Inspired by early research on exploring naturally annotated data for Chinese Word Segmentation (CWS), and also by recent research on integration of speech and text processing, this work for the first time proposes to explicitly mine word boundaries from parallel speech-text data. We employ the Montreal Forced Aligner (MFA) toolkit to perform character-level alignment on speech-text data, giving pauses as candidate word boundaries. Based on detailed analysis of collected pauses, we propose an effective probability-based strategy for filtering unreliable word boundaries. To more effectively utilize word boundaries as extra training data, we also propose a robust complete-then-train (CTT) strategy. We conduct cross-domain CWS experiments on two target domains, i.e., ZX and AISHELL2. We have annotated about 1K sentences as the evaluation data of AISHELL2. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
Cross-domain constituency parsing remains a challenging task due to the lack of high-quality out-of-domain data. In this paper, we propose a data augmentation method via lightweight large language model (LLM) generation and tree hybridization. We utilize LLM to generate phrase structures (subtrees) for the target domain by incorporating grammar rules and lexical head information into the prompt. To better leverage LLM-generated target-domain subtrees, we hybridize them with existing source-domain subtrees to efficiently produce a large number of structurally diverse instances. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves significant improvements on five target domains with a lightweight LLM generation cost.
It is practically useful to provide consistent and reliable word segmentation results from different criteria at the same time, which is formulated as the multi-grained word segmentation (MWS) task. This paper describes a probabilistic toolkit for MWS in Chinese. We propose a new MWS approach based on the standard MTL framework. We adopt semi-Markov CRF for single-grained word segmentation (SWS), which can produce marginal probabilities of words during inference. For sentences that contain conflicts among SWS results, we employ the CKY decoding algorithm to resolve conflicts.Our resulting MWS tree can provide the criteria information of words, along with the probabilities. Moreover, we follow the works in SWS, and propose a simple strategy to exploit naturally annotated data for MWS, leading to substantial improvement of MWS performance in the cross-domain scenario.
End-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems have made significant progress in general scenarios. However, it remains challenging to transcribe contextual named entities (NEs) in the contextual ASR scenario. Previous approaches have attempted to address this by utilizing the NE dictionary. These approaches treat entities as individual tokens and generate them token-by-token, which may result in incomplete transcriptions of entities. In this paper, we treat entities as indivisible wholes and introduce the idea of copying into ASR. We design a systematic mechanism called CopyNE, which can copy entities from the NE dictionary. By copying all tokens of an entity at once, we can reduce errors during entity transcription, ensuring the completeness of the entity. Experiments demonstrate that CopyNE consistently improves the accuracy of transcribing entities compared to previous approaches. Even when based on the strong Whisper, CopyNE still achieves notable improvements.
This work proposes a simple training-free prompt-free approach to leverage large language models (LLMs) for the Chinese spelling correction (CSC) task, which is totally different from all previous CSC approaches. The key idea is to use an LLM as a pure language model in a conventional manner. The LLM goes through the input sentence from the beginning, and at each inference step, produces a distribution over its vocabulary for deciding the next token, given a partial sentence. To ensure that the output sentence remains faithful to the input sentence, we design a minimal distortion model that utilizes pronunciation or shape similarities between the original and replaced characters. Furthermore, we propose two useful reward strategies to address practical challenges specific to the CSC task. Experiments on five public datasets demonstrate that our approach significantly improves LLM performance, enabling them to compete with state-of-the-art domain-general CSC models.
Spoken Named Entity Recognition (NER) aims to extract entities from speech. The extracted entities can help voice assistants better understand user’s questions and instructions. However, current Chinese Spoken NER datasets are laboratory-controlled data that are collected by reading existing texts in quiet environments, rather than natural spoken data, and the texts used for reading are also limited in topics. These limitations obstruct the development of Spoken NER in more natural and common real-world scenarios. To address this gap, we introduce a real-world Chinese Spoken NER dataset (RWCS-NER), encompassing open-domain daily conversations and task-oriented intelligent cockpit instructions. We compare several mainstream pipeline approaches on RWCS-NER. The results indicate that the current methods, affected by Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) errors, do not perform satisfactorily in real settings. Aiming to enhance Spoken NER in real-world scenarios, we propose two approaches: self-training-asr and mapping then distilling (MDistilling). Experiments show that both approaches can achieve significant improvements, particularly MDistilling. Even compared with GPT4.0, MDistilling still reaches better results. We believe that our work will advance the field of Spoken NER in real-world settings.
