This work introduces PrahokBART, a compact pre-trained sequence-to-sequence model trained from scratch for Khmer using carefully curated Khmer and English corpora. We focus on improving the pre-training corpus quality and addressing the linguistic issues of Khmer, which are ignored in existing multilingual models, by incorporating linguistic components such as word segmentation and normalization. We evaluate PrahokBART on three generative tasks: machine translation, text summarization, and headline generation, where our results demonstrate that it outperforms mBART50, a strong multilingual pre-trained model. Additionally, our analysis provides insights into the impact of each linguistic module and evaluates how effectively our model handles space during text generation, which is crucial for the naturalness of texts in Khmer.
Machine Translation (MT) has made great strides with the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) and advanced prompting techniques. However, translating sentences with ambiguous words remains challenging, especially when LLMs have limited proficiency in the source language. This paper introduces two methods to enhance MT performance by leveraging the word sense disambiguation capabilities of LLMs. The first method integrates all the available senses of an ambiguous word into the prompting template. The second method uses a pre-trained source language model to predict the correct sense of the ambiguous word, which is then incorporated into the prompting template. Additionally, we propose two prompting template styles for providing word sense information to LLMs. Experiments on the HOLLY dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in improving MT performance.
Recently, binary representation has been proposed as a novel representation that lies between continuous and discrete representations. It exhibits considerable information-preserving capability when being used to replace continuous input vectors. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of further introducing it to the output side, aiming to allow models to output binary labels instead. To preserve the structural information on the output side along with label information, we extend the previous contrastive hashing method as structured contrastive hashing. More specifically, we upgrade CKY from label-level to bit-level, define a new similarity function with span marginal probabilities, and introduce a novel contrastive loss function with a carefully designed instance selection strategy. Our model achieves competitive performance on various structured prediction tasks, and demonstrates that binary representation can be considered a novel representation that further bridges the gap between the continuous nature of deep learning and the discrete intrinsic property of natural languages.
Neural machine translation (NMT) systems are vulnerable when trained on limited data. This is a common scenario in low-resource tasks in the real world. To increase robustness, a solution is to intently add realistic noise in the training phase. Noise simulation using text perturbation has been proven to be efficient in writing systems that use Latin letters. In this study, we further explore perturbation techniques on more complex abugida writing systems, for which the visual similarity of complex glyphs is considered to capture the essential nature of these writing systems. Besides the generated noise, we propose a training strategy to improve robustness. We conducted experiments on six languages: Bengali, Hindi, Myanmar, Khmer, Lao, and Thai. By overcoming the introduced noise, we obtained non-degenerate NMT systems with improved robustness for low-resource tasks for abugida glyphs.
Unsupervised parsing, also known as grammar induction, aims to infer syntactic structure from raw text. Recently, binary representation has exhibited remarkable information-preserving capabilities at both lexicon and syntax levels. In this paper, we explore the possibility of leveraging this capability to deduce parsing trees from raw text, relying solely on the implicitly induced grammars within models. To achieve this, we upgrade the bit-level CKY from zero-order to first-order to encode the lexicon and syntax in a unified binary representation space, switch training from supervised to unsupervised under the contrastive hashing framework, and introduce a novel loss function to impose stronger yet balanced alignment signals. Our model shows competitive performance on various datasets, therefore, we claim that our method is effective and efficient enough to acquire high-quality parsing trees from pre-trained language models at a low cost.
Minimum Bayes risk (MBR) decoding achieved state-of-the-art translation performance by using COMET, a neural metric that has a high correlation with human evaluation.However, MBR decoding requires quadratic time since it computes the expected score between a translation hypothesis and all reference translations.We propose centroid-based MBR (CBMBR) decoding to improve the speed of MBR decoding.Our method clusters the reference translations in the feature space, and then calculates the score using the centroids of each cluster.The experimental results show that our CBMBR not only improved the decoding speed of the expected score calculation 5.7 times, but also outperformed vanilla MBR decoding in translation quality by up to 0.5 COMET in the WMT’22 En↔Ja, En↔De, En↔Zh, and WMT’23 En↔Ja translation tasks.
Parallel data is difficult to obtain for low-resource languages in machine translation tasks, making it crucial to leverage monolingual linguistic features as auxiliary information. This article introduces a novel integration of hypernym features into the model by combining learnable hypernym embeddings with word embeddings, providing semantic information. Experimental results based on bilingual and multilingual models showed that: (1) incorporating hypernyms improves translation quality in low-resource settings, yielding +1.7 BLEU scores for bilingual models, (2) the hypernym feature demonstrates efficacy both in isolation and in conjunction with syntactic features, and (3) the performance is influenced by the choice of feature combination operators and hypernym-path hyperparameters.
UDify is a multilingual and multi-task parser fine-tuned on mBERT that achieves remarkable performance in high-resource languages. However, the performance saturates early and decreases gradually in low-resource languages as training proceeds. This work applies a data augmentation method and conducts experiments on seven few-shot and four zero-shot languages. The unlabeled attachment scores were improved on the zero-shot languages dependency parsing tasks, with the average score rising from 67.1% to 68.7%. Meanwhile, dependency parsing tasks for high-resource languages and other tasks were hardly affected. Experimental results indicate the data augmentation method is effective for low-resource languages in a multilingual dependency parsing.
In this paper, we discuss multilingual vocabulary for neural machine translation models. Multilingual vocabularies should generate highly accurate machine translations regardless of the languages, and have preferences so that tokenized strings contain rare out-of-vocabulary (OOV) tokens and token sequences are short. In this paper, we discuss the characteristics of various multilingual vocabularies via tokenization and translation experiments. We also present our recommended vocabulary and tokenizer.
k-nearest-neighbor machine translation (kNN-MT) (Khandelwal et al., 2021) boosts the translation performance of trained neural machine translation (NMT) models by incorporating example-search into the decoding algorithm. However, decoding is seriously time-consuming, i.e., roughly 100 to 1,000 times slower than standard NMT, because neighbor tokens are retrieved from all target tokens of parallel data in each timestep. In this paper, we propose “Subset kNN-MT”, which improves the decoding speed of kNN-MT by two methods: (1) retrieving neighbor target tokens from a subset that is the set of neighbor sentences of the input sentence, not from all sentences, and (2) efficient distance computation technique that is suitable for subset neighbor search using a look-up table. Our proposed method achieved a speed-up of up to 132.2 times and an improvement in BLEU score of up to 1.6 compared with kNN-MT in the WMT’19 De-En translation task and the domain adaptation tasks in De-En and En-Ja.
