Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Alessandro Moschitti, Bo Pang, Walter Daelemans (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Doha, Qatar
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Alessandro Moschitti | Bo Pang | Walter Daelemans

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Invited Talk: IBM Cognitive Computing - An NLP Renaissance!
Salim Roukos

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Modeling Interestingness with Deep Neural Networks
Jianfeng Gao | Patrick Pantel | Michael Gamon | Xiaodong He | Li Deng

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Translation Modeling with Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks
Martin Sundermeyer | Tamer Alkhouli | Joern Wuebker | Hermann Ney

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A Neural Network Approach to Selectional Preference Acquisition
Tim Van de Cruys

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Learning Image Embeddings using Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Multi-Modal Semantics
Douwe Kiela | Léon Bottou

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Identifying Argumentative Discourse Structures in Persuasive Essays
Christian Stab | Iryna Gurevych

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Policy Learning for Domain Selection in an Extensible Multi-domain Spoken Dialogue System
Zhuoran Wang | Hongliang Chen | Guanchun Wang | Hao Tian | Hua Wu | Haifeng Wang

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A Constituent-Based Approach to Argument Labeling with Joint Inference in Discourse Parsing
Fang Kong | Hwee Tou Ng | Guodong Zhou

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Strongly Incremental Repair Detection
Julian Hough | Matthew Purver

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Semi-Supervised Chinese Word Segmentation Using Partial-Label Learning With Conditional Random Fields
Fan Yang | Paul Vozila

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Accurate Word Segmentation and POS Tagging for Japanese Microblogs: Corpus Annotation and Joint Modeling with Lexical Normalization
Nobuhiro Kaji | Masaru Kitsuregawa

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Revisiting Embedding Features for Simple Semi-supervised Learning
Jiang Guo | Wanxiang Che | Haifeng Wang | Ting Liu

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Combining Punctuation and Disfluency Prediction: An Empirical Study
Xuancong Wang | Khe Chai Sim | Hwee Tou Ng

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Submodularity for Data Selection in Machine Translation
Katrin Kirchhoff | Jeff Bilmes

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Improve Statistical Machine Translation with Context-Sensitive Bilingual Semantic Embedding Model
Haiyang Wu | Daxiang Dong | Xiaoguang Hu | Dianhai Yu | Wei He | Hua Wu | Haifeng Wang | Ting Liu

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Transformation from Discontinuous to Continuous Word Alignment Improves Translation Quality
Zhongjun He | Hua Wu | Haifeng Wang | Ting Liu

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Unsupervised Word Alignment Using Frequency Constraint in Posterior Regularized EM
Hidetaka Kamigaito | Taro Watanabe | Hiroya Takamura | Manabu Okumura

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Asymmetric Features Of Human Generated Translation
Sauleh Eetemadi | Kristina Toutanova

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Syntax-Augmented Machine Translation using Syntax-Label Clustering
Hideya Mino | Taro Watanabe | Eiichiro Sumita

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Testing for Significance of Increased Correlation with Human Judgment
Yvette Graham | Timothy Baldwin

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Syntactic SMT Using a Discriminative Text Generation Model
Yue Zhang | Kai Song | Linfeng Song | Jingbo Zhu | Qun Liu

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Learning Hierarchical Translation Spans
Jingyi Zhang | Masao Utiyama | Eiichiro Sumita | Hai Zhao

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Neural Network Based Bilingual Language Model Growing for Statistical Machine Translation
Rui Wang | Hai Zhao | Bao-Liang Lu | Masao Utiyama | Eiichiro Sumita

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Better Statistical Machine Translation through Linguistic Treatment of Phrasal Verbs
Kostadin Cholakov | Valia Kordoni

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Fitting Sentence Level Translation Evaluation with Many Dense Features
Miloš Stanojević | Khalil Sima’an

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A Human Judgement Corpus and a Metric for Arabic MT Evaluation
Houda Bouamor | Hanan Alshikhabobakr | Behrang Mohit | Kemal Oflazer

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Learning to Differentiate Better from Worse Translations
Francisco Guzmán | Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Alessandro Moschitti | Preslav Nakov | Massimo Nicosia