Revealing the syntactic structure of sentences in Chinese poses significant challenges for word-level parsers due to the absence of clear word boundaries. To facilitate a transition from word-level to character-level Chinese dependency parsing, this paper proposes modeling latent internal structures within words. In this way, each word-level dependency tree is interpreted as a forest of character-level trees. A constrained Eisner algorithm is implemented to ensure the compatibility of character-level trees, guaranteeing a single root for intra-word structures and establishing inter-word dependencies between these roots. Experiments on Chinese treebanks demonstrate the superiority of our method over both the pipeline framework and previous joint models. A detailed analysis reveals that a coarse-to-fine parsing strategy empowers the model to predict more linguistically plausible intra-word structures.
For the grammatical error correction (GEC) task, there usually exist multiple correction ways for an erroneous input sentence, leading to multiple references. Observing the high proportion of multi-reference instances in Chinese GEC training data, we target a systematic study on how to better utilize multi-reference training data. We propose two new approaches and a simple two-stage training strategy. We compare them against previously proposed approaches, on two Chinese training datasets, i.e., Lang-8 for second language learner texts and FCGEC-Train for native speaker texts, and three test datasets. The experiments and analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approaches and reveal interesting insights. Our code is available at
This work revisits the topic of jointly parsing constituency and dependency trees, i.e., to produce compatible constituency and dependency trees simultaneously for input sentences, which is attractive considering that the two types of trees are complementary in representing syntax. The original work of Zhou and Zhao (2019) performs joint parsing only at the inference phase. They train two separate parsers under the multi-task learning framework (i.e., one shared encoder and two independent decoders). They design an ad-hoc dynamic programming-based decoding algorithm of O(n5) time complexity for finding optimal compatible tree pairs. Compared to their work, we make progress in three aspects: (1) adopting a much more efficient decoding algorithm of O(n4) time complexity, (2) exploring joint modeling at the training phase, instead of only at the inference phase, (3) proposing high-order scoring components to promote constituent-dependency interaction. We conduct experiments and analysis on seven languages, covering both rich-resource and low-resource scenarios. Results and analysis show that joint modeling leads to a modest overall performance boost over separate modeling, but substantially improves the complete matching ratio of whole trees, thanks to the explicit modeling of tree compatibility.
Nowadays, character-based sequence labeling becomes the mainstream Chinese named entity recognition (CNER) approach, instead of word-based methods, since the latter degrades performance due to propagation of word segmentation (WS) errors. To make use of WS information, previous studies usually learn CNER and WS simultaneously with multi-task learning (MTL) framework, or treat WS information as extra guide features for CNER model, in which the utilization of WS information is indirect and shallow. In light of the complementary information inside multi-grained words, and the close connection between named entities and part-of-speech (POS) tags, this work proposes a tree parsing approach for joint modeling CNER, multi-grained word segmentation (MWS) and POS tagging tasks simultaneously. Specifically, we first propose a unified tree representation for MWS, POS tagging, and CNER.Then, we automatically construct the MWS-POS-NER data based on the unified tree representation for model training. Finally, we present a two-stage joint tree parsing framework. Experimental results on OntoNotes4 and OntoNotes5 show that our proposed approach of jointly modeling CNER with MWS and POS tagging achieves better or comparable performance with latest methods.
This paper describes our system for the EvaHan2024 shared task. We design and experiment with two sequence labeling approaches, i.e., one-stage and two-stage approaches. The one-stage approach directly predicts a label for each character, and the label may contain multiple punctuation marks. The two-stage approach divides punctuation marks into two classes, i.e., pause and non-pause, and separately handles them via two sequence labeling processes. The labels contain at most one punctuation marks. We use pre-trained SikuRoBERTa as a key component of the encoder and employ a conditional random field (CRF) layer on the top. According to the evaluation metrics adopted by the organizers, the two-stage approach is superior to the one-stage approach, and our system achieves the second place among all participant systems.