Live video streaming has become an important form of communication such as virtual conferences. However, for cross-language communication in live video streaming, reading subtitles degrades the viewing experience. To address this problem, our simultaneous dubbing prototype translates and replaces the original speech of a live video stream in a simultaneous manner. Tests on a collection of 90 public videos show that our system achieves a low average latency of 11.90 seconds for smooth playback. Our method is general and can be extended to other language pairs.
Low-resource machine translation (LRMT) poses a substantial challenge due to the scarcity of parallel training data. This paper introduces a new method to improve the transfer of the embedding layer from the Parent model to the Child model in LRMT, utilizing trained token embeddings in the Parent model’s high-resource vocabulary. Our approach involves projecting all tokens into a shared semantic space and measuring the semantic similarity between tokens in the low-resource and high-resource languages. These measures are then utilized to initialize token representations in the Child model’s low-resource vocabulary. We evaluated our approach on three benchmark datasets of low-resource language pairs: Myanmar-English, Indonesian-English, and Turkish-English. The experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms previous methods regarding translation quality. Additionally, our approach is computationally efficient, leading to reduced training time compared to prior works.
A multilingual translation model enables a single model to handle multiple languages. However, the translation qualities of unlearned language pairs (i.e., zero-shot translation qualities) are still poor. By contrast, pivot translation translates source texts into target ones via a pivot language such as English, thus enabling machine translation without parallel texts between the source and target languages. In this paper, we perform pivot translation using a multilingual model and compare it with direct translation. We improve the translation quality without using parallel texts of direct translation by fine-tuning the model with machine-translated pseudo-translations. We also discuss what type of parallel texts are suitable for effectively improving the translation quality in multilingual pivot translation.
Restricted machine translation incorporates human prior knowledge into translation. It restricts the flexibility of the translation to satisfy the demands of translation in specific scenarios. Existing work typically imposes constraints on beam search decoding. Although this can satisfy the requirements overall, it usually requires a larger beam size and far longer decoding time than unrestricted translation, which limits the concurrent processing ability of the translation model in deployment, and thus its practicality. In this paper, we propose a general training framework that allows a model to simultaneously support both unrestricted and restricted translation by adopting an additional auxiliary training process without constraining the decoding process. This maintains the benefits of restricted translation but greatly reduces the extra time overhead of constrained decoding, thus improving its practicality. The effectiveness of our proposed training framework is demonstrated by experiments on both original (WAT21 En↔Ja) and simulated (WMT14 En→De and En→Fr) restricted translation benchmarks.
“Who said what” is essential for users to understand video streams that have more than one speaker, but conventional simultaneous interpretation systems merely present “what was said” in the form of subtitles. Because the translations unavoidably have delays and errors, users often find it difficult to trace the subtitles back to speakers. To address this problem, we propose a multimodal SI system that presents users “who said what”. Our system takes audio-visual approaches to recognize the speaker of each sentence, and then annotates its translation with the textual tag and face icon of the speaker, so that users can quickly understand the scenario. Furthermore, our system is capable of interpreting video streams in real-time on a single desktop equipped with two Quadro RTX 4000 GPUs owing to an efficient sentence-based architecture.
In this paper we present FeatureBART, a linguistically motivated sequence-to-sequence monolingual pre-training strategy in which syntactic features such as lemma, part-of-speech and dependency labels are incorporated into the span prediction based pre-training framework (BART). These automatically extracted features are incorporated via approaches such as concatenation and relevance mechanisms, among which the latter is known to be better than the former. When used for low-resource NMT as a downstream task, we show that these feature based models give large improvements in bilingual settings and modest ones in multilingual settings over their counterparts that do not use features.
Deep learning has demonstrated performance advantages in a wide range of natural language processing tasks, including neural machine translation (NMT). Transformer NMT models are typically strengthened by deeper encoder layers, but deepening their decoder layers usually results in failure. In this paper, we first identify the cause of the failure of the deep decoder in the Transformer model. Inspired by this discovery, we then propose approaches to improving it, with respect to model structure and model training, to make the deep decoder practical in NMT. Specifically, with respect to model structure, we propose a cross-attention drop mechanism to allow the decoder layers to perform their own different roles, to reduce the difficulty of deep-decoder learning. For model training, we propose a collapse reducing training approach to improve the stability and effectiveness of deep-decoder training. We experimentally evaluated our proposed Transformer NMT model structure modification and novel training methods on several popular machine translation benchmarks. The results showed that deepening the NMT model by increasing the number of decoder layers successfully prevented the deepened decoder from degrading to an unconditional language model. In contrast to prior work on deepening an NMT model on the encoder, our method can deepen the model on both the encoder and decoder at the same time, resulting in a deeper model and improved performance.
Machine translation typically adopts an encoder-to-decoder framework, in which the decoder generates the target sentence word-by-word in an auto-regressive manner. However, the auto-regressive decoder faces a deep-rooted one-pass issue whereby each generated word is considered as one element of the final output regardless of whether it is correct or not. These generated wrong words further constitute the target historical context to affect the generation of subsequent target words. This paper proposes a novel synchronous refinement method to revise potential errors in the generated words by considering part of the target future context. Particularly, the proposed approach allows the auto-regressive decoder to refine the previously generated target words and generate the next target word synchronously. The experimental results on three widely-used machine translation tasks demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Machine translation usually relies on parallel corpora to provide parallel signals for training. The advent of unsupervised machine translation has brought machine translation away from this reliance, though performance still lags behind traditional supervised machine translation. In unsupervised machine translation, the model seeks symmetric language similarities as a source of weak parallel signal to achieve translation. Chomsky’s Universal Grammar theory postulates that grammar is an innate form of knowledge to humans and is governed by universal principles and constraints. Therefore, in this paper, we seek to leverage such shared grammar clues to provide more explicit language parallel signals to enhance the training of unsupervised machine translation models. Through experiments on multiple typical language pairs, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approaches.
Conversational machine reading (CMR) requires machines to communicate with humans through multi-turn interactions between two salient dialogue states of decision making and question generation processes. In open CMR settings, as the more realistic scenario, the retrieved background knowledge would be noisy, which results in severe challenges in the information transmission. Existing studies commonly train independent or pipeline systems for the two subtasks. However, those methods are trivial by using hard-label decisions to activate question generation, which eventually hinders the model performance. In this work, we propose an effective gating strategy by smoothing the two dialogue states in only one decoder and bridge decision making and question generation to provide a richer dialogue state reference. Experiments on the OR-ShARC dataset show the effectiveness of our method, which achieves new state-of-the-art results.