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Two Improvements to Left-to-Right Decoding for Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation
Maryam Siahbani | Anoop Sarkar

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Reordering Model for Forest-to-String Machine Translation
Martin Čmejrek

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Aligning context-based statistical models of language with brain activity during reading
Leila Wehbe | Ashish Vaswani | Kevin Knight | Tom Mitchell

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A Cognitive Model of Semantic Network Learning
Aida Nematzadeh | Afsaneh Fazly | Suzanne Stevenson

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Learning Abstract Concept Embeddings from Multi-Modal Data: Since You Probably Can’t See What I Mean
Felix Hill | Anna Korhonen

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Go Climb a Dependency Tree and Correct the Grammatical Errors
Longkai Zhang | Houfeng Wang

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An Unsupervised Model for Instance Level Subcategorization Acquisition
Simon Baker | Roi Reichart | Anna Korhonen

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Parsing low-resource languages using Gibbs sampling for PCFGs with latent annotations
Liang Sun | Jason Mielens | Jason Baldridge

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Incremental Semantic Role Labeling with Tree Adjoining Grammar
Ioannis Konstas | Frank Keller | Vera Demberg | Mirella Lapata

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A Graph-based Approach for Contextual Text Normalization
Cagil Sönmez | Arzucan Özgür

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ReNoun: Fact Extraction for Nominal Attributes
Mohamed Yahya | Steven Whang | Rahul Gupta | Alon Halevy

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Hierarchical Discriminative Classification for Text-Based Geolocation
Benjamin Wing | Jason Baldridge

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Probabilistic Models of Cross-Lingual Semantic Similarity in Context Based on Latent Cross-Lingual Concepts Induced from Comparable Data
Ivan Vulić | Marie-Francine Moens

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Multi-Predicate Semantic Role Labeling
Haitong Yang | Chengqing Zong

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Werdy: Recognition and Disambiguation of Verbs and Verb Phrases with Syntactic and Semantic Pruning
Luciano Del Corro | Rainer Gemulla | Gerhard Weikum

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Multi-Resolution Language Grounding with Weak Supervision
R. Koncel-Kedziorski | Hannaneh Hajishirzi | Ali Farhadi

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Incorporating Vector Space Similarity in Random Walk Inference over Knowledge Bases
Matt Gardner | Partha Talukdar | Jayant Krishnamurthy | Tom Mitchell

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Composition of Word Representations Improves Semantic Role Labelling
Michael Roth | Kristian Woodsend

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Automatic Domain Assignment for Word Sense Alignment
Tommaso Caselli | Carlo Strapparava

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Nothing like Good Old Frequency: Studying Context Filters for Distributional Thesauri
Muntsa Padró | Marco Idiart | Aline Villavicencio | Carlos Ramisch

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Aligning English Strings with Abstract Meaning Representation Graphs
Nima Pourdamghani | Yang Gao | Ulf Hermjakob | Kevin Knight

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A Shortest-path Method for Arc-factored Semantic Role Labeling
Xavier Lluís | Xavier Carreras | Lluís Màrquez

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Semantic Kernels for Semantic Parsing
Iman Saleh | Alessandro Moschitti | Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez | Shafiq Joty

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An I-vector Based Approach to Compact Multi-Granularity Topic Spaces Representation of Textual Documents
Mohamed Morchid | Mohamed Bouallegue | Richard Dufour | Georges Linarès | Driss Matrouf | Renato de Mori

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Explaining the Stars: Weighted Multiple-Instance Learning for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
Nikolaos Pappas | Andrei Popescu-Belis

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Sentiment Analysis on the People’s Daily
Jiwei Li | Eduard Hovy

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A Joint Segmentation and Classification Framework for Sentiment Analysis
Duyu Tang | Furu Wei | Bing Qin | Li Dong | Ting Liu | Ming Zhou

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Positive Unlabeled Learning for Deceptive Reviews Detection
Yafeng Ren | Donghong Ji | Hongbin Zhang

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Resolving Shell Nouns
Varada Kolhatkar | Graeme Hirst