“本文介绍了我们在第二十二届中国计算语言学大会中文抽象语义表示解析评测中提交的参赛系统。抽象语义表示(Abstract Meaning Representation,AMR)以有向无环图的形式表示一个句子的语义。本次评测任务针对中文抽象语义表示(Chinese AMR,CAMR),参赛系统不仅需要对常规的AMR图解析预测,还需要预测CAMR数据特有的概念节点对齐、虚词关系对齐、概念同指。我们同时使用多个自回归模型和多个非自回归模型,然后基于图融合的方法将多个模型输出结果融合起来。最终,我们在两个赛道共六个测试集上取得了五项第一名,一项第二名。”
We introduce NaSGEC, a new dataset to facilitate research on Chinese grammatical error correction (CGEC) for native speaker texts from multiple domains. Previous CGEC research primarily focuses on correcting texts from a single domain, especially learner essays. To broaden the target domain, we annotate multiple references for 12,500 sentences from three native domains, i.e., social media, scientific writing, and examination. We provide solid benchmark results for NaSGEC by employing cutting-edge CGEC models and different training data. We further perform detailed analyses of the connections and gaps between our domains from both empirical and statistical views. We hope this work can inspire future studies on an important but under-explored direction–cross-domain GEC.
The sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) approach has recently been widely used in grammatical error correction (GEC) and shows promising performance. However, the Seq2Seq GEC approach still suffers from two issues. First, a Seq2Seq GEC model can only be trained on parallel data, which, in GEC task, is often noisy and limited in quantity. Second, the decoder of a Seq2Seq GEC model lacks an explicit awareness of the correctness of the token being generated. In this paper, we propose a unified decoding intervention framework that employs an external critic to assess the appropriateness of the token to be generated incrementally, and then dynamically influence the choice of the next token. We discover and investigate two types of critics: a pre-trained left-to-right language model critic and an incremental target-side grammatical error detector critic. Through extensive experiments on English and Chinese datasets, our framework consistently outperforms strong baselines and achieves results competitive with state-of-the-art methods.
This paper proposes to cast end-to-end span-based SRL as a word-based graph parsing task. The major challenge is how to represent spans at the word level. Borrowing ideas from research on Chinese word segmentation and named entity recognition, we propose and compare four different schemata of graph representation, i.e., BES, BE, BIES, and BII, among which we find that the BES schema performs the best. We further gain interesting insights through detailed analysis. Moreover, we propose a simple constrained Viterbi procedure to ensure the legality of the output graph according to the constraints of the SRL structure. We conduct experiments on two widely used benchmark datasets, i.e., CoNLL05 and CoNLL12. Results show that our word-based graph parsing approach achieves consistently better performance than previous results, under all settings of end-to-end and predicate-given, without and with pre-trained language models (PLMs). More importantly, our model can parse 669/252 sentences per second, without and with PLMs respectively.
This work proposes a syntax-enhanced grammatical error correction (GEC) approach named SynGEC that effectively incorporates dependency syntactic information into the encoder part of GEC models. The key challenge for this idea is that off-the-shelf parsers are unreliable when processing ungrammatical sentences. To confront this challenge, we propose to build a tailored GEC-oriented parser (GOPar) using parallel GEC training data as a pivot. First, we design an extended syntax representation scheme that allows us to represent both grammatical errors and syntax in a unified tree structure. Then, we obtain parse trees of the source incorrect sentences by projecting trees of the target correct sentences. Finally, we train GOPar with such projected trees. For GEC, we employ the graph convolution network to encode source-side syntactic information produced by GOPar, and fuse them with the outputs of the Transformer encoder. Experiments on mainstream English and Chinese GEC datasets show that our proposed SynGEC approach consistently and substantially outperforms strong baselines and achieves competitive performance. Our code and data are all publicly available at
In recent years, large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs) have made extraordinary progress in most NLP tasks. But, in the unsupervised POS tagging task, works utilizing PLMs are few and fail to achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. The recent SOTA performance is yielded by a Guassian HMM variant proposed by He et al. (2018). However, as a generative model, HMM makes very strong independence assumptions, making it very challenging to incorporate contexualized word representations from PLMs. In this work, we for the first time propose a neural conditional random field autoencoder (CRF-AE) model for unsupervised POS tagging. The discriminative encoder of CRF-AE can straightforwardly incorporate ELMo word representations. Moreover, inspired by feature-rich HMM, we reintroduce hand-crafted features into the decoder of CRF-AE. Finally, experiments clearly show that our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art models by a large margin on Penn Treebank and multilingual Universal Dependencies treebank v2.0.