In this paper, we present MiSS, an assistant for multi-style simultaneous translation. Our proposed translation system has five key features: highly accurate translation, simultaneous translation, translation for multiple text styles, back-translation for translation quality evaluation, and grammatical error correction. With this system, we aim to provide a complete translation experience for machine translation users. Our design goals are high translation accuracy, real-time translation, flexibility, and measurable translation quality. Compared with the free commercial translation systems commonly used, our translation assistance system regards the machine translation application as a more complete and fully-featured tool for users. By incorporating additional features and giving the user better control over their experience, we improve translation efficiency and performance. Additionally, our assistant system combines machine translation, grammatical error correction, and interactive edits, and uses a crowdsourcing mode to collect more data for further training to improve both the machine translation and grammatical error correction models. A short video demonstrating our system is available at
Pretrained multilingual language models have become a key part of cross-lingual transfer for many natural language processing tasks, even those without bilingual information. This work further investigates the cross-lingual transfer ability of these models for constituency parsing and focuses on multi-source transfer. Addressing structure and label set diversity problems, we propose the integration of typological features into the parsing model and treebank normalization. We trained the model on eight languages with diverse structures and use transfer parsing for an additional six low-resource languages. The experimental results show that the treebank normalization is essential for cross-lingual transfer performance and the typological features introduce further improvement. As a result, our approach improves the baseline F1 of multi-source transfer by 5 on average.
Unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) that relies solely on massive monolingual corpora has achieved remarkable results in several translation tasks. However, in real-world scenarios, massive monolingual corpora do not exist for some extremely low-resource languages such as Estonian, and UNMT systems usually perform poorly when there is not adequate training corpus for one language. In this paper, we first define and analyze the unbalanced training data scenario for UNMT. Based on this scenario, we propose UNMT self-training mechanisms to train a robust UNMT system and improve its performance in this case. Experimental results on several language pairs show that the proposed methods substantially outperform conventional UNMT systems.
Morphological analysis (MA) and lexical normalization (LN) are both important tasks for Japanese user-generated text (UGT). To evaluate and compare different MA/LN systems, we have constructed a publicly available Japanese UGT corpus. Our corpus comprises 929 sentences annotated with morphological and normalization information, along with category information we classified for frequent UGT-specific phenomena. Experiments on the corpus demonstrated the low performance of existing MA/LN methods for non-general words and non-standard forms, indicating that the corpus would be a challenging benchmark for further research on UGT.
This paper describes our system (Team ID: nictrb) for participating in the WAT’21 restricted machine translation task. In our submitted system, we designed a new training approach for restricted machine translation. By sampling from the translation target, we can solve the problem that ordinary training data does not have a restricted vocabulary. With the further help of constrained decoding in the inference phase, we achieved better results than the baseline, confirming the effectiveness of our solution. In addition, we also tried the vanilla and sparse Transformer as the backbone network of the model, as well as model ensembling, which further improved the final translation performance.
In this paper, we describe our MiSS system that participated in the WMT21 news translation task. We mainly participated in the evaluation of the three translation directions of English-Chinese and Japanese-English translation tasks. In the systems submitted, we primarily considered wider networks, deeper networks, relative positional encoding, and dynamic convolutional networks in terms of model structure, while in terms of training, we investigated contrastive learning-reinforced domain adaptation, self-supervised training, and optimization objective switching training methods. According to the final evaluation results, a deeper, wider, and stronger network can improve translation performance in general, yet our data domain adaption method can improve performance even more. In addition, we found that switching to the use of our proposed objective during the finetune phase using relatively small domain-related data can effectively improve the stability of the model’s convergence and achieve better optimal performance.
Lexical normalization, in addition to word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging, is a fundamental task for Japanese user-generated text processing. In this paper, we propose a text editing model to solve the three task jointly and methods of pseudo-labeled data generation to overcome the problem of data deficiency. Our experiments showed that the proposed model achieved better normalization performance when trained on more diverse pseudo-labeled data.
Neural machine translation (NMT) encodes the source sentence in a universal way to generate the target sentence word-by-word. However, NMT does not consider the importance of word in the sentence meaning, for example, some words (i.e., content words) express more important meaning than others (i.e., function words). To address this limitation, we first utilize word frequency information to distinguish between content and function words in a sentence, and then design a content word-aware NMT to improve translation performance. Empirical results on the WMT14 English-to-German, WMT14 English-to-French, and WMT17 Chinese-to-English translation tasks show that the proposed methods can significantly improve the performance of Transformer-based NMT.
We present that, the rank-frequency relation in textual data follows f ∝ r-𝛼(r+𝛾)-𝛽, where f is the token frequency and r is the rank by frequency, with (𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾) as parameters. The formulation is derived based on the empirical observation that d2 (x+y)/dx2 is a typical impulse function, where (x,y)=(log r, log f). The formulation is the power law when 𝛽=0 and the Zipf–Mandelbrot law when 𝛼=0. We illustrate that 𝛼 is related to the analytic features of syntax and 𝛽+𝛾 to those of morphology in natural languages from an investigation of multilingual corpora.
Unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) has recently achieved remarkable results for several language pairs. However, it can only translate between a single language pair and cannot produce translation results for multiple language pairs at the same time. That is, research on multilingual UNMT has been limited. In this paper, we empirically introduce a simple method to translate between thirteen languages using a single encoder and a single decoder, making use of multilingual data to improve UNMT for all language pairs. On the basis of the empirical findings, we propose two knowledge distillation methods to further enhance multilingual UNMT performance. Our experiments on a dataset with English translated to and from twelve other languages (including three language families and six language branches) show remarkable results, surpassing strong unsupervised individual baselines while achieving promising performance between non-English language pairs in zero-shot translation scenarios and alleviating poor performance in low-resource language pairs.
Unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) has recently attracted great interest in the machine translation community. The main advantage of the UNMT lies in its easy collection of required large training text sentences while with only a slightly worse performance than supervised neural machine translation which requires expensive annotated translation pairs on some translation tasks. In most studies, the UMNT is trained with clean data without considering its robustness to the noisy data. However, in real-world scenarios, there usually exists noise in the collected input sentences which degrades the performance of the translation system since the UNMT is sensitive to the small perturbations of the input sentences. In this paper, we first time explicitly take the noisy data into consideration to improve the robustness of the UNMT based systems. First of all, we clearly defined two types of noises in training sentences, i.e., word noise and word order noise, and empirically investigate its effect in the UNMT, then we propose adversarial training methods with denoising process in the UNMT. Experimental results on several language pairs show that our proposed methods substantially improved the robustness of the conventional UNMT systems in noisy scenarios.