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A Comparison of Selectional Preference Models for Automatic Verb Classification
Will Roberts | Markus Egg

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Learning to Solve Arithmetic Word Problems with Verb Categorization
Mohammad Javad Hosseini | Hannaneh Hajishirzi | Oren Etzioni | Nate Kushman

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NaturalLI: Natural Logic Inference for Common Sense Reasoning
Gabor Angeli | Christopher D. Manning

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Modeling Term Translation for Document-informed Machine Translation
Fandong Meng | Deyi Xiong | Wenbin Jiang | Qun Liu

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Beyond Parallel Data: Joint Word Alignment and Decipherment Improves Machine Translation
Qing Dou | Ashish Vaswani | Kevin Knight

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Latent Domain Phrase-based Models for Adaptation
Hoang Cuong | Khalil Sima’an

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Translation Rules with Right-Hand Side Lattices
Fabien Cromières | Sadao Kurohashi

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Learning to Translate: A Query-Specific Combination Approach for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval
Ferhan Ture | Elizabeth Boschee

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Semantic-Based Multilingual Document Clustering via Tensor Modeling
Salvatore Romeo | Andrea Tagarelli | Dino Ienco

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Lexical Substitution for the Medical Domain
Martin Riedl | Michael Glass | Alfio Gliozzo

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Question Answering with Subgraph Embeddings
Antoine Bordes | Sumit Chopra | Jason Weston

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Correcting Keyboard Layout Errors and Homoglyphs in Queries
Derek Barnes | Mahesh Joshi | Hassan Sawaf

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Non-linear Mapping for Improved Identification of 1300+ Languages
Ralf Brown

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A Neural Network for Factoid Question Answering over Paragraphs
Mohit Iyyer | Jordan Boyd-Graber | Leonardo Claudino | Richard Socher | Hal Daumé III

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Joint Relational Embeddings for Knowledge-based Question Answering
Min-Chul Yang | Nan Duan | Ming Zhou | Hae-Chang Rim

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Adding High-Precision Links to Wikipedia
Thanapon Noraset | Chandra Bhagavatula | Doug Downey

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Finding Good Enough: A Task-Based Evaluation of Query Biased Summarization for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Jennifer Williams | Sharon Tam | Wade Shen

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Chinese Poetry Generation with Recurrent Neural Networks
Xingxing Zhang | Mirella Lapata

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Fear the REAPER: A System for Automatic Multi-Document Summarization with Reinforcement Learning
Cody Rioux | Sadid A. Hasan | Yllias Chali

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Improving Multi-documents Summarization by Sentence Compression based on Expanded Constituent Parse Trees
Chen Li | Yang Liu | Fei Liu | Lin Zhao | Fuliang Weng

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Analyzing Stemming Approaches for Turkish Multi-Document Summarization
Muhammed Yavuz Nuzumlalı | Arzucan Özgür

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Invited Talk: Learning from Rational Behavior
Thorsten Joachims

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Evaluating Neural Word Representations in Tensor-Based Compositional Settings
Dmitrijs Milajevs | Dimitri Kartsaklis | Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh | Matthew Purver

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Opinion Mining with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
Ozan İrsoy | Claire Cardie

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The Inside-Outside Recursive Neural Network model for Dependency Parsing
Phong Le | Willem Zuidema

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A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks
Danqi Chen | Christopher Manning

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Why are You Taking this Stance? Identifying and Classifying Reasons in Ideological Debates
Kazi Saidul Hasan | Vincent Ng

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Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution: An Unsupervised Probabilistic Model Rivaling Supervised Resolvers
Chen Chen | Vincent Ng

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Unsupervised Sentence Enhancement for Automatic Summarization
Jackie Chi Kit Cheung | Gerald Penn

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ReferItGame: Referring to Objects in Photographs of Natural Scenes
Sahar Kazemzadeh | Vicente Ordonez | Mark Matten | Tamara Berg

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Unsupervised Template Mining for Semantic Category Understanding
Lei Shi | Shuming Shi | Chin-Yew Lin | Yi-Dong Shen | Yong Rui