During the past decade, neural network models have made tremendous progress on in-domain semantic role labeling (SRL). However, performance drops dramatically under the out-of-domain setting. In order to facilitate research on cross-domain SRL, this paper presents MuCPAD, a multi-domain Chinese predicate-argument dataset, which consists of 30,897 sentences and 92,051 predicates from six different domains. MuCPAD exhibits three important features. 1) Based on a frame-free annotation methodology, we avoid writing complex frames for new predicates. 2) We explicitly annotate omitted core arguments to recover more complete semantic structure, considering that omission of content words is ubiquitous in multi-domain Chinese texts. 3) We compile 53 pages of annotation guidelines and adopt strict double annotation for improving data quality. This paper describes in detail the annotation methodology and annotation process of MuCPAD, and presents in-depth data analysis. We also give benchmark results on cross-domain SRL based on MuCPAD.
This paper presents MuCGEC, a multi-reference multi-source evaluation dataset for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction (CGEC), consisting of 7,063 sentences collected from three Chinese-as-a-Second-Language (CSL) learner sources. Each sentence is corrected by three annotators, and their corrections are carefully reviewed by a senior annotator, resulting in 2.3 references per sentence. We conduct experiments with two mainstream CGEC models, i.e., the sequence-to-sequence model and the sequence-to-edit model, both enhanced with large pretrained language models, achieving competitive benchmark performance on previous and our datasets. We also discuss CGEC evaluation methodologies, including the effect of multiple references and using a char-based metric. Our annotation guidelines, data, and code are available at
Unlike English letters, Chinese characters have rich and specific meanings. Usually, the meaning of a word can be derived from its constituent characters in some way. Several previous works on syntactic parsing propose to annotate shallow word-internal structures for better utilizing character-level information. This work proposes to model the deep internal structures of Chinese words as dependency trees with 11 labels for distinguishing syntactic relationships. First, based on newly compiled annotation guidelines, we manually annotate a word-internal structure treebank (WIST) consisting of over 30K multi-char words from Chinese Penn Treebank. To guarantee quality, each word is independently annotated by two annotators and inconsistencies are handled by a third senior annotator. Second, we present detailed and interesting analysis on WIST to reveal insights on Chinese word formation. Third, we propose word-internal structure parsing as a new task, and conduct benchmark experiments using a competitive dependency parser. Finally, we present two simple ways to encode word-internal structures, leading to promising gains on the sentence-level syntactic parsing task.
The most straightforward approach to joint word segmentation (WS), part-of-speech (POS) tagging, and constituent parsing is converting a word-level tree into a char-level tree, which, however, leads to two severe challenges. First, a larger label set (e.g., ≥ 600) and longer inputs both increase computational costs. Second, it is difficult to rule out illegal trees containing conflicting production rules, which is important for reliable model evaluation. If a POS tag (like VV) is above a phrase tag (like VP) in the output tree, it becomes quite complex to decide word boundaries. To deal with both challenges, this work proposes a two-stage coarse-to-fine labeling framework for joint WS-POS-PAR. In the coarse labeling stage, the joint model outputs a bracketed tree, in which each node corresponds to one of four labels (i.e., phrase, subphrase, word, subword). The tree is guaranteed to be legal via constrained CKY decoding. In the fine labeling stage, the model expands each coarse label into a final label (such as VP, VP*, VV, VV*). Experiments on Chinese Penn Treebank 5.1 and 7.0 show that our joint model consistently outperforms the pipeline approach on both settings of w/o and w/ BERT, and achieves new state-of-the-art performance.
Data augmentation has attracted a lot of research attention in the deep learning era for its ability in alleviating data sparseness. The lack of labeled data for unseen evaluation databases is exactly the major challenge for cross-domain text-to-SQL parsing. Previous works either require human intervention to guarantee the quality of generated data, or fail to handle complex SQL queries. This paper presents a simple yet effective data augmentation framework. First, given a database, we automatically produce a large number of SQL queries based on an abstract syntax tree grammar. For better distribution matching, we require that at least 80% of SQL patterns in the training data are covered by generated queries. Second, we propose a hierarchical SQL-to-question generation model to obtain high-quality natural language questions, which is the major contribution of this work. Finally, we design a simple sampling strategy that can greatly improve training efficiency given large amounts of generated data. Experiments on three cross-domain datasets, i.e., WikiSQL and Spider in English, and DuSQL in Chinese, show that our proposed data augmentation framework can consistently improve performance over strong baselines, and the hierarchical generation component is the key for the improvement.