In this study, linguistic knowledge at different levels are incorporated into the neural machine translation (NMT) framework to improve translation quality for language pairs with extremely limited data. Integrating manually designed or automatically extracted features into the NMT framework is known to be beneficial. However, this study emphasizes that the relevance of the features is crucial to the performance. Specifically, we propose two methods, 1) self relevance and 2) word-based relevance, to improve the representation of features for NMT. Experiments are conducted on translation tasks from English to eight Asian languages, with no more than twenty thousand sentences for training. The proposed methods improve translation quality for all tasks by up to 3.09 BLEU points. Discussions with visualization provide the explainability of the proposed methods where we show that the relevance methods provide weights to features thereby enhancing their impact on low-resource machine translation.
This paper proposed a new subword segmentation method for neural machine translation, “Bilingual Subword Segmentation,” which tokenizes sentences to minimize the difference between the number of subword units in a sentence and that of its translation. While existing subword segmentation methods tokenize a sentence without considering its translation, the proposed method tokenizes a sentence by using subword units induced from bilingual sentences; this method could be more favorable to machine translation. Evaluations on WAT Asian Scientific Paper Excerpt Corpus (ASPEC) English-to-Japanese and Japanese-to-English translation tasks and WMT14 English-to-German and German-to-English translation tasks show that our bilingual subword segmentation improves the performance of Transformer neural machine translation (up to +0.81 BLEU).
Exploiting a common language as an auxiliary for better translation has a long tradition in machine translation and lets supervised learning-based machine translation enjoy the enhancement delivered by the well-used pivot language in the absence of a source language to target language parallel corpus. The rise of unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) almost completely relieves the parallel corpus curse, though UNMT is still subject to unsatisfactory performance due to the vagueness of the clues available for its core back-translation training. Further enriching the idea of pivot translation by extending the use of parallel corpora beyond the source-target paradigm, we propose a new reference language-based framework for UNMT, RUNMT, in which the reference language only shares a parallel corpus with the source, but this corpus still indicates a signal clear enough to help the reconstruction training of UNMT through a proposed reference agreement mechanism. Experimental results show that our methods improve the quality of UNMT over that of a strong baseline that uses only one auxiliary language, demonstrating the usefulness of the proposed reference language-based UNMT and establishing a good start for the community.
Transliteration is generally a phonetically based transcription across different writing systems. It is a crucial task for various downstream natural language processing applications. For the Myanmar (Burmese) language, robust automatic transliteration for borrowed English words is a challenging task because of the complex Myanmar writing system and the lack of data. In this study, we constructed a Myanmar-English named entity dictionary containing more than eighty thousand transliteration instances. The data have been released under a CC BY-NC-SA license. We evaluated the automatic transliteration performance using statistical and neural network-based approaches based on the prepared data. The neural network model outperformed the statistical model significantly in terms of the BLEU score on the character level. Different units used in the Myanmar script for processing were also compared and discussed.
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has made the public pay close attention to related news, covering various domains, such as sanitation, treatment, and effects on education. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 condition is very different among the countries (e.g., policies and development of the epidemic), and thus citizens would be interested in news in foreign countries. We build a system for worldwide COVID-19 information aggregation containing reliable articles from 10 regions in 7 languages sorted by topics. Our reliable COVID-19 related website dataset collected through crowdsourcing ensures the quality of the articles. A neural machine translation module translates articles in other languages into Japanese and English. A BERT-based topic-classifier trained on our article-topic pair dataset helps users find their interested information efficiently by putting articles into different categories.
In this paper, we introduced our joint team SJTU-NICT ‘s participation in the WMT 2020 machine translation shared task. In this shared task, we participated in four translation directions of three language pairs: English-Chinese, English-Polish on supervised machine translation track, German-Upper Sorbian on low-resource and unsupervised machine translation tracks. Based on different conditions of language pairs, we have experimented with diverse neural machine translation (NMT) techniques: document-enhanced NMT, XLM pre-trained language model enhanced NMT, bidirectional translation as a pre-training, reference language based UNMT, data-dependent gaussian prior objective, and BT-BLEU collaborative filtering self-training. We also used the TF-IDF algorithm to filter the training set to obtain a domain more similar set with the test set for finetuning. In our submissions, the primary systems won the first place on English to Chinese, Polish to English, and German to Upper Sorbian translation directions.
In the Transformer network architecture, positional embeddings are used to encode order dependencies into the input representation. However, this input representation only involves static order dependencies based on discrete numerical information, that is, are independent of word content. To address this issue, this work proposes a recurrent positional embedding approach based on word vector. In this approach, these recurrent positional embeddings are learned by a recurrent neural network, encoding word content-based order dependencies into the input representation. They are then integrated into the existing multi-head self-attention model as independent heads or part of each head. The experimental results revealed that the proposed approach improved translation performance over that of the state-of-the-art Transformer baseline in WMT’14 English-to-German and NIST Chinese-to-English translation tasks.
MY-AKKHARA is a method used to input Burmese texts encoded in the Unicode standard, based on commonly accepted Latin transcription. By using this method, arbitrary Burmese strings can be accurately inputted with 26 lowercase Latin letters. Meanwhile, the 26 uppercase Latin letters are designed as shortcuts of lowercase letter sequences. The frequency of Burmese characters is considered in MY-AKKHARA to realize an efficient keystroke distribution on a QWERTY keyboard. Given that the Unicode standard has not been extensively used in digitization of Burmese, we hope that MY-AKKHARA can contribute to the widespread use of Unicode in Myanmar and can provide a platform for smart input methods for Burmese in the future. An implementation of MY-AKKHARA running in Windows is released at
This paper presents the NICT’s supervised and unsupervised machine translation systems for the WAT2019 Myanmar-English and Khmer-English translation tasks. For all the translation directions, we built state-of-the-art supervised neural (NMT) and statistical (SMT) machine translation systems, using monolingual data cleaned and normalized. Our combination of NMT and SMT performed among the best systems for the four translation directions. We also investigated the feasibility of unsupervised machine translation for low-resource and distant language pairs and confirmed observations of previous work showing that unsupervised MT is still largely unable to deal with them.
This paper presents the NICT’s participation (team ID: NICT) in the 6th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT-2019) shared translation task, specifically Myanmar (Burmese) - English task in both translation directions. We built neural machine translation (NMT) systems for these tasks. Our NMT systems were trained with language model pretraining. Back-translation technology is adopted to NMT. Our NMT systems rank the third in English-to-Myanmar and the second in Myanmar-to-English according to BLEU score.