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Taxonomy Construction Using Syntactic Contextual Evidence
Anh Tuan Luu | Jung-jae Kim | See Kiong Ng

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Analysing recall loss in named entity slot filling
Glen Pink | Joel Nothman | James R. Curran

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Relieving the Computational Bottleneck: Joint Inference for Event Extraction with High-Dimensional Features
Deepak Venugopal | Chen Chen | Vibhav Gogate | Vincent Ng

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Syllable weight encodes mostly the same information for English word segmentation as dictionary stress
John K Pate | Mark Johnson

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A Joint Model for Unsupervised Chinese Word Segmentation
Miaohong Chen | Baobao Chang | Wenzhe Pei

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Domain Adaptation for CRF-based Chinese Word Segmentation using Free Annotations
Yijia Liu | Yue Zhang | Wanxiang Che | Ting Liu | Fan Wu

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Balanced Korean Word Spacing with Structural SVM
Changki Lee | Edward Choi | Hyunki Kim

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Morphological Segmentation for Keyword Spotting
Karthik Narasimhan | Damianos Karakos | Richard Schwartz | Stavros Tsakalidis | Regina Barzilay

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What Can We Get From 1000 Tokens? A Case Study of Multilingual POS Tagging For Resource-Poor Languages
Long Duong | Trevor Cohn | Karin Verspoor | Steven Bird | Paul Cook

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An Experimental Comparison of Active Learning Strategies for Partially Labeled Sequences
Diego Marcheggiani | Thierry Artières

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Language Modeling with Functional Head Constraint for Code Switching Speech Recognition
Ying Li | Pascale Fung

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A Polynomial-Time Dynamic Oracle for Non-Projective Dependency Parsing
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez | Francesco Sartorio | Giorgio Satta

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Ambiguity Resolution for Vt-N Structures in Chinese
Yu-Ming Hsieh | Jason S. Chang | Keh-Jiann Chen

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Neural Networks Leverage Corpus-wide Information for Part-of-speech Tagging
Yuta Tsuboi

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System Combination for Grammatical Error Correction
Raymond Hendy Susanto | Peter Phandi | Hwee Tou Ng

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Dependency parsing with latent refinements of part-of-speech tags
Thomas Mueller | Richard Farkas | Alex Judea | Helmut Schmid | Hinrich Schuetze

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Importance weighting and unsupervised domain adaptation of POS taggers: a negative result
Barbara Plank | Anders Johannsen | Anders Søgaard

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POS Tagging of English-Hindi Code-Mixed Social Media Content
Yogarshi Vyas | Spandana Gella | Jatin Sharma | Kalika Bali | Monojit Choudhury

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Data Driven Grammatical Error Detection in Transcripts of Children’s Speech
Eric Morley | Anna Eva Hallin | Brian Roark

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A* CCG Parsing with a Supertag-factored Model
Mike Lewis | Mark Steedman

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A Dependency Parser for Tweets
Lingpeng Kong | Nathan Schneider | Swabha Swayamdipta | Archna Bhatia | Chris Dyer | Noah A. Smith

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Greed is Good if Randomized: New Inference for Dependency Parsing
Yuan Zhang | Tao Lei | Regina Barzilay | Tommi Jaakkola

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A Unified Model for Word Sense Representation and Disambiguation
Xinxiong Chen | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun

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Reducing Dimensions of Tensors in Type-Driven Distributional Semantics
Tamara Polajnar | Luana Fǎgǎrǎşan | Stephen Clark

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An Etymological Approach to Cross-Language Orthographic Similarity. Application on Romanian
Alina Maria Ciobanu | Liviu P. Dinu

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Efficient Non-parametric Estimation of Multiple Embeddings per Word in Vector Space
Arvind Neelakantan | Jeevan Shankar | Alexandre Passos | Andrew McCallum

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Tailor knowledge graph for query understanding: linking intent topics by propagation
Shi Zhao | Yan Zhang

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Queries as a Source of Lexicalized Commonsense Knowledge
Marius Paşca

