To answer the question in machine comprehension (MC) task, the models need to establish the interaction between the question and the context. To tackle the problem that the single-pass model cannot reflect on and correct its answer, we present Ruminating Reader. Ruminating Reader adds a second pass of attention and a novel information fusion component to the Bi-Directional Attention Flow model (BiDAF). We propose novel layer structures that construct a query aware context vector representation and fuse encoding representation with intermediate representation on top of BiDAF model. We show that a multi-hop attention mechanism can be applied to a bi-directional attention structure. In experiments on SQuAD, we find that the Reader outperforms the BiDAF baseline by 2.1 F1 score and 2.7 EM score. Our analysis shows that different hops of the attention have different responsibilities in selecting answers.
We analyzed the outputs of multiple question answering (QA) models applied to the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) to identify the core challenges for QA systems on this data set. Through an iterative process, challenging aspects were hypothesized through qualitative analysis of the common error cases. A classifier was then constructed to predict whether SQuAD test examples were likely to be difficult for systems to answer based on features associated with the hypothesized aspects. The classifier’s performance was used to accept or reject each aspect as an indicator of difficulty. With this approach, we ensured that our hypotheses were systematically tested and not simply accepted based on our pre-existing biases. Our explanations are not accepted based on human evaluation of individual examples. This process also enabled us to identify the primary QA strategy learned by the models, i.e., systems determined the acceptable answer type for a question and then selected the acceptable answer span of that type containing the highest density of words present in the question within its local vicinity in the passage.
Reading Comprehension (RC) of text is one of the fundamental tasks in natural language processing. In recent years, several end-to-end neural network models have been proposed to solve RC tasks. However, most of these models suffer in reasoning over long documents. In this work, we propose a novel Memory Augmented Machine Comprehension Network (MAMCN) to address long-range dependencies present in machine reading comprehension. We perform extensive experiments to evaluate proposed method with the renowned benchmark datasets such as SQuAD, QUASAR-T, and TriviaQA. We achieve the state of the art performance on both the document-level (QUASAR-T, TriviaQA) and paragraph-level (SQuAD) datasets compared to all the previously published approaches.
Question answering systems deteriorate dramatically in the presence of adversarial sentences in articles. According to Jia and Liang (2017), the single BiDAF system (Seo et al., 2016) only achieves an F1 score of 4.8 on the ADDANY adversarial dataset. In this paper, we present a method to tackle this problem via answer sentence selection. Given a paragraph of an article and a corresponding query, instead of directly feeding the whole paragraph to the single BiDAF system, a sentence that most likely contains the answer to the query is first selected, which is done via a deep neural network based on TreeLSTM (Tai et al., 2015). Experiments on ADDANY adversarial dataset validate the effectiveness of our method. The F1 score has been improved to 52.3.
This paper introduces DuReader, a new large-scale, open-domain Chinese machine reading comprehension (MRC) dataset, designed to address real-world MRC. DuReader has three advantages over previous MRC datasets: (1) data sources: questions and documents are based on Baidu Search and Baidu Zhidao; answers are manually generated. (2) question types: it provides rich annotations for more question types, especially yes-no and opinion questions, that leaves more opportunity for the research community. (3) scale: it contains 200K questions, 420K answers and 1M documents; it is the largest Chinese MRC dataset so far. Experiments show that human performance is well above current state-of-the-art baseline systems, leaving plenty of room for the community to make improvements. To help the community make these improvements, both DuReader and baseline systems have been posted online. We also organize a shared competition to encourage the exploration of more models. Since the release of the task, there are significant improvements over the baselines.
Deep learning models are often not easily adaptable to new tasks and require task-specific adjustments. The differentiable neural computer (DNC), a memory-augmented neural network, is designed as a general problem solver which can be used in a wide range of tasks. But in reality, it is hard to apply this model to new tasks. We analyze the DNC and identify possible improvements within the application of question answering. This motivates a more robust and scalable DNC (rsDNC). The objective precondition is to keep the general character of this model intact while making its application more reliable and speeding up its required training time. The rsDNC is distinguished by a more robust training, a slim memory unit and a bidirectional architecture. We not only achieve new state-of-the-art performance on the bAbI task, but also minimize the performance variance between different initializations. Furthermore, we demonstrate the simplified applicability of the rsDNC to new tasks with passable results on the CNN RC task without adaptions.
The recent work of Clark et al. (2018) introduces the AI2 Reasoning Challenge (ARC) and the associated ARC dataset that partitions open domain, complex science questions into easy and challenge sets. That paper includes an analysis of 100 questions with respect to the types of knowledge and reasoning required to answer them; however, it does not include clear definitions of these types, nor does it offer information about the quality of the labels. We propose a comprehensive set of definitions of knowledge and reasoning types necessary for answering the questions in the ARC dataset. Using ten annotators and a sophisticated annotation interface, we analyze the distribution of labels across the challenge set and statistics related to them. Additionally, we demonstrate that although naive information retrieval methods return sentences that are irrelevant to answering the query, sufficient supporting text is often present in the (ARC) corpus. Evaluating with human-selected relevant sentences improves the performance of a neural machine comprehension model by 42 points.
We describe our experiences in using an open domain question answering model (Chen et al., 2017) to evaluate an out-of-domain QA task of assisting in analyzing privacy policies of companies. Specifically, Relevant CI Parameters Extractor (RECIPE) seeks to answer questions posed by the theory of contextual integrity (CI) regarding the information flows described in the privacy statements. These questions have a simple syntactic structure and the answers are factoids or descriptive in nature. The model achieved an F1 score of 72.33, but we noticed that combining the results of this model with a neural dependency parser based approach yields a significantly higher F1 score of 92.35 compared to manual annotations. This indicates that future work which in-corporates signals from parsing like NLP tasks more explicitly can generalize better on out-of-domain tasks.
We propose a two-stage neural model to tackle question generation from documents. First, our model estimates the probability that word sequences in a document are ones that a human would pick when selecting candidate answers by training a neural key-phrase extractor on the answers in a question-answering corpus. Predicted key phrases then act as target answers and condition a sequence-to-sequence question-generation model with a copy mechanism. Empirically, our key-phrase extraction model significantly outperforms an entity-tagging baseline and existing rule-based approaches. We further demonstrate that our question generation system formulates fluent, answerable questions from key phrases. This two-stage system could be used to augment or generate reading comprehension datasets, which may be leveraged to improve machine reading systems or in educational settings.
The task of Question Answering has gained prominence in the past few decades for testing the ability of machines to understand natural language. Large datasets for Machine Reading have led to the development of neural models that cater to deeper language understanding compared to information retrieval tasks. Different components in these neural architectures are intended to tackle different challenges. As a first step towards achieving generalization across multiple domains, we attempt to understand and compare the peculiarities of existing end-to-end neural models on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) by performing quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of the results attained by each of them. We observed that prediction errors reflect certain model-specific biases, which we further discuss in this paper.
Current evaluation metrics to question answering based machine reading comprehension (MRC) systems generally focus on the lexical overlap between candidate and reference answers, such as ROUGE and BLEU. However, bias may appear when these metrics are used for specific question types, especially questions inquiring yes-no opinions and entity lists. In this paper, we make adaptations on the metrics to better correlate n-gram overlap with the human judgment for answers to these two question types. Statistical analysis proves the effectiveness of our approach. Our adaptations may provide positive guidance for the development of real-scene MRC systems.
This work introduces a novel, linguistically motivated architecture for composing morphemes to derive word embeddings. The principal novelty in the work is to treat stems as vectors and affixes as functions over vectors. In this way, our model’s architecture more closely resembles the compositionality of morphemes in natural language. Such a model stands in opposition to models which treat morphemes uniformly, making no distinction between stem and affix. We run this new architecture on a dependency parsing task in Korean—a language rich in derivational morphology—and compare it against a lexical baseline,along with other sub-word architectures. StAffNet, the name of our architecture, shows competitive performance with the state-of-the-art on this task.
Incorporating source syntactic information into neural machine translation (NMT) has recently proven successful (Eriguchi et al., 2016; Luong et al., 2016). However, this is generally done using an outside parser to syntactically annotate the training data, making this technique difficult to use for languages or domains for which a reliable parser is not available. In this paper, we introduce an unsupervised tree-to-sequence (tree2seq) model for neural machine translation; this model is able to induce an unsupervised hierarchical structure on the source sentence based on the downstream task of neural machine translation. We adapt the Gumbel tree-LSTM of Choi et al. (2018) to NMT in order to create the encoder. We evaluate our model against sequential and supervised parsing baselines on three low- and medium-resource language pairs. For low-resource cases, the unsupervised tree2seq encoder significantly outperforms the baselines; no improvements are seen for medium-resource translation.
Latent tree learning models represent sentences by composing their words according to an induced parse tree, all based on a downstream task. These models often outperform baselines which use (externally provided) syntax trees to drive the composition order. This work contributes (a) a new latent tree learning model based on shift-reduce parsing, with competitive downstream performance and non-trivial induced trees, and (b) an analysis of the trees learned by our shift-reduce model and by a chart-based model.
Do unsupervised methods for learning rich, contextualized token representations obviate the need for explicit modeling of linguistic structure in neural network models for semantic role labeling (SRL)? We address this question by incorporating the massively successful ELMo embeddings (Peters et al., 2018) into LISA (Strubell and McCallum, 2018), a strong, linguistically-informed neural network architecture for SRL. In experiments on the CoNLL-2005 shared task we find that though ELMo out-performs typical word embeddings, beginning to close the gap in F1 between LISA with predicted and gold syntactic parses, syntactically-informed models still out-perform syntax-free models when both use ELMo, especially on out-of-domain data. Our results suggest that linguistic structures are indeed still relevant in this golden age of deep learning for NLP.
Languages with logographic writing systems present a difficulty for traditional character-level models. Leveraging the subcharacter information was recently shown to be beneficial for a number of intrinsic and extrinsic tasks in Chinese. We examine whether the same strategies could be applied for Japanese, and contribute a new analogy dataset for this language.
This paper demonstrates a neural parser implementation suitable for consistently head-final languages such as Japanese. Unlike the transition- and graph-based algorithms in most state-of-the-art parsers, our parser directly selects the head word of a dependent from a limited number of candidates. This method drastically simplifies the model so that we can easily interpret the output of the neural model. Moreover, by exploiting grammatical knowledge to restrict possible modification types, we can control the output of the parser to reduce specific errors without adding annotated corpora. The neural parser performed well both on conventional Japanese corpora and the Japanese version of Universal Dependency corpus, and the advantages of distributed representations were observed in the comparison with the non-neural conventional model.
We investigate the use of different syntactic dependency representations in a neural relation classification task and compare the CoNLL, Stanford Basic and Universal Dependencies schemes. We further compare with a syntax-agnostic approach and perform an error analysis in order to gain a better understanding of the results.
This paper presents a dataset and supervised classification approach for economic event detection in English news articles. Currently, the economic domain is lacking resources and methods for data-driven supervised event detection. The detection task is conceived as a sentence-level classification task for 10 different economic event types. Two different machine learning approaches were tested: a rich feature set Support Vector Machine (SVM) set-up and a word-vector-based long short-term memory recurrent neural network (RNN-LSTM) set-up. We show satisfactory results for most event types, with the linear kernel SVM outperforming the other experimental set-ups
Sentiment analysis is the process of identifying the opinion expressed in text. Recently, it has been used to study behavioral finance, and in particular the effect of opinions and emotions on economic or financial decisions. In this paper, we use a public dataset of labeled tweets that has been labeled by Amazon Mechanical Turk and then we propose a baseline classification model. Then, by using Granger causality of both sentiment datasets with the different stocks, we shows that there is causality between social media and stock market returns (in both directions) for many stocks. Finally, We evaluate this causality analysis by showing that in the event of a specific news on certain dates, there are evidences of trending the same news on Twitter for that stock.
We introduce JOCo, a novel text corpus for NLP analytics in the field of economics, business and management. This corpus is composed of corporate annual and social responsibility reports of the top 30 US, UK and German companies in the major (DJIA, FTSE 100, DAX), middle-sized (S&P 500, FTSE 250, MDAX) and technology (NASDAQ, FTSE AIM 100, TECDAX) stock indices, respectively. Altogether, this adds up to 5,000 reports from 270 companies headquartered in three of the world’s most important economies. The corpus spans a time frame from 2000 up to 2015 and contains, in total, 282M tokens. We also feature JOCo in a small-scale experiment to demonstrate its potential for NLP-fueled studies in economics, business and management research.
In this paper, we use NLP techniques to detect linguistic uncertainty in financial disclosures. Leveraging general-domain and domain-specific word embedding models, we automatically expand an existing dictionary of uncertainty triggers. We furthermore examine how an expert filtering affects the quality of such an expansion. We show that the dictionary expansions significantly improve regressions on stock return volatility. Lastly, we prove that the expansions significantly boost the automatic detection of uncertain sentences.
When evaluating a potential product purchase, customers may have many questions in mind. They want to get adequate information to determine whether the product of interest is worth their money. In this paper we present a simple deep learning model for answering questions regarding product facts and specifications. Given a question and a product specification, the model outputs a score indicating their relevance. To train and evaluate our proposed model, we collected a dataset of 7,119 questions that are related to 153 different products. Experimental results demonstrate that –despite its simplicity– the performance of our model is shown to be comparable to a more complex state-of-the-art baseline.
In the last years, compliance requirements for the banking sector have greatly augmented, making the current compliance processes difficult to maintain. Any process that allows to accelerate the identification and implementation of compliance requirements can help address this issues. The contributions of the paper are twofold: we propose a new NLP task that is the investment rule detection, and a group of methods identify them. We show that the proposed methods are highly performing and fast, thus can be deployed in production.
With the rising popularity of social media in the society and in research, analysing texts short in length, such as microblogs, becomes an increasingly important task. As a medium of communication, microblogs carry peoples sentiments and express them to the public. Given that sentiments are driven by multiple factors including the news media, the question arises if the sentiment expressed in news and the news article themselves can be leveraged to detect and classify sentiment in microblogs. Prior research has highlighted the impact of sentiments and opinions on the market dynamics, making the financial domain a prime case study for this approach. Therefore, this paper describes ongoing research dealing with the exploitation of news contained sentiment to improve microblog sentiment classification in a financial context.
This paper focuses on aspect extraction which is a sub-task of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis. The goal is to report an extraction method of financial aspects in microblog messages. Our approach uses a stock-investment taxonomy for the identification of explicit and implicit aspects. We compare supervised and unsupervised methods to assign predefined categories at message level. Results on 7 aspect classes show 0.71 accuracy, while the 32 class classification gives 0.82 accuracy for messages containing explicit aspects and 0.35 for implicit aspects.
In this paper, we propose a new unsupervised learning framework to use news events for predicting trends in stock prices. We present Word Influencer Networks (WIN), a graph framework to extract longitudinal temporal relationships between any pair of informative words from news streams. Using the temporal occurrence of words, WIN measures how the appearance of one word in a news stream influences the emergence of another set of words in the future. The latent word-word influencer relationships in WIN are the building blocks for causal reasoning and predictive modeling. We demonstrate the efficacy of WIN by using it for unsupervised extraction of latent features for stock price prediction and obtain 2 orders lower prediction error compared to a similar causal graph based method. WIN discovered influencer links from seemingly unrelated words from topics like politics to finance. WIN also validated 67% of the causal evidence found manually in the text through a direct edge and the rest 33% through a path of length 2.
Code-switching is the fluent alternation between two or more languages in conversation between bilinguals. Large populations of speakers code-switch during communication, but little effort has been made to develop tools for code-switching, including part-of-speech taggers. In this paper, we propose an approach to POS tagging of code-switched English-Spanish data based on recurrent neural networks. We test our model on known monolingual benchmarks to demonstrate that our neural POS tagging model is on par with state-of-the-art methods. We next test our code-switched methods on the Miami Bangor corpus of English Spanish conversation, focusing on two types of experiments: POS tagging alone, for which we achieve 96.34% accuracy, and joint part-of-speech and language ID tagging, which achieves similar POS tagging accuracy (96.39%) and very high language ID accuracy (98.78%). Finally, we show that our proposed models outperform other state-of-the-art code-switched taggers.
Speakers in multilingual communities often switch between or mix multiple languages in the same conversation. Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) of code-switched speech faces many challenges including the influence of phones of different languages on each other. This paper shows evidence that phone sharing between languages improves the Acoustic Model performance for Hindi-English code-switched speech. We compare baseline system built with separate phones for Hindi and English with systems where the phones were manually merged based on linguistic knowledge. Encouraged by the improved ASR performance after manually merging the phones, we further investigate multiple data-driven methods to identify phones to be merged across the languages. We show detailed analysis of automatic phone merging in this language pair and the impact it has on individual phone accuracies and WER. Though the best performance gain of 1.2% WER was observed with manually merged phones, we show experimentally that the manual phone merge is not optimal.
We explore the effect of injecting background knowledge to different deep neural network (DNN) configurations in order to mitigate the problem of the scarcity of annotated data when applying these models on datasets of low-resourced languages. The background knowledge is encoded in the form of lexicons and pre-trained sub-word embeddings. The DNN models are evaluated on the task of detecting code-switching and borrowing points in non-standardised user-generated Algerian texts. Overall results show that DNNs benefit from adding background knowledge. However, the gain varies between models and categories. The proposed DNN architectures are generic and could be applied to other low-resourced languages.
Code-Mixing (CM) is the phenomenon of alternating between two or more languages which is prevalent in bi- and multi-lingual communities. Most NLP applications today are still designed with the assumption of a single interaction language and are most likely to break given a CM utterance with multiple languages mixed at a morphological, phrase or sentence level. For example, popular commercial search engines do not yet fully understand the intents expressed in CM queries. As a first step towards fostering research which supports CM in NLP applications, we systematically crowd-sourced and curated an evaluation dataset for factoid question answering in three CM languages - Hinglish (Hindi+English), Tenglish (Telugu+English) and Tamlish (Tamil+English) which belong to two language families (Indo-Aryan and Dravidian). We share the details of our data collection process, techniques which were used to avoid inducing lexical bias amongst the crowd workers and other CM specific linguistic properties of the dataset. Our final dataset, which is available freely for research purposes, has 1,694 Hinglish, 2,848 Tamlish and 1,391 Tenglish factoid questions and their answers. We discuss the techniques used by the participants for the first edition of this ongoing challenge.
Humans can learn multiple languages. If they know a fact in one language, they can answer a question in another language they understand. They can also answer Code-mix (CM) questions: questions which contain both languages. This behavior is attributed to the unique learning ability of humans. Our task aims to study if machines can achieve this. We demonstrate how effectively a machine can answer CM questions. In this work, we adopt a two phase approach: candidate generation and candidate re-ranking to answer questions. We propose a Triplet-Siamese-Hybrid CNN (TSHCNN) to re-rank candidate answers. We show experiments on the SimpleQuestions dataset. Our network is trained only on English questions provided in this dataset and noisy Hindi translations of these questions and can answer English-Hindi CM questions effectively without the need of translation into English. Back-transliterated CM questions outperform their lexical and sentence level translated counterparts by 5% & 35% in accuracy respectively, highlighting the efficacy of our approach in a resource constrained setting.
In this paper, we detail our work on comparing different word-level language identification systems for code-switched Hindi-English data and a standard Spanish-English dataset. In this regard, we build a new code-switched dataset for Hindi-English. To understand the code-switching patterns in these language pairs, we investigate different code-switching metrics. We find that the CRF model outperforms the neural network based models by a margin of 2-5 percentage points for Spanish-English and 3-5 percentage points for Hindi-English.
Lack of text data has been the major issue on code-switching language modeling. In this paper, we introduce multi-task learning based language model which shares syntax representation of languages to leverage linguistic information and tackle the low resource data issue. Our model jointly learns both language modeling and Part-of-Speech tagging on code-switched utterances. In this way, the model is able to identify the location of code-switching points and improves the prediction of next word. Our approach outperforms standard LSTM based language model, with an improvement of 9.7% and 7.4% in perplexity on SEAME Phase I and Phase II dataset respectively.
One language is often assumed to be dominant in code-switching but this assumption has not been empirically tested. We operationalize the matrix language (ML) at the level of the sentence, using three common definitions from linguistics. We test whether these converge and then model this convergence via a set of metrics that together quantify the nature of C-S. We conduct our experiment on four Spanish-English corpora. Our results demonstrate that our model can separate some corpora according to whether they have a dominant ML or not but that the corpora span a range of mixing types that cannot be sorted neatly into an insertional vs. alternational dichotomy.
Multilingual speakers switch between languages in an non-trivial fashion displaying inter sentential, intra sentential, and congruent lexicalization based transitions. While monolingual ASR systems may be capable of recognizing a few words from a foreign language, they are usually not robust enough to handle these varied styles of code-switching. There is also a lack of large code-switched speech corpora capturing all these styles making it difficult to build code-switched speech recognition systems. We hypothesize that it may be useful for an ASR system to be able to first detect the switching style of a particular utterance from acoustics, and then use specialized language models or other adaptation techniques for decoding the speech. In this paper, we look at the first problem of detecting code-switching style from acoustics. We classify code-switched Spanish-English and Hindi-English corpora using two metrics and show that features extracted from acoustics alone can distinguish between different kinds of code-switching in these language pairs.
Bilingual speakers often freely mix languages. However, in such bilingual conversations, are the language choices of the speakers coordinated? How much does one speaker’s choice of language affect other speakers? In this paper, we formulate code-choice as a linguistic style, and show that speakers are indeed sensitive to and accommodating of each other’s code-choice. We find that the saliency or markedness of a language in context directly affects the degree of accommodation observed. More importantly, we discover that accommodation of code-choices persists over several conversational turns. We also propose an alternative interpretation of conversational accommodation as a retrieval problem, and show that the differences in accommodation characteristics of code-choices are based on their markedness in context.
Code-switching (CS), the practice of alternating between two or more languages in conversations, is pervasive in most multi-lingual communities. CS texts have a complex interplay between languages and occur in informal contexts that make them harder to collect and construct NLP tools for. We approach this problem through Language Modeling (LM) on a new Hindi-English mixed corpus containing 59,189 unique sentences collected from blogging websites. We implement and discuss different Language Models derived from a multi-layered LSTM architecture. We hypothesize that encoding language information strengthens a language model by helping to learn code-switching points. We show that our highest performing model achieves a test perplexity of 19.52 on the CS corpus that we collected and processed. On this data we demonstrate that our performance is an improvement over AWD-LSTM LM (a recent state of the art on monolingual English).
This paper describes our system submission to the CALCS 2018 shared task on named entity recognition on code-switched data for the language variant pair of Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialectal Arabic. We build a a Deep Neural Network that combines word and character-based representations in convolutional and recurrent networks with a CRF layer. The model is augmented with stacked layers of enriched information such pre-trained embeddings, Brown clusters and named entity gazetteers. Our system is ranked second among those participating in the shared task achieving an FB1 average of 70.09%.
In this work, we address the problem of Named Entity Recognition (NER) in code-switched tweets as a part of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-switching (CALCS) at ACL’18. Code-switching is the phenomenon where a speaker switches between two languages or variants of the same language within or across utterances, known as intra-sentential or inter-sentential code-switching, respectively. Processing such data is challenging using state of the art methods since such technology is generally geared towards processing monolingual text. In this paper we explored ways to use language identification and translation to recognize named entities in such data, however, utilizing simple features (sans multi-lingual features) with Conditional Random Field (CRF) classifier achieved the best results. Our experiments were mainly aimed at the (ENG-SPA) English-Spanish dataset but we submitted a language-independent version of our system to the (MSA-EGY) Arabic-Egyptian dataset as well and achieved good results.
We propose an LSTM-based model with hierarchical architecture on named entity recognition from code-switching Twitter data. Our model uses bilingual character representation and transfer learning to address out-of-vocabulary words. In order to mitigate data noise, we propose to use token replacement and normalization. In the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-Switching Shared Task, we achieved second place with 62.76% harmonic mean F1-score for English-Spanish language pair without using any gazetteer and knowledge-based information.
Named Entity Recognition is an important information extraction task that identifies proper names in unstructured texts and classifies them into some pre-defined categories. Identification of named entities in code-mixed social media texts is a more difficult and challenging task as the contexts are short, ambiguous and often noisy. This work proposes a Conditional Random Fields based named entity recognition system to identify proper names in code-switched data and classify them into nine categories. The system ranked fifth among nine participant systems and achieved a 59.25% F1-score.
This paper describes the system for the Named Entity Recognition Shared Task of the Third Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-Switching (CALCS) submitted by the Bilingual Annotations Tasks (BATs) research group of the University of Texas. Our system uses several features to train a Conditional Random Field (CRF) model for classifying input words as Named Entities (NEs) using the Inside-Outside-Beginning (IOB) tagging scheme. We participated in the Modern Standard Arabic-Egyptian Arabic (MSA-EGY) and English-Spanish (ENG-SPA) tasks, achieving weighted average F-scores of 65.62 and 54.16 respectively. We also describe the performance of a deep neural network (NN) trained on a subset of the CRF features, which did not surpass CRF performance.
Named Entity Recognition plays a major role in several downstream applications in NLP. Though this task has been heavily studied in formal monolingual texts and also noisy texts like Twitter data, it is still an emerging task in code-switched (CS) content on social media. This paper describes our participation in the shared task of NER on code-switched data for Spanglish (Spanish + English) and Arabish (Arabic + English). In this paper we describe models that intuitively developed from the data for the shared task Named Entity Recognition on Code-switched Data. Owing to the sparse and non-linear relationships between words in Twitter data, we explored neural architectures that are capable of non-linearities fairly well. In specific, we trained character level models and word level models based on Bidirectional LSTMs (Bi-LSTMs) to perform sequential tagging. We train multiple models to identify nominal mentions and subsequently use this information to predict the labels of named entity in a sequence. Our best model is a character level model along with word level pre-trained multilingual embeddings that gave an F-score of 56.72 in Spanglish and a word level model that gave an F-score of 65.02 in Arabish on the test data.
This paper describes our system submission for the ACL 2018 shared task on named entity recognition (NER) in code-switched Twitter data. Our best result (F1 = 53.65) was obtained using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) with 14 features combined with rule-based post processing.
In the third shared task of the Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-Switching (CALCS) workshop, we focus on Named Entity Recognition (NER) on code-switched social-media data. We divide the shared task into two competitions based on the English-Spanish (ENG-SPA) and Modern Standard Arabic-Egyptian (MSA-EGY) language pairs. We use Twitter data and 9 entity types to establish a new dataset for code-switched NER benchmarks. In addition to the CS phenomenon, the diversity of the entities and the social media challenges make the task considerably hard to process. As a result, the best scores of the competitions are 63.76% and 71.61% for ENG-SPA and MSA-EGY, respectively. We present the scores of 9 participants and discuss the most common challenges among submissions.
This paper describes the best performing system for the shared task on Named Entity Recognition (NER) on code-switched data for the language pair Spanish-English (ENG-SPA). We introduce a gated neural architecture for the NER task. Our final model achieves an F1 score of 63.76%, outperforming the baseline by 10%.
We describe our work for the CALCS 2018 shared task on named entity recognition on code-switched data. Our system ranked first place for MS Arabic-Egyptian named entity recognition and third place for English-Spanish.
In the last decade, video blogs (vlogs) have become an extremely popular method through which people express sentiment. The ubiquitousness of these videos has increased the importance of multimodal fusion models, which incorporate video and audio features with traditional text features for automatic sentiment detection. Multimodal fusion offers a unique opportunity to build models that learn from the full depth of expression available to human viewers. In the detection of sentiment in these videos, acoustic and video features provide clarity to otherwise ambiguous transcripts. In this paper, we present a multimodal fusion model that exclusively uses high-level video and audio features to analyze spoken sentences for sentiment. We discard traditional transcription features in order to minimize human intervention and to maximize the deployability of our model on at-scale real-world data. We select high-level features for our model that have been successful in non-affect domains in order to test their generalizability in the sentiment detection domain. We train and test our model on the newly released CMU Multimodal Opinion Sentiment and Emotion Intensity (CMU-MOSEI) dataset, obtaining an F1 score of 0.8049 on the validation set and an F1 score of 0.6325 on the held-out challenge test set.
We present our system description of input-level multimodal fusion of audio, video, and text for recognition of emotions and their intensities for the 2018 First Grand Challenge on Computational Modeling of Human Multimodal Language. Our proposed approach is based on input-level feature fusion with sequence learning from Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (BLSTM) deep neural networks (DNNs). We show that our fusion approach outperforms unimodal predictors. Our system performs 6-way simultaneous classification and regression, allowing for overlapping emotion labels in a video segment. This leads to an overall binary accuracy of 90%, overall 4-class accuracy of 89.2% and an overall mean-absolute-error (MAE) of 0.12. Our work shows that an early fusion technique can effectively predict the presence of multi-label emotions as well as their coarse-grained intensities. The presented multimodal approach creates a simple and robust baseline on this new Grand Challenge dataset. Furthermore, we provide a detailed analysis of emotion intensity distributions as output from our DNN, as well as a related discussion concerning the inherent difficulty of this task.
Understanding Affect from video segments has brought researchers from the language, audio and video domains together. Most of the current multimodal research in this area deals with various techniques to fuse the modalities, and mostly treat the segments of a video independently. Motivated by the work of (Zadeh et al., 2017) and (Poria et al., 2017), we present our architecture, Relational Tensor Network, where we use the inter-modal interactions within a segment (intra-segment) and also consider the sequence of segments in a video to model the inter-segment inter-modal interactions. We also generate rich representations of text and audio modalities by leveraging richer audio and linguistic context alongwith fusing fine-grained knowledge based polarity scores from text. We present the results of our model on CMU-MOSEI dataset and show that our model outperforms many baselines and state of the art methods for sentiment classification and emotion recognition.
Emotion recognition has become a popular topic of interest, especially in the field of human computer interaction. Previous works involve unimodal analysis of emotion, while recent efforts focus on multimodal emotion recognition from vision and speech. In this paper, we propose a new method of learning about the hidden representations between just speech and text data using convolutional attention networks. Compared to the shallow model which employs simple concatenation of feature vectors, the proposed attention model performs much better in classifying emotion from speech and text data contained in the CMU-MOSEI dataset.
Multimodal sentiment classification in practical applications may have to rely on erroneous and imperfect views, namely (a) language transcription from a speech recognizer and (b) under-performing acoustic views. This work focuses on improving the representations of these views by performing a deep canonical correlation analysis with the representations of the better performing manual transcription view. Enhanced representations of the imperfect views can be obtained even in absence of the perfect views and give an improved performance during test conditions. Evaluations on the CMU-MOSI and CMU-MOSEI datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Current multimodal sentiment analysis frames sentiment score prediction as a general Machine Learning task. However, what the sentiment score actually represents has often been overlooked. As a measurement of opinions and affective states, a sentiment score generally consists of two aspects: polarity and intensity. We decompose sentiment scores into these two aspects and study how they are conveyed through individual modalities and combined multimodal models in a naturalistic monologue setting. In particular, we build unimodal and multimodal multi-task learning models with sentiment score prediction as the main task and polarity and/or intensity classification as the auxiliary tasks. Our experiments show that sentiment analysis benefits from multi-task learning, and individual modalities differ when conveying the polarity and intensity aspects of sentiment.
During the last decade, the applications of signal processing have drastically improved with deep learning. However areas of affecting computing such as emotional speech synthesis or emotion recognition from spoken language remains challenging. In this paper, we investigate the use of a neural Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) as a feature extractor for emotion recognition. We show that these features outperform the eGeMAPS feature set to predict the valence and arousal emotional dimensions, which means that the audio-to-text mapping learned by the ASR system contains information related to the emotional dimensions in spontaneous speech. We also examine the relationship between first layers (closer to speech) and last layers (closer to text) of the ASR and valence/arousal.
Multimodal machine learning is a core research area spanning the language, visual and acoustic modalities. The central challenge in multimodal learning involves learning representations that can process and relate information from multiple modalities. In this paper, we propose two methods for unsupervised learning of joint multimodal representations using sequence to sequence (Seq2Seq) methods: a Seq2Seq Modality Translation Model and a Hierarchical Seq2Seq Modality Translation Model. We also explore multiple different variations on the multimodal inputs and outputs of these seq2seq models. Our experiments on multimodal sentiment analysis using the CMU-MOSI dataset indicate that our methods learn informative multimodal representations that outperform the baselines and achieve improved performance on multimodal sentiment analysis, specifically in the Bimodal case where our model is able to improve F1 Score by twelve points. We also discuss future directions for multimodal Seq2Seq methods.
We present our work on sentiment prediction using the benchmark MOSI dataset from the CMU-MultimodalDataSDK. Previous work on multimodal sentiment analysis have been focused on input-level feature fusion or decision-level fusion for multimodal fusion. Here, we propose an intermediate-level feature fusion, which merges weights from each modality (audio, video, and text) during training with subsequent additional training. Moreover, we tested principle component analysis (PCA) for feature selection. We found that applying PCA increases unimodal performance, and multimodal fusion outperforms unimodal models. Our experiments show that our proposed intermediate-level feature fusion outperforms other fusion techniques, and it achieves the best performance with an overall binary accuracy of 74.0% on video+text modalities. Our work also improves feature selection for unimodal sentiment analysis, while proposing a novel and effective multimodal fusion architecture for this task.
Neural part-of-speech (POS) taggers are known to not perform well with little training data. As a step towards overcoming this problem, we present an architecture for learning more robust neural POS taggers by jointly training a hierarchical, recurrent model and a recurrent character-based sequence-to-sequence network supervised using an auxiliary objective. This way, we introduce stronger character-level supervision into the model, which enables better generalization to unseen words and provides regularization, making our encoding less prone to overfitting. We experiment with three auxiliary tasks: lemmatization, character-based word autoencoding, and character-based random string autoencoding. Experiments with minimal amounts of labeled data on 34 languages show that our new architecture outperforms a single-task baseline and, surprisingly, that, on average, raw text autoencoding can be as beneficial for low-resource POS tagging as using lemma information. Our neural POS tagger closes the gap to a state-of-the-art POS tagger (MarMoT) for low-resource scenarios by 43%, even outperforming it on languages with templatic morphology, e.g., Arabic, Hebrew, and Turkish, by some margin.
Manually labeled corpora are expensive to create and often not available for low-resource languages or domains. Automatic labeling approaches are an alternative way to obtain labeled data in a quicker and cheaper way. However, these labels often contain more errors which can deteriorate a classifier’s performance when trained on this data. We propose a noise layer that is added to a neural network architecture. This allows modeling the noise and train on a combination of clean and noisy data. We show that in a low-resource NER task we can improve performance by up to 35% by using additional, noisy data and handling the noise.
Historical text normalization suffers from small datasets that exhibit high variance, and previous work has shown that multi-task learning can be used to leverage data from related problems in order to obtain more robust models. Previous work has been limited to datasets from a specific language and a specific historical period, and it is not clear whether results generalize. It therefore remains an open problem, when historical text normalization benefits from multi-task learning. We explore the benefits of multi-task learning across 10 different datasets, representing different languages and periods. Our main finding—contrary to what has been observed for other NLP tasks—is that multi-task learning mainly works when target task data is very scarce.
Icon-based communication systems are widely used in the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Typically, icon-based systems have lagged behind word- and character-based systems in terms of predictive typing functionality, due to the challenges inherent to training icon-based language models. We propose a method for synthesizing training data for use in icon-based language models, and explore two different modeling strategies. We propose a method to generate language models for corpus-less symbol-set.
In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of training a multimodal neural machine translation (MNMT) system with image features for a low-resource language pair, Hindi and English, using synthetic data. A three-way parallel corpus which contains bilingual texts and corresponding images is required to train a MNMT system with image features. However, such a corpus is not available for low resource language pairs. To address this, we developed both a synthetic training dataset and a manually curated development/test dataset for Hindi based on an existing English-image parallel corpus. We used these datasets to build our image description translation system by adopting state-of-the-art MNMT models. Our results show that it is possible to train a MNMT system for low-resource language pairs through the use of synthetic data and that such a system can benefit from image features.
Most Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) approaches are supervised methods which require a significant amount of annotated corpus, and the annotation requires linguistic expertise. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Task Active Learning framework for Semantic Role Labeling with Entity Recognition (ER) as the auxiliary task to alleviate the need for extensive data and use additional information from ER to help SRL. We evaluate our approach on Indonesian conversational dataset. Our experiments show that multi-task active learning can outperform single-task active learning method and standard multi-task learning. According to our results, active learning is more efficient by using 12% less of training data compared to passive learning in both single-task and multi-task setting. We also introduce a new dataset for SRL in Indonesian conversational domain to encourage further research in this area.
Generic word embeddings are trained on large-scale generic corpora; Domain Specific (DS) word embeddings are trained only on data from a domain of interest. This paper proposes a method to combine the breadth of generic embeddings with the specificity of domain specific embeddings. The resulting embeddings, called Domain Adapted (DA) word embeddings, are formed by first aligning corresponding word vectors using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) or the related nonlinear Kernel CCA (KCCA) and then combining them via convex optimization. Results from evaluation on sentiment classification tasks show that the DA embeddings substantially outperform both generic, DS embeddings when used as input features to standard or state-of-the-art sentence encoding algorithms for classification.
Fine-tuning is a popular method to achieve better performance when only a small target corpus is available. However, it requires tuning of a number of metaparameters and thus it might carry risk of adverse effect when inappropriate metaparameters are used. Therefore, we investigate effective parameters for fine-tuning when only a small target corpus is available. In the current study, we target at improving Japanese word embeddings created from a huge corpus. First, we demonstrate that even the word embeddings created from the huge corpus are affected by domain shift. After that, we investigate effective parameters for fine-tuning of the word embeddings using a small target corpus. We used perplexity of a language model obtained from a Long Short-Term Memory network to assess the word embeddings input into the network. The experiments revealed that fine-tuning sometimes give adverse effect when only a small target corpus is used and batch size is the most important parameter for fine-tuning. In addition, we confirmed that effect of fine-tuning is higher when size of a target corpus was larger.
The lack of high-quality labeled training data has been one of the critical challenges facing many industrial machine learning tasks. To tackle this challenge, in this paper, we propose a semi-supervised learning method to utilize unlabeled data and user feedback signals to improve the performance of ML models. The method employs a primary model Main and an auxiliary evaluation model Eval, where Main and Eval models are trained iteratively by automatically generating labeled data from unlabeled data and/or users’ feedback signals. The proposed approach is applied to different text classification tasks. We report results on both the publicly available Yahoo! Answers dataset and our e-commerce product classification dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the classification error rate by 4% and up to 15% across various experimental setups and datasets. A detailed comparison with other semi-supervised learning approaches is also presented later in the paper. The results from various text classification tasks demonstrate that our method outperforms those developed in previous related studies.
Various common deep learning architectures, such as LSTMs, GRUs, Resnets and Highway Networks, employ state passthrough connections that support training with high feed-forward depth or recurrence over many time steps. These “Passthrough Networks” architectures also enable the decoupling of the network state size from the number of parameters of the network, a possibility has been studied by Sak et al. (2014) with their low-rank parametrization of the LSTM. In this work we extend this line of research, proposing effective, low-rank and low-rank plus diagonal matrix parametrizations for Passthrough Networks which exploit this decoupling property, reducing the data complexity and memory requirements of the network while preserving its memory capacity. This is particularly beneficial in low-resource settings as it supports expressive models with a compact parametrization less susceptible to overfitting. We present competitive experimental results on several tasks, including language modeling and a near state of the art result on sequential randomly-permuted MNIST classification, a hard task on natural data.
We report results from the SR’18 Shared Task, a new multilingual surface realisation task organised as part of the ACL’18 Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation. As in its English-only predecessor task SR’11, the shared task comprised two tracks with different levels of complexity: (a) a shallow track where the inputs were full UD structures with word order information removed and tokens lemmatised; and (b) a deep track where additionally, functional words and morphological information were removed. The shallow track was offered in ten, and the deep track in three languages. Systems were evaluated (a) automatically, using a range of intrinsic metrics, and (b) by human judges in terms of readability and meaning similarity. This report presents the evaluation results, along with descriptions of the SR’18 tracks, data and evaluation methods. For full descriptions of the participating systems, please see the separate system reports elsewhere in this volume.
Surface Realization Shared Task 2018 is a workshop on generating sentences from lemmatized sets of dependency triples. This paper describes the results of our participation in the challenge. We develop a data-driven pipeline system which first orders the lemmas and then conjugates the words to finish the surface realization process. Our contribution is a novel sequential method of ordering lemmas, which, despite its simplicity, achieves promising results. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, describe its limitations and outline ways to improve it.
This paper describes our submission system for the Shallow Track of Surface Realization Shared Task 2018 (SRST’18). The task was to convert genuine UD structures, from which word order information had been removed and the tokens had been lemmatized, into their correct sentential form. We divide the problem statement into two parts, word reinflection and correct word order prediction. For the first sub-problem, we use a Long Short Term Memory based Encoder-Decoder approach. For the second sub-problem, we present a Language Model (LM) based approach. We apply two different sub-approaches in the LM Based approach and the combined result of these two approaches is considered as the final output of the system.
This study describes the approach developed by the Tilburg University team to the shallow task of the Multilingual Surface Realization Shared Task 2018 (SR18). Based on (Castro Ferreira et al., 2017), the approach works by first preprocessing an input dependency tree into an ordered linearized string, which is then realized using a statistical machine translation model. Our approach shows promising results, with BLEU scores above 50 for 5 different languages (English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) and above 35 for the Dutch language.
Surface realization is a nontrivial task as it involves taking structured data and producing grammatically and semantically correct utterances. Many competing grammar-based and statistical models for realization still struggle with relatively simple sentences. For our submission to the 2018 Surface Realization Shared Task, we tackle the shallow task by first generating inflected wordforms with a neural sequence-to-sequence model before incrementally linearizing them. For linearization, we use a global linear model trained using early update that makes use of features that take into account the dependency structure and dependency locality. Using this pipeline sufficed to produce surprisingly strong results in the shared task. In future work, we intend to pursue joint approaches to linearization and morphological inflection and incorporating a neural language model into the linearization choices.
This work presents state of the art results in reconstruction of surface realizations from obfuscated text. We identify the lack of sufficient training data as the major obstacle to training high-performing models, and solve this issue by generating large amounts of synthetic training data. We also propose preprocessing techniques which make the structure contained in the input features more accessible to sequence models. Our models were ranked first on all evaluation metrics in the English portion of the 2018 Surface Realization shared task.
In this paper we describe our system and experimental results on the development set of the Surface Realisation Shared Task. Our system is an entry for the Shallow-Task, with two different models based on deep-learning implementations for building the sentence combined with a rule-based morphology component.
This paper describes the submission by the NILC Computational Linguistics research group of the University of São Paulo/Brazil to the Track 1 of the Surface Realization Shared Task (SRST Track 1). We present a neural-based method that works at the syntactic level to order the words (which we refer by NILC-SWORNEMO, standing for “Syntax-based Word ORdering using NEural MOdels”). Additionally, we apply a bottom-up approach to build the sentence and, using language-specific lexicons, we produce the proper word form of each lemma in the sentence. The results obtained by our method outperformed the average of the results for English, Portuguese and Spanish in the track.
This paper describes the system developed by the DipInfo-UniTo team to participate to the shallow track of the Surface Realization Shared Task 2018. The system employs two separate neural networks with different architectures to predict the word ordering and the morphological inflection independently from each other. The UniTO realizer is language independent, and its simple architecture allowed it to be scored in the central part of the final ranking of the shared task.
We introduce Probabilistic FastText, a new model for word embeddings that can capture multiple word senses, sub-word structure, and uncertainty information. In particular, we represent each word with a Gaussian mixture density, where the mean of a mixture component is given by the sum of n-grams. This representation allows the model to share the “strength” across sub-word structures (e.g. Latin roots), producing accurate representations of rare, misspelt, or even unseen words. Moreover, each component of the mixture can capture a different word sense. Probabilistic FastText outperforms both FastText, which has no probabilistic model, and dictionary-level probabilistic embeddings, which do not incorporate subword structures, on several word-similarity benchmarks, including English RareWord and foreign language datasets. We also achieve state-of-art performance on benchmarks that measure ability to discern different meanings. Thus, our model is the first to achieve best of both the worlds: multi-sense representations while having enriched semantics on rare words.
Motivations like domain adaptation, transfer learning, and feature learning have fueled interest in inducing embeddings for rare or unseen words, n-grams, synsets, and other textual features. This paper introduces a la carte embedding, a simple and general alternative to the usual word2vec-based approaches for building such representations that is based upon recent theoretical results for GloVe-like embeddings. Our method relies mainly on a linear transformation that is efficiently learnable using pretrained word vectors and linear regression. This transform is applicable on the fly in the future when a new text feature or rare word is encountered, even if only a single usage example is available. We introduce a new dataset showing how the a la carte method requires fewer examples of words in context to learn high-quality embeddings and we obtain state-of-the-art results on a nonce task and some unsupervised document classification tasks.
Word embedding models such as GloVe rely on co-occurrence statistics to learn vector representations of word meaning. While we may similarly expect that co-occurrence statistics can be used to capture rich information about the relationships between different words, existing approaches for modeling such relationships are based on manipulating pre-trained word vectors. In this paper, we introduce a novel method which directly learns relation vectors from co-occurrence statistics. To this end, we first introduce a variant of GloVe, in which there is an explicit connection between word vectors and PMI weighted co-occurrence vectors. We then show how relation vectors can be naturally embedded into the resulting vector space.
Semantic specialization of distributional word vectors, referred to as retrofitting, is a process of fine-tuning word vectors using external lexical knowledge in order to better embed some semantic relation. Existing retrofitting models integrate linguistic constraints directly into learning objectives and, consequently, specialize only the vectors of words from the constraints. In this work, in contrast, we transform external lexico-semantic relations into training examples which we use to learn an explicit retrofitting model (ER). The ER model allows us to learn a global specialization function and specialize the vectors of words unobserved in the training data as well. We report large gains over original distributional vector spaces in (1) intrinsic word similarity evaluation and on (2) two downstream tasks − lexical simplification and dialog state tracking. Finally, we also successfully specialize vector spaces of new languages (i.e., unseen in the training data) by coupling ER with shared multilingual distributional vector spaces.
Unsupervised neural machine translation (NMT) is a recently proposed approach for machine translation which aims to train the model without using any labeled data. The models proposed for unsupervised NMT often use only one shared encoder to map the pairs of sentences from different languages to a shared-latent space, which is weak in keeping the unique and internal characteristics of each language, such as the style, terminology, and sentence structure. To address this issue, we introduce an extension by utilizing two independent encoders but sharing some partial weights which are responsible for extracting high-level representations of the input sentences. Besides, two different generative adversarial networks (GANs), namely the local GAN and global GAN, are proposed to enhance the cross-language translation. With this new approach, we achieve significant improvements on English-German, English-French and Chinese-to-English translation tasks.
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) performs poor on the low-resource language pair (X,Z), especially when Z is a rare language. By introducing another rich language Y, we propose a novel triangular training architecture (TA-NMT) to leverage bilingual data (Y,Z) (may be small) and (X,Y) (can be rich) to improve the translation performance of low-resource pairs. In this triangular architecture, Z is taken as the intermediate latent variable, and translation models of Z are jointly optimized with an unified bidirectional EM algorithm under the goal of maximizing the translation likelihood of (X,Y). Empirical results demonstrate that our method significantly improves the translation quality of rare languages on MultiUN and IWSLT2012 datasets, and achieves even better performance combining back-translation methods.