This paper describes our SJTU-NICT’s system for participating in the shared task on Cross-Framework Meaning Representation Parsing (MRP) at the 2019 Conference for Computational Language Learning (CoNLL). Our system uses a graph-based approach to model a variety of semantic graph parsing tasks. Our main contributions in the submitted system are summarized as follows: 1. Our model is fully end-to-end and is capable of being trained only on the given training set which does not rely on any other extra training source including the companion data provided by the organizer; 2. We extend our graph pruning algorithm to a variety of semantic graphs, solving the problem of excessive semantic graph search space; 3. We introduce multi-task learning for multiple objectives within the same framework. The evaluation results show that our system achieved second place in the overall F1 score and achieved the best F1 score on the DM framework.
The explicit use of syntactic information has been proved useful for neural machine translation (NMT). However, previous methods resort to either tree-structured neural networks or long linearized sequences, both of which are inefficient. Neural syntactic distance (NSD) enables us to represent a constituent tree using a sequence whose length is identical to the number of words in the sentence. NSD has been used for constituent parsing, but not in machine translation. We propose five strategies to improve NMT with NSD. Experiments show that it is not trivial to improve NMT with NSD; however, the proposed strategies are shown to improve translation performance of the baseline model (+2.1 (En–Ja), +1.3 (Ja–En), +1.2 (En–Ch), and +1.0 (Ch–En) BLEU).
Neural network models have been actively applied to word segmentation, especially Chinese, because of the ability to minimize the effort in feature engineering. Typical segmentation models are categorized as character-based, for conducting exact inference, or word-based, for utilizing word-level information. We propose a character-based model utilizing word information to leverage the advantages of both types of models. Our model learns the importance of multiple candidate words for a character on the basis of an attention mechanism, and makes use of it for segmentation decisions. The experimental results show that our model achieves better performance than the state-of-the-art models on both Japanese and Chinese benchmark datasets.
Unsupervised bilingual word embedding (UBWE), together with other technologies such as back-translation and denoising, has helped unsupervised neural machine translation (UNMT) achieve remarkable results in several language pairs. In previous methods, UBWE is first trained using non-parallel monolingual corpora and then this pre-trained UBWE is used to initialize the word embedding in the encoder and decoder of UNMT. That is, the training of UBWE and UNMT are separate. In this paper, we first empirically investigate the relationship between UBWE and UNMT. The empirical findings show that the performance of UNMT is significantly affected by the performance of UBWE. Thus, we propose two methods that train UNMT with UBWE agreement. Empirical results on several language pairs show that the proposed methods significantly outperform conventional UNMT.
The reordering model plays an important role in phrase-based statistical machine translation. However, there are few works that exploit the reordering information in neural machine translation. In this paper, we propose a reordering mechanism to learn the reordering embedding of a word based on its contextual information. These learned reordering embeddings are stacked together with self-attention networks to learn sentence representation for machine translation. The reordering mechanism can be easily integrated into both the encoder and the decoder in the Transformer translation system. Experimental results on WMT’14 English-to-German, NIST Chinese-to-English, and WAT Japanese-to-English translation tasks demonstrate that the proposed methods can significantly improve the performance of the Transformer.
The training objective of neural machine translation (NMT) is to minimize the loss between the words in the translated sentences and those in the references. In NMT, there is a natural correspondence between the source sentence and the target sentence. However, this relationship has only been represented using the entire neural network and the training objective is computed in word-level. In this paper, we propose a sentence-level agreement module to directly minimize the difference between the representation of source and target sentence. The proposed agreement module can be integrated into NMT as an additional training objective function and can also be used to enhance the representation of the source sentences. Empirical results on the NIST Chinese-to-English and WMT English-to-German tasks show the proposed agreement module can significantly improve the NMT performance.
In this paper, we describe our supervised neural machine translation (NMT) systems that we developed for the news translation task for Kazakh↔English, Gujarati↔English, Chinese↔English, and English→Finnish translation directions. We focused on leveraging multilingual transfer learning and back-translation for the extremely low-resource language pairs: Kazakh↔English and Gujarati↔English translation. For the Chinese↔English translation, we used the provided parallel data augmented with a large quantity of back-translated monolingual data to train state-of-the-art NMT systems. We then employed techniques that have been proven to be most effective, such as back-translation, fine-tuning, and model ensembling, to generate the primary submissions of Chinese↔English. For English→Finnish, our submission from WMT18 remains a strong baseline despite the increase in parallel corpora for this year’s task.
This paper presents the NICT’s participation in the WMT19 unsupervised news translation task. We participated in the unsupervised translation direction: German-Czech. Our primary submission to the task is the result of a simple combination of our unsupervised neural and statistical machine translation systems. Our system is ranked first for the German-to-Czech translation task, using only the data provided by the organizers (“constraint’”), according to both BLEU-cased and human evaluation. We also performed contrastive experiments with other language pairs, namely, English-Gujarati and English-Kazakh, to better assess the effectiveness of unsupervised machine translation in for distant language pairs and in truly low-resource conditions.
In Neural Machine Translation (NMT), the decoder can capture the features of the entire prediction history with neural connections and representations. This means that partial hypotheses with different prefixes will be regarded differently no matter how similar they are. However, this might be inefficient since some partial hypotheses can contain only local differences that will not influence future predictions. In this work, we introduce recombination in NMT decoding based on the concept of the “equivalence” of partial hypotheses. Heuristically, we use a simple n-gram suffix based equivalence function and adapt it into beam search decoding. Through experiments on large-scale Chinese-to-English and English-to-Germen translation tasks, we show that the proposed method can obtain similar translation quality with a smaller beam size, making NMT decoding more efficient.
This paper presents an open-source neural machine translation toolkit named CytonMT. The toolkit is built from scratch only using C++ and NVIDIA’s GPU-accelerated libraries. The toolkit features training efficiency, code simplicity and translation quality. Benchmarks show that cytonMT accelerates the training speed by 64.5% to 110.8% on neural networks of various sizes, and achieves competitive translation quality.
One of the difficulties of neural machine translation (NMT) is the recall and appropriate translation of low-frequency words or phrases. In this paper, we propose a simple, fast, and effective method for recalling previously seen translation examples and incorporating them into the NMT decoding process. Specifically, for an input sentence, we use a search engine to retrieve sentence pairs whose source sides are similar with the input sentence, and then collect n-grams that are both in the retrieved target sentences and aligned with words that match in the source sentences, which we call “translation pieces”. We compute pseudo-probabilities for each retrieved sentence based on similarities between the input sentence and the retrieved source sentences, and use these to weight the retrieved translation pieces. Finally, an existing NMT model is used to translate the input sentence, with an additional bonus given to outputs that contain the collected translation pieces. We show our method improves NMT translation results up to 6 BLEU points on three narrow domain translation tasks where repetitiveness of the target sentences is particularly salient. It also causes little increase in the translation time, and compares favorably to another alternative retrieval-based method with respect to accuracy, speed, and simplicity of implementation.