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Question Answering over Linked Data Using First-order Logic
Shizhu He | Kang Liu | Yuanzhe Zhang | Liheng Xu | Jun Zhao

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Knowledge Graph and Corpus Driven Segmentation and Answer Inference for Telegraphic Entity-seeking Queries
Mandar Joshi | Uma Sawant | Soumen Chakrabarti

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A Regularized Competition Model for Question Difficulty Estimation in Community Question Answering Services
Quan Wang | Jing Liu | Bin Wang | Li Guo

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Vote Prediction on Comments in Social Polls
Isaac Persing | Vincent Ng

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Exploiting Social Relations and Sentiment for Stock Prediction
Jianfeng Si | Arjun Mukherjee | Bing Liu | Sinno Jialin Pan | Qing Li | Huayi Li

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Developing Age and Gender Predictive Lexica over Social Media
Maarten Sap | Gregory Park | Johannes Eichstaedt | Margaret Kern | David Stillwell | Michal Kosinski | Lyle Ungar | Hansen Andrew Schwartz

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Dependency Parsing for Weibo: An Efficient Probabilistic Logic Programming Approach
William Yang Wang | Lingpeng Kong | Kathryn Mazaitis | William W. Cohen

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Exploiting Community Emotion for Microblog Event Detection
Gaoyan Ou | Wei Chen | Tengjiao Wang | Zhongyu Wei | Binyang Li | Dongqing Yang | Kam-Fai Wong

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Detecting Disagreement in Conversations using Pseudo-Monologic Rhetorical Structure
Kelsey Allen | Giuseppe Carenini | Raymond Ng

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+/-EffectWordNet: Sense-level Lexicon Acquisition for Opinion Inference
Yoonjung Choi | Janyce Wiebe

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A Sentiment-aligned Topic Model for Product Aspect Rating Prediction
Hao Wang | Martin Ester

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Learning Emotion Indicators from Tweets: Hashtags, Hashtag Patterns, and Phrases
Ashequl Qadir | Ellen Riloff

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Fine-Grained Contextual Predictions for Hard Sentiment Words
Sebastian Ebert | Hinrich Schütze

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An Iterative Link-based Method for Parallel Web Page Mining
Le Liu | Yu Hong | Jun Lu | Jun Lang | Heng Ji | Jianmin Yao

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Human Effort and Machine Learnability in Computer Aided Translation
Spence Green | Sida I. Wang | Jason Chuang | Jeffrey Heer | Sebastian Schuster | Christopher D. Manning

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Exact Decoding for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Wilker Aziz | Marc Dymetman | Lucia Specia

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Large-scale Expected BLEU Training of Phrase-based Reordering Models
Michael Auli | Michel Galley | Jianfeng Gao

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Confidence-based Rewriting of Machine Translation Output
Benjamin Marie | Aurélien Max

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Learning Compact Lexicons for CCG Semantic Parsing
Yoav Artzi | Dipanjan Das | Slav Petrov

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Morpho-syntactic Lexical Generalization for CCG Semantic Parsing
Adrienne Wang | Tom Kwiatkowski | Luke Zettlemoyer

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Semantic Parsing Using Content and Context: A Case Study from Requirements Elicitation
Reut Tsarfaty | Ilia Pogrebezky | Guy Weiss | Yaarit Natan | Smadar Szekely | David Harel

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Semantic Parsing with Relaxed Hybrid Trees
Wei Lu

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Low-dimensional Embeddings for Interpretable Anchor-based Topic Inference
David Mimno | Moontae Lee

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Weakly-Supervised Learning with Cost-Augmented Contrastive Estimation
Kevin Gimpel | Mohit Bansal

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Don’t Until the Final Verb Wait: Reinforcement Learning for Simultaneous Machine Translation
Alvin Grissom II | He He | Jordan Boyd-Graber | John Morgan | Hal Daumé III

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PCFG Induction for Unsupervised Parsing and Language Modelling
James Scicluna | Colin de la Higuera

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Can characters reveal your native language? A language-independent approach to native language identification
Radu Tudor Ionescu | Marius Popescu | Aoife Cahill