Thanks to the strong representation learning capability of deep learning, especially pre-training techniques with language model loss, dependency parsing has achieved great performance boost in the in-domain scenario with abundant labeled training data for target domains. However, the parsing community has to face the more realistic setting where the parsing performance drops drastically when labeled data only exists for several fixed out-domains. In this work, we propose a novel model for multi-source cross-domain dependency parsing. The model consists of two components, i.e., a parameter generation network for distinguishing domain-specific features, and an adversarial network for learning domain-invariant representations. Experiments on a recently released NLPCC-2019 dataset for multi-domain dependency parsing show that our model can consistently improve cross-domain parsing performance by about 2 points in averaged labeled attachment accuracy (LAS) over strong BERT-enhanced baselines. Detailed analysis is conducted to gain more insights on contributions of the two components.
Lacking sufficient human-annotated data is one main challenge for abstract meaning representation (AMR) parsing. To alleviate this problem, previous works usually make use of silver data or pre-trained language models. In particular, one recent seq-to-seq work directly fine-tunes AMR graph sequences on the encoder-decoder pre-trained language model and achieves new state-of-the-art results, outperforming previous works by a large margin. However, it makes the decoding relatively slower. In this work, we investigate alternative approaches to achieve competitive performance at faster speeds. We propose a simplified AMR parser and a pre-training technique for the effective usage of silver data. We conduct extensive experiments on the widely used AMR2.0 dataset and the results demonstrate that our Transformer-based AMR parser achieves the best performance among the seq2graph-based models. Furthermore, with silver data, our model achieves competitive results with the SOTA model, and the speed is an order of magnitude faster. Detailed analyses are conducted to gain more insights into our proposed model and the effectiveness of the pre-training technique.
Fine-grained opinion mining (OM) has achieved increasing attraction in the natural language processing (NLP) community, which aims to find the opinion structures of “Who expressed what opinions towards what” in one sentence. In this work, motivated by its span-based representations of opinion expressions and roles, we propose a unified span-based approach for the end-to-end OM setting. Furthermore, inspired by the unified span-based formalism of OM and constituent parsing, we explore two different methods (multi-task learning and graph convolutional neural network) to integrate syntactic constituents into the proposed model to help OM. We conduct experiments on the commonly used MPQA 2.0 dataset. The experimental results show that our proposed unified span-based approach achieves significant improvements over previous works in the exact F1 score and reduces the number of wrongly-predicted opinion expressions and roles, showing the effectiveness of our method. In addition, incorporating the syntactic constituents achieves promising improvements over the strong baseline enhanced by contextualized word representations.
Opinion role labeling (ORL) is a fine-grained opinion analysis task and aims to answer “who expressed what kind of sentiment towards what?”. Due to the scarcity of labeled data, ORL remains challenging for data-driven methods. In this work, we try to enhance neural ORL models with syntactic knowledge by comparing and integrating different representations. We also propose dependency graph convolutional networks (DEPGCN) to encode parser information at different processing levels. In order to compensate for parser inaccuracy and reduce error propagation, we introduce multi-task learning (MTL) to train the parser and the ORL model simultaneously. We verify our methods on the benchmark MPQA corpus. The experimental results show that syntactic information is highly valuable for ORL, and our final MTL model effectively boosts the F1 score by 9.29 over the syntax-agnostic baseline. In addition, we find that the contributions from syntactic knowledge do not fully overlap with contextualized word representations (BERT). Our best model achieves 4.34 higher F1 score than the current state-ofthe-art.