Tree-based neural machine translation (NMT) approaches, although achieved impressive performance, suffer from a major drawback: they only use the 1-best parse tree to direct the translation, which potentially introduces translation mistakes due to parsing errors. For statistical machine translation (SMT), forest-based methods have been proven to be effective for solving this problem, while for NMT this kind of approach has not been attempted. This paper proposes a forest-based NMT method that translates a linearized packed forest under a simple sequence-to-sequence framework (i.e., a forest-to-sequence NMT model). The BLEU score of the proposed method is higher than that of the sequence-to-sequence NMT, tree-based NMT, and forest-based SMT systems.
Traditional Neural machine translation (NMT) involves a fixed training procedure where each sentence is sampled once during each epoch. In reality, some sentences are well-learned during the initial few epochs; however, using this approach, the well-learned sentences would continue to be trained along with those sentences that were not well learned for 10-30 epochs, which results in a wastage of time. Here, we propose an efficient method to dynamically sample the sentences in order to accelerate the NMT training. In this approach, a weight is assigned to each sentence based on the measured difference between the training costs of two iterations. Further, in each epoch, a certain percentage of sentences are dynamically sampled according to their weights. Empirical results based on the NIST Chinese-to-English and the WMT English-to-German tasks show that the proposed method can significantly accelerate the NMT training and improve the NMT performance.
An abugida is a writing system where the consonant letters represent syllables with a default vowel and other vowels are denoted by diacritics. We investigate the feasibility of recovering the original text written in an abugida after omitting subordinate diacritics and merging consonant letters with similar phonetic values. This is crucial for developing more efficient input methods by reducing the complexity in abugidas. Four abugidas in the southern Brahmic family, i.e., Thai, Burmese, Khmer, and Lao, were studied using a newswire 20,000-sentence dataset. We compared the recovery performance of a support vector machine and an LSTM-based recurrent neural network, finding that the abugida graphemes could be recovered with 94% - 97% accuracy at the top-1 level and 98% - 99% at the top-4 level, even after omitting most diacritics (10 - 30 types) and merging the remaining 30 - 50 characters into 21 graphemes.
This paper presents the NICT’s participation to the WMT18 shared news translation task. We participated in the eight translation directions of four language pairs: Estonian-English, Finnish-English, Turkish-English and Chinese-English. For each translation direction, we prepared state-of-the-art statistical (SMT) and neural (NMT) machine translation systems. Our NMT systems were trained with the transformer architecture using the provided parallel data enlarged with a large quantity of back-translated monolingual data that we generated with a new incremental training framework. Our primary submissions to the task are the result of a simple combination of our SMT and NMT systems. Our systems are ranked first for the Estonian-English and Finnish-English language pairs (constraint) according to BLEU-cased.
This paper presents the NICT’s participation in the WMT18 shared parallel corpus filtering task. The organizers provided 1 billion words German-English corpus crawled from the web as part of the Paracrawl project. This corpus is too noisy to build an acceptable neural machine translation (NMT) system. Using the clean data of the WMT18 shared news translation task, we designed several features and trained a classifier to score each sentence pairs in the noisy data. Finally, we sampled 100 million and 10 million words and built corresponding NMT systems. Empirical results show that our NMT systems trained on sampled data achieve promising performance.
Instance weighting has been widely applied to phrase-based machine translation domain adaptation. However, it is challenging to be applied to Neural Machine Translation (NMT) directly, because NMT is not a linear model. In this paper, two instance weighting technologies, i.e., sentence weighting and domain weighting with a dynamic weight learning strategy, are proposed for NMT domain adaptation. Empirical results on the IWSLT English-German/French tasks show that the proposed methods can substantially improve NMT performance by up to 2.7-6.7 BLEU points, outperforming the existing baselines by up to 1.6-3.6 BLEU points.
Source dependency information has been successfully introduced into statistical machine translation. However, there are only a few preliminary attempts for Neural Machine Translation (NMT), such as concatenating representations of source word and its dependency label together. In this paper, we propose a novel NMT with source dependency representation to improve translation performance of NMT, especially long sentences. Empirical results on NIST Chinese-to-English translation task show that our method achieves 1.6 BLEU improvements on average over a strong NMT system.
In Neural Machine Translation (NMT), each word is represented as a low-dimension, real-value vector for encoding its syntax and semantic information. This means that even if the word is in a different sentence context, it is represented as the fixed vector to learn source representation. Moreover, a large number of Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) words, which have different syntax and semantic information, are represented as the same vector representation of “unk”. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel context-aware smoothing method to dynamically learn a sentence-specific vector for each word (including OOV words) depending on its local context words in a sentence. The learned context-aware representation is integrated into the NMT to improve the translation performance. Empirical results on NIST Chinese-to-English translation task show that the proposed approach achieves 1.78 BLEU improvements on average over a strong attentional NMT, and outperforms some existing systems.
Compared to traditional statistical machine translation (SMT), neural machine translation (NMT) often sacrifices adequacy for the sake of fluency. We propose a method to combine the advantages of traditional SMT and NMT by exploiting an existing phrase-based SMT model to compute the phrase-based decoding cost for an NMT output and then using the phrase-based decoding cost to rerank the n-best NMT outputs. The main challenge in implementing this approach is that NMT outputs may not be in the search space of the standard phrase-based decoding algorithm, because the search space of phrase-based SMT is limited by the phrase-based translation rule table. We propose a soft forced decoding algorithm, which can always successfully find a decoding path for any NMT output. We show that using the forced decoding cost to rerank the NMT outputs can successfully improve translation quality on four different language pairs.
In this paper, we propose a neural machine translation (NMT) with a key-value attention mechanism on the source-side encoder. The key-value attention mechanism separates the source-side content vector into two types of memory known as the key and the value. The key is used for calculating the attention distribution, and the value is used for encoding the context representation. Experiments on three different tasks indicate that our model outperforms an NMT model with a conventional attention mechanism. Furthermore, we perform experiments with a conventional NMT framework, in which a part of the initial value of a weight matrix is set to zero so that the matrix is as the same initial-state as the key-value attention mechanism. As a result, we obtain comparable results with the key-value attention mechanism without changing the network structure.