Subword units are an effective way to alleviate the open vocabulary problems in neural machine translation (NMT). While sentences are usually converted into unique subword sequences, subword segmentation is potentially ambiguous and multiple segmentations are possible even with the same vocabulary. The question addressed in this paper is whether it is possible to harness the segmentation ambiguity as a noise to improve the robustness of NMT. We present a simple regularization method, subword regularization, which trains the model with multiple subword segmentations probabilistically sampled during training. In addition, for better subword sampling, we propose a new subword segmentation algorithm based on a unigram language model. We experiment with multiple corpora and report consistent improvements especially on low resource and out-of-domain settings.
The past year has witnessed rapid advances in sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) modeling for Machine Translation (MT). The classic RNN-based approaches to MT were first out-performed by the convolutional seq2seq model, which was then out-performed by the more recent Transformer model. Each of these new approaches consists of a fundamental architecture accompanied by a set of modeling and training techniques that are in principle applicable to other seq2seq architectures. In this paper, we tease apart the new architectures and their accompanying techniques in two ways. First, we identify several key modeling and training techniques, and apply them to the RNN architecture, yielding a new RNMT+ model that outperforms all of the three fundamental architectures on the benchmark WMT’14 English to French and English to German tasks. Second, we analyze the properties of each fundamental seq2seq architecture and devise new hybrid architectures intended to combine their strengths. Our hybrid models obtain further improvements, outperforming the RNMT+ model on both benchmark datasets.
We introduce a new entity typing task: given a sentence with an entity mention, the goal is to predict a set of free-form phrases (e.g. skyscraper, songwriter, or criminal) that describe appropriate types for the target entity. This formulation allows us to use a new type of distant supervision at large scale: head words, which indicate the type of the noun phrases they appear in. We show that these ultra-fine types can be crowd-sourced, and introduce new evaluation sets that are much more diverse and fine-grained than existing benchmarks. We present a model that can predict ultra-fine types, and is trained using a multitask objective that pools our new head-word supervision with prior supervision from entity linking. Experimental results demonstrate that our model is effective in predicting entity types at varying granularity; it achieves state of the art performance on an existing fine-grained entity typing benchmark, and sets baselines for our newly-introduced datasets.
Extraction from raw text to a knowledge base of entities and fine-grained types is often cast as prediction into a flat set of entity and type labels, neglecting the rich hierarchies over types and entities contained in curated ontologies. Previous attempts to incorporate hierarchical structure have yielded little benefit and are restricted to shallow ontologies. This paper presents new methods using real and complex bilinear mappings for integrating hierarchical information, yielding substantial improvement over flat predictions in entity linking and fine-grained entity typing, and achieving new state-of-the-art results for end-to-end models on the benchmark FIGER dataset. We also present two new human-annotated datasets containing wide and deep hierarchies which we will release to the community to encourage further research in this direction: MedMentions, a collection of PubMed abstracts in which 246k mentions have been mapped to the massive UMLS ontology; and TypeNet, which aligns Freebase types with the WordNet hierarchy to obtain nearly 2k entity types. In experiments on all three datasets we show substantial gains from hierarchy-aware training.
Embedding knowledge graphs (KGs) into continuous vector spaces is a focus of current research. Early works performed this task via simple models developed over KG triples. Recent attempts focused on either designing more complicated triple scoring models, or incorporating extra information beyond triples. This paper, by contrast, investigates the potential of using very simple constraints to improve KG embedding. We examine non-negativity constraints on entity representations and approximate entailment constraints on relation representations. The former help to learn compact and interpretable representations for entities. The latter further encode regularities of logical entailment between relations into their distributed representations. These constraints impose prior beliefs upon the structure of the embedding space, without negative impacts on efficiency or scalability. Evaluation on WordNet, Freebase, and DBpedia shows that our approach is simple yet surprisingly effective, significantly and consistently outperforming competitive baselines. The constraints imposed indeed improve model interpretability, leading to a substantially increased structuring of the embedding space. Code and data are available at
Knowledge Graph (KG) embedding has emerged as a very active area of research over the last few years, resulting in the development of several embedding methods. These KG embedding methods represent KG entities and relations as vectors in a high-dimensional space. Despite this popularity and effectiveness of KG embeddings in various tasks (e.g., link prediction), geometric understanding of such embeddings (i.e., arrangement of entity and relation vectors in vector space) is unexplored – we fill this gap in the paper. We initiate a study to analyze the geometry of KG embeddings and correlate it with task performance and other hyperparameters. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind. Through extensive experiments on real-world datasets, we discover several insights. For example, we find that there are sharp differences between the geometry of embeddings learnt by different classes of KG embeddings methods. We hope that this initial study will inspire other follow-up research on this important but unexplored problem.
We propose a unified model combining the strength of extractive and abstractive summarization. On the one hand, a simple extractive model can obtain sentence-level attention with high ROUGE scores but less readable. On the other hand, a more complicated abstractive model can obtain word-level dynamic attention to generate a more readable paragraph. In our model, sentence-level attention is used to modulate the word-level attention such that words in less attended sentences are less likely to be generated. Moreover, a novel inconsistency loss function is introduced to penalize the inconsistency between two levels of attentions. By end-to-end training our model with the inconsistency loss and original losses of extractive and abstractive models, we achieve state-of-the-art ROUGE scores while being the most informative and readable summarization on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset in a solid human evaluation.
We present a new neural sequence-to-sequence model for extractive summarization called SWAP-NET (Sentences and Words from Alternating Pointer Networks). Extractive summaries comprising a salient subset of input sentences, often also contain important key words. Guided by this principle, we design SWAP-NET that models the interaction of key words and salient sentences using a new two-level pointer network based architecture. SWAP-NET identifies both salient sentences and key words in an input document, and then combines them to form the extractive summary. Experiments on large scale benchmark corpora demonstrate the efficacy of SWAP-NET that outperforms state-of-the-art extractive summarizers.
Most previous seq2seq summarization systems purely depend on the source text to generate summaries, which tends to work unstably. Inspired by the traditional template-based summarization approaches, this paper proposes to use existing summaries as soft templates to guide the seq2seq model. To this end, we use a popular IR platform to Retrieve proper summaries as candidate templates. Then, we extend the seq2seq framework to jointly conduct template Reranking and template-aware summary generation (Rewriting). Experiments show that, in terms of informativeness, our model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, and even soft templates themselves demonstrate high competitiveness. In addition, the import of high-quality external summaries improves the stability and readability of generated summaries.
Sentence splitting is a major simplification operator. Here we present a simple and efficient splitting algorithm based on an automatic semantic parser. After splitting, the text is amenable for further fine-tuned simplification operations. In particular, we show that neural Machine Translation can be effectively used in this situation. Previous application of Machine Translation for simplification suffers from a considerable disadvantage in that they are over-conservative, often failing to modify the source in any way. Splitting based on semantic parsing, as proposed here, alleviates this issue. Extensive automatic and human evaluation shows that the proposed method compares favorably to the state-of-the-art in combined lexical and structural simplification.
Words play a central role in language and thought. Factor analysis studies have shown that the primary dimensions of meaning are valence, arousal, and dominance (VAD). We present the NRC VAD Lexicon, which has human ratings of valence, arousal, and dominance for more than 20,000 English words. We use Best–Worst Scaling to obtain fine-grained scores and address issues of annotation consistency that plague traditional rating scale methods of annotation. We show that the ratings obtained are vastly more reliable than those in existing lexicons. We also show that there exist statistically significant differences in the shared understanding of valence, arousal, and dominance across demographic variables such as age, gender, and personality.
Semantic relations are often signaled with prepositional or possessive marking—but extreme polysemy bedevils their analysis and automatic interpretation. We introduce a new annotation scheme, corpus, and task for the disambiguation of prepositions and possessives in English. Unlike previous approaches, our annotations are comprehensive with respect to types and tokens of these markers; use broadly applicable supersense classes rather than fine-grained dictionary definitions; unite prepositions and possessives under the same class inventory; and distinguish between a marker’s lexical contribution and the role it marks in the context of a predicate or scene. Strong interannotator agreement rates, as well as encouraging disambiguation results with established supervised methods, speak to the viability of the scheme and task.
We present a corpus of 5,000 richly annotated abstracts of medical articles describing clinical randomized controlled trials. Annotations include demarcations of text spans that describe the Patient population enrolled, the Interventions studied and to what they were Compared, and the Outcomes measured (the ‘PICO’ elements). These spans are further annotated at a more granular level, e.g., individual interventions within them are marked and mapped onto a structured medical vocabulary. We acquired annotations from a diverse set of workers with varying levels of expertise and cost. We describe our data collection process and the corpus itself in detail. We then outline a set of challenging NLP tasks that would aid searching of the medical literature and the practice of evidence-based medicine.
We describe a novel method for efficiently eliciting scalar annotations for dataset construction and system quality estimation by human judgments. We contrast direct assessment (annotators assign scores to items directly), online pairwise ranking aggregation (scores derive from annotator comparison of items), and a hybrid approach (EASL: Efficient Annotation of Scalar Labels) proposed here. Our proposal leads to increased correlation with ground truth, at far greater annotator efficiency, suggesting this strategy as an improved mechanism for dataset creation and manual system evaluation.
High quality arguments are essential elements for human reasoning and decision-making processes. However, effective argument construction is a challenging task for both human and machines. In this work, we study a novel task on automatically generating arguments of a different stance for a given statement. We propose an encoder-decoder style neural network-based argument generation model enriched with externally retrieved evidence from Wikipedia. Our model first generates a set of talking point phrases as intermediate representation, followed by a separate decoder producing the final argument based on both input and the keyphrases. Experiments on a large-scale dataset collected from Reddit show that our model constructs arguments with more topic-relevant content than popular sequence-to-sequence generation models according to automatic evaluation and human assessments.
We report on a comparative style analysis of hyperpartisan (extremely one-sided) news and fake news. A corpus of 1,627 articles from 9 political publishers, three each from the mainstream, the hyperpartisan left, and the hyperpartisan right, have been fact-checked by professional journalists at BuzzFeed: 97% of the 299 fake news articles identified are also hyperpartisan. We show how a style analysis can distinguish hyperpartisan news from the mainstream (F1 = 0.78), and satire from both (F1 = 0.81). But stylometry is no silver bullet as style-based fake news detection does not work (F1 = 0.46). We further reveal that left-wing and right-wing news share significantly more stylistic similarities than either does with the mainstream. This result is robust: it has been confirmed by three different modeling approaches, one of which employs Unmasking in a novel way. Applications of our results include partisanship detection and pre-screening for semi-automatic fake news detection.
Given any argument on any controversial topic, how to counter it? This question implies the challenging retrieval task of finding the best counterargument. Since prior knowledge of a topic cannot be expected in general, we hypothesize the best counterargument to invoke the same aspects as the argument while having the opposite stance. To operationalize our hypothesis, we simultaneously model the similarity and dissimilarity of pairs of arguments, based on the words and embeddings of the arguments’ premises and conclusions. A salient property of our model is its independence from the topic at hand, i.e., it applies to arbitrary arguments. We evaluate different model variations on millions of argument pairs derived from the web portal Systematic ranking experiments suggest that our hypothesis is true for many arguments: For 7.6 candidates with opposing stance on average, we rank the best counterargument highest with 60% accuracy. Even among all 2801 test set pairs as candidates, we still find the best one about every third time.
Knowledge graphs have emerged as an important model for studying complex multi-relational data. This has given rise to the construction of numerous large scale but incomplete knowledge graphs encoding information extracted from various resources. An effective and scalable approach to jointly learn over multiple graphs and eventually construct a unified graph is a crucial next step for the success of knowledge-based inference for many downstream applications. To this end, we propose LinkNBed, a deep relational learning framework that learns entity and relationship representations across multiple graphs. We identify entity linkage across graphs as a vital component to achieve our goal. We design a novel objective that leverage entity linkage and build an efficient multi-task training procedure. Experiments on link prediction and entity linkage demonstrate substantial improvements over the state-of-the-art relational learning approaches.
Embedding methods which enforce a partial order or lattice structure over the concept space, such as Order Embeddings (OE), are a natural way to model transitive relational data (e.g. entailment graphs). However, OE learns a deterministic knowledge base, limiting expressiveness of queries and the ability to use uncertainty for both prediction and learning (e.g. learning from expectations). Probabilistic extensions of OE have provided the ability to somewhat calibrate these denotational probabilities while retaining the consistency and inductive bias of ordered models, but lack the ability to model the negative correlations found in real-world knowledge. In this work we show that a broad class of models that assign probability measures to OE can never capture negative correlation, which motivates our construction of a novel box lattice and accompanying probability measure to capture anti-correlation and even disjoint concepts, while still providing the benefits of probabilistic modeling, such as the ability to perform rich joint and conditional queries over arbitrary sets of concepts, and both learning from and predicting calibrated uncertainty. We show improvements over previous approaches in modeling the Flickr and WordNet entailment graphs, and investigate the power of the model.
Many NLP applications can be framed as a graph-to-sequence learning problem. Previous work proposing neural architectures on graph-to-sequence obtained promising results compared to grammar-based approaches but still rely on linearisation heuristics and/or standard recurrent networks to achieve the best performance. In this work propose a new model that encodes the full structural information contained in the graph. Our architecture couples the recently proposed Gated Graph Neural Networks with an input transformation that allows nodes and edges to have their own hidden representations, while tackling the parameter explosion problem present in previous work. Experimental results shows that our model outperforms strong baselines in generation from AMR graphs and syntax-based neural machine translation.
We know very little about how neural language models (LM) use prior linguistic context. In this paper, we investigate the role of context in an LSTM LM, through ablation studies. Specifically, we analyze the increase in perplexity when prior context words are shuffled, replaced, or dropped. On two standard datasets, Penn Treebank and WikiText-2, we find that the model is capable of using about 200 tokens of context on average, but sharply distinguishes nearby context (recent 50 tokens) from the distant history. The model is highly sensitive to the order of words within the most recent sentence, but ignores word order in the long-range context (beyond 50 tokens), suggesting the distant past is modeled only as a rough semantic field or topic. We further find that the neural caching model (Grave et al., 2017b) especially helps the LSTM to copy words from within this distant context. Overall, our analysis not only provides a better understanding of how neural LMs use their context, but also sheds light on recent success from cache-based models.
Recurrent and convolutional neural networks comprise two distinct families of models that have proven to be useful for encoding natural language utterances. In this paper we present SoPa, a new model that aims to bridge these two approaches. SoPa combines neural representation learning with weighted finite-state automata (WFSAs) to learn a soft version of traditional surface patterns. We show that SoPa is an extension of a one-layer CNN, and that such CNNs are equivalent to a restricted version of SoPa, and accordingly, to a restricted form of WFSA. Empirically, on three text classification tasks, SoPa is comparable or better than both a BiLSTM (RNN) baseline and a CNN baseline, and is particularly useful in small data settings.
Humans can efficiently learn new concepts using language. We present a framework through which a set of explanations of a concept can be used to learn a classifier without access to any labeled examples. We use semantic parsing to map explanations to probabilistic assertions grounded in latent class labels and observed attributes of unlabeled data, and leverage the differential semantics of linguistic quantifiers (e.g., ‘usually’ vs ‘always’) to drive model training. Experiments on three domains show that the learned classifiers outperform previous approaches for learning with limited data, and are comparable with fully supervised classifiers trained from a small number of labeled examples.
Bi-directional LSTMs are a powerful tool for text representation. On the other hand, they have been shown to suffer various limitations due to their sequential nature. We investigate an alternative LSTM structure for encoding text, which consists of a parallel state for each word. Recurrent steps are used to perform local and global information exchange between words simultaneously, rather than incremental reading of a sequence of words. Results on various classification and sequence labelling benchmarks show that the proposed model has strong representation power, giving highly competitive performances compared to stacked BiLSTM models with similar parameter numbers.
Inductive transfer learning has greatly impacted computer vision, but existing approaches in NLP still require task-specific modifications and training from scratch. We propose Universal Language Model Fine-tuning (ULMFiT), an effective transfer learning method that can be applied to any task in NLP, and introduce techniques that are key for fine-tuning a language model. Our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art on six text classification tasks, reducing the error by 18-24% on the majority of datasets. Furthermore, with only 100 labeled examples, it matches the performance of training from scratch on 100 times more data. We open-source our pretrained models and code.
The behavior of deep neural networks (DNNs) is hard to understand. This makes it necessary to explore post hoc explanation methods. We conduct the first comprehensive evaluation of explanation methods for NLP. To this end, we design two novel evaluation paradigms that cover two important classes of NLP problems: small context and large context problems. Both paradigms require no manual annotation and are therefore broadly applicable. We also introduce LIMSSE, an explanation method inspired by LIME that is designed for NLP. We show empirically that LIMSSE, LRP and DeepLIFT are the most effective explanation methods and recommend them for explaining DNNs in NLP.
To be informative, an evaluation must measure how well systems generalize to realistic unseen data. We identify limitations of and propose improvements to current evaluations of text-to-SQL systems. First, we compare human-generated and automatically generated questions, characterizing properties of queries necessary for real-world applications. To facilitate evaluation on multiple datasets, we release standardized and improved versions of seven existing datasets and one new text-to-SQL dataset. Second, we show that the current division of data into training and test sets measures robustness to variations in the way questions are asked, but only partially tests how well systems generalize to new queries; therefore, we propose a complementary dataset split for evaluation of future work. Finally, we demonstrate how the common practice of anonymizing variables during evaluation removes an important challenge of the task. Our observations highlight key difficulties, and our methodology enables effective measurement of future development.
We present a generative model to map natural language questions into SQL queries. Existing neural network based approaches typically generate a SQL query word-by-word, however, a large portion of the generated results is incorrect or not executable due to the mismatch between question words and table contents. Our approach addresses this problem by considering the structure of table and the syntax of SQL language. The quality of the generated SQL query is significantly improved through (1) learning to replicate content from column names, cells or SQL keywords; and (2) improving the generation of WHERE clause by leveraging the column-cell relation. Experiments are conducted on WikiSQL, a recently released dataset with the largest question- SQL pairs. Our approach significantly improves the state-of-the-art execution accuracy from 69.0% to 74.4%.
The ability to consolidate information of different types is at the core of intelligence, and has tremendous practical value in allowing learning for one task to benefit from generalizations learned for others. In this paper we tackle the challenging task of improving semantic parsing performance, taking UCCA parsing as a test case, and AMR, SDP and Universal Dependencies (UD) parsing as auxiliary tasks. We experiment on three languages, using a uniform transition-based system and learning architecture for all parsing tasks. Despite notable conceptual, formal and domain differences, we show that multitask learning significantly improves UCCA parsing in both in-domain and out-of-domain settings.
Character-level models have become a popular approach specially for their accessibility and ability to handle unseen data. However, little is known on their ability to reveal the underlying morphological structure of a word, which is a crucial skill for high-level semantic analysis tasks, such as semantic role labeling (SRL). In this work, we train various types of SRL models that use word, character and morphology level information and analyze how performance of characters compare to words and morphology for several languages. We conduct an in-depth error analysis for each morphological typology and analyze the strengths and limitations of character-level models that relate to out-of-domain data, training data size, long range dependencies and model complexity. Our exhaustive analyses shed light on important characteristics of character-level models and their semantic capability.
Abstract meaning representations (AMRs) are broad-coverage sentence-level semantic representations. AMRs represent sentences as rooted labeled directed acyclic graphs. AMR parsing is challenging partly due to the lack of annotated alignments between nodes in the graphs and words in the corresponding sentences. We introduce a neural parser which treats alignments as latent variables within a joint probabilistic model of concepts, relations and alignments. As exact inference requires marginalizing over alignments and is infeasible, we use the variational autoencoding framework and a continuous relaxation of the discrete alignments. We show that joint modeling is preferable to using a pipeline of align and parse. The parser achieves the best reported results on the standard benchmark (74.4% on LDC2016E25).
We demonstrate that an SHRG-based parser can produce semantic graphs much more accurately than previously shown, by relating synchronous production rules to the syntacto-semantic composition process. Our parser achieves an accuracy of 90.35 for EDS (89.51 for DMRS) in terms of elementary dependency match, which is a 4.87 (5.45) point improvement over the best existing data-driven model, indicating, in our view, the importance of linguistically-informed derivation for data-driven semantic parsing. This accuracy is equivalent to that of English Resource Grammar guided models, suggesting that (recurrent) neural network models are able to effectively learn deep linguistic knowledge from annotations.
To solve math word problems, previous statistical approaches attempt at learning a direct mapping from a problem description to its corresponding equation system. However, such mappings do not include the information of a few higher-order operations that cannot be explicitly represented in equations but are required to solve the problem. The gap between natural language and equations makes it difficult for a learned model to generalize from limited data. In this work we present an intermediate meaning representation scheme that tries to reduce this gap. We use a sequence-to-sequence model with a novel attention regularization term to generate the intermediate forms, then execute them to obtain the final answers. Since the intermediate forms are latent, we propose an iterative labeling framework for learning by leveraging supervision signals from both equations and answers. Our experiments show using intermediate forms outperforms directly predicting equations.
We introduce an open-domain neural semantic parser which generates formal meaning representations in the style of Discourse Representation Theory (DRT; Kamp and Reyle 1993). We propose a method which transforms Discourse Representation Structures (DRSs) to trees and develop a structure-aware model which decomposes the decoding process into three stages: basic DRS structure prediction, condition prediction (i.e., predicates and relations), and referent prediction (i.e., variables). Experimental results on the Groningen Meaning Bank (GMB) show that our model outperforms competitive baselines by a wide margin.
Many deep learning architectures have been proposed to model the compositionality in text sequences, requiring substantial number of parameters and expensive computations. However, there has not been a rigorous evaluation regarding the added value of sophisticated compositional functions. In this paper, we conduct a point-by-point comparative study between Simple Word-Embedding-based Models (SWEMs), consisting of parameter-free pooling operations, relative to word-embedding-based RNN/CNN models. Surprisingly, SWEMs exhibit comparable or even superior performance in the majority of cases considered. Based upon this understanding, we propose two additional pooling strategies over learned word embeddings: (i) a max-pooling operation for improved interpretability; and (ii) a hierarchical pooling operation, which preserves spatial (n-gram) information within text sequences. We present experiments on 17 datasets encompassing three tasks: (i) (long) document classification; (ii) text sequence matching; and (iii) short text tasks, including classification and tagging.
We describe ParaNMT-50M, a dataset of more than 50 million English-English sentential paraphrase pairs. We generated the pairs automatically by using neural machine translation to translate the non-English side of a large parallel corpus, following Wieting et al. (2017). Our hope is that ParaNMT-50M can be a valuable resource for paraphrase generation and can provide a rich source of semantic knowledge to improve downstream natural language understanding tasks. To show its utility, we use ParaNMT-50M to train paraphrastic sentence embeddings that outperform all supervised systems on every SemEval semantic textual similarity competition, in addition to showing how it can be used for paraphrase generation.
We investigate a new commonsense inference task: given an event described in a short free-form text (“X drinks coffee in the morning”), a system reasons about the likely intents (“X wants to stay awake”) and reactions (“X feels alert”) of the event’s participants. To support this study, we construct a new crowdsourced corpus of 25,000 event phrases covering a diverse range of everyday events and situations. We report baseline performance on this task, demonstrating that neural encoder-decoder models can successfully compose embedding representations of previously unseen events and reason about the likely intents and reactions of the event participants. In addition, we demonstrate how commonsense inference on people’s intents and reactions can help unveil the implicit gender inequality prevalent in modern movie scripts.
Japanese predicate-argument structure (PAS) analysis involves zero anaphora resolution, which is notoriously difficult. To improve the performance of Japanese PAS analysis, it is straightforward to increase the size of corpora annotated with PAS. However, since it is prohibitively expensive, it is promising to take advantage of a large amount of raw corpora. In this paper, we propose a novel Japanese PAS analysis model based on semi-supervised adversarial training with a raw corpus. In our experiments, our model outperforms existing state-of-the-art models for Japanese PAS analysis.
This paper proposes a novel approach for event coreference resolution that models correlations between event coreference chains and document topical structures through an Integer Linear Programming formulation. We explicitly model correlations between the main event chains of a document with topic transition sentences, inter-coreference chain correlations, event mention distributional characteristics and sub-event structure, and use them with scores obtained from a local coreference relation classifier for jointly resolving multiple event chains in a document. Our experiments across KBP 2016 and 2017 datasets suggest that each of the structures contribute to improving event coreference resolution performance.
Distant supervision can effectively label data for relation extraction, but suffers from the noise labeling problem. Recent works mainly perform soft bag-level noise reduction strategies to find the relatively better samples in a sentence bag, which is suboptimal compared with making a hard decision of false positive samples in sentence level. In this paper, we introduce an adversarial learning framework, which we named DSGAN, to learn a sentence-level true-positive generator. Inspired by Generative Adversarial Networks, we regard the positive samples generated by the generator as the negative samples to train the discriminator. The optimal generator is obtained until the discrimination ability of the discriminator has the greatest decline. We adopt the generator to filter distant supervision training dataset and redistribute the false positive instances into the negative set, in which way to provide a cleaned dataset for relation classification. The experimental results show that the proposed strategy significantly improves the performance of distant supervision relation extraction comparing to state-of-the-art systems.
The relational facts in sentences are often complicated. Different relational triplets may have overlaps in a sentence. We divided the sentences into three types according to triplet overlap degree, including Normal, EntityPairOverlap and SingleEntiyOverlap. Existing methods mainly focus on Normal class and fail to extract relational triplets precisely. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end model based on sequence-to-sequence learning with copy mechanism, which can jointly extract relational facts from sentences of any of these classes. We adopt two different strategies in decoding process: employing only one united decoder or applying multiple separated decoders. We test our models in two public datasets and our model outperform the baseline method significantly.
Due to the ability of encoding and mapping semantic information into a high-dimensional latent feature space, neural networks have been successfully used for detecting events to a certain extent. However, such a feature space can be easily contaminated by spurious features inherent in event detection. In this paper, we propose a self-regulated learning approach by utilizing a generative adversarial network to generate spurious features. On the basis, we employ a recurrent network to eliminate the fakes. Detailed experiments on the ACE 2005 and TAC-KBP 2015 corpora show that our proposed method is highly effective and adaptable.
We propose a context-aware neural network model for temporal information extraction. This model has a uniform architecture for event-event, event-timex and timex-timex pairs. A Global Context Layer (GCL), inspired by Neural Turing Machine (NTM), stores processed temporal relations in narrative order, and retrieves them for use when relevant entities come in. Relations are then classified in context. The GCL model has long-term memory and attention mechanisms to resolve irregular long-distance dependencies that regular RNNs such as LSTM cannot recognize. It does not require any new input features, while outperforming the existing models in literature. To our knowledge it is also the first model to use NTM-like architecture to process the information from global context in discourse-scale natural text processing. We are going to release the source code in the future.
Inspired by the double temporality characteristic of narrative texts, we propose a novel approach for acquiring rich temporal “before/after” event knowledge across sentences in narrative stories. The double temporality states that a narrative story often describes a sequence of events following the chronological order and therefore, the temporal order of events matches with their textual order. We explored narratology principles and built a weakly supervised approach that identifies 287k narrative paragraphs from three large corpora. We then extracted rich temporal event knowledge from these narrative paragraphs. Such event knowledge is shown useful to improve temporal relation classification and outperforms several recent neural network models on the narrative cloze task.
In this paper, we propose a new strategy, called Text Deconvolution Saliency (TDS), to visualize linguistic information detected by a CNN for text classification. We extend Deconvolution Networks to text in order to present a new perspective on text analysis to the linguistic community. We empirically demonstrated the efficiency of our Text Deconvolution Saliency on corpora from three different languages: English, French, and Latin. For every tested dataset, our Text Deconvolution Saliency automatically encodes complex linguistic patterns based on co-occurrences and possibly on grammatical and syntax analysis.
We propose a novel coherence model for written asynchronous conversations (e.g., forums, emails), and show its applications in coherence assessment and thread reconstruction tasks. We conduct our research in two steps. First, we propose improvements to the recently proposed neural entity grid model by lexicalizing its entity transitions. Then, we extend the model to asynchronous conversations by incorporating the underlying conversational structure in the entity grid representation and feature computation. Our model achieves state of the art results on standard coherence assessment tasks in monologue and conversations outperforming existing models. We also demonstrate its effectiveness in reconstructing thread structures.
Recent neural network models for Chinese zero pronoun resolution gain great performance by capturing semantic information for zero pronouns and candidate antecedents, but tend to be short-sighted, operating solely by making local decisions. They typically predict coreference links between the zero pronoun and one single candidate antecedent at a time while ignoring their influence on future decisions. Ideally, modeling useful information of preceding potential antecedents is crucial for classifying later zero pronoun-candidate antecedent pairs, a need which leads traditional models of zero pronoun resolution to draw on reinforcement learning. In this paper, we show how to integrate these goals, applying deep reinforcement learning to deal with the task. With the help of the reinforcement learning agent, our system learns the policy of selecting antecedents in a sequential manner, where useful information provided by earlier predicted antecedents could be utilized for making later coreference decisions. Experimental results on OntoNotes 5.0 show that our approach substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art methods under three experimental settings.
Predicate argument structure analysis is a task of identifying structured events. To improve this field, we need to identify a salient entity, which cannot be identified without performing coreference resolution and predicate argument structure analysis simultaneously. This paper presents an entity-centric joint model for Japanese coreference resolution and predicate argument structure analysis. Each entity is assigned an embedding, and when the result of both analyses refers to an entity, the entity embedding is updated. The analyses take the entity embedding into consideration to access the global information of entities. Our experimental results demonstrate the proposed method can improve the performance of the inter-sentential zero anaphora resolution drastically, which is a notoriously difficult task in predicate argument structure analysis.
This paper reports on two strategies that have been implemented for improving the efficiency and precision of wide-coverage Minimalist Grammar (MG) parsing. The first extends the formalism presented in Torr and Stabler (2016) with a mechanism for enforcing fine-grained selectional restrictions and agreements. The second is a method for factoring computationally costly null heads out from bottom-up MG parsing; this has the additional benefit of rendering the formalism fully compatible for the first time with highly efficient Markovian supertaggers. These techniques aided in the task of generating MGbank, the first wide-coverage corpus of Minimalist Grammar derivation trees.
Linguistic alignment between dialogue partners has been claimed to be affected by their relative social power. A common finding has been that interlocutors of higher power tend to receive more alignment than those of lower power. However, these studies overlook some low-level linguistic features that can also affect alignment, which casts doubts on these findings. This work characterizes the effect of power on alignment with logistic regression models in two datasets, finding that the effect vanishes or is reversed after controlling for low-level features such as utterance length. Thus, linguistic alignment is explained better by low-level features than by social power. We argue that a wider range of factors, especially cognitive factors, need to be taken into account for future studies on observational data when social factors of language use are in question.
The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is growing rapidly, with new research published daily along with an abundance of tutorials, codebases and other online resources. In order to learn this dynamic field or stay up-to-date on the latest research, students as well as educators and researchers must constantly sift through multiple sources to find valuable, relevant information. To address this situation, we introduce TutorialBank, a new, publicly available dataset which aims to facilitate NLP education and research. We have manually collected and categorized over 5,600 resources on NLP as well as the related fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Information Retrieval (IR). Our dataset is notably the largest manually-picked corpus of resources intended for NLP education which does not include only academic papers. Additionally, we have created both a search engine and a command-line tool for the resources and have annotated the corpus to include lists of research topics, relevant resources for each topic, prerequisite relations among topics, relevant sub-parts of individual resources, among other annotations. We are releasing the dataset and present several avenues for further research.
While argument persuasiveness is one of the most important dimensions of argumentative essay quality, it is relatively little studied in automated essay scoring research. Progress on scoring argument persuasiveness is hindered in part by the scarcity of annotated corpora. We present the first corpus of essays that are simultaneously annotated with argument components, argument persuasiveness scores, and attributes of argument components that impact an argument’s persuasiveness. This corpus could trigger the development of novel computational models concerning argument persuasiveness that provide useful feedback to students on why their arguments are (un)persuasive in addition to how persuasive they are.
The prevalent use of too few references for evaluating text-to-text generation is known to bias estimates of their quality (henceforth, low coverage bias or LCB). This paper shows that overcoming LCB in Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) evaluation cannot be attained by re-scaling or by increasing the number of references in any feasible range, contrary to previous suggestions. This is due to the long-tailed distribution of valid corrections for a sentence. Concretely, we show that LCB incentivizes GEC systems to avoid correcting even when they can generate a valid correction. Consequently, existing systems obtain comparable or superior performance compared to humans, by making few but targeted changes to the input. Similar effects on Text Simplification further support our claims.
For evaluating generation systems, automatic metrics such as BLEU cost nothing to run but have been shown to correlate poorly with human judgment, leading to systematic bias against certain model improvements. On the other hand, averaging human judgments, the unbiased gold standard, is often too expensive. In this paper, we use control variates to combine automatic metrics with human evaluation to obtain an unbiased estimator with lower cost than human evaluation alone. In practice, however, we obtain only a 7-13% cost reduction on evaluating summarization and open-response question answering systems. We then prove that our estimator is optimal: there is no unbiased estimator with lower cost. Our theory further highlights the two fundamental bottlenecks—the automatic metric and the prompt shown to human evaluators—both of which need to be improved to obtain greater cost savings.
Sentence scoring and sentence selection are two main steps in extractive document summarization systems. However, previous works treat them as two separated subtasks. In this paper, we present a novel end-to-end neural network framework for extractive document summarization by jointly learning to score and select sentences. It first reads the document sentences with a hierarchical encoder to obtain the representation of sentences. Then it builds the output summary by extracting sentences one by one. Different from previous methods, our approach integrates the selection strategy into the scoring model, which directly predicts the relative importance given previously selected sentences. Experiments on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset show that the proposed framework significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art extractive summarization models.
We introduce a novel graph-based framework for abstractive meeting speech summarization that is fully unsupervised and does not rely on any annotations. Our work combines the strengths of multiple recent approaches while addressing their weaknesses. Moreover, we leverage recent advances in word embeddings and graph degeneracy applied to NLP to take exterior semantic knowledge into account, and to design custom diversity and informativeness measures. Experiments on the AMI and ICSI corpus show that our system improves on the state-of-the-art. Code and data are publicly available, and our system can be interactively tested.
Inspired by how humans summarize long documents, we propose an accurate and fast summarization model that first selects salient sentences and then rewrites them abstractively (i.e., compresses and paraphrases) to generate a concise overall summary. We use a novel sentence-level policy gradient method to bridge the non-differentiable computation between these two neural networks in a hierarchical way, while maintaining language fluency. Empirically, we achieve the new state-of-the-art on all metrics (including human evaluation) on the CNN/Daily Mail dataset, as well as significantly higher abstractiveness scores. Moreover, by first operating at the sentence-level and then the word-level, we enable parallel decoding of our neural generative model that results in substantially faster (10-20x) inference speed as well as 4x faster training convergence than previous long-paragraph encoder-decoder models. We also demonstrate the generalization of our model on the test-only DUC-2002 dataset, where we achieve higher scores than a state-of-the-art model.
An accurate abstractive summary of a document should contain all its salient information and should be logically entailed by the input document. We improve these important aspects of abstractive summarization via multi-task learning with the auxiliary tasks of question generation and entailment generation, where the former teaches the summarization model how to look for salient questioning-worthy details, and the latter teaches the model how to rewrite a summary which is a directed-logical subset of the input document. We also propose novel multi-task architectures with high-level (semantic) layer-specific sharing across multiple encoder and decoder layers of the three tasks, as well as soft-sharing mechanisms (and show performance ablations and analysis examples of each contribution). Overall, we achieve statistically significant improvements over the state-of-the-art on both the CNN/DailyMail and Gigaword datasets, as well as on the DUC-2002 transfer setup. We also present several quantitative and qualitative analysis studies of our model’s learned saliency and entailment skills.
As the amount of free-form user-generated reviews in e-commerce websites continues to increase, there is an increasing need for automatic mechanisms that sift through the vast amounts of user reviews and identify quality content. Review helpfulness modeling is a task which studies the mechanisms that affect review helpfulness and attempts to accurately predict it. This paper provides an overview of the most relevant work in helpfulness prediction and understanding in the past decade, discusses the insights gained from said work, and provides guidelines for future research.
Cross-cultural differences and similarities are common in cross-lingual natural language understanding, especially for research in social media. For instance, people of distinct cultures often hold different opinions on a single named entity. Also, understanding slang terms across languages requires knowledge of cross-cultural similarities. In this paper, we study the problem of computing such cross-cultural differences and similarities. We present a lightweight yet effective approach, and evaluate it on two novel tasks: 1) mining cross-cultural differences of named entities and 2) finding similar terms for slang across languages. Experimental results show that our framework substantially outperforms a number of baseline methods on both tasks. The framework could be useful for machine translation applications and research in computational social science.
Previous works in computer science, as well as political and social science, have shown correlation in text between political ideologies and the moral foundations expressed within that text. Additional work has shown that policy frames, which are used by politicians to bias the public towards their stance on an issue, are also correlated with political ideology. Based on these associations, this work takes a first step towards modeling both the language and how politicians frame issues on Twitter, in order to predict the moral foundations that are used by politicians to express their stances on issues. The contributions of this work includes a dataset annotated for the moral foundations, annotation guidelines, and probabilistic graphical models which show the usefulness of jointly modeling abstract political slogans, as opposed to the unigrams of previous works, with policy frames for the prediction of the morality underlying political tweets.
Semantic parsing aims at mapping natural language utterances into structured meaning representations. In this work, we propose a structure-aware neural architecture which decomposes the semantic parsing process into two stages. Given an input utterance, we first generate a rough sketch of its meaning, where low-level information (such as variable names and arguments) is glossed over. Then, we fill in missing details by taking into account the natural language input and the sketch itself. Experimental results on four datasets characteristic of different domains and meaning representations show that our approach consistently improves performance, achieving competitive results despite the use of relatively simple decoders.
In this work we focus on confidence modeling for neural semantic parsers which are built upon sequence-to-sequence models. We outline three major causes of uncertainty, and design various metrics to quantify these factors. These metrics are then used to estimate confidence scores that indicate whether model predictions are likely to be correct. Beyond confidence estimation, we identify which parts of the input contribute to uncertain predictions allowing users to interpret their model, and verify or refine its input. Experimental results show that our confidence model significantly outperforms a widely used method that relies on posterior probability, and improves the quality of interpretation compared to simply relying on attention scores.
Semantic parsing is the task of transducing natural language (NL) utterances into formal meaning representations (MRs), commonly represented as tree structures. Annotating NL utterances with their corresponding MRs is expensive and time-consuming, and thus the limited availability of labeled data often becomes the bottleneck of data-driven, supervised models. We introduce StructVAE, a variational auto-encoding model for semi-supervised semantic parsing, which learns both from limited amounts of parallel data, and readily-available unlabeled NL utterances. StructVAE models latent MRs not observed in the unlabeled data as tree-structured latent variables. Experiments on semantic parsing on the ATIS domain and Python code generation show that with extra unlabeled data, StructVAE outperforms strong supervised models.
This paper proposes a neural semantic parsing approach – Sequence-to-Action, which models semantic parsing as an end-to-end semantic graph generation process. Our method simultaneously leverages the advantages from two recent promising directions of semantic parsing. Firstly, our model uses a semantic graph to represent the meaning of a sentence, which has a tight-coupling with knowledge bases. Secondly, by leveraging the powerful representation learning and prediction ability of neural network models, we propose a RNN model which can effectively map sentences to action sequences for semantic graph generation. Experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on Overnight dataset and gets competitive performance on Geo and Atis datasets.
Unsupervised machine translation - i.e., not assuming any cross-lingual supervision signal, whether a dictionary, translations, or comparable corpora - seems impossible, but nevertheless, Lample et al. (2017) recently proposed a fully unsupervised machine translation (MT) model. The model relies heavily on an adversarial, unsupervised cross-lingual word embedding technique for bilingual dictionary induction (Conneau et al., 2017), which we examine here. Our results identify the limitations of current unsupervised MT: unsupervised bilingual dictionary induction performs much worse on morphologically rich languages that are not dependent marking, when monolingual corpora from different domains or different embedding algorithms are used. We show that a simple trick, exploiting a weak supervision signal from identical words, enables more robust induction and establish a near-perfect correlation between unsupervised bilingual dictionary induction performance and a previously unexplored graph similarity metric.
Recent work has managed to learn cross-lingual word embeddings without parallel data by mapping monolingual embeddings to a shared space through adversarial training. However, their evaluation has focused on favorable conditions, using comparable corpora or closely-related languages, and we show that they often fail in more realistic scenarios. This work proposes an alternative approach based on a fully unsupervised initialization that explicitly exploits the structural similarity of the embeddings, and a robust self-learning algorithm that iteratively improves this solution. Our method succeeds in all tested scenarios and obtains the best published results in standard datasets, even surpassing previous supervised systems. Our implementation is released as an open source project at
We propose a multi-lingual multi-task architecture to develop supervised models with a minimal amount of labeled data for sequence labeling. In this new architecture, we combine various transfer models using two layers of parameter sharing. On the first layer, we construct the basis of the architecture to provide universal word representation and feature extraction capability for all models. On the second level, we adopt different parameter sharing strategies for different transfer schemes. This architecture proves to be particularly effective for low-resource settings, when there are less than 200 training sentences for the target task. Using Name Tagging as a target task, our approach achieved 4.3%-50.5% absolute F-score gains compared to the mono-lingual single-task baseline model.
Bilingual tasks, such as bilingual lexicon induction and cross-lingual classification, are crucial for overcoming data sparsity in the target language. Resources required for such tasks are often out-of-domain, thus domain adaptation is an important problem here. We make two contributions. First, we test a delightfully simple method for domain adaptation of bilingual word embeddings. We evaluate these embeddings on two bilingual tasks involving different domains: cross-lingual twitter sentiment classification and medical bilingual lexicon induction. Second, we tailor a broadly applicable semi-supervised classification method from computer vision to these tasks. We show that this method also helps in low-resource setups. Using both methods together we achieve large improvements over our baselines, by using only additional unlabeled data.
We introduce a neural reading comprehension model that integrates external commonsense knowledge, encoded as a key-value memory, in a cloze-style setting. Instead of relying only on document-to-question interaction or discrete features as in prior work, our model attends to relevant external knowledge and combines this knowledge with the context representation before inferring the answer. This allows the model to attract and imply knowledge from an external knowledge source that is not explicitly stated in the text, but that is relevant for inferring the answer. Our model improves results over a very strong baseline on a hard Common Nouns dataset, making it a strong competitor of much more complex models. By including knowledge explicitly, our model can also provide evidence about the background knowledge used in the RC process.
Question Answering (QA), as a research field, has primarily focused on either knowledge bases (KBs) or free text as a source of knowledge. These two sources have historically shaped the kinds of questions that are asked over these sources, and the methods developed to answer them. In this work, we look towards a practical use-case of QA over user-instructed knowledge that uniquely combines elements of both structured QA over knowledge bases, and unstructured QA over narrative, introducing the task of multi-relational QA over personal narrative. As a first step towards this goal, we make three key contributions: (i) we generate and release TextWorldsQA, a set of five diverse datasets, where each dataset contains dynamic narrative that describes entities and relations in a simulated world, paired with variably compositional questions over that knowledge, (ii) we perform a thorough evaluation and analysis of several state-of-the-art QA models and their variants at this task, and (iii) we release a lightweight Python-based framework we call TextWorlds for easily generating arbitrary additional worlds and narrative, with the goal of allowing the community to create and share a growing collection of diverse worlds as a test-bed for this task.
We introduce a method of adapting neural paragraph-level question answering models to the case where entire documents are given as input. Most current question answering models cannot scale to document or multi-document input, and naively applying these models to each paragraph independently often results in them being distracted by irrelevant text. We show that it is possible to significantly improve performance by using a modified training scheme that teaches the model to ignore non-answer containing paragraphs. Our method involves sampling multiple paragraphs from each document, and using an objective function that requires the model to produce globally correct output. We additionally identify and improve upon a number of other design decisions that arise when working with document-level data. Experiments on TriviaQA and SQuAD shows our method advances the state of the art, including a 10 point gain on TriviaQA.
Complex machine learning models for NLP are often brittle, making different predictions for input instances that are extremely similar semantically. To automatically detect this behavior for individual instances, we present semantically equivalent adversaries (SEAs) – semantic-preserving perturbations that induce changes in the model’s predictions. We generalize these adversaries into semantically equivalent adversarial rules (SEARs) – simple, universal replacement rules that induce adversaries on many instances. We demonstrate the usefulness and flexibility of SEAs and SEARs by detecting bugs in black-box state-of-the-art models for three domains: machine comprehension, visual question-answering, and sentiment analysis. Via user studies, we demonstrate that we generate high-quality local adversaries for more instances than humans, and that SEARs induce four times as many mistakes as the bugs discovered by human experts. SEARs are also actionable: retraining models using data augmentation significantly reduces bugs, while maintaining accuracy.
Style transfer is the task of rephrasing the text to contain specific stylistic properties without changing the intent or affect within the context. This paper introduces a new method for automatic style transfer. We first learn a latent representation of the input sentence which is grounded in a language translation model in order to better preserve the meaning of the sentence while reducing stylistic properties. Then adversarial generation techniques are used to make the output match the desired style. We evaluate this technique on three different style transformations: sentiment, gender and political slant. Compared to two state-of-the-art style transfer modeling techniques we show improvements both in automatic evaluation of style transfer and in manual evaluation of meaning preservation and fluency.
While large-scale knowledge graphs provide vast amounts of structured facts about entities, a short textual description can often be useful to succinctly characterize an entity and its type. Unfortunately, many knowledge graphs entities lack such textual descriptions. In this paper, we introduce a dynamic memory-based network that generates a short open vocabulary description of an entity by jointly leveraging induced fact embeddings as well as the dynamic context of the generated sequence of words. We demonstrate the ability of our architecture to discern relevant information for more accurate generation of type description by pitting the system against several strong baselines.
We explore story generation: creative systems that can build coherent and fluent passages of text about a topic. We collect a large dataset of 300K human-written stories paired with writing prompts from an online forum. Our dataset enables hierarchical story generation, where the model first generates a premise, and then transforms it into a passage of text. We gain further improvements with a novel form of model fusion that improves the relevance of the story to the prompt, and adding a new gated multi-scale self-attention mechanism to model long-range context. Experiments show large improvements over strong baselines on both automated and human evaluations. Human judges prefer stories generated by our approach to those from a strong non-hierarchical model by a factor of two to one.
Though impressive results have been achieved in visual captioning, the task of generating abstract stories from photo streams is still a little-tapped problem. Different from captions, stories have more expressive language styles and contain many imaginary concepts that do not appear in the images. Thus it poses challenges to behavioral cloning algorithms. Furthermore, due to the limitations of automatic metrics on evaluating story quality, reinforcement learning methods with hand-crafted rewards also face difficulties in gaining an overall performance boost. Therefore, we propose an Adversarial REward Learning (AREL) framework to learn an implicit reward function from human demonstrations, and then optimize policy search with the learned reward function. Though automatic evaluation indicates slight performance boost over state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods in cloning expert behaviors, human evaluation shows that our approach achieves significant improvement in generating more human-like stories than SOTA systems.
