of an intermediate layer’s prediction. Experiments on the GLUE benchmark demonstrate that our method outperforms previous SOTA early exiting methods. Ablation studies show that: (a) our method performs consistently well on other PLMs, such as ALBERT and TinyBERT; (b) PCEE-BERT can achieve different speed-up ratios by adjusting the patience parameter and the confidence threshold. The code for PCEE-BERT can be found at https://github.com/michael-wzhu/PCEE-BERT.