Although new corpora are becoming increasingly available for machine translation, only those that belong to the same or similar domains are typically able to improve translation performance. Recently Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has become prominent in the field. However, most of the existing domain adaptation methods only focus on phrase-based machine translation. In this paper, we exploit the NMT’s internal embedding of the source sentence and use the sentence embedding similarity to select the sentences which are close to in-domain data. The empirical adaptation results on the IWSLT English-French and NIST Chinese-English tasks show that the proposed methods can substantially improve NMT performance by 2.4-9.0 BLEU points, outperforming the existing state-of-the-art baseline by 2.3-4.5 BLEU points.
This paper describes the details about the NAIST-NICT machine translation system for WAT2017 English-Japanese Scientific Paper Translation Task. The system consists of a language-independent tokenizer and an attentional encoder-decoder style neural machine translation model. According to the official results, our system achieves higher translation accuracy than any systems submitted previous campaigns despite simple model architecture.
The attention mechanism is appealing for neural machine translation, since it is able to dynamically encode a source sentence by generating a alignment between a target word and source words. Unfortunately, it has been proved to be worse than conventional alignment models in alignment accuracy. In this paper, we analyze and explain this issue from the point view of reordering, and propose a supervised attention which is learned with guidance from conventional alignment models. Experiments on two Chinese-to-English translation tasks show that the supervised attention mechanism yields better alignments leading to substantial gains over the standard attention based NMT.
Although more additional corpora are now available for Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), only the ones which belong to the same or similar domains of the original corpus can indeed enhance SMT performance directly. A series of SMT adaptation methods have been proposed to select these similar-domain data, and most of them focus on sentence selection. In comparison, phrase is a smaller and more fine grained unit for data selection, therefore we propose a straightforward and efficient connecting phrase based adaptation method, which is applied to both bilingual phrase pair and monolingual n-gram adaptation. The proposed method is evaluated on IWSLT/NIST data sets, and the results show that phrase based SMT performances are significantly improved (up to +1.6 in comparison with phrase based SMT baseline system and +0.9 in comparison with existing methods).
Simultaneous interpretation allows people to communicate spontaneously across language boundaries, but such services are prohibitively expensive for the general public. This paper presents a fully automatic simultaneous interpretation system to address this problem. Though the development is still at an early stage, the system is capable of keeping up with the fastest of the TED speakers while at the same time delivering high-quality translations. We believe that the system will become an effective tool for facilitating cross-lingual communication in the future.
The paper introduces a web-based authoring support system, MuTUAL, which aims to help writers create multilingual texts. The highlighted feature of the system is that it enables machine translation (MT) to generate outputs appropriate to their functional context within the target document. Our system is operational online, implementing core mechanisms for document structuring and controlled writing. These include a topic template and a controlled language authoring assistant, linked to our statistical MT system.
This paper introduces the ALT project initiated by the Advanced Speech Translation Research and Development Promotion Center (ASTREC), NICT, Kyoto, Japan. The aim of this project is to accelerate NLP research for Asian languages such as Indonesian, Japanese, Khmer, Laos, Malay, Myanmar, Philippine, Thai and Vietnamese. The original resource for this project was English articles that were randomly selected from Wikinews. The project has so far created a corpus for Myanmar and will extend in scope to include other languages in the near future. A 20000-sentence corpus of Myanmar that has been manually translated from an English corpus has been word segmented, word aligned, part-of-speech tagged and constituency parsed by human annotators. In this paper, we present the implementation steps for creating the treebank in detail, including a description of the ALT web-based treebanking tool. Moreover, we report statistics on the annotation quality of the Myanmar treebank created so far.
In this paper, we describe the details of the ASPEC (Asian Scientific Paper Excerpt Corpus), which is the first large-size parallel corpus of scientific paper domain. ASPEC was constructed in the Japanese-Chinese machine translation project conducted between 2006 and 2010 using the Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology. It consists of a Japanese-English scientific paper abstract corpus of approximately 3 million parallel sentences (ASPEC-JE) and a Chinese-Japanese scientific paper excerpt corpus of approximately 0.68 million parallel sentences (ASPEC-JC). ASPEC is used as the official dataset for the machine translation evaluation workshop WAT (Workshop on Asian Translation).
When translating formal documents, capturing the sentence structure specific to the sublanguage is extremely necessary to obtain high-quality translations. This paper proposes a novel global reordering method with particular focus on long-distance reordering for capturing the global sentence structure of a sublanguage. The proposed method learns global reordering models from a non-annotated parallel corpus and works in conjunction with conventional syntactic reordering. Experimental results on the patent abstract sublanguage show substantial gains of more than 25 points in the RIBES metric and comparable BLEU scores both for Japanese-to-English and English-to-Japanese translations.
Simultaneous interpretation is a very challenging application of machine translation in which the input is a stream of words from a speech recognition engine. The key problem is how to segment the stream in an online manner into units suitable for translation. The segmentation process proceeds by calculating a confidence score for each word that indicates the soundness of placing a sentence boundary after it, and then heuristics are employed to determine the position of the boundaries. Multiple variants of the confidence scoring method and segmentation heuristics were studied. Experimental results show that the best performing strategy is not only efficient in terms of average latency per word, but also achieved end-to-end translation quality close to an offline baseline, and close to oracle segmentation.
This paper illustrates the similarity between Thai and Laotian, and between Malay and Indonesian, based on an investigation on raw parallel data from Asian Language Treebank. The cross-lingual similarity is investigated and demonstrated on metrics of correspondence and order of tokens, based on several standard statistical machine translation techniques. The similarity shown in this study suggests a possibility on harmonious annotation and processing of the language pairs in future development.
We introduce two document-level features to polish baseline sentence-level translations generated by a state-of-the-art statistical machine translation (SMT) system. One feature uses the word-embedding technique to model the relation between a sentence and its context on the target side; the other feature is a crisp document-level token-type ratio of target-side translations for source-side words to model the lexical consistency in translation. The weights of introduced features are tuned to optimize the sentence- and document-level metrics simultaneously on the basis of Pareto optimality. Experimental results on two different schemes with different corpora illustrate that the proposed approach can efficiently and stably integrate document-level information into a sentence-level SMT system. The best improvements were approximately 0.5 BLEU on test sets with statistical significance.
This paper describes NICT’s participation in the IWSLT 2014 evaluation campaign for the TED Chinese-English translation shared-task. Our approach used a combination of phrase-based and hierarchical statistical machine translation (SMT) systems. Our focus was in several areas, specifically system combination, word alignment, and various language modeling techniques including the use of neural network joint models. Our experiments on the test set from the 2013 shared task, showed that an improvement in BLEU score can be gained in translation performance through all of these techniques, with the largest improvements coming from using large data sizes to train the language model.