We present a deep neural network that leverages images to improve bilingual text embeddings. Relying on bilingual image tags and descriptions, our approach conditions text embedding induction on the shared visual information for both languages, producing highly correlated bilingual embeddings. In particular, we propose a novel model based on Partial Canonical Correlation Analysis (PCCA). While the original PCCA finds linear projections of two views in order to maximize their canonical correlation conditioned on a shared third variable, we introduce a non-linear Deep PCCA (DPCCA) model, and develop a new stochastic iterative algorithm for its optimization. We evaluate PCCA and DPCCA on multilingual word similarity and cross-lingual image description retrieval. Our models outperform a large variety of previous methods, despite not having access to any visual signal during test time inference.
We introduce Picturebook, a large-scale lookup operation to ground language via ‘snapshots’ of our physical world accessed through image search. For each word in a vocabulary, we extract the top-k images from Google image search and feed the images through a convolutional network to extract a word embedding. We introduce a multimodal gating function to fuse our Picturebook embeddings with other word representations. We also introduce Inverse Picturebook, a mechanism to map a Picturebook embedding back into words. We experiment and report results across a wide range of tasks: word similarity, natural language inference, semantic relatedness, sentiment/topic classification, image-sentence ranking and machine translation. We also show that gate activations corresponding to Picturebook embeddings are highly correlated to human judgments of concreteness ratings.
Despite recent advances in knowledge representation, automated reasoning, and machine learning, artificial agents still lack the ability to understand basic action-effect relations regarding the physical world, for example, the action of cutting a cucumber most likely leads to the state where the cucumber is broken apart into smaller pieces. If artificial agents (e.g., robots) ever become our partners in joint tasks, it is critical to empower them with such action-effect understanding so that they can reason about the state of the world and plan for actions. Towards this goal, this paper introduces a new task on naive physical action-effect prediction, which addresses the relations between concrete actions (expressed in the form of verb-noun pairs) and their effects on the state of the physical world as depicted by images. We collected a dataset for this task and developed an approach that harnesses web image data through distant supervision to facilitate learning for action-effect prediction. Our empirical results have shown that web data can be used to complement a small number of seed examples (e.g., three examples for each action) for model learning. This opens up possibilities for agents to learn physical action-effect relations for tasks at hand through communication with humans with a few examples.
Target-oriented sentiment classification aims at classifying sentiment polarities over individual opinion targets in a sentence. RNN with attention seems a good fit for the characteristics of this task, and indeed it achieves the state-of-the-art performance. After re-examining the drawbacks of attention mechanism and the obstacles that block CNN to perform well in this classification task, we propose a new model that achieves new state-of-the-art results on a few benchmarks. Instead of attention, our model employs a CNN layer to extract salient features from the transformed word representations originated from a bi-directional RNN layer. Between the two layers, we propose a component which first generates target-specific representations of words in the sentence, and then incorporates a mechanism for preserving the original contextual information from the RNN layer.
Aspect sentiment classification (ASC) is a fundamental task in sentiment analysis. Given an aspect/target and a sentence, the task classifies the sentiment polarity expressed on the target in the sentence. Memory networks (MNs) have been used for this task recently and have achieved state-of-the-art results. In MNs, attention mechanism plays a crucial role in detecting the sentiment context for the given target. However, we found an important problem with the current MNs in performing the ASC task. Simply improving the attention mechanism will not solve it. The problem is referred to as target-sensitive sentiment, which means that the sentiment polarity of the (detected) context is dependent on the given target and it cannot be inferred from the context alone. To tackle this problem, we propose the target-sensitive memory networks (TMNs). Several alternative techniques are designed for the implementation of TMNs and their effectiveness is experimentally evaluated.
Getting manually labeled data in each domain is always an expensive and a time consuming task. Cross-domain sentiment analysis has emerged as a demanding concept where a labeled source domain facilitates a sentiment classifier for an unlabeled target domain. However, polarity orientation (positive or negative) and the significance of a word to express an opinion often differ from one domain to another domain. Owing to these differences, cross-domain sentiment classification is still a challenging task. In this paper, we propose that words that do not change their polarity and significance represent the transferable (usable) information across domains for cross-domain sentiment classification. We present a novel approach based on χ2 test and cosine-similarity between context vector of words to identify polarity preserving significant words across domains. Furthermore, we show that a weighted ensemble of the classifiers enhances the cross-domain classification performance.
The goal of sentiment-to-sentiment “translation” is to change the underlying sentiment of a sentence while keeping its content. The main challenge is the lack of parallel data. To solve this problem, we propose a cycled reinforcement learning method that enables training on unpaired data by collaboration between a neutralization module and an emotionalization module. We evaluate our approach on two review datasets, Yelp and Amazon. Experimental results show that our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art systems. Especially, the proposed method substantially improves the content preservation performance. The BLEU score is improved from 1.64 to 22.46 and from 0.56 to 14.06 on the two datasets, respectively.
Natural Language Inference (NLI), also known as Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE), is one of the most important problems in natural language processing. It requires to infer the logical relationship between two given sentences. While current approaches mostly focus on the interaction architectures of the sentences, in this paper, we propose to transfer knowledge from some important discourse markers to augment the quality of the NLI model. We observe that people usually use some discourse markers such as “so” or “but” to represent the logical relationship between two sentences. These words potentially have deep connections with the meanings of the sentences, thus can be utilized to help improve the representations of them. Moreover, we use reinforcement learning to optimize a new objective function with a reward defined by the property of the NLI datasets to make full use of the labels information. Experiments show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on several large-scale datasets.
During the last years, there has been a lot of interest in achieving some kind of complex reasoning using deep neural networks. To do that, models like Memory Networks (MemNNs) have combined external memory storages and attention mechanisms. These architectures, however, lack of more complex reasoning mechanisms that could allow, for instance, relational reasoning. Relation Networks (RNs), on the other hand, have shown outstanding results in relational reasoning tasks. Unfortunately, their computational cost grows quadratically with the number of memories, something prohibitive for larger problems. To solve these issues, we introduce the Working Memory Network, a MemNN architecture with a novel working memory storage and reasoning module. Our model retains the relational reasoning abilities of the RN while reducing its computational complexity from quadratic to linear. We tested our model on the text QA dataset bAbI and the visual QA dataset NLVR. In the jointly trained bAbI-10k, we set a new state-of-the-art, achieving a mean error of less than 0.5%. Moreover, a simple ensemble of two of our models solves all 20 tasks in the joint version of the benchmark.
Sarcasm is a sophisticated speech act which commonly manifests on social communities such as Twitter and Reddit. The prevalence of sarcasm on the social web is highly disruptive to opinion mining systems due to not only its tendency of polarity flipping but also usage of figurative language. Sarcasm commonly manifests with a contrastive theme either between positive-negative sentiments or between literal-figurative scenarios. In this paper, we revisit the notion of modeling contrast in order to reason with sarcasm. More specifically, we propose an attention-based neural model that looks in-between instead of across, enabling it to explicitly model contrast and incongruity. We conduct extensive experiments on six benchmark datasets from Twitter, Reddit and the Internet Argument Corpus. Our proposed model not only achieves state-of-the-art performance on all datasets but also enjoys improved interpretability.
Learning by contrasting positive and negative samples is a general strategy adopted by many methods. Noise contrastive estimation (NCE) for word embeddings and translating embeddings for knowledge graphs are examples in NLP employing this approach. In this work, we view contrastive learning as an abstraction of all such methods and augment the negative sampler into a mixture distribution containing an adversarially learned sampler. The resulting adaptive sampler finds harder negative examples, which forces the main model to learn a better representation of the data. We evaluate our proposal on learning word embeddings, order embeddings and knowledge graph embeddings and observe both faster convergence and improved results on multiple metrics.
This paper focuses on detection tasks in information extraction, where positive instances are sparsely distributed and models are usually evaluated using F-measure on positive classes. These characteristics often result in deficient performance of neural network based detection models. In this paper, we propose adaptive scaling, an algorithm which can handle the positive sparsity problem and directly optimize over F-measure via dynamic cost-sensitive learning. To this end, we borrow the idea of marginal utility from economics and propose a theoretical framework for instance importance measuring without introducing any additional hyper-parameters. Experiments show that our algorithm leads to a more effective and stable training of neural network based detection models.
Novel neural models have been proposed in recent years for learning under domain shift. Most models, however, only evaluate on a single task, on proprietary datasets, or compare to weak baselines, which makes comparison of models difficult. In this paper, we re-evaluate classic general-purpose bootstrapping approaches in the context of neural networks under domain shifts vs. recent neural approaches and propose a novel multi-task tri-training method that reduces the time and space complexity of classic tri-training. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks for part-of-speech tagging and sentiment analysis are negative: while our novel method establishes a new state-of-the-art for sentiment analysis, it does not fare consistently the best. More importantly, we arrive at the somewhat surprising conclusion that classic tri-training, with some additions, outperforms the state-of-the-art for NLP. Hence classic approaches constitute an important and strong baseline.
Most of the neural sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models for grammatical error correction (GEC) have two limitations: (1) a seq2seq model may not be well generalized with only limited error-corrected data; (2) a seq2seq model may fail to completely correct a sentence with multiple errors through normal seq2seq inference. We attempt to address these limitations by proposing a fluency boost learning and inference mechanism. Fluency boosting learning generates fluency-boost sentence pairs during training, enabling the error correction model to learn how to improve a sentence’s fluency from more instances, while fluency boosting inference allows the model to correct a sentence incrementally with multiple inference steps until the sentence’s fluency stops increasing. Experiments show our approaches improve the performance of seq2seq models for GEC, achieving state-of-the-art results on both CoNLL-2014 and JFLEG benchmark datasets.
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) provides a hierarchy of diagnostic codes for classifying diseases. Medical coding – which assigns a subset of ICD codes to a patient visit – is a mandatory process that is crucial for patient care and billing. Manual coding is time-consuming, expensive, and error prone. In this paper, we build a neural architecture for automated coding. It takes the diagnosis descriptions (DDs) of a patient as inputs and selects the most relevant ICD codes. This architecture contains four major ingredients: (1) tree-of-sequences LSTM encoding of code descriptions (CDs), (2) adversarial learning for reconciling the different writing styles of DDs and CDs, (3) isotonic constraints for incorporating the importance order among the assigned codes, and (4) attentional matching for performing many-to-one and one-to-many mappings from DDs to CDs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods on a clinical datasets with 59K patient visits.
The success of deep neural networks (DNNs) is heavily dependent on the availability of labeled data. However, obtaining labeled data is a big challenge in many real-world problems. In such scenarios, a DNN model can leverage labeled and unlabeled data from a related domain, but it has to deal with the shift in data distributions between the source and the target domains. In this paper, we study the problem of classifying social media posts during a crisis event (e.g., Earthquake). For that, we use labeled and unlabeled data from past similar events (e.g., Flood) and unlabeled data for the current event. We propose a novel model that performs adversarial learning based domain adaptation to deal with distribution drifts and graph based semi-supervised learning to leverage unlabeled data within a single unified deep learning framework. Our experiments with two real-world crisis datasets collected from Twitter demonstrate significant improvements over several baselines.
Existing automated essay scoring (AES) models rely on rated essays for the target prompt as training data. Despite their successes in prompt-dependent AES, how to effectively predict essay ratings under a prompt-independent setting remains a challenge, where the rated essays for the target prompt are not available. To close this gap, a two-stage deep neural network (TDNN) is proposed. In particular, in the first stage, using the rated essays for non-target prompts as the training data, a shallow model is learned to select essays with an extreme quality for the target prompt, serving as pseudo training data; in the second stage, an end-to-end hybrid deep model is proposed to learn a prompt-dependent rating model consuming the pseudo training data from the first step. Evaluation of the proposed TDNN on the standard ASAP dataset demonstrates a promising improvement for the prompt-independent AES task.
The encoder-decoder dialog model is one of the most prominent methods used to build dialog systems in complex domains. Yet it is limited because it cannot output interpretable actions as in traditional systems, which hinders humans from understanding its generation process. We present an unsupervised discrete sentence representation learning method that can integrate with any existing encoder-decoder dialog models for interpretable response generation. Building upon variational autoencoders (VAEs), we present two novel models, DI-VAE and DI-VST that improve VAEs and can discover interpretable semantics via either auto encoding or context predicting. Our methods have been validated on real-world dialog datasets to discover semantic representations and enhance encoder-decoder models with interpretable generation.
In conversation, a general response (e.g., “I don’t know”) could correspond to a large variety of input utterances. Previous generative conversational models usually employ a single model to learn the relationship between different utterance-response pairs, thus tend to favor general and trivial responses which appear frequently. To address this problem, we propose a novel controlled response generation mechanism to handle different utterance-response relationships in terms of specificity. Specifically, we introduce an explicit specificity control variable into a sequence-to-sequence model, which interacts with the usage representation of words through a Gaussian Kernel layer, to guide the model to generate responses at different specificity levels. We describe two ways to acquire distant labels for the specificity control variable in learning. Empirical studies show that our model can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art response generation models under both automatic and human evaluations.
Human generates responses relying on semantic and functional dependencies, including coreference relation, among dialogue elements and their context. In this paper, we investigate matching a response with its multi-turn context using dependency information based entirely on attention. Our solution is inspired by the recently proposed Transformer in machine translation (Vaswani et al., 2017) and we extend the attention mechanism in two ways. First, we construct representations of text segments at different granularities solely with stacked self-attention. Second, we try to extract the truly matched segment pairs with attention across the context and response. We jointly introduce those two kinds of attention in one uniform neural network. Experiments on two large-scale multi-turn response selection tasks show that our proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models.
Generating emotional language is a key step towards building empathetic natural language processing agents. However, a major challenge for this line of research is the lack of large-scale labeled training data, and previous studies are limited to only small sets of human annotated sentiment labels. Additionally, explicitly controlling the emotion and sentiment of generated text is also difficult. In this paper, we take a more radical approach: we exploit the idea of leveraging Twitter data that are naturally labeled with emojis. We collect a large corpus of Twitter conversations that include emojis in the response and assume the emojis convey the underlying emotions of the sentence. We investigate several conditional variational autoencoders training on these conversations, which allow us to use emojis to control the emotion of the generated text. Experimentally, we show in our quantitative and qualitative analyses that the proposed models can successfully generate high-quality abstractive conversation responses in accordance with designated emotions.
Taylor’s law describes the fluctuation characteristics underlying a system in which the variance of an event within a time span grows by a power law with respect to the mean. Although Taylor’s law has been applied in many natural and social systems, its application for language has been scarce. This article describes a new way to quantify Taylor’s law in natural language and conducts Taylor analysis of over 1100 texts across 14 languages. We found that the Taylor exponents of natural language written texts exhibit almost the same value. The exponent was also compared for other language-related data, such as the child-directed speech, music, and programming languages. The results show how the Taylor exponent serves to quantify the fundamental structural complexity underlying linguistic time series. The article also shows the applicability of these findings in evaluating language models.
Language variation and change are driven both by individuals’ internal cognitive processes and by the social structures through which language propagates. A wide range of computational frameworks have been proposed to connect these drivers. We compare the strengths and weaknesses of existing approaches and propose a new analytic framework which combines previous network models’ ability to capture realistic social structure with practically and more elegant computational properties. The framework privileges the process of language acquisition and embeds learners in a social network but is modular so that population structure can be combined with different acquisition models. We demonstrate two applications for the framework: a test of practical concerns that arise when modeling acquisition in a population setting and an application of the framework to recent work on phonological mergers in progress.
We show that an epsilon-free, chain-free synchronous context-free grammar (SCFG) can be converted into a weakly equivalent synchronous tree-adjoining grammar (STAG) which is prefix lexicalized. This transformation at most doubles the grammar’s rank and cubes its size, but we show that in practice the size increase is only quadratic. Our results extend Greibach normal form from CFGs to SCFGs and prove new formal properties about SCFG, a formalism with many applications in natural language processing.
In this work, we propose a novel constituency parsing scheme. The model first predicts a real-valued scalar, named syntactic distance, for each split position in the sentence. The topology of grammar tree is then determined by the values of syntactic distances. Compared to traditional shift-reduce parsing schemes, our approach is free from the potentially disastrous compounding error. It is also easier to parallelize and much faster. Our model achieves the state-of-the-art single model F1 score of 92.1 on PTB and 86.4 on CTB dataset, which surpasses the previous single model results by a large margin.
We introduce Latent Vector Grammars (LVeGs), a new framework that extends latent variable grammars such that each nonterminal symbol is associated with a continuous vector space representing the set of (infinitely many) subtypes of the nonterminal. We show that previous models such as latent variable grammars and compositional vector grammars can be interpreted as special cases of LVeGs. We then present Gaussian Mixture LVeGs (GM-LVeGs), a new special case of LVeGs that uses Gaussian mixtures to formulate the weights of production rules over subtypes of nonterminals. A major advantage of using Gaussian mixtures is that the partition function and the expectations of subtype rules can be computed using an extension of the inside-outside algorithm, which enables efficient inference and learning. We apply GM-LVeGs to part-of-speech tagging and constituency parsing and show that GM-LVeGs can achieve competitive accuracies.
We revisit domain adaptation for parsers in the neural era. First we show that recent advances in word representations greatly diminish the need for domain adaptation when the target domain is syntactically similar to the source domain. As evidence, we train a parser on the Wall Street Journal alone that achieves over 90% F1 on the Brown corpus. For more syntactically distant domains, we provide a simple way to adapt a parser using only dozens of partial annotations. For instance, we increase the percentage of error-free geometry-domain parses in a held-out set from 45% to 73% using approximately five dozen training examples. In the process, we demonstrate a new state-of-the-art single model result on the Wall Street Journal test set of 94.3%. This is an absolute increase of 1.7% over the previous state-of-the-art of 92.6%.
Revealing the implicit semantic relation between the constituents of a noun-compound is important for many NLP applications. It has been addressed in the literature either as a classification task to a set of pre-defined relations or by producing free text paraphrases explicating the relations. Most existing paraphrasing methods lack the ability to generalize, and have a hard time interpreting infrequent or new noun-compounds. We propose a neural model that generalizes better by representing paraphrases in a continuous space, generalizing for both unseen noun-compounds and rare paraphrases. Our model helps improving performance on both the noun-compound paraphrasing and classification tasks.
We explore the notion of subjectivity, and hypothesize that word embeddings learnt from input corpora of varying levels of subjectivity behave differently on natural language processing tasks such as classifying a sentence by sentiment, subjectivity, or topic. Through systematic comparative analyses, we establish this to be the case indeed. Moreover, based on the discovery of the outsized role that sentiment words play on subjectivity-sensitive tasks such as sentiment classification, we develop a novel word embedding SentiVec which is infused with sentiment information from a lexical resource, and is shown to outperform baselines on such tasks.
Metaphoric expressions are widespread in natural language, posing a significant challenge for various natural language processing tasks such as Machine Translation. Current word embedding based metaphor identification models cannot identify the exact metaphorical words within a sentence. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised learning method that identifies and interprets metaphors at word-level without any preprocessing, outperforming strong baselines in the metaphor identification task. Our model extends to interpret the identified metaphors, paraphrasing them into their literal counterparts, so that they can be better translated by machines. We evaluated this with two popular translation systems for English to Chinese, showing that our model improved the systems significantly.
Traditional word embedding approaches learn semantic information at word level while ignoring the meaningful internal structures of words like morphemes. Furthermore, existing morphology-based models directly incorporate morphemes to train word embeddings, but still neglect the latent meanings of morphemes. In this paper, we explore to employ the latent meanings of morphological compositions of words to train and enhance word embeddings. Based on this purpose, we propose three Latent Meaning Models (LMMs), named LMM-A, LMM-S and LMM-M respectively, which adopt different strategies to incorporate the latent meanings of morphemes during the training process. Experiments on word similarity, syntactic analogy and text classification are conducted to validate the feasibility of our models. The results demonstrate that our models outperform the baselines on five word similarity datasets. On Wordsim-353 and RG-65 datasets, our models nearly achieve 5% and 7% gains over the classic CBOW model, respectively. For the syntactic analogy and text classification tasks, our models also surpass all the baselines including a morphology-based model.
The process of translation is ambiguous, in that there are typically many valid translations for a given sentence. This gives rise to significant variation in parallel corpora, however, most current models of machine translation do not account for this variation, instead treating the problem as a deterministic process. To this end, we present a deep generative model of machine translation which incorporates a chain of latent variables, in order to account for local lexical and syntactic variation in parallel corpora. We provide an in-depth analysis of the pitfalls encountered in variational inference for training deep generative models. Experiments on several different language pairs demonstrate that the model consistently improves over strong baselines.
Tree-based neural machine translation (NMT) approaches, although achieved impressive performance, suffer from a major drawback: they only use the 1-best parse tree to direct the translation, which potentially introduces translation mistakes due to parsing errors. For statistical machine translation (SMT), forest-based methods have been proven to be effective for solving this problem, while for NMT this kind of approach has not been attempted. This paper proposes a forest-based NMT method that translates a linearized packed forest under a simple sequence-to-sequence framework (i.e., a forest-to-sequence NMT model). The BLEU score of the proposed method is higher than that of the sequence-to-sequence NMT, tree-based NMT, and forest-based SMT systems.
Standard machine translation systems process sentences in isolation and hence ignore extra-sentential information, even though extended context can both prevent mistakes in ambiguous cases and improve translation coherence. We introduce a context-aware neural machine translation model designed in such way that the flow of information from the extended context to the translation model can be controlled and analyzed. We experiment with an English-Russian subtitles dataset, and observe that much of what is captured by our model deals with improving pronoun translation. We measure correspondences between induced attention distributions and coreference relations and observe that the model implicitly captures anaphora. It is consistent with gains for sentences where pronouns need to be gendered in translation. Beside improvements in anaphoric cases, the model also improves in overall BLEU, both over its context-agnostic version (+0.7) and over simple concatenation of the context and source sentences (+0.6).
We present a document-level neural machine translation model which takes both source and target document context into account using memory networks. We model the problem as a structured prediction problem with interdependencies among the observed and hidden variables, i.e., the source sentences and their unobserved target translations in the document. The resulting structured prediction problem is tackled with a neural translation model equipped with two memory components, one each for the source and target side, to capture the documental interdependencies. We train the model end-to-end, and propose an iterative decoding algorithm based on block coordinate descent. Experimental results of English translations from French, German, and Estonian documents show that our model is effective in exploiting both source and target document context, and statistically significantly outperforms the previous work in terms of BLEU and METEOR.
The purpose of text geolocation is to associate geographic information contained in a document with a set (or sets) of coordinates, either implicitly by using linguistic features and/or explicitly by using geographic metadata combined with heuristics. We introduce a geocoder (location mention disambiguator) that achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on three diverse datasets by exploiting the implicit lexical clues. Moreover, we propose a new method for systematic encoding of geographic metadata to generate two distinct views of the same text. To that end, we introduce the Map Vector (MapVec), a sparse representation obtained by plotting prior geographic probabilities, derived from population figures, on a World Map. We then integrate the implicit (language) and explicit (map) features to significantly improve a range of metrics. We also introduce an open-source dataset for geoparsing of news events covering global disease outbreaks and epidemics to help future evaluation in geoparsing.
People go to different places to engage in activities that reflect their goals. For example, people go to restaurants to eat, libraries to study, and churches to pray. We refer to an activity that represents a common reason why people typically go to a location as a prototypical goal activity (goal-act). Our research aims to learn goal-acts for specific locations using a text corpus and semi-supervised learning. First, we extract activities and locations that co-occur in goal-oriented syntactic patterns. Next, we create an activity profile matrix and apply a semi-supervised label propagation algorithm to iteratively revise the activity strengths for different locations using a small set of labeled data. We show that this approach outperforms several baseline methods when judged against goal-acts identified by human annotators.
Acronyms are abbreviations formed from the initial components of words or phrases. In enterprises, people often use acronyms to make communications more efficient. However, acronyms could be difficult to understand for people who are not familiar with the subject matter (new employees, etc.), thereby affecting productivity. To alleviate such troubles, we study how to automatically resolve the true meanings of acronyms in a given context. Acronym disambiguation for enterprises is challenging for several reasons. First, acronyms may be highly ambiguous since an acronym used in the enterprise could have multiple internal and external meanings. Second, there are usually no comprehensive knowledge bases such as Wikipedia available in enterprises. Finally, the system should be generic to work for any enterprise. In this work we propose an end-to-end framework to tackle all these challenges. The framework takes the enterprise corpus as input and produces a high-quality acronym disambiguation system as output. Our disambiguation models are trained via distant supervised learning, without requiring any manually labeled training examples. Therefore, our proposed framework can be deployed to any enterprise to support high-quality acronym disambiguation. Experimental results on real world data justified the effectiveness of our system.
Existing temporal relation (TempRel) annotation schemes often have low inter-annotator agreements (IAA) even between experts, suggesting that the current annotation task needs a better definition. This paper proposes a new multi-axis modeling to better capture the temporal structure of events. In addition, we identify that event end-points are a major source of confusion in annotation, so we also propose to annotate TempRels based on start-points only. A pilot expert annotation effort using the proposed scheme shows significant improvement in IAA from the conventional 60’s to 80’s (Cohen’s Kappa). This better-defined annotation scheme further enables the use of crowdsourcing to alleviate the labor intensity for each annotator. We hope that this work can foster more interesting studies towards event understanding.
In this paper we present the Exemplar Encoder-Decoder network (EED), a novel conversation model that learns to utilize similar examples from training data to generate responses. Similar conversation examples (context-response pairs) from training data are retrieved using a traditional TF-IDF based retrieval model and the corresponding responses are used by our decoder to generate the ground truth response. The contribution of each retrieved response is weighed by the similarity of corresponding context with the input context. As a result, our model learns to assign higher similarity scores to those retrieved contexts whose responses are crucial for generating the final response. We present detailed experiments on two large data sets and we find that our method out-performs state of the art sequence to sequence generative models on several recently proposed evaluation metrics.
The recent advance in deep learning and semantic parsing has significantly improved the translation accuracy of natural language questions to structured queries. However, further improvement of the existing approaches turns out to be quite challenging. Rather than solely relying on algorithmic innovations, in this work, we introduce DialSQL, a dialogue-based structured query generation framework that leverages human intelligence to boost the performance of existing algorithms via user interaction. DialSQL is capable of identifying potential errors in a generated SQL query and asking users for validation via simple multi-choice questions. User feedback is then leveraged to revise the query. We design a generic simulator to bootstrap synthetic training dialogues and evaluate the performance of DialSQL on the WikiSQL dataset. Using SQLNet as a black box query generation tool, DialSQL improves its performance from 61.3% to 69.0% using only 2.4 validation questions per dialogue.
One of the main challenges online social systems face is the prevalence of antisocial behavior, such as harassment and personal attacks. In this work, we introduce the task of predicting from the very start of a conversation whether it will get out of hand. As opposed to detecting undesirable behavior after the fact, this task aims to enable early, actionable prediction at a time when the conversation might still be salvaged. To this end, we develop a framework for capturing pragmatic devices—such as politeness strategies and rhetorical prompts—used to start a conversation, and analyze their relation to its future trajectory. Applying this framework in a controlled setting, we demonstrate the feasibility of detecting early warning signs of antisocial behavior in online discussions.
One of possible ways of obtaining continuous-space sentence representations is by training neural machine translation (NMT) systems. The recent attention mechanism however removes the single point in the neural network from which the source sentence representation can be extracted. We propose several variations of the attentive NMT architecture bringing this meeting point back. Empirical evaluation suggests that the better the translation quality, the worse the learned sentence representations serve in a wide range of classification and similarity tasks.
Metric validation in Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) is currently done by observing the correlation between human and metric-induced rankings. However, such correlation studies are costly, methodologically troublesome, and suffer from low inter-rater agreement. We propose MAEGE, an automatic methodology for GEC metric validation, that overcomes many of the difficulties in the existing methodology. Experiments with MAEGE shed a new light on metric quality, showing for example that the standard M2 metric fares poorly on corpus-level ranking. Moreover, we use MAEGE to perform a detailed analysis of metric behavior, showing that some types of valid edits are consistently penalized by existing metrics.
Statistical significance testing is a standard statistical tool designed to ensure that experimental results are not coincidental. In this opinion/ theoretical paper we discuss the role of statistical significance testing in Natural Language Processing (NLP) research. We establish the fundamental concepts of significance testing and discuss the specific aspects of NLP tasks, experimental setups and evaluation measures that affect the choice of significance tests in NLP research. Based on this discussion we propose a simple practical protocol for statistical significance test selection in NLP setups and accompany this protocol with a brief survey of the most relevant tests. We then survey recent empirical papers published in ACL and TACL during 2017 and show that while our community assigns great value to experimental results, statistical significance testing is often ignored or misused. We conclude with a brief discussion of open issues that should be properly addressed so that this important tool can be applied. in NLP research in a statistically sound manner.
Many natural language processing tasks can be modeled into structured prediction and solved as a search problem. In this paper, we distill an ensemble of multiple models trained with different initialization into a single model. In addition to learning to match the ensemble’s probability output on the reference states, we also use the ensemble to explore the search space and learn from the encountered states in the exploration. Experimental results on two typical search-based structured prediction tasks – transition-based dependency parsing and neural machine translation show that distillation can effectively improve the single model’s performance and the final model achieves improvements of 1.32 in LAS and 2.65 in BLEU score on these two tasks respectively over strong baselines and it outperforms the greedy structured prediction models in previous literatures.
We introduce a novel architecture for dependency parsing: stack-pointer networks (StackPtr). Combining pointer networks (Vinyals et al., 2015) with an internal stack, the proposed model first reads and encodes the whole sentence, then builds the dependency tree top-down (from root-to-leaf) in a depth-first fashion. The stack tracks the status of the depth-first search and the pointer networks select one child for the word at the top of the stack at each step. The StackPtr parser benefits from the information of whole sentence and all previously derived subtree structures, and removes the left-to-right restriction in classical transition-based parsers. Yet the number of steps for building any (non-projective) parse tree is linear in the length of the sentence just as other transition-based parsers, yielding an efficient decoding algorithm with O(n2) time complexity. We evaluate our model on 29 treebanks spanning 20 languages and different dependency annotation schemas, and achieve state-of-the-art performances on 21 of them
Due to the presence of both Twitter-specific conventions and non-standard and dialectal language, Twitter presents a significant parsing challenge to current dependency parsing tools. We broaden English dependency parsing to handle social media English, particularly social media African-American English (AAE), by developing and annotating a new dataset of 500 tweets, 250 of which are in AAE, within the Universal Dependencies 2.0 framework. We describe our standards for handling Twitter- and AAE-specific features and evaluate a variety of cross-domain strategies for improving parsing with no, or very little, in-domain labeled data, including a new data synthesis approach. We analyze these methods’ impact on performance disparities between AAE and Mainstream American English tweets, and assess parsing accuracy for specific AAE lexical and syntactic features. Our annotated data and a parsing model are available at:
Language exhibits hierarchical structure, but recent work using a subject-verb agreement diagnostic argued that state-of-the-art language models, LSTMs, fail to learn long-range syntax sensitive dependencies. Using the same diagnostic, we show that, in fact, LSTMs do succeed in learning such dependencies—provided they have enough capacity. We then explore whether models that have access to explicit syntactic information learn agreement more effectively, and how the way in which this structural information is incorporated into the model impacts performance. We find that the mere presence of syntactic information does not improve accuracy, but when model architecture is determined by syntax, number agreement is improved. Further, we find that the choice of how syntactic structure is built affects how well number agreement is learned: top-down construction outperforms left-corner and bottom-up variants in capturing non-local structural dependencies.
Existing solutions to task-oriented dialogue systems follow pipeline designs which introduces architectural complexity and fragility. We propose a novel, holistic, extendable framework based on a single sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model which can be optimized with supervised or reinforcement learning. A key contribution is that we design text spans named belief spans to track dialogue believes, allowing task-oriented dialogue systems to be modeled in a seq2seq way. Based on this, we propose a simplistic Two Stage CopyNet instantiation which emonstrates good scalability: significantly reducing model complexity in terms of number of parameters and training time by a magnitude. It significantly outperforms state-of-the-art pipeline-based methods on large datasets and retains a satisfactory entity match rate on out-of-vocabulary (OOV) cases where pipeline-designed competitors totally fail.
We highlight a practical yet rarely discussed problem in dialogue state tracking (DST), namely handling unknown slot values. Previous approaches generally assume predefined candidate lists and thus are not designed to output unknown values, especially when the spoken language understanding (SLU) module is absent as in many end-to-end (E2E) systems. We describe in this paper an E2E architecture based on the pointer network (PtrNet) that can effectively extract unknown slot values while still obtains state-of-the-art accuracy on the standard DSTC2 benchmark. We also provide extensive empirical evidence to show that tracking unknown values can be challenging and our approach can bring significant improvement with the help of an effective feature dropout technique.
Dialogue state tracking, which estimates user goals and requests given the dialogue context, is an essential part of task-oriented dialogue systems. In this paper, we propose the Global-Locally Self-Attentive Dialogue State Tracker (GLAD), which learns representations of the user utterance and previous system actions with global-local modules. Our model uses global modules to shares parameters between estimators for different types (called slots) of dialogue states, and uses local modules to learn slot-specific features. We show that this significantly improves tracking of rare states. GLAD obtains 88.3% joint goal accuracy and 96.4% request accuracy on the WoZ state tracking task, outperforming prior work by 3.9% and 4.8%. On the DSTC2 task, our model obtains 74.7% joint goal accuracy and 97.3% request accuracy, outperforming prior work by 1.3% and 0.8%
End-to-end task-oriented dialog systems usually suffer from the challenge of incorporating knowledge bases. In this paper, we propose a novel yet simple end-to-end differentiable model called memory-to-sequence (Mem2Seq) to address this issue. Mem2Seq is the first neural generative model that combines the multi-hop attention over memories with the idea of pointer network. We empirically show how Mem2Seq controls each generation step, and how its multi-hop attention mechanism helps in learning correlations between memories. In addition, our model is quite general without complicated task-specific designs. As a result, we show that Mem2Seq can be trained faster and attain the state-of-the-art performance on three different task-oriented dialog datasets.
Sequence to sequence (Seq2Seq) models have been widely used for response generation in the area of conversation. However, the requirements for different conversation scenarios are distinct. For example, customer service requires the generated responses to be specific and accurate, while chatbot prefers diverse responses so as to attract different users. The current Seq2Seq model fails to meet these diverse requirements, by using a general average likelihood as the optimization criteria. As a result, it usually generates safe and commonplace responses, such as ‘I don’t know’. In this paper, we propose two tailored optimization criteria for Seq2Seq to different conversation scenarios, i.e., the maximum generated likelihood for specific-requirement scenario, and the conditional value-at-risk for diverse-requirement scenario. Experimental results on the Ubuntu dialogue corpus (Ubuntu service scenario) and Chinese Weibo dataset (social chatbot scenario) show that our proposed models not only satisfies diverse requirements for different scenarios, but also yields better performances against traditional Seq2Seq models in terms of both metric-based and human evaluations.
End-to-end neural dialogue generation has shown promising results recently, but it does not employ knowledge to guide the generation and hence tends to generate short, general, and meaningless responses. In this paper, we propose a neural knowledge diffusion (NKD) model to introduce knowledge into dialogue generation. This method can not only match the relevant facts for the input utterance but diffuse them to similar entities. With the help of facts matching and entity diffusion, the neural dialogue generation is augmented with the ability of convergent and divergent thinking over the knowledge base. Our empirical study on a real-world dataset prove that our model is capable of generating meaningful, diverse and natural responses for both factoid-questions and knowledge grounded chi-chats. The experiment results also show that our model outperforms competitive baseline models significantly.
Sentence function is a significant factor to achieve the purpose of the speaker, which, however, has not been touched in large-scale conversation generation so far. In this paper, we present a model to generate informative responses with controlled sentence function. Our model utilizes a continuous latent variable to capture various word patterns that realize the expected sentence function, and introduces a type controller to deal with the compatibility of controlling sentence function and generating informative content. Conditioned on the latent variable, the type controller determines the type (i.e., function-related, topic, and ordinary word) of a word to be generated at each decoding position. Experiments show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art baselines, and it has the ability to generate responses with both controlled sentence function and informative content.
End-to-end learning framework is useful for building dialog systems for its simplicity in training and efficiency in model updating. However, current end-to-end approaches only consider user semantic inputs in learning and under-utilize other user information. Therefore, we propose to include user sentiment obtained through multimodal information (acoustic, dialogic and textual), in the end-to-end learning framework to make systems more user-adaptive and effective. We incorporated user sentiment information in both supervised and reinforcement learning settings. In both settings, adding sentiment information reduced the dialog length and improved the task success rate on a bus information search task. This work is the first attempt to incorporate multimodal user information in the adaptive end-to-end dialog system training framework and attained state-of-the-art performance.
We present a new method for estimating vector space representations of words: embedding learning by concept induction. We test this method on a highly parallel corpus and learn semantic representations of words in 1259 different languages in a single common space. An extensive experimental evaluation on crosslingual word similarity and sentiment analysis indicates that concept-based multilingual embedding learning performs better than previous approaches.
The transfer or share of knowledge between languages is a potential solution to resource scarcity in NLP. However, the effectiveness of cross-lingual transfer can be challenged by variation in syntactic structures. Frameworks such as Universal Dependencies (UD) are designed to be cross-lingually consistent, but even in carefully designed resources trees representing equivalent sentences may not always overlap. In this paper, we measure cross-lingual syntactic variation, or anisomorphism, in the UD treebank collection, considering both morphological and structural properties. We show that reducing the level of anisomorphism yields consistent gains in cross-lingual transfer tasks. We introduce a source language selection procedure that facilitates effective cross-lingual parser transfer, and propose a typologically driven method for syntactic tree processing which reduces anisomorphism. Our results show the effectiveness of this method for both machine translation and cross-lingual sentence similarity, demonstrating the importance of syntactic structure compatibility for boosting cross-lingual transfer in NLP.
Training language models for Code-mixed (CM) language is known to be a difficult problem because of lack of data compounded by the increased confusability due to the presence of more than one language. We present a computational technique for creation of grammatically valid artificial CM data based on the Equivalence Constraint Theory. We show that when training examples are sampled appropriately from this synthetic data and presented in certain order (aka training curriculum) along with monolingual and real CM data, it can significantly reduce the perplexity of an RNN-based language model. We also show that randomly generated CM data does not help in decreasing the perplexity of the LMs.
We investigate a lattice-structured LSTM model for Chinese NER, which encodes a sequence of input characters as well as all potential words that match a lexicon. Compared with character-based methods, our model explicitly leverages word and word sequence information. Compared with word-based methods, lattice LSTM does not suffer from segmentation errors. Gated recurrent cells allow our model to choose the most relevant characters and words from a sentence for better NER results. Experiments on various datasets show that lattice LSTM outperforms both word-based and character-based LSTM baselines, achieving the best results.
Neural network based models commonly regard event detection as a word-wise classification task, which suffer from the mismatch problem between words and event triggers, especially in languages without natural word delimiters such as Chinese. In this paper, we propose Nugget Proposal Networks (NPNs), which can solve the word-trigger mismatch problem by directly proposing entire trigger nuggets centered at each character regardless of word boundaries. Specifically, NPNs perform event detection in a character-wise paradigm, where a hybrid representation for each character is first learned to capture both structural and semantic information from both characters and words. Then based on learned representations, trigger nuggets are proposed and categorized by exploiting character compositional structures of Chinese event triggers. Experiments on both ACE2005 and TAC KBP 2017 datasets show that NPNs significantly outperform the state-of-the-art methods.
Relation Schema Induction (RSI) is the problem of identifying type signatures of arguments of relations from unlabeled text. Most of the previous work in this area have focused only on binary RSI, i.e., inducing only the subject and object type signatures per relation. However, in practice, many relations are high-order, i.e., they have more than two arguments and inducing type signatures of all arguments is necessary. For example, in the sports domain, inducing a schema win(WinningPlayer, OpponentPlayer, Tournament, Location) is more informative than inducing just win(WinningPlayer, OpponentPlayer). We refer to this problem as Higher-order Relation Schema Induction (HRSI). In this paper, we propose Tensor Factorization with Back-off and Aggregation (TFBA), a novel framework for the HRSI problem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at inducing higher-order relation schemata from unlabeled text. Using the experimental analysis on three real world datasets we show how TFBA helps in dealing with sparsity and induce higher-order schemata.
State-of-the-art relation extraction approaches are only able to recognize relationships between mentions of entity arguments stated explicitly in the text and typically localized to the same sentence. However, the vast majority of relations are either implicit or not sententially localized. This is a major problem for Knowledge Base Population, severely limiting recall. In this paper we propose a new methodology to identify relations between two entities, consisting of detecting a very large number of unary relations, and using them to infer missing entities. We describe a deep learning architecture able to learn thousands of such relations very efficiently by using a common deep learning based representation. Our approach largely outperforms state of the art relation extraction technology on a newly introduced web scale knowledge base population benchmark, that we release to the research community.
Entity linking involves aligning textual mentions of named entities to their corresponding entries in a knowledge base. Entity linking systems often exploit relations between textual mentions in a document (e.g., coreference) to decide if the linking decisions are compatible. Unlike previous approaches, which relied on supervised systems or heuristics to predict these relations, we treat relations as latent variables in our neural entity-linking model. We induce the relations without any supervision while optimizing the entity-linking system in an end-to-end fashion. Our multi-relational model achieves the best reported scores on the standard benchmark (AIDA-CoNLL) and substantially outperforms its relation-agnostic version. Its training also converges much faster, suggesting that the injected structural bias helps to explain regularities in the training data.
Document date is essential for many important tasks, such as document retrieval, summarization, event detection, etc. While existing approaches for these tasks assume accurate knowledge of the document date, this is not always available, especially for arbitrary documents from the Web. Document Dating is a challenging problem which requires inference over the temporal structure of the document. Prior document dating systems have largely relied on handcrafted features while ignoring such document-internal structures. In this paper, we propose NeuralDater, a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) based document dating approach which jointly exploits syntactic and temporal graph structures of document in a principled way. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of deep learning for the problem of document dating. Through extensive experiments on real-world datasets, we find that NeuralDater significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baseline by 19% absolute (45% relative) accuracy points.
The problem of AMR-to-text generation is to recover a text representing the same meaning as an input AMR graph. The current state-of-the-art method uses a sequence-to-sequence model, leveraging LSTM for encoding a linearized AMR structure. Although being able to model non-local semantic information, a sequence LSTM can lose information from the AMR graph structure, and thus facing challenges with large-graphs, which result in long sequences. We introduce a neural graph-to-sequence model, using a novel LSTM structure for directly encoding graph-level semantics. On a standard benchmark, our model shows superior results to existing methods in the literature.
A knowledge base is a large repository of facts that are mainly represented as RDF triples, each of which consists of a subject, a predicate (relationship), and an object. The RDF triple representation offers a simple interface for applications to access the facts. However, this representation is not in a natural language form, which is difficult for humans to understand. We address this problem by proposing a system to translate a set of RDF triples into natural sentences based on an encoder-decoder framework. To preserve as much information from RDF triples as possible, we propose a novel graph-based triple encoder. The proposed encoder encodes not only the elements of the triples but also the relationships both within a triple and between the triples. Experimental results show that the proposed encoder achieves a consistent improvement over the baseline models by up to 17.6%, 6.0%, and 16.4% in three common metrics BLEU, METEOR, and TER, respectively.
Despite their local fluency, long-form text generated from RNNs is often generic, repetitive, and even self-contradictory. We propose a unified learning framework that collectively addresses all the above issues by composing a committee of discriminators that can guide a base RNN generator towards more globally coherent generations. More concretely, discriminators each specialize in a different principle of communication, such as Grice’s maxims, and are collectively combined with the base RNN generator through a composite decoding objective. Human evaluation demonstrates that text generated by our model is preferred over that of baselines by a large margin, significantly enhancing the overall coherence, style, and information of the generations.
Automatic pun generation is an interesting and challenging text generation task. Previous efforts rely on templates or laboriously manually annotated pun datasets, which heavily constrains the quality and diversity of generated puns. Since sequence-to-sequence models provide an effective technique for text generation, it is promising to investigate these models on the pun generation task. In this paper, we propose neural network models for homographic pun generation, and they can generate puns without requiring any pun data for training. We first train a conditional neural language model from a general text corpus, and then generate puns from the language model with an elaborately designed decoding algorithm. Automatic and human evaluations show that our models are able to generate homographic puns of good readability and quality.
This paper examines the problem of generating natural language descriptions of chess games. We introduce a new large-scale chess commentary dataset and propose methods to generate commentary for individual moves in a chess game. The introduced dataset consists of more than 298K chess move-commentary pairs across 11K chess games. We highlight how this task poses unique research challenges in natural language generation: the data contain a large variety of styles of commentary and frequently depend on pragmatic context. We benchmark various baselines and propose an end-to-end trainable neural model which takes into account multiple pragmatic aspects of the game state that may be commented upon to describe a given chess move. Through a human study on predictions for a subset of the data which deals with direct move descriptions, we observe that outputs from our models are rated similar to ground truth commentary texts in terms of correctness and fluency.
In this work, we study the credit assignment problem in reward augmented maximum likelihood (RAML) learning, and establish a theoretical equivalence between the token-level counterpart of RAML and the entropy regularized reinforcement learning. Inspired by the connection, we propose two sequence prediction algorithms, one extending RAML with fine-grained credit assignment and the other improving Actor-Critic with a systematic entropy regularization. On two benchmark datasets, we show the proposed algorithms outperform RAML and Actor-Critic respectively, providing new alternatives to sequence prediction.
We propose DuoRC, a novel dataset for Reading Comprehension (RC) that motivates several new challenges for neural approaches in language understanding beyond those offered by existing RC datasets. DuoRC contains 186,089 unique question-answer pairs created from a collection of 7680 pairs of movie plots where each pair in the collection reflects two versions of the same movie - one from Wikipedia and the other from IMDb - written by two different authors. We asked crowdsourced workers to create questions from one version of the plot and a different set of workers to extract or synthesize answers from the other version. This unique characteristic of DuoRC where questions and answers are created from different versions of a document narrating the same underlying story, ensures by design, that there is very little lexical overlap between the questions created from one version and the segments containing the answer in the other version. Further, since the two versions have different levels of plot detail, narration style, vocabulary, etc., answering questions from the second version requires deeper language understanding and incorporating external background knowledge. Additionally, the narrative style of passages arising from movie plots (as opposed to typical descriptive passages in existing datasets) exhibits the need to perform complex reasoning over events across multiple sentences. Indeed, we observe that state-of-the-art neural RC models which have achieved near human performance on the SQuAD dataset, even when coupled with traditional NLP techniques to address the challenges presented in DuoRC exhibit very poor performance (F1 score of 37.42% on DuoRC v/s 86% on SQuAD dataset). This opens up several interesting research avenues wherein DuoRC could complement other RC datasets to explore novel neural approaches for studying language understanding.
