Freda Shi


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Structured Tree Alignment for Evaluation of (Speech) Constituency Parsing
Freda Shi | Kevin Gimpel | Karen Livescu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present the structured average intersection-over-union ratio (STRUCT-IOU), an evaluation metric that compares a constituency parse tree over automatically recognized spoken word boundaries with the ground-truth parse tree over written words. To compute the metric, we (1) project the ground-truth parse tree to the speech domain by forced alignment, (2) align the projected ground-truth constituents with the predicted ones under certain structured constraints, and (3) calculate the average IOU score across all aligned constituent pairs. STRUCT-IOU takes word boundaries into account and overcomes the challenge that the predicted words and ground truth may not have perfect one-to-one correspondence. Extending to the evaluation of text constituency parsing, we demonstrate that STRUCT-IOU shows higher tolerance to syntactically plausible parses than PARSEVAL (Black et al., 1991).

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LogogramNLP: Comparing Visual and Textual Representations of Ancient Logographic Writing Systems for NLP
Danlu Chen | Freda Shi | Aditi Agarwal | Jacobo Myerston | Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Standard natural language processing (NLP) pipelines operate on symbolic representations of language, which typically consist of sequences of discrete tokens. However, creating an analogous representation for ancient logographic writing systems is an extremely labor-intensive process that requires expert knowledge. At present, a large portion of logographic data persists in a purely visual form due to the absence of transcription—this issue poses a bottleneck for researchers seeking to apply NLP toolkits to study ancient logographic languages: most of the relevant data are images of writing. This paper investigates whether direct processing of visual representations of language offers a potential solution. We introduce LogogramNLP, the first benchmark enabling NLP analysis of ancient logographic languages, featuring both transcribed and visual datasetsfor four writing systems along with annotations for tasks like classification, translation, and parsing. Our experiments compare systems thatemploy recent visual and text encoding strategies as backbones. The results demonstrate that visual representations outperform textual representations for some investigated tasks, suggesting that visual processing pipelines may unlock a large amount of cultural heritage data of logographic languages for NLP-based analyses. Data and code are available at https: //


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Natural Language to Code Translation with Execution
Freda Shi | Daniel Fried | Marjan Ghazvininejad | Luke Zettlemoyer | Sida I. Wang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Generative models of code, pretrained on large corpora of programs, have shown great success in translating natural language to code (Chen et al., 2021; Austin et al., 2021; Li et al., 2022, inter alia). While these models do not explicitly incorporate program semantics (i.e., execution results) during training, they are able to generate correct solutions for many problems. However, choosing a single correct program from a generated set for each problem remains challenging. In this work, we introduce execution result–based minimum Bayes risk decoding (MBR-EXEC) for program selection and show that it improves the few-shot performance of pretrained code models on natural-language-to-code tasks. We select output programs from a generated candidate set by marginalizing over program implementations that share the same semantics. Because exact equivalence is intractable, we execute each program on a small number of test inputs to approximate semantic equivalence. Across datasets, execution or simulated execution significantly outperforms the methods that do not involve program semantics. We find that MBR-EXEC consistently improves over all execution-unaware selection methods, suggesting it as an effective approach for natural language to code translation.

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Substructure Distribution Projection for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Dependency Parsing
Freda Shi | Kevin Gimpel | Karen Livescu
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present substructure distribution projection (SubDP), a technique that projects a distribution over structures in one domain to another, by projecting substructure distributions separately. Models for the target domain can then be trained, using the projected distributions as soft silver labels. We evaluate SubDP on zero shot cross-lingual dependency parsing, taking dependency arcs as substructures: we project the predicted dependency arc distributions in the source language(s) to target language(s), and train a target language parser on the resulting distributions. Given an English tree bank as the only source of human supervision, SubDP achieves better unlabeled attachment score than all prior work on the Universal Dependencies v2.2 (Nivre et al., 2020) test set across eight diverse target languages, as well as the best labeled attachment score on six languages. In addition, SubDP improves zero shot cross-lingual dependency parsing with very few (e.g., 50) supervised bitext pairs, across a broader range of target languages.