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Formalizing Word Sampling for Vocabulary Prediction as Graph-based Active Learning
Yo Ehara | Yusuke Miyao | Hidekazu Oiwa | Issei Sato | Hiroshi Nakagawa

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Language Transfer Hypotheses with Linear SVM Weights
Shervin Malmasi | Mark Dras

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Predicting Dialect Variation in Immigrant Contexts Using Light Verb Constructions
A. Seza Doğruöz | Preslav Nakov

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Device-Dependent Readability for Improved Text Understanding
A-Yeong Kim | Hyun-Je Song | Seong-Bae Park | Sang-Jo Lee

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Predicting Chinese Abbreviations with Minimum Semantic Unit and Global Constraints
Longkai Zhang | Li Li | Houfeng Wang | Xu Sun

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Using Structured Events to Predict Stock Price Movement: An Empirical Investigation
Xiao Ding | Yue Zhang | Ting Liu | Junwen Duan

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Extracting Clusters of Specialist Terms from Unstructured Text
Aaron Gerow

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Citation-Enhanced Keyphrase Extraction from Research Papers: A Supervised Approach
Cornelia Caragea | Florin Adrian Bulgarov | Andreea Godea | Sujatha Das Gollapalli

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Using Mined Coreference Chains as a Resource for a Semantic Task
Heike Adel | Hinrich Schütze

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Financial Keyword Expansion via Continuous Word Vector Representations
Ming-Feng Tsai | Chuan-Ju Wang

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Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection using N-gram Classes
Imene Bensalem | Paolo Rosso | Salim Chikhi

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Verifiably Effective Arabic Dialect Identification
Kareem Darwish | Hassan Sajjad | Hamdy Mubarak

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Keystroke Patterns as Prosody in Digital Writings: A Case Study with Deceptive Reviews and Essays
Ritwik Banerjee | Song Feng | Jun Seok Kang | Yejin Choi

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Leveraging Effective Query Modeling Techniques for Speech Recognition and Summarization
Kuan-Yu Chen | Shih-Hung Liu | Berlin Chen | Ea-Ee Jan | Hsin-Min Wang | Wen-Lian Hsu | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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Staying on Topic: An Indicator of Power in Political Debates
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran | Ashima Arora | Owen Rambow

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Language Modeling with Power Low Rank Ensembles
Ankur P. Parikh | Avneesh Saluja | Chris Dyer | Eric Xing

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Modeling Biological Processes for Reading Comprehension
Jonathan Berant | Vivek Srikumar | Pei-Chun Chen | Abby Vander Linden | Brittany Harding | Brad Huang | Peter Clark | Christopher D. Manning

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Sensicon: An Automatically Constructed Sensorial Lexicon
Serra Sinem Tekiroğlu | Gözde Özbal | Carlo Strapparava

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Word Semantic Representations using Bayesian Probabilistic Tensor Factorization
Jingwei Zhang | Jeremy Salwen | Michael Glass | Alfio Gliozzo

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GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation
Jeffrey Pennington | Richard Socher | Christopher Manning

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Jointly Learning Word Representations and Composition Functions Using Predicate-Argument Structures
Kazuma Hashimoto | Pontus Stenetorp | Makoto Miwa | Yoshimasa Tsuruoka

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Combining Distant and Partial Supervision for Relation Extraction
Gabor Angeli | Julie Tibshirani | Jean Wu | Christopher D. Manning

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Typed Tensor Decomposition of Knowledge Bases for Relation Extraction
Kai-Wei Chang | Wen-tau Yih | Bishan Yang | Christopher Meek

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A convex relaxation for weakly supervised relation extraction
Édouard Grave

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Knowledge Graph and Text Jointly Embedding
Zhen Wang | Jianwen Zhang | Jianlin Feng | Zheng Chen

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Abstractive Summarization of Product Reviews Using Discourse Structure
Shima Gerani | Yashar Mehdad | Giuseppe Carenini | Raymond T. Ng | Bita Nejat

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Clustering Aspect-related Phrases by Leveraging Sentiment Distribution Consistency
Li Zhao | Minlie Huang | Haiqiang Chen | Junjun Cheng | Xiaoyan Zhu