We propose a simple yet robust stochastic answer network (SAN) that simulates multi-step reasoning in machine reading comprehension. Compared to previous work such as ReasoNet which used reinforcement learning to determine the number of steps, the unique feature is the use of a kind of stochastic prediction dropout on the answer module (final layer) of the neural network during the training. We show that this simple trick improves robustness and achieves results competitive to the state-of-the-art on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD), the Adversarial SQuAD, and the Microsoft MAchine Reading COmprehension Dataset (MS MARCO).
This paper describes a novel hierarchical attention network for reading comprehension style question answering, which aims to answer questions for a given narrative paragraph. In the proposed method, attention and fusion are conducted horizontally and vertically across layers at different levels of granularity between question and paragraph. Specifically, it first encode the question and paragraph with fine-grained language embeddings, to better capture the respective representations at semantic level. Then it proposes a multi-granularity fusion approach to fully fuse information from both global and attended representations. Finally, it introduces a hierarchical attention network to focuses on the answer span progressively with multi-level soft-alignment. Extensive experiments on the large-scale SQuAD, TriviaQA dataset validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. At the time of writing the paper, our model achieves state-of-the-art on the both SQuAD and TriviaQA Wiki leaderboard as well as two adversarial SQuAD datasets.
While sophisticated neural-based techniques have been developed in reading comprehension, most approaches model the answer in an independent manner, ignoring its relations with other answer candidates. This problem can be even worse in open-domain scenarios, where candidates from multiple passages should be combined to answer a single question. In this paper, we formulate reading comprehension as an extract-then-select two-stage procedure. We first extract answer candidates from passages, then select the final answer by combining information from all the candidates. Furthermore, we regard candidate extraction as a latent variable and train the two-stage process jointly with reinforcement learning. As a result, our approach has improved the state-of-the-art performance significantly on two challenging open-domain reading comprehension datasets. Further analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of our model components, especially the information fusion of all the candidates and the joint training of the extract-then-select procedure.
Neural models for question answering (QA) over documents have achieved significant performance improvements. Although effective, these models do not scale to large corpora due to their complex modeling of interactions between the document and the question. Moreover, recent work has shown that such models are sensitive to adversarial inputs. In this paper, we study the minimal context required to answer the question, and find that most questions in existing datasets can be answered with a small set of sentences. Inspired by this observation, we propose a simple sentence selector to select the minimal set of sentences to feed into the QA model. Our overall system achieves significant reductions in training (up to 15 times) and inference times (up to 13 times), with accuracy comparable to or better than the state-of-the-art on SQuAD, NewsQA, TriviaQA and SQuAD-Open. Furthermore, our experimental results and analyses show that our approach is more robust to adversarial inputs.
Distantly supervised open-domain question answering (DS-QA) aims to find answers in collections of unlabeled text. Existing DS-QA models usually retrieve related paragraphs from a large-scale corpus and apply reading comprehension technique to extract answers from the most relevant paragraph. They ignore the rich information contained in other paragraphs. Moreover, distant supervision data inevitably accompanies with the wrong labeling problem, and these noisy data will substantially degrade the performance of DS-QA. To address these issues, we propose a novel DS-QA model which employs a paragraph selector to filter out those noisy paragraphs and a paragraph reader to extract the correct answer from those denoised paragraphs. Experimental results on real-world datasets show that our model can capture useful information from noisy data and achieve significant improvements on DS-QA as compared to all baselines.
Answer selection is an important subtask of community question answering (CQA). In a real-world CQA forum, a question is often represented as two parts: a subject that summarizes the main points of the question, and a body that elaborates on the subject in detail. Previous researches on answer selection usually ignored the difference between these two parts and concatenated them as the question representation. In this paper, we propose the Question Condensing Networks (QCN) to make use of the subject-body relationship of community questions. In our model, the question subject is the primary part of the question representation, and the question body information is aggregated based on similarity and disparity with the question subject. Experimental results show that QCN outperforms all existing models on two CQA datasets.
Small perturbations in the input can severely distort intermediate representations and thus impact translation quality of neural machine translation (NMT) models. In this paper, we propose to improve the robustness of NMT models with adversarial stability training. The basic idea is to make both the encoder and decoder in NMT models robust against input perturbations by enabling them to behave similarly for the original input and its perturbed counterpart. Experimental results on Chinese-English, English-German and English-French translation tasks show that our approaches can not only achieve significant improvements over strong NMT systems but also improve the robustness of NMT models.
In neural machine translation, a source sequence of words is encoded into a vector from which a target sequence is generated in the decoding phase. Differently from statistical machine translation, the associations between source words and their possible target counterparts are not explicitly stored. Source and target words are at the two ends of a long information processing procedure, mediated by hidden states at both the source encoding and the target decoding phases. This makes it possible that a source word is incorrectly translated into a target word that is not any of its admissible equivalent counterparts in the target language. In this paper, we seek to somewhat shorten the distance between source and target words in that procedure, and thus strengthen their association, by means of a method we term bridging source and target word embeddings. We experiment with three strategies: (1) a source-side bridging model, where source word embeddings are moved one step closer to the output target sequence; (2) a target-side bridging model, which explores the more relevant source word embeddings for the prediction of the target sequence; and (3) a direct bridging model, which directly connects source and target word embeddings seeking to minimize errors in the translation of ones by the others. Experiments and analysis presented in this paper demonstrate that the proposed bridging models are able to significantly improve quality of both sentence translation, in general, and alignment and translation of individual source words with target words, in particular.
We present a study on reinforcement learning (RL) from human bandit feedback for sequence-to-sequence learning, exemplified by the task of bandit neural machine translation (NMT). We investigate the reliability of human bandit feedback, and analyze the influence of reliability on the learnability of a reward estimator, and the effect of the quality of reward estimates on the overall RL task. Our analysis of cardinal (5-point ratings) and ordinal (pairwise preferences) feedback shows that their intra- and inter-annotator α-agreement is comparable. Best reliability is obtained for standardized cardinal feedback, and cardinal feedback is also easiest to learn and generalize from. Finally, improvements of over 1 BLEU can be obtained by integrating a regression-based reward estimator trained on cardinal feedback for 800 translations into RL for NMT. This shows that RL is possible even from small amounts of fairly reliable human feedback, pointing to a great potential for applications at larger scale.
With parallelizable attention networks, the neural Transformer is very fast to train. However, due to the auto-regressive architecture and self-attention in the decoder, the decoding procedure becomes slow. To alleviate this issue, we propose an average attention network as an alternative to the self-attention network in the decoder of the neural Transformer. The average attention network consists of two layers, with an average layer that models dependencies on previous positions and a gating layer that is stacked over the average layer to enhance the expressiveness of the proposed attention network. We apply this network on the decoder part of the neural Transformer to replace the original target-side self-attention model. With masking tricks and dynamic programming, our model enables the neural Transformer to decode sentences over four times faster than its original version with almost no loss in training time and translation performance. We conduct a series of experiments on WMT17 translation tasks, where on 6 different language pairs, we obtain robust and consistent speed-ups in decoding.
With recent advances in network architectures for Neural Machine Translation (NMT) recurrent models have effectively been replaced by either convolutional or self-attentional approaches, such as in the Transformer. While the main innovation of the Transformer architecture is its use of self-attentional layers, there are several other aspects, such as attention with multiple heads and the use of many attention layers, that distinguish the model from previous baselines. In this work we take a fine-grained look at the different architectures for NMT. We introduce an Architecture Definition Language (ADL) allowing for a flexible combination of common building blocks. Making use of this language we show in experiments that one can bring recurrent and convolutional models very close to the Transformer performance by borrowing concepts from the Transformer architecture, but not using self-attention. Additionally, we find that self-attention is much more important on the encoder side than on the decoder side, where it can be replaced by a RNN or CNN without a loss in performance in most settings. Surprisingly, even a model without any target side self-attention performs well.
Training semantic parsers from weak supervision (denotations) rather than strong supervision (programs) complicates training in two ways. First, a large search space of potential programs needs to be explored at training time to find a correct program. Second, spurious programs that accidentally lead to a correct denotation add noise to training. In this work we propose that in closed worlds with clear semantic types, one can substantially alleviate these problems by utilizing an abstract representation, where tokens in both the language utterance and program are lifted to an abstract form. We show that these abstractions can be defined with a handful of lexical rules and that they result in sharing between different examples that alleviates the difficulties in training. To test our approach, we develop the first semantic parser for CNLVR, a challenging visual reasoning dataset, where the search space is large and overcoming spuriousness is critical, because denotations are either TRUE or FALSE, and thus random programs are likely to lead to a correct denotation. Our method substantially improves performance, and reaches 82.5% accuracy, a 14.7% absolute accuracy improvement compared to the best reported accuracy so far.
Counterfactual learning from human bandit feedback describes a scenario where user feedback on the quality of outputs of a historic system is logged and used to improve a target system. We show how to apply this learning framework to neural semantic parsing. From a machine learning perspective, the key challenge lies in a proper reweighting of the estimator so as to avoid known degeneracies in counterfactual learning, while still being applicable to stochastic gradient optimization. To conduct experiments with human users, we devise an easy-to-use interface to collect human feedback on semantic parses. Our work is the first to show that semantic parsers can be improved significantly by counterfactual learning from logged human feedback data.
We present a semantic parser for Abstract Meaning Representations which learns to parse strings into tree representations of the compositional structure of an AMR graph. This allows us to use standard neural techniques for supertagging and dependency tree parsing, constrained by a linguistically principled type system. We present two approximative decoding algorithms, which achieve state-of-the-art accuracy and outperform strong baselines.
In this paper, we present a sequence-to-sequence based approach for mapping natural language sentences to AMR semantic graphs. We transform the sequence to graph mapping problem to a word sequence to transition action sequence problem using a special transition system called a cache transition system. To address the sparsity issue of neural AMR parsing, we feed feature embeddings from the transition state to provide relevant local information for each decoder state. We present a monotonic hard attention model for the transition framework to handle the strictly left-to-right alignment between each transition state and the current buffer input focus. We evaluate our neural transition model on the AMR parsing task, and our parser outperforms other sequence-to-sequence approaches and achieves competitive results in comparison with the best-performing models.
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with negative sampling is the most prevalent approach to learn word representations. However, it is known that sampling methods are biased especially when the sampling distribution deviates from the true data distribution. Besides, SGD suffers from dramatic fluctuation due to the one-sample learning scheme. In this work, we propose AllVec that uses batch gradient learning to generate word representations from all training samples. Remarkably, the time complexity of AllVec remains at the same level as SGD, being determined by the number of positive samples rather than all samples. We evaluate AllVec on several benchmark tasks. Experiments show that AllVec outperforms sampling-based SGD methods with comparable efficiency, especially for small training corpora.
We introduce structured projection of intermediate gradients (SPIGOT), a new method for backpropagating through neural networks that include hard-decision structured predictions (e.g., parsing) in intermediate layers. SPIGOT requires no marginal inference, unlike structured attention networks and reinforcement learning-inspired solutions. Like so-called straight-through estimators, SPIGOT defines gradient-like quantities associated with intermediate nondifferentiable operations, allowing backpropagation before and after them; SPIGOT’s proxy aims to ensure that, after a parameter update, the intermediate structure will remain well-formed. We experiment on two structured NLP pipelines: syntactic-then-semantic dependency parsing, and semantic parsing followed by sentiment classification. We show that training with SPIGOT leads to a larger improvement on the downstream task than a modularly-trained pipeline, the straight-through estimator, and structured attention, reaching a new state of the art on semantic dependency parsing.
Heuristic-based active learning (AL) methods are limited when the data distribution of the underlying learning problems vary. We introduce a method that learns an AL “policy” using “imitation learning” (IL). Our IL-based approach makes use of an efficient and effective “algorithmic expert”, which provides the policy learner with good actions in the encountered AL situations. The AL strategy is then learned with a feedforward network, mapping situations to most informative query datapoints. We evaluate our method on two different tasks: text classification and named entity recognition. Experimental results show that our IL-based AL strategy is more effective than strong previous methods using heuristics and reinforcement learning.
Training accurate classifiers requires many labels, but each label provides only limited information (one bit for binary classification). In this work, we propose BabbleLabble, a framework for training classifiers in which an annotator provides a natural language explanation for each labeling decision. A semantic parser converts these explanations into programmatic labeling functions that generate noisy labels for an arbitrary amount of unlabeled data, which is used to train a classifier. On three relation extraction tasks, we find that users are able to train classifiers with comparable F1 scores from 5-100 faster by providing explanations instead of just labels. Furthermore, given the inherent imperfection of labeling functions, we find that a simple rule-based semantic parser suffices.
We analyze state-of-the-art deep learning models for three tasks: question answering on (1) images, (2) tables, and (3) passages of text. Using the notion of “attribution” (word importance), we find that these deep networks often ignore important question terms. Leveraging such behavior, we perturb questions to craft a variety of adversarial examples. Our strongest attacks drop the accuracy of a visual question answering model from 61.1% to 19%, and that of a tabular question answering model from 33.5% to 3.3%. Additionally, we show how attributions can strengthen attacks proposed by Jia and Liang (2017) on paragraph comprehension models. Our results demonstrate that attributions can augment standard measures of accuracy and empower investigation of model performance. When a model is accurate but for the wrong reasons, attributions can surface erroneous logic in the model that indicates inadequacies in the test data.
We study the task of generating from Wikipedia articles question-answer pairs that cover content beyond a single sentence. We propose a neural network approach that incorporates coreference knowledge via a novel gating mechanism. As compared to models that only take into account sentence-level information (Heilman and Smith, 2010; Du et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2017), we find that the linguistic knowledge introduced by the coreference representation aids question generation significantly, producing models that outperform the current state-of-the-art. We apply our system (composed of an answer span extraction system and the passage-level QG system) to the 10,000 top ranking Wikipedia articles and create a corpus of over one million question-answer pairs. We provide qualitative analysis for the this large-scale generated corpus from Wikipedia.
Machine reading comprehension (MRC) on real web data usually requires the machine to answer a question by analyzing multiple passages retrieved by search engine. Compared with MRC on a single passage, multi-passage MRC is more challenging, since we are likely to get multiple confusing answer candidates from different passages. To address this problem, we propose an end-to-end neural model that enables those answer candidates from different passages to verify each other based on their content representations. Specifically, we jointly train three modules that can predict the final answer based on three factors: the answer boundary, the answer content and the cross-passage answer verification. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the baseline by a large margin and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the English MS-MARCO dataset and the Chinese DuReader dataset, both of which are designed for MRC in real-world settings.
A DAG automaton is a formal device for manipulating graphs. By augmenting a DAG automaton with transduction rules, a DAG transducer has potential applications in fundamental NLP tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel DAG transducer to perform graph-to-program transformation. The target structure of our transducer is a program licensed by a declarative programming language rather than linguistic structures. By executing such a program, we can easily get a surface string. Our transducer is designed especially for natural language generation (NLG) from type-logical semantic graphs. Taking Elementary Dependency Structures, a format of English Resource Semantics, as input, our NLG system achieves a BLEU-4 score of 68.07. This remarkable result demonstrates the feasibility of applying a DAG transducer to resolve NLG, as well as the effectiveness of our design.
Modeling derivational morphology to generate words with particular semantics is useful in many text generation tasks, such as machine translation or abstractive question answering. In this work, we tackle the task of derived word generation. That is, we attempt to generate the word “runner” for “someone who runs.” We identify two key problems in generating derived words from root words and transformations. We contribute a novel aggregation model of derived word generation that learns derivational transformations both as orthographic functions using sequence-to-sequence models and as functions in distributional word embedding space. The model then learns to choose between the hypothesis of each system. We also present two ways of incorporating corpus information into derived word generation.
In this paper, we propose a joint architecture that captures language, rhyme and meter for sonnet modelling. We assess the quality of generated poems using crowd and expert judgements. The stress and rhyme models perform very well, as generated poems are largely indistinguishable from human-written poems. Expert evaluation, however, reveals that a vanilla language model captures meter implicitly, and that machine-generated poems still underperform in terms of readability and emotion. Our research shows the importance expert evaluation for poetry generation, and that future research should look beyond rhyme/meter and focus on poetic language.
Traditionally, Referring Expression Generation (REG) models first decide on the form and then on the content of references to discourse entities in text, typically relying on features such as salience and grammatical function. In this paper, we present a new approach (NeuralREG), relying on deep neural networks, which makes decisions about form and content in one go without explicit feature extraction. Using a delexicalized version of the WebNLG corpus, we show that the neural model substantially improves over two strong baselines.
Stock movement prediction is a challenging problem: the market is highly stochastic, and we make temporally-dependent predictions from chaotic data. We treat these three complexities and present a novel deep generative model jointly exploiting text and price signals for this task. Unlike the case with discriminative or topic modeling, our model introduces recurrent, continuous latent variables for a better treatment of stochasticity, and uses neural variational inference to address the intractable posterior inference. We also provide a hybrid objective with temporal auxiliary to flexibly capture predictive dependencies. We demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of our proposed model on a new stock movement prediction dataset which we collected.
Automatic rumor detection is technically very challenging. In this work, we try to learn discriminative features from tweets content by following their non-sequential propagation structure and generate more powerful representations for identifying different type of rumors. We propose two recursive neural models based on a bottom-up and a top-down tree-structured neural networks for rumor representation learning and classification, which naturally conform to the propagation layout of tweets. Results on two public Twitter datasets demonstrate that our recursive neural models 1) achieve much better performance than state-of-the-art approaches; 2) demonstrate superior capacity on detecting rumors at very early stage.
Everyday billions of multimodal posts containing both images and text are shared in social media sites such as Snapchat, Twitter or Instagram. This combination of image and text in a single message allows for more creative and expressive forms of communication, and has become increasingly common in such sites. This new paradigm brings new challenges for natural language understanding, as the textual component tends to be shorter, more informal, and often is only understood if combined with the visual context. In this paper, we explore the task of name tagging in multimodal social media posts. We start by creating two new multimodal datasets: the first based on Twitter posts and the second based on Snapchat captions (exclusively submitted to public and crowd-sourced stories). We then propose a novel model architecture based on Visual Attention that not only provides deeper visual understanding on the decisions of the model, but also significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art baseline methods for this task.
We introduce the new Multimodal Named Entity Disambiguation (MNED) task for multimodal social media posts such as Snapchat or Instagram captions, which are composed of short captions with accompanying images. Social media posts bring significant challenges for disambiguation tasks because 1) ambiguity not only comes from polysemous entities, but also from inconsistent or incomplete notations, 2) very limited context is provided with surrounding words, and 3) there are many emerging entities often unseen during training. To this end, we build a new dataset called SnapCaptionsKB, a collection of Snapchat image captions submitted to public and crowd-sourced stories, with named entity mentions fully annotated and linked to entities in an external knowledge base. We then build a deep zeroshot multimodal network for MNED that 1) extracts contexts from both text and image, and 2) predicts correct entity in the knowledge graph embeddings space, allowing for zeroshot disambiguation of entities unseen in training set as well. The proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art text-only NED models, showing efficacy and potentials of the MNED task.
Social media user geolocation is vital to many applications such as event detection. In this paper, we propose GCN, a multiview geolocation model based on Graph Convolutional Networks, that uses both text and network context. We compare GCN to the state-of-the-art, and to two baselines we propose, and show that our model achieves or is competitive with the state-of-the-art over three benchmark geolocation datasets when sufficient supervision is available. We also evaluate GCN under a minimal supervision scenario, and show it outperforms baselines. We find that highway network gates are essential for controlling the amount of useful neighbourhood expansion in GCN.
Document modeling is essential to a variety of natural language understanding tasks. We propose to use external information to improve document modeling for problems that can be framed as sentence extraction. We develop a framework composed of a hierarchical document encoder and an attention-based extractor with attention over external information. We evaluate our model on extractive document summarization (where the external information is image captions and the title of the document) and answer selection (where the external information is a question). We show that our model consistently outperforms strong baselines, in terms of both informativeness and fluency (for CNN document summarization) and achieves state-of-the-art results for answer selection on WikiQA and NewsQA.
Most real-world document collections involve various types of metadata, such as author, source, and date, and yet the most commonly-used approaches to modeling text corpora ignore this information. While specialized models have been developed for particular applications, few are widely used in practice, as customization typically requires derivation of a custom inference algorithm. In this paper, we build on recent advances in variational inference methods and propose a general neural framework, based on topic models, to enable flexible incorporation of metadata and allow for rapid exploration of alternative models. Our approach achieves strong performance, with a manageable tradeoff between perplexity, coherence, and sparsity. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of our framework through an exploration of a corpus of articles about US immigration.
Semantic hashing has become a powerful paradigm for fast similarity search in many information retrieval systems. While fairly successful, previous techniques generally require two-stage training, and the binary constraints are handled ad-hoc. In this paper, we present an end-to-end Neural Architecture for Semantic Hashing (NASH), where the binary hashing codes are treated as Bernoulli latent variables. A neural variational inference framework is proposed for training, where gradients are directly backpropagated through the discrete latent variable to optimize the hash function. We also draw the connections between proposed method and rate-distortion theory, which provides a theoretical foundation for the effectiveness of our framework. Experimental results on three public datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms several state-of-the-art models on both unsupervised and supervised scenarios.
We present a new large-scale corpus of Question-Answer driven Semantic Role Labeling (QA-SRL) annotations, and the first high-quality QA-SRL parser. Our corpus, QA-SRL Bank 2.0, consists of over 250,000 question-answer pairs for over 64,000 sentences across 3 domains and was gathered with a new crowd-sourcing scheme that we show has high precision and good recall at modest cost. We also present neural models for two QA-SRL subtasks: detecting argument spans for a predicate and generating questions to label the semantic relationship. The best models achieve question accuracy of 82.6% and span-level accuracy of 77.6% (under human evaluation) on the full pipelined QA-SRL prediction task. They can also, as we show, be used to gather additional annotations at low cost.
Semantic role labeling (SRL) is dedicated to recognizing the predicate-argument structure of a sentence. Previous studies have shown syntactic information has a remarkable contribution to SRL performance. However, such perception was challenged by a few recent neural SRL models which give impressive performance without a syntactic backbone. This paper intends to quantify the importance of syntactic information to dependency SRL in deep learning framework. We propose an enhanced argument labeling model companying with an extended korder argument pruning algorithm for effectively exploiting syntactic information. Our model achieves state-of-the-art results on the CoNLL-2008, 2009 benchmarks for both English and Chinese, showing the quantitative significance of syntax to neural SRL together with a thorough empirical survey over existing models.
We propose a learning approach for mapping context-dependent sequential instructions to actions. We address the problem of discourse and state dependencies with an attention-based model that considers both the history of the interaction and the state of the world. To train from start and goal states without access to demonstrations, we propose SESTRA, a learning algorithm that takes advantage of single-step reward observations and immediate expected reward maximization. We evaluate on the SCONE domains, and show absolute accuracy improvements of 9.8%-25.3% across the domains over approaches that use high-level logical representations.
The success of many natural language processing (NLP) tasks is bound by the number and quality of annotated data, but there is often a shortage of such training data. In this paper, we ask the question: “Can we combine a neural network (NN) with regular expressions (RE) to improve supervised learning for NLP?”. In answer, we develop novel methods to exploit the rich expressiveness of REs at different levels within a NN, showing that the combination significantly enhances the learning effectiveness when a small number of training examples are available. We evaluate our approach by applying it to spoken language understanding for intent detection and slot filling. Experimental results show that our approach is highly effective in exploiting the available training data, giving a clear boost to the RE-unaware NN.
Despite the effectiveness of recurrent neural network language models, their maximum likelihood estimation suffers from two limitations. It treats all sentences that do not match the ground truth as equally poor, ignoring the structure of the output space. Second, it suffers from ’exposure bias’: during training tokens are predicted given ground-truth sequences, while at test time prediction is conditioned on generated output sequences. To overcome these limitations we build upon the recent reward augmented maximum likelihood approach that encourages the model to predict sentences that are close to the ground truth according to a given performance metric. We extend this approach to token-level loss smoothing, and propose improvements to the sequence-level smoothing approach. Our experiments on two different tasks, image captioning and machine translation, show that token-level and sequence-level loss smoothing are complementary, and significantly improve results.
Numeracy is the ability to understand and work with numbers. It is a necessary skill for composing and understanding documents in clinical, scientific, and other technical domains. In this paper, we explore different strategies for modelling numerals with language models, such as memorisation and digit-by-digit composition, and propose a novel neural architecture that uses a continuous probability density function to model numerals from an open vocabulary. Our evaluation on clinical and scientific datasets shows that using hierarchical models to distinguish numerals from words improves a perplexity metric on the subset of numerals by 2 and 4 orders of magnitude, respectively, over non-hierarchical models. A combination of strategies can further improve perplexity. Our continuous probability density function model reduces mean absolute percentage errors by 18% and 54% in comparison to the second best strategy for each dataset, respectively.
With the recent success of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in Machine Translation (MT), attention mechanisms have become increasingly popular. The purpose of this paper is two-fold; firstly, we propose a novel attention model on Tree Long Short-Term Memory Networks (Tree-LSTMs), a tree-structured generalization of standard LSTM. Secondly, we study the interaction between attention and syntactic structures, by experimenting with three LSTM variants: bidirectional-LSTMs, Constituency Tree-LSTMs, and Dependency Tree-LSTMs. Our models are evaluated on two semantic relatedness tasks: semantic relatedness scoring for sentence pairs (SemEval 2012, Task 6 and SemEval 2014, Task 1) and paraphrase detection for question pairs (Quora, 2017).
Although much effort has recently been devoted to training high-quality sentence embeddings, we still have a poor understanding of what they are capturing. “Downstream” tasks, often based on sentence classification, are commonly used to evaluate the quality of sentence representations. The complexity of the tasks makes it however difficult to infer what kind of information is present in the representations. We introduce here 10 probing tasks designed to capture simple linguistic features of sentences, and we use them to study embeddings generated by three different encoders trained in eight distinct ways, uncovering intriguing properties of both encoders and training methods.
Distant supervision has become the standard method for relation extraction. However, even though it is an efficient method, it does not come at no cost—The resulted distantly-supervised training samples are often very noisy. To combat the noise, most of the recent state-of-the-art approaches focus on selecting one-best sentence or calculating soft attention weights over the set of the sentences of one specific entity pair. However, these methods are suboptimal, and the false positive problem is still a key stumbling bottleneck for the performance. We argue that those incorrectly-labeled candidate sentences must be treated with a hard decision, rather than being dealt with soft attention weights. To do this, our paper describes a radical solution—We explore a deep reinforcement learning strategy to generate the false-positive indicator, where we automatically recognize false positives for each relation type without any supervised information. Unlike the removal operation in the previous studies, we redistribute them into the negative examples. The experimental results show that the proposed strategy significantly improves the performance of distant supervision comparing to state-of-the-art systems.
Embedding models for entities and relations are extremely useful for recovering missing facts in a knowledge base. Intuitively, a relation can be modeled by a matrix mapping entity vectors. However, relations reside on low dimension sub-manifolds in the parameter space of arbitrary matrices – for one reason, composition of two relations M1, M2 may match a third M3 (e.g. composition of relations currency_of_country and country_of_film usually matches currency_of_film_budget), which imposes compositional constraints to be satisfied by the parameters (i.e. M1*M2=M3). In this paper we investigate a dimension reduction technique by training relations jointly with an autoencoder, which is expected to better capture compositional constraints. We achieve state-of-the-art on Knowledge Base Completion tasks with strongly improved Mean Rank, and show that joint training with an autoencoder leads to interpretable sparse codings of relations, helps discovering compositional constraints and benefits from compositional training. Our source code is released at
Most previous supervised event extraction methods have relied on features derived from manual annotations, and thus cannot be applied to new event types without extra annotation effort. We take a fresh look at event extraction and model it as a generic grounding problem: mapping each event mention to a specific type in a target event ontology. We design a transferable architecture of structural and compositional neural networks to jointly represent and map event mentions and types into a shared semantic space. Based on this new framework, we can select, for each event mention, the event type which is semantically closest in this space as its type. By leveraging manual annotations available for a small set of existing event types, our framework can be applied to new unseen event types without additional manual annotations. When tested on 23 unseen event types, our zero-shot framework, without manual annotations, achieved performance comparable to a supervised model trained from 3,000 sentences annotated with 500 event mentions.
Fine-grained opinion analysis aims to extract aspect and opinion terms from each sentence for opinion summarization. Supervised learning methods have proven to be effective for this task. However, in many domains, the lack of labeled data hinders the learning of a precise extraction model. In this case, unsupervised domain adaptation methods are desired to transfer knowledge from the source domain to any unlabeled target domain. In this paper, we develop a novel recursive neural network that could reduce domain shift effectively in word level through syntactic relations. We treat these relations as invariant “pivot information” across domains to build structural correspondences and generate an auxiliary task to predict the relation between any two adjacent words in the dependency tree. In the end, we demonstrate state-of-the-art results on three benchmark datasets.
Training a task-completion dialogue agent via reinforcement learning (RL) is costly because it requires many interactions with real users. One common alternative is to use a user simulator. However, a user simulator usually lacks the language complexity of human interlocutors and the biases in its design may tend to degrade the agent. To address these issues, we present Deep Dyna-Q, which to our knowledge is the first deep RL framework that integrates planning for task-completion dialogue policy learning. We incorporate into the dialogue agent a model of the environment, referred to as the world model, to mimic real user response and generate simulated experience. During dialogue policy learning, the world model is constantly updated with real user experience to approach real user behavior, and in turn, the dialogue agent is optimized using both real experience and simulated experience. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated on a movie-ticket booking task in both simulated and human-in-the-loop settings.
Asking good questions in open-domain conversational systems is quite significant but rather untouched. This task, substantially different from traditional question generation, requires to question not only with various patterns but also on diverse and relevant topics. We observe that a good question is a natural composition of interrogatives, topic words, and ordinary words. Interrogatives lexicalize the pattern of questioning, topic words address the key information for topic transition in dialogue, and ordinary words play syntactical and grammatical roles in making a natural sentence. We devise two typed decoders (soft typed decoder and hard typed decoder) in which a type distribution over the three types is estimated and the type distribution is used to modulate the final generation distribution. Extensive experiments show that the typed decoders outperform state-of-the-art baselines and can generate more meaningful questions.
Chit-chat models are known to have several problems: they lack specificity, do not display a consistent personality and are often not very captivating. In this work we present the task of making chit-chat more engaging by conditioning on profile information. We collect data and train models to (i)condition on their given profile information; and (ii) information about the person they are talking to, resulting in improved dialogues, as measured by next utterance prediction. Since (ii) is initially unknown our model is trained to engage its partner with personal topics, and we show the resulting dialogue can be used to predict profile information about the interlocutors.
In this paper, we explore the task of mapping spoken language utterances to one of thousands of natural language understanding domains in intelligent personal digital assistants (IPDAs). This scenario is observed in mainstream IPDAs in industry that allow third parties to develop thousands of new domains to augment built-in first party domains to rapidly increase domain coverage and overall IPDA capabilities. We propose a scalable neural model architecture with a shared encoder, a novel attention mechanism that incorporates personalization information and domain-specific classifiers that solves the problem efficiently. Our architecture is designed to efficiently accommodate incremental domain additions achieving two orders of magnitude speed up compared to full model retraining. We consider the practical constraints of real-time production systems, and design to minimize memory footprint and runtime latency. We demonstrate that incorporating personalization significantly improves domain classification accuracy in a setting with thousands of overlapping domains.
Multimodal affective computing, learning to recognize and interpret human affect and subjective information from multiple data sources, is still a challenge because: (i) it is hard to extract informative features to represent human affects from heterogeneous inputs; (ii) current fusion strategies only fuse different modalities at abstract levels, ignoring time-dependent interactions between modalities. Addressing such issues, we introduce a hierarchical multimodal architecture with attention and word-level fusion to classify utterance-level sentiment and emotion from text and audio data. Our introduced model outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on published datasets, and we demonstrate that our model is able to visualize and interpret synchronized attention over modalities.
Analyzing human multimodal language is an emerging area of research in NLP. Intrinsically this language is multimodal (heterogeneous), sequential and asynchronous; it consists of the language (words), visual (expressions) and acoustic (paralinguistic) modalities all in the form of asynchronous coordinated sequences. From a resource perspective, there is a genuine need for large scale datasets that allow for in-depth studies of this form of language. In this paper we introduce CMU Multimodal Opinion Sentiment and Emotion Intensity (CMU-MOSEI), the largest dataset of sentiment analysis and emotion recognition to date. Using data from CMU-MOSEI and a novel multimodal fusion technique called the Dynamic Fusion Graph (DFG), we conduct experimentation to exploit how modalities interact with each other in human multimodal language. Unlike previously proposed fusion techniques, DFG is highly interpretable and achieves competative performance when compared to the previous state of the art.
Multimodal research is an emerging field of artificial intelligence, and one of the main research problems in this field is multimodal fusion. The fusion of multimodal data is the process of integrating multiple unimodal representations into one compact multimodal representation. Previous research in this field has exploited the expressiveness of tensors for multimodal representation. However, these methods often suffer from exponential increase in dimensions and in computational complexity introduced by transformation of input into tensor. In this paper, we propose the Low-rank Multimodal Fusion method, which performs multimodal fusion using low-rank tensors to improve efficiency. We evaluate our model on three different tasks: multimodal sentiment analysis, speaker trait analysis, and emotion recognition. Our model achieves competitive results on all these tasks while drastically reducing computational complexity. Additional experiments also show that our model can perform robustly for a wide range of low-rank settings, and is indeed much more efficient in both training and inference compared to other methods that utilize tensor representations.
Theories of discourse coherence posit relations between discourse segments as a key feature of coherent text. Our prior work suggests that multiple discourse relations can be simultaneously operative between two segments for reasons not predicted by the literature. Here we test how this joint presence can lead participants to endorse seemingly divergent conjunctions (e.g., BUT and SO) to express the link they see between two segments. These apparent divergences are not symptomatic of participant naivety or bias, but arise reliably from the concurrent availability of multiple relations between segments – some available through explicit signals and some via inference. We believe that these new results can both inform future progress in theoretical work on discourse coherence and lead to higher levels of performance in discourse parsing.
We present a generative probabilistic model of documents as sequences of sentences, and show that inference in it can lead to extraction of long-range latent discourse structure from a collection of documents. The approach is based on embedding sequences of sentences from longer texts into a 2- or 3-D spatial grids, in which one or two coordinates model smooth topic transitions, while the third captures the sequential nature of the modeled text. A significant advantage of our approach is that the learned models are naturally visualizable and interpretable, as semantic similarity and sequential structure are modeled along orthogonal directions in the grid. We show that the method is effective in capturing discourse structures in narrative text across multiple genres, including biographies, stories, and newswire reports. In particular, our method outperforms or is competitive with state-of-the-art generative approaches on tasks such as predicting the outcome of a story, and sentence ordering.
Understanding temporal and causal relations between events is a fundamental natural language understanding task. Because a cause must occur earlier than its effect, temporal and causal relations are closely related and one relation often dictates the value of the other. However, limited attention has been paid to studying these two relations jointly. This paper presents a joint inference framework for them using constrained conditional models (CCMs). Specifically, we formulate the joint problem as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem, enforcing constraints that are inherent in the nature of time and causality. We show that the joint inference framework results in statistically significant improvement in the extraction of both temporal and causal relations from text.
Understanding a narrative requires reading between the lines and reasoning about the unspoken but obvious implications about events and people’s mental states — a capability that is trivial for humans but remarkably hard for machines. To facilitate research addressing this challenge, we introduce a new annotation framework to explain naive psychology of story characters as fully-specified chains of mental states with respect to motivations and emotional reactions. Our work presents a new large-scale dataset with rich low-level annotations and establishes baseline performance on several new tasks, suggesting avenues for future research.
In the era of big data, focused analysis for diverse topics with a short response time becomes an urgent demand. As a fundamental task, information filtering therefore becomes a critical necessity. In this paper, we propose a novel deep relevance model for zero-shot document filtering, named DAZER. DAZER estimates the relevance between a document and a category by taking a small set of seed words relevant to the category. With pre-trained word embeddings from a large external corpus, DAZER is devised to extract the relevance signals by modeling the hidden feature interactions in the word embedding space. The relevance signals are extracted through a gated convolutional process. The gate mechanism controls which convolution filters output the relevance signals in a category dependent manner. Experiments on two document collections of two different tasks (i.e., topic categorization and sentiment analysis) demonstrate that DAZER significantly outperforms the existing alternative solutions, including the state-of-the-art deep relevance ranking models.
Recurrent neural network (RNN) has achieved remarkable performance in text categorization. RNN can model the entire sequence and capture long-term dependencies, but it does not do well in extracting key patterns. In contrast, convolutional neural network (CNN) is good at extracting local and position-invariant features. In this paper, we present a novel model named disconnected recurrent neural network (DRNN), which incorporates position-invariance into RNN. By limiting the distance of information flow in RNN, the hidden state at each time step is restricted to represent words near the current position. The proposed model makes great improvements over RNN and CNN models and achieves the best performance on several benchmark datasets for text categorization.
Word embeddings are effective intermediate representations for capturing semantic regularities between words, when learning the representations of text sequences. We propose to view text classification as a label-word joint embedding problem: each label is embedded in the same space with the word vectors. We introduce an attention framework that measures the compatibility of embeddings between text sequences and labels. The attention is learned on a training set of labeled samples to ensure that, given a text sequence, the relevant words are weighted higher than the irrelevant ones. Our method maintains the interpretability of word embeddings, and enjoys a built-in ability to leverage alternative sources of information, in addition to input text sequences. Extensive results on the several large text datasets show that the proposed framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, in terms of both accuracy and speed.
Topic models with sparsity enhancement have been proven to be effective at learning discriminative and coherent latent topics of short texts, which is critical to many scientific and engineering applications. However, the extensions of these models require carefully tailored graphical models and re-deduced inference algorithms, limiting their variations and applications. We propose a novel sparsity-enhanced topic model, Neural Sparse Topical Coding (NSTC) base on a sparsity-enhanced topic model called Sparse Topical Coding (STC). It focuses on replacing the complex inference process with the back propagation, which makes the model easy to explore extensions. Moreover, the external semantic information of words in word embeddings is incorporated to improve the representation of short texts. To illustrate the flexibility offered by the neural network based framework, we present three extensions base on NSTC without re-deduced inference algorithms. Experiments on Web Snippet and 20Newsgroups datasets demonstrate that our models outperform existing methods.
Measuring similarity between texts is an important task for several applications. Available approaches to measure document similarity are inadequate for document pairs that have non-comparable lengths, such as a long document and its summary. This is because of the lexical, contextual and the abstraction gaps between a long document of rich details and its concise summary of abstract information. In this paper, we present a document matching approach to bridge this gap, by comparing the texts in a common space of hidden topics. We evaluate the matching algorithm on two matching tasks and find that it consistently and widely outperforms strong baselines. We also highlight the benefits of the incorporation of domain knowledge to text matching.
Predicting a reader’s rating of text quality is a challenging task that involves estimating different subjective aspects of the text, like structure, clarity, etc. Such subjective aspects are better handled using cognitive information. One such source of cognitive information is gaze behaviour. In this paper, we show that gaze behaviour does indeed help in effectively predicting the rating of text quality. To do this, we first we model text quality as a function of three properties - organization, coherence and cohesion. Then, we demonstrate how capturing gaze behaviour helps in predicting each of these properties, and hence the overall quality, by reporting improvements obtained by adding gaze features to traditional textual features for score prediction. We also hypothesize that if a reader has fully understood the text, the corresponding gaze behaviour would give a better indication of the assigned rating, as opposed to partial understanding. Our experiments validate this hypothesis by showing greater agreement between the given rating and the predicted rating when the reader has a full understanding of the text.
We propose a novel approach to OCR post-correction that exploits repeated texts in large corpora both as a source of noisy target outputs for unsupervised training and as a source of evidence when decoding. A sequence-to-sequence model with attention is applied for single-input correction, and a new decoder with multi-input attention averaging is developed to search for consensus among multiple sequences. We design two ways of training the correction model without human annotation, either training to match noisily observed textual variants or bootstrapping from a uniform error model. On two corpora of historical newspapers and books, we show that these unsupervised techniques cut the character and word error rates nearly in half on single inputs and, with the addition of multi-input decoding, can rival supervised methods.
Text in many domains involves a significant amount of named entities. Predicting the entity names is often challenging for a language model as they appear less frequent on the training corpus. In this paper, we propose a novel and effective approach to building a language model which can learn the entity names by leveraging their entity type information. We also introduce two benchmark datasets based on recipes and Java programming codes, on which we evaluate the proposed model. Experimental results show that our model achieves 52.2% better perplexity in recipe generation and 22.06% on code generation than state-of-the-art language models.
Hypertext documents, such as web pages and academic papers, are of great importance in delivering information in our daily life. Although being effective on plain documents, conventional text embedding methods suffer from information loss if directly adapted to hyper-documents. In this paper, we propose a general embedding approach for hyper-documents, namely, hyperdoc2vec, along with four criteria characterizing necessary information that hyper-document embedding models should preserve. Systematic comparisons are conducted between hyperdoc2vec and several competitors on two tasks, i.e., paper classification and citation recommendation, in the academic paper domain. Analyses and experiments both validate the superiority of hyperdoc2vec to other models w.r.t. the four criteria.
This paper presents the Entity-Duet Neural Ranking Model (EDRM), which introduces knowledge graphs to neural search systems. EDRM represents queries and documents by their words and entity annotations. The semantics from knowledge graphs are integrated in the distributed representations of their entities, while the ranking is conducted by interaction-based neural ranking networks. The two components are learned end-to-end, making EDRM a natural combination of entity-oriented search and neural information retrieval. Our experiments on a commercial search log demonstrate the effectiveness of EDRM. Our analyses reveal that knowledge graph semantics significantly improve the generalization ability of neural ranking models.
Modeling natural language inference is a very challenging task. With the availability of large annotated data, it has recently become feasible to train complex models such as neural-network-based inference models, which have shown to achieve the state-of-the-art performance. Although there exist relatively large annotated data, can machines learn all knowledge needed to perform natural language inference (NLI) from these data? If not, how can neural-network-based NLI models benefit from external knowledge and how to build NLI models to leverage it? In this paper, we enrich the state-of-the-art neural natural language inference models with external knowledge. We demonstrate that the proposed models improve neural NLI models to achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the SNLI and MultiNLI datasets.
We consider the problem of learning textual entailment models with limited supervision (5K-10K training examples), and present two complementary approaches for it. First, we propose knowledge-guided adversarial example generators for incorporating large lexical resources in entailment models via only a handful of rule templates. Second, to make the entailment model—a discriminator—more robust, we propose the first GAN-style approach for training it using a natural language example generator that iteratively adjusts to the discriminator’s weaknesses. We demonstrate effectiveness using two entailment datasets, where the proposed methods increase accuracy by 4.7% on SciTail and by 2.8% on a 1% sub-sample of SNLI. Notably, even a single hand-written rule, negate, improves the accuracy of negation examples in SNLI by 6.1%.
Research on distributed word representations is focused on widely-used languages such as English. Although the same methods can be used for other languages, language-specific knowledge can enhance the accuracy and richness of word vector representations. In this paper, we look at improving distributed word representations for Korean using knowledge about the unique linguistic structure of Korean. Specifically, we decompose Korean words into the jamo-level, beyond the character-level, allowing a systematic use of subword information. To evaluate the vectors, we develop Korean test sets for word similarity and analogy and make them publicly available. The results show that our simple method outperforms word2vec and character-level Skip-Grams on semantic and syntactic similarity and analogy tasks and contributes positively toward downstream NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis.
Sememes are minimum semantic units of concepts in human languages, such that each word sense is composed of one or multiple sememes. Words are usually manually annotated with their sememes by linguists, and form linguistic common-sense knowledge bases widely used in various NLP tasks. Recently, the lexical sememe prediction task has been introduced. It consists of automatically recommending sememes for words, which is expected to improve annotation efficiency and consistency. However, existing methods of lexical sememe prediction typically rely on the external context of words to represent the meaning, which usually fails to deal with low-frequency and out-of-vocabulary words. To address this issue for Chinese, we propose a novel framework to take advantage of both internal character information and external context information of words. We experiment on HowNet, a Chinese sememe knowledge base, and demonstrate that our framework outperforms state-of-the-art baselines by a large margin, and maintains a robust performance even for low-frequency words.
Because word semantics can substantially change across communities and contexts, capturing domain-specific word semantics is an important challenge. Here, we propose SemAxis, a simple yet powerful framework to characterize word semantics using many semantic axes in word-vector spaces beyond sentiment. We demonstrate that SemAxis can capture nuanced semantic representations in multiple online communities. We also show that, when the sentiment axis is examined, SemAxis outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in building domain-specific sentiment lexicons.
We present a novel end-to-end reinforcement learning approach to automatic taxonomy induction from a set of terms. While prior methods treat the problem as a two-phase task (i.e.,, detecting hypernymy pairs followed by organizing these pairs into a tree-structured hierarchy), we argue that such two-phase methods may suffer from error propagation, and cannot effectively optimize metrics that capture the holistic structure of a taxonomy. In our approach, the representations of term pairs are learned using multiple sources of information and used to determine which term to select and where to place it on the taxonomy via a policy network. All components are trained in an end-to-end manner with cumulative rewards, measured by a holistic tree metric over the training taxonomies. Experiments on two public datasets of different domains show that our approach outperforms prior state-of-the-art taxonomy induction methods up to 19.6% on ancestor F1.
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) aims to identify the correct meaning of polysemous words in the particular context. Lexical resources like WordNet which are proved to be of great help for WSD in the knowledge-based methods. However, previous neural networks for WSD always rely on massive labeled data (context), ignoring lexical resources like glosses (sense definitions). In this paper, we integrate the context and glosses of the target word into a unified framework in order to make full use of both labeled data and lexical knowledge. Therefore, we propose GAS: a gloss-augmented WSD neural network which jointly encodes the context and glosses of the target word. GAS models the semantic relationship between the context and the gloss in an improved memory network framework, which breaks the barriers of the previous supervised methods and knowledge-based methods. We further extend the original gloss of word sense via its semantic relations in WordNet to enrich the gloss information. The experimental results show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art systems on several English all-words WSD datasets.
Sentiment analysis in low-resource languages suffers from a lack of annotated corpora to estimate high-performing models. Machine translation and bilingual word embeddings provide some relief through cross-lingual sentiment approaches. However, they either require large amounts of parallel data or do not sufficiently capture sentiment information. We introduce Bilingual Sentiment Embeddings (BLSE), which jointly represent sentiment information in a source and target language. This model only requires a small bilingual lexicon, a source-language corpus annotated for sentiment, and monolingual word embeddings for each language. We perform experiments on three language combinations (Spanish, Catalan, Basque) for sentence-level cross-lingual sentiment classification and find that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on four out of six experimental setups, as well as capturing complementary information to machine translation. Our analysis of the resulting embedding space provides evidence that it represents sentiment information in the resource-poor target language without any annotated data in that language.