In the deep learning (DL) era, parsing models are extremely simplified with little hurt on performance, thanks to the remarkable capability of multi-layer BiLSTMs in context representation. As the most popular graph-based dependency parser due to its high efficiency and performance, the biaffine parser directly scores single dependencies under the arc-factorization assumption, and adopts a very simple local token-wise cross-entropy training loss. This paper for the first time presents a second-order TreeCRF extension to the biaffine parser. For a long time, the complexity and inefficiency of the inside-outside algorithm hinder the popularity of TreeCRF. To address this issue, we propose an effective way to batchify the inside and Viterbi algorithms for direct large matrix operation on GPUs, and to avoid the complex outside algorithm via efficient back-propagation. Experiments and analysis on 27 datasets from 13 languages clearly show that techniques developed before the DL era, such as structural learning (global TreeCRF loss) and high-order modeling are still useful, and can further boost parsing performance over the state-of-the-art biaffine parser, especially for partially annotated training data. We release our code at
In contrast with the traditional single-grained word segmentation (SWS), where a sentence corresponds to a single word sequence, multi-grained Chinese word segmentation (MWS) aims to segment a sentence into multiple word sequences to preserve all words of different granularities. Due to the lack of manually annotated MWS data, previous work train and tune MWS models only on automatically generated pseudo MWS data. In this work, we further take advantage of the rich word boundary information in existing SWS data and naturally annotated data from dictionary example (DictEx) sentences, to advance the state-of-the-art MWS model based on the idea of weak supervision. Particularly, we propose to accommodate two types of weakly labeled data for MWS, i.e., SWS data and DictEx data by employing a simple yet competitive graph-based parser with local loss. Besides, we manually annotate a high-quality MWS dataset according to our newly compiled annotation guideline, consisting of over 9,000 sentences from two types of texts, i.e., canonical newswire (NEWS) and non-canonical web (BAIKE) data for better evaluation. Detailed evaluation shows that our proposed model with weakly labeled data significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art MWS model by 1.12 and 5.97 on NEWS and BAIKE data in F1.
Recently, due to the interplay between syntax and semantics, incorporating syntactic knowledge into neural semantic role labeling (SRL) has achieved much attention. Most of the previous syntax-aware SRL works focus on explicitly modeling homogeneous syntactic knowledge over tree outputs. In this work, we propose to encode heterogeneous syntactic knowledge for SRL from both explicit and implicit representations. First, we introduce graph convolutional networks to explicitly encode multiple heterogeneous dependency parse trees. Second, we extract the implicit syntactic representations from syntactic parser trained with heterogeneous treebanks. Finally, we inject the two types of heterogeneous syntax-aware representations into the base SRL model as extra inputs. We conduct experiments on two widely-used benchmark datasets, i.e., Chinese Proposition Bank 1.0 and English CoNLL-2005 dataset. Experimental results show that incorporating heterogeneous syntactic knowledge brings significant improvements over strong baselines. We further conduct detailed analysis to gain insights on the usefulness of heterogeneous (vs. homogeneous) syntactic knowledge and the effectiveness of our proposed approaches for modeling such knowledge.
In recent years, parsing performance is dramatically improved on in-domain texts thanks to the rapid progress of deep neural network models. The major challenge for current parsing research is to improve parsing performance on out-of-domain texts that are very different from the in-domain training data when there is only a small-scale out-domain labeled data. To deal with this problem, we propose to improve the contextualized word representations via adversarial learning and fine-tuning BERT processes. Concretely, we apply adversarial learning to three representative semi-supervised domain adaption methods, i.e., direct concatenation (CON), feature augmentation (FA), and domain embedding (DE) with two useful strategies, i.e., fused target-domain word representations and orthogonality constraints, thus enabling to model more pure yet effective domain-specific and domain-invariant representations. Simultaneously, we utilize a large-scale target-domain unlabeled data to fine-tune BERT with only the language model loss, thus obtaining reliable contextualized word representations that benefit for the cross-domain dependency parsing. Experiments on a benchmark dataset show that our proposed adversarial approaches achieve consistent improvement, and fine-tuning BERT further boosts parsing accuracy by a large margin. Our single model achieves the same state-of-the-art performance as the top submitted system in the NLPCC-2019 shared task, which uses ensemble models and BERT.
Due to the lack of labeled data, previous research on text-to-SQL parsing mainly focuses on English. Representative English datasets include ATIS, WikiSQL, Spider, etc. This paper presents DuSQL, a larges-scale and pragmatic Chinese dataset for the cross-domain text-to-SQL task, containing 200 databases, 813 tables, and 23,797 question/SQL pairs. Our new dataset has three major characteristics. First, by manually analyzing questions from several representative applications, we try to figure out the true distribution of SQL queries in real-life needs. Second, DuSQL contains a considerable proportion of SQL queries involving row or column calculations, motivated by our analysis on the SQL query distributions. Finally, we adopt an effective data construction framework via human-computer collaboration. The basic idea is automatically generating SQL queries based on the SQL grammar and constrained by the given database. This paper describes in detail the construction process and data statistics of DuSQL. Moreover, we present and compare performance of several open-source text-to-SQL parsers with minor modification to accommodate Chinese, including a simple yet effective extension to IRNet for handling calculation SQL queries.