We conduct dependency-based head finalization for statistical machine translation (SMT) for Myanmar (Burmese). Although Myanmar is an understudied language, linguistically it is a head-final language with similar syntax to Japanese and Korean. So, applying the efficient techniques of Japanese and Korean processing to Myanmar is a natural idea. Our approach is a combination of two approaches. The first is a head-driven phrase structure grammar (HPSG) based head finalization for English-to-Japanese translation, the second is dependency-based pre-ordering originally designed for English-to-Korean translation. We experiment on Chinese-, English-, and French-to-Myanmar translation, using a statistical pre-ordering approach as a comparison method. Experimental results show the dependency-based head finalization was able to consistently improve a baseline SMT system, for different source languages and different segmentation schemes for the Myanmar language.
This paper describes our methods used in the NAIST-NICT submission to the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) 2012 evaluation campaign. In particular, we propose two extensions to minimum bayes-risk decoding which reduces a expected loss.
In order to efficiently improve machine translation systems, we propose a method which selects data to be annotated (manually translated) from speech-to-speech translation field data. For the selection experiments, we used data from field experiments conducted during the 2009 fiscal year in five areas of Japan. For the selection experiments, we used data sets from two areas: one data set giving the lowest baseline speech translation performance for its test set, and another data set giving the highest. In the experiments, we compare two methods for selecting data to be manually translated from the field data. Both of them use source side language models for data selection, but in different manners. According to the experimental results, either or both of the methods show larger improvements compared to a random data selection.
In this paper we report a way of constructing a translation corpus that contains not only source and target texts, but draft and final versions of target texts, through the translation hosting site Minna no Hon'yaku (MNH). We made MNH publicly available on April 2009. Since then, more than 1,000 users have registered and over 3,500 documents have been translated, as of February 2010, from English to Japanese and from Japanese to English. MNH provides an integrated translation-aid environment, QRedit, which enables translators to look up high-quality dictionaries and Wikipedia as well as to search Google seamlessly. As MNH keeps translation logs, a corpus consisting of source texts, draft translations in several versions, and final translations is constructed naturally through MNH. As of 7 February, 764 documents with multiple translation versions are accumulated, of which 110 are edited by more than one translators. This corpus can be used for self-learning by inexperienced translators on MNH, and potentially for improving machine translation.
This paper describes the NICT SMT system used in the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT) 2009 evaluation campaign. We participated in the Challenge Task. Our system was based on a fairly common phrase-based machine translation system. We used two methods for stabilizing MERT.
To aid research and development in machine translation, we have produced a test collection for Japanese/English machine translation. To obtain a parallel corpus, we extracted patent documents for the same or related inventions published in Japan and the United States. Our test collection includes approximately 2000000 sentence pairs in Japanese and English, which were extracted automatically from our parallel corpus. These sentence pairs can be used to train and evaluate machine translation systems. Our test collection also includes search topics for cross-lingual patent retrieval, which can be used to evaluate the contribution of machine translation to retrieving patent documents across languages. This paper describes our test collection, methods for evaluating machine translation, and preliminary experiments.
This paper describes the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology/Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (NICT/ATR) statistical machine translation (SMT) system used for the IWSLT 2008 evaluation campaign. We participated in the Chinese–English (Challenge Task), English–Chinese (Challenge Task), Chinese–English (BTEC Task), Chinese–Spanish (BTEC Task), and Chinese–English–Spanish (PIVOT Task) translation tasks. In the English–Chinese translation Challenge Task, we focused on exploring various factors for the English–Chinese translation because the research on the translation of English–Chinese is scarce compared to the opposite direction. In the Chinese–English translation Challenge Task, we employed a novel clustering method, where training sentences similar to the development data in terms of the word error rate formed a cluster. In the pivot translation task, we integrated two strategies for pivot translation by linear interpolation.
After a long history of compilation of our own lexical resources, EDR Japanese/English Electronic Dictionary, and discussions with major players on development of various WordNets, Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technology started developing the Japanese WordNet in 2006 and will publicly release the first version, which includes both the synset in Japanese and the annotated Japanese corpus of SemCor, in June 2008. As the first step in compiling the Japanese WordNet, we added Japanese equivalents to synsets of the Princeton WordNet. Of course, we must also add some synsets which do not exist in the Princeton WordNet, and must modify synsets in the Princeton WordNet, in order to make the hierarchical structure of Princeton synsets represent thesaurus-like information found in the Japanese language, however, we will address these tasks in a future study. We then translated English sentences which are used in the SemCor annotation into Japanese and annotated them using our Japanese WordNet. This article describes the overview of our project to compile Japanese WordNet and other resources which relate to our Japanese WordNet.
In aiming at research and development on machine translation, we produced a test collection for Japanese-English machine translation in the seventh NTCIR Workshop. This paper describes details of our test collection. From patent documents published in Japan and the United States, we extracted patent families as a parallel corpus. A patent family is a set of patent documents for the same or related invention and these documents are usually filed to more than one country in different languages. In the parallel corpus, we aligned Japanese sentences with their counterpart English sentences. Our test collection, which includes approximately 2,000,000 sentence pairs, can be used to train and test machine translation systems. Our test collection also includes search topics for cross-lingual patent retrieval and the contribution of machine translation to a patent retrieval task can also be evaluated. Our test collection will be available to the public for research purposes after the NTCIR final meeting.
As huge quantities of documents have become available, services using natural language processing technologies trained by huge corpora have emerged, such as information retrieval and information extraction. In this paper we verify the usefulness of resource-based, or corpus-based, translation in the aviation domain as a real business situation. This study is important from both a business perspective and an academic perspective. Intuitively, manuals for similar products, or manuals for different versions of the same product, are likely to resemble each other. Therefore, even with only a small training data, a corpus-based MT system can output useful translations. The corpus-based approach is powerful when the target is repetitive. Manuals for similar products, or manuals for different versions of the same product, are real-world documents that are repetitive. Our experiments on translation of manual documents are still in a beginning stage. However, the BLEU score from very small number of training sentences is already rather high. We believe corpus-based machine translation is a player full of promise in this kind of actual business scene.
This paper illustrates relevant details of an on-going semantic-role annotation work based on a framework called MULTILAYERED/DIMENSIONAL SEMANTIC FRAME ANALYSIS (MSFA for short) (Kuroda and Isahara, 2005b), which is inspired by, if not derived from, Frame Semantics/Berkeley FrameNet approach to semantic annotation (Lowe et al., 1997; Johnson and Fillmore, 2000).