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Automatic Generation of Related Work Sections in Scientific Papers: An Optimization Approach
Yue Hu | Xiaojun Wan

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Fast and Accurate Misspelling Correction in Large Corpora
Octavian Popescu | Ngoc Phuoc An Vo

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Assessing the Impact of Translation Errors on Machine Translation Quality with Mixed-effects Models
Marcello Federico | Matteo Negri | Luisa Bentivogli | Marco Turchi

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Refining Word Segmentation Using a Manually Aligned Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation
Xiaolin Wang | Masao Utiyama | Andrew Finch | Eiichiro Sumita

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Improving Pivot-Based Statistical Machine Translation by Pivoting the Co-occurrence Count of Phrase Pairs
Xiaoning Zhu | Zhongjun He | Hua Wu | Conghui Zhu | Haifeng Wang | Tiejun Zhao

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Word Translation Prediction for Morphologically Rich Languages with Bilingual Neural Networks
Ke M. Tran | Arianna Bisazza | Christof Monz

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Dependency-Based Bilingual Language Models for Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation
Ekaterina Garmash | Christof Monz

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Combining String and Context Similarity for Bilingual Term Alignment from Comparable Corpora
Georgios Kontonatsios | Ioannis Korkontzelos | Jun’ichi Tsujii | Sophia Ananiadou

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Random Manhattan Integer Indexing: Incremental L1 Normed Vector Space Construction
Behrang Q. Zadeh | Siegfried Handschuh

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Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation
Kyunghyun Cho | Bart van Merriënboer | Caglar Gulcehre | Dzmitry Bahdanau | Fethi Bougares | Holger Schwenk | Yoshua Bengio

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Type-based MCMC for Sampling Tree Fragments from Forests
Xiaochang Peng | Daniel Gildea

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Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
Yoon Kim

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Sometimes Average is Best: The Importance of Averaging for Prediction using MCMC Inference in Topic Modeling
Viet-An Nguyen | Jordan Boyd-Graber | Philip Resnik

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Large-scale Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation using Dual Multinomial Logistic Regression
Abdullah Alrajeh | Mahesan Niranjan

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Improved Decipherment of Homophonic Ciphers
Malte Nuhn | Julian Schamper | Hermann Ney

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Cipher Type Detection
Malte Nuhn | Kevin Knight

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Joint Learning of Chinese Words, Terms and Keywords
Ziqiang Cao | Sujian Li | Heng Ji

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Cross-Lingual Part-of-Speech Tagging through Ambiguous Learning
Guillaume Wisniewski | Nicolas Pécheux | Souhir Gahbiche-Braham | François Yvon

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Comparing Representations of Semantic Roles for String-To-Tree Decoding
Marzieh Bazrafshan | Daniel Gildea

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Detecting Non-compositional MWE Components using Wiktionary
Bahar Salehi | Paul Cook | Timothy Baldwin

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Joint Emotion Analysis via Multi-task Gaussian Processes
Daniel Beck | Trevor Cohn | Lucia Specia

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Detecting Latent Ideology in Expert Text: Evidence From Academic Papers in Economics
Zubin Jelveh | Bruce Kogut | Suresh Naidu

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A Model of Individual Differences in Gaze Control During Reading
Niels Landwehr | Sebastian Arzt | Tobias Scheffer | Reinhold Kliegl

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Muli-label Text Categorization with Hidden Components
Li Li | Longkai Zhang | Houfeng Wang

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#TagSpace: Semantic Embeddings from Hashtags
Jason Weston | Sumit Chopra | Keith Adams

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Joint Decoding of Tree Transduction Models for Sentence Compression
Jin-ge Yao | Xiaojun Wan | Jianguo Xiao

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Dependency-based Discourse Parser for Single-Document Summarization
Yasuhisa Yoshida | Jun Suzuki | Tsutomu Hirao | Masaaki Nagata

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Improving Word Alignment using Word Similarity
Theerawat Songyot | David Chiang

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Constructing Information Networks Using One Single Model
Qi Li | Heng Ji | Yu Hong | Sujian Li

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Event Role Extraction using Domain-Relevant Word Representations
Emanuela Boroş | Romaric Besançon | Olivier Ferret | Brigitte Grau

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Modeling Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Table Representation
Makoto Miwa | Yutaka Sasaki

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ZORE: A Syntax-based System for Chinese Open Relation Extraction
Likun Qiu | Yue Zhang

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Coarse-grained Candidate Generation and Fine-grained Re-ranking for Chinese Abbreviation Prediction
Longkai Zhang | Houfeng Wang | Xu Sun

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Type-Aware Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Linked Arguments
Mitchell Koch | John Gilmer | Stephen Soderland | Daniel S. Weld

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Automatic Inference of the Tense of Chinese Events Using Implicit Linguistic Information
Yuchen Zhang | Nianwen Xue

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Joint Inference for Knowledge Base Population
Liwei Chen | Yansong Feng | Jinghui Mo | Songfang Huang | Dongyan Zhao

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Combining Visual and Textual Features for Information Extraction from Online Flyers
Emilia Apostolova | Noriko Tomuro

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CTPs: Contextual Temporal Profiles for Time Scoping Facts using State Change Detection
Derry Tanti Wijaya | Ndapandula Nakashole | Tom M. Mitchell

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Noisy Or-based model for Relation Extraction using Distant Supervision
Ajay Nagesh | Gholamreza Haffari | Ganesh Ramakrishnan

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Search-Aware Tuning for Machine Translation
Lemao Liu | Liang Huang

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Latent-Variable Synchronous CFGs for Hierarchical Translation
Avneesh Saluja | Chris Dyer | Shay B. Cohen

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Gender and Power: How Gender and Gender Environment Affect Manifestations of Power
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran | Emily E. Reid | Owen Rambow

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Online topic model for Twitter considering dynamics of user interests and topic trends
Kentaro Sasaki | Tomohiro Yoshikawa | Takeshi Furuhashi

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Self-disclosure topic model for classifying and analyzing Twitter conversations
JinYeong Bak | Chin-Yew Lin | Alice Oh

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Major Life Event Extraction from Twitter based on Congratulations/Condolences Speech Acts
Jiwei Li | Alan Ritter | Claire Cardie | Eduard Hovy

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Brighter than Gold: Figurative Language in User Generated Comparisons
Vlad Niculae | Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil

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Classifying Idiomatic and Literal Expressions Using Topic Models and Intensity of Emotions
Jing Peng | Anna Feldman | Ekaterina Vylomova

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Learning Spatial Knowledge for Text to 3D Scene Generation
Angel Chang | Manolis Savva | Christopher D. Manning

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A Model of Coherence Based on Distributed Sentence Representation
Jiwei Li | Eduard Hovy

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Discriminative Reranking of Discourse Parses Using Tree Kernels
Shafiq Joty | Alessandro Moschitti

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Recursive Deep Models for Discourse Parsing
Jiwei Li | Rumeng Li | Eduard Hovy

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Recall Error Analysis for Coreference Resolution
Sebastian Martschat | Michael Strube

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A Rule-Based System for Unrestricted Bridging Resolution: Recognizing Bridging Anaphora and Finding Links to Antecedents
Yufang Hou | Katja Markert | Michael Strube

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Resolving Referring Expressions in Conversational Dialogs for Natural User Interfaces
Asli Celikyilmaz | Zhaleh Feizollahi | Dilek Hakkani-Tur | Ruhi Sarikaya

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Building Chinese Discourse Corpus with Connective-driven Dependency Tree Structure
Yancui Li | Wenhe Feng | Jing Sun | Fang Kong | Guodong Zhou

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Prune-and-Score: Learning for Greedy Coreference Resolution
Chao Ma | Janardhan Rao Doppa | J. Walker Orr | Prashanth Mannem | Xiaoli Fern | Tom Dietterich | Prasad Tadepalli

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Summarizing Online Forum Discussions – Can Dialog Acts of Individual Messages Help?
Sumit Bhatia | Prakhar Biyani | Prasenjit Mitra