Word embeddings have been widely used in sentiment classification because of their efficacy for semantic representations of words. Given reviews from different domains, some existing methods for word embeddings exploit sentiment information, but they cannot produce domain-sensitive embeddings. On the other hand, some other existing methods can generate domain-sensitive word embeddings, but they cannot distinguish words with similar contexts but opposite sentiment polarity. We propose a new method for learning domain-sensitive and sentiment-aware embeddings that simultaneously capture the information of sentiment semantics and domain sensitivity of individual words. Our method can automatically determine and produce domain-common embeddings and domain-specific embeddings. The differentiation of domain-common and domain-specific words enables the advantage of data augmentation of common semantics from multiple domains and capture the varied semantics of specific words from different domains at the same time. Experimental results show that our model provides an effective way to learn domain-sensitive and sentiment-aware word embeddings which benefit sentiment classification at both sentence level and lexicon term level.
The task of adopting a model with good performance to a target domain that is different from the source domain used for training has received considerable attention in sentiment analysis. Most existing approaches mainly focus on learning representations that are domain-invariant in both the source and target domains. Few of them pay attention to domain-specific information, which should also be informative. In this work, we propose a method to simultaneously extract domain specific and invariant representations and train a classifier on each of the representation, respectively. And we introduce a few target domain labeled data for learning domain-specific information. To effectively utilize the target domain labeled data, we train the domain invariant representation based classifier with both the source and target domain labeled data and train the domain-specific representation based classifier with only the target domain labeled data. These two classifiers then boost each other in a co-training style. Extensive sentiment analysis experiments demonstrated that the proposed method could achieve better performance than state-of-the-art methods.
Aspect based sentiment analysis (ABSA) can provide more detailed information than general sentiment analysis, because it aims to predict the sentiment polarities of the given aspects or entities in text. We summarize previous approaches into two subtasks: aspect-category sentiment analysis (ACSA) and aspect-term sentiment analysis (ATSA). Most previous approaches employ long short-term memory and attention mechanisms to predict the sentiment polarity of the concerned targets, which are often complicated and need more training time. We propose a model based on convolutional neural networks and gating mechanisms, which is more accurate and efficient. First, the novel Gated Tanh-ReLU Units can selectively output the sentiment features according to the given aspect or entity. The architecture is much simpler than attention layer used in the existing models. Second, the computations of our model could be easily parallelized during training, because convolutional layers do not have time dependency as in LSTM layers, and gating units also work independently. The experiments on SemEval datasets demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our models.
Deep convolutional neural networks excel at sentiment polarity classification, but tend to require substantial amounts of training data, which moreover differs quite significantly between domains. In this work, we present an approach to feed generic cues into the training process of such networks, leading to better generalization abilities given limited training data. We propose to induce sentiment embeddings via supervision on extrinsic data, which are then fed into the model via a dedicated memory-based component. We observe significant gains in effectiveness on a range of different datasets in seven different languages.
The use of user/product information in sentiment analysis is important, especially for cold-start users/products, whose number of reviews are very limited. However, current models do not deal with the cold-start problem which is typical in review websites. In this paper, we present Hybrid Contextualized Sentiment Classifier (HCSC), which contains two modules: (1) a fast word encoder that returns word vectors embedded with short and long range dependency features; and (2) Cold-Start Aware Attention (CSAA), an attention mechanism that considers the existence of cold-start problem when attentively pooling the encoded word vectors. HCSC introduces shared vectors that are constructed from similar users/products, and are used when the original distinct vectors do not have sufficient information (i.e. cold-start). This is decided by a frequency-guided selective gate vector. Our experiments show that in terms of RMSE, HCSC performs significantly better when compared with on famous datasets, despite having less complexity, and thus can be trained much faster. More importantly, our model performs significantly better than previous models when the training data is sparse and has cold-start problems.
This paper studies how the argumentation strategies of participants in deliberative discussions can be supported computationally. Our ultimate goal is to predict the best next deliberative move of each participant. In this paper, we present a model for deliberative discussions and we illustrate its operationalization. Previous models have been built manually based on a small set of discussions, resulting in a level of abstraction that is not suitable for move recommendation. In contrast, we derive our model statistically from several types of metadata that can be used for move description. Applied to six million discussions from Wikipedia talk pages, our approach results in a model with 13 categories along three dimensions: discourse acts, argumentative relations, and frames. On this basis, we automatically generate a corpus with about 200,000 turns, labeled for the 13 categories. We then operationalize the model with three supervised classifiers and provide evidence that the proposed categories can be predicted.
We present a new dataset of image caption annotations, Conceptual Captions, which contains an order of magnitude more images than the MS-COCO dataset (Lin et al., 2014) and represents a wider variety of both images and image caption styles. We achieve this by extracting and filtering image caption annotations from billions of webpages. We also present quantitative evaluations of a number of image captioning models and show that a model architecture based on Inception-ResNetv2 (Szegedy et al., 2016) for image-feature extraction and Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) for sequence modeling achieves the best performance when trained on the Conceptual Captions dataset.
We conduct the most comprehensive study to date into translating words via images. To facilitate research on the task, we introduce a large-scale multilingual corpus of images, each labeled with the word it represents. Past datasets have been limited to only a few high-resource languages and unrealistically easy translation settings. In contrast, we have collected by far the largest available dataset for this task, with images for approximately 10,000 words in each of 100 languages. We run experiments on a dozen high resource languages and 20 low resources languages, demonstrating the effect of word concreteness and part-of-speech on translation quality. %We find that while image features work best for concrete nouns, they are sometimes effective on other parts of speech. To improve image-based translation, we introduce a novel method of predicting word concreteness from images, which improves on a previous state-of-the-art unsupervised technique. This allows us to predict when image-based translation may be effective, enabling consistent improvements to a state-of-the-art text-based word translation system. Our code and the Massively Multilingual Image Dataset (MMID) are available at
Medical imaging is widely used in clinical practice for diagnosis and treatment. Report-writing can be error-prone for unexperienced physicians, and time-consuming and tedious for experienced physicians. To address these issues, we study the automatic generation of medical imaging reports. This task presents several challenges. First, a complete report contains multiple heterogeneous forms of information, including findings and tags. Second, abnormal regions in medical images are difficult to identify. Third, the reports are typically long, containing multiple sentences. To cope with these challenges, we (1) build a multi-task learning framework which jointly performs the prediction of tags and the generation of paragraphs, (2) propose a co-attention mechanism to localize regions containing abnormalities and generate narrations for them, (3) develop a hierarchical LSTM model to generate long paragraphs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods on two publicly available dataset.
Visual language grounding is widely studied in modern neural image captioning systems, which typically adopts an encoder-decoder framework consisting of two principal components: a convolutional neural network (CNN) for image feature extraction and a recurrent neural network (RNN) for language caption generation. To study the robustness of language grounding to adversarial perturbations in machine vision and perception, we propose Show-and-Fool, a novel algorithm for crafting adversarial examples in neural image captioning. The proposed algorithm provides two evaluation approaches, which check if we can mislead neural image captioning systems to output some randomly chosen captions or keywords. Our extensive experiments show that our algorithm can successfully craft visually-similar adversarial examples with randomly targeted captions or keywords, and the adversarial examples can be made highly transferable to other image captioning systems. Consequently, our approach leads to new robustness implications of neural image captioning and novel insights in visual language grounding.
In this paper, we study the problem of geometric reasoning (a form of visual reasoning) in the context of question-answering. We introduce Dynamic Spatial Memory Network (DSMN), a new deep network architecture that specializes in answering questions that admit latent visual representations, and learns to generate and reason over such representations. Further, we propose two synthetic benchmarks, FloorPlanQA and ShapeIntersection, to evaluate the geometric reasoning capability of QA systems. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our proposed DSMN for visual thinking tasks.
Building intelligent agents that can communicate with and learn from humans in natural language is of great value. Supervised language learning is limited by the ability of capturing mainly the statistics of training data, and is hardly adaptive to new scenarios or flexible for acquiring new knowledge without inefficient retraining or catastrophic forgetting. We highlight the perspective that conversational interaction serves as a natural interface both for language learning and for novel knowledge acquisition and propose a joint imitation and reinforcement approach for grounded language learning through an interactive conversational game. The agent trained with this approach is able to actively acquire information by asking questions about novel objects and use the just-learned knowledge in subsequent conversations in a one-shot fashion. Results compared with other methods verified the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Recently, there has been growing interest in multi-speaker speech recognition, where the utterances of multiple speakers are recognized from their mixture. Promising techniques have been proposed for this task, but earlier works have required additional training data such as isolated source signals or senone alignments for effective learning. In this paper, we propose a new sequence-to-sequence framework to directly decode multiple label sequences from a single speech sequence by unifying source separation and speech recognition functions in an end-to-end manner. We further propose a new objective function to improve the contrast between the hidden vectors to avoid generating similar hypotheses. Experimental results show that the model is directly able to learn a mapping from a speech mixture to multiple label sequences, achieving 83.1% relative improvement compared to a model trained without the proposed objective. Interestingly, the results are comparable to those produced by previous end-to-end works featuring explicit separation and recognition modules.
Statistical morphological inflectors are typically trained on fully supervised, type-level data. One remaining open research question is the following: How can we effectively exploit raw, token-level data to improve their performance? To this end, we introduce a novel generative latent-variable model for the semi-supervised learning of inflection generation. To enable posterior inference over the latent variables, we derive an efficient variational inference procedure based on the wake-sleep algorithm. We experiment on 23 languages, using the Universal Dependencies corpora in a simulated low-resource setting, and find improvements of over 10% absolute accuracy in some cases.
The rise of neural networks, and particularly recurrent neural networks, has produced significant advances in part-of-speech tagging accuracy. One characteristic common among these models is the presence of rich initial word encodings. These encodings typically are composed of a recurrent character-based representation with dynamically and pre-trained word embeddings. However, these encodings do not consider a context wider than a single word and it is only through subsequent recurrent layers that word or sub-word information interacts. In this paper, we investigate models that use recurrent neural networks with sentence-level context for initial character and word-based representations. In particular we show that optimal results are obtained by integrating these context sensitive representations through synchronized training with a meta-model that learns to combine their states.
Morphological analysis involves predicting the syntactic traits of a word (e.g. POS: Noun, Case: Acc, Gender: Fem). Previous work in morphological tagging improves performance for low-resource languages (LRLs) through cross-lingual training with a high-resource language (HRL) from the same family, but is limited by the strict, often false, assumption that tag sets exactly overlap between the HRL and LRL. In this paper we propose a method for cross-lingual morphological tagging that aims to improve information sharing between languages by relaxing this assumption. The proposed model uses factorial conditional random fields with neural network potentials, making it possible to (1) utilize the expressive power of neural network representations to smooth over superficial differences in the surface forms, (2) model pairwise and transitive relationships between tags, and (3) accurately generate tag sets that are unseen or rare in the training data. Experiments on four languages from the Universal Dependencies Treebank demonstrate superior tagging accuracies over existing cross-lingual approaches.
Shi, Huang, and Lee (2017a) obtained state-of-the-art results for English and Chinese dependency parsing by combining dynamic-programming implementations of transition-based dependency parsers with a minimal set of bidirectional LSTM features. However, their results were limited to projective parsing. In this paper, we extend their approach to support non-projectivity by providing the first practical implementation of the MH₄ algorithm, an O(n4) mildly nonprojective dynamic-programming parser with very high coverage on non-projective treebanks. To make MH₄ compatible with minimal transition-based feature sets, we introduce a transition-based interpretation of it in which parser items are mapped to sequences of transitions. We thus obtain the first implementation of global decoding for non-projective transition-based parsing, and demonstrate empirically that it is effective than its projective counterpart in parsing a number of highly non-projective languages.
We demonstrate that replacing an LSTM encoder with a self-attentive architecture can lead to improvements to a state-of-the-art discriminative constituency parser. The use of attention makes explicit the manner in which information is propagated between different locations in the sentence, which we use to both analyze our model and propose potential improvements. For example, we find that separating positional and content information in the encoder can lead to improved parsing accuracy. Additionally, we evaluate different approaches for lexical representation. Our parser achieves new state-of-the-art results for single models trained on the Penn Treebank: 93.55 F1 without the use of any external data, and 95.13 F1 when using pre-trained word representations. Our parser also outperforms the previous best-published accuracy figures on 8 of the 9 languages in the SPMRL dataset.
Motivated by the positive impact of empty category on syntactic parsing, we study neural models for pre- and in-parsing detection of empty category, which has not previously been investigated. We find several non-obvious facts: (a) BiLSTM can capture non-local contextual information which is essential for detecting empty categories, (b) even with a BiLSTM, syntactic information is still able to enhance the detection, and (c) automatic detection of empty categories improves parsing quality for overt words. Our neural ECD models outperform the prior state-of-the-art by significant margins.
Weighted finite state transducers (FSTs) are frequently used in language processing to handle tasks such as part-of-speech tagging and speech recognition. There has been previous work using multiple CPU cores to accelerate finite state algorithms, but limited attention has been given to parallel graphics processing unit (GPU) implementations. In this paper, we introduce the first (to our knowledge) GPU implementation of the FST composition operation, and we also discuss the optimizations used to achieve the best performance on this architecture. We show that our approach obtains speedups of up to 6 times over our serial implementation and 4.5 times over OpenFST.
Treebank conversion is a straightforward and effective way to exploit various heterogeneous treebanks for boosting parsing performance. However, previous work mainly focuses on unsupervised treebank conversion and has made little progress due to the lack of manually labeled data where each sentence has two syntactic trees complying with two different guidelines at the same time, referred as bi-tree aligned data. In this work, we for the first time propose the task of supervised treebank conversion. First, we manually construct a bi-tree aligned dataset containing over ten thousand sentences. Then, we propose two simple yet effective conversion approaches (pattern embedding and treeLSTM) based on the state-of-the-art deep biaffine parser. Experimental results show that 1) the two conversion approaches achieve comparable conversion accuracy, and 2) treebank conversion is superior to the widely used multi-task learning framework in multi-treebank exploitation and leads to significantly higher parsing accuracy.
We propose Object-oriented Neural Programming (OONP), a framework for semantically parsing documents in specific domains. Basically, OONP reads a document and parses it into a predesigned object-oriented data structure that reflects the domain-specific semantics of the document. An OONP parser models semantic parsing as a decision process: a neural net-based Reader sequentially goes through the document, and builds and updates an intermediate ontology during the process to summarize its partial understanding of the text. OONP supports a big variety of forms (both symbolic and differentiable) for representing the state and the document, and a rich family of operations to compose the representation. An OONP parser can be trained with supervision of different forms and strength, including supervised learning (SL), reinforcement learning (RL) and hybrid of the two. Our experiments on both synthetic and real-world document parsing tasks have shown that OONP can learn to handle fairly complicated ontology with training data of modest sizes.
Recurrent neural network grammars (RNNGs) are generative models of (tree , string ) pairs that rely on neural networks to evaluate derivational choices. Parsing with them using beam search yields a variety of incremental complexity metrics such as word surprisal and parser action count. When used as regressors against human electrophysiological responses to naturalistic text, they derive two amplitude effects: an early peak and a P600-like later peak. By contrast, a non-syntactic neural language model yields no reliable effects. Model comparisons attribute the early peak to syntactic composition within the RNNG. This pattern of results recommends the RNNG+beam search combination as a mechanistic model of the syntactic processing that occurs during normal human language comprehension.
Inquiry is fundamental to communication, and machines cannot effectively collaborate with humans unless they can ask questions. In this work, we build a neural network model for the task of ranking clarification questions. Our model is inspired by the idea of expected value of perfect information: a good question is one whose expected answer will be useful. We study this problem using data from StackExchange, a plentiful online resource in which people routinely ask clarifying questions to posts so that they can better offer assistance to the original poster. We create a dataset of clarification questions consisting of 77K posts paired with a clarification question (and answer) from three domains of StackExchange: askubuntu, unix and superuser. We evaluate our model on 500 samples of this dataset against expert human judgments and demonstrate significant improvements over controlled baselines.
We introduce the novel task of predicting adverbial presupposition triggers, which is useful for natural language generation tasks such as summarization and dialogue systems. We introduce two new corpora, derived from the Penn Treebank and the Annotated English Gigaword dataset and investigate the use of a novel attention mechanism tailored to this task. Our attention mechanism augments a baseline recurrent neural network without the need for additional trainable parameters, minimizing the added computational cost of our mechanism. We demonstrate that this model statistically outperforms our baselines.
We reformulate the problem of encoding a multi-scale representation of a sequence in a language model by casting it in a continuous learning framework. We propose a hierarchical multi-scale language model in which short time-scale dependencies are encoded in the hidden state of a lower-level recurrent neural network while longer time-scale dependencies are encoded in the dynamic of the lower-level network by having a meta-learner update the weights of the lower-level neural network in an online meta-learning fashion. We use elastic weights consolidation as a higher-level to prevent catastrophic forgetting in our continuous learning framework.
Increasing the capacity of recurrent neural networks (RNN) usually involves augmenting the size of the hidden layer, with significant increase of computational cost. Recurrent neural tensor networks (RNTN) increase capacity using distinct hidden layer weights for each word, but with greater costs in memory usage. In this paper, we introduce restricted recurrent neural tensor networks (r-RNTN) which reserve distinct hidden layer weights for frequent vocabulary words while sharing a single set of weights for infrequent words. Perplexity evaluations show that for fixed hidden layer sizes, r-RNTNs improve language model performance over RNNs using only a small fraction of the parameters of unrestricted RNTNs. These results hold for r-RNTNs using Gated Recurrent Units and Long Short-Term Memory.
We present a set of experiments to demonstrate that deep recurrent neural networks (RNNs) learn internal representations that capture soft hierarchical notions of syntax from highly varied supervision. We consider four syntax tasks at different depths of the parse tree; for each word, we predict its part of speech as well as the first (parent), second (grandparent) and third level (great-grandparent) constituent labels that appear above it. These predictions are made from representations produced at different depths in networks that are pretrained with one of four objectives: dependency parsing, semantic role labeling, machine translation, or language modeling. In every case, we find a correspondence between network depth and syntactic depth, suggesting that a soft syntactic hierarchy emerges. This effect is robust across all conditions, indicating that the models encode significant amounts of syntax even in the absence of an explicit syntactic training supervision.
Measuring the performance of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems requires manually transcribed data in order to compute the word error rate (WER), which is often time-consuming and expensive. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to estimate WER, or e-WER, which does not require a gold-standard transcription of the test set. Our e-WER framework uses a comprehensive set of features: ASR recognised text, character recognition results to complement recognition output, and internal decoder features. We report results for the two features; black-box and glass-box using unseen 24 Arabic broadcast programs. Our system achieves 16.9% WER root mean squared error (RMSE) across 1,400 sentences. The estimated overall WER e-WER was 25.3% for the three hours test set, while the actual WER was 28.5%.
Written text often provides sufficient clues to identify the author, their gender, age, and other important attributes. Consequently, the authorship of training and evaluation corpora can have unforeseen impacts, including differing model performance for different user groups, as well as privacy implications. In this paper, we propose an approach to explicitly obscure important author characteristics at training time, such that representations learned are invariant to these attributes. Evaluating on two tasks, we show that this leads to increased privacy in the learned representations, as well as more robust models to varying evaluation conditions, including out-of-domain corpora.
We propose an efficient method to generate white-box adversarial examples to trick a character-level neural classifier. We find that only a few manipulations are needed to greatly decrease the accuracy. Our method relies on an atomic flip operation, which swaps one token for another, based on the gradients of the one-hot input vectors. Due to efficiency of our method, we can perform adversarial training which makes the model more robust to attacks at test time. With the use of a few semantics-preserving constraints, we demonstrate that HotFlip can be adapted to attack a word-level classifier as well.
Generic word embeddings are trained on large-scale generic corpora; Domain Specific (DS) word embeddings are trained only on data from a domain of interest. This paper proposes a method to combine the breadth of generic embeddings with the specificity of domain specific embeddings. The resulting embeddings, called Domain Adapted (DA) word embeddings, are formed by aligning corresponding word vectors using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) or the related nonlinear Kernel CCA. Evaluation results on sentiment classification tasks show that the DA embeddings substantially outperform both generic, DS embeddings when used as input features to standard or state-of-the-art sentence encoding algorithms for classification.
Semantic parsing requires training data that is expensive and slow to collect. We apply active learning to both traditional and “overnight” data collection approaches. We show that it is possible to obtain good training hyperparameters from seed data which is only a small fraction of the full dataset. We show that uncertainty sampling based on least confidence score is competitive in traditional data collection but not applicable for overnight collection. We propose several active learning strategies for overnight data collection and show that different example selection strategies per domain perform best.
In this paper we suggest to leverage the partition of articles into sections, in order to learn thematic similarity metric between sentences. We assume that a sentence is thematically closer to sentences within its section than to sentences from other sections. Based on this assumption, we use Wikipedia articles to automatically create a large dataset of weakly labeled sentence triplets, composed of a pivot sentence, one sentence from the same section and one from another section. We train a triplet network to embed sentences from the same section closer. To test the performance of the learned embeddings, we create and release a sentence clustering benchmark. We show that the triplet network learns useful thematic metrics, that significantly outperform state-of-the-art semantic similarity methods and multipurpose embeddings on the task of thematic clustering of sentences. We also show that the learned embeddings perform well on the task of sentence semantic similarity prediction.
We use dependency triples automatically extracted from a Web-scale corpus to perform unsupervised semantic frame induction. We cast the frame induction problem as a triclustering problem that is a generalization of clustering for triadic data. Our replicable benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed graph-based approach, Triframes, shows state-of-the art results on this task on a FrameNet-derived dataset and performing on par with competitive methods on a verb class clustering task.
Identification of distinct and independent participants (entities of interest) in a narrative is an important task for many NLP applications. This task becomes challenging because these participants are often referred to using multiple aliases. In this paper, we propose an approach based on linguistic knowledge for identification of aliases mentioned using proper nouns, pronouns or noun phrases with common noun headword. We use Markov Logic Network (MLN) to encode the linguistic knowledge for identification of aliases. We evaluate on four diverse history narratives of varying complexity. Our approach performs better than the state-of-the-art approach as well as a combination of standard named entity recognition and coreference resolution techniques.
We present a new architecture for named entity recognition. Our model employs multiple independent bidirectional LSTM units across the same input and promotes diversity among them by employing an inter-model regularization term. By distributing computation across multiple smaller LSTMs we find a significant reduction in the total number of parameters. We find our architecture achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CoNLL 2003 NER dataset.
State-of-the-art knowledge base completion (KBC) models predict a score for every known or unknown fact via a latent factorization over entity and relation embeddings. We observe that when they fail, they often make entity predictions that are incompatible with the type required by the relation. In response, we enhance each base factorization with two type-compatibility terms between entity-relation pairs, and combine the signals in a novel manner. Without explicit supervision from a type catalog, our proposed modification obtains up to 7% MRR gains over base models, and new state-of-the-art results on several datasets. Further analysis reveals that our models better represent the latent types of entities and their embeddings also predict supervised types better than the embeddings fitted by baseline models.
We present a novel graph-based neural network model for relation extraction. Our model treats multiple pairs in a sentence simultaneously and considers interactions among them. All the entities in a sentence are placed as nodes in a fully-connected graph structure. The edges are represented with position-aware contexts around the entity pairs. In order to consider different relation paths between two entities, we construct up to l-length walks between each pair. The resulting walks are merged and iteratively used to update the edge representations into longer walks representations. We show that the model achieves performance comparable to the state-of-the-art systems on the ACE 2005 dataset without using any external tools.
This paper addresses the tasks of automatic seed selection for bootstrapping relation extraction, and noise reduction for distantly supervised relation extraction. We first point out that these tasks are related. Then, inspired by ranking relation instances and patterns computed by the HITS algorithm, and selecting cluster centroids using the K-means, LSA, or NMF method, we propose methods for selecting the initial seeds from an existing resource, or reducing the level of noise in the distantly labeled data. Experiments show that our proposed methods achieve a better performance than the baseline systems in both tasks.
LocatedNear relation is a kind of commonsense knowledge describing two physical objects that are typically found near each other in real life. In this paper, we study how to automatically extract such relationship through a sentence-level relation classifier and aggregating the scores of entity pairs from a large corpus. Also, we release two benchmark datasets for evaluation and future research.
Coreference resolution aims to identify in a text all mentions that refer to the same real world entity. The state-of-the-art end-to-end neural coreference model considers all text spans in a document as potential mentions and learns to link an antecedent for each possible mention. In this paper, we propose to improve the end-to-end coreference resolution system by (1) using a biaffine attention model to get antecedent scores for each possible mention, and (2) jointly optimizing the mention detection accuracy and mention clustering accuracy given the mention cluster labels. Our model achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the CoNLL-2012 shared task English test set.
This paper proposes an improvement to the existing data-driven Neural Belief Tracking (NBT) framework for Dialogue State Tracking (DST). The existing NBT model uses a hand-crafted belief state update mechanism which involves an expensive manual retuning step whenever the model is deployed to a new dialogue domain. We show that this update mechanism can be learned jointly with the semantic decoding and context modelling parts of the NBT model, eliminating the last rule-based module from this DST framework. We propose two different statistical update mechanisms and show that dialogue dynamics can be modelled with a very small number of additional model parameters. In our DST evaluation over three languages, we show that this model achieves competitive performance and provides a robust framework for building resource-light DST models.
We study the role of linguistic context in predicting quantifiers (‘few’, ‘all’). We collect crowdsourced data from human participants and test various models in a local (single-sentence) and a global context (multi-sentence) condition. Models significantly out-perform humans in the former setting and are only slightly better in the latter. While human performance improves with more linguistic context (especially on proportional quantifiers), model performance suffers. Models are very effective in exploiting lexical and morpho-syntactic patterns; humans are better at genuinely understanding the meaning of the (global) context.
We ask how to practically build a model for German named entity recognition (NER) that performs at the state of the art for both contemporary and historical texts, i.e., a big-data and a small-data scenario. The two best-performing model families are pitted against each other (linear-chain CRFs and BiLSTM) to observe the trade-off between expressiveness and data requirements. BiLSTM outperforms the CRF when large datasets are available and performs inferior for the smallest dataset. BiLSTMs profit substantially from transfer learning, which enables them to be trained on multiple corpora, resulting in a new state-of-the-art model for German NER on two contemporary German corpora (CoNLL 2003 and GermEval 2014) and two historic corpora.
Software developers and testers have long struggled with how to elicit proactive responses from their coworkers when reviewing code for security vulnerabilities and errors. For a code review to be successful, it must not only identify potential problems but also elicit an active response from the colleague responsible for modifying the code. To understand the factors that contribute to this outcome, we analyze a novel dataset of more than one million code reviews for the Google Chromium project, from which we extract linguistic features of feedback that elicited responsive actions from coworkers. Using a manually-labeled subset of reviewer comments, we trained a highly accurate classifier to identify acted-upon comments (AUC = 0.85). Our results demonstrate the utility of our dataset, the feasibility of using NLP for this new task, and the potential of NLP to improve our understanding of how communications between colleagues can be authored to elicit positive, proactive responses.
Humans rely on multiple sensory modalities when examining and reasoning over images. In this paper, we describe a new multimodal dataset that consists of gaze measurements and spoken descriptions collected in parallel during an image inspection task. The task was performed by multiple participants on 100 general-domain images showing everyday objects and activities. We demonstrate the usefulness of the dataset by applying an existing visual-linguistic data fusion framework in order to label important image regions with appropriate linguistic labels.
Analogical reasoning is effective in capturing linguistic regularities. This paper proposes an analogical reasoning task on Chinese. After delving into Chinese lexical knowledge, we sketch 68 implicit morphological relations and 28 explicit semantic relations. A big and balanced dataset CA8 is then built for this task, including 17813 questions. Furthermore, we systematically explore the influences of vector representations, context features, and corpora on analogical reasoning. With the experiments, CA8 is proved to be a reliable benchmark for evaluating Chinese word embeddings.
Metaphors are frequently used to convey emotions. However, there is little research on the construction of metaphor corpora annotated with emotion for the analysis of emotionality of metaphorical expressions. Furthermore, most studies focus on English, and few in other languages, particularly Sino-Tibetan languages such as Chinese, for emotion analysis from metaphorical texts, although there are likely to be many differences in emotional expressions of metaphorical usages across different languages. We therefore construct a significant new corpus on metaphor, with 5,605 manually annotated sentences in Chinese. We present an annotation scheme that contains annotations of linguistic metaphors, emotional categories (joy, anger, sadness, fear, love, disgust and surprise), and intensity. The annotation agreement analyses for multiple annotators are described. We also use the corpus to explore and analyze the emotionality of metaphors. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first relatively large metaphor corpus with an annotation of emotions in Chinese.
Comments of online articles provide extended views and improve user engagement. Automatically making comments thus become a valuable functionality for online forums, intelligent chatbots, etc. This paper proposes the new task of automatic article commenting, and introduces a large-scale Chinese dataset with millions of real comments and a human-annotated subset characterizing the comments’ varying quality. Incorporating the human bias of comment quality, we further develop automatic metrics that generalize a broad set of popular reference-based metrics and exhibit greatly improved correlations with human evaluations.
Plagiarism is a major issue in science and education. Complex plagiarism, such as plagiarism of ideas, is hard to detect, and therefore it is especially important to track improvement of methods correctly. In this paper, we study the performance of plagdet, the main measure for plagiarim detection, on manually paraphrased datasets (such as PAN Summary). We reveal its fallibility under certain conditions and propose an evaluation framework with normalization of inner terms, which is resilient to the dataset imbalance. We conclude with the experimental justification of the proposed measure. The implementation of the new framework is made publicly available as a Github repository.
In neural abstractive summarization, the conventional sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model often suffers from repetition and semantic irrelevance. To tackle the problem, we propose a global encoding framework, which controls the information flow from the encoder to the decoder based on the global information of the source context. It consists of a convolutional gated unit to perform global encoding to improve the representations of the source-side information. Evaluations on the LCSTS and the English Gigaword both demonstrate that our model outperforms the baseline models, and the analysis shows that our model is capable of generating summary of higher quality and reducing repetition.
We herein present a language-model-based evaluator for deletion-based sentence compression and view this task as a series of deletion-and-evaluation operations using the evaluator. More specifically, the evaluator is a syntactic neural language model that is first built by learning the syntactic and structural collocation among words. Subsequently, a series of trial-and-error deletion operations are conducted on the source sentences via a reinforcement learning framework to obtain the best target compression. An empirical study shows that the proposed model can effectively generate more readable compression, comparable or superior to several strong baselines. Furthermore, we introduce a 200-sentence test set for a large-scale dataset, setting a new baseline for the future research.
In the age of social news, it is important to understand the types of reactions that are evoked from news sources with various levels of credibility. In the present work we seek to better understand how users react to trusted and deceptive news sources across two popular, and very different, social media platforms. To that end, (1) we develop a model to classify user reactions into one of nine types, such as answer, elaboration, and question, etc, and (2) we measure the speed and the type of reaction for trusted and deceptive news sources for 10.8M Twitter posts and 6.2M Reddit comments. We show that there are significant differences in the speed and the type of reactions between trusted and deceptive news sources on Twitter, but far smaller differences on Reddit.
Online petitions are a cost-effective way for citizens to collectively engage with policy-makers in a democracy. Predicting the popularity of a petition — commonly measured by its signature count — based on its textual content has utility for policymakers as well as those posting the petition. In this work, we model this task using CNN regression with an auxiliary ordinal regression objective. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach using UK and US government petition datasets.
We introduce a new approach to tackle the problem of offensive language in online social media. Our approach uses unsupervised text style transfer to translate offensive sentences into non-offensive ones. We propose a new method for training encoder-decoders using non-parallel data that combines a collaborative classifier, attention and the cycle consistency loss. Experimental results on data from Twitter and Reddit show that our method outperforms a state-of-the-art text style transfer system in two out of three quantitative metrics and produces reliable non-offensive transferred sentences.
Natural languages change over time because they evolve to the needs of their users and the socio-technological environment. This study investigates the diachronic accuracy of pre-trained language models for downstream tasks in machine learning and user profiling. It asks the question: given that the social media platform and its users remain the same, how is language changing over time? How can these differences be used to track the changes in the affect around a particular topic? To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that it is possible to measure diachronic semantic drifts within social media and within the span of a few years.
In this paper, we make a move to build a dialogue system for automatic diagnosis. We first build a dataset collected from an online medical forum by extracting symptoms from both patients’ self-reports and conversational data between patients and doctors. Then we propose a task-oriented dialogue system framework to make diagnosis for patients automatically, which can converse with patients to collect additional symptoms beyond their self-reports. Experimental results on our dataset show that additional symptoms extracted from conversation can greatly improve the accuracy for disease identification and our dialogue system is able to collect these symptoms automatically and make a better diagnosis.
Building multi-turn information-seeking conversation systems is an important and challenging research topic. Although several advanced neural text matching models have been proposed for this task, they are generally not efficient for industrial applications. Furthermore, they rely on a large amount of labeled data, which may not be available in real-world applications. To alleviate these problems, we study transfer learning for multi-turn information seeking conversations in this paper. We first propose an efficient and effective multi-turn conversation model based on convolutional neural networks. After that, we extend our model to adapt the knowledge learned from a resource-rich domain to enhance the performance. Finally, we deployed our model in an industrial chatbot called AliMe Assist and observed a significant improvement over the existing online model.
We present a novel multi-task modeling approach to learning multilingual distributed representations of text. Our system learns word and sentence embeddings jointly by training a multilingual skip-gram model together with a cross-lingual sentence similarity model. Our architecture can transparently use both monolingual and sentence aligned bilingual corpora to learn multilingual embeddings, thus covering a vocabulary significantly larger than the vocabulary of the bilingual corpora alone. Our model shows competitive performance in a standard cross-lingual document classification task. We also show the effectiveness of our method in a limited resource scenario.
We investigate the behavior of maps learned by machine translation methods. The maps translate words by projecting between word embedding spaces of different languages. We locally approximate these maps using linear maps, and find that they vary across the word embedding space. This demonstrates that the underlying maps are non-linear. Importantly, we show that the locally linear maps vary by an amount that is tightly correlated with the distance between the neighborhoods on which they are trained. Our results can be used to test non-linear methods, and to drive the design of more accurate maps for word translation.
We learn a joint multilingual sentence embedding and use the distance between sentences in different languages to filter noisy parallel data and to mine for parallel data in large news collections. We are able to improve a competitive baseline on the WMT’14 English to German task by 0.3 BLEU by filtering out 25% of the training data. The same approach is used to mine additional bitexts for the WMT’14 system and to obtain competitive results on the BUCC shared task to identify parallel sentences in comparable corpora. The approach is generic, it can be applied to many language pairs and it is independent of the architecture of the machine translation system.
This paper proposes hybrid semi-Markov conditional random fields (SCRFs) for neural sequence labeling in natural language processing. Based on conventional conditional random fields (CRFs), SCRFs have been designed for the tasks of assigning labels to segments by extracting features from and describing transitions between segments instead of words. In this paper, we improve the existing SCRF methods by employing word-level and segment-level information simultaneously. First, word-level labels are utilized to derive the segment scores in SCRFs. Second, a CRF output layer and an SCRF output layer are integrated into a unified neural network and trained jointly. Experimental results on CoNLL 2003 named entity recognition (NER) shared task show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance when no external knowledge is used.
In this work, we discuss the importance of external knowledge for performing Named Entity Recognition (NER). We present a novel modular framework that divides the knowledge into four categories according to the depth of knowledge they convey. Each category consists of a set of features automatically generated from different information sources, such as a knowledge-base, a list of names, or document-specific semantic annotations. Further, we show the effects on performance when incrementally adding deeper knowledge and discuss effectiveness/efficiency trade-offs.
News related content has been extensively studied in both topic modeling research and named entity recognition. However, expressive power of named entities and their potential for improving the quality of discovered topics has not received much attention. In this paper we use named entities as domain-specific terms for news-centric content and present a new weighting model for Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Our experimental results indicate that involving more named entities in topic descriptors positively influences the overall quality of topics, improving their interpretability, specificity and diversity.
We consider the task of detecting contractual obligations and prohibitions. We show that a self-attention mechanism improves the performance of a BILSTM classifier, the previous state of the art for this task, by allowing it to focus on indicative tokens. We also introduce a hierarchical BILSTM, which converts each sentence to an embedding, and processes the sentence embeddings to classify each sentence. Apart from being faster to train, the hierarchical BILSTM outperforms the flat one, even when the latter considers surrounding sentences, because the hierarchical model has a broader discourse view.
We present a paper abstract writing system based on an attentive neural sequence-to-sequence model that can take a title as input and automatically generate an abstract. We design a novel Writing-editing Network that can attend to both the title and the previously generated abstract drafts and then iteratively revise and polish the abstract. With two series of Turing tests, where the human judges are asked to distinguish the system-generated abstracts from human-written ones, our system passes Turing tests by junior domain experts at a rate up to 30% and by non-expert at a rate up to 80%.
We explore recently introduced definition modeling technique that provided the tool for evaluation of different distributed vector representations of words through modeling dictionary definitions of words. In this work, we study the problem of word ambiguities in definition modeling and propose a possible solution by employing latent variable modeling and soft attention mechanisms. Our quantitative and qualitative evaluation and analysis of the model shows that taking into account words’ ambiguity and polysemy leads to performance improvement.
The task of Question Answering is at the very core of machine comprehension. In this paper, we propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for text-based multiple choice question answering where questions are based on a particular article. Given an article and a multiple choice question, our model assigns a score to each question-option tuple and chooses the final option accordingly. We test our model on Textbook Question Answering (TQA) and SciQ dataset. Our model outperforms several LSTM-based baseline models on the two datasets.
Story comprehension requires a deep semantic understanding of the narrative, making it a challenging task. Inspired by previous studies on ROC Story Cloze Test, we propose a novel method, tracking various semantic aspects with external neural memory chains while encouraging each to focus on a particular semantic aspect. Evaluated on the task of story ending prediction, our model demonstrates superior performance to a collection of competitive baselines, setting a new state of the art.
Effectively using full syntactic parsing information in Neural Networks (NNs) for solving relational tasks, e.g., question similarity, is still an open problem. In this paper, we propose to inject structural representations in NNs by (i) learning a model with Tree Kernels (TKs) on relatively few pairs of questions (few thousands) as gold standard (GS) training data is typically scarce, (ii) predicting labels on a very large corpus of question pairs, and (iii) pre-training NNs on such large corpus. The results on Quora and SemEval question similarity datasets show that NNs using our approach can learn more accurate models, especially after fine tuning on GS.
We offer a simple and effective method to seek a better balance between model confidence and length preference for Neural Machine Translation (NMT). Unlike the popular length normalization and coverage models, our model does not require training nor reranking the limited n-best outputs. Moreover, it is robust to large beam sizes, which is not well studied in previous work. On the Chinese-English and English-German translation tasks, our approach yields +0.4 1.5 BLEU improvements over the state-of-the-art baselines.
Traditional Neural machine translation (NMT) involves a fixed training procedure where each sentence is sampled once during each epoch. In reality, some sentences are well-learned during the initial few epochs; however, using this approach, the well-learned sentences would continue to be trained along with those sentences that were not well learned for 10-30 epochs, which results in a wastage of time. Here, we propose an efficient method to dynamically sample the sentences in order to accelerate the NMT training. In this approach, a weight is assigned to each sentence based on the measured difference between the training costs of two iterations. Further, in each epoch, a certain percentage of sentences are dynamically sampled according to their weights. Empirical results based on the NIST Chinese-to-English and the WMT English-to-German tasks show that the proposed method can significantly accelerate the NMT training and improve the NMT performance.
Neural machine translation (NMT) models are typically trained with fixed-size input and output vocabularies, which creates an important bottleneck on their accuracy and generalization capability. As a solution, various studies proposed segmenting words into sub-word units and performing translation at the sub-lexical level. However, statistical word segmentation methods have recently shown to be prone to morphological errors, which can lead to inaccurate translations. In this paper, we propose to overcome this problem by replacing the source-language embedding layer of NMT with a bi-directional recurrent neural network that generates compositional representations of the input at any desired level of granularity. We test our approach in a low-resource setting with five languages from different morphological typologies, and under different composition assumptions. By training NMT to compose word representations from character n-grams, our approach consistently outperforms (from 1.71 to 2.48 BLEU points) NMT learning embeddings of statistically generated sub-word units.
Every person speaks or writes their own flavor of their native language, influenced by a number of factors: the content they tend to talk about, their gender, their social status, or their geographical origin. When attempting to perform Machine Translation (MT), these variations have a significant effect on how the system should perform translation, but this is not captured well by standard one-size-fits-all models. In this paper, we propose a simple and parameter-efficient adaptation technique that only requires adapting the bias of the output softmax to each particular user of the MT system, either directly or through a factored approximation. Experiments on TED talks in three languages demonstrate improvements in translation accuracy, and better reflection of speaker traits in the target text.
We explore strategies for incorporating target syntax into Neural Machine Translation. We specifically focus on syntax in ensembles containing multiple sentence representations. We formulate beam search over such ensembles using WFSTs, and describe a delayed SGD update training procedure that is especially effective for long representations like linearized syntax. Our approach gives state-of-the-art performance on a difficult Japanese-English task.
We empirically investigate learning from partial feedback in neural machine translation (NMT), when partial feedback is collected by asking users to highlight a correct chunk of a translation. We propose a simple and effective way of utilizing such feedback in NMT training. We demonstrate how the common machine translation problem of domain mismatch between training and deployment can be reduced solely based on chunk-level user feedback. We conduct a series of simulation experiments to test the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our results show that chunk-level feedback outperforms sentence based feedback by up to 2.61% BLEU absolute.
A sentence can be translated into more than one correct sentences. However, most of the existing neural machine translation models only use one of the correct translations as the targets, and the other correct sentences are punished as the incorrect sentences in the training stage. Since most of the correct translations for one sentence share the similar bag-of-words, it is possible to distinguish the correct translations from the incorrect ones by the bag-of-words. In this paper, we propose an approach that uses both the sentences and the bag-of-words as targets in the training stage, in order to encourage the model to generate the potentially correct sentences that are not appeared in the training set. We evaluate our model on a Chinese-English translation dataset, and experiments show our model outperforms the strong baselines by the BLEU score of 4.55.
To achieve high translation performance, neural machine translation models usually rely on the beam search algorithm for decoding sentences. The beam search finds good candidate translations by considering multiple hypotheses of translations simultaneously. However, as the algorithm produces hypotheses in a monotonic left-to-right order, a hypothesis can not be revisited once it is discarded. We found such monotonicity forces the algorithm to sacrifice some good decoding paths. To mitigate this problem, we relax the monotonic constraint of the beam search by maintaining all found hypotheses in a single priority queue and using a universal score function for hypothesis selection. The proposed algorithm allows discarded hypotheses to be recovered in a later step. Despite its simplicity, we show that the proposed decoding algorithm enhances the quality of selected hypotheses and improve the translations even for high-performance models in English-Japanese translation task.
Verb-noun combinations (VNCs) - e.g., blow the whistle, hit the roof, and see stars - are a common type of English idiom that are ambiguous with literal usages. In this paper we propose and evaluate models for classifying VNC usages as idiomatic or literal, based on a variety of approaches to forming distributed representations. Our results show that a model based on averaging word embeddings performs on par with, or better than, a previously-proposed approach based on skip-thoughts. Idiomatic usages of VNCs are known to exhibit lexico-syntactic fixedness. We further incorporate this information into our models, demonstrating that this rich linguistic knowledge is complementary to the information carried by distributed representations.
The methods proposed recently for specializing word embeddings according to a particular perspective generally rely on external knowledge. In this article, we propose Pseudofit, a new method for specializing word embeddings according to semantic similarity without any external knowledge. Pseudofit exploits the notion of pseudo-sense for building several representations for each word and uses these representations for making the initial embeddings more generic. We illustrate the interest of Pseudofit for acquiring synonyms and study several variants of Pseudofit according to this perspective.
Methods for unsupervised hypernym detection may broadly be categorized according to two paradigms: pattern-based and distributional methods. In this paper, we study the performance of both approaches on several hypernymy tasks and find that simple pattern-based methods consistently outperform distributional methods on common benchmark datasets. Our results show that pattern-based models provide important contextual constraints which are not yet captured in distributional methods.
Recent BIO-tagging-based neural semantic role labeling models are very high performing, but assume gold predicates as part of the input and cannot incorporate span-level features. We propose an end-to-end approach for jointly predicting all predicates, arguments spans, and the relations between them. The model makes independent decisions about what relationship, if any, holds between every possible word-span pair, and learns contextualized span representations that provide rich, shared input features for each decision. Experiments demonstrate that this approach sets a new state of the art on PropBank SRL without gold predicates.
In neural machine translation, words are sometimes dropped from the source or generated repeatedly in the translation. We explore novel strategies to address the coverage problem that change only the attention transformation. Our approach allocates fertilities to source words, used to bound the attention each word can receive. We experiment with various sparse and constrained attention transformations and propose a new one, constrained sparsemax, shown to be differentiable and sparse. Empirical evaluation is provided in three languages pairs.
Attention-based neural machine translation (NMT) models selectively focus on specific source positions to produce a translation, which brings significant improvements over pure encoder-decoder sequence-to-sequence models. This work investigates NMT while replacing the attention component. We study a neural hidden Markov model (HMM) consisting of neural network-based alignment and lexicon models, which are trained jointly using the forward-backward algorithm. We show that the attention component can be effectively replaced by the neural network alignment model and the neural HMM approach is able to provide comparable performance with the state-of-the-art attention-based models on the WMT 2017 German↔English and Chinese→English translation tasks.
Gender prediction has typically focused on lexical and social network features, yielding good performance, but making systems highly language-, topic-, and platform dependent. Cross-lingual embeddings circumvent some of these limitations, but capture gender-specific style less. We propose an alternative: bleaching text, i.e., transforming lexical strings into more abstract features. This study provides evidence that such features allow for better transfer across languages. Moreover, we present a first study on the ability of humans to perform cross-lingual gender prediction. We find that human predictive power proves similar to that of our bleached models, and both perform better than lexical models.
Recent embedding-based methods in bilingual lexicon induction show good results, but do not take advantage of orthographic features, such as edit distance, which can be helpful for pairs of related languages. This work extends embedding-based methods to incorporate these features, resulting in significant accuracy gains for related languages.
We propose an entity-centric neural crosslingual coreference model that builds on multi-lingual embeddings and language independent features. We perform both intrinsic and extrinsic evaluations of our model. In the intrinsic evaluation, we show that our model, when trained on English and tested on Chinese and Spanish, achieves competitive results to the models trained directly on Chinese and Spanish respectively. In the extrinsic evaluation, we show that our English model helps achieve superior entity linking accuracy on Chinese and Spanish test sets than the top 2015 TAC system without using any annotated data from Chinese or Spanish.
Multilingual learning for Neural Named Entity Recognition (NNER) involves jointly training a neural network for multiple languages. Typically, the goal is improving the NER performance of one of the languages (the primary language) using the other assisting languages. We show that the divergence in the tag distributions of the common named entities between the primary and assisting languages can reduce the effectiveness of multilingual learning. To alleviate this problem, we propose a metric based on symmetric KL divergence to filter out the highly divergent training instances in the assisting language. We empirically show that our data selection strategy improves NER performance in many languages, including those with very limited training data.