Semantic role labeling (SRL) aims to identify the predicate-argument structure of a sentence. Inspired by the strong correlation between syntax and semantics, previous works pay much attention to improve SRL performance on exploiting syntactic knowledge, achieving significant results. Pipeline methods based on automatic syntactic trees and multi-task learning (MTL) approaches using standard syntactic trees are two common research orientations. In this paper, we adopt a simple unified span-based model for both span-based and word-based Chinese SRL as a strong baseline. Besides, we present a MTL framework that includes the basic SRL module and a dependency parser module. Different from the commonly used hard parameter sharing strategy in MTL, the main idea is to extract implicit syntactic representations from the dependency parser as external inputs for the basic SRL model. Experiments on the benchmarks of Chinese Proposition Bank 1.0 and CoNLL-2009 Chinese datasets show that our proposed framework can effectively improve the performance over the strong baselines. With the external BERT representations, our framework achieves new state-of-the-art 87.54 and 88.5 F1 scores on the two test data of the two benchmarks, respectively. In-depth analysis are conducted to gain more insights on the proposed framework and the effectiveness of syntax.
In this paper, we describe our participating systems in the shared task on Cross- Framework Meaning Representation Parsing (MRP) at the 2019 Conference for Computational Language Learning (CoNLL). The task includes five frameworks for graph-based meaning representations, i.e., DM, PSD, EDS, UCCA, and AMR. One common characteristic of our systems is that we employ graph-based methods instead of transition-based methods when predicting edges between nodes. For SDP, we jointly perform edge prediction, frame tagging, and POS tagging via multi-task learning (MTL). For UCCA, we also jointly model a constituent tree parsing and a remote edge recovery task. For both EDS and AMR, we produce nodes first and edges second in a pipeline fashion. External resources like BERT are found helpful for all frameworks except AMR. Our final submission ranks the third on the overall MRP evaluation metric, the first on EDS and the second on UCCA.
Syntax has been demonstrated highly effective in neural machine translation (NMT). Previous NMT models integrate syntax by representing 1-best tree outputs from a well-trained parsing system, e.g., the representative Tree-RNN and Tree-Linearization methods, which may suffer from error propagation. In this work, we propose a novel method to integrate source-side syntax implicitly for NMT. The basic idea is to use the intermediate hidden representations of a well-trained end-to-end dependency parser, which are referred to as syntax-aware word representations (SAWRs). Then, we simply concatenate such SAWRs with ordinary word embeddings to enhance basic NMT models. The method can be straightforwardly integrated into the widely-used sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) NMT models. We start with a representative RNN-based Seq2Seq baseline system, and test the effectiveness of our proposed method on two benchmark datasets of the Chinese-English and English-Vietnamese translation tasks, respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed approach is able to bring significant BLEU score improvements on the two datasets compared with the baseline, 1.74 points for Chinese-English translation and 0.80 point for English-Vietnamese translation, respectively. In addition, the approach also outperforms the explicit Tree-RNN and Tree-Linearization methods.
During the past decades, due to the lack of sufficient labeled data, most studies on cross-domain parsing focus on unsupervised domain adaptation, assuming there is no target-domain training data. However, unsupervised approaches make limited progress so far due to the intrinsic difficulty of both domain adaptation and parsing. This paper tackles the semi-supervised domain adaptation problem for Chinese dependency parsing, based on two newly-annotated large-scale domain-aware datasets. We propose a simple domain embedding approach to merge the source- and target-domain training data, which is shown to be more effective than both direct corpus concatenation and multi-task learning. In order to utilize unlabeled target-domain data, we employ the recent contextualized word representations and show that a simple fine-tuning procedure can further boost cross-domain parsing accuracy by large margin.
