Khyathi Chandu


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On the Role of Summary Content Units in Text Summarization Evaluation
Marcel Nawrath | Agnieszka Nowak | Tristan Ratz | Danilo Walenta | Juri Opitz | Leonardo Ribeiro | João Sedoc | Daniel Deutsch | Simon Mille | Yixin Liu | Sebastian Gehrmann | Lining Zhang | Saad Mahamood | Miruna Clinciu | Khyathi Chandu | Yufang Hou
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 2: Short Papers)

At the heart of the Pyramid evaluation method for text summarization lie human written summary content units (SCUs). These SCUs areconcise sentences that decompose a summary into small facts. Such SCUs can be used to judge the quality of a candidate summary, possibly partially automated via natural language inference (NLI) systems. Interestingly, with the aim to fully automate the Pyramid evaluation, Zhang and Bansal (2021) show that SCUs can be approximated by automatically generated semantic role triplets (STUs). However, several questions currently lack answers, in particular: i) Are there other ways of approximating SCUs that can offer advantages?ii) Under which conditions are SCUs (or their approximations) offering the most value? In this work, we examine two novel strategiesto approximate SCUs: generating SCU approximations from AMR meaning representations (SMUs) and from large language models (SGUs), respectively. We find that while STUs and SMUs are competitive, the best approximation quality is achieved by SGUs. We also show through a simple sentence-decomposition baseline (SSUs) that SCUs (and their approximations) offer the most value when rankingshort summaries, but may not help as much when ranking systems or longer summaries.


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NovaCOMET: Open Commonsense Foundation Models with Symbolic Knowledge Distillation
Peter West | Ronan Bras | Taylor Sorensen | Bill Lin | Liwei Jiang | Ximing Lu | Khyathi Chandu | Jack Hessel | Ashutosh Baheti | Chandra Bhagavatula | Yejin Choi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

We present NovaCOMET, an open commonsense knowledge model, that combines the best aspects of knowledge and general task models. Compared to previous knowledge models, NovaCOMET allows open-format relations enabling direct application to reasoning tasks; compared to general task models like Flan-T5, it explicitly centers knowledge, enabling superior performance for commonsense reasoning. NovaCOMET leverages the knowledge of opaque proprietary models to create an open knowledge pipeline. First, knowledge is symbolically distilled into NovATOMIC, a publicly-releaseddiscrete knowledge graph which can be audited, critiqued, and filtered. Next, we train NovaCOMET on NovATOMIC by fine-tuning an open-source pretrained model. NovaCOMET uses an open-format training objective, replacing the fixed relation sets of past knowledge models, enabling arbitrary structures within the data to serve as inputs or outputs. The resulting generation model, optionally augmented with human annotation, matches or exceeds comparable open task models like Flan-T5 on a range of commonsense generation tasks. NovaCOMET serves as a counterexample to the contemporary focus on instruction tuning only, demonstrating a distinct advantage to explicitly modeling commonsense knowledge as well.

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Novel Ideas in Learning-to-Learn through Interaction (NILLI 2023)
Prasanna Parthasarathi | Chinnadhurai Sankar | Khyathi Chandu | Marc-Alexandre Côté
Proceedings of the Workshop on Novel Ideas in Learning-to-Learn through Interaction (NILLI 2023)

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Continual Dialogue State Tracking via Example-Guided Question Answering
Hyundong Cho | Andrea Madotto | Zhaojiang Lin | Khyathi Chandu | Satwik Kottur | Jing Xu | Jonathan May | Chinnadhurai Sankar
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Dialogue systems are frequently updated to accommodate new services, but naively updating them by continually training with data for new services in diminishing performance on previously learnt services. Motivated by the insight that dialogue state tracking (DST), a crucial component of dialogue systems that estimates the user’s goal as a conversation proceeds, is a simple natural language understanding task, we propose reformulating it as a bundle of granular example-guided question answering tasks to minimize the task shift between services and thus benefit continual learning. Our approach alleviates service-specific memorization and teaches a model to contextualize the given question and example to extract the necessary information from the conversation. We find that a model with just 60M parameters can achieve a significant boost by learning to learn from in-context examples retrieved by a retriever trained to identify turns with similar dialogue state changes. Combining our method with dialogue-level memory replay, our approach attains state of the art performance on DST continual learning metrics without relying on any complex regularization or parameter expansion methods.

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Inference-Time Policy Adapters (IPA): Tailoring Extreme-Scale LMs without Fine-tuning
Ximing Lu | Faeze Brahman | Peter West | Jaehun Jung | Khyathi Chandu | Abhilasha Ravichander | Prithviraj Ammanabrolu | Liwei Jiang | Sahana Ramnath | Nouha Dziri | Jillian Fisher | Bill Lin | Skyler Hallinan | Lianhui Qin | Xiang Ren | Sean Welleck | Yejin Choi
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

While extreme-scale language models have demonstrated exceptional performance on a variety of language tasks, the degree of control over these language models through pure prompting can often be limited. Directly fine-tuning such language models can be effective for tailoring them, but it can be either extremely costly (e.g., GPT-3) or not even feasible for the broader community (e.g., GPT-4). We propose Inference-time Policy Adapters (IPA), which efficiently tailors a language model such as GPT-3 without fine-tuning it. IPA guides a large base model during decoding time through a lightweight policy adapter trained to optimize an arbitrary user objective with reinforcement learning. On five challenging text generation tasks, such as toxicity reduction and lexically constrained generation, IPA consistently brings significant improvements over off-the-shelf language models. It outperforms competitive baseline methods, sometimes even including expensive fine-tuning. In particular, tailoring GPT-2 with IPA can outperform GPT-3, while tailoring GPT-3 with IPA brings a major performance boost over GPT-3 (and sometimes even over GPT-4). Our promising results highlight the potential of IPA as a lightweight alternative to tailoring extreme-scale language models.


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Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM)
Antoine Bosselut | Khyathi Chandu | Kaustubh Dhole | Varun Gangal | Sebastian Gehrmann | Yacine Jernite | Jekaterina Novikova | Laura Perez-Beltrachini
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM)


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“My Way of Telling a Story”: Persona based Grounded Story Generation
Khyathi Chandu | Shrimai Prabhumoye | Ruslan Salakhutdinov | Alan W Black
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Storytelling

Visual storytelling is the task of generating stories based on a sequence of images. Inspired by the recent works in neural generation focusing on controlling the form of text, this paper explores the idea of generating these stories in different personas. However, one of the main challenges of performing this task is the lack of a dataset of visual stories in different personas. Having said that, there are independent datasets for both visual storytelling and annotated sentences for various persona. In this paper we describe an approach to overcome this by getting labelled persona data from a different task and leveraging those annotations to perform persona based story generation. We inspect various ways of incorporating personality in both the encoder and the decoder representations to steer the generation in the target direction. To this end, we propose five models which are incremental extensions to the baseline model to perform the task at hand. In our experiments we use five different personas to guide the generation process. We find that the models based on our hypotheses perform better at capturing words while generating stories in the target persona.

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Storyboarding of Recipes: Grounded Contextual Generation
Khyathi Chandu | Eric Nyberg | Alan W Black
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Information need of humans is essentially multimodal in nature, enabling maximum exploitation of situated context. We introduce a dataset for sequential procedural (how-to) text generation from images in cooking domain. The dataset consists of 16,441 cooking recipes with 160,479 photos associated with different steps. We setup a baseline motivated by the best performing model in terms of human evaluation for the Visual Story Telling (ViST) task. In addition, we introduce two models to incorporate high level structure learnt by a Finite State Machine (FSM) in neural sequential generation process by: (1) Scaffolding Structure in Decoder (SSiD) (2) Scaffolding Structure in Loss (SSiL). Our best performing model (SSiL) achieves a METEOR score of 0.31, which is an improvement of 0.6 over the baseline model. We also conducted human evaluation of the generated grounded recipes, which reveal that 61% found that our proposed (SSiL) model is better than the baseline model in terms of overall recipes. We also discuss analysis of the output highlighting key important NLP issues for prospective directions.


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Comparative Analysis of Neural QA models on SQuAD
Soumya Wadhwa | Khyathi Chandu | Eric Nyberg
Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering

The task of Question Answering has gained prominence in the past few decades for testing the ability of machines to understand natural language. Large datasets for Machine Reading have led to the development of neural models that cater to deeper language understanding compared to information retrieval tasks. Different components in these neural architectures are intended to tackle different challenges. As a first step towards achieving generalization across multiple domains, we attempt to understand and compare the peculiarities of existing end-to-end neural models on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) by performing quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of the results attained by each of them. We observed that prediction errors reflect certain model-specific biases, which we further discuss in this paper.

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Code-Mixed Question Answering Challenge: Crowd-sourcing Data and Techniques
Khyathi Chandu | Ekaterina Loginova | Vishal Gupta | Josef van Genabith | Günter Neumann | Manoj Chinnakotla | Eric Nyberg | Alan W. Black
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-Switching

Code-Mixing (CM) is the phenomenon of alternating between two or more languages which is prevalent in bi- and multi-lingual communities. Most NLP applications today are still designed with the assumption of a single interaction language and are most likely to break given a CM utterance with multiple languages mixed at a morphological, phrase or sentence level. For example, popular commercial search engines do not yet fully understand the intents expressed in CM queries. As a first step towards fostering research which supports CM in NLP applications, we systematically crowd-sourced and curated an evaluation dataset for factoid question answering in three CM languages - Hinglish (Hindi+English), Tenglish (Telugu+English) and Tamlish (Tamil+English) which belong to two language families (Indo-Aryan and Dravidian). We share the details of our data collection process, techniques which were used to avoid inducing lexical bias amongst the crowd workers and other CM specific linguistic properties of the dataset. Our final dataset, which is available freely for research purposes, has 1,694 Hinglish, 2,848 Tamlish and 1,391 Tenglish factoid questions and their answers. We discuss the techniques used by the participants for the first edition of this ongoing challenge.

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Language Informed Modeling of Code-Switched Text
Khyathi Chandu | Thomas Manzini | Sumeet Singh | Alan W. Black
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-Switching

Code-switching (CS), the practice of alternating between two or more languages in conversations, is pervasive in most multi-lingual communities. CS texts have a complex interplay between languages and occur in informal contexts that make them harder to collect and construct NLP tools for. We approach this problem through Language Modeling (LM) on a new Hindi-English mixed corpus containing 59,189 unique sentences collected from blogging websites. We implement and discuss different Language Models derived from a multi-layered LSTM architecture. We hypothesize that encoding language information strengthens a language model by helping to learn code-switching points. We show that our highest performing model achieves a test perplexity of 19.52 on the CS corpus that we collected and processed. On this data we demonstrate that our performance is an improvement over AWD-LSTM LM (a recent state of the art on monolingual English).

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Tackling Code-Switched NER: Participation of CMU
Parvathy Geetha | Khyathi Chandu | Alan W Black
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-Switching

Named Entity Recognition plays a major role in several downstream applications in NLP. Though this task has been heavily studied in formal monolingual texts and also noisy texts like Twitter data, it is still an emerging task in code-switched (CS) content on social media. This paper describes our participation in the shared task of NER on code-switched data for Spanglish (Spanish + English) and Arabish (Arabic + English). In this paper we describe models that intuitively developed from the data for the shared task Named Entity Recognition on Code-switched Data. Owing to the sparse and non-linear relationships between words in Twitter data, we explored neural architectures that are capable of non-linearities fairly well. In specific, we trained character level models and word level models based on Bidirectional LSTMs (Bi-LSTMs) to perform sequential tagging. We train multiple models to identify nominal mentions and subsequently use this information to predict the labels of named entity in a sequence. Our best model is a character level model along with word level pre-trained multilingual embeddings that gave an F-score of 56.72 in Spanglish and a word level model that gave an F-score of 65.02 in Arabish on the test data.

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Extraction Meets Abstraction: Ideal Answer Generation for Biomedical Questions
Yutong Li | Nicholas Gekakis | Qiuze Wu | Boyue Li | Khyathi Chandu | Eric Nyberg
Proceedings of the 6th BioASQ Workshop A challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering

The growing number of biomedical publications is a challenge for human researchers, who invest considerable effort to search for relevant documents and pinpointed answers. Biomedical Question Answering can automatically generate answers for a user’s topic or question, significantly reducing the effort required to locate the most relevant information in a large document corpus. Extractive summarization techniques, which concatenate the most relevant text units drawn from multiple documents, perform well on automatic evaluation metrics like ROUGE, but score poorly on human readability, due to the presence of redundant text and grammatical errors in the answer. This work moves toward abstractive summarization, which attempts to distill and present the meaning of the original text in a more coherent way. We incorporate a sentence fusion approach, based on Integer Linear Programming, along with three novel approaches for sentence ordering, in an attempt to improve the human readability of ideal answers. Using an open framework for configuration space exploration (BOOM), we tested over 2000 unique system configurations in order to identify the best-performing combinations for the sixth edition of Phase B of the BioASQ challenge.

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Ontology-Based Retrieval & Neural Approaches for BioASQ Ideal Answer Generation
Ashwin Naresh Kumar | Harini Kesavamoorthy | Madhura Das | Pramati Kalwad | Khyathi Chandu | Teruko Mitamura | Eric Nyberg
Proceedings of the 6th BioASQ Workshop A challenge on large-scale biomedical semantic indexing and question answering

The ever-increasing magnitude of biomedical information sources makes it difficult and time-consuming for a human researcher to find the most relevant documents and pinpointed answers for a specific question or topic when using only a traditional search engine. Biomedical Question Answering systems automatically identify the most relevant documents and pinpointed answers, given an information need expressed as a natural language question. Generating a non-redundant, human-readable summary that satisfies the information need of a given biomedical question is the focus of the Ideal Answer Generation task, part of the BioASQ challenge. This paper presents a system for ideal answer generation (using ontology-based retrieval and a neural learning-to-rank approach, combined with extractive and abstractive summarization techniques) which achieved the highest ROUGE score of 0.659 on the BioASQ 5b batch 2 test.


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Tackling Biomedical Text Summarization: OAQA at BioASQ 5B
Khyathi Chandu | Aakanksha Naik | Aditya Chandrasekar | Zi Yang | Niloy Gupta | Eric Nyberg
BioNLP 2017

In this paper, we describe our participation in phase B of task 5b of the fifth edition of the annual BioASQ challenge, which includes answering factoid, list, yes-no and summary questions from biomedical data. We describe our techniques with an emphasis on ideal answer generation, where the goal is to produce a relevant, precise, non-redundant, query-oriented summary from multiple relevant documents. We make use of extractive summarization techniques to address this task and experiment with different biomedical ontologies and various algorithms including agglomerative clustering, Maximum Marginal Relevance (MMR) and sentence compression. We propose a novel word embedding based tf-idf similarity metric and a soft positional constraint which improve our system performance. We evaluate our techniques on test batch 4 from the fourth edition of the challenge. Our best system achieves a ROUGE-2 score of 0.6534 and ROUGE-SU4 score of 0.6536.