Conventional Open Information Extraction (Open IE) systems are usually built on hand-crafted patterns from other NLP tools such as syntactic parsing, yet they face problems of error propagation. In this paper, we propose a neural Open IE approach with an encoder-decoder framework. Distinct from existing methods, the neural Open IE approach learns highly confident arguments and relation tuples bootstrapped from a state-of-the-art Open IE system. An empirical study on a large benchmark dataset shows that the neural Open IE system significantly outperforms several baselines, while maintaining comparable computational efficiency.
Document-level information is very important for event detection even at sentence level. In this paper, we propose a novel Document Embedding Enhanced Bi-RNN model, called DEEB-RNN, to detect events in sentences. This model first learns event detection oriented embeddings of documents through a hierarchical and supervised attention based RNN, which pays word-level attention to event triggers and sentence-level attention to those sentences containing events. It then uses the learned document embedding to enhance another bidirectional RNN model to identify event triggers and their types in sentences. Through experiments on the ACE-2005 dataset, we demonstrate the effectiveness and merits of the proposed DEEB-RNN model via comparison with state-of-the-art methods.
We propose a method that can leverage unlabeled data to learn a matching model for response selection in retrieval-based chatbots. The method employs a sequence-to-sequence architecture (Seq2Seq) model as a weak annotator to judge the matching degree of unlabeled pairs, and then performs learning with both the weak signals and the unlabeled data. Experimental results on two public data sets indicate that matching models get significant improvements when they are learned with the proposed method.
We present a generative neural network model for slot filling based on a sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) model together with a pointer network, in the situation where only sentence-level slot annotations are available in the spoken dialogue data. This model predicts slot values by jointly learning to copy a word which may be out-of-vocabulary (OOV) from an input utterance through a pointer network, or generate a word within the vocabulary through an attentional Seq2Seq model. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our slot filling model, especially at addressing the OOV problem. Additionally, we integrate the proposed model into a spoken language understanding system and achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the benchmark data.
Robust dialogue belief tracking is a key component in maintaining good quality dialogue systems. The tasks that dialogue systems are trying to solve are becoming increasingly complex, requiring scalability to multi-domain, semantically rich dialogues. However, most current approaches have difficulty scaling up with domains because of the dependency of the model parameters on the dialogue ontology. In this paper, a novel approach is introduced that fully utilizes semantic similarity between dialogue utterances and the ontology terms, allowing the information to be shared across domains. The evaluation is performed on a recently collected multi-domain dialogues dataset, one order of magnitude larger than currently available corpora. Our model demonstrates great capability in handling multi-domain dialogues, simultaneously outperforming existing state-of-the-art models in single-domain dialogue tracking tasks.
Identifying long-span dependencies between discourse units is crucial to improve discourse parsing performance. Most existing approaches design sophisticated features or exploit various off-the-shelf tools, but achieve little success. In this paper, we propose a new transition-based discourse parser that makes use of memory networks to take discourse cohesion into account. The automatically captured discourse cohesion benefits discourse parsing, especially for long span scenarios. Experiments on the RST discourse treebank show that our method outperforms traditional featured based methods, and the memory based discourse cohesion can improve the overall parsing performance significantly.
Annotation corpus for discourse relations benefits NLP tasks such as machine translation and question answering. In this paper, we present SciDTB, a domain-specific discourse treebank annotated on scientific articles. Different from widely-used RST-DT and PDTB, SciDTB uses dependency trees to represent discourse structure, which is flexible and simplified to some extent but do not sacrifice structural integrity. We discuss the labeling framework, annotation workflow and some statistics about SciDTB. Furthermore, our treebank is made as a benchmark for evaluating discourse dependency parsers, on which we provide several baselines as fundamental work.
Because obtaining training data is often the most difficult part of an NLP or ML project, we develop methods for predicting how much data is required to achieve a desired test accuracy by extrapolating results from models trained on a small pilot training dataset. We model how accuracy varies as a function of training size on subsets of the pilot data, and use that model to predict how much training data would be required to achieve the desired accuracy. We introduce a new performance extrapolation task to evaluate how well different extrapolations predict accuracy on larger training sets. We show that details of hyperparameter optimisation and the extrapolation models can have dramatic effects in a document classification task. We believe this is an important first step in developing methods for estimating the resources required to meet specific engineering performance targets.
We investigate the influence that document context exerts on human acceptability judgements for English sentences, via two sets of experiments. The first compares ratings for sentences presented on their own with ratings for the same set of sentences given in their document contexts. The second assesses the accuracy with which two types of neural models — one that incorporates context during training and one that does not — predict these judgements. Our results indicate that: (1) context improves acceptability ratings for ill-formed sentences, but also reduces them for well-formed sentences; and (2) context helps unsupervised systems to model acceptability.
Feed-forward networks are widely used in cross-modal applications to bridge modalities by mapping distributed vectors of one modality to the other, or to a shared space. The predicted vectors are then used to perform e.g., retrieval or labeling. Thus, the success of the whole system relies on the ability of the mapping to make the neighborhood structure (i.e., the pairwise similarities) of the predicted vectors akin to that of the target vectors. However, whether this is achieved has not been investigated yet. Here, we propose a new similarity measure and two ad hoc experiments to shed light on this issue. In three cross-modal benchmarks we learn a large number of language-to-vision and vision-to-language neural network mappings (up to five layers) using a rich diversity of image and text features and loss functions. Our results reveal that, surprisingly, the neighborhood structure of the predicted vectors consistently resembles more that of the input vectors than that of the target vectors. In a second experiment, we further show that untrained nets do not significantly disrupt the neighborhood (i.e., semantic) structure of the input vectors.
Dynamic oracles provide strong supervision for training constituency parsers with exploration, but must be custom defined for a given parser’s transition system. We explore using a policy gradient method as a parser-agnostic alternative. In addition to directly optimizing for a tree-level metric such as F1, policy gradient has the potential to reduce exposure bias by allowing exploration during training; moreover, it does not require a dynamic oracle for supervision. On four constituency parsers in three languages, the method substantially outperforms static oracle likelihood training in almost all settings. For parsers where a dynamic oracle is available (including a novel oracle which we define for the transition system of Dyer et al., 2016), policy gradient typically recaptures a substantial fraction of the performance gain afforded by the dynamic oracle.
Recently, span-based constituency parsing has achieved competitive accuracies with extremely simple models by using bidirectional RNNs to model “spans”. However, the minimal span parser of Stern et al. (2017a) which holds the current state of the art accuracy is a chart parser running in cubic time, O(n3), which is too slow for longer sentences and for applications beyond sentence boundaries such as end-to-end discourse parsing and joint sentence boundary detection and parsing. We propose a linear-time constituency parser with RNNs and dynamic programming using graph-structured stack and beam search, which runs in time O(n b2) where b is the beam size. We further speed this up to O(n b log b) by integrating cube pruning. Compared with chart parsing baselines, this linear-time parser is substantially faster for long sentences on the Penn Treebank and orders of magnitude faster for discourse parsing, and achieves the highest F1 accuracy on the Penn Treebank among single model end-to-end systems.
While syntactic dependency annotations concentrate on the surface or functional structure of a sentence, semantic dependency annotations aim to capture between-word relationships that are more closely related to the meaning of a sentence, using graph-structured representations. We extend the LSTM-based syntactic parser of Dozat and Manning (2017) to train on and generate these graph structures. The resulting system on its own achieves state-of-the-art performance, beating the previous, substantially more complex state-of-the-art system by 0.6% labeled F1. Adding linguistically richer input representations pushes the margin even higher, allowing us to beat it by 1.9% labeled F1.
An abugida is a writing system where the consonant letters represent syllables with a default vowel and other vowels are denoted by diacritics. We investigate the feasibility of recovering the original text written in an abugida after omitting subordinate diacritics and merging consonant letters with similar phonetic values. This is crucial for developing more efficient input methods by reducing the complexity in abugidas. Four abugidas in the southern Brahmic family, i.e., Thai, Burmese, Khmer, and Lao, were studied using a newswire 20,000-sentence dataset. We compared the recovery performance of a support vector machine and an LSTM-based recurrent neural network, finding that the abugida graphemes could be recovered with 94% - 97% accuracy at the top-1 level and 98% - 99% at the top-4 level, even after omitting most diacritics (10 - 30 types) and merging the remaining 30 - 50 characters into 21 graphemes.
As more and more academic papers are being submitted to conferences and journals, evaluating all these papers by professionals is time-consuming and can cause inequality due to the personal factors of the reviewers. In this paper, in order to assist professionals in evaluating academic papers, we propose a novel task: automatic academic paper rating (AAPR), which automatically determine whether to accept academic papers. We build a new dataset for this task and propose a novel modularized hierarchical convolutional neural network to achieve automatic academic paper rating. Evaluation results show that the proposed model outperforms the baselines by a large margin. The dataset and code are available at
In this work, we present an approach based on combining string kernels and word embeddings for automatic essay scoring. String kernels capture the similarity among strings based on counting common character n-grams, which are a low-level yet powerful type of feature, demonstrating state-of-the-art results in various text classification tasks such as Arabic dialect identification or native language identification. To our best knowledge, we are the first to apply string kernels to automatically score essays. We are also the first to combine them with a high-level semantic feature representation, namely the bag-of-super-word-embeddings. We report the best performance on the Automated Student Assessment Prize data set, in both in-domain and cross-domain settings, surpassing recent state-of-the-art deep learning approaches.
Predicting how Congressional legislators will vote is important for understanding their past and future behavior. However, previous work on roll-call prediction has been limited to single session settings, thus not allowing for generalization across sessions. In this paper, we show that text alone is insufficient for modeling voting outcomes in new contexts, as session changes lead to changes in the underlying data generation process. We propose a novel neural method for encoding documents alongside additional metadata, achieving an average of a 4% boost in accuracy over the previous state-of-the-art.
For extracting meaningful topics from texts, their structures should be considered properly. In this paper, we aim to analyze structured time-series documents such as a collection of news articles and a series of scientific papers, wherein topics evolve along time depending on multiple topics in the past and are also related to each other at each time. To this end, we propose a dynamic and static topic model, which simultaneously considers the dynamic structures of the temporal topic evolution and the static structures of the topic hierarchy at each time. We show the results of experiments on collections of scientific papers, in which the proposed method outperformed conventional models. Moreover, we show an example of extracted topic structures, which we found helpful for analyzing research activities.
Recent emerged phrase-level topic models are able to provide topics of phrases, which are easy to read for humans. But these models are lack of the ability to capture the correlation structure among the discovered numerous topics. We propose a novel topic model PhraseCTM and a two-stage method to find out the correlated topics at phrase level. In the first stage, we train PhraseCTM, which models the generation of words and phrases simultaneously by linking the phrases and component words within Markov Random Fields when they are semantically coherent. In the second stage, we generate the correlation of topics from PhraseCTM. We evaluate our method by a quantitative experiment and a human study, showing the correlated topic modeling on phrases is a good and practical way to interpret the underlying themes of a corpus.
In this paper, we address the problem of finding a novel document descriptor based on the covariance matrix of the word vectors of a document. Our descriptor has a fixed length, which makes it easy to use in many supervised and unsupervised applications. We tested our novel descriptor in different tasks including supervised and unsupervised settings. Our evaluation shows that our document covariance descriptor fits different tasks with competitive performance against state-of-the-art methods.
We report an empirical study on the task of negation scope extraction given the negation cue. Our key observation is that certain useful information such as features related to negation cue, long-distance dependencies as well as some latent structural information can be exploited for such a task. We design approaches based on conditional random fields (CRF), semi-Markov CRF, as well as latent-variable CRF models to capture such information. Extensive experiments on several standard datasets demonstrate that our approaches are able to achieve better results than existing approaches reported in the literature.
This work deals with SciTail, a natural entailment challenge derived from a multi-choice question answering problem. The premises and hypotheses in SciTail were generated with no awareness of each other, and did not specifically aim at the entailment task. This makes it more challenging than other entailment data sets and more directly useful to the end-task – question answering. We propose DEISTE (deep explorations of inter-sentence interactions for textual entailment) for this entailment task. Given word-to-word interactions between the premise-hypothesis pair (P, H), DEISTE consists of: (i) a parameter-dynamic convolution to make important words in P and H play a dominant role in learnt representations; and (ii) a position-aware attentive convolution to encode the representation and position information of the aligned word pairs. Experiments show that DEISTE gets ≈5% improvement over prior state of the art and that the pretrained DEISTE on SciTail generalizes well on RTE-5.
A homographic pun is a form of wordplay in which one signifier (usually a word) suggests two or more meanings by exploiting polysemy for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect. In this paper, we focus on the task of pun location, which aims to identify the pun word in a given short text. We propose a sense-aware neural model to address this challenging task. Our model first obtains several WSD results for the text, and then leverages a bidirectional LSTM network to model each sequence of word senses. The outputs at each time step for different LSTM networks are then concatenated for prediction. Evaluation results on the benchmark SemEval 2017 dataset demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed model.
Word Embeddings have recently imposed themselves as a standard for representing word meaning in NLP. Semantic similarity between word pairs has become the most common evaluation benchmark for these representations, with vector cosine being typically used as the only similarity metric. In this paper, we report experiments with a rank-based metric for WE, which performs comparably to vector cosine in similarity estimation and outperforms it in the recently-introduced and challenging task of outlier detection, thus suggesting that rank-based measures can improve clustering quality.
Word embeddings are crucial to many natural language processing tasks. The quality of embeddings relies on large non-noisy corpora. Arabic dialects lack large corpora and are noisy, being linguistically disparate with no standardized spelling. We make three contributions to address this noise. First, we describe simple but effective adaptations to word embedding tools to maximize the informative content leveraged in each training sentence. Second, we analyze methods for representing disparate dialects in one embedding space, either by mapping individual dialects into a shared space or learning a joint model of all dialects. Finally, we evaluate via dictionary induction, showing that two metrics not typically reported in the task enable us to analyze our contributions’ effects on low and high frequency words. In addition to boosting performance between 2-53%, we specifically improve on noisy, low frequency forms without compromising accuracy on high frequency forms.
Negative sampling is an important component in word2vec for distributed word representation learning. We hypothesize that taking into account global, corpus-level information and generating a different noise distribution for each target word better satisfies the requirements of negative examples for each training word than the original frequency-based distribution. In this purpose we pre-compute word co-occurrence statistics from the corpus and apply to it network algorithms such as random walk. We test this hypothesis through a set of experiments whose results show that our approach boosts the word analogy task by about 5% and improves the performance on word similarity tasks by about 1% compared to the skip-gram negative sampling baseline.
This paper presents the first study aimed at capturing stylistic similarity between words in an unsupervised manner. We propose extending the continuous bag of words (CBOW) embedding model (Mikolov et al., 2013b) to learn style-sensitive word vectors using a wider context window under the assumption that the style of all the words in an utterance is consistent. In addition, we introduce a novel task to predict lexical stylistic similarity and to create a benchmark dataset for this task. Our experiment with this dataset supports our assumption and demonstrates that the proposed extensions contribute to the acquisition of style-sensitive word embeddings.
Attention-based long short-term memory (LSTM) networks have proven to be useful in aspect-level sentiment classification. However, due to the difficulties in annotating aspect-level data, existing public datasets for this task are all relatively small, which largely limits the effectiveness of those neural models. In this paper, we explore two approaches that transfer knowledge from document-level data, which is much less expensive to obtain, to improve the performance of aspect-level sentiment classification. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches on 4 public datasets from SemEval 2014, 2015, and 2016, and we show that attention-based LSTM benefits from document-level knowledge in multiple ways.
Humor is one of the most attractive parts in human communication. However, automatically recognizing humor in text is challenging due to the complex characteristics of humor. This paper proposes to model sentiment association between discourse units to indicate how the punchline breaks the expectation of the setup. We found that discourse relation, sentiment conflict and sentiment transition are effective indicators for humor recognition. On the perspective of using sentiment related features, sentiment association in discourse is more useful than counting the number of emotional words.
One key task of fine-grained sentiment analysis of product reviews is to extract product aspects or features that users have expressed opinions on. This paper focuses on supervised aspect extraction using deep learning. Unlike other highly sophisticated supervised deep learning models, this paper proposes a novel and yet simple CNN model employing two types of pre-trained embeddings for aspect extraction: general-purpose embeddings and domain-specific embeddings. Without using any additional supervision, this model achieves surprisingly good results, outperforming state-of-the-art sophisticated existing methods. To our knowledge, this paper is the first to report such double embeddings based CNN model for aspect extraction and achieve very good results.
The process of obtaining high quality labeled data for natural language understanding tasks is often slow, error-prone, complicated and expensive. With the vast usage of neural networks, this issue becomes more notorious since these networks require a large amount of labeled data to produce satisfactory results. We propose a methodology to blend high quality but scarce strong labeled data with noisy but abundant weak labeled data during the training of neural networks. Experiments in the context of topic-dependent evidence detection with two forms of weak labeled data show the advantages of the blending scheme. In addition, we provide a manually annotated data set for the task of topic-dependent evidence detection. We believe that blending weak and strong labeled data is a general notion that may be applicable to many language understanding tasks, and can especially assist researchers who wish to train a network but have a small amount of high quality labeled data for their task of interest.
We propose a tri-modal architecture to predict Big Five personality trait scores from video clips with different channels for audio, text, and video data. For each channel, stacked Convolutional Neural Networks are employed. The channels are fused both on decision-level and by concatenating their respective fully connected layers. It is shown that a multimodal fusion approach outperforms each single modality channel, with an improvement of 9.4% over the best individual modality (video). Full backpropagation is also shown to be better than a linear combination of modalities, meaning complex interactions between modalities can be leveraged to build better models. Furthermore, we can see the prediction relevance of each modality for each trait. The described model can be used to increase the emotional intelligence of virtual agents.
This paper investigates the construction of a strong baseline based on general purpose sequence-to-sequence models for constituency parsing. We incorporate several techniques that were mainly developed in natural language generation tasks, e.g., machine translation and summarization, and demonstrate that the sequence-to-sequence model achieves the current top-notch parsers’ performance (almost) without requiring any explicit task-specific knowledge or architecture of constituent parsing.
How to make the most of multiple heterogeneous treebanks when training a monolingual dependency parser is an open question. We start by investigating previously suggested, but little evaluated, strategies for exploiting multiple treebanks based on concatenating training sets, with or without fine-tuning. We go on to propose a new method based on treebank embeddings. We perform experiments for several languages and show that in many cases fine-tuning and treebank embeddings lead to substantial improvements over single treebanks or concatenation, with average gains of 2.0–3.5 LAS points. We argue that treebank embeddings should be preferred due to their conceptual simplicity, flexibility and extensibility.
Chart constraints, which specify at which string positions a constituent may begin or end, have been shown to speed up chart parsers for PCFGs. We generalize chart constraints to more expressive grammar formalisms and describe a neural tagger which predicts chart constraints at very high precision. Our constraints accelerate both PCFG and TAG parsing, and combine effectively with other pruning techniques (coarse-to-fine and supertagging) for an overall speedup of two orders of magnitude, while improving accuracy.
Neural vector representations are ubiquitous throughout all subfields of NLP. While word vectors have been studied in much detail, thus far only little light has been shed on the properties of sentence embeddings. In this paper, we assess to what extent prominent sentence embedding methods exhibit select semantic properties. We propose a framework that generate triplets of sentences to explore how changes in the syntactic structure or semantics of a given sentence affect the similarities obtained between their sentence embeddings.
We present the Supervised Directional Similarity Network, a novel neural architecture for learning task-specific transformation functions on top of general-purpose word embeddings. Relying on only a limited amount of supervision from task-specific scores on a subset of the vocabulary, our architecture is able to generalise and transform a general-purpose distributional vector space to model the relation of lexical entailment. Experiments show excellent performance on scoring graded lexical entailment, raising the state-of-the-art on the HyperLex dataset by approximately 25%.
Intelligent systems require common sense, but automatically extracting this knowledge from text can be difficult. We propose and assess methods for extracting one type of commonsense knowledge, object-property comparisons, from pre-trained embeddings. In experiments, we show that our approach exceeds the accuracy of previous work but requires substantially less hand-annotated knowledge. Further, we show that an active learning approach that synthesizes common-sense queries can boost accuracy.
We create a new NLI test set that shows the deficiency of state-of-the-art models in inferences that require lexical and world knowledge. The new examples are simpler than the SNLI test set, containing sentences that differ by at most one word from sentences in the training set. Yet, the performance on the new test set is substantially worse across systems trained on SNLI, demonstrating that these systems are limited in their generalization ability, failing to capture many simple inferences.
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is notorious for its need for large amounts of bilingual data. An effective approach to compensate for this requirement is Multi-Task Learning (MTL) to leverage different linguistic resources as a source of inductive bias. Current MTL architectures are based on the Seq2Seq transduction, and (partially) share different components of the models among the tasks. However, this MTL approach often suffers from task interference and is not able to fully capture commonalities among subsets of tasks. We address this issue by extending the recurrent units with multiple “blocks” along with a trainable “routing network”. The routing network enables adaptive collaboration by dynamic sharing of blocks conditioned on the task at hand, input, and model state. Empirical evaluation of two low-resource translation tasks, English to Vietnamese and Farsi, show +1 BLEU score improvements compared to strong baselines.
Simultaneous interpretation, translation of the spoken word in real-time, is both highly challenging and physically demanding. Methods to predict interpreter confidence and the adequacy of the interpreted message have a number of potential applications, such as in computer-assisted interpretation interfaces or pedagogical tools. We propose the task of predicting simultaneous interpreter performance by building on existing methodology for quality estimation (QE) of machine translation output. In experiments over five settings in three language pairs, we extend a QE pipeline to estimate interpreter performance (as approximated by the METEOR evaluation metric) and propose novel features reflecting interpretation strategy and evaluation measures that further improve prediction accuracy.
Previous approaches to multilingual semantic dependency parsing treat languages independently, without exploiting the similarities between semantic structures across languages. We experiment with a new approach where we combine resources from different languages in the CoNLL 2009 shared task to build a single polyglot semantic dependency parser. Notwithstanding the absence of parallel data, and the dissimilarity in annotations between languages, our approach results in improvement in parsing performance on several languages over a monolingual baseline. Analysis of the polyglot models’ performance provides a new understanding of the similarities and differences between languages in the shared task.
With the development of several multilingual datasets used for semantic parsing, recent research efforts have looked into the problem of learning semantic parsers in a multilingual setup. However, how to improve the performance of a monolingual semantic parser for a specific language by leveraging data annotated in different languages remains a research question that is under-explored. In this work, we present a study to show how learning distributed representations of the logical forms from data annotated in different languages can be used for improving the performance of a monolingual semantic parser. We extend two existing monolingual semantic parsers to incorporate such cross-lingual distributed logical representations as features. Experiments show that our proposed approach is able to yield improved semantic parsing results on the standard multilingual GeoQuery dataset.
We propose a novel neural method to extract drug-drug interactions (DDIs) from texts using external drug molecular structure information. We encode textual drug pairs with convolutional neural networks and their molecular pairs with graph convolutional networks (GCNs), and then we concatenate the outputs of these two networks. In the experiments, we show that GCNs can predict DDIs from the molecular structures of drugs in high accuracy and the molecular information can enhance text-based DDI extraction by 2.39 percent points in the F-score on the DDIExtraction 2013 shared task data set.
Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) systems perform well on news articles and other texts covering a specific time interval. However, NED quality drops when inputs span long time periods like in archives or historic corpora. This paper presents the first time-aware method for NED that resolves ambiguities even when mention contexts give only few cues. The method is based on computing temporal signatures for entities and comparing these to the temporal contexts of input mentions. Our experiments show superior quality on a newly created diachronic corpus.
Many corpora span broad periods of time. Language processing models trained during one time period may not work well in future time periods, and the best model may depend on specific times of year (e.g., people might describe hotels differently in reviews during the winter versus the summer). This study investigates how document classifiers trained on documents from certain time intervals perform on documents from other time intervals, considering both seasonal intervals (intervals that repeat across years, e.g., winter) and non-seasonal intervals (e.g., specific years). We show experimentally that classification performance varies over time, and that performance can be improved by using a standard domain adaptation approach to adjust for changes in time.
Query auto-completion is a search engine feature whereby the system suggests completed queries as the user types. Recently, the use of a recurrent neural network language model was suggested as a method of generating query completions. We show how an adaptable language model can be used to generate personalized completions and how the model can use online updating to make predictions for users not seen during training. The personalized predictions are significantly better than a baseline that uses no user information.
In this paper, we focus on the problem of building assistive systems that can help users to write reviews. We cast this problem using an encoder-decoder framework that generates personalized reviews by expanding short phrases (e.g. review summaries, product titles) provided as input to the system. We incorporate aspect-level information via an aspect encoder that learns aspect-aware user and item representations. An attention fusion layer is applied to control generation by attending on the outputs of multiple encoders. Experimental results show that our model successfully learns representations capable of generating coherent and diverse reviews. In addition, the learned aspect-aware representations discover those aspects that users are more inclined to discuss and bias the generated text toward their personalized aspect preferences.
Text simplification (TS) is a monolingual text-to-text transformation task where an original (complex) text is transformed into a target (simpler) text. Most recent work is based on sequence-to-sequence neural models similar to those used for machine translation (MT). Different from MT, TS data comprises more elaborate transformations, such as sentence splitting. It can also contain multiple simplifications of the same original text targeting different audiences, such as school grade levels. We explore these two features of TS to build models tailored for specific grade levels. Our approach uses a standard sequence-to-sequence architecture where the original sequence is annotated with information about the target audience and/or the (predicted) type of simplification operation. We show that it outperforms state-of-the-art TS approaches (up to 3 and 12 BLEU and SARI points, respectively), including when training data for the specific complex-simple combination of grade levels is not available, i.e. zero-shot learning.
Splitting and rephrasing a complex sentence into several shorter sentences that convey the same meaning is a challenging problem in NLP. We show that while vanilla seq2seq models can reach high scores on the proposed benchmark (Narayan et al., 2017), they suffer from memorization of the training set which contains more than 89% of the unique simple sentences from the validation and test sets. To aid this, we present a new train-development-test data split and neural models augmented with a copy-mechanism, outperforming the best reported baseline by 8.68 BLEU and fostering further progress on the task.
Most of the current abstractive text summarization models are based on the sequence-to-sequence model (Seq2Seq). The source content of social media is long and noisy, so it is difficult for Seq2Seq to learn an accurate semantic representation. Compared with the source content, the annotated summary is short and well written. Moreover, it shares the same meaning as the source content. In this work, we supervise the learning of the representation of the source content with that of the summary. In implementation, we regard a summary autoencoder as an assistant supervisor of Seq2Seq. Following previous work, we evaluate our model on a popular Chinese social media dataset. Experimental results show that our model achieves the state-of-the-art performances on the benchmark dataset.
LSTMs were introduced to combat vanishing gradients in simple RNNs by augmenting them with gated additive recurrent connections. We present an alternative view to explain the success of LSTMs: the gates themselves are versatile recurrent models that provide more representational power than previously appreciated. We do this by decoupling the LSTM’s gates from the embedded simple RNN, producing a new class of RNNs where the recurrence computes an element-wise weighted sum of context-independent functions of the input. Ablations on a range of problems demonstrate that the gating mechanism alone performs as well as an LSTM in most settings, strongly suggesting that the gates are doing much more in practice than just alleviating vanishing gradients.
While Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are famously known to be Turing complete, this relies on infinite precision in the states and unbounded computation time. We consider the case of RNNs with finite precision whose computation time is linear in the input length. Under these limitations, we show that different RNN variants have different computational power. In particular, we show that the LSTM and the Elman-RNN with ReLU activation are strictly stronger than the RNN with a squashing activation and the GRU. This is achieved because LSTMs and ReLU-RNNs can easily implement counting behavior. We show empirically that the LSTM does indeed learn to effectively use the counting mechanism.
Multi-choice reading comprehension is a challenging task, which involves the matching between a passage and a question-answer pair. This paper proposes a new co-matching approach to this problem, which jointly models whether a passage can match both a question and a candidate answer. Experimental results on the RACE dataset demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance.
The Story Cloze Test (SCT) is a recent framework for evaluating story comprehension and script learning. There have been a variety of models tackling the SCT so far. Although the original goal behind the SCT was to require systems to perform deep language understanding and commonsense reasoning for successful narrative understanding, some recent models could perform significantly better than the initial baselines by leveraging human-authorship biases discovered in the SCT dataset. In order to shed some light on this issue, we have performed various data analysis and analyzed a variety of top performing models presented for this task. Given the statistics we have aggregated, we have designed a new crowdsourcing scheme that creates a new SCT dataset, which overcomes some of the biases. We benchmark a few models on the new dataset and show that the top-performing model on the original SCT dataset fails to keep up its performance. Our findings further signify the importance of benchmarking NLP systems on various evolving test sets.
Deep learning approaches for sentiment classification do not fully exploit sentiment linguistic knowledge. In this paper, we propose a Multi-sentiment-resource Enhanced Attention Network (MEAN) to alleviate the problem by integrating three kinds of sentiment linguistic knowledge (e.g., sentiment lexicon, negation words, intensity words) into the deep neural network via attention mechanisms. By using various types of sentiment resources, MEAN utilizes sentiment-relevant information from different representation sub-spaces, which makes it more effective to capture the overall semantics of the sentiment, negation and intensity words for sentiment prediction. The experimental results demonstrate that MEAN has robust superiority over strong competitors.
The huge cost of creating labeled training data is a common problem for supervised learning tasks such as sentiment classification. Recent studies showed that pretraining with unlabeled data via a language model can improve the performance of classification models. In this paper, we take the concept a step further by using a conditional language model, instead of a language model. Specifically, we address a sentiment classification task for a tweet analysis service as a case study and propose a pretraining strategy with unlabeled dialog data (tweet-reply pairs) via an encoder-decoder model. Experimental results show that our strategy can improve the performance of sentiment classifiers and outperform several state-of-the-art strategies including language model pretraining.
The reliability of self-labeled data is an important issue when the data are regarded as ground-truth for training and testing learning-based models. This paper addresses the issue of false-alarm hashtags in the self-labeled data for irony detection. We analyze the ambiguity of hashtag usages and propose a novel neural network-based model, which incorporates linguistic information from different aspects, to disambiguate the usage of three hashtags that are widely used to collect the training data for irony detection. Furthermore, we apply our model to prune the self-labeled training data. Experimental results show that the irony detection model trained on the less but cleaner training instances outperforms the models trained on all data.
In stance classification, the target on which the stance is made defines the boundary of the task, and a classifier is usually trained for prediction on the same target. In this work, we explore the potential for generalizing classifiers between different targets, and propose a neural model that can apply what has been learned from a source target to a destination target. We show that our model can find useful information shared between relevant targets which improves generalization in certain scenarios.
Extractive reading comprehension systems can often locate the correct answer to a question in a context document, but they also tend to make unreliable guesses on questions for which the correct answer is not stated in the context. Existing datasets either focus exclusively on answerable questions, or use automatically generated unanswerable questions that are easy to identify. To address these weaknesses, we present SQuADRUn, a new dataset that combines the existing Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) with over 50,000 unanswerable questions written adversarially by crowdworkers to look similar to answerable ones. To do well on SQuADRUn, systems must not only answer questions when possible, but also determine when no answer is supported by the paragraph and abstain from answering. SQuADRUn is a challenging natural language understanding task for existing models: a strong neural system that gets 86% F1 on SQuAD achieves only 66% F1 on SQuADRUn. We release SQuADRUn to the community as the successor to SQuAD.
We propose a novel paradigm of grounding comparative adjectives within the realm of color descriptions. Given a reference RGB color and a comparative term (e.g., lighter, darker), our model learns to ground the comparative as a direction in the RGB space such that the colors along the vector, rooted at the reference color, satisfy the comparison. Our model generates grounded representations of comparative adjectives with an average accuracy of 0.65 cosine similarity to the desired direction of change. These vectors approach colors with Delta-E scores of under 7 compared to the target colors, indicating the differences are very small with respect to human perception. Our approach makes use of a newly created dataset for this task derived from existing labeled color data.
In recent years, the number of texts has grown rapidly. For example, most review-based portals, like Yelp or Amazon, contain thousands of user-generated reviews. It is impossible for any human reader to process even the most relevant of these documents. The most promising tool to solve this task is a text summarization. Most existing approaches, however, work on small, homogeneous, English datasets, and do not account to multi-linguality, opinion shift, and domain effects. In this paper, we introduce our research plan to use neural networks on user-generated travel reviews to generate summaries that take into account shifting opinions over time. We outline future directions in summarization to address all of these issues. By resolving the existing problems, we will make it easier for users of review-sites to make more informed decisions.
We propose an unsupervised importance sampling approach to selecting training data for recurrent neural network (RNNs) language models. To increase the information content of the training set, our approach preferentially samples high perplexity sentences, as determined by an easily queryable n-gram language model. We experimentally evaluate the heldout perplexity of models trained with our various importance sampling distributions. We show that language models trained on data sampled using our proposed approach outperform models trained over randomly sampled subsets of both the Billion Word (Chelba et al., 2014 Wikitext-103 benchmark corpora (Merity et al., 2016).
The evaluation of image caption quality is a challenging task, which requires the assessment of two main aspects in a caption: adequacy and fluency. These quality aspects can be judged using a combination of several linguistic features. However, most of the current image captioning metrics focus only on specific linguistic facets, such as the lexical or semantic, and fail to meet a satisfactory level of correlation with human judgements at the sentence-level. We propose a learning-based framework to incorporate the scores of a set of lexical and semantic metrics as features, to capture the adequacy and fluency of captions at different linguistic levels. Our experimental results demonstrate that composite metrics draw upon the strengths of stand-alone measures to yield improved correlation and accuracy.
The word order between source and target languages significantly influences the translation quality. Preordering can effectively address this problem. Previous preordering methods require a manual feature design, making language dependent design difficult. In this paper, we propose a preordering method with recursive neural networks that learn features from raw inputs. Experiments show the proposed method is comparable to the state-of-the-art method but without a manual feature design.
Recently, there has been increasing interest in the intersection of computer vision and natural language processing. Researchers have studied several interesting tasks, including generating text descriptions from images and videos and language embedding of images. More recent work has further extended the scope of this area to combine videos and language, learning to solve non-visual tasks using visual cues, visual question answering, and visual dialog. Despite a large body of research on the intersection of vision-language technology, its adaption to the medical domain is not fully explored. To address this research gap, we aim to develop machine learning models that can reason jointly on medical images and clinical text for advanced search, retrieval, annotation and description of medical images.
Standard named entity recognizers can effectively recognize entity mentions that consist of contiguous tokens and do not overlap with each other. However, in practice, there are many domains, such as the biomedical domain, in which there are nested, overlapping, and discontinuous entity mentions. These complex mentions cannot be directly recognized by conventional sequence tagging models because they may break the assumptions based on which sequence tagging techniques are built. We review the existing methods which are revised to tackle complex entity mentions and categorize them as tokenlevel and sentence-level approaches. We then identify the research gap, and discuss some directions that we are exploring.
Detecting interesting, cross-disciplinary knowledge associations hidden in scientific publications can greatly assist scientists to formulate and validate scientifically sensible novel research hypotheses. This will also introduce new areas of research that can be successfully linked with their research discipline. Currently, this process is mostly performed manually by exploring the scientific publications, requiring a substantial amount of time and effort. Due to the exponential growth of scientific literature, it has become almost impossible for a scientist to keep track of all research advances. As a result, scientists tend to deal with fragments of the literature according to their specialisation. Consequently, important and hidden associations among these fragmented knowledge that can be linked to produce significant scientific discoveries remain unnoticed. This doctoral work aims to develop a novel knowledge discovery approach that suggests most promising research pathways by analysing the existing scientific literature.
While growing code-mixed content on Online Social Networks(OSN) provides a fertile ground for studying various aspects of code-mixing, the lack of automated text analysis tools render such studies challenging. To meet this challenge, a family of tools for analyzing code-mixed data such as language identifiers, parts-of-speech (POS) taggers, chunkers have been developed. Named Entity Recognition (NER) is an important text analysis task which is not only informative by itself, but is also needed for downstream NLP tasks such as semantic role labeling. In this work, we present an exploration of automatic NER of code-mixed data. We compare our method with existing off-the-shelf NER tools for social media content,and find that our systems outperforms the best baseline by 33.18 % (F1 score).
We present ongoing work on data-driven parsing of German and French with Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars. We use a supertagging approach combined with deep learning. We show the challenges of extracting LTAG supertags from the French Treebank, introduce the use of left- and right-sister-adjunction, present a neural architecture for the supertagger, and report experiments of n-best supertagging for French and German.
In this paper we incorporate semantic supersensetags and syntactic supertag features into EN–FR and EN–DE factored NMT systems. In experiments on various test sets, we observe that such features (and particularly when combined) help the NMT model training to converge faster and improve the model quality according to the BLEU scores.
Automatic abstractive summary generation remains a significant open problem for natural language processing. In this work, we develop a novel pipeline for Semantic Abstractive Summarization (SAS). SAS, as introduced by Liu et. al. (2015) first generates an AMR graph of an input story, through which it extracts a summary graph and finally, creates summary sentences from this summary graph. Compared to earlier approaches, we develop a more comprehensive method to generate the story AMR graph using state-of-the-art co-reference resolution and Meta Nodes. Which we then use in a novel unsupervised algorithm based on how humans summarize a piece of text to extract the summary sub-graph. Our algorithm outperforms the state of the art SAS method by 1.7% F1 score in node prediction.
The availability of huge amount of biomedical literature have opened up new possibilities to apply Information Retrieval and NLP for mining documents from them. In this work, we are focusing on biomedical document retrieval from literature for clinical decision support systems. We compare statistical and NLP based approaches of query reformulation for biomedical document retrieval. Also, we have modeled the biomedical document retrieval as a learning to rank problem. We report initial results for statistical and NLP based query reformulation approaches and learning to rank approach with future direction of research.
Technological advancements in the World Wide Web and social networks in particular coupled with an increase in social media usage has led to a positive correlation between the exhibition of Suicidal ideation on websites such as Twitter and cases of suicide. This paper proposes a novel supervised approach for detecting suicidal ideation in content on Twitter. A set of features is proposed for training both linear and ensemble classifiers over a dataset of manually annotated tweets. The performance of the proposed methodology is compared against four baselines that utilize varying approaches to validate its utility. The results are finally summarized by reflecting on the effect of the inclusion of the proposed features one by one for suicidal ideation detection.
The presented work aims at generating a systematically annotated corpus that can support the enhancement of sentiment analysis tasks in Telugu using word-level sentiment annotations. From OntoSenseNet, we extracted 11,000 adjectives, 253 adverbs, 8483 verbs and sentiment annotation is being done by language experts. We discuss the methodology followed for the polarity annotations and validate the developed resource. This work aims at developing a benchmark corpus, as an extension to SentiWordNet, and baseline accuracy for a model where lexeme annotations are applied for sentiment predictions. The fundamental aim of this paper is to validate and study the possibility of utilizing machine learning algorithms, word-level sentiment annotations in the task of automated sentiment identification. Furthermore, accuracy is improved by annotating the bi-grams extracted from the target corpus.
We investigate a new training paradigm for extractive summarization. Traditionally, human abstracts are used to derive goldstandard labels for extraction units. However, the labels are often inaccurate, because human abstracts and source documents cannot be easily aligned at the word level. In this paper we convert human abstracts to a set of Cloze-style comprehension questions. System summaries are encouraged to preserve salient source content useful for answering questions and share common words with the abstracts. We use reinforcement learning to explore the space of possible extractive summaries and introduce a question-focused reward function to promote concise, fluent, and informative summaries. Our experiments show that the proposed method is effective. It surpasses state-of-the-art systems on the standard summarization dataset.
Encoder-decoder models typically only employ words that are frequently used in the training corpus because of the computational costs and/or to exclude noisy words. However, this vocabulary set may still include words that interfere with learning in encoder-decoder models. This paper proposes a method for selecting more suitable words for learning encoders by utilizing not only frequency, but also co-occurrence information, which we capture using the HITS algorithm. The proposed method is applied to two tasks: machine translation and grammatical error correction. For Japanese-to-English translation, this method achieved a BLEU score that was 0.56 points more than that of a baseline. It also outperformed the baseline method for English grammatical error correction, with an F-measure that was 1.48 points higher.
Natural Language Generation (NLG) is a research task which addresses the automatic generation of natural language text representative of an input non-linguistic collection of knowledge. In this paper, we address the task of the generation of grammatical sentences in an isolated context given a partial bag-of-words which the generated sentence must contain. We view the task as a search problem (a problem of choice) involving combinations of smaller chunk based templates extracted from a training corpus to construct a complete sentence. To achieve that, we propose a fitness function which we use in conjunction with an evolutionary algorithm as the search procedure to arrive at a potentially grammatical sentence (modeled by the fitness score) which satisfies the input constraints.
Modern question answering systems have been touted as approaching human performance. However, existing question answering datasets are imperfect tests. Questions are written with humans in mind, not computers, and often do not properly expose model limitations. To address this, we develop an adversarial writing setting, where humans interact with trained models and try to break them. This annotation process yields a challenge set, which despite being easy for trivia players to answer, systematically stumps automated question answering systems. Diagnosing model errors on the evaluation data provides actionable insights to explore in developing robust and generalizable question answering systems.
Ranking functions in information retrieval are often used in search engines to extract the relevant answers to the query. This paper makes use of this notion of information retrieval and applies onto the problem domain of cognate detection. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) positional tokenization, which incorporates the sequential notion; (2) graphical error modelling, which calculates the morphological shifts. The current research work only distinguishes whether a pair of words are cognates or not. However, we also study if we could predict a possible cognate from the given input. Our study shows that language modelling based retrieval functions with positional tokenization and error modelling tend to give better results than competing baselines.
Conversational agents, having the goal of natural language generation, must rely on language models which can integrate emotion into their responses. Recent projects outline models which can produce emotional sentences, but unlike human language, they tend to be restricted to one affective category out of a few. To my knowledge, none allow for the intentional coexistence of multiple emotions on the word or sentence level. Building on prior research which allows for variation in the intensity of a singular emotion, this research proposal outlines an LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) language model which allows for variation in multiple emotions simultaneously.
Spelling correction is a well-known task in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Automatic spelling correction is important for many NLP applications like web search engines, text summarization, sentiment analysis etc. Most approaches use parallel data of noisy and correct word mappings from different sources as training data for automatic spelling correction. Indic languages are resource-scarce and do not have such parallel data due to low volume of queries and non-existence of such prior implementations. In this paper, we show how to build an automatic spelling corrector for resource-scarce languages. We propose a sequence-to-sequence deep learning model which trains end-to-end. We perform experiments on synthetic datasets created for Indic languages, Hindi and Telugu, by incorporating the spelling mistakes committed at character level. A comparative evaluation shows that our model is competitive with the existing spell checking and correction techniques for Indic languages.
This paper presents a system that automatically generates multiple, natural language questions using relative pronouns and relative adverbs from complex English sentences. Our system is syntax-based, runs on dependency parse information of a single-sentence input, and achieves high accuracy in terms of syntactic correctness, semantic adequacy, fluency and uniqueness. One of the key advantages of our system, in comparison with other rule-based approaches, is that we nearly eliminate the chances of getting a wrong wh-word in the generated question, by fetching the requisite wh-word from the input sentence itself. Depending upon the input, we generate both factoid and descriptive type questions. To the best of our information, the exploitation of wh-pronouns and wh-adverbs to generate questions is novel in the Automatic Question Generation task.
We demonstrate two annotation platforms that allow an English speaker to annotate names for any language without knowing the language. These platforms provided high-quality ’‘silver standard” annotations for low-resource language name taggers (Zhang et al., 2017) that achieved state-of-the-art performance on two surprise languages (Oromo and Tigrinya) at LoreHLT20171 and ten languages at TAC-KBP EDL2017 (Ji et al., 2017). We discuss strengths and limitations and compare other methods of creating silver- and gold-standard annotations using native speakers. We will make our tools publicly available for research use.
We present NovelPerspective: a tool to allow consumers to subset their digital literature, based on point of view (POV) character. Many novels have multiple main characters each with their own storyline running in parallel. A well-known example is George R. R. Martin’s novel: “A Game of Thrones”, and others from that series. Our tool detects the main character that each section is from the POV of, and allows the user to generate a new ebook with only those sections. This gives consumers new options in how they consume their media; allowing them to pursue the storylines sequentially, or skip chapters about characters they find boring. We present two heuristic-based baselines, and two machine learning based methods for the detection of the main character.
We present uroman, a tool for converting text in myriads of languages and scripts such as Chinese, Arabic and Cyrillic into a common Latin-script representation. The tool relies on Unicode data and other tables, and handles nearly all character sets, including some that are quite obscure such as Tibetan and Tifinagh. uroman converts digital numbers in various scripts to Western Arabic numerals. Romanization enables the application of string-similarity metrics to texts from different scripts without the need and complexity of an intermediate phonetic representation. The tool is freely and publicly available as a Perl script suitable for inclusion in data processing pipelines and as an interactive demo web page.
Being able to reliably link scientific works to the newspaper articles that discuss them could provide a breakthrough in the way we rationalise and measure the impact of science on our society. Linking these articles is challenging because the language used in the two domains is very different, and the gathering of online resources to align the two is a substantial information retrieval endeavour. We present HarriGT, a semi-automated tool for building corpora of news articles linked to the scientific papers that they discuss. Our aim is to facilitate future development of information-retrieval tools for newspaper/scientific work citation linking. HarriGT retrieves newspaper articles from an archive containing 17 years of UK web content. It also integrates with 3 large external citation networks, leveraging named entity extraction, and document classification to surface relevant examples of scientific literature to the user. We also provide a tuned candidate ranking algorithm to highlight potential links between scientific papers and newspaper articles to the user, in order of likelihood. HarriGT is provided as an open source tool (
Many Machine Reading and Natural Language Understanding tasks require reading supporting text in order to answer questions. For example, in Question Answering, the supporting text can be newswire or Wikipedia articles; in Natural Language Inference, premises can be seen as the supporting text and hypotheses as questions. Providing a set of useful primitives operating in a single framework of related tasks would allow for expressive modelling, and easier model comparison and replication. To that end, we present Jack the Reader (JACK), a framework for Machine Reading that allows for quick model prototyping by component reuse, evaluation of new models on existing datasets as well as integrating new datasets and applying them on a growing set of implemented baseline models. JACK is currently supporting (but not limited to) three tasks: Question Answering, Natural Language Inference, and Link Prediction. It is developed with the aim of increasing research efficiency and code reuse.
In this paper, we introduce Yedda, a lightweight but efficient and comprehensive open-source tool for text span annotation. Yedda provides a systematic solution for text span annotation, ranging from collaborative user annotation to administrator evaluation and analysis. It overcomes the low efficiency of traditional text annotation tools by annotating entities through both command line and shortcut keys, which are configurable with custom labels. Yedda also gives intelligent recommendations by learning the up-to-date annotated text. An administrator client is developed to evaluate annotation quality of multiple annotators and generate detailed comparison report for each annotator pair. Experiments show that the proposed system can reduce the annotation time by half compared with existing annotation tools. And the annotation time can be further compressed by 16.47% through intelligent recommendation.