This paper describes a simple UCCA semantic graph parsing approach. The key idea is to convert a UCCA semantic graph into a constituent tree, in which extra labels are deliberately designed to mark remote edges and discontinuous nodes for future recovery. In this way, we can make use of existing syntactic parsing techniques. Based on the data statistics, we recover discontinuous nodes directly according to the output labels of the constituent parser and use a biaffine classification model to recover the more complex remote edges. The classification model and the constituent parser are simultaneously trained under the multi-task learning framework. We use the multilingual BERT as extra features in the open tracks. Our system ranks the first place in the six English/German closed/open tracks among seven participating systems. For the seventh cross-lingual track, where there is little training data for French, we propose a language embedding approach to utilize English and German training data, and our result ranks the second place.
A bottleneck problem with Chinese named entity recognition (NER) in new domains is the lack of annotated data. One solution is to utilize the method of distant supervision, which has been widely used in relation extraction, to automatically populate annotated training data without humancost. The distant supervision assumption here is that if a string in text is included in a predefined dictionary of entities, the string might be an entity. However, this kind of auto-generated data suffers from two main problems: incomplete and noisy annotations, which affect the performance of NER models. In this paper, we propose a novel approach which can partially solve the above problems of distant supervision for NER. In our approach, to handle the incomplete problem, we apply partial annotation learning to reduce the effect of unknown labels of characters. As for noisy annotation, we design an instance selector based on reinforcement learning to distinguish positive sentences from auto-generated annotations. In experiments, we create two datasets for Chinese named entity recognition in two domains with the help of distant supervision. The experimental results show that the proposed approach obtains better performance than the comparison systems on both two datasets.
Treebank conversion is a straightforward and effective way to exploit various heterogeneous treebanks for boosting parsing performance. However, previous work mainly focuses on unsupervised treebank conversion and has made little progress due to the lack of manually labeled data where each sentence has two syntactic trees complying with two different guidelines at the same time, referred as bi-tree aligned data. In this work, we for the first time propose the task of supervised treebank conversion. First, we manually construct a bi-tree aligned dataset containing over ten thousand sentences. Then, we propose two simple yet effective conversion approaches (pattern embedding and treeLSTM) based on the state-of-the-art deep biaffine parser. Experimental results show that 1) the two conversion approaches achieve comparable conversion accuracy, and 2) treebank conversion is superior to the widely used multi-task learning framework in multi-treebank exploitation and leads to significantly higher parsing accuracy.
Traditionally, word segmentation (WS) adopts the single-grained formalism, where a sentence corresponds to a single word sequence. However, Sproat et al. (1997) show that the inter-native-speaker consistency ratio over Chinese word boundaries is only 76%, indicating single-grained WS (SWS) imposes unnecessary challenges on both manual annotation and statistical modeling. Moreover, WS results of different granularities can be complementary and beneficial for high-level applications. This work proposes and addresses multi-grained WS (MWS). We build a large-scale pseudo MWS dataset for model training and tuning by leveraging the annotation heterogeneity of three SWS datasets. Then we manually annotate 1,500 test sentences with true MWS annotations. Finally, we propose three benchmark approaches by casting MWS as constituent parsing and sequence labeling. Experiments and analysis lead to many interesting findings.
This paper describes and compares two straightforward approaches for dependency parsing with partial annotations (PA). The first approach is based on a forest-based training objective for two CRF parsers, i.e., a biaffine neural network graph-based parser (Biaffine) and a traditional log-linear graph-based parser (LLGPar). The second approach is based on the idea of constrained decoding for three parsers, i.e., a traditional linear graph-based parser (LGPar), a globally normalized neural network transition-based parser (GN3Par) and a traditional linear transition-based parser (LTPar). For the test phase, constrained decoding is also used for completing partial trees. We conduct experiments on Penn Treebank under three different settings for simulating PA, i.e., random, most uncertain, and divergent outputs from the five parsers. The results show that LLGPar is most effective in directly learning from PA, and other parsers can achieve best performance when PAs are completed into full trees by LLGPar.
In this paper, we propose an approach to learn distributed representations of users and items from text comments for recommendation systems. Traditional recommendation algorithms, e.g. collaborative filtering and matrix completion, are not designed to exploit the key information hidden in the text comments, while existing opinion mining methods do not provide direct support to recommendation systems with useful features on users and items. Our approach attempts to construct vectors to represent profiles of users and items under a unified framework to maximize word appearance likelihood. Then, the vector representations are used for a recommendation task in which we predict scores on unobserved user-item pairs without given texts. The recommendation-aware distributed representation approach is fully supported by effective and efficient learning algorithms over massive text archive. Our empirical evaluations on real datasets show that our system outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline systems.