Zhexiong Liu


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Using Large Language Models to Assess Young Students’ Writing Revisions
Tianwen Li | Zhexiong Liu | Lindsay Matsumura | Elaine Wang | Diane Litman | Richard Correnti
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024)

Although effective revision is the crucial component of writing instruction, few automated writing evaluation (AWE) systems specifically focus on the quality of the revisions students undertake. In this study we investigate the use of a large language model (GPT-4) with Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting for assessing the quality of young students’ essay revisions aligned with the automated feedback messages they received. Results indicate that GPT-4 has significant potential for evaluating revision quality, particularly when detailed rubrics are included that describe common revision patterns shown by young writers. However, the addition of CoT prompting did not significantly improve performance. Further examination of GPT-4’s scoring performance across various levels of student writing proficiency revealed variable agreement with human ratings. The implications for improving AWE systems focusing on young students are discussed.


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Predicting the Quality of Revisions in Argumentative Writing
Zhexiong Liu | Diane Litman | Elaine Wang | Lindsay Matsumura | Richard Correnti
Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2023)

The ability to revise in response to feedback is critical to students’ writing success. In the case of argument writing in specific, identifying whether an argument revision (AR) is successful or not is a complex problem because AR quality is dependent on the overall content of an argument. For example, adding the same evidence sentence could strengthen or weaken existing claims in different argument contexts (ACs). To address this issue we developed Chain-of-Thought prompts to facilitate ChatGPT-generated ACs for AR quality predictions. The experiments on two corpora, our annotated elementary essays and existing college essays benchmark, demonstrate the superiority of the proposed ACs over baselines.

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Overview of ImageArg-2023: The First Shared Task in Multimodal Argument Mining
Zhexiong Liu | Mohamed Elaraby | Yang Zhong | Diane Litman
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining

This paper presents an overview of the ImageArg shared task, the first multimodal Argument Mining shared task co-located with the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining at EMNLP 2023. The shared task comprises two classification subtasks - (1) Subtask-A: Argument Stance Classification; (2) Subtask-B: Image Persuasiveness Classification. The former determines the stance of a tweet containing an image and a piece of text toward a controversial topic (e.g., gun control and abortion). The latter determines whether the image makes the tweet text more persuasive. The shared task received 31 submissions for Subtask-A and 21 submissions for Subtask-B from 9 different teams across 6 countries. The top submission in Subtask-A achieved an F1-score of 0.8647 while the best submission in Subtask-B achieved an F1-score of 0.5561.


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ImageArg: A Multi-modal Tweet Dataset for Image Persuasiveness Mining
Zhexiong Liu | Meiqi Guo | Yue Dai | Diane Litman
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Argument Mining

The growing interest in developing corpora of persuasive texts has promoted applications in automated systems, e.g., debating and essay scoring systems; however, there is little prior work mining image persuasiveness from an argumentative perspective. To expand persuasiveness mining into a multi-modal realm, we present a multi-modal dataset, ImageArg, consisting of annotations of image persuasiveness in tweets. The annotations are based on a persuasion taxonomy we developed to explore image functionalities and the means of persuasion. We benchmark image persuasiveness tasks on ImageArg using widely-used multi-modal learning methods. The experimental results show that our dataset offers a useful resource for this rich and challenging topic, and there is ample room for modeling improvement.