Most of the current anti money laundering (AML) systems, using handcrafted rules, are heavily reliant on existing structured databases, which are not capable of effectively and efficiently identifying hidden and complex ML activities, especially those with dynamic and time-varying characteristics, resulting in a high percentage of false positives. Therefore, analysts are engaged for further investigation which significantly increases human capital cost and processing time. To alleviate these issues, this paper presents a novel framework for the next generation AML by applying and visualizing deep learning-driven natural language processing (NLP) technologies in a distributed and scalable manner to augment AML monitoring and investigation. The proposed distributed framework performs news and tweet sentiment analysis, entity recognition, relation extraction, entity linking and link analysis on different data sources (e.g. news articles and tweets) to provide additional evidence to human investigators for final decision-making. Each NLP module is evaluated on a task-specific data set, and the overall experiments are performed on synthetic and real-world datasets. Feedback from AML practitioners suggests that our system can reduce approximately 30% time and cost compared to their previous manual approaches of AML investigation.
In this paper, we present a project where existing text-based core technologies were ported to Java-based web services from various architectures. These technologies were developed over a period of eight years through various government funded projects for 10 resource-scarce languages spoken in South Africa. We describe the API and a simple web front-end capable of completing various predefined tasks.
We present an event extraction framework to detect event mentions and extract events from the document-level financial news. Up to now, methods based on supervised learning paradigm gain the highest performance in public datasets (such as ACE2005, KBP2015). These methods heavily depend on the manually labeled training data. However, in particular areas, such as financial, medical and judicial domains, there is no enough labeled data due to the high cost of data labeling process. Moreover, most of the current methods focus on extracting events from one sentence, but an event is usually expressed by multiple sentences in one document. To solve these problems, we propose a Document-level Chinese Financial Event Extraction (DCFEE) system which can automatically generate a large scaled labeled data and extract events from the whole document. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of it
We present a computer-assisted learning system, Jastudy, which is particularly designed for Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese as a second language (JSL) to learn Japanese functional expressions with suggestion of appropriate example sentences. The system automatically recognizes Japanese functional expressions using a free Japanese morphological analyzer MeCab, which is retrained on a new Conditional Random Fields (CRF) model. In order to select appropriate example sentences, we apply a pairwise-based machine learning tool, Support Vector Machine for Ranking (SVMrank) to estimate the complexity of the example sentences using Japanese–Chinese homographs as an important feature. In addition, we cluster the example sentences that contain Japanese functional expressions with two or more meanings and usages, based on part-of-speech, conjugation forms of verbs and semantic attributes, using the K-means clustering algorithm in Scikit-Learn. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
In a corruption of John Searle’s famous AI thought experiment, the Chinese Room (Searle, 1980), we twist its original intent by enabling humans to translate text, e.g. from Uyghur to English, even if they don’t have any prior knowledge of the source language. Our enabling tool, which we call the Chinese Room, is equipped with the same resources made available to a machine translation engine. We find that our superior language model and world knowledge allows us to create perfectly fluent and nearly adequate translations, with human expertise required only for the target language. The Chinese Room tool can be used to rapidly create small corpora of parallel data when bilingual translators are not readily available, in particular for low-resource languages.
Supervised machine learning algorithms require training data whose generation for complex relation extraction tasks tends to be difficult. Being optimized for relation extraction at sentence level, many annotation tools lack in facilitating the annotation of relational structures that are widely spread across the text. This leads to non-intuitive and cumbersome visualizations, making the annotation process unnecessarily time-consuming. We propose SANTO, an easy-to-use, domain-adaptive annotation tool specialized for complex slot filling tasks which may involve problems of cardinality and referential grounding. The web-based architecture enables fast and clearly structured annotation for multiple users in parallel. Relational structures are formulated as templates following the conceptualization of an underlying ontology. Further, import and export procedures of standard formats enable interoperability with external sources and tools.
This paper describes NCRF++, a toolkit for neural sequence labeling. NCRF++ is designed for quick implementation of different neural sequence labeling models with a CRF inference layer. It provides users with an inference for building the custom model structure through configuration file with flexible neural feature design and utilization. Built on PyTorch, the core operations are calculated in batch, making the toolkit efficient with the acceleration of GPU. It also includes the implementations of most state-of-the-art neural sequence labeling models such as LSTM-CRF, facilitating reproducing and refinement on those methods.
We present a new web-based interface, TALEN, designed for named entity annotation in low-resource settings where the annotators do not speak the language. To address this non-traditional scenario, TALEN includes such features as in-place lexicon integration, TF-IDF token statistics, Internet search, and entity propagation, all implemented so as to make this difficult task efficient and frictionless. We conduct a small user study to compare against a popular annotation tool, showing that TALEN achieves higher precision and recall against ground-truth annotations, and that users strongly prefer it over the alternative. TALEN is available at:
To enable efficient exploration of Web-scale scientific knowledge, it is necessary to organize scientific publications into a hierarchical concept structure. In this work, we present a large-scale system to (1) identify hundreds of thousands of scientific concepts, (2) tag these identified concepts to hundreds of millions of scientific publications by leveraging both text and graph structure, and (3) build a six-level concept hierarchy with a subsumption-based model. The system builds the most comprehensive cross-domain scientific concept ontology published to date, with more than 200 thousand concepts and over one million relationships.
ScoutBot is a dialogue interface to physical and simulated robots that supports collaborative exploration of environments. The demonstration will allow users to issue unconstrained spoken language commands to ScoutBot. ScoutBot will prompt for clarification if the user’s instruction needs additional input. It is trained on human-robot dialogue collected from Wizard-of-Oz experiments, where robot responses were initiated by a human wizard in previous interactions. The demonstration will show a simulated ground robot (Clearpath Jackal) in a simulated environment supported by ROS (Robot Operating System).
The open-source SUMMA Platform is a highly scalable distributed architecture for monitoring a large number of media broadcasts in parallel, with a lag behind actual broadcast time of at most a few minutes. The Platform offers a fully automated media ingestion pipeline capable of recording live broadcasts, detection and transcription of spoken content, translation of all text (original or transcribed) into English, recognition and linking of Named Entities, topic detection, clustering and cross-lingual multi-document summarization of related media items, and last but not least, extraction and storage of factual claims in these news items. Browser-based graphical user interfaces provide humans with aggregated information as well as structured access to individual news items stored in the Platform’s database. This paper describes the intended use cases and provides an overview over the system’s implementation.
We present a system, CRUISE, that guides ordinary software developers to build a high quality natural language understanding (NLU) engine from scratch. This is the fundamental step of building a new skill in personal assistants. Unlike existing solutions that require either developers or crowdsourcing to manually generate and annotate a large number of utterances, we design a hybrid rule-based and data-driven approach with the capability to iteratively generate more and more utterances. Our system only requires light human workload to iteratively prune incorrect utterances. CRUISE outputs a well trained NLU engine and a large scale annotated utterance corpus that third parties can use to develop their custom skills. Using both benchmark dataset and custom datasets we collected in real-world settings, we validate the high quality of CRUISE generated utterances via both competitive NLU performance and human evaluation. We also show the largely reduced human workload in terms of both cognitive load and human pruning time consumption.
In this system demonstration we present the latest developments of Praaline, an open-source software system for constituting and managing, manually and automatically annotating, visualising and analysing spoken language and multimodal corpora. We review the system’s functionality and design architecture, present current use cases and directions for future development.
We present Marian, an efficient and self-contained Neural Machine Translation framework with an integrated automatic differentiation engine based on dynamic computation graphs. Marian is written entirely in C++. We describe the design of the encoder-decoder framework and demonstrate that a research-friendly toolkit can achieve high training and translation speed.
Adoption of messaging communication and voice assistants has grown rapidly in the last years. This creates a demand for tools that speed up prototyping of feature-rich dialogue systems. An open-source library DeepPavlov is tailored for development of conversational agents. The library prioritises efficiency, modularity, and extensibility with the goal to make it easier to develop dialogue systems from scratch and with limited data available. It supports modular as well as end-to-end approaches to implementation of conversational agents. Conversational agent consists of skills and every skill can be decomposed into components. Components are usually models which solve typical NLP tasks such as intent classification, named entity recognition or pre-trained word vectors. Sequence-to-sequence chit-chat skill, question answering skill or task-oriented skill can be assembled from components provided in the library.
We compare the fast training and decoding speed of RETURNN of attention models for translation, due to fast CUDA LSTM kernels, and a fast pure TensorFlow beam search decoder. We show that a layer-wise pretraining scheme for recurrent attention models gives over 1% BLEU improvement absolute and it allows to train deeper recurrent encoder networks. Promising preliminary results on max. expected BLEU training are presented. We are able to train state-of-the-art models for translation and end-to-end models for speech recognition and show results on WMT 2017 and Switchboard. The flexibility of RETURNN allows a fast research feedback loop to experiment with alternative architectures, and its generality allows to use it on a wide range of applications.
Although deep neural networks have been proving to be excellent tools to deliver state-of-the-art results, when data is scarce and the tackled tasks involve complex semantic inference, deep linguistic processing and traditional structure-based approaches, such as tree kernel methods, are an alternative solution. Community Question Answering is a research area that benefits from deep linguistic analysis to improve the experience of the community of forum users. In this paper, we present a UIMA framework to distribute the computation of cQA tasks over computer clusters such that traditional systems can scale to large datasets and deliver fast processing.
Chinese pinyin input method engine (IME) lets user conveniently input Chinese into a computer by typing pinyin through the common keyboard. In addition to offering high conversion quality, modern pinyin IME is supposed to aid user input with extended association function. However, existing solutions for such functions are roughly based on oversimplified matching algorithms at word-level, whose resulting products provide limited extension associated with user inputs. This work presents the Moon IME, a pinyin IME that integrates the attention-based neural machine translation (NMT) model and Information Retrieval (IR) to offer amusive and customizable association ability. The released IME is implemented on Windows via text services framework.
Meaning is a fundamental concept in Natural Language Processing (NLP), given its aim to build systems that mean what they say to you, and understand what you say to them. In order for NLP to scale beyond partial, task-specific solutions, it must be informed by what is known about how humans use language to express and understand communicative intents. The purpose of this tutorial is to present a selection of useful information about semantics and pragmatics, as understood in linguistics, in a way that’s accessible to and useful for NLP practitioners with minimal (or even no) prior training in linguistics. The tutorial content is based on a manuscript in progress I am co-authoring with Prof. Alex Lascarides of the University of Edinburgh.
This tutorial surveys neural approaches to conversational AI that were developed in the last few years. We group conversational systems into three categories: (1) question answering agents, (2) task-oriented dialogue agents, and (3) social bots. For each category, we present a review of state-of-the-art neural approaches, draw the connection between neural approaches and traditional symbolic approaches, and discuss the progress we have made and challenges we are facing, using specific systems and models as case studies.
NLP has seen a surge in neural network models in recent years. These models provide state-of-the-art performance on many supervised tasks. Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning has only been addressed scarcely, however. Deep generative models (DGMs) make it possible to integrate neural networks with probabilistic graphical models. Using DGMs one can easily design latent variable models that account for missing observations and thereby enable unsupervised and semi-supervised learning with neural networks. The method of choice for training these models is variational inference. This tutorial offers a general introduction to variational inference followed by a thorough and example-driven discussion of how to use variational methods for training DGMs. It provides both the mathematical background necessary for deriving the learning algorithms as well as practical implementation guidelines. Importantly, the tutorial will cover models with continuous and discrete variables. We provide practical coding exercises implemented in IPython notebooks as well as short notes on the more intricate mathematical details that the audience can use as a reference after the tutorial. We expect that with these additional materials the tutorial will have a long-lasting impact on the community.
A long-term goal of AI research is to build intelligent agents that can see the rich visual environment around us, communicate this understanding in natural language to humans and other agents, and act in a physical or embodied environment. To this end, recent advances at the intersection of language and vision have made incredible progress – from being able to generate natural language descriptions of images/videos, to answering questions about them, to even holding free-form conversations about visual content! However, while these agents can passively describe images or answer (a sequence of) questions about them, they cannot act in the world (what if I cannot answer a question from my current view, or I am asked to move or manipulate something?). Thus, the challenge now is to extend this progress in language and vision to embodied agents that take actions and actively interact with their visual environments. To reduce the entry barrier for new researchers, this tutorial will provide an overview of the growing number of multimodal tasks and datasets that combine textual and visual understanding. We will comprehensively review existing state-of-the-art approaches to selected tasks such as image captioning, visual question answering (VQA) and visual dialog, presenting the key architectural building blocks (such as co-attention) and novel algorithms (such as cooperative/adversarial games) used to train models for these tasks. We will then discuss some of the current and upcoming challenges of combining language, vision and actions, and introduce some recently-released interactive 3D simulation environments designed for this purpose.
Idioms and metaphors are characteristic to all areas of human activity and to all types of discourse. Their processing is a rapidly growing area in NLP, since they have become a big challenge for NLP systems. Their omnipresence in language has been established in a number of corpus studies and the role they play in human reasoning has also been confirmed in psychological experiments. This makes idioms and metaphors an important research area for computational and cognitive linguistics, and their automatic identification and interpretation indispensable for any semantics-oriented NLP application. This tutorial aims to provide attendees with a clear notion of the linguistic characteristics of idioms and metaphors, computational models of idioms and metaphors using state-of-the-art NLP techniques, their relevance for the intersection of deep learning and natural language processing, what methods and resources are available to support their use, and what more could be done in the future. Our target audience are researchers and practitioners in machine learning, parsing (syntactic and semantic) and language technology, not necessarily experts in idioms and metaphors, who are interested in tasks that involve or could benefit from considering idioms and metaphors as a pervasive phenomenon in human language and communication.
Semantic parsing, the study of translating natural language utterances into machine-executable programs, is a well-established research area and has applications in question answering, instruction following, voice assistants, and code generation. In the last two years, the models used for semantic parsing have changed dramatically with the introduction of neural encoder-decoder methods that allow us to rethink many of the previous assumptions underlying semantic parsing. We aim to inform those already interested in semantic parsing research of these new developments in the field, as well as introduce the topic as an exciting research area to those who are unfamiliar with it. Current approaches for neural semantic parsing share several similarities with neural machine translation, but the key difference between the two fields is that semantic parsing translates natural language into a formal language, while machine translation translates it into a different natural language. The formal language used in semantic parsing allows for constrained decoding, where the model is constrained to only produce outputs that are valid formal statements. We will describe the various approaches researchers have taken to do this. We will also discuss the choice of formal languages used by semantic parsers, and describe why much recent work has chosen to use standard programming languages instead of more linguistically-motivated representations. We will then describe a particularly challenging setting for semantic parsing, where there is additional context or interaction that the parser must take into account when translating natural language to formal language, and give an overview of recent work in this direction. Finally, we will introduce some tools available in AllenNLP for doing semantic parsing research.
Many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks (including generation, language grounding, reasoning, information extraction, coreference resolution, and dialog) can be formulated as deep reinforcement learning (DRL) problems. However, since language is often discrete and the space for all sentences is infinite, there are many challenges for formulating reinforcement learning problems of NLP tasks. In this tutorial, we provide a gentle introduction to the foundation of deep reinforcement learning, as well as some practical DRL solutions in NLP. We describe recent advances in designing deep reinforcement learning for NLP, with a special focus on generation, dialogue, and information extraction. Finally, we discuss why they succeed, and when they may fail, aiming at providing some practical advice about deep reinforcement learning for solving real-world NLP problems.
The primary goals of this tutorial are to review the framework of cross-lingual EL and motivate it as a broad paradigm for the Information Extraction task. We will start by discussing the traditional EL techniques and metrics and address questions relevant to the adequacy of these to across domains and languages. We will then present more recent approaches such as Neural EL, discuss the basic building blocks of a state-of-the-art neural EL system and analyze some of the current results on English EL. We will then proceed to Cross-lingual EL and discuss methods that work across languages. In particular, we will discuss and compare multiple methods that make use of multi-lingual word embeddings. We will also present EL methods that work for both name tagging and linking in very low resource languages. Finally, we will discuss the uses of cross-lingual EL in a variety of applications like search engines and commercial product selling applications. Also, contrary to the 2014 EL tutorial, we will also focus on Entity Discovery which is an essential component of EL.
Functioning is gaining recognition as an important indicator of global health, but remains under-studied in medical natural language processing research. We present the first analysis of automatically extracting descriptions of patient mobility, using a recently-developed dataset of free text electronic health records. We frame the task as a named entity recognition (NER) problem, and investigate the applicability of NER techniques to mobility extraction. As text corpora focused on patient functioning are scarce, we explore domain adaptation of word embeddings for use in a recurrent neural network NER system. We find that embeddings trained on a small in-domain corpus perform nearly as well as those learned from large out-of-domain corpora, and that domain adaptation techniques yield additional improvements in both precision and recall. Our analysis identifies several significant challenges in extracting descriptions of patient mobility, including the length and complexity of annotated entities and high linguistic variability in mobility descriptions.
We introduce a multi-task learning model for cause-of-death classification of verbal autopsy narratives that jointly learns to output interpretable key phrases. Adding these key phrases outperforms the baseline model and topic modeling features.
Automatic identification of heart disease risk factors in clinical narratives can expedite disease progression modelling and support clinical decisions. Existing practical solutions for cardiovascular risk detection are mostly hybrid systems entailing the integration of knowledge-driven and data-driven methods, relying on dictionaries, rules and machine learning methods that require a substantial amount of human effort. This paper proposes a comparative analysis on the applicability of deep learning, a re-emerged data-driven technique, in the context of clinical text classification. Various deep learning architectures were devised and evaluated for extracting heart disease risk factors from clinical documents. The data provided for the 2014 i2b2/UTHealth shared task focusing on identifying risk factors for heart disease was used for system development and evaluation. Results have shown that a relatively simple deep learning model can achieve a high micro-averaged F-measure of 0.9081, which is comparable to the best systems from the shared task. This is highly encouraging given the simplicity of the deep learning approach compared to the heavily feature-engineered hybrid approaches that were required to achieve state-of-the-art performances.
We propose keyphrases extraction technique to extract important terms from the healthcare user-generated contents. We employ deep learning architecture, i.e. Long Short-Term Memory, and leverage word embeddings, medical concepts from a knowledge base, and linguistic components as our features. The proposed model achieves 61.37% F-1 score. Experimental results indicate that our proposed approach outperforms the baseline methods, i.e. RAKE and CRF, on the task of extracting keyphrases from Indonesian health forum posts.
We present a machine learning pipeline that identifies key sentences in abstracts of oncological articles to aid evidence-based medicine. This problem is characterized by the lack of gold standard datasets, data imbalance and thematic differences between available silver standard corpora. Additionally, available training and target data differs with regard to their domain (professional summaries vs. sentences in abstracts). This makes supervised machine learning inapplicable. We propose the use of two semi-supervised machine learning approaches: To mitigate difficulties arising from heterogeneous data sources, overcome data imbalance and create reliable training data we propose using transductive learning from positive and unlabelled data (PU Learning). For obtaining a realistic classification model, we propose the use of abstracts summarised in relevant sentences as unlabelled examples through Self-Training. The best model achieves 84% accuracy and 0.84 F1 score on our dataset
Ontology alignment is the task of identifying semantically equivalent entities from two given ontologies. Different ontologies have different representations of the same entity, resulting in a need to de-duplicate entities when merging ontologies. We propose a method for enriching entities in an ontology with external definition and context information, and use this additional information for ontology alignment. We develop a neural architecture capable of encoding the additional information when available, and show that the addition of external data results in an F1-score of 0.69 on the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) largebio SNOMED-NCI subtask, comparable with the entity-level matchers in a SOTA system.
Word2vec embeddings are limited to computing vectors for in-vocabulary terms and do not take into account sub-word information. Character-based representations, such as fastText, mitigate such limitations. We optimize and compare these representations for the biomedical domain. fastText was found to consistently outperform word2vec in named entity recognition tasks for entities such as chemicals and genes. This is likely due to gained information from computed out-of-vocabulary term vectors, as well as the word compositionality of such entities. Contrastingly, performance varied on intrinsic datasets. Optimal hyper-parameters were intrinsic dataset-dependent, likely due to differences in term types distributions. This indicates embeddings should be chosen based on the task at hand. We therefore provide a number of optimized hyper-parameter sets and pre-trained word2vec and fastText models, available on
Successful evidence-based medicine (EBM) applications rely on answering clinical questions by analyzing large medical literature databases. In order to formulate a well-defined, focused clinical question, a framework called PICO is widely used, which identifies the sentences in a given medical text that belong to the four components: Participants/Problem (P), Intervention (I), Comparison (C) and Outcome (O). In this work, we present a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network based model to automatically detect PICO elements. By jointly classifying subsequent sentences in the given text, we achieve state-of-the-art results on PICO element classification compared to several strong baseline models. We also make our curated data public as a benchmarking dataset so that the community can benefit from it.
This paper describes the COSTA scheme for coding structures and actions in conversation. Informed by Conversation Analysis, the scheme introduces an innovative method for marking multi-layer structural organization of conversation and a structure-informed taxonomy of actions. In addition, we create a corpus of naturally occurring medical conversations, containing 318 video-recorded and manually transcribed pediatric consultations. Based on the annotated corpus, we investigate 1) treatment decision-making process in medical conversations, and 2) effects of physician-caregiver communication behaviors on antibiotic over-prescribing. Although the COSTA annotation scheme is developed based on data from the task-specific domain of pediatric consultations, it can be easily extended to apply to more general domains and other languages.
In this study, we investigate learning-to-rank and query refinement approaches for information retrieval in the pharmacogenomic domain. The goal is to improve the information retrieval process of biomedical curators, who manually build knowledge bases for personalized medicine. We study how to exploit the relationships between genes, variants, drugs, diseases and outcomes as features for document ranking and query refinement. For a supervised approach, we are faced with a small amount of annotated data and a large amount of unannotated data. Therefore, we explore ways to use a neural document auto-encoder in a semi-supervised approach. We show that a combination of established algorithms, feature-engineering and a neural auto-encoder model yield promising results in this setting.
Event and relation extraction are central tasks in biomedical text mining. Where relation extraction concerns the detection of semantic connections between pairs of entities, event extraction expands this concept with the addition of trigger words, multiple arguments and nested events, in order to more accurately model the diversity of natural language. In this work we develop a convolutional neural network that can be used for both event and relation extraction. We use a linear representation of the input text, where information is encoded with various vector space embeddings. Most notably, we encode the parse graph into this linear space using dependency path embeddings. We integrate our neural network into the open source Turku Event Extraction System (TEES) framework. Using this system, our machine learning model can be easily applied to a large set of corpora from e.g. the BioNLP, DDI Extraction and BioCreative shared tasks. We evaluate our system on 12 different event, relation and NER corpora, showing good generalizability to many tasks and achieving improved performance on several corpora.
In this paper, we present a novel Biomedical Question Answering system, BioAMA: “Biomedical Ask Me Anything” on task 5b of the annual BioASQ challenge. In this work, we focus on a wide variety of question types including factoid, list based, summary and yes/no type questions that generate both exact and well-formed ‘ideal’ answers. For summary-type questions, we combine effective IR-based techniques for retrieval and diversification of relevant snippets for a question to create an end-to-end system which achieves a ROUGE-2 score of 0.72 and a ROUGE-SU4 score of 0.71 on ideal answer questions (7% improvement over the previous best model). Additionally, we propose a novel NLI-based framework to answer the yes/no questions. To train the NLI model, we also devise a transfer-learning technique by cross-domain projection of word embeddings. Finally, we present a two-stage approach to address the factoid and list type questions by first generating a candidate set using NER taggers and ranking them using both supervised or unsupervised techniques.
In this work, we develop a novel, completely unsupervised, neural language model-based document ranking approach to semantic tagging of documents, using the document to be tagged as a query into the GLM to retrieve candidate phrases from top-ranked related documents, thus associating every document with novel related concepts extracted from the text. For this we extend the word embedding-based general language model due to Ganguly et al 2015, to employ phrasal embeddings, and use the semantic tags thus obtained for downstream query expansion, both directly and in feedback loop settings. Our method, evaluated using the TREC 2016 clinical decision support challenge dataset, shows statistically significant improvement not only over various baselines that use standard MeSH terms and UMLS concepts for query expansion, but also over baselines using human expert–assigned concept tags for the queries, run on top of a standard Okapi BM25–based document retrieval system.
We investigate the incorporation of character-based word representations into a standard CNN-based relation extraction model. We experiment with two common neural architectures, CNN and LSTM, to learn word vector representations from character embeddings. Through a task on the BioCreative-V CDR corpus, extracting relationships between chemicals and diseases, we show that models exploiting the character-based word representations improve on models that do not use this information, obtaining state-of-the-art result relative to previous neural approaches.
With the development of medical information management, numerous medical data are being classified, indexed, and searched in various systems. Disease phrase matching, i.e., deciding whether two given disease phrases interpret each other, is a basic but crucial preprocessing step for the above tasks. Being capable of relieving the scarceness of annotations, domain adaptation is generally considered useful in medical systems. However, efforts on applying it to phrase matching remain limited. This paper presents a domain-adaptive matching network for disease phrases. Our network achieves domain adaptation by adversarial training, i.e., preferring features indicating whether the two phrases match, rather than which domain they come from. Experiments suggest that our model has the best performance among the very few non-adaptive or adaptive methods that can benefit from out-of-domain annotations.
Overcrowding in emergency rooms is a major challenge faced by hospitals across the United States. Overcrowding can result in longer wait times, which, in turn, has been shown to adversely affect patient satisfaction, clinical outcomes, and procedure reimbursements. This paper presents research that aims to automatically predict discharge disposition of patients who received medical treatment in an emergency department. We make use of a corpus that consists of notes containing patient complaints, diagnosis information, and disposition, entered by health care providers. We use this corpus to develop a model that uses the complaint and diagnosis information to predict patient disposition. We show that the proposed model substantially outperforms the baseline of predicting the most common disposition type. The long-term goal of this research is to build a model that can be implemented as a real-time service in an application to predict disposition as patients arrive.
Automatic recognition of biomedical entities in text is the crucial initial step in biomedical text mining. In this pa-per, we investigate employing modern neural network models for recognizing biomedical entities. To compensate for the small amount of training data in biomedical domain, we propose to integrate dictionaries into the neural model. Our experiments on BB3 data sets demonstrate that state-of-the-art neural network model is promising in recognizing biomedical entities even with very little training data. When integrated with dictionaries, its performance could be greatly improved, achieving the competitive performance compared with the best dictionary-based system on the entities with specific terminology, and much higher performance on the entities with more general terminology.
A search that is targeted at finding a specific document in databases is called a Single Citation search. Single citation searches are particularly important for scholarly databases, such as PubMed, because users are frequently searching for a specific publication. In this work we describe SingleCite, a single citation matching system designed to facilitate user’s search for a specific document. We report on the progress that has been achieved towards building that functionality.
We investigate the quality of task specific word embeddings created with relatively small, targeted corpora. We present a comprehensive evaluation framework including both intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation that can be expanded to named entities beyond drug name. Intrinsic evaluation results tell that drug name embeddings created with a domain specific document corpus outperformed the previously published versions that derived from a very large general text corpus. Extrinsic evaluation uses word embedding for the task of drug name recognition with Bi-LSTM model and the results demonstrate the advantage of using domain-specific word embeddings as the only input feature for drug name recognition with F1-score achieving 0.91. This work suggests that it may be advantageous to derive domain specific embeddings for certain tasks even when the domain specific corpus is of limited size.
Creating simulated search environments has been of a significant interest in infor-mation retrieval, in both general and bio-medical search domains. Existing collec-tions include modest number of queries and are constructed by manually evaluat-ing retrieval results. In this work we pro-pose leveraging MeSH term assignments for creating synthetic test beds. We select a suitable subset of MeSH terms as queries, and utilize MeSH term assignments as pseudo-relevance rankings for retrieval evaluation. Using well studied retrieval functions, we show that their performance on the proposed data is consistent with similar findings in previous work. We further use the proposed retrieval evaluation framework to better understand how to combine heterogeneous sources of textual information.
Sequence labeling of biomedical entities, e.g., side effects or phenotypes, was a long-term task in BioNLP and MedNLP communities. Thanks to effects made among these communities, adverse reaction NER has developed dramatically in recent years. As an illuminative application, to achieve knowledge discovery via the combination of the text mining result and bioinformatics idea shed lights on the pharmacological mechanism research.
This study focuses on highly accurate prediction of the onset of type-2 diabetes. We investigated whether prediction accuracy can be improved by utilizing lab test data obtained from health checkups and incorporating health claim text data such as medically diagnosed diseases with ICD10 codes and pharmacy information. In a previous study, prediction accuracy was increased slightly by adding diagnosis disease name and independent variables such as prescription medicine. Therefore, in the current study we explored more suitable models for prediction by using state-of-the-art techniques such as XGBoost and long short-term memory (LSTM) based on recurrent neural networks. In the current study, text data was vectorized using word2vec, and the prediction model was compared with logistic regression. The results obtained confirmed that onset of type-2 diabetes can be predicted with a high degree of accuracy when the XGBoost model is used.
High quality word embeddings are of great significance to advance applications of biomedical natural language processing. In recent years, a surge of interest on how to learn good embeddings and evaluate embedding quality based on English medical text has become increasing evident, however a limited number of studies based on Chinese medical text, particularly Chinese clinical records, were performed. Herein, we proposed a novel approach of improving the quality of learned embeddings using out-domain data as a supplementary in the case of limited Chinese clinical records. Moreover, the embedding quality evaluation method was conducted based on Medical Conceptual Similarity Property. The experimental results revealed that selecting good training samples was necessary, and collecting right amount of out-domain data and trading off between the quality of embeddings and the training time consumption were essential factors for better embeddings.
Existing biomedical coreference resolution systems depend on features and/or rules based on syntactic parsers. In this paper, we investigate the utility of the state-of-the-art general domain neural coreference resolution system on biomedical texts. The system is an end-to-end system without depending on any syntactic parsers. We also investigate the domain specific features to enhance the system for biomedical texts. Experimental results on the BioNLP Protein Coreference dataset and the CRAFT corpus show that, with no parser information, the adapted system compared favorably with the systems that depend on parser information on these datasets, achieving 51.23% on the BioNLP dataset and 36.33% on the CRAFT corpus in F1 score. In-domain embeddings and domain-specific features helped improve the performance on the BioNLP dataset, but they did not on the CRAFT corpus.
We present a novel annotation task evaluating a patient’s engagement with their health care regimen. The concept of engagement supplements the traditional concept of adherence with a focus on the patient’s affect, lifestyle choices, and health goal status. We describe an engagement annotation task across two patient note domains: traditional clinical notes and a novel domain, care manager notes, where we find engagement to be more common. The annotation task resulted in a kappa of .53, suggesting strong annotator intuitions regarding engagement-bearing language. In addition, we report the results of a series of preliminary engagement classification experiments using domain adaptation.
The task of taking a semantic representation of a noun and predicting the brain activity triggered by it in terms of fMRI spatial patterns was pioneered by Mitchell et al. 2008. That seminal work used word co-occurrence features to represent the meaning of the nouns. Even though the task does not impose any specific type of semantic representation, the vast majority of subsequent approaches resort to feature-based models or to semantic spaces (aka word embeddings). We address this task, with competitive results, by using instead a semantic network to encode lexical semantics, thus providing further evidence for the cognitive plausibility of this approach to model lexical meaning.
A number of different discourse connectives can be used to mark the same discourse relation, but it is unclear what factors affect connective choice. One recent account is the Rational Speech Acts theory, which predicts that speakers try to maximize the informativeness of an utterance such that the listener can interpret the intended meaning correctly. Existing prior work uses referential language games to test the rational account of speakers’ production of concrete meanings, such as identification of objects within a picture. Building on the same paradigm, we design a novel Discourse Continuation Game to investigate speakers’ production of abstract discourse relations. Experimental results reveal that speakers significantly prefer a more informative connective, in line with predictions of the RSA model.
We present an analysis of the internal mechanism of the recurrent neural model of sentence production presented by Calvillo et al. (2016). The results show clear patterns of computation related to each layer in the network allowing to infer an algorithmic account, where the semantics activates the semantically related words, then each word generated at each time step activates syntactic and semantic constraints on possible continuations, while the recurrence preserves information through time. We propose that such insights could generalize to other models with similar architecture, including some used in computational linguistics for language modeling, machine translation and image caption generation.
In recent years, a variety of recurrent neural networks have been proposed, e.g LSTM. However, existing models only read the text once, it cannot describe the situation of repeated reading in reading comprehension. In fact, when reading or analyzing a text, we may read the text several times rather than once if we couldn’t well understand it. So, how to model this kind of the reading behavior? To address the issue, we propose a multi-glance mechanism (MGM) for modeling the habit of reading behavior. In the proposed framework, the actual reading process can be fully simulated, and then the obtained information can be consistent with the task. Based on the multi-glance mechanism, we design two types of recurrent neural network models for repeated reading: Glance Cell Model (GCM) and Glance Gate Model (GGM). Visualization analysis of the GCM and the GGM demonstrates the effectiveness of multi-glance mechanisms. Experiments results on the large-scale datasets show that the proposed methods can achieve better performance.
This paper presents a statistical model to predict Japanese word order in the double object constructions. We employed a Bayesian linear mixed model with manually annotated predicate-argument structure data. The findings from the refined corpus analysis confirmed the effects of information status of an NP as ‘givennew ordering’ in addition to the effects of ‘long-before-short’ as a tendency of the general Japanese word order.
We present a novel methodology involving mappings between different modes of semantic representation. We propose distributional semantic models as a mechanism for representing the kind of world knowledge inherent in the system of abstract symbols characteristic of a sophisticated community of language users. Then, motivated by insight from ecological psychology, we describe a model approximating affordances, by which we mean a language learner’s direct perception of opportunities for action in an environment. We present a preliminary experiment involving mapping between these two representational modalities, and propose that our methodology can become the basis for a cognitively inspired model of grounded language learning.
We present two methods that improve the assessment of cognitive models. The first method is applicable to models computing average acceptability ratings. For these models, we propose an extension that simulates a full rating distribution (instead of average ratings) and allows generating individual ratings. Our second method enables Bayesian inference for models generating individual data. To this end, we propose to use the cross-match test (Rosenbaum, 2005) as a likelihood function. We exemplarily present both methods using cognitive models from the domain of spatial language use. For spatial language use, determining linguistic acceptability judgments of a spatial preposition for a depicted spatial relation is assumed to be a crucial process (Logan and Sadler, 1996). Existing models of this process compute an average acceptability rating. We extend the models and – based on existing data – show that the extended models allow extracting more information from the empirical data and yield more readily interpretable information about model successes and failures. Applying Bayesian inference, we find that model performance relies less on mechanisms of capturing geometrical aspects than on mapping the captured geometry to a rating interval.
The current study examined the role of syntactic structure during pronoun resolution. We correlated complexity measures derived by the syntax-sensitive Hobbs algorithm and a neural network model for pronoun resolution with brain activity of participants listening to an audiobook during fMRI recording. Compared to the neural network model, the Hobbs algorithm is associated with larger clusters of brain activation in a network including the left Broca’s area.
This paper presents a left-corner parser for minimalist grammars. The relation between the parser and the grammar is transparent in the sense that there is a very simple 1-1 correspondence between derivations and parses. Like left-corner context-free parsers, left-corner minimalist parsers can be non-terminating when the grammar has empty left corners, so an easily computed left-corner oracle is defined to restrict the search.
In recent years, the journalists and computer sciences speak to each other to identify useful technologies which would help them in extracting useful information. This is called “computational Journalism”. In this paper, we present a method that will enable the journalists to automatically identifies and annotates entities such as names of people, organizations, role and functions of people in legal documents; the relationship between these entities are also explored. The system uses a combination of both statistical and rule based technique. The statistical method used is Conditional Random Fields and for the rule based technique, document and language specific regular expressions are used.
This paper presents a method of designing specific high-order dependency factor on the linear chain conditional random fields (CRFs) for named entity recognition (NER). Named entities tend to be separated from each other by multiple outside tokens in a text, and thus the first-order CRF, as well as the second-order CRF, may innately lose transition information between distant named entities. The proposed design uses outside label in NER as a transmission medium of precedent entity information on the CRF. Then, empirical results apparently demonstrate that it is possible to exploit long-distance label dependency in the original first-order linear chain CRF structure upon NER while reducing computational loss rather than in the second-order CRF.
Recent collective Entity Linking studies usually promote global coherence of all the mapped entities in the same document by using semantic embeddings and graph-based approaches. Although graph-based approaches are shown to achieve remarkable results, they are computationally expensive for general datasets. Also, semantic embeddings only indicate relatedness between entity pairs without considering sequences. In this paper, we address these problems by introducing a two-fold neural model. First, we match easy mention-entity pairs and using the domain information of this pair to filter candidate entities of closer mentions. Second, we resolve more ambiguous pairs using bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory and CRF models for the entity disambiguation. Our proposed system outperforms state-of-the-art systems on the generated domain-specific evaluation dataset.
The problem of sequence labelling in language understanding would benefit from approaches inspired by semantic priming phenomena. We propose that an attention-based RNN architecture can be used to simulate semantic priming for sequence labelling. Specifically, we employ pre-trained word embeddings to characterize the semantic relationship between utterances and labels. We validate the approach using varying sizes of the ATIS and MEDIA datasets, and show up to 1.4-1.9% improvement in F1 score. The developed framework can enable more explainable and generalizable spoken language understanding systems.
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a major task in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), and also is a sub-task of Information Extraction. The challenge of NER for tweets lie in the insufficient information available in a tweet. There has been a significant amount of work done related to entity extraction, but only for resource rich languages and domains such as newswire. Entity extraction is, in general, a challenging task for such an informal text, and code-mixed text further complicates the process with it’s unstructured and incomplete information. We propose experiments with different machine learning classification algorithms with word, character and lexical features. The algorithms we experimented with are Decision tree, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Conditional Random Field (CRF). In this paper, we present a corpus for NER in Hindi-English Code-Mixed along with extensive experiments on our machine learning models which achieved the best f1-score of 0.95 with both CRF and LSTM.
Proper names of organisations are a special case of collective nouns. Their meaning can be conceptualised as a collective unit or as a plurality of persons, allowing for different morphological marking of coreferent anaphoric pronouns. This paper explores the variability of references to organisation names with 1) a corpus analysis and 2) two crowd-sourced story continuation experiments. The first shows that the preference for singular vs. plural conceptualisation is dependent on the level of formality of a text. In the second, we observe a strong preference for the plural they otherwise typical of informal speech. Using edited corpus data instead of constructed sentences as stimuli reduces this preference.
Customized translation need pay spe-cial attention to the target domain ter-minology especially the named-entities for the domain. Adding linguistic features to neural machine translation (NMT) has been shown to benefit translation in many studies. In this paper, we further demonstrate that adding named-entity (NE) feature with named-entity recognition (NER) into the source language produces better translation with NMT. Our experiments show that by just including the different NE classes and boundary tags, we can increase the BLEU score by around 1 to 2 points using the standard test sets from WMT2017. We also show that adding NE tags using NER and applying in-domain adaptation can be combined to further improve customized machine translation.
Transliteration is defined as phonetic translation of names across languages. Transliteration of Named Entities (NEs) is necessary in many applications, such as machine translation, corpus alignment, cross-language IR, information extraction and automatic lexicon acquisition. All such systems call for high-performance transliteration, which is the focus of shared task in the NEWS 2018 workshop. The objective of the shared task is to promote machine transliteration research by providing a common benchmarking platform for the community to evaluate the state-of-the-art technologies.
This report presents the results from the Named Entity Transliteration Shared Task conducted as part of The Seventh Named Entities Workshop (NEWS 2018) held at ACL 2018 in Melbourne, Australia. Similar to previous editions of NEWS, the Shared Task featured 19 tasks on proper name transliteration, including 13 different languages and two different Japanese scripts. A total of 6 teams from 8 different institutions participated in the evaluation, submitting 424 runs, involving different transliteration methodologies. Four performance metrics were used to report the evaluation results. The NEWS shared task on machine transliteration has successfully achieved its objectives by providing a common ground for the research community to conduct comparative evaluations of state-of-the-art technologies that will benefit the future research and development in this area.
This paper reports the results of our trans-literation experiments conducted on NEWS 2018 Shared Task dataset. We focus on creating the baseline systems trained using two open-source, statistical transliteration tools, namely Sequitur and Moses. We discuss the pre-processing steps performed on this dataset for both the systems. We also provide a re-ranking system which uses top hypotheses from Sequitur and Moses to create a consolidated list of transliterations. The results obtained from each of these models can be used to present a good starting point for the participating teams.
In this paper, we propose different architectures for language independent machine transliteration which is extremely important for natural language processing (NLP) applications. Though a number of statistical models for transliteration have already been proposed in the past few decades, we proposed some neural network based deep learning architectures for the transliteration of named entities. Our transliteration systems adapt two different neural machine translation (NMT) frameworks: recurrent neural network and convolutional sequence to sequence based NMT. It is shown that our method provides quite satisfactory results when it comes to multi lingual machine transliteration. Our submitted runs are an ensemble of different transliteration systems for all the language pairs. In the NEWS 2018 Shared Task on Transliteration, our method achieves top performance for the En–Pe and Pe–En language pairs and comparable results for other cases.
We report the results of our experiments in the context of the NEWS 2018 Shared Task on Transliteration. We focus on the comparison of several diverse systems, including three neural MT models. A combination of discriminative, generative, and neural models obtains the best results on the development sets. We also put forward ideas for improving the shared task.
Transliterating named entities from one language into another can be approached as neural machine translation (NMT) problem, for which we use deep attentional RNN encoder-decoder models. To build a strong transliteration system, we apply well-established techniques from NMT, such as dropout regularization, model ensembling, rescoring with right-to-left models, and back-translation. Our submission to the NEWS 2018 Shared Task on Named Entity Transliteration ranked first in several tracks.
Grapheme-to-phoneme models are key components in automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech systems. With low-resource language pairs that do not have available and well-developed pronunciation lexicons, grapheme-to-phoneme models are particularly useful. These models are based on initial alignments between grapheme source and phoneme target sequences. Inspired by sequence-to-sequence recurrent neural network-based translation methods, the current research presents an approach that applies an alignment representation for input sequences and pre-trained source and target embeddings to overcome the transliteration problem for a low-resource languages pair. We participated in the NEWS 2018 shared task for the English-Vietnamese transliteration task.
This document describes the findings of the Second Workshop on Neural Machine Translation and Generation, held in concert with the annual conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2018). First, we summarize the research trends of papers presented in the proceedings, and note that there is particular interest in linguistic structure, domain adaptation, data augmentation, handling inadequate resources, and analysis of models. Second, we describe the results of the workshop’s shared task on efficient neural machine translation, where participants were tasked with creating MT systems that are both accurate and efficient.
Automatic post-editing (APE) systems aim to correct the systematic errors made by machine translators. In this paper, we propose a neural APE system that encodes the source (src) and machine translated (mt) sentences with two separate encoders, but leverages a shared attention mechanism to better understand how the two inputs contribute to the generation of the post-edited (pe) sentences. Our empirical observations have showed that when the mt is incorrect, the attention shifts weight toward tokens in the src sentence to properly edit the incorrect translation. The model has been trained and evaluated on the official data from the WMT16 and WMT17 APE IT domain English-German shared tasks. Additionally, we have used the extra 500K artificial data provided by the shared task. Our system has been able to reproduce the accuracies of systems trained with the same data, while at the same time providing better interpretability.
We present iterative back-translation, a method for generating increasingly better synthetic parallel data from monolingual data to train neural machine translation systems. Our proposed method is very simple yet effective and highly applicable in practice. We demonstrate improvements in neural machine translation quality in both high and low resourced scenarios, including the best reported BLEU scores for the WMT 2017 German↔English tasks.
Machine translation systems require semantic knowledge and grammatical understanding. Neural machine translation (NMT) systems often assume this information is captured by an attention mechanism and a decoder that ensures fluency. Recent work has shown that incorporating explicit syntax alleviates the burden of modeling both types of knowledge. However, requiring parses is expensive and does not explore the question of what syntax a model needs during translation. To address both of these issues we introduce a model that simultaneously translates while inducing dependency trees. In this way, we leverage the benefits of structure while investigating what syntax NMT must induce to maximize performance. We show that our dependency trees are 1. language pair dependent and 2. improve translation quality.
Supervised domain adaptation—where a large generic corpus and a smaller in-domain corpus are both available for training—is a challenge for neural machine translation (NMT). Standard practice is to train a generic model and use it to initialize a second model, then continue training the second model on in-domain data to produce an in-domain model. We add an auxiliary term to the training objective during continued training that minimizes the cross entropy between the in-domain model’s output word distribution and that of the out-of-domain model to prevent the model’s output from differing too much from the original out-of-domain model. We perform experiments on EMEA (descriptions of medicines) and TED (rehearsed presentations), initialized from a general domain (WMT) model. Our method shows improvements over standard continued training by up to 1.5 BLEU.
Current models for document summarization disregard user preferences such as the desired length, style, the entities that the user might be interested in, or how much of the document the user has already read. We present a neural summarization model with a simple but effective mechanism to enable users to specify these high level attributes in order to control the shape of the final summaries to better suit their needs. With user input, our system can produce high quality summaries that follow user preferences. Without user input, we set the control variables automatically – on the full text CNN-Dailymail dataset, we outperform state of the art abstractive systems (both in terms of F1-ROUGE1 40.38 vs. 39.53 F1-ROUGE and human evaluation.
A large-scale parallel corpus is required to train encoder-decoder neural machine translation. The method of using synthetic parallel texts, in which target monolingual corpora are automatically translated into source sentences, is effective in improving the decoder, but is unreliable for enhancing the encoder. In this paper, we propose a method that enhances the encoder and attention using target monolingual corpora by generating multiple source sentences via sampling. By using multiple source sentences, diversity close to that of humans is achieved. Our experimental results show that the translation quality is improved by increasing the number of synthetic source sentences for each given target sentence, and quality close to that using a manually created parallel corpus was achieved.
It is common practice to adapt machine translation systems to novel domains, but even a well-adapted system may be able to perform better on a particular document if it were to learn from a translator’s corrections within the document itself. We focus on adaptation within a single document – appropriate for an interactive translation scenario where a model adapts to a human translator’s input over the course of a document. We propose two methods: single-sentence adaptation (which performs online adaptation one sentence at a time) and dictionary adaptation (which specifically addresses the issue of translating novel words). Combining the two models results in improvements over both approaches individually, and over baseline systems, even on short documents. On WMT news test data, we observe an improvement of +1.8 BLEU points and +23.3% novel word translation accuracy and on EMEA data (descriptions of medications) we observe an improvement of +2.7 BLEU points and +49.2% novel word translation accuracy.
We examine how various types of noise in the parallel training data impact the quality of neural machine translation systems. We create five types of artificial noise and analyze how they degrade performance in neural and statistical machine translation. We find that neural models are generally more harmed by noise than statistical models. For one especially egregious type of noise they learn to just copy the input sentence.
Despite impressive progress in high-resource settings, Neural Machine Translation (NMT) still struggles in low-resource and out-of-domain scenarios, often failing to match the quality of phrase-based translation. We propose a novel technique that combines back-translation and multilingual NMT to improve performance in these difficult cases. Our technique trains a single model for both directions of a language pair, allowing us to back-translate source or target monolingual data without requiring an auxiliary model. We then continue training on the augmented parallel data, enabling a cycle of improvement for a single model that can incorporate any source, target, or parallel data to improve both translation directions. As a byproduct, these models can reduce training and deployment costs significantly compared to uni-directional models. Extensive experiments show that our technique outperforms standard back-translation in low-resource scenarios, improves quality on cross-domain tasks, and effectively reduces costs across the board.
Multi-source translation is an approach to exploit multiple inputs (e.g. in two different languages) to increase translation accuracy. In this paper, we examine approaches for multi-source neural machine translation (NMT) using an incomplete multilingual corpus in which some translations are missing. In practice, many multilingual corpora are not complete due to the difficulty to provide translations in all of the relevant languages (for example, in TED talks, most English talks only have subtitles for a small portion of the languages that TED supports). Existing studies on multi-source translation did not explicitly handle such situations. This study focuses on the use of incomplete multilingual corpora in multi-encoder NMT and mixture of NMT experts and examines a very simple implementation where missing source translations are replaced by a special symbol <NULL>. These methods allow us to use incomplete corpora both at training time and test time. In experiments with real incomplete multilingual corpora of TED Talks, the multi-source NMT with the <NULL> tokens achieved higher translation accuracies measured by BLEU than those by any one-to-one NMT systems.
Neural machine translation (NMT) has significantly improved the quality of automatic translation models. One of the main challenges in current systems is the translation of rare words. We present a generic approach to address this weakness by having external models annotate the training data as Experts, and control the model-expert interaction with a pointer network and reinforcement learning. Our experiments using phrase-based models to simulate Experts to complement neural machine translation models show that the model can be trained to copy the annotations into the output consistently. We demonstrate the benefit of our proposed framework in outof domain translation scenarios with only lexical resources, improving more than 1.0 BLEU point in both translation directions English-Spanish and German-English.
This paper describes the NICT neural machine translation system submitted at the NMT-2018 shared task. A characteristic of our approach is the introduction of self-training. Since our self-training does not change the model structure, it does not influence the efficiency of translation, such as the translation speed. The experimental results showed that the translation quality improved not only in the sequence-to-sequence (seq-to-seq) models but also in the transformer models.
This paper describes the submissions to the efficiency track for GPUs at the Workshop for Neural Machine Translation and Generation by members of the University of Edinburgh, Adam Mickiewicz University, Tilde and University of Alicante. We focus on efficient implementation of the recurrent deep-learning model as implemented in Amun, the fast inference engine for neural machine translation. We improve the performance with an efficient mini-batching algorithm, and by fusing the softmax operation with the k-best extraction algorithm. Submissions using Amun were first, second and third fastest in the GPU efficiency track.
We present a system description of the OpenNMT Neural Machine Translation entry for the WNMT 2018 evaluation. In this work, we developed a heavily optimized NMT inference model targeting a high-performance CPU system. The final system uses a combination of four techniques, all of them lead to significant speed-ups in combination: (a) sequence distillation, (b) architecture modifications, (c) precomputation, particularly of vocabulary, and (d) CPU targeted quantization. This work achieves the fastest performance of the shared task, and led to the development of new features that have been integrated to OpenNMT and available to the community.
This paper describes the submissions of the “Marian” team to the WNMT 2018 shared task. We investigate combinations of teacher-student training, low-precision matrix products, auto-tuning and other methods to optimize the Transformer model on GPU and CPU. By further integrating these methods with the new averaging attention networks, a recently introduced faster Transformer variant, we create a number of high-quality, high-performance models on the GPU and CPU, dominating the Pareto frontier for this shared task.
Modern natural language processing (NLP) research requires writing code. Ideally this code would provide a precise definition of the approach, easy repeatability of results, and a basis for extending the research. However, many research codebases bury high-level parameters under implementation details, are challenging to run and debug, and are difficult enough to extend that they are more likely to be rewritten. This paper describes AllenNLP, a library for applying deep learning methods to NLP research that addresses these issues with easy-to-use command-line tools, declarative configuration-driven experiments, and modular NLP abstractions. AllenNLP has already increased the rate of research experimentation and the sharing of NLP components at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, and we are working to have the same impact across the field.
Open-source software packages for language processing often include stop word lists. Users may apply them without awareness of their surprising omissions (e.g. “hasn’t” but not “hadn’t”) and inclusions (“computer”), or their incompatibility with a particular tokenizer. Motivated by issues raised about the Scikit-learn stop list, we investigate variation among and consistency within 52 popular English-language stop lists, and propose strategies for mitigating these issues.
We introduce Texar, an open-source toolkit aiming to support the broad set of text generation tasks. Different from many existing toolkits that are specialized for specific applications (e.g., neural machine translation), Texar is designed to be highly flexible and versatile. This is achieved by abstracting the common patterns underlying the diverse tasks and methodologies, creating a library of highly reusable modules and functionalities, and enabling arbitrary model architectures and various algorithmic paradigms. The features make Texar particularly suitable for technique sharing and generalization across different text generation applications. The toolkit emphasizes heavily on extensibility and modularized system design, so that components can be freely plugged in or swapped out. We conduct extensive experiments and case studies to demonstrate the use and advantage of the toolkit.
The Association of Computational Linguistic’s Anthology is the open source archive, and the main source for computational linguistics and natural language processing’s scientific literature. The ACL Anthology is currently maintained exclusively by community volunteers and has to be available and up-to-date at all times. We first discuss the current, open source approach used to achieve this, and then discuss how the planned use of Docker images will improve the Anthology’s long-term stability. This change will make it easier for researchers to utilize Anthology data for experimentation. We believe the ACL community can directly benefit from the extension-friendly architecture of the Anthology. We end by issuing an open challenge of reviewer matching we encourage the community to rally towards.
UKB is an open source collection of programs for performing, among other tasks, Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). Since it was released in 2009 it has been often used out-of-the-box in sub-optimal settings. We show that nine years later it is the state-of-the-art on knowledge-based WSD. This case shows the pitfalls of releasing open source NLP software without optimal default settings and precise instructions for reproducibility.
We introduce Baseline: a library for reproducible deep learning research and fast model development for NLP. The library provides easily extensible abstractions and implementations for data loading, model development, training and export of deep learning architectures. It also provides implementations for simple, high-performance, deep learning models for various NLP tasks, against which newly developed models can be compared. Deep learning experiments are hard to reproduce, Baseline provides functionalities to track them. The goal is to allow a researcher to focus on model development, delegating the repetitive tasks to the library.
We present OpenSeq2Seq – an open-source toolkit for training sequence-to-sequence models. The main goal of our toolkit is to allow researchers to most effectively explore different sequence-to-sequence architectures. The efficiency is achieved by fully supporting distributed and mixed-precision training. OpenSeq2Seq provides building blocks for training encoder-decoder models for neural machine translation and automatic speech recognition. We plan to extend it with other modalities in the future.
The open-source SUMMA Platform is a highly scalable distributed architecture for monitoring a large number of media broadcasts in parallel, with a lag behind actual broadcast time of at most a few minutes. It assembles numerous state-of-the-art NLP technologies into a fully automated media ingestion pipeline that can record live broadcasts, detect and transcribe spoken content, translate from several languages (original text or transcribed speech) into English, recognize Named Entities, detect topics, cluster and summarize documents across language barriers, and extract and store factual claims in these news items. This paper describes the intended use cases and discusses the system design decisions that allowed us to integrate state-of-the-art NLP modules into an effective workflow with comparatively little effort.
A major goal of open-source NLP is to quickly and accurately reproduce the results of new work, in a manner that the community can easily use and modify. While most papers publish enough detail for replication, it still may be difficult to achieve good results in practice. This paper presents a worked exercise of paper reproduction with the goal of implementing the results of the recent Transformer model. The replication exercise aims at simple code structure that follows closely with the original work, while achieving an efficient usable system.
In this paper, we have proposed a technique for generating complex reading comprehension questions from a discourse that are more useful than factual ones derived from assertions. Our system produces a set of general-level questions using coherence relations and a set of well-defined syntactic transformations on the input text. Generated questions evaluate comprehension abilities like a comprehensive analysis of the text and its structure, correct identification of the author’s intent, a thorough evaluation of stated arguments; and a deduction of the high-level semantic relations that hold between text spans. Experiments performed on the RST-DT corpus allow us to conclude that our system possesses a strong aptitude for generating intricate questions. These questions are capable of effectively assessing a student’s interpretation of the text.
Among the challenges of teaching reading comprehension in K – 12 are identifying the portions of a text that are difficult for a student, comprehending major critical ideas, and understanding context-dependent polysemous words. We present a simple, unsupervised but robust and accurate syntactic method for achieving the first objective and a modified hierarchical lexical method for the second objective. Focusing on pinpointing troublesome sentences instead of the overall readability and on concepts central to a reading, we believe these methods will greatly facilitate efforts to help students improve reading skills
Advances in automatic readability assessment can impact the way people consume information in a number of domains. Arabic, being a low-resource and morphologically complex language, presents numerous challenges to the task of automatic readability assessment. In this paper, we present the largest and most in-depth computational readability study for Arabic to date. We study a large set of features with varying depths, from shallow words to syntactic trees, for both L1 and L2 readability tasks. Our best L1 readability accuracy result is 94.8% (75% error reduction from a commonly used baseline). The comparable results for L2 are 72.4% (45% error reduction). We also demonstrate the added value of leveraging L1 features for L2 readability prediction.
This paper investigates what differentiates effective tutorial sessions from less effective sessions. Towards this end, we characterize and explore human tutors’ actions in tutorial dialogue sessions by mapping the tutor-tutee interactions, which are streams of dialogue utterances, into streams of actions, based on the language-as-action theory. Next, we use human expert judgment measures, evidence of learning (EL) and evidence of soundness (ES), to identify effective and ineffective sessions. We perform sub-sequence pattern mining to identify sub-sequences of dialogue modes that discriminate good sessions from bad sessions. We finally use the results of sub-sequence analysis method to generate a tutorial Markov process for effective tutorial sessions.
Essays have two major components for scoring - content and style. In this paper, we describe a property of the essay, called goodness, and use it to predict the score given for the style of student essays. We compare our approach to solve this problem with baseline approaches, like language modeling and also a state-of-the-art deep learning system. We show that, despite being quite intuitive, our approach is very powerful in predicting the style of the essays.
This paper presents the NLPTEA 2018 shared task for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) which seeks to identify grammatical error types, their range of occurrence and recommended corrections within sentences written by learners of Chinese as foreign language. We describe the task definition, data preparation, performance metrics, and evaluation results. Of the 20 teams registered for this shared task, 13 teams developed the system and submitted a total of 32 runs. Progress in system performances was obviously, reaching F1 of 36.12% in position level and 25.27% in correction level. All data sets with gold standards and scoring scripts are made publicly available to researchers.
This paper describes our system at NLPTEA-2018 Task #1: Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis. Grammatical Error Diagnosis is one of the most challenging NLP tasks, which is to locate grammar errors and tell error types. Our system is built on the model of bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory with a conditional random field layer (BiLSTM-CRF) but integrates with several new features. First, richer features are considered in the BiLSTM-CRF model; second, a probabilistic ensemble approach is adopted; third, Template Matcher are used during a post-processing to bring in human knowledge. In official evaluation, our system obtains the highest F1 scores at identifying error types and locating error positions, the second highest F1 score at sentence level error detection. We also recommend error corrections for specific error types and achieve the best F1 performance among all participants.
This paper introduces the DM_NLP team’s system for NLPTEA 2018 shared task of Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED), which can be used to detect and correct grammatical errors in texts written by Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) learners. This task aims at not only detecting four types of grammatical errors including redundant words (R), missing words (M), bad word selection (S) and disordered words (W), but also recommending corrections for errors of M and S types. We proposed a hybrid system including four models for this task with two stages: the detection stage and the correction stage. In the detection stage, we first used a BiLSTM-CRF model to tag potential errors by sequence labeling, along with some handcraft features. Then we designed three Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) models to generate corrections, which could help to tune the detection result. In the correction stage, candidates were generated by the three GEC models and then merged to output the final corrections for M and S types. Our system reached the highest precision in the correction subtask, which was the most challenging part of this shared task, and got top 3 on F1 scores for position detection of errors.
In this study, we employ the sequence to sequence learning to model the task of grammar error correction. The system takes potentially erroneous sentences as inputs, and outputs correct sentences. To breakthrough the bottlenecks of very limited size of manually labeled data, we adopt a semi-supervised approach. Specifically, we adapt correct sentences written by native Chinese speakers to generate pseudo grammatical errors made by learners of Chinese as a second language. We use the pseudo data to pre-train the model, and the CGED data to fine-tune it. Being aware of the significance of precision in a grammar error correction system in real scenarios, we use ensembles to boost precision. When using inputs as simple as Chinese characters, the ensembled system achieves a precision at 86.56% in the detection of erroneous sentences, and a precision at 51.53% in the correction of errors of Selection and Missing types.
Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED) is a natural language processing task for the NLPTEA2018 workshop held during ACL2018. The goal of this task is to diagnose Chinese sentences containing four kinds of grammatical errors through the model and find out the sentence errors. Chinese grammatical error diagnosis system is a very important tool, which can help Chinese learners automatically diagnose grammatical errors in many scenarios. However, due to the limitations of the Chinese language’s own characteristics and datasets, the traditional model faces the problem of extreme imbalances in the positive and negative samples and the disappearance of gradients. In this paper, we propose a sequence labeling method based on the Policy Gradient LSTM model and apply it to this task to solve the above problems. The results show that our model can achieve higher precision scores in the case of lower False positive rate (FPR) and it is convenient to optimize the model on-line.
Verbal communication — and pronunciation as its part — is a core skill that can be developed through guided learning. An artificial intelligence system can take a role in these guided learning approaches as an enabler of an application for pronunciation learning with a recommender system to guide language learners through exercises and feedback system to correct their pronunciation. In this paper, we report on a user study on language learners’ perceived usefulness of the application. 16 international students who spoke non-native English and lived in Australia participated. 13 of them said they need to improve their pronunciation skills in English because of their foreign accent. The feedback system with features for pronunciation scoring, speech replay, and giving a pronunciation example was deemed essential by most of the respondents. In contrast, a clear dichotomy between the recommender system perceived as useful or useless existed; the system had features to prompt new common words or old poorly-scored words. These results can be used to target research and development from information retrieval and reinforcement learning for better and better recommendations to speech recognition and speech analytics for accent acquisition.
PerspectivesX is a multi-perspective elaboration tool designed to encourage learner submission and curation across a range of collaborative learning activities. In this paper, it is shown that the learning design objectives of collaborative learning activities can be evaluated using NLP techniques, but that careful analysis of learner impact and pedagogical intent are required in order to select appropriate techniques. In particular, this paper focuses on the NLP techniques required to deliver an instructor dashboard, personalized learner feedback and content recommendation within multi-perspective elaboration activities. Key NLP techniques considered for inclusion include summarization, topic modeling, paraphrase detection and diversified content recommendation.
In this paper we present a qualitatively enhanced deep convolution recurrent neural network for computing the quality of a text in an automatic essay scoring task. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that instead of considering only the word and sentence representation of a text, we try to augment the different complex linguistic, cognitive and psycological features associated within a text document along with a hierarchical convolution recurrent neural network framework. Our preliminary investigation shows that incorporation of such qualitative feature vectors along with standard word/sentence embeddings can give us better understanding about improving the overall evaluation of the input essays.
This paper describes two models that employ word frequency embeddings to deal with the problem of readability assessment in multiple languages. The task is to determine the difficulty level of a given document, i.e., how hard it is for a reader to fully comprehend the text. The proposed models show how frequency information can be integrated to improve the readability assessment. The experimental results testing on both English and Chinese datasets show that the proposed models improve the results notably when comparing to those using only traditional word embeddings.
MULLE is a tool for language learning that focuses on teaching Latin as a foreign language. It is aimed for easy integration into the traditional classroom setting and syllabus, which makes it distinct from other language learning tools that provide standalone learning experience. It uses grammar-based lessons and embraces methods of gamification to improve the learner motivation. The main type of exercise provided by our application is to practice translation, but it is also possible to shift the focus to vocabulary or morphology training.
Childhood acquisition of written language is not straightforward. Writing skills evolve differently depending on external factors, such as the conditions in which children practice their productions and the quality of their instructors’ guidance. This can be challenging in low-income areas, where schools may struggle to ensure ideal acquisition conditions. Developing computational tools to support the learning process may counterweight negative environmental influences; however, few work exists on the use of information technologies to improve childhood literacy. This work centers around the computational study of Spanish word and syllable structure in documents written by 2nd and 3rd year elementary school students. The studied texts were compared against a corpus of short stories aimed at the same age group, so as to observe whether the children tend to produce similar written patterns as the ones they are expected to interpret at their literacy level. The obtained results show some significant differences between the two kinds of texts, pointing towards possible strategies for the implementation of new education software in support of written language acquisition.
This study assesses an index for measur-ing the pronunciation difficulty of sen-tences (henceforth, pronounceability) based on the normalized edit distance from a reference sentence to a transcrip-tion of learners’ pronunciation. Pro-nounceability should be examined when language teachers use a computer-assisted language learning system for pronunciation learning to maintain the motivation of learners. However, unlike the evaluation of learners’ pronunciation performance, previous research did not focus on pronounceability not only for English but also for Asian languages. This study found that the normalized edit distance was reliable but not valid. The lack of validity appeared to be because of an English test used for determining the proficiency of learners.
In this paper, we report a short answer grading system in Chinese. We build a system based on standard machine learning approaches and test it with translated corpus from two publicly available corpus in English. The experiment results show similar results on two different corpus as in English.
This study explores the use of natural language processing techniques to enhance bilingual lexical access beyond simple equivalents, to enable translators to navigate along a wider cross-lingual lexical space and more examples showing different translation strategies, which is essential for them to learn to produce not only faithful but also fluent translations.
We systematically confirm that instructors are strongly influenced by the user interface presentation of Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) discussion forums. In a large scale dataset, we conclusively show that instructor interventions exhibit strong position bias, as measured by the position where the thread appeared on the user interface at the time of intervention. We measure and remove this bias, enabling unbiased statistical modelling and evaluation. We show that our de-biased classifier improves predicting interventions over the state-of-the-art on courses with sufficient number of interventions by 8.2% in F1 and 24.4% in recall on average.
Search engine is an important tool of modern academic study, but the results are lack of measurement of beginner friendliness. In order to improve the efficiency of using search engine for academic study, it is necessary to invent a technique of measuring the beginner friendliness of a Web page explaining academic concepts and to build an automatic measurement system. This paper studies how to integrate heterogeneous features such as a neural image feature generated from the image of the Web page by a variant of CNN (convolutional neural network) as well as text features extracted from the body text of the HTML file of the Web page. Integration is performed through the framework of the SVM classifier learning. Evaluation results show that heterogeneous features perform better than each individual type of features.
In this paper we formalize the problem automatic fill-in-the-blank question generation using two standard NLP machine learning schemes, proposing concrete deep learning models for each. We present an empirical study based on data obtained from a language learning platform showing that both of our proposed settings offer promising results.
Text clustering is a powerful technique to detect topics from document corpora, so as to provide information browsing, analysis, and organization. On the other hand, the Instant Response System (IRS) has been widely used in recent years to enhance student engagement in class and thus improve their learning effectiveness. However, the lack of functions to process short text responses from the IRS prevents the further application of IRS in classes. Therefore, this study aims to propose a proper short text clustering module for the IRS, and demonstrate our implemented techniques through real-world examples, so as to provide experiences and insights for further study. In particular, we have compared three clustering methods and the result shows that theoretically better methods need not lead to better results, as there are various factors that may affect the final performance.
When learning Chinese as a foreign language, the learners may have some grammatical errors due to negative migration of their native languages. However, few grammar checking applications have been developed to support the learners. The goal of this paper is to develop a tool to automatically diagnose four types of grammatical errors which are redundant words (R), missing words (M), bad word selection (S) and disordered words (W) in Chinese sentences written by those foreign learners. In this paper, a conventional linear CRF model with specific feature engineering and a LSTM-CRF model are used to solve the CGED (Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis) task. We make some improvement on both models and the submitted results have better performance on false positive rate and accuracy than the average of all runs from CGED2018 for all three evaluation levels.
Nowadays, more and more people are learning Chinese as their second language. Establishing an automatic diagnosis system for Chinese grammatical error has become an important challenge. In this paper, we propose a Chinese grammatical error diagnosis (CGED) model with contextualized character representation. Compared to the traditional model using LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory), our model have better performance and there is no need to add too many artificial features.
Chinese grammatical error diagnosis is an important natural language processing (NLP) task, which is also an important application using artificial intelligence technology in language education. This paper introduces a system developed by the Chinese Multilingual & Multimodal Corpus and Big Data Research Center for the NLP-TEA shared task, named Chinese Grammar Error Diagnosis (CGED). This system regards diagnosing errors task as a sequence tagging problem, while takes correction task as a text classification problem. Finally, in the 12 teams, this system gets the highest F1 score in the detection task and the second highest F1 score in mean in the identification task, position task and the correction task.
In the process of learning and using Chinese, many learners of Chinese as foreign language(CFL) may have grammar errors due to negative migration of their native languages. This paper introduces our system that can simultaneously diagnose four types of grammatical errors including redundant (R), missing (M), selection (S), disorder (W) in NLPTEA-5 shared task. We proposed a Bidirectional LSTM CRF neural network (BiLSTM-CRF) that combines BiLSTM and CRF without hand-craft features for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (CGED). Evaluation includes three levels, which are detection level, identification level and position level. At the detection level and identification level, our system got the third recall scores, and achieved good F1 values.
This paper presents a method of combining Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) model with a post-processing layer using Google n-grams statistical information tailored to detect word selection and word order errors made by learners of Chinese as Foreign Language (CFL). We describe the architecture of the model and its performance in the shared task of the ACL 2018 Workshop on Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications (NLPTEA). This hybrid approach yields comparably high false positive rate (FPR = 0.1274) and precision (Pd= 0.7519; Pi= 0.6311), but low recall (Rd = 0.3035; Ri = 0.1696 ) in grammatical error detection and identification tasks. Additional statistical information and linguistic rules can be added to enhance the model performance in the future.
This paper reports how we build a Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis system in the NLPTEA-2018 CGED shared task. In 2018, we sent three runs with three different approaches. The first one is a pattern-based approach by frequent error pattern matching. The second one is a sequential labelling approach by conditional random fields (CRF). The third one is a rewriting approach by sequence to sequence (seq2seq) model. The three approaches have different properties that aim to optimize different performance metrics and the formal run results show the differences as we expected.
The main goal of Chinese grammatical error diagnosis task is to detect word er-rors in the sentences written by Chinese-learning students. Our previous system would generate error-corrected sentences as candidates and their sentence likeli-hood were measured based on a large scale Chinese n-gram dataset. This year we further tried to identify long frequent-ly-seen subsentences and label them as correct in order to avoid propose too many error candidates. Two new methods for suggesting missing and selection er-rors were also tested.
Despite the popularity of word embeddings, the precise way by which they acquire semantic relations between words remain unclear. In the present article, we investigate whether LSA and word2vec capacity to identify relevant semantic relations increases with corpus size. One intuitive hypothesis is that the capacity to identify relevant associations should increase as the amount of data increases. However, if corpus size grows in topics which are not specific to the domain of interest, signal to noise ratio may weaken. Here we investigate the effect of corpus specificity and size in word-embeddings, and for this, we study two ways for progressive elimination of documents: the elimination of random documents vs. the elimination of documents unrelated to a specific task. We show that word2vec can take advantage of all the documents, obtaining its best performance when it is trained with the whole corpus. On the contrary, the specialization (removal of out-of-domain documents) of the training corpus, accompanied by a decrease of dimensionality, can increase LSA word-representation quality while speeding up the processing time. From a cognitive-modeling point of view, we point out that LSA’s word-knowledge acquisitions may not be efficiently exploiting higher-order co-occurrences and global relations, whereas word2vec does.
Recent work in machine translation has demonstrated that self-attention mechanisms can be used in place of recurrent neural networks to increase training speed without sacrificing model accuracy. We propose combining this approach with the benefits of convolutional filters and a hierarchical structure to create a document classification model that is both highly accurate and fast to train – we name our method Hierarchical Convolutional Attention Networks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this architecture by surpassing the accuracy of the current state-of-the-art on several classification tasks while being twice as fast to train.
We propose post-processing method for enriching not only word representation but also its vector space using semantic lexicons, which we call extrofitting. The method consists of 3 steps as follows: (i) Expanding 1 or more dimension(s) on all the word vectors, filling with their representative value. (ii) Transferring semantic knowledge by averaging each representative values of synonyms and filling them in the expanded dimension(s). These two steps make representations of the synonyms close together. (iii) Projecting the vector space using Linear Discriminant Analysis, which eliminates the expanded dimension(s) with semantic knowledge. When experimenting with GloVe, we find that our method outperforms Faruqui’s retrofitting on some of word similarity task. We also report further analysis on our method in respect to word vector dimensions, vocabulary size as well as other well-known pretrained word vectors (e.g., Word2Vec, Fasttext).
Recently, intelligent dialog systems and smart assistants have attracted the attention of many, and development of novel dialogue agents have become a research challenge. Intelligent agents that can handle both domain-specific task-oriented and open-domain chit-chat dialogs are one of the major requirements in the current systems. In order to address this issue and to realize such smart hybrid dialogue systems, we develop a model to discriminate user utterance between task-oriented and chit-chat conversations. We introduce a hybrid of convolutional neural network (CNN) and a lateral multiple timescale gated recurrent units (LMTGRU) that can represent multiple temporal scale dependencies for the discrimination task. With the help of the combined slow and fast units of the LMTGRU, our model effectively determines whether a user will have a chit-chat conversation or a task-specific conversation with the system. We also show that the LMTGRU structure helps the model to perform well on longer text inputs. We address the lack of dataset by constructing a dataset using Twitter and Maluuba Frames data. The results of the experiments demonstrate that the proposed hybrid network outperforms the conventional models on the chat discrimination task as well as performed comparable to the baselines on various benchmark datasets.
Incomplete linguistic input, i.e. due to a noisy environment, is one of the challenges that a successful communication system has to deal with. In this paper, we study text completion with a data set composed of sentences with gaps where a successful completion cannot be achieved through a uni-modal (language-based) approach. We present a solution based on a context-integrating dependency parser incorporating an additional non-linguistic modality. An incompleteness in one channel is compensated by information from another one and the parser learns the association between the two modalities from a multiple level knowledge representation. We examined several model variations by adjusting the degree of influence of different modalities in the decision making on possible filler words and their exact reference to a non-linguistic context element. Our model is able to fill the gap with 95.4% word and 95.2% exact reference accuracy hence the successful prediction can be achieved not only on the word level (such as mug) but also with respect to the correct identification of its context reference (such as mug 2 among several mug instances).
A challenging task for word embeddings is to capture the emergent meaning or polarity of a combination of individual words. For example, existing approaches in word embeddings will assign high probabilities to the words “Penguin” and “Fly” if they frequently co-occur, but it fails to capture the fact that they occur in an opposite sense - Penguins do not fly. We hypothesize that humans do not associate a single polarity or sentiment to each word. The word contributes to the overall polarity of a combination of words depending upon which other words it is combined with. This is analogous to the behavior of microscopic particles which exist in all possible states at the same time and interfere with each other to give rise to new states depending upon their relative phases. We make use of the Hilbert Space representation of such particles in Quantum Mechanics where we subscribe a relative phase to each word, which is a complex number, and investigate two such quantum inspired models to derive the meaning of a combination of words. The proposed models achieve better performances than state-of-the-art non-quantum models on binary sentence classification tasks.
Natural language inference (NLI) is one of the most important tasks in NLP. In this study, we propose a novel method using word dictionaries, which are pairs of a word and its definition, as external knowledge. Our neural definition embedding mechanism encodes input sentences with the definitions of each word of the sentences on the fly. It can encode the definition of words considering the context of input sentences by using an attention mechanism. We evaluated our method using WordNet as a dictionary and confirmed that our method performed better than baseline models when using the full or a subset of 100d GloVe as word embeddings.
We explore representations for multi-word names in text classification tasks, on Reuters (RCV1) topic and sector classification. We find that: the best way to treat names is to split them into tokens and use each token as a separate feature; NEs have more impact on sector classification than topic classification; replacing NEs with entity types is not an effective strategy; representing tokens by different embeddings for proper names vs. common nouns does not improve results. We highlight the improvements over state-of-the-art results that our CNN models yield.
We propose an asymmetric encoder-decoder structure, which keeps an RNN as the encoder and has a CNN as the decoder, and the model only explores the subsequent context information as the supervision. The asymmetry in both model architecture and training pair reduces a large amount of the training time. The contribution of our work is summarized as 1. We design experiments to show that an autoregressive decoder or an RNN decoder is not necessary for the encoder-decoder type of models in terms of learning sentence representations, and based on our results, we present 2 findings. 2. The two interesting findings lead to our final model design, which has an RNN encoder and a CNN decoder, and it learns to encode the current sentence and decode the subsequent contiguous words all at once. 3. With a suite of techniques, our model performs good on downstream tasks and can be trained efficiently on a large unlabelled corpus.
Representing sentences as numerical vectors while capturing their semantic context is an important and useful intermediate step in natural language processing. Representations that are both general and discriminative can serve as a tool for tackling various NLP tasks. While common sentence representation methods are unsupervised in nature, recently, an approach for learning universal sentence representation in a supervised setting was presented in (Conneau et al.,2017). We argue that although promising results were obtained, an improvement can be reached by adding various unsupervised constraints that are motivated by auto-encoders and by language models. We show that by adding such constraints, superior sentence embeddings can be achieved. We compare our method with the original implementation and show improvements in several tasks.
To improve word embedding, subword information has been widely employed in state-of-the-art methods. These methods can be classified to either compositional or predictive models. In this paper, we propose a hybrid learning scheme, which integrates compositional and predictive model for word embedding. Such a scheme can take advantage of both models, thus effectively learning word embedding. The proposed scheme has been applied to learn word representation on Chinese. Our results show that the proposed scheme can significantly improve the performance of word embedding in terms of analogical reasoning and is robust to the size of training data.
Using a random walk model of text generation, Arora et al. (2017) proposed a strong baseline for computing sentence embeddings: take a weighted average of word embeddings and modify with SVD. This simple method even outperforms far more complex approaches such as LSTMs on textual similarity tasks. In this paper, we first show that word vector length has a confounding effect on the probability of a sentence being generated in Arora et al.’s model. We propose a random walk model that is robust to this confound, where the probability of word generation is inversely related to the angular distance between the word and sentence embeddings. Our approach beats Arora et al.’s by up to 44.4% on textual similarity tasks and is competitive with state-of-the-art methods. Unlike Arora et al.’s method, ours requires no hyperparameter tuning, which means it can be used when there is no labelled data.
Embedding models typically associate each word with a single real-valued vector, representing its different properties. Evaluation methods, therefore, need to analyze the accuracy and completeness of these properties in embeddings. This requires fine-grained analysis of embedding subspaces. Multi-label classification is an appropriate way to do so. We propose a new evaluation method for word embeddings based on multi-label classification given a word embedding. The task we use is fine-grained name typing: given a large corpus, find all types that a name can refer to based on the name embedding. Given the scale of entities in knowledge bases, we can build datasets for this task that are complementary to the current embedding evaluation datasets in: they are very large, contain fine-grained classes, and allow the direct evaluation of embeddings without confounding factors like sentence context.
Learning vector space representation of words (i.e., word embeddings) has recently attracted wide research interests, and has been extended to cross-lingual scenario. Currently most cross-lingual word embedding learning models are based on sentence alignment, which inevitably introduces much noise. In this paper, we show in Chinese and Japanese, the acquisition of semantic relation among words can benefit from the large number of common characters shared by both languages; inspired by this unique feature, we design a method named CJC targeting to generate cross-lingual context of words. We combine CJC with GloVe based on matrix factorization, and then propose an integrated model named CJ-Glo. Taking two sentence-aligned models and CJ-BOC (also exploits common characters but is based on CBOW) as baseline algorithms, we compare them with CJ-Glo on a series of NLP tasks including cross-lingual synonym, word analogy and sentence alignment. The result indicates CJ-Glo achieves the best performance among these methods, and is more stable in cross-lingual tasks; moreover, compared with CJ-BOC, CJ-Glo is less sensitive to the alteration of parameters.
Semantic networks and semantic spaces have been two prominent approaches to represent lexical semantics. While a unified account of the lexical meaning relies on one being able to convert between these representations, in both directions, the conversion direction from semantic networks into semantic spaces started to attract more attention recently. In this paper we present a methodology for this conversion and assess it with a case study. When it is applied over WordNet, the performance of the resulting embeddings in a mainstream semantic similarity task is very good, substantially superior to the performance of word embeddings based on very large collections of texts like word2vec.
Knowledge Graph (KG) embedding projects entities and relations into low dimensional vector space, which has been successfully applied in KG completion task. The previous embedding approaches only model entities and their relations, ignoring a large number of entities’ numeric attributes in KGs. In this paper, we propose a new KG embedding model which jointly model entity relations and numeric attributes. Our approach combines an attribute embedding model with a translation-based structure embedding model, which learns the embeddings of entities, relations, and attributes simultaneously. Experiments of link prediction on YAGO and Freebase show that the performance is effectively improved by adding entities’ numeric attributes in the embedding model.
Word vector space specialisation models offer a portable, light-weight approach to fine-tuning arbitrary distributional vector spaces to discern between synonymy and antonymy. Their effectiveness is drawn from external linguistic constraints that specify the exact lexical relation between words. In this work, we show that a careful selection of the external constraints can steer and improve the specialisation. By simply selecting appropriate constraints, we report state-of-the-art results on a suite of tasks with well-defined benchmarks where modeling lexical contrast is crucial: 1) true semantic similarity, with highest reported scores on SimLex-999 and SimVerb-3500 to date; 2) detecting antonyms; and 3) distinguishing antonyms from synonyms.
In this paper, we investigate the effects of using subword information in representation learning. We argue that using syntactic subword units effects the quality of the word representations positively. We introduce a morpheme-based model and compare it against to word-based, character-based, and character n-gram level models. Our model takes a list of candidate segmentations of a word and learns the representation of the word based on different segmentations that are weighted by an attention mechanism. We performed experiments on Turkish as a morphologically rich language and English with a comparably poorer morphology. The results show that morpheme-based models are better at learning word representations of morphologically complex languages compared to character-based and character n-gram level models since the morphemes help to incorporate more syntactic knowledge in learning, that makes morpheme-based models better at syntactic tasks.
We propose a hierarchical model for sequential data that learns a tree on-the-fly, i.e. while reading the sequence. In the model, a recurrent network adapts its structure and reuses recurrent weights in a recursive manner. This creates adaptive skip-connections that ease the learning of long-term dependencies. The tree structure can either be inferred without supervision through reinforcement learning, or learned in a supervised manner. We provide preliminary experiments in a novel Math Expression Evaluation (MEE) task, which is created to have a hierarchical tree structure that can be used to study the effectiveness of our model. Additionally, we test our model in a well-known propositional logic and language modelling tasks. Experimental results have shown the potential of our approach.
Cross-lingual representation learning is an important step in making NLP scale to all the world’s languages. Previous work on bilingual lexicon induction suggests that it is possible to learn cross-lingual representations of words based on similarities between images associated with these words. However, that work focused (almost exclusively) on the translation of nouns only. Here, we investigate whether the meaning of other parts-of-speech (POS), in particular adjectives and verbs, can be learned in the same way. Our experiments across five language pairs indicate that previous work does not scale to the problem of learning cross-lingual representations beyond simple nouns.
We present a novel approach to learn representations for sentence-level semantic similarity using conversational data. Our method trains an unsupervised model to predict conversational responses. The resulting sentence embeddings perform well on the Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) Benchmark and SemEval 2017’s Community Question Answering (CQA) question similarity subtask. Performance is further improved by introducing multitask training, combining conversational response prediction and natural language inference. Extensive experiments show the proposed model achieves the best performance among all neural models on the STS Benchmark and is competitive with the state-of-the-art feature engineered and mixed systems for both tasks.
In this paper we continue experiments where neural machine translation training is used to produce joint cross-lingual fixed-dimensional sentence embeddings. In this framework we introduce a simple method of adding a loss to the learning objective which penalizes distance between representations of bilingually aligned sentences. We evaluate cross-lingual transfer using two approaches, cross-lingual similarity search on an aligned corpus (Europarl) and cross-lingual document classification on a recently published benchmark Reuters corpus, and we find the similarity loss significantly improves performance on both. Furthermore, we notice that while our Reuters results are very competitive, our English results are not as competitive, showing room for improvement in the current cross-lingual state-of-the-art. Our results are based on a set of 6 European languages.
While recurrent neural networks have found success in a variety of natural language processing applications, they are general models of sequential data. We investigate how the properties of natural language data affect an LSTM’s ability to learn a nonlinguistic task: recalling elements from its input. We find that models trained on natural language data are able to recall tokens from much longer sequences than models trained on non-language sequential data. Furthermore, we show that the LSTM learns to solve the memorization task by explicitly using a subset of its neurons to count timesteps in the input. We hypothesize that the patterns and structure in natural language data enable LSTMs to learn by providing approximate ways of reducing loss, but understanding the effect of different training data on the learnability of LSTMs remains an open question.
In this study, we compare token representations constructed from visual features (i.e., pixels) with standard lookup-based embeddings. Our goal is to gain insight about the challenges of encoding a text representation from low-level features, e.g. from characters or pixels. We focus on Chinese, which—as a logographic language—has properties that make a representation via visual features challenging and interesting. To train and evaluate different models for the token representation, we chose the task of character-based neural machine translation (NMT) from Chinese to English. We found that a token representation computed only from visual features can achieve competitive results to lookup embeddings. However, we also show different strengths and weaknesses in the models’ performance in a part-of-speech tagging task and also a semantic similarity task. In summary, we show that it is possible to achieve a text representation only from pixels. We hope that this is a useful stepping stone for future studies that exclusively rely on visual input, or aim at exploiting visual features of written language.
Learning representations for knowledge base entities and concepts is becoming increasingly important for NLP applications. However, recent entity embedding methods have relied on structured resources that are expensive to create for new domains and corpora. We present a distantly-supervised method for jointly learning embeddings of entities and text from an unnanotated corpus, using only a list of mappings between entities and surface forms. We learn embeddings from open-domain and biomedical corpora, and compare against prior methods that rely on human-annotated text or large knowledge graph structure. Our embeddings capture entity similarity and relatedness better than prior work, both in existing biomedical datasets and a new Wikipedia-based dataset that we release to the community. Results on analogy completion and entity sense disambiguation indicate that entities and words capture complementary information that can be effectively combined for downstream use.
We explore a novel approach for Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) by casting it as a sequence-to-sequence process. We employ an attention-based model enriched with a copying mechanism to ensure faithful regeneration of the input sequence, while enabling interleaved generation of argument role labels. We apply this model in a monolingual setting, performing PropBank SRL on English language data. The constrained sequence generation set-up enforced with the copying mechanism allows us to analyze the performance and special properties of the model on manually labeled data and benchmarking against state-of-the-art sequence labeling models. We show that our model is able to solve the SRL argument labeling task on English data, yet further structural decoding constraints will need to be added to make the model truly competitive. Our work represents the first step towards more advanced, generative SRL labeling setups.
The notions of concreteness and imageability, traditionally important in psycholinguistics, are gaining significance in semantic-oriented natural language processing tasks. In this paper we investigate the predictability of these two concepts via supervised learning, using word embeddings as explanatory variables. We perform predictions both within and across languages by exploiting collections of cross-lingual embeddings aligned to a single vector space. We show that the notions of concreteness and imageability are highly predictable both within and across languages, with a moderate loss of up to 20% in correlation when predicting across languages. We further show that the cross-lingual transfer via word embeddings is more efficient than the simple transfer via bilingual dictionaries.
This work presents the Sociolinguistic Corpus of WhatsApp Chats in Spanish among College Students, a corpus of raw data for general use. Its purpose is to offer data for the study of of language and interactions via Instant Messaging (IM) among bachelors. Our paper consists of an overview of both the corpus’s content and demographic metadata. Furthermore, it presents the current research being conducted with it —namely parenthetical expressions, orality traits, and code-switching. This work also includes a brief outline of similar corpora and recent studies in the field of IM.
Computational Humor involves several tasks, such as humor recognition, humor generation, and humor scoring, for which it is useful to have human-curated data. In this work we present a corpus of 27,000 tweets written in Spanish and crowd-annotated by their humor value and funniness score, with about four annotations per tweet, tagged by 1,300 people over the Internet. It is equally divided between tweets coming from humorous and non-humorous accounts. The inter-annotator agreement Krippendorff’s alpha value is 0.5710. The dataset is available for general usage and can serve as a basis for humor detection and as a first step to tackle subjectivity.
Code-mixing is a linguistic phenomenon where multiple languages are used in the same occurrence that is increasingly common in multilingual societies. Code-mixed content on social media is also on the rise, prompting the need for tools to automatically understand such content. Automatic Parts-of-Speech (POS) tagging is an essential step in any Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline, but there is a lack of annotated data to train such models. In this work, we present a unique language tagged and POS-tagged dataset of code-mixed English-Hindi tweets related to five incidents in India that led to a lot of Twitter activity. Our dataset is unique in two dimensions: (i) it is larger than previous annotated datasets and (ii) it closely resembles typical real-world tweets. Additionally, we present a POS tagging model that is trained on this dataset to provide an example of how this dataset can be used. The model also shows the efficacy of our dataset in enabling the creation of code-mixed social media POS taggers.
The exponential rise of social media websites like Twitter, Facebook and Reddit in linguistically diverse geographical regions has led to hybridization of popular native languages with English in an effort to ease communication. The paper focuses on the classification of offensive tweets written in Hinglish language, which is a portmanteau of the Indic language Hindi with the Roman script. The paper introduces a novel tweet dataset, titled Hindi-English Offensive Tweet (HEOT) dataset, consisting of tweets in Hindi-English code switched language split into three classes: non-offensive, abusive and hate-speech. Further, we approach the problem of classification of the tweets in HEOT dataset using transfer learning wherein the proposed model employing Convolutional Neural Networks is pre-trained on tweets in English followed by retraining on Hinglish tweets.
This paper describes an overview of the Dialogue Emotion Recognition Challenge, EmotionX, at the Sixth SocialNLP Workshop, which recognizes the emotion of each utterance in dialogues. This challenge offers the EmotionLines dataset as the experimental materials. The EmotionLines dataset contains conversations from Friends TV show transcripts (Friends) and real chatting logs (EmotionPush), where every dialogue utterance is labeled with emotions. Organizers provide baseline results. 18 teams registered in this challenge and 5 of them submitted their results successfully. The best team achieves the unweighted accuracy 62.48 and 62.5 on EmotionPush and Friends, respectively. In this paper we present the task definition, test collection, the evaluation results of the groups that participated in this challenge, and their approach.
In this paper, we propose a self-attentive bidirectional long short-term memory (SA-BiLSTM) network to predict multiple emotions for the EmotionX challenge. The BiLSTM exhibits the power of modeling the word dependencies, and extracting the most relevant features for emotion classification. Building on top of BiLSTM, the self-attentive network can model the contextual dependencies between utterances which are helpful for classifying the ambiguous emotions. We achieve 59.6 and 55.0 unweighted accuracy scores in the Friends and the EmotionPush test sets, respectively.
In this paper, we model emotions in EmotionLines dataset using a convolutional-deconvolutional autoencoder (CNN-DCNN) framework. We show that adding a joint reconstruction loss improves performance. Quantitative evaluation with jointly trained network, augmented with linguistic features, reports best accuracies for emotion prediction; namely joy, sadness, anger, and neutral emotion in text.
This paper describes the working note on “EmotionX” shared task. It is hosted by SocialNLP 2018. The objective of this task is to detect the emotions, based on each speaker’s utterances that are in English. Taking this as multiclass text classification problem, we have experimented to develop a model to classify the target class. The primary challenge in this task is to detect the emotions in short messages, communicated through social media. This paper describes the participation of SmartDubai_NLP team in EmotionX shared task and our investigation to detect the emotions from utterance using Neural networks and Natural language understanding.
This paper presents our system submitted to the EmotionX challenge. It is an emotion detection task on dialogues in the EmotionLines dataset. We formulate this as a hierarchical network where network learns data representation at both utterance level and dialogue level. Our model is inspired by Hierarchical Attention network (HAN) and uses pre-trained word embeddings as features. We formulate emotion detection in dialogues as a sequence labeling problem to capture the dependencies among labels. We report the performance accuracy for four emotions (anger, joy, neutral and sadness). The model achieved unweighted accuracy of 55.38% on Friends test dataset and 56.73% on EmotionPush test dataset. We report an improvement of 22.51% in Friends dataset and 36.04% in EmotionPush dataset over baseline results.
This paper addresses the problem of automatic recognition of emotions in conversational text datasets for the EmotionX challenge. Emotion is a human characteristic expressed through several modalities (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile). Trying to detect emotions only from the text becomes a difficult task even for humans. This paper evaluates several neural architectures based on Attention Models, which allow extracting relevant parts of the context within a conversation to identify the emotion associated with each utterance. Empirical results in the validation datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach compared to the reference models for some instances, and other cases show better results with simpler models.
In this paper, we discuss the enrichment of a manually developed resource, OntoSenseNet for Telugu. OntoSenseNet is a sense annotated resource that marks each verb of Telugu with a primary and a secondary sense. The area of research is relatively recent but has a large scope of development. We provide an introductory work to enrich the OntoSenseNet to promote further research in Telugu. Classifiers are adopted to learn the sense relevant features of the words in the resource and also to automate the tagging of sense-types for verbs. We perform a comparative analysis of different classifiers applied on OntoSenseNet. The results of the experiment prove that automated enrichment of the resource is effective using SVM classifiers and Adaboost ensemble.
A large amount of social media data is generated during natural disasters, and identifying the relevant portions of this data is critical for researchers attempting to understand human behavior, the effects of information sources, and preparatory actions undertaken during these events. In order to classify human behavior during hazard events, we employ machine learning for two tasks: identifying hurricane related tweets and classifying user evacuation behavior during hurricanes. We show that feature-based and deep learning methods provide different benefits for tweet classification, and ensemble-based methods using linguistic, temporal, and geospatial features can effectively classify user behavior.
In this study we propose a new approach to analyse the political discourse in on-line social networks such as Twitter. To do so, we have built a discourse classifier using Convolutional Neural Networks. Our model has been trained using election manifestos annotated manually by political scientists following the Regional Manifestos Project (RMP) methodology. In total, it has been trained with more than 88,000 sentences extracted from more that 100 annotated manifestos. Our approach takes into account the context of the phrase in order to classify it, like what was previously said and the political affiliation of the transmitter. To improve the classification results we have used a simplified political message taxonomy developed within the Electronic Regional Manifestos Project (E-RMP). Using this taxonomy, we have validated our approach analysing the Twitter activity of the main Spanish political parties during 2015 and 2016 Spanish general election and providing a study